HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-08-07, Page 3the home of the second of was injured when he was ft ** * When, business is slow—keep pegging away. **♦*#*♦»* And now the fall wheat harvest is a -thing of the past. * * * » Jargon benefits “ARE MARVELLOUS” “For years a disordered stomach and sluggish liver kept me so con- atipated my whole system was toxic. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MRS. JE operations on my -st "Two rain couldn’t half vousness an 1 • \ > A MncJUEAN were a further ngth and vitality, leep on account of was weak and ex- ■elief {Sargon gave I have a won­ appetite^ sleep fine and am iiy new strength and uerti delighlfed over 'energy. “Sari 'I needed Uto cleansed n yid. me of least upsettUp Lean, Apt. 1 'Toronto. jargon may be obtained in Exeter at W. S. Howey’s. (Advertisement) were exactly wlrat' <et my liver active; intern of poisons, and tipation without the- ”—Mrs. Jean Mac- rhe Linden Apt,, Ave xxxxx Times-Advocate LATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO HUSBAND DIES MW AFTER WJW’S DEATH IViUhini Atkinson, of Biddulpli, Fat* ally Jn^urecl Helping to Harvest Hay. The death occurred on Sunday of William Atkinson at his son, Wesley, on Biddulpiu Deceased over two weeks ago' attempting to assist in unloading a heavy rack of hay into a barn with caused his was fatally within an was burled Mr. Atkinson- was a tractor, The injuries death. His wife, who stricken with paralysis hour after the accident, on Sunday last, born in Biddulpli, where he spent most of his life. He retired about five years ago, when he and his wife moved to Lucan to live. He is sur­ vived by two children, Wesley, of Biddulpli and Mrs. Charles Powers, of London. The funeral took place from his residence Lucan to Holy Trinity Church for services and in­ terment at St. James’ Cemetery, in Clandeboye. Remember the horse races at Seaforth on Wednesday, Aug. 13th. $900.00 in purses for the 2.10, 2.18 and 2.24 trot or pace with a silver trophy to the horse breaking the track record. There will be a large entry in each class and a good after­ noon’s sport is assured. The races are being held under the auspices of the Long Branch Driving Club who will handle the betting. Rudy Vallee, wnose sensational rise to fame has been the talk of Broadway, is. now making an ex­ tended tour of ten weeks from coast to coast. He is only to appear two places in Canada and Grand Bed is one of them. Everywhere he ap­ pears he is turning thousands away rind return engagements are beingg ^sought. Owing to the size of the Casino, only a limited number can toe accommodated, so the manage­ ment are urging their patrons to get their tickets early, as without a doubt it will be a complete sell-out, Rudy Vallee and his 12 Connecticut Yankees are known to everyone, and are without exception the most pop­ ular and expensive attraction that is playing before the public to-day. Mail orders are now being receiv­ ed for tickets. Please enclose self­ addressed stamped envlope and the tickets will be promptly forwarded. The price is $2.00 each, plus 20c. tax, making a total of $2.20. Chil-i dren’s tickets jvill be the .same price as adults, and, everyone must have a ticket. The Times-Advocate $2.00 per year; to United States $2.50. yr. and The Toronto Globe .......................... $6.75 and The Toronto 'Mail and Empire ........ $6.75 and The London Free Press and and The London1 Advertiser ................. The Farmers’ Sun .......................... The Farmers’ Advocate ................. The Family Herald & Weekly Star Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and The Toronto Daily Star Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate Times-Advocate and Times-Advocate and Times-Advocate and The Canadian Countryman ........... Times-Advocate and The Saturday Night ......................... Times-Advocate and The Saturday Evening Post ............ Times-Advocate and The New Outlook ............................ Times-Advocate and The Canadian Homes and Gardens .. Times-Advocate and McLean’s Magazine ......................... The The The The The Times-Advocate &*Montreal Witness, renewal $3.85; new ' The Times-Advocate and World Wide .... renewal $4.25; new The Times-Advocate and Youth's Companion ....................... The Times-Advocate and The Toronto Star Weekly ............... CLUBBING RATES WITH OTHER PERIODICALS MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE..- OF jFTHE APPOINTMENT Lind now -for the fat * ♦ harvest * •# Nothing beats a good living. » • and getting corn to the factory'? * *♦ home garden to keep down the cost of **♦* Help out the fell flowers with soil and by judicious watering. ♦ ♦ * * a $ little surface cultivation, of the Those two or three days with the thermometer over ninety in the shade did the barley and the oat crops no good. 0 ******** Watch our thrifty merchants provide facilities for stocking up for winter. The best dealers are getting their goods in and are preparing their ads. » * ****** Let’s pot persuade ourselves into thinking that because one party has beon beaten at the polls and another party elected to take its places that either prosperity or adversity is at our door. Much depends upon individual initiative. Over-governed countries rarely' prosperous. ******** are sit- vir- The major problem of the unemployment and hard times nation may be solved by individual hustle, The old-fashioned tues of thrift and economy are the out-of-work’s, best friends. Noth­ ing is to be gained by speeding aster. along the road that leads to dis- * • * *♦ * * * THOSE The tramp nuisance is threatening parts of rural Ontario. Under the plea of lack of work, this gentry and their under-studies are imposing upon good-natured farmer folk. •Such ne’er-do-wells must be .sharply dealt with. It is the re­ verse of charity to give a tramp a hand-out. When one of these impostors appears the police should be telephoned for. To feed a tramp is to-,increase trouble. Tramps should he taught this is a good district to keep away from. * * * TRAMFS * * GET READY 1932 is to be grain-show year in Canada, the show is being held-.in Regina, Why should not South Huron generally and Exeter and its surrounding townships in particular secure some of the prizes offer­ ed? We have the soil. We have the climate. ers. Will we have the vim necessary to come to the top? Why should not our county and township and village councils co-operate in encouraging effort in a line so important? There’s money and fame for the winner in this outstanding competition. We have the farm- NELSON STAN EXETER - ONTAF as dealers in this/erritory for|C~I-L FERTILIZERS CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED ILIJTCR DIVISIONFER X I klMlTE ■ Free Flowing Fertilizers. X THURSDAY, AUGUST Don’t Starve The Teeth Teeth have to be built out of foods that are rich in phosphorus and calcium* Many children take into adult life tf REDDED THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, L.TE> WITH ALL THE BRAN OF.THE .WHOLE WHEAT gums a job that nature intended. Shradaed heat with milk helps develop sound good bones, dng salts. The crisp, crunchy^Kf eds make chewing necessary that develops healthy « good digestion. teetli, good muscles a at ANY s A 8R"W?’UL/^AlL 1 7 that Firestone' SOFTBALL TROPHY ON DISPLAY CAUTION NEEDED are giving folk timely warning regarding the To hear some folk talk we would get the idea measles, is so me­ in some teachers • High constables paroles of prisoners., that crime is a matter-of-course affair .such as. calf-love or Indeed, some go so far as <to give the impression that there thing highly commendable in. being a youthful criminal. 'courts a young tough who has defied parents and school and Sunday School workers is treated as if there were something superior about him. His sentence is suspended. He is put under the care of a big something or other who provides him with a suit of clothes, pays his way to every baseball match worth attending, sees that he has plenty of pocket money and work with iabor left out. Meanwhile the decent, hardworking boy is left to shift for himself without one half the good times the convicted young rascal falls heir to. .In other words crime is put at a premium. “But he’s a first offender!” the sob brother protests. Perhaps he is but it is not at all likely. He has simply been found out? This country is fair in the trial given any offender. The crim­ inal is given the benefit of the doubt. Why, then should any man or any body of men, turn the convicted criminal loose upon un- proctected society? If there is to be parole, the parties giving the parole must be held responsible, financially and otherwise, for the paroled one’s acts. There may be instances where parole is a good thing, but the trial judge should be one of the parties to the grant- • ing, of the parole. When, the released party proves unworthy his guilt should be visited on the parties who exposed society to his misconduct. With the new Firestone Duty Gum-Dipped Balloon Tfref you have a wide margin o| safe­ st ANY speedy Bulk in advance of today’s car requirements, withstand roughertisage.thasi any car on any road at any can give them Firestone Heavy Duty jBallcons are made of (cord construction—the strongest and . safest method known# Theyhav^ a deeper safety Jread, extra side-wall thicknessMnd two extra plies of Gum-cords beneath the trelFd to absorb road shocks.They are the strongest, safesjf' toughest tiyes ■ ever bulk. afer for travel*, a set of irjcw Firestone Htfivy Duty Balloons. See your nearest Firestone Deafer tod W, c. T. U. MEETING The regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. was held in James St. church on July 28th with Miss Murray pre­ siding. Mrs. Amy had charge of the devotional exercises. Several hymns were sung, the 91st Psalm was read and four members led in prayer, It was moved, seconded and carried that a medal contest be held again this year with Miss Murray in charge. Miss Murray, and Mrs. C. W. Christie gave some items from the county held in Brussels on July Murray described a play given in the evening entitled, “Who Cares?” Mrs, Christie gave some of the thoughts contained in Rev. Mr, McTavish’s address on "Men­ aces of Today.” A leaflet was read, "Your Heritage.” It is a privilege to be young in a country that is at its beginning like Canada. We are proud to claim a heritage that, is un­ equalled anywhere, whether from the standpoint of religion, literature, art or history. Not the least of the benefits we have fallen heir to are those won through nearly one hun­ dred years of ceaseless struggle in the Temperance Reform. That which has come down to ns, “without mon­ ey and without price,” through the self-sacrifice of the pioneers, is ours freely to enjoy, but is also ours to protect and to keep inviolate. It was. moved, seconded 'and carried interesting convention Sth. Miss which was that we have the roll call at each, meeting and that each member re­ spond with some item she has found on a. subject given out' a. month ahead. The subject for the August meeting to be "the cigarette evil.” The president made 'a re­ quest that the members during the coming month will consider ways and means of making money during the coming year, and be ready to bring suggestions to the next meet- The beautiful Bank of Commerce Cup, Emblematic of Huron County .Soft Ball championship, and held by the Clinton Club is now on dis­ play in Mr. Agnews Window, Clin­ ton. This Trophy is open for competi­ tion. any any Club in Huron County wishing to compete for it should write the Secretary for rules and regulations. T. Churchill, President; George Jenkins, Viee’-Pres,; E. Johnston, Secretly; A. W. Steep, manager, of Clinton, Club. Try and get it. .Doctors know everything except what kills the germs on the countless objects transferred from the floor to baby's mouth. . FIRESTONE T^RE AND RUBBER COMPANY O^CANADA, LIMITED, milton Onterie NE H Firestone Tires are sold in Exeter by Chevrolet Sales & Service HAD PAINS 1 Price ilc « tex HAD PAINS AROUND HEART AND SHORT OF BREAYB Mrs. ’Ediftond Roch^ioau, R.R. No. 1. Ont, writes:-^'I suffered with pains around my t&eart, and was so short of breath I could not, walk upstairs without having to sit down to get. my lii'feath. My daughter told, rne to get Mdbwtv# Heart "and Nerve Fills and after having takeu thveo 'boxes I have not been bothered since. I will reeom* mend this wonderful medicine to all sufferer# ww ate in the condition I was.”1 ) feold at all drag and general stores, or iwMIc# direct on receipt of price by The T» Milburn Lift, Toronto, Ont. L