HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-08-14, Page 8AYS FI RTME cliurcli of jo­ charge of 1 UNION SERVICES 7 J. Fenton 1ms been holi- T. with Mr, and 10 11 10 11 Sheere i5? holidaying with Mrs. Southeott at Grand I i . removal of her tonsils. I Mrs. James Smith and son Earl, Bank Reg. p.m.—Service in James St, Subject: drawal” Ford, motor- and accom- McDonald has returned holidaying ’in AVindsor, Miss Edna Hughes, reJ' her and will remain for. a.m,—Church Schools a.m.—Service in Alain St. ■Subject: “The Companion sus.” t | home in Rochester, N. Y., on M'on- Do your - plowing and vest cultivation Will sell you fl the acre.-—Sai of the Ford, P .fer-har- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE a Fur nit site i LW >S )I oy WILL A GOOP OF FURNI- her£ is wher AJ ASS! TUR4to CHOOSE FRQM AT PRICES/TO SUIT YQU OURfSTfifCK IS COMPLETE NOVf ISTTHE TIME TO BUY r: N. ROWE FUNERAJj director ambulance service Exeter Markets •Wheat 80c. Oats 85 c, Barley 40c. Bran I1.4U Shorts $1,50 Manitoba’s Best Flour $3»80 Welcome Flour $i3,L5 Model Flour $3.50 Creamery• Butter 34c. Dairy Butter 28—31c. Eggs JOggs Eggs j Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Iler. J, Bernard Rhodes, M. A. Minister , ■ Miss Lena Coates, A-L-CNL, Organist During August Alorning Service Only 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Service as usual, Summer Dresses at Reduced Prices Extras 26 c. Firsts 23c, Seconds 20c, $11.50 —---- }• . tCocals ; Airs. G. Hockey and son Kenneth are visiting with relatives in Lans­ ing, Alicli, Aliss Florence AVest returned af­ ter holidaying for a week with rel­ atives at Aleaford, Rev. and Airs. AVm. ’Mortimer, of Auburn, visited recently with AIT. and Mrs. Dunsford. Robert AVelland and John O’Coni nor, of Detroit, are holidaying with Air. and Mrs. Rd. E- Davis. Mr. and Mrs. AV. AV. Taman and family are holidaying at their sum­ mer cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Airs. McDonald, of AVind- ?or are visiting with Mrs, AIcDon- ald’s mother, Mrs. John Snell. Airs. Lydia • Sweitzer entertained Airs. H. G. Jackson and daughter Dortha, of Toronto at luncheon on Al’onday. Aliss Linda AValper returned to Romeo, Mich., last week after spend­ ing a week with her mother and brother Theodore. AIiss Laura Hicks, who is holiday- _____ ’ Lg at her home in Usborne, under­ relatives in St. Marys has returned went an operation in Exeter for the home. Aliss Sadie AValker and Aliss AL Brodie, of Torono, visited over the'of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting for week-end at the -home of Airs, AVm. a few days with Air. and Airs. AA^es. AAralker, AVebiber and other relatives. Mr. and Airs. Linder and child-! Aliss Lois McDonald returned to of Kitchener, were the guests her home on Saturday after spend- Kress at Grand Bend ing two weeks holidays with rela- ' tives and friends in AVindsor. Airs. E. C. Beebe, of AVindsor, who has been holidaying at Grand Bend, spent a couple of days last week vis­ iting with old friends in Exeter. Airs. A. A. Ericson, who visited during the past week with relatives LOCAL NEWS Miss Fanny Hatter spent the week­ end in London. Mrs. M. her sister, Bend. Rev. J. daying for a few days with friends at Southampton. Mr. Stephen Powell has returned home after visiting with relatives in Goderich and AViarton. Mrs. Edwin AValker and son, of London, visited with Airs. AV. AValk­ er during the past week. Mr. and (Mrs. Gilbert Frcckleton, and family, of Lucan, visited with friends in town on Sunday. Dr. A. R. Kinsman, of London, vis­ ited with his hister, Miss Hannah Kinsman, in town on Sunday. Mrs. J. T. Larson, of AVinnipeg, j - is visiting with her two sisters, Airs. Chas. AVilson and Mrs. H. Gidley. Miss Lulu Lindenfield, who for} the past two weeks has been visiting in; Xocals J Main St. and James St. United Churches Union Services for July and August AUGUST—Rev. D. MpTavisli in charge, James Street choir in music. church “The Courage of With- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, R.A.. Rector Miss If. M. MacFauI, Organist Eighth Sunday after Trinity I a.m.—Sunday School . a,m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Only one service during month of August Mrs. Brown, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with her aunt Mrs. John Snell. Miss Lois home after Her cousin, turned with a week. Rev. C. J. This is an opportunity to buy a smart summer dress at a big reduction. We place on sale this week a rack of dresses values to $12.95 to clear at $7.95 TURKISH TOWELS 2 dozen only Turkish Towels 36 inches long and! 18 indie? wide. REGULAR 45c. TO CLEAR AT 25c, CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON 42 inches wide. Bleached white as snow, fine even weave VERY SPECIAL AT PER YARD 40c. UNBLEACHED SHEETING Thfo is a special for this week regular price 60c., 2 yards wide and excellent value SPECIAL AT PER YARD 48c. PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLING This is a good width, good "eight t a splendid "asher J SPECIAL AT 5 YARDS FOR $1JE T-T- TT- .................................. ' ' • - ■ ' ■■ ' ' ’ .......' ..........- .............. Empress Corrective Arch Shoes for Women If you are having trouble getting shoes that diYnot give you Comfort try a pair of Empress Corrective cost a little more but arejlrorth it Ask to see them., jf MEN’S ALL WOOLISWEATER COATS You will need onetor the epol evenings sizes 36 to 44. SPECIAL $2.50 MEN’SJWORK SHIRTS Try our J^Deacon” Work ‘ Shirt. They are the bestJvalue' we know of for money. W«R made and roomy # EACH 98c.’ ren, of Mrs. AV. over the week-end. Mrs. AVm. Rousom has returned to her home in Toronto, after visiting for some time with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson and family and the former’s father mo- tored up from Dresden and spent’and friends in town returned to her the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Flynn, family, of .Sarnia, motored up spent Sunday with the former’s ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Flynn. Mr. andf Mrs, Elmer AVeido __ children, of Crediton, spent Saturday and day. and I Mr. AV. Rigdon, teller of the par- of Commerce, Ilderton, and I Beavers were visitors with the lat- onr1'ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Beavers on Friday last. and Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Geo. Mr’ aD^ A' E’ w^son’ ancJ - ■■■ - — • Ruth daughter Zilpha and son Elmore, of - - - 1 St. Thomas, visited on Sunday at the ’home of Airs. AVillson’s brother, Afr. IAV. C. Pearce. I .Air. and AIu. F. HelTord and two sons, of Toronto, Air. and Airs. Ar- . thur Roach and two daughters, of . Dungannon, visited on Sunday with tlle Siam 1I1SS Horton. The the world’s * air’ anf^ Mrs> R' McBride and wonderful son B-oss> Springfield, Ohio, are I-visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. Rufus Kestle, of Hurondale, for a Smith, of Kitchener. Miss Collingwood and Alaster Aforue Smith' accompanied them hoihe Verne re-. maining for a week’s holidays. Messrs L. A'. Hogarth and H. Rowe were in Montreal during the past week and while there had the ; opportunity of viewing British Dirigible the R-100. beatiful silver bag of largest air giant wa^/'a sight. Choice clover Jmney for'"sale at a’couple of weeks. reasonablejprijT Apply to AVesley [ jfiss Verna Trevothiok, nurse of Dearing, 1, Exeter, Ont., (jran(i Rapids, Mich., accompanied phone 17-l^FCrediton. G jle-r fatiier an,.^ brother Jack, of _ I Brinsley, visited last Thursday with way. AVe and arrs; Am>'- r work .by j AIT. T. S, AVocds, manager of the the Home Bank of Montreal, started on his j holidays Alonday and will spend >— ■” 'three,weeks with his wife and fam- ■th'date and qv at their summer cottage at Grand r a trial life Ben,d. Astrology- ten cents (sjiTve reading.—Prof. Ont., 643 Dum he Fqrds outfit New ^London 8-14-ltp. and Mrs. Moorhouse ae­ ro mpanied by Misse’s Mabel Follick and Marjorie Broderick are at pres­ ent on a motor trip to Muskoka and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Ern Johnston and four daughters and Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, of Toronto, arei visiting this week with Mrs. Elizabeth Frayne and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mason, and family attended the Old Boys’ re­ union at Lieury on Sunday and Mon- ady, ‘Mrs, Mason having been a form­ er school teacher at Lieury. Mr. and Mrs. George Vosper and son Clifford, of Toronto, attended the funeral of the late Garnet Hey­ wood on Wednesday of last week' ai£d visited with friends in town. Mr. Wm. Kress, accountant at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is at present relieving at the Neustadt branch. Mr. L. M. Taylor, of Wing­ ham who has been in Hamilton, is relieving at the local branch. Miss Eldonna AVuerth, of Credi­ ton, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. AV. R. Goulding., Mrs. Wm. Kress and son Billy and their aunt, Miss Truax, -of Brant-; ford, are spending this week at the; Bend. : Miss Donna Powles, of St. Thomas spent the week-end with Mr. and, Mrs. J. AAA Powell and was accom­ panied home by her mother, Mrs. E. A. Powles and brother Buddy, who spent part of the week Mrs. Powell. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Austin ed over from Detroit, panied by the former’s parents, Mr. and Mbs. AV. J. Fordt left on a mo­ tor trip to Ottawa and Montreal. They will also cross the border and visit in the‘U. S. A. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell with Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. McAlister and fam­ ily, of Mount Brydges, have rteurn- ed after spending two weekes camp­ ing at Midland, Ontario. While there they took a boat trip among the 30, 000 islands’ in Georgian Bay. > ■ Rev. A, A. Trumper, a former rec­ tor of the Trivitt Memorial church, but now of Windsor, who with his wife and family are" holidaying at Grand Bend, was in town on Thurso day last renewing aCQuaintances and, his many old friends were pleased to see him again. Mr. R. Cutting, of Shallow Lake, who has succeeded Mr. Birney as section foreman for the C. N. R., is moving with his wife and family to Exeter and 'has rented the residence of Mr. Wm, Sparling on Huron St. Mr. Sparling and Miss Hazelwood, leave shortly for Loudon where they will have charge of a residence for university students. MEN’S FINE SHIRTS . . 5 dozen fine shirty with seperate col­ lars or collars attached.^ In plain broad­ cloths andi fancy stripes EACH$1. JlEN’S HARVEST SHOES rn’s Harvest Shoes with Panco Soles ber heels. A light weight shoe that I at PER PAIR $2.75 FOR SALE stucco bungalow of Wellington St.; every modern conj> Ransford. ience.-—AL G. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Street and little daughter Margaret, of Lan gen- berg, Sask., were guests at' James St. parsonage over the week-end. Mrs. Street is a sister of Rev. D. Mc- 8-14-tfc ‘Tavish.. ---------■^i.----------------| Aliss Alary Hatter, nurse-in-train- Due to financi^F^cql’Mition I am ing at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon- forced to offer/ C^nadi^n Royalties don, and Aliss Francis Hatter, of at a discount../ If Wrested please Ailsa Craig, are visiting at the home notify box 280, Ejceter. 8-7-3tp. j of ‘their grandfather, Mr. Thomas mstt----- j Hatter. sh and south|-[St. Joseph, 38x7' airs* 01iY®, kinder please ]veek, ??sit pL Varna. (?Ler daughter, F <t-7-2tn Henman, of_________I _____ , London for Washington to visit with HONEY FOR S..y®—^iioice clover'relatives' -honey 9c. per jfouild, ift customers Airs. R. AV. F. Beavers was in containers, in ^our Wpifainers 10c. Centralia, on Thursday last and ad- per pound. D(irrell|Parker, R.R.3, dressed the Women’s Association •Exeter. | 8-7-2ti> hold in the United church, giving an outline of work being done by the Women’s Christian Temperance Un- My office will h^ closed from ion. Aug. 18 to ae; Post Graduate al College ofih Johu Ward,. i DOST—Betwee^unbh sidecut Pinery^abSt. J^i tire mounted $n rir notify Epps Transr AL Skelton left for a few days Col. AV. J. and London. She last, with Mrs. leaves notice/ Apt, 2>.jwhile taking aj.. J: Course at the Nation- Chiropractic, Chicago. JF 8-7-4tg ROOMS T(F' RENT—In private cottage at Grand Bend wjth house­ keeping privileges, Twq; or more in r.oom $’5 each per J^eek. Apply at TlmeS-Advocate: J1, If ydti Wish LIf ydu Wish tp fony or sell d! farm or lid use sob Pickard^Exeter. -Modern con FOB SALE OB fed brick smi-bunga! veniehcos, cmiYraliy FOB ■ Several light ItotiseflteepyFg Weekcsi’ offi FOR SAL pump; also hew. Afijily fotratof or AH cated. rooms above 10 gal, for Dr. gas.foible ating table, almost John Rowe, Admin- , E. DeaVers. Boys' here is suit the same you want and Last week it was mentioned that Miss A. Fish had returned after hol­ idaying in Port Huron. It should have read Detroit. On Sunday last Rev. D. MacTavish had charge of the United services of the Main and James St, Congregat­ ions after being absent oil vacation -during the month of July. The James ;Street choir under the leadership of Mr. W. R, Gdulding, had charge of the music. During the month of July Mr. Moorehouse was in charge !a.n,d the Main Street Choir led with tile singing. ■frree With every Marshall Mattress bought during the month of August Hot Weather Needs For Meni. ___-_ sitraw Ha In all fhe latestjftraws athing Suits rousers Sweaters Odd Import I - TO T MINUTE IN THE LATEST t SPpR’JTWEAR IN ALL LINES E)F BURNISHINGS WE ARE RIGHT UP STYLES FOR W. VAtaman PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. | K Alrs.^John McMahon, of Toronto, is visjftng with .Mr, and ■ Mrs. John Ro'/ , . •' Airs. Morgan, ot Holmwood, IK visiting- with Mr. and Mrs, Creech, Miss Ethel Bissett returned recently after spending some time' in Chatham, , 1 I ' Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Forrest, of iN-ew York, motored here and are visiting among the Eacrett relatives in and around Exeter and with Mr. and Mrs. B. AV. F. Beavers spent i Wednesday at Grand Bend and’Bay- field. Mrs. led Mr. bio, Mr. Dunsford is a great grandfather of Bobbie, ; A number of young ladies from town are enjoying a week at Grand Bend at <‘Sum-t-holm“ cottage. Among them are Sirs, W. Hern, Miss­ es Flossie Hunter, Ruble -Creech, Janie Hogafth, Beta Rowe, Gertie Francis, Amy Shapton, Dorothy Ryckman, Nona Chambers and Jean 1 PefthalCji Miss MA PrldhanL « Phonograph IV. F. Dunsford, accompan- by her son-in-law and daughter, and Mrs. Holtz, and son Bob- of Buffalo, spent Tuesday with and Mrs. Wm. Dunsford. Mr. Wo are stock. cun. J i?idsCylinder, 5 Ijsc, 5 rec re Edison Edison Edison, Edison Columl Extra Extra $15.00 $75,00 $45.00 $35.00 . $4.00 20c. each !&1’cls -50C. and 75c. ily clearing our the apply uow while you d see the bargains. PPoW^ll MARSHALL’ Mattress Covers KEEP THE MATTRESS LIKE NEW— EASILY REMOVED AND WASHED Ernest C Relresentin Lumbermen’s . “Woilfi’s V/e La ambul prep Miss Barbara Dinney spent*, the •week-end at Grand Bend a!t?' “’Suin- r-holm” cottage. stalled an up-to-date equipment and are id to respond to cAlls promptly. is. R. HOPPER FUNERAL DIRECTOR FURNITURE DEALER Phone 09 Man., R. N. home AUTO GLASS replaced x^hile yqifr.„’L G. A .’Phone 29 wait ins Sxeter, arvey amohg others utnal Casualty CoM iTatcst Automobile AlutiHal” . . ** J Cash'’ dividends to policyholders have not been less than 25%. of‘prerfiitim annually, A ■. . DOROTHY E. GRAS A (Honor Gradual/) Lon«j4h, England' Xns Piano, Violm'r/H|^rnony, Theory Studio N< Al EXET ONTARIj/ Caulk. Your Jffindows save moVy oti jf’our CQal jyilj - wte II agency e AND WIN mi LET vs- J. * SECURED .OSiiE ACLKTNG DOORS AS, ALSO METAL R-STRTPl’lNG TH YQU PRICJM ERN, Exeter I LADES i .V* . 4.C* • SAFETY RAZOR , ; SHARPENED make) Single edge DOUBLE EDGE Perfcct^E i Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST Jr Organist a James St. instr Piano V<ksAI Superyisor o Studio, Main St SX'Ex. ¥ d. m: stet Schools Bhon& 1S-2J Ini t ed ctwn r hi , ONT