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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-08-28, Page 4
♦ 1 IA f P ’ TIWRSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1930 3 F 5 1 4 str * 1 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATK f You Can Be Well! Nature has provided for your complaints Different herbs for different diseases, I Says it is Wonderful Medicine And Doctors Cannot Compare With It • Hayes Station, Ont,, Jan. 27, 1928 Dear Sirs: You will find enclosed “ten -dollars'’for which please send me a pack age of Gall Stone Tea, I have used one package""of these herbs, and they have helped me, so kindly send this order as soon as possible. COMING Was Paralyzed, Could Not Walk Read What Our Herbs Did for This Boy Elmwood, Ont. iMay 13, 1928 Mr. R. J. Murfin:— Rear Sir: I must write and let you know how our son, who had creeping par alysis, is improving. He had only taken your medicine for about a week when he could walk and ip 3 weeks had gained 13 lbs. He has .helped his father with seed ing and is working every day and feeling fine. Our daughter is also making an im provement, is gaining nicely but is still taking your medicine. We certanly can not praise youi’ medicine too highly for what it has done for us—we do not think there is 'any medicine sold on the market so effective in building up a rundown sys-; tern as Mr, Marfin’s Natural Herb Medi cine, and we highly recommend it to our neighbors and friends. Hoping to see you soon, we remain, (Sincerely yours, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Leifso, Elmwood, Ont., R. R. No. 2’, Mr. Murfin * 4 SB7 Expert in Herbs will be a Yours truly Mrs. Tho.s. Brown «. - - - GaW Stone Tea Doing Fine'Work Burketori, Ont., July 26, 1927 Murfin:-— used the last of the herbs.'I g, last Spring, so I am sendin This is'sure wonderf Deaji-Mr. Whavefi’Jm you sJShe more. imne, better than all the doctor' $ have ever taken. Yours j truly Kenneth Ross edicine KF <? CENT!OTEL, EXETER ONE DAY ONLY MONDAY, SEPT. 1st, 1930 From 9.00 a.m. till 5 p.m. J Nature’s Way isjthe No Operation i^NecesM ■ - .“"TH'E.'fc JF pF Ryckman who left West were called the illness of the Mrs. Henry P'ass- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bradt •family, of London, and .Mr. Jewell have been holidaying at ermory, Lion’s Head, Wiartoji. Owen Sound. • BEYOND TO-MORROW, what does> hold for you? The answer depends very iargelyxon^yopA-youj/foresight now. LEARN to-qay so that you may ^tRN to-morrow is sound ad vice. - ' A Business Training .taken h^e will give you a sure founda- * prepare you for one of the many b. C. graduates. dPENS TUE|fi>AY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1930 *■1 tion for future success and will superior position^ available to C. FALL TERM Si Write apday for details Central Business College STRATFORD, OWSDEN, B.A., Principal ONTARIO RECORD IN STABLE FED CATTLE Mr. George Hepburn, of Stephen, «wa Saturday last sold to Mr. Byron Hicks fifteen fat cattle that have heen in- the stable since 'November, last. This .is the “first time in Mr. Micks’ business, that he has ship ped stable fed cattle so late in the reason. .XAMiSS STREET CHOIR PICNIC •"Members of the James Street Un- aled church choir together with their families held a very successful pic- mic at Springbank on Wednesday of last week’ ‘During the afternoon sports were run off and (soft ball .games were played. Supper was ' ^.afterwards served jn the pavilion where fifty-three jolly and hungry aVidivuduals did justice to the splen did things provided. During the ^evening some visited the amusement -jrark while others went into the city Tisf-ore returning home. The results <£ the; wees were as follows: hand- .kerchief race, Miss Reta Rowe and' M3. Down; kicking the slipper, Mis& ,Itera Essery; peanut race, Miss L. Ssindenfield and J. Lawsoil, were’tied fl.yator first with Mrs. Goulding and H. H- $2arey; three-legged race, Miss FI. !'( ysnlrale and C. Down; men’s 100 | daisli, M. Cudmore; ladies race, iX^Trs. Gouldin.g; feeding the elephant, JSgrs. Lawson land G. Williams. A 'nme of softball was then played be- Feen teamsi captained by /Misses .|adenfield and Grant resulting in a for the former by the 'score of - to 4. Miss Stella. Southcott was spire. (Afterwards a short game m played between the married men ■id the single resulting in a win. the former 6 to 0. Frames road Sunday school PK’NTC AT STRATFORD JVj 'Willi an attendance of almost lhe Thames Rpad United Suri- School held ;a delightful picnic Queen’s Park, Stratford, on Fti- Rplendid weather fell to the WA of the picnickers, and aided by a Irine ■prio-grahi of sports, they spent | Arthritis Asthma Anaemia Bed Wetting ’Bladder Troubles Boils Brights Disease Bronchitis Catarrh Constipation Dropsy . Gravel Hay Fever Heart Troubles Piles Blood Pressure Kidney Troubles Lumbago Neuritis Nerve Troubles Over-Fatness Paralysis Rheumatism Stomach Troubles Uraemia, Worms Skin Diseases Gall Stones Tonsilitis Female Troubles Weak Manhood* Etc. • X. STEEP THE HERBS AND DRINK THE HERB TEA Canadian Botanic Gardens BOX S13 362 PRINCESS AVE., LONDON, ONTARIO (Between Waterloo and Colborne Streets) and Jas. Tob- and' "4 T marriage to Mr. Samuel Kirkby, of Blanshard. Miss. Cornisli has been a faithful servant and will be inuclri’ missed at the switchboard. The best' wishes of her many friends go- with her to her new home in St. Marys where Mr. Kirkby has pur chased a few acres near the Junc tion and route. WILL NEVER STOP PRAISING SARGON “I was. so bilious, and dizzy from a sluggish liver and constipation was I .a-afraid to go on the streets XOCALS Mr. and Mrs. recently, for the home owing to liter’s mother, more. Miss Margaret Harris, who has spent thezpast week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.- K-ydd and other relatives left Wednesday evening for her home in Ottawa. Prof. Wm. Hunter accompanied by his wife and baibe and Mrs Douglas De Cou, of Washington, D . C. visited for a few days with Mr. and. Mrs. Complin leaving here to visit in Strathroy. Dr. Al. Dickson, Pathologist of the University of Amsterdam, N.Y., with Mrs. Dickson and two children and Mrs. S. J. Stevenson and 'Miss Stevenson, of Listowel, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ward this week. •Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Previo, Mrs. W. Thompson and Miss Thompson, Wm. Thompson Jr. and family, all: of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoff- man and three, children, of Blen heim, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. L. Day. Mr. Geo,. Beavers who recently secured his B..A. at Toronto Univers ity is to be congratulated as he was the only one ip class of 115 to secure first class honors in Economics. Mr. Beavers is at present visiting in Sarnia and Detroit. , Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr and ■children have returned aifter a holi day outing spent at Tobermory. They were . successful in securing nine beautiful trout the honors go ing to Mrs. Doerr who landed a nine pound also an eight pound the largest of the c'atch. Mrs. Goodspeed leaves this week for Port Arthur where she has sec ured a new position as teacher. Mrs. Goodspeed jtaught' last term at Kam- inistiqui and had a very successful entrance class her inspector secur ing her a better position for this year in recognition of. her services. Her son Don'ald will attend Albert College at Belleville. Miss Caroline Davis is- visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mr's. Frank Weir, of Los Angeles, Cal., visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. William Winer. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Gunn and fam ily, of Calgary called on friends in town on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lawton, of Rochester, N.Y., visited over the week-end -with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker. Mr. C. F. Hooper was in town Monday moving his furniture to London into their new residence at 595 Dufferin Ave. Md-Ster Hod.gspn Pond, of Toronto Grafton and tRaljih Squire, of Whalen spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Odgen. • Mt. and Mrs. E. M. Quance and son Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert motored to Kitchener and visited with friends oh Friday last. Dr. M. C. and1 Mrs. Fletcher are holidaying in Muskolta ^nd Dr. Lind say, Of London,"^ lookiiig after ©r. Fletcher's practice during his ab sence. . Mi&S ’Alma Wirier, student nurse, has returned to Strathroy to resume her duties after spending her vac ation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winer. Mr and ville, lett, day Mr i Passmore. Girls, 8 to 10, Marjorie Ethering- ton, Mary Borland. .Ladies’ peanut race, Mrs. S. Dun can'/ Mfs. P. Passmore. jMen’s peanut r’ace, Jim Cottle. : Needle and thread race, Bill Allis on, Alt. Hunkin. ' Necktie race, AW Hunkin, Bill Allison. In a pillow race, A. Duncan’s team gained a slight lead on Alf. Hunkin’s, crowd, winning the race. Horse shoe pitching and -softball concluded the sports program. Lunch was (served nt the park. The sports c'ommittjee' Was composed of /Mrs. F. .Seers, L. Robinson, C. Monteith and Miss H. Anthony. Greta HURONDALE SUPPER The supper and entertainment given under the auspices of the Hur- ondale Institute oil Friday evening was a success. The program given under the able chairmanship of Rev. D, McTavish,- consisted of solos by Mr. Paul of Kirkton, and some splendid readings by Miss Hunter, of Usborne. A number of fine Selections by Mr. W. R. Gould- ip^’s orchestra were also -given. The committee ''in - charge of the supper and entertainment did their work well and dese'rv-fe much credit. The grounds were brilliantly' lit up with electric lights and the wehther ideal. . Mr. Jas. Handford, of town, has passed his 91st birthday, CREDITOI GRAIN AV A Pool and Hiash g are prepared •possible price bags and sup ialize in peas. We Was who left Saturday ihst with his. daughter, Miss Annie Handford, for Toronto where he will visit with members of his family and will attend the 'To- rohttr Exhibition. Mr. Handford, whose memory goes back to the time when this community was mostly bush, likes to keep in touch with the progress of the times and almost every year visits the Toronto Exhibition. Mr, Clras.-Miners and son Everett, of Saskatoon, were' in. town calling uppn relatives rind - friends last' _ _ , . (Thursday. iMr. and Mrs. Miner's and tt? enjoyable afternoon, and evening * their irfx children motored down | from Saskatoon and visited- vrith Miner's parents in London. I They visited with relatives and Children under 6, Helen, Silver, ' friends around .Mr, Miner’s pld home ij RaiWiyne;’ ' , *fr XteWue hhd have been taking fit gsfoys, 6 to S» Raymond Layton, ,,f|'ions points of interest in Ontario Kuts Layton, »including Toronto Exhibition and teirls, 6 to s. Helen Morgan, ^lice Ylagam Falls, . i •Imp' pnrk. ■ . I —. i W-’IW ^efehlts ol the races were ns Mrs. kKuwsi ... arid Mrs? O. C. Wigle, Mr. 'Mrs. Davie Balk Will, of Kings- accompanied by Mrs. ,S. Bart- of London, motored up Tliurs- of last week and visited with and Mrs. J. T. Minors. Mr. E. J. wothey has asked us to correct the impression given by an article appearing in a daily paper to the effect that his son had motor ed to the Toronto Exlilbitlon with a cofnpanion and that' they had oiily a meagre amount of than«o, The boys motored to Lepdoiif and wont to Toronto by O.N.R. taking ample' Raper In question lias correct the Item. | funds. The •promised to in wanted. you the highest furnish you with trucks. We spec- ____ __ e sure and get our price.—cook Hiros, milling co. Phone 54 Hensail, Ont, The Assembly of Religious Edu cation is. now in session at"the Evan gelical church. Bishop L. H. Seog- er, of La Mars, Iowa, is present and delivers an address every evening Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, A large deligation of names has. been received. The influence , of wholesome studies in the day an'd the Bible ed by the bishop is Everybody welcome. The E.L.C.E-. picnic was held at Springbank last week, Wednesday afternoon. A splendid numiber of young people were in attendance. The softball game coached by 'Mr. Irwin Finkbeiner provided an hour of exciting sport. The rest of the games- sponsored by Smith and Miss Lovilia Smith were in keeping with the real enjoyment of a picnic. . The former lady is the energetic president for' thils, ydar. Heels were lost but otherwise not a mishap. The supply of refreshments was bounteous and no' one went away underfed.' T-lie finishing course consisted of pie and ice cream Miss Addileen Gaiser, who returned that afternoon from the General As sembly of Religious Education held at Naperville, Ill., the Evangelical college town, interested the young people with echoes of some of the Sessional addresses of highest in spiration of that great function of our church. Dr.' and Mrs. W. F. Schenk from New Corydon, Indiana, visited for a few days last' week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Paul Schenk and other relatives. Mr. George Hirtel, Mr. Alvin • Baker and Doreen Mary Chambers spent the at Detroit' cottage, Grand Miss Margaret Wilson, spent two weeks vacation of her friend, Mi'ss Lillian Stahl, has returned to London. (Miss Cora Stahl,- of London, is spending three weeks’ vacation at her home. Mr. Mr. Nelson Finkbeiner, day with Fa liner. Mr. and Lewis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs., Broderick, of Thorold. They also visited Niagara Falls. Mrs. Hriumuller, of Detroit, 'Mrs.- J. ’ Marr and Miss Lily Eilber, of Cleveland, are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles EiL ber. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beayer and family spent the week-end in Ham- iltbn, With Mr and Mrs. R. Flux table. We 'are pleased t‘o see Gerald Zwicker out again after his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Treller rind family of Detroit visited a few days With Miv and Mrs. George Either. Mrs, Mriry Either of Ubly visited, a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eilber. ' Miss Mildred Salisbury, of Lon don, is spetiding- a few weeks of ber vaeiatibn With her grandmother, Mrs. 3. Cbckwell, of crediton. the groups during hour1 conduct- far reaching. Miss Alma ad' Mrs. and Miss week-end Bend, who has the guest John Schnrirr, of Kitchener, Schnarr and Miss Maude of Ottawa, spent Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Moses Faist and .-AU'*/ MRS. SUSIE B my diges- rably and t slept at I had no appetiflone. tion was poor, I slept got up feeling as if I all. My color was pallidfgind sickly- looking. -Six bottles,, of argon fil led me with new streng and en ergy, my appetite is fin® I do all my housework and walk my city block's, without tiring in thWdeast.“Sargon Pills didn’t cau Bjn0 the slightest discomfort but theOset my liver right and entirely corrected my constipation. My complexion has improved • wonderfully. I’ll "Praise this wonderful ‘treatment as long as I live.”—Mrs. Susie Butler, 137 Harvey St'.,’Toronto. Sargon may be, obtained in Exeter ' W. S. Howey’s. S (Advertisement) at AUCTIONfSALE TWO FARMS 1^ HAY TWP. HOUSE AND’ LO* also taken over a rural maig.. CLEARING j AUCTION SALE . of •FARMS, HORSES, IMPLEMENTS . Klopp & Weber, Auctioneers, have been instructed to sell by Publics. Auction on Lot 20, Concession Hay Township, oil WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sud 1930, Commencing at 1.00 o'clock the following: FI O RSE S—Team Agri 'Cu 11 u r a Flier— ses about 1400 lb., 10 and 11 years old; Black draft team #ibout 1559„ 7 and 8 years old; agetRmare bred to J. Baker’s horse; 2-y 1-year-old colt. These choice stock from Ja heavy horse. FARMS—Lot 20, Ct Hay Township, contains or less, barn 60x7 good stabling, cemf brick house wi drive .shed and more wall, story large buildings, well drained manure 7-ft cut a (cession "Z# 100 acres, 'on cement it silo, 1% kitchen,, ither pnt- id fenced*, water a®. 'ill be sold,, e, gas en-t thins 100' i barns 3& wall ed 24x3®r id kitchen,# ngj'eeineni ;■ of water, good orchard; plenty o house and barki. Farm with carriage and new r gine and pump‘d jack. LOT 21,. Con. 7, c acres more or ldss, has by 5 6 and 42x30 on sto good stabling, drive frame house 1% story steel roof and Paroid si silo, good orchard, plen well drained and ’fenced IMPLEMENTS— For in good shape, Cocksl plow, sttf£ tooth cultivati ’or, Cock M.-H. bind 'McCormick 6^t mower, IV loader, Deei’iri$ksteoi roll .Cockshutt steel%ike, Coci harrow, Peter H^jiltoti si’ cultivator, double wagon box, box, Portland cuttei& 200 ney scale, 4-section d set Si harrows, bob sWigl flat rack for bunks, CLnhf.6 mill, M.-H. cutting b'OX, 1 Deering walking plow, scuffler, road cart, C bator, 40-gal. gas drum/ 2 grind stones, 3 ft. garden gate., quantity tile, 15 cords 16-in popIaV wood, set double harness with brit- chen, brass mounted harness with britchen, almost new; third horse- harness, 5 good collars, single 'har ness, set chimes, string bolls, curir combe and brushes, harness cup board, 20 rod Woven wire, ^ee/S. cooker, root pulper, 4 long ladders^ trip chain, sling ropes, lumber* planks, stick timber 6x6, ditching: '* plow* clover btincher, tumbling. shaEt ’’ power emery, garden hose, cyclone grass seeder, quantity good' horse shoes, ensilage fork, loggihgA?lxi&u A' “ forks, shovels, deubTetrees,- neekyok* es and numerous other articles. Positively ho Roservri1; Evcrythihgj Goes' to the highest bidder TERM'S—‘On Farms: 5% on day Of sale, balance in 30 driys without interest. On stock and implements? $10 and under cash, over Mat am ount 30 days credit will be glVetb by furnishing approved joint notes. ,F. A. Raymond, Trustoe, London, on j R. F, Stade, Clerk. !on tractor tt tractor: for tractr 1 spreader,, lost new; well hay: 3 drum; hutt disk ing tootle ft, rack, k, gratfel lb Gur- h arrow,, bunks, fanning1 ornnek— . single- n incu- ut .saw.leaf table, 2 small -room chairs, three ; CHATTE The undersigne structions to sell at Exctei • IK EXETER,’ , ETC* has .received in- y public "auction, Noirth, on IGUST 30, 1930 o’clock the follow- lg.: ne Happy Thought s, 1 heater, exten- SATURDAY, Commencing at CHATTEL'S— range, 2 couc si on table, fa bles, 6 “ ___ ____, ....... roYkers, org/anl Perfection oil heater 2 c\essers, 2 fhests of drawers, one pictu|gs, dishjs, boiler, *tubs7rbedd- inds, ‘ ‘ ’ lam )Ugg linpleum, carpets, ass cupboard, lamps, sealers, clock, cutter, ladder and a er articles, isisting of 100 ing Lot 11, S. B. Con. also 50 acres being ot 3, Con. 6, Hay Tp. 1 TWO LOTS—Being on Malli Street, in on which is a large light acres haiigin wagon, numiber' EARH more or 1 6, Hay, West half • HOUSE Lots ST and. Exeter North, _ .... brick house and barn. TERMS OF SALE CHATTELS—CASH REAL ESTATE—Ten per cent, on day of sale; balance in thirty days. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, ARTHUR FORD & HILTON FORD Executors KIRKTON . Miss Effie Cornish, who has been Chief operator of the telephone ef face since it was taken over by the Muiifcipaiity of the Tcwnship of resligned andBlanshard, ha: _ ......... ... t Titesdriy# August 19thi» was united in; Klopp & Weber* Auctioneers. I I .