HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-31, Page 8THURSDAY, JULWst, «ss* ^pother car ’ you requ? Call and get your ord one day ?S A REASOTHER First class any, right ur pn Shingles Axe moving fast Sold practically all of recent i J~” y now. xeter Markets 7'5 c. Oats. 40 c. Burley 40c. Bran $1.40 Shorts $1.50 Manitoba’s Best Flour $3.80 Welcome Flour $3.1:5 Model Flour1 $3.50 Welcome Floui* $3.25 Model Flour $3.60 Creamery Butter 33c. Dairy Butter 28—31c, Eggs Extras 26c. Eggs Firsts 23c. Eggs Seconds 20c, Hogs 811,00 Ross-Tajlo/ Co., L Furnitui/e HERE IS WHERE YOU/WILL ALWAYS FIND A ASSORTMENT OF JURE TO CHOOSE F ICES TO SUIT TOCK IS CO PLETE LOCAL NEWS ECTOR ERVICE FUNERAL AMBULANC OD RNI- )M AT OU The Women’s Alteration of the lurch will hold wn of Mrs. J. S. Frsday, August 7 th p.m. Lunch will be the lunch committee, is extended to all the James St. United, a picnic on the ^ Harvey beginning at in chart. An invitatto members. ’ OUR NOW I THE TIMEfTO BUY with Mr. Renfrew, with Mr. I Mrs. Cob- Fri- else- Miss Laura Knight, of London, spent the week-end with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sanders and family, are holidaying at .Grand Bend. There was keen contest in getting out the voters on Monday both sides working hard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harwood, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end and Mrs. Wm. May. Miss Vivian Easton, of visited during the week and Mrs. Andy Easton. Mrs. C. S. Browne, of Gross Point Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mr. Harry Nolan, or Stephen. Mr. Fred Heaman, of Detroit, is visiting with his parents Col. and Mrs. Heaman at their summer home at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hepburn and two sons, of St. Marys, visited with Mrs. Hepburn’s mother, Mrs. Wright, over the week-end. The James St. Sunday School this (Wednesday) holding their nual picnic Farmers harvesting of wheat to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reid, of Ham­ ilton, spent the week-end visiting with Mr. and IMrs. Bruce11 Rivers. < The Exeter branch of the Cana- I dian Canners will finish their pea pack this week. The crop has exceptionally good. Mr. Gordon W. Robertson wife, of Chicago, called on , Mrs. Jas. are an- at Grand Bend. in this community one of the (best crops be taken off in years. are been Tree Slip Covers’ With* every Marshall Mattres bought during the month o August THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Market is. .a demonstra- the of Montreal, with hiS'ino-r WE ARE RIG STYLES FOR This is a clean-up of a number of lines of stra oxfords. Not all sizes in your pick, per pair 39c. UPS HE MINUTE IN THE LATEST RT WEAR IN ALL LINES FURNISHINGS UP T CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J, Bernard Rhodes, JU. A. Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist During August Morning Service Only 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Service as usual. UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches Union Services for July and August Main Street -and James Street' United Churches JULY—Rev. C. J. Moorhouse in charge Main Street choir in charge of music August 3rd: Main Street' 11. a.m. Janies Street 7.00 p.m. 1 a.m.—Church Schools • a.m,, Main St.—“Craving Answers” p.m., James St.- Came For.” p.m. Thursday—Our Union Pray­ er service. 10 11 7 8 •“What Christ' TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH . Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MucFauL Organist Seventh Sunday after Trinity a.m,—Sunday School a.m.—Holy Communion and ser­ mon. Only one service during month of August 10 11 Summer Dresses at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES We place on sale this week the balance of our. summer dresses at greately reduced prices. Your chance to buy a smart summer dress at a great saving. Specially priced at from $2.95 to $7.95. RAYON VESTS AND BLOOMERS In all shades and a very good quality. PRICED AT EACH 59c. RAYON NIGHT GOWNS In peach, pink, green and mauve with lace trim. EXTRA SPECIAL PER GARMENT $1.25 t CHILDREN’S SOX Assorted sizes and colors greatly reduced ta clear at per pair 19c. CHILDREN’S LISLE RIBBED HOSE A lovely fine-ribbed lisle hose. These for 60c. We are clearing this line AT PER PAIR 29c. Miss Mary Northcott, who has spent several weeks with her sister Mrs. W. C. Bearce, during the lat- tbr’s prolonged illness has returned to her .home in Hay Township. Mrs. Pearce is not improving as fast as her friends would like to see. Rev. Robt. Hicks, wife and two children Katherine and Robert, of Wallaceburg, are visiting with re­ latives and friends in this commun­ ity while on their holidays. They have just returned from a. splendid motor trip to Teterboro and Ottawa. • Mrs. A. G. Austin and daughter Miss Madeline, of Calgary, visited for a few days last week with Mrs. Wm. Fisher and Mr. S. M. Sanders and othei* friends in town. Austin was formerly Miss Vera bledick, of Exeter. They left day to visit in Toronto and where. Mr. F. Shettler, of Buffalo, was a pleasant caller at the Times-Advo- cate .on Saturday of last week. Mr. Shettler attended a re-union of the former pupils of S. S. No. 9, in Hui- former’s* aunt* S^nLa. ye.rL pleasaT?fc While on their way “to Goderich? JMiss. Lois Keddy, of Detroit, and friend, Miss Dorothy Hope, of Lock­ port, N. Y., are visiting at theJiome of Mr. W. C. Keddy, of Usborne. | Mrs. E. Beebe and daughter, of I Windsor, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. : . their - Bend. | The .rheumatoid i by both ' tives at the ening, the telegraph. Mr. Wm. is expected the next couple -of days to visit his mother Mrs. Rd. Gould and other relatives. Mr. Archie Davis, of Toronto, has rented the residence recently vacat­ ed by Mr. J. W. Brown. Mrs. Davis and daughter, Helen, joined him on Wednesday. Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Harrison, of Detroit, spent the week-end visiting with Mrs. J. G. Jones at Grand Bend Mrs. Ellen Coultis returned to De­ troit with them. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Koekler and daughter Beula ana son Grant, of Kitchener, called on Mrs. I. Hall on Sunday. Mrs. Witmer home with them. IMrs. R. G. Seldon and lace have returned lrome iting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Newman at Kingston and with Dr. Harry Seldon at Sharbot Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Snell and iMr. Silas Reed left the forepart of the week by auto for Flint, Mich., where Mrs. Snell will visit with relatives. The two men will continue on to La Grange, Wis., union of the Reed During the past has been, visited that have lasted only a few minutes with just'sufficient moisture to lay the dust. A good shower would be welcome. Miss Amy 'Trevethich Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs. Howard Dorman-, Craig and brother Jack of Brinsley, Visited their uncle and aunt', Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy one day last Week. Rev. Dr. Mddd accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Medd, and Mrs, Humphrey, of Welland, called oil old friends in Exeter on Monday on They expect •■Muskoka. ' -Mr. S. B. fecl-ive sign the effect of a forest fire, fention of campers is again.- being called to' the results of cai*elessness in extinguishing camp fires while camping out. time renewing old acquaintances. He also visited with Mrs. Shettler’s par- I ents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McPherson, of. Greenway. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryckman, of j Chiselhurst, her brother W. O. Me-! Taggart, of Toronto and her aunt1 Mrs. F. Downie, of town motored to London recently to see Miss Annie Merrill a former public school teach-, an invalider here, who has been for several years from arthritis. Her friends have to report that she fering- a great deal. regret to is still suf- The doctors of Exeter wi^-observe the Wednesday half lrojjdays, one doctor only remaining . duty, the following being^ the co ignments for August: Auig. 6th, Dr-^Weekes; Aug. 13th, Dr. Duiwop;J^Aug. 2Q.th Dr. Fletcher; Aug.| 27JR, Dr. Browning. September notif later. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be receivedAip to and ncluding August 13th fo^f' the con­ struction of a parsonage ill Centralia Tenders to cover the entire work, as well as separate tende ferent portions are invited, and specifications mai Friday. The ^lowesJ^Tor any tender not necessarily at id. Parsonage building C'omilitt G. O. Thomp­ son, sec'y. Y’ are Bert Biggs, of summer cottage and the Willis, London, at at Grand were receiv-election returns Liberals and Conserva- T’own Hall Monday ev- returns coming in by Gould, of Miami, Man., to arrive in Exeter in A tennis tournament among the local players is being run off this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mawhinney, of Stephen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kestle on Sunday. Mr. Cecil Stewart is able to be around again following his recent operation for appendicitis. Miss. Gladys McLean, of Ki'ppen, accompanied by Miss Gertrude Fran­ cis motored to Wabashine to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns and children, .of Toronto; spent the week-end with the former’s mother Mrs. Well. Johns. Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Elmore and Donald, left Monday on trip to Muskoka. Mr. Ed. Taylor, of Branch of the Bank London, is holidaying ther, Mrs. Jas. Taylor. Mrs. Chester Merkley, of Lond'oh, spent the latter part of “last week visiting with her parents, Mr. artfd Mrs. Geo. Etherington. Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott, of Morpeth, are visiting with the for­ mer’s mother, Mrs. Southcott at their summer cottage at Grand Bend. I Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Kestle and two children, of Hamilton, Ohio, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood and other relatives for a few days la$t week. * The New Fordson Tractor wonder.—-Phone 64 for tion. Miss Violet Miller, of is visiting with Mr. and HATCHWEAR UNDERWE The kind the boys and men like, tons to rip off BOYS’ $1.00; MEN’S $1/25 ODD CLOVER LEAF Clover Leaf cups and sauce/s in a gg&l shape at special, p/ices Odd Cups 6c.; Cups &• $aucer MEN’SHIRTS WITH ATTACHED COLLARS hite and sand. A splendid shirt for* hot weather SPECIAL AT $1.49 WATER GLASSES . This is an exceptionally good water glass, and is extra value at, each 5c. ew Dinner Sets and Mrs. Geo. Mawson and Tuckey a motor See our new patterns in fine English Porce­ lain. It is very dainty and the shapes are new Priced at $37.50 for the dif- Plans be seen after returned soli Wal- after vis- WANTED—Experienced^ farmer capable of far: seeks employment. ApT' Advocate, mcedj married •m, management IpW at Times-< 7-24-3tp. FARM FOR SALE—100 ^cres, lo 23, con. 1, Usborne, fine location, £ mile north of Exeter on rovincial Highway No. 4, wjell drained, 'good buildings, hydro ’hvailajple, never failing supply of ^?od /vater, con venient.to Canning $ac$ry, station public or high schb< , churches stores, etc. Apply to owner—John Hutchinson 7-17-3tp FOR SALE OR red.& brick semLbungJlow. All yeniences, centrally f located.FOR RENT—SevirAl rooms light houj&tkOepiifg above ,We ekes’ officL J FOR SALE-\ Vfdfcle 10 gal, pump; J _ new- Apply tb Whn Rowe, Admin­ istrator dr B. W. F. Beavers* - 6-19-tfc. ...■ •. buy jfr sell a mrib i.H^Ckard, Exeter. TRACTOR FLOWING l*W>' maciNG for reasonable to attend a re­ family. week this section hy several rains ^ENT—Modern con* , nurse of and sister of Ailsa for Dr. _ , gas, also ope£a|pn.g table, almost Apply tb I£ you wish to / or house aeO R. E. their way to. Clinton, to spend a few days in Taylor has a in his window very Oi- Showing The at- Distance noWbji amoitnt of wb>k. Apply to W. N3 dshaw, Eiimville* Winnipeg, Mrs. Her­ man. Dayman and with her grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Miller and .other relatives. Miss Ann Turnbull, R.N., who has spent the last two weeks at Paradise Lake, Kitchener ana Stratford has returned to New York to resume her hospital duties. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, of Windsor, have 'been visiting in Exeter tor the last two weeks. ,Miss L£>is. McDon­ ald returned with them and will visit for a week in Windsor. Mr. E. J. Wetliey, M.A., principal of the Exeter H. S. who has-’ beenMn Toronto for several weeks examin­ ing. the Departmental examinatioh papers, returned home last week. Miss Olive Quance, of Toronto, who is visiting in Exeter, sang a so­ lo at the union service in Main St. church Sunday evening that was much enjoyed by the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Coxworth and family, of. London, visited in town on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Heidemaii returned with them to London to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. O’Brien had the pleasure of entertaining this week the following visitors: Miss Maggie Joliffe, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. Trace and family and Miss Croft of Shed-den. Mrs. Hoskins is. confined to her home suffering from the quinsy. Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Rivers and son Gray, of Madoc, spent last Wed­ nesday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, while on their way to their summer cottage at ‘Bruce Beach. Monday was the hottest day of the season, the mercury climbing to around 9 6 in the shade. Our citizens sweltered beneath its hot rays. Cool winds however relieved the • situa­ tion about 8 o’clock in the evening and the weather has been fine since. Hot Weather Needs Sweaters Od r Mr. Wm. Kuntz and two sons Harold and John, of Windsor, and daughter, Ella, of Detroit, and Miss Lillian Rose, of Zurich, are this week enjoying a camping trip in the Muskoka district. Mrs. C. W. Christie, Earl and Laverne accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. J. A. .Christie ahd Miss. Violet 'Patterson, of London, spent Sunday with the former’s m'other aild sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson and Miss Ccelia Ferguson of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs;. Frank Bawdeii and daughter Merl$, of Toronto, motor­ ed Up Monday And visited with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs, Fted' Bawden:, They • returned to ‘ their home Wednesday accompanied by Halon Bawden oh, a visit. i ALL Covers ESS LIKE NEW— EASIfiY REMOVED AND WASHED We have -installed an up-to-date ambulance equipment and are prepared to respond to calls promptly. e- r. hopper FUNERAL DIRECTOR FURNITURE DEALER Phbne 99 w PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. z f ----------ZJ faw the latest athing Suits rousers This week we feel like expressing a word of appreciation ’of the ser­ vice rendered by Mr. Geo. Lawson, manager of the Bell Telephone, and his assistant Miss. Mary McKa.i:g. Mr. Lawson is at all times most obliging but it is duririg such tints as an el­ ection when the phone Is in. con­ stant demand and must be very trying on the patience of an operat­ or that we learn to appreciate the courteous service rendered by Mr. Lawson. g others Casualty Cd., Automobile eyErnest C. Haw Representing am Lunilmnnenfs Slut “World Cash di^deijrffs to policyholders have not boejt JjRs than 25% of premium annually. Caulk Your Windows save money on coal bill WE AVE SECURED THE / ULKING DQORS AND W DOWL ALSO tfE’ML WEAVHElf STRIPPING LET US * X AGHNCt z AUTO GLASS replaced ^hil^/you wait G. A Phone 20 AWKINS DOROTHY A. IL C *<Konor Graduatq) Tendon, Engiand . Instruction in Piano, Violin, Studio jf. Albe EXETER, ONTARIO’ SAFETY RAZOR. DES SHARPENED (a/y make) SINGLE EDG ..M.. gc. DOUBLE EDG ..... Perfect E|gc/Guarnnteed W. S. COL U0®3 YOU PRICKS. I t. Unifed Church DRUGGI W. R. GouldTng A. ». C. Organist and CMblpmnster James I Piano Vo Superviso Studio; Main Ion in Orgftn Thenrjr Mimic fn gehnOts , Box 57, -BhOne JSI2F EXETER, ONT