HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-08-28, Page 1I McFauls, Secretary. Parents intendiiig^ending theiram pi Is. to •’the^rima^ room should vsend then! wi®t‘ thje' opening of the L. Mar* MBH IN CANADA A.(1&S family thanks Jonas Fun- , and Mrs, Chas. Harris, who spent the month of August at ... Kincardine and with Mrs. Hamilton and friends at Ex- F or es| C/y Laundry C. L Lee Lim and his intend leaving in the near for their former ’home in The former is very popular the young people of town. Mr, and Mrs, Milton Bissett and three ’Children, Miss,Myrtle, Marvin and Harold, of Brantford, motored up ami spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Snell. meet shall God,26 th, 1929. Sons and Daughters H. Rinn, R.N.Lof Woodham ‘Wilson, of St. Marys, naid, visit on Saturday with Wm, s.-W-ard. CARD OF THANKS Wm. G. Rive its; and We are cdmpellcd this weak to leave out over two columns of cor­ respondence and news. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hatter I their appreciation. Re­ 1930, at 9 a.m. esiriojjj§ of attending should parent and post office making application, it to be on time the . \ jN MEMORIAM. FINICBEINER—In loving:memory of the late Michael Einkbeiner, who passed away one year ago, Aug­ ust an except! ally fine range of girls coats fc years. Ail with fu collars and cuffs and some colors of wine, fgre^i, brown, sand, and blue in price MAKES GOOD SHOWING ades dt fr FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR#,. ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28th, 1930 4 This store will close each Wednesday at noon from May 28th until September 10th. FALL and COATS THE NEW FALL . AND WINTER COATS ARJE HERE READY YOUR INSPECTION. BLACK AND BROWNS ARE AMONG MOST POPULAR SHADES. SOMEWHAT LONGER AND A SLIGHTLY FITTED WAIST-LINES- PRICES ARE VERY R ABLE. Jiris’ Coats coats are very low The new fur coats been for years. V re can offer yob v early. Let us shov you these' garment ery popula lower prices than they have, attractive prices if you buy *■/Gloves or the .‘coming season. We have the very per pair. able Oil-Cloth Table? q-ilclGths. ar„e ..very, popul^; jpt,Vi effects,... We-havei them m "all the popular plain colors 54 inches wide at 69c per yard. BOVS .AND.GIRLS’ SCHOOL CLOTHING AT VERY REASONABLE} PRICES, IN SUITS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, CAPS, CLOVES, ETC. Ftow 32 births TRIEBNER—In Hay .Tp.» on Tues­ day, Aitgust 26th, to Mi4, and Mrs. John Triebner, a daughter. BILL—Ih 'stephen, • pn' Thursday, August 21St, ?to-> 'Mr. and • Mrs. Lawrence Hill,'a .daughter. (Ev- eleen Victoria). RUXTON—In Usborhe# on Tuesday August" 26th, to Mr. and.. Mrs. John Luxtoh, a son. DEATHS KIVERS—In Exeter# on Friday, August 22nd, 1.030, Elizabeth ■ Hammond, beloved wife’ of Wil­ liam C. Rivers, tn her 67th year, HOWARD—Tn Lucan, on August 21st, Mary Jane Howard, widow & May SEND VS YOUR NDRY AND DRY CLEANING Satisfaction guar teed, 2-day Service^ Collections on Tues- nd Saturday. Owing to a misunderstanding on the part of the Inspector in making his Entrance report it whs publish­ ed that Miss Jeannette Tajnan had won' the district scholarship'where­ as the honor goes to Miss Helen Tel- fer, of Crediton who had one mark •mole than Miss Taman.... * SCHOOL RE-OPENING Exeter High .School re-opens-Tues­ day, • S. Pupils., give nh address It is 'i first, dh of the late J^oiili Howard in her 80th.year. ■ <_ ■ SIMMONS—Tn Hensall,\on Monday, August 25th, • ’Frederick Simmons, aged 4fr jmars. oral Thursday at’'2>;O’clocli iM.r Wish to express their sincere to the many friends and neighbours for the kindness and syinpathy ex­ tended through Mrs, Rivers illness and through their., recent bereave­ ment. new term as ihejfla will be no new class- in j<nugrwT' Miss K. McFaul, secretary. Ar 1 . The Beauty ■ Parloj’Xm Miss. Leila Stackhouse/.will, cl ?sed for the first, two, weeWTn Sppf.Qinber, while the owiie/d^ii ‘ vacation.—Miss StaclclioiisSH m,' - Mr have Windsor F. R. L______ ___________ ..... ctor.leave Thursday for their home in Ottawa. Mr, W. E- Quinn, who. represent­ ed the Exeter H, S. at the Empire Games held at Hamilton last week, made a creditable showing in the senior one mile race of the inter­ scholastic events, which were run off Friday. Mr. Quinn came fourth after leading the field right up to the last few yards. The winners came in in a bunch Quinn being only about five feet behind the first man. The showing was all the more cred­ itable in that he was running out of his class as he is only intermed­ iate, He is .taking part in the twelve-mije marathon at the Can­ adian National Exhibition in Toronto on Saturday. CAFE CHANGES HANDS The Cafe on Main St. owned by Lee Lim and his father, Lee Quin has been Sold to Wong See and Wong Kee, of London, who have already taken possession. father future China. among He is a pupil of the Exeter H. S. this year writing hi‘s; middle school examinations. Several years ago the Dees came to Exeter from Parkhill .the younger continuing his studies here and assisting his father in the pafe. An important member of the H. S. track team, a valued hockey and baseball player, Lim will be missed by the young people whose respect and goodwill he. has merited.. THE LATE MRS. RIVERS ‘- The death took place in Exeter 4n Friday of last week, of Mrs. Wm. C. Riveris; in her 67th year. Mrs. Rivers had been in poor health for many years. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Hammond. She was born at Staffa and her remains, were in­ terred at Staffa cemetery on Sunday, Within a stone’s throw of the place where she was born. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers and family came to Exeter twenty-three years, ago from Staffa, where they farmed for five years. Previous to that they were residents of Hensall. Foi’ many years 'Mr. Rivers .conducted a butcher business in town. Besides- her bereaved hus­ band the deceased is, survived by five sons and two daughters, Ernest divisional stiperintendaiit "of the ■ C. N. R/at Prince Albert, Sask; Mrs. Chas.-Way, of St Thomas; Lloyd, of Windsor; Bert, Harper C. and Bruce of town; and Mrs. J. L. Routledge, of Hamilton. 'One., brother and one sister also survive, Wm. Hammond, of Churchville, N.Y., and Mrs. Dole of Lgcomibe, Alta. The funeral, priv­ ate Sunday afternoon was conducted by Rev. D. McTavish the pall-bearers being Frank Hambly, Wm. Sadler, Robt. Sadler, W. Jeffrey, John Mil­ ler and Jos. Warden. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Way, of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Rivers, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. J. ’■'nntledge, of Hamiton; Mrs. L. Mo watt and daughters Alice and Louise, of Toronto; /Mr. Joseph Hammond and Miss Irene Hantmond of -Churchville, N.Y.; Mrs. P. Col­ lier, of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rivers and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Drov­ er, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Glea­ son Gill, of Mitchell. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATIONyAbout 7'5 friends and neighbors gathered- at the home of Mr. Wm. Hatter as a surprise Tuesday even­ ing and after a social hour in old time dancing tour girls dressed as brides and grooms, in a decorated wagon brought into the room an electric floor lanm and presented it along with the following address to Mr. and Mrs. Hatter. The address was read by Mr. Wm, Lutman. The Lois McDonald, "bride, and Bierlinig, groom; Labelle girls who made the presentation were:.Phyllis. jDicmu'5, eiuuiii, uciMciAQ Lutman, bride and Maybelle Yule, groom. F expressed __ fresliments were, served. Mr. and Mrs. J. S- Mcliraith, of Durham and Rev, and Mrs. John Bell dnd two children, of Rivers, Man., visited on Wednesday last with Mrs. F. R. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hatter We, your friends, and neighbors have gathered here to-niglit to fel­ icitate yoft upon your resent marri­ age and wish you every good thing in the many years which it is. our sin­ cere hope you will both be spared to enjoy. You, "Bob” we have known and found to be-a friend, tried and ture, and you, Mrs. Hatter, we wel­ come to our town, invite to the circle of our friends and earnestly request to make yourself at home with us- As a token of our good wishes, y/e would ask you both to accept this lamp, hoping it' will brighten your home and remind you of those who will watch your in­ creasing prosperity with pleasure and who> should, occasion arise are always ready to help to make life's pathway smooth for you. Signed on behalf of your Friends and Neighbors. MAIN STREET YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD SOCIAL EVENING , Presentation is made tot Lim Lee Th© main St, United Church i Young People’s, society hold a very . jileasunt evening at the home of Mr. W. G. Medd, M, L. A, ana/Mrs. Mean on Tuesday evening, August 26th, About forty were present A very enjqyabm time was spent in games, croquet, yowling and ten­ nis, and the merriment .increased in the group games that followed. After the games the President, Mr. Frank Wilafong, called the young people together for the main event of the evening. A short program was giv­ en; Mr, W. H. Johnston led in pray­ er. Miss Dorothy Grassick and Miss Ruth Wildfong pnterained with In­ strumental solos. The president then asked Mr, Lim Lee to come forward He was presented with an address and two copies of the Bible. Miss Margaret, Martin, Secretary of the Socitey, read the address and Mr. Charles Pearce made the present­ ation of the Bibles, one copy being a very fine leather bound edition, King/ James authorized version, and the -other an American revised version edition, also well bound in leather. Lim, as he is commonly called, was. completely taken by surprise. He with much feeling, replied, thanking the Young People for their gifts. He said' there were several reasons for his return to his home country, China., at this time, One was his ■ desire to see his mother. He expressed his strong attachment to Exeter and particularly to Main St. United Church. He said that he might possibly come back and visit Exeter after a few years. He con­ cluded by saying that wherever he went he would take with him the gospel of Jesus’ Christ. Lim Lee came to Exeter over three years ago. On his arrival he became a member of Main St. Un­ ited Church, where he took an ac­ tive interest in Sunday School and Young People’s work. Lim<has been at the head of the Missionary De­ partment of the Young Peoples So­ ciety and has given splendid lead­ ership. With his committe he- has planned and directed the monthly. missionary programs, some of which were very fine in their originality.Lim received his High >Schol ed- ucation in Exeter and at the same time succesfully managing his Cafe Mr. B. W. f. Beavers, Sunday Schol Supenndant and Mr. W. H. Johnston made short addresses-,' speaking very highly of Lim and wishing him the best of success, Ed. ' Aidworth and Eugene Howey, past presidents of the Society and both candidates for the ministry of the United Church, of Canada, , spoke. . briefly, commending Liin’s ideals and said that these ideals would as­ sure him of a worth while place in life and make him a help and a blessing, to-others. A dainty lunch was served and Mr. and Mrs. Medd were accorded a hearty vote of thanks for the use of their home and grounds. Mr. Medd responded expressing their pleasure in . having the Young People at their home at this time, not only because of his interest in Young People’s work, but par­ ticularly because of the occasion of the presentation to Lim Lee, as Lim is a very loyal member of Mr. .Medd’s Sunday School Class of Young Men. The following is the address. Main Street United Church Young People’s Society Exeter, Ont., Augu»t 26th, To Lim Lee Dear Friend: Having learned of your purpose to return to your homeland, China, we felt we could not let you go with­ out, in some way, expressing to you our love and esteem. You came to Exeter over three years, ago. During this period you have been faithful in attendance and in worship at our church services. You have been loyal to the Sunday School -cl'asses, you have attended, and willing to help the Sunday School in all you were asked to do. But we feel that in our Young- People's Society you.found the place where you could render your best services. As convener of the Mis­ sionary Committee you have given leadership ’Of high order, and we have appreciated your interest and help in our recreational activities. We cannot, in words, adequately express, to you our esteem for you personally las a member of our so­ ciety, nor can we express, adequate­ ly, our appreciation for your help in so many ways, and your willingness to do whatever was required of you. Neither' can gifts express all we would like to say. We would, however, have you ac­ cept from us, as a token of our af­ fection, our appreciation and our esteem, this Bible. We do not know of any other gift, that we could give, that could carry with it so hitich value, Wo pray that you may find it, through all your life, a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Our prayers, and best wishes go with you. Maj’- God bless you hnd cause his face to shine upon you, in all your life and in all your work in what­ soever sphere of service to which you are dialled to serve. And He make you a blessing to people among whom you live. We hope and trust that in providence of God we shall : again in this- life, anil that W6 ; surely meet in the presence of Otir Father, ill Heaven. Frank ‘Wildfbng, president; garet Martin, secretary. GRAND BtND RUDY VAtLEE and‘jhi( 15 CONNECTICUT FRIDAY Tickets—$2.00 each Dancing Two Grand Piano .Mason & Rise Brass DAY BANG Supplied bjf ;• London RNOON AW­ ING BOXI0G BOUT SATURDAY# (AUGUST /oth. .. / / -at‘ tlw nd on Deadt ANIvEW : IGHT Ins 20e. tsl»e Joi'tbaGirls’ Every Ev August Sarnia Londlii, ed. Game 6 pan. uring Week «£ nd Labor Day fe Team vs. Pfclcr- mpion Teams EXETER. Round B$uts Commencing, at 8.3:0' Bieber; ’McIntosh VX 4 Matthew . ____, _____ .... Clark; HsJrdacre vs. Roberts; . wood vs./B. Roberts; Cbusins vsx V. Jeffipgs; Thomson vs. E?-Jef fries; and ot 3. ' Come and see all the new fappst f ADMISSION 25c NOTICE T D TBUC3S.TO AUTO OWNE in a pos' . Insurant _____ _ __ We specialize in Liability - T------ e. any information, ce we are in st you that informal We are very best torists. " and Cargo Insura Tf you . requir regarding insur po sitae tion.% WeVepresentlfhe largest Canadian^ and British companies. Sihoi% term - require Servic policies, issued whan. ' '.Generali Use. Phont 1930 may on to give the service to- mo- ur motto. I. FRANCIS .suuanee and Broker 04 Office DIED IN HENSALL Mr. Frederick J. Simmons, Hensail, died Monday afternoon fol­ lowing a lengthy illness. Mr. Sim­ mons was born west of Hensall an®, enlisted serving- wounded, riage with Miss Alda Dinsdale, a£- Hensall, who with one son Jadfe mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. Mr. Simmons had many friends in Hen'sall and by his igenfal manner and splendid character won- the respect and-esteem of all whir knew him. Three brothers and two sisters also survive, John an cl William of Tuckersmith and Wesley,, of Exeter, Mrs*. Well. Kerslake an® Mrs. Gerge Fairbairn, of Usborne. The funeral will be held Thursday at 2 o’clock interment Will be made*- in the Hensall cemetery. in the 161st battalion overseas, until he was? He was united in mar- Next Monday will he Labor Dayr and a public holiday. J. W. Powell -received word from' Hamilton on Monday afternoon o£ the sudden death of a cousin in the.* person of Mrs. A. H. Gordon, form­ erly Miss Addie Holland. She was- born on the farm just north of tho- town, now owned by E. Willard. The remains are being brought to- Exeter for interment and Will arrive this Wednesday evening, accompan­ ied by two sbns, 'also her sister, iMrs- A. H. Yost, of Pasadena, Calif. Swance, Earl, endurance driver,., who is endeavoring to break the ex­ isting world’s record of 136 hours, for continuous; non-stop driving, vis­ ited Exeter on ‘Monday afternoon? oix his way from Loiid'o-n to Goderich, and return. Quite a/number of in­ terested spectators gathered around the car while it was in town. The- drivei’ slowed up in front of th® Chevrolet Garage but kept the c'ai- in motion. Swane’e Earl is manael-- ed to the wheel of the car. The*- start of the drive was made front. Universal Motor Sales, London. .Mix Earl is making this teat in an Olds­ mobile sedan and.Lias chosen Miai'^ velube oil and Imperial Ethyl gaso­ line. The car lias, been filled with oil and the crankcase sealed and nte more oil or water will be added dur­ ing the run. The distance Will between 5,500 and 4,000 miles HIs- diet is about 250 cigarettes a day* Silverwoodf. ice cream and coffee. ... .. m U WITH rial Ejbyl Gasoline ijtmmfetKD with Polalifie Grease and Transmission Lubricant