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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-31, Page 5
BOOKKEEPING start, * gtdjocd oi ©ontrnv/ce \ CLINTON, ONTARIO estern Ontario where:is the only Private Cc mmerclal School in . the staff has Prjif&ssional Teachers’ Traia- •cial Training, s taught by BJffs Actual Business 'from the EVERY member . ing as well as Comme TYPEWRITING dential Tests, Write for particulars conc$ s tested by For particulars write B. F. Ward, B.A. Principal nderwood and Remington Cre- iing the course in^Wliicli yon are iiterested. M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, yice-Prin., / Phone 198 _ tFelepho v J cTAGOR. J. A. HENSALL Specializing T, L. D. S, "Plate Work ONT. Main Street Mr. Thos. O’Connor, of London, was in town Mondayjvisiting friends Miss Jennie Taylor has returned Xiome<-after <a two weeks’ vacation. Mrs. T.' SimpSbn, of London, is visiting friends here. Mrs. -Salvis, or Montreal, is visit ing for Ji few days with Mrs. Jas. Simpson? , Miss. Nellie and ‘Annie McIntyre spent Wednesday - with friends in T’eeswater. iMr. Donald McKaig has left for London where he/ has secured a position. Mrs. Donald Grassick and son from North Bay ‘visited friends in town on Friday. . . Dr.. anil Mrs. Campbell, of Tor onto, spent the week-end visiting with Mrs. Campbell’s mother Mrs. T. Murdock. Mrs. ■ Harold Warrener has re turned hottie after visiting, friends in Teeswater, Mr. Maurice .Boa, of Windsor, has a-eturned to Windsor after a two .weeks./visit here.. Mrs. Maulkinson- lias returned to iier home after a pleasant visit with -friends at Harrington.* Mrs. Ed. McQueen and children Slave returned home after visiting with friends in Cromarty. The services in our local on Sunday *were', not very tended owing to-the heat. Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of were week-end visitors at the 'home •ol’lMr^ and Mrs. G. C. Petty. Mr. Wm. Simpson lias* returned to Sils home in Detroit after a two w4eks vacation, with friends here. , Miss Hannah Craig, who has been Toronto' receiving treatment for \ |dr knee ’lias returned home and is Very much improved. Dr. R. P. I. Dougall was in town ver the week-end and is moving Jiis household effects to his new Iiome at Petrolia on Tuesday. Mr.'-and ‘Mrs. Manley Jinks and wit Ros$, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ■Jinks has .returned to Detroit. The services in tire a>yterian church wd§ Hev. Mr. Mclllroy and xr.lair exchanged with Rev. Mr. An- ahony,„of Thames Road. In the St. SPaul’s-Anglican church the services .were conducted by Rev. Mr. Davis, ©f London. Owing to the absence of Rev. Mr. Parker nO' service was Iield in the morning. churches well at- Toronto, their home in Carmel Pres- conducted ' by Rev. Mr. Sin- Band Qo.ncert The Blyth Citizen’s Band put on a ■ssacred Concert here on Sunday even ing. A large crowd was. present to ■'enjoy the music. The concert was •held on the Park Grounds, the grand .stand being well filled with people and some 200 cars were parked on Hie grounds. Reeve Robt. Higgins ’Introduced the band to the. audience. cars were badly damaged and the other occupants of the cars escap ed injury. 90th Birthday, of last week a of relatives Agur, met at The Election The election on Monday resulted There in favour of Mr. McMillan with sa majority of 26 votes. This is the jsaine majority that Mr. McMillan se cured. here four years ago.' Both ,/si des worked hard during the day and the 26 of a majority to Mr. iMc- 'SWillan was a surprise to both sides as it looked as if the vote would be about even on both , sides. There was 421 votes cast; In poll No. 1 igave Mr. McMillan 107, Trewartha T9, and 2 spoilt ballots. Poll No. 2 .gave McMillan 144, Trewartha 96 and 3 spoilt ballots. In the evening a large crowd was ill town to hear *Uue returns which were received ov- «er the radios at Webber’s and Pass more’s radio shop. Automobile Accident When their cars met with terrific force at an intersection a mile and a quarter south of Brucefield, about \ssix o’clock oir Sunday evening a Mr. I1 ^Maitland, of London, received a a fractured left leg and severe injnr- to his hip and Wilson Carlisle, Of Hensail, received a cut over his Tight eye and a bad gash in the Ahead and both are suffering to some •■extent from shock. One car was driven by R. E. Duckswoi’tli, df Lon don and.the other driven by W. Car lisle, who was accompanied by his wife and daughter. Both cars were ’travelling in the centre, of the road when they collided, Mr' Maitland *w attended by Dr. Collier. Both Celebrates ' On Thursday large number friends of M‘rs. home here to congratulate her upon reaching the wonderful age of 99 years. A most enjoyable time was spent and many were the warm and sincere congratulations and good wishes, for many more birthdays While Mrs. Aigur has reached that wbnderful age she has all her fac ulties in a most remarkable measure1 being quite smart on her feet while her memory is clear and bright and her vision and hearing wonderfully good for that age. ■ Mrs. Agur is a native of Prince Edward Island and had a family of two sons and two daughters, but on ly one daughter is now living, Mary at the home to whose good care and atentions her mother no doubt' val ues a good deal in the way of her advanced age.’ The late Dr. Colin Fletcher was the son-in-law of Mrs. Agur and was justly proud of her. On Thursday afternoon and even ing relatives and friends came pour ing in, remaining to well on in the evening, brought Mrs. Agur many gifts and remembrances. Among them was a most beautiful large cake brought by relatives from San dusky,'Ohio. They »notored over to be present on that happy occasion. Mrs. Agur has lived in the village for a number of years and is a great favourite with both young and old. Her kindly and bright disposition being so well known and her kind ness and hospitality, most marked and it is the wish of her host of friends that she may be spared not only to reach the century mark.but to enjoy many more- birthdays. Baseball Tournament The baseball , tournament held last Wednesday was largely attended the stands being crowded and large numbers scattered all around it, as many from long distances, and par ticularlily so from Motherwell, St Marys and Crediton a's the teams from those places, together with our local players, were all engaged in the contest. In the first match, between Moth erwell and Hensall, the score stood 5-4 in favour of Hensall. In 'the se cond contest between St Marys and Crediton the score stood 9-5 in fav our of Crediton, and in the finals be tween Crediton and Hensall the score stood in favour TT----’’ quite a. few points, so 'age players were the The matches particularly the first ones, were most exciting and inter esting, and were stated by old play ers to be among the best contested games ever played on our diamond. The umpires were L. O’Brien, of Zu rich and H. Berry of St. Marys. The pitchers were Carter, Kers- l'ake and Ed Gasho and -Bert Horton who did their parts exceedingly -well. What added much interest to the occasion was the arrival -of Mr. Ben nett, the Conservative leader during the later part of the game, as upon urged invitations, he drove up from Exeter, after his address, there, but as he was billed for Owen Sound tha evening and the tournament was in full swing, Mr. Bennett only spoke a very few words, expressing his pleas ure at being present, even for only a few minutes, but would not think of breaking in with a regular speech •or address where such an exciting tournament was being held, but hoped to have some future opportun-1 lty. Ho l... 1 ter, and both received a. great ov ation. very and her THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Dr. H. H D D.D.S.owen, EONTAD DASHWOOD At office In tleib Block, Daih« ee days of week andwood, flrsj .............................. at office er the Post; Office* io Zurich, last three days of week. Miss Mytra Hoffman, of Kitchen er, is spending, her vacation at her hpme here." Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Lon don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, Mrs, Witzel spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Triebner, of ’ Exeter. Mr. Lome Taylor and sister Myr- ta, of London, are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Merner and fam ily have moved from Detroit into Mr. P. Mclsaac’s house recently cupied by Mr. Louis Kraft*. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris, Sarnia, are visiting relatives town. Miss Thelma Elsie, who spent past few weeks in Sarnia, has turned, Miss Johnston, of London, was the guest of Miss Hilda Snell this week. i tMrs. Cunningham, of Guelph, vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mor enz last week. Rev. A. Sauer and son Milton re turned after visiting friends near Niagara Falls. Word was received hdre of the death of Mr. John Fried, of Holly wood, Calif., after a heart attack following an operation for acute ap- pedicitis. of Mrs. J. of Zurich. We are J. W. Graybiel, who has been so seriously ill for some months is able to be out again. (Mrs. G. Oestricher was .suddenly stricken with a slight stroke last week. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schrader al so Mrs. Mollard and daughter Leila and Mr. Blaney spent Sunday in Hagersville. ’Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and daughters and Mrs. Stacey motored to St. Thomas and Port Stanley on Tues-i day. The Misses Diecliert, of New Ham burg are visiting relatives in this vicinity. The following were week-end vls-j itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 W- Graybiel, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Fer guson, of Bay City, Mich.; Mr. Jack Van Derstein and Miss Dorothy Seiferlein, of Saginaw. IVIicli.; Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Reish, of Elmira; Mr. and (Mrs. A. J. McKinney and family, of Woodstock; -Mr. Wilbur Graybiel and daughter Shirley, of Woodstock; Mrs. Kleinfeldt, of Cro marty; Mr. .and Mrs. Fred Kading, of the Blue Water Highway and Mr. and of Hensail by that our vill- vic-tors. Mr. Fried Kellerman pleased to was a brother and Mrs. Fritz hear that Mrs. oc- and Mrs. Wesley England daughter Joyce. GREENWAY Several aeroplanes, have here lately. One landed ly invited our citizens to ride at three dollars per person, but so far as we know no one accepted. Mi^s Chrystal Hayter visited Mrs. Lawrence Pollock for a week. Mrs. A. Hotson, of London and Miss Nellie Hotson R.N., of Detroit, visited Mr. and ‘Mrs. John Hotson last week. Norris Webb, of Grand Bend spent a week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson. Rev. Qi Leichliter will preach the United church /next Sunday 2.4'5 p.m. as the pastor Rev. S. Mathers will be on vacation. . .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robertson and Miss Leone Fields, spent the week-end ritt'. Miss Brunswick, : London, is visiting Robt. Brunswick. ■ Mr. and Mrs. ‘Mitchell, Mrs. Loth am and Miss Miller and Mrs. J. Mill er, of Toronto, visaed Mrs. Shank, Sr., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shank, of Detroit, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shank last week. Mr. Lawrence Pollock has install ed a new gasolene service tank and built cement steps at the front and side of his. store. Mrs. Archie McIntosh and Mrs. J. over in at J. of Wheatley, with Mrs. Sher nurse-in-training her brother Mr. He was accompanied by his sis- Wellman and babe, of Port Huron are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burnett, of London, visited Mrs. S. McIntosh. CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES Pure CASTILE SOAP 8 cakes for 25c. LARGE PRUNES 40-50 2 lbs. for 25c FRUIT JARS, s FRUIT JARS, RASPBERRY J LARGE PICN1 CLOTHES PH CERTO Per Bottle 29c. FANCY MA Aeroxon FLY COILS MIXED PICK HAWES’ LE MAMMOTH 1 dozen for 25c* •? 39c. each ft* -R ..................25c. .. . 19c. each Marsh’s GRAPE JUICE Large Bottle 35c. ill per dozen . . . dium per dozen . PLATES, per do Three dozen fgf TUFFED 1MOTH ES SWEET QjFSOUR, 12 oz. jar for .. ON OIL, Lange Bottle Kellogg’s AL^zBRAN LaiW’Package 19c. .. 99c. rLIVES, Large size . EEN OLIVES, 35 oz. jar for . FgESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY DAY 39c. These Prices Gcfad 0q$ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, July 31st, August 1, 2. HARVEY HARVEY Phone 102 “THE OWNER SERVES HARPLEY Mr. B. J. Hodgins,, of Oxdrift, On tario, is holidaying at' the home of his brother Mr. -Mansell Hodgins. Miss Mabel Harlton visited with her aunt Mrs. Jos. Hickey during the past week. Miss Edith and Master Mervyn Love, spent the past week with their aunt Miss Edith Taylor at Grand Bend* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Paterson asd Jack, of Toronto and Mrs. John Pat erson, of Ilderton, visited at Mr. M. Hodgins on -Sunday. Mrs. Hugh Love is visiting with her parents in Zurich for a few days. Mrs. J. Gill, of Arkona, has -been visiting with her granddaughters the Mesdames Wm. and Colin Love. X-- X< « Xs Xs Xi X: <• <1 MT. CARMEL MATHIE—CAREY The Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday at 7 a.-ni., when Rev. Fr. Corcoran united in marriage Miss Mary Bernadette Carey to Walter Matrie, of Simcoe. The bride was charming in white georgette with hat to match. She was given in marriage by her father Her sister gown with Carey was Mr. and family of Sarnia, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James, Carey. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Hara, of De troit, called on friends here on Sun day. Mrs. Drungole, of Wallaceburg is visiting at the- home of 'Mr. P. Sul livan. Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme and fam ily left several mother Miss Gertie wore a pink hat to match and Mr. J. the -best man. Mrs. J. J. Blundy and ■for Detroit after spending weeks with the latter’s Mrs. M. O’Brien here. EXETER, ONT. THE BUYER SAVES”We Deliver lllllllllllllllllll girls 13 and under; Mary Johns, Lil lian Murch; Boys 18 and under Clif ton Brock, Roy Hunter, Ronald El- ford; young, ladies, Helen Murch, Mazie ORielly, Bernice Murch; young men’s race Harry Murch, Ken neth Johns; ladies kick slipper, Mrs. E. R. Pym, Elva Horne, Dora Del- bridge; clothespin race, Thelma O- Reilly, Sam Bowers, Marjorie Del- bridge, Rev. White; 3-legged race, Maizie ORielly and Thelma ORielly, Kenneth Johns and Harry Murch, Sam Bowers and Horace Delbridge. Married mens'race Wes. Johns, John Brock.; married women’s race, Mrs. John Brock, Mrs. E. R. Pym. were hear went Kirk, of Winnipeg, KIRKTON Quite a number from here in Exeter on Wednesday to Hon. R. B. Bennett. Quite a number from here to .Stratford on Thursday evening to hear Hon. MacKenzie King. Mrs. James Man., and Dr. and Mrs. Alex Ven erable, of St. Paul, Minn., visited, friends here the past week. Harvest is in wheat and early cut. Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Doupe. 1 full swing. The spring grain is all Herman Paynter The New Fordson Tractor We have a demonstrator with the three-furrow plow that will load on o See the New F draw your discs o will know why so The followin___ _____________ we believe are value at the price Fordson Tr/ctor, good condition Fordson Tractor with pulley . . Fordson goven Case Tr/ctor, newly overhpuded . . . Phone any use of Ask a we truck and demonstrate in your own field, rdson .Tractor pull three plows in Alfalfa, run your threshing machine. Then you any people ae buying the New Fordson. uJsed tractors have been overhauled and /X ■ .. . $200.00 $250.00 ■fenders, .............$300.00 $250.00 o-day for demonstration of the New Fordson or % SHIPKA A union picnic of the United Church Sunday School and ladies’ Aid will be held at Bayfield on Wed nesday of this week. All are‘look ing forward to a good time. Mr. Milford Dietrich and his par ents iMr. and Mrs. John Dietrich motored last week to Niagara Falls, Erie Beac'li, Buffalo and other points. Mrs. McDougal and family, of London are at present visiting at the home of Mr. der. M,iss Jean- McKenzie is visiting this week with relatives, in Windsor. Mrs. Rev. Williams, and Miss Ruth of Mt, Brydges visited last Week at the home of Mr. Fred Sharpe. There will be no service in the United church the next two Sundays The pastor Rev, Hagelstein is tak ing his holidays. Sunday School is being held as usual, a THAMES ROAP Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock, of St 'Thomas spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Whitlock. Miss Carrie Anderson and Miss McKenzie are visiting at the home of the former’s father Mr. James An derson. ■Mr. and Mrs. N. McDonald, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and nd Mrs. L. Schroe- Mrs. Robt. ’ M'cDonald. | The intense heat of Sunday drove many to seek relief at the water side of Lake Hu roll. Rev. Mr. Sinclair, of Hensall gave a very interesting discourse on mu sic and hymns and their relation to church services on -Sunday in the Thames Road Church, telling of the circumstances and instances under which some of the treasured hymns of to-day were written. at the water side ELIMVILLE The New Fordson Tractor wonder.—Phone 64 for demonstra tion. ■ Mr. Cash, of Stratford gave a very interesting address in the interests of the Lord’s Day Alliance last Sun day evening in this church. He was assisted in the service by two other young men. A subscription was tak en at the close. Master Earl Coultis visited London last week. Miss Vera and Mr. Tom Heywood are holidaying at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Francis and Mrs. Goldsmith, of London were visitors in> this vicinity last week. Rev. White spent last week at Goderich Summer School. Mrs. Paul Alberta, has and relatives Miss. 'May Visiting in the neighborhood week. (Miss Doreen Coultis had her ton sils removed in Dr. Fletcher’s hos pital on Monday. She is recovering nicely. Mr. Jas. Ogden and daughter Miss Aleatha Ogden, Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. (McLean and children, of Lon don, visited -on Sunday at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Wilson. Harvesting is well .under way now The dry hot weather is ripening grain rapidly. The root crop and pasture are suffering badly for want of rain. , Last Tuesday the comunity picnic was held at Queen's Park, Stratford with a good attendance. The weath er was fine and sports were enjoyed by all. A number of races were run with the following' results, girls 5 and under: Etheline Johns. Ellin? Johns, Grace Brock; Boys under 8 yrs, Wilburt Coward, Harold Davis, and Miss Doreen with relatives in Madge, of Milk River, been visiting friends in our comunity. Jones of London, “The Home of the Ford”Phone 64, Exeter, Ont. actor, a late model wi and pulley . . SANDY ELLIOT payment plan. Empire Games at Hamilton t_T amilton, Ontario, will be the centre next month of .the British Empire Games to which athletes from all the Dominions and the Mother Country will flock. E. W. Beatty, chairman and presi dent, Canadian Pacific Railway, is chairman of the national commit tee of the A. A. U, of Canada for the Games, aiid promises of sup port have been received by the committee from Australia, New Zealand, Africa, British Crown Colonies, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, while a strong and representative British com mittee has been formed to ensure full British participation at this notable sports gathering of the British peoples. Canada will, of course, be Very fully represented, practically every province sending its. outstanding athletes. The Games are scheduled to be held August 16-23.