The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-08-21, Page 54 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Tnc«, At-ei sr at.
3 T*
et Commerre
is the only Private Commercial School in Waster
the staff has Profess!
Jal Training.
taught by Uliss
EVERY member i
ing as well as Cpmmer
dbntiut Tests.
Write for partly
tested by U
C'ourse in which ydu are
tarlo where:
(Treachers’ Train-
ual^Business from the
rwood and Remington Cre-
r particulars write
M. A. Stone, • B. F. W^ird, B.A.
Com. Specialist, Vice-Prim, Principal
. Phone 19$
PR. J. A. McT
(Telephone 100<• ,..........■—
Main Street
Miss Jessie Buchanan spent' the week-end visiting friends. in Galtf
’ Miss Vera' Saundercock of Exeter;
<s,pent the week-end at her home
1 Mr. Laird doypt, pf Toronto, is
spending his vacation at his home
ate re.
. Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty of Var
ma,' visited with friends in town on
Monday. ’ ' ' - j
Mr, E. Stewart spent a few days i Hast week at the home of Mr. and j
jMrs, D. Foss. j
(Mrs. Peter Fisher, and daughter
Eleanor are visiting friends in and
• .around Toronto,
Large quantities of grain are. be<-
dng marketed lier.e daily. Most of
at coming by truck'.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North, of
Woodstock, are visiting for a couple
of weeks with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. Dayman, of
Exeter, were Sunday vsitors at the
imine of Mrs. Hannah Taylor.,
Miss Amy Lammie, of Toronto,
weeks at the
Mrs, William
Ss visiting for a few
home of her mother
Mrs. J. Wallace and _ _ „
Dorothy, of BaiWie, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Walter J. Fee, Mrs. Wallace’s
parents. '
Mrs. Geo. Pearce has returned to
Sier home after-spending a couple of
weeks in the Scott Memorial Ilos-
jpital at Seaforth. <
Mr. and (Mrs. Albert Smith, of-
Crossweli and Mr- and Mrs., W. O’
Brien, of Zurich, visited •Mr.' and
Mrs. James Dayman, of near Kippen.
. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthrbn ac-
:compdnied by Mts. Bonth-ron’s two
sisters Mrs. Hall of Pennsylvania. and Mrs. Peppier; ot" jian<jvei\ visit-,
J, ®d friends in Auburn 'last week.
L. C. Lipphardt, -of Eyerett, Wash.,
Mr, and Mrs. D. Gottachalk, of Bad
Ake, Mich., aifd Mrs. Hi Lipphardt,
of Zurich, spent a day or so' recently
with their relatives, MT. and Mrs. G.,
E. Fee. , *
• Dr. and Mrs. Aikenhcad,
g*ary, Alta., visited friends
■village. The. Dr,. and Mrs.
little daughter
of Cal
in the
Siead were former residents of Hen
sail and their mans' friends here
were pleased to see them.
Drs. Collyer and have ar
ranged thaty,one will be on duty each
Wednesday Afternoon through the
remainder ofvAugust and’September.
A call for either doctoi- will be 'ans
wered by the Dr. ;on duty.
Dr. J. A.' Spellman, accompanied
Iby his mother and 'Misses. Elva, Alda
sind Maude Bolton are spending their
~‘ Z J Miss. Elva
beep supervising the
at Kitchener. - i
is about complete in
The long dry spell
vacation at Grand Bend-
Bolton has
•splay: grounds
'ibis district,
•giving the farmers every chance to
get their grain off. The root’’ and
.garden crops are in need of rain and
■farmers are complaining -of the lack
of .water. ’
■Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, of List-
®wel were pleasant visitors in town
Monday. Rev. Mr. Naylor was a
farmer rector of the St.- Paul’s An
glican church here and their many
friends here were pleased to see
them again. • *
Commencing Sunday, .August 24,
following the summer vacation, morii-j
lng> and evening services will be re
sumed at St. Paul’s Anglican church.
"The services next Sunday will be in
charge of John Thompson, Huron
College student.
Miss Irene Isaac, a missionary on
furlough from Japan, r
3>y her mother and sister, spent the
week-end here with their cousin, Rev.
3VL B. Parker, rector of St. Paul’s
Anglican church. Previous to gd-
Mr. Lester Molaaae and. Ml
Woodall, of Detroit, spent Sunday,
with their parents. " - 1
Mr, Dan Truemner and Mrs. Aaron;
Wein and son spent a few days with'
relatives at chesley.
Mr„. and Mrs, Stuart Kulm, of Kit
chener, spent the week-Wf with Mr.
and iMrs.' Harry Kuhn.
.Miss Margaret Kuhn and Miss W,
Schroeder are spending a week camp
ing at Grund Bend. ,
Mr. and Mrs, J,- Edwards and family visited last week in London
with (Miss Melinda Edwards.
Mrs. Lillian Holtzmann and Pearl,
of..Cleveland, Ohio, are spending a
[few days with Mrs, Charlotte Brown. I iMr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons and
(Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Heywood spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Esli Hey
Miss Dorothy Fahner has return
ed home after spending two weeks
vacation with relatives in Saline
and Ann Arbour.
Rev. and -Mrs. Lorne BrdWn, of
Hollis, Long Island, are visiting
with the former’s mother, Mrs. Char
lotte Brown.
Miss Alberta Rogers and Miss Ev
elyn Fahner, of Saline, Mich,
the week-end with her
the Central Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
babe, of Detroit, spent ..
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Miss Stella Ingram, of Detroit, |
Is visiting at her home here. ;
Miss Hazel Hudson spent a few
days recently with friends in Lon
The results of Hensall Middle
School examinations will be found
on another page. ,
A large crowd was in town Wed
nesday taking in the bowling tour
nament on the local green.
Mrs. Jas. Barnett, of Toronto, re
turned home Saturday afternoon af
ter a couple of weeks visiting friends
in around Hensall.
A bad accident occurred on the
farm »f Mr, Archie Rowcliffe’s on
Wednesday afternoon last while
drawing oats. A load was being
loaded, and Mr. Rowcliffe was. driv
ing-the horses on'a rope when a
wliiffletree broke, The end flying
back and striking Mr. Rowcliffe in
the stomach. He was immediately
taken to the Seaforth Hospital and
operated on ,and is now doing as well
as can be expected but will have to
spend several weeks in'the hospital.
" Car Accident
A serious accident occurred on the
Huron Highway between Stratford
and Sebrinville on Monday evening
when two cars, one driven by Frank
Granger of Stratford, the other by
Mr. Lee Hedden, of Hensall, side
swiped one another. Granger’s car
going into the ditch and Hedden’s .................................. ......x- —
swinging around on the road, Im- the pulpit of' the Evangelical church
mediately afterwards a car driven Sunday evening,
(jirs> Mervin Brokensliire,
of Fergus,.spent Sunday vtuth Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mrs, Brok-
enshire and children are spending a,
week with friends here.
Miss Cora Edwards visited Satur
day with her sister Miss Melinda
Edwards, of London, leaving Satur
day night for Detroit, where she in
tends visiting for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiliayd Sparling
and son Claire visited^, at the home 1 " - ~2.„. John Smith, on
Sparling and Claire;
the remainder of the;
by N. H. Rosier, of London, smash-'
ed into the Hedden bar badly smash
ing it. Mr. Granger was badly cut
and was rushed to the Stratford
Hospital and Hededn was able to
proceed to his home in I-Iensall and
Rosier was arrested by the Provin
cial police charged with having liq
uor iif the car.
Dr, H. H. Cowen,
cousins at
Silber and
last week
Mrs. C. Eilber.
iMr/and Mrs. Will-Heat'herley and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz spent Sun-,
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mess
ner near Dashwood.
Miss Inez Fahner spent the week
end at Sunset Lodge, Grand Bend,
with her cousin, Miss Dorothy Mal
letts, of London.
A number of girls from the Wide
Awakes and Buds of Promise class
es of the Evangelical Sunday School
were camping at' Grand Bend last
Miss Mildred, Schroeder, nurse-in
training at Kitchener-Waterloo Hos
pital, is spending her vacation with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rev. and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner and
son, of Pittsburg, are visiting in the
vicinity.. Rev. Finkbeiner occupied
PURE CANE SUGAR 10 pounds for 51c
LARGE CHIPSO 19 c. each
1 Ik tin 29c.
2 lbs. for 25c.
Per tin 23c.
Red & White
9c. per pkg.
1 pound prints 17c.
2 for 25c.
Red & White
Large Tin 13c.
Red & White
$3 rolls for 23c*
HEINZ . NEGAR, Malt, Cider or Spirit
1*2 lb. pkg. 19c,
er fin 10c.
Large bottle 21c.
. Per bottle 19c.
12 ozf bottle 19c,
hly Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, August 21, 22 and 23rd
We Deliver
Judie and Birdie swiped
chocolate cake,'
The chaperone caught them at the
act, but everything ended jake.
Each morning at seven-thirty
A cold dip some would take,
While others lazily stayed in bed
Till the pancakes were baked.
The chaperone decided each day
three cooks to choose,
Who cheerily did cook the meals,
While others rowed and snoozed.
Pool (and cash grainy
Just two more Sundays on which.
Rev. G. A. Leichliter Will preach at
the camp service. You will be. made
. welcome at these services. -
Mr. Robt. Hby, who has been help
ing Mr. F. iMelliman at the harvest
has returned home and is on the sick
? Miss Cora Oliver returned to Lon
don Monday after spending the holi
days :at home.’
Miss,''‘Beulah Holt is spending a
few weeks in Windsor.
Mrs. E. Desjardins, who has been
on the sick- list for most of the sum
mer, is able to be out around We are
glad to report.
Mr. Russell Gill, -of the Bank of
Toronto, spent the week-end at home
prior to taking over his new duties -
1 at’ Brampton.
Rev. A» Thibadeau, of Toronto, is
visiting iil the neighborhood, he be
ing a former Methodist preacher on
the Grand Bend circuit twenty-eight
years ago.
Rey. R.’ J. Mathers is spending the month’s “holidays in Muskoka.
' Mr. Wilfred Allen and friend, of
Windsor have returned after spend
ing a week’s vacation with his par-,
ents, Mi', and Mrs. ThoS. Allen.
Miss Vera Pollen was ."the guest
of Miss. Hazel Hamilton for a few
flays last week.
Mr. John Duncan accompanied by
hie sister Mrs.. Robb, of Stratford
, are visiting friends .in <-the West,
j Miss Gracie Anderson, Of London, j-is. spending a two week'svacation
I with her parents Mr.’ and. .Mrs. A.
Anderson, and friends o,f■■ /the' Town
Line. ' Ve. \ .
Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen Accompan
ied by Mr, and Mrs. A. Easton, of
Exeter motored to Niagara; Falls
Sunday. * ' *
Mi ss IM ar j ori & Stewart.. is ‘ viSiti ng
Miss Lorraine Stewart, .-df Toronto.
Messrs Harry Andersok'.i agd:- Arch
ie Etherington are attending military
camp near Ottawa.
The Misses Alma and Dorothy
Ratz spent last week camping at
Grand Bend,
Mrs. Buoke andjftabe, of Windsor
who-have been visiting at the home,
of her father Mr. Thos. Baynham
,have returned home last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer
spent last Friday in Goderich.
Miss Audrey Yearly is holidaying,
'at the home of Mr. and ‘Mrs. A.
Mr. iS. McEachen, ’Mrs. R. Me.
Eachen, Miss Kathryn and Miss F.
McCormick called on friends here on
Mrs. McLeod, of Hamilton visited
at the home of her brother Mr, E.
Lamport last week . I
Mr. Harry and Miss Mavis Lippert
of Melbourne, visited over the week
end with friends here. Master Gor
don, and Misses Gladys and Reta’
Ratz returned home with them fbi;
.a few days.
pay S6'u. the highest
rnisli you with
■ucks. We spec-
sure and get our
Hensall, Ont.
Look them all over then you’ll
'buy the new F^rdson Tractor.—
Sandy Elliot
The Centralia Chopping Mill will
commence the full, week schedule on
Monday next the 25tli inst., and con
tinue the six days instead of three
as'heretofore.'—W. J. Smith, Prop.
Mrs, Frank Acheson, of Belleville
visited for a couple of days last week
with Mrs. George Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willis and
family are holidaying at Grand Bend
.‘Misses Baynham, daughters. ’ of
Mr. Walter Baynham, of Winnipeg
are visfting with relatives in this
Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe
week-end guests of Mr. and ___
Thomas Willis at Grand' Bend. ,,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Penwarden, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Baynham and -families spent the
week-end at Grand Bend.
Miss Jean Ogden, of London, has
returned home accompanied by her
uncle Mr. Garnet Wilson, after a
week’s vacati'011 with her uncle and
aunt Mr. and Mrs. Joe, Wilson.
are prepared
possible price
bags and sup
ialize in- peas,
Phone 54
, D.D.S.
Of Mr. and Mrs.
• Sunday. Mrs.
remaining for
The Canada ... ________
Education Assembly of the Evan-
i gelical church will be held on Au
gust 26, 27 and 28 at the Creditor
Evangelical 'church. Bishop L. H.
Seager, D. D., of Le Mars, la. will
be the main.speaker on the program.
He will give the opening address on
Tuesday evening, subject: “The Su
preme Imperative” again on Wed
nesday evening, subject: “Thou
art-—Thou shalt be” closing -with
the Assembly Sermon Thursday ev
ening, subject: “After Prayer—?”
These three are. his greatest efforts.
The Bishop will' also have charge of
two bible study periods each fore
noon and a somewhat' shorter ad
dress at the close of Wednesday af
ternoon’s session. There will also
be interesting subjects and group
meetings throughout Wednesday and
Thursday beginning at 9 a.m. and
1.30 p.m. and the evening sessions
at 8 o’clock. The large Conference
Committee on Religious Education
as also the local committee on ar
rangement invites all surrounding
church communities to ax tend this
great, gathering. All ministers of
the Gospel are also heartily .invited.
Dinnei’ and Supper at the Town Hall
at a very, reasonable price. Mr. F.
Faist, president of the College Glee
Club will conduct the singing.
During the’past week the 'follow
ing girls camped at “Simple Life”
cottage Grand 'Bend: Laurene and
Dorothy Hirtzel, >.Lavina and Alma
Smith, Maletta Wein, Clara Gaiser,
Lyla Haist, Wealthy Schroeder, iM.
Kuhn, Alma and Dorothy Ratz, A.
Lamport, Gertrude Beaver, Irene
Faliner, Beatrice and Mhletta Schenk The gif'ls who were camping at
r'Simple Life” cottage at Grand
Band entertained the Star Class to
a weiner roast <-on the beach last
Friday evening. About sixty were
present, and Oh, Bby! how the weiu-
ers did disappear. Candy and apples
were also greatly enjoyed. The party
ended with a sing-song after which
the boys rendered a hearty vote of
thanks to the girls for the enjoy
able evening.,
“Hello Simple Life"
(Tune—“Hello Canada)
,>^ywu. yvHueim. L ™ ^llowhig song was composed’
Mr. Wilson Anderson is confined tlle £U1S. at ? c.0^
- • -................ - tags to the tune of, “Hello Canada”
Some Crediton girls, decided
A-camping they would go.
How happy each one second to be
At the Cottage they all know;
You’d hear them call each other
In cheerfull laughing tones.
-of Wealthy, Alma and
they call their names.
Chorus Hello Sunshlfie, I-lello Goldie.
Hello’ Peggy, where is patsy? I
Hello Paeches, how is smiling June?(
San Cheerio and Dimples with hand-
stmid shieks at iioon. '!
Did ybu see Chuckles ’and Tootsie
a£ the dock?
Smiles, Kitty-and Tiny get a shock.
At office Ju
wood, first thr$
at office '•over
$urich, last thr
Pool an^f cash
Block, Dash-
^^3 of week and
Post Office,
day.s--^., weAfe?
grain jointed. We
are prepared, to pay yojTthe highest
possible price a?pd ft
bags anti sup pl
ialize in .peas?
Phone 5 4 <
ish you with
s. We spec-
■e and get our
Hensall,- Ont.
over then you’llall < '
,Fordson ' Tractor.-
Look them
buy the new
Sandy Elliot •
Mrs. Burns
Huron, spent
mother, Mrs.
Miss Lena _____„_,
land, visited in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. .Moffat, of Bruce-
* field called on friends in town Tues
Mr. and Mrs. May, of Kitchener,
spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. S. Oestreiclier.
Mr. Percy Kleinstiver, who spent
his holidays with his parents has re
turned to Chicago.
Miss Margaret Merner, of Detroit,
is spending her holidays with her
Mr. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton, is
visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. Les. Goetz, of Chicago, is
visiting with his mother Mrs. Goetz.
Miss Louisa Willert, of Zurich,
is the guest of Miss Verna Kraft.
Miss Lottie Armstrong, of London
is visiting with relatives in ^bwn.
'AXand daughter, i>f Port
a few ;days with , her
Steinhagen, of Cleve-
•ain wanted.
y you the highest
d furnish you with
y tracks. We spec-
Be sure and get our
Conference Religious
Mr. Alex Deitrich had the misfor
tune to trip over the rope while driv
ing the horse in the slings throwing
him off the gangway fracturing his
arm. •
Miss M. Stewart, of Northern Ont.
called on friends in this neighbour
hood last week.
Mrs. E. Mason, Parkhill, visited
her mother Mrs. J. Willieim for a
few days last' week.
Miss Thelma Neeb; of Detroit, is
spending-a few days at her home
here. . . ■ * •
Miss Annie Hanover, of Buffalo',
is visiting her , parents Mr. and Mrs.
J. Hanover at the present time.
Mr,and Mrs. Wm. Steinacher, of
Sebringville cajled op Mr. and Mrs.
A. Tilley,, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. -C. Wilfong moved
their" household effects from Detroit
on Monday , into Mp. E’r J.'Kraft’s house.
Pool and
I are prepared
(possible pric
j bags and su
ialize in pea?’ price.—-COOK BROS. MILLING CO.
L'j Hensall, Out.
Mrs. Edward Fahner spent a few
days at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Richard Hill is improving
airLondon and at presept they are\ Chas. Roeszler spent a few
camping at Grand Bend, ' I Mrs, Lavina. Willieim., , n ’ Mr, Wilson Anderson is conL„M« A .. L■Heftsairs curfew law is now in ef- iiis bed but is improving softie^ the tune of,
‘Ject. At a meeting of tile -town, Mrs, Annie Haist, of Detroit, spent1
council last week the necessary by- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Saw was passed. The law, in of-,Hill.
lect, forbids children, under the age] Mrs. J. Mallett visited for a few
16 years, being on the steets of days with her sister, Mrs. Edward
She village after 9 o’clock in the ev- Fahner,
Miss Elsie Thompson spent Sun
day with the girls at “Simple Life”
cot tags.
Miss Pearl
a few days
Rev. and ............
family are camping at the Band foi
a few days
Miss Lois Orme, of Toronto, vis
ited with her aunt Mrs, E. K»,Falfr-
ner recently,
Mr. and Mrs. M.
Accompanied j Phone 54
Sag to Japan Miss Isaac’s home was ^r’01h her recent illness.
3n "London and al. nresont thev are Mr. Chas. Roeszler
accompanied by their.nnjng unless® kiers.
An effort'
^organize our
sn number of good players and a full
esot of instruments and^the leader
wi the Biytli band has offered to
timine down once n week for practice
•Mid give instruction. A good band
us a splendid tiling in a town and Wo
Brope our boys wll fake hold of this
’«ffer and get -organized as soon us
gpospible. ,
is being made to re-*
town band. We have Witmer,
with Mr
Mrs. W.
■of Exeter, spent
• and M'rs. Mali
M/ Slppell and
Roszeil and fam-
‘Tie thus
r. Seldon about your fertilizer needs
before buying elsewhere. Stock
always on hand ■«