HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-31, Page 1u ■■JL ■ -!L 11 nyr.''■ BgTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 31st, 1930 ‘ ,<p baseball!MR. BENNETT TO BECOME CANADA’S NEW PREMIER FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 2941 We are placing on .sale this week our entire stock of ladks! iees.misses’ and children’s summer dresses at real bargain prjy Special Special Boy’s cotton Jersey sweaters this week Rt 39c., 2 forjpe. Bathing Suits 4 Kling tits’ bathing suits for ladies, men and c.Idren Babies’ Crib Blankets at/9c. - 1 dozen only Babies’ Crib Blankets, good heavyj^uality in pink and blue with Teddy Bear design, a real bargain this weep at only 69c. each Turkish Bath Towels at 39c. each 5 dozen good quality Turkish Bath Toweljfplain white and white with mixed colors on sale this week at 39c. each or/5c. a pair. Sum A fine rang values up to $1. imer Dress Lengths on Sale e of patterned dress lengths in Celanese, Crepes, etc. Regular >0 a yard to clear thisjnonth at only 98c. a yard. Full 97-pie< reduced prices. Dinner Sets on Sale e Dinner Sets, gpod patterns to clear this month at greatly s Jr FOUtf SPECIALS - h GODERICH WINS FROM LOCALS In a rather poor exhibition of baseball played on the local diamond on Thursday of last week the God­ erich boys defeated the- locals by a score of 11 to 1. The game did not produce the .best baseball -and was not up to the standard. Stokes start­ ed on the mound but was relieved by Dundas in the fourth inning. Tunney was in the box for the win­ ners and turned in a good perfor­ mance. Goderich started the score- ing in the second inning, with one run. They came back with two in the third and fourth, one in the six- and in the ninth added five- runs. In this frame E, Robinson hit for four bases with two men on the paths Exeter scored their lone tally in the fourth ' inning, Medd scoring when Dundas hit for two bases. L. O’Brien and H. Rivers were the um­ pires. The line-ups;- Goderich; Nairn, 1st; Archer, ss; Murney, c; E. Rob­ inson, 3rd; Fritzley, cf; Baker, rf; C. Robinson, 2nd; Tunney, p; Gou­ ghian, If. Exeter:- Medd, cf.; Creech, If.; Dundas, rf.; Fahner, 2nd, Fletcher, 1st.; M. Tieman, 3rd; Stokes, Boyle, rf.; E. Tiernan If. pool’ p; HENSALL AVINS ANOTHER the As a resit of the votng on Mon­ day the Hon. R. B. Bennett, leader of the Conservative party, will be­ come Canada’s new premier’and will be called pn to form a new govern­ ment at Ottawa. Mr. Bennett will have a working majority as the Con­ servatives hold Liberals 85, The following the parties by Edward Island, Liberals 1, Con. 3, total 4; Nova Scotia, Lib. 4, Con. 10, total 14; New Brunswick, Lib. 1, Con. 10, total 11; Quebec, Lib, 39, Con. 25, Ind. 1, total 65; On­ tario, Lib. 21, Con. 60, U.F. 1, total 82; Manitoba, Lib. 1, Con. 11, L.-P. 3, Lab. 2, total 17; Lib. 11, Con. 7, Prog. 2, D’l 21; Alberta Lib. 3, Con. 4, total 16; British Columbia, Con, 6, Lab. 1, Ind. 1, D’l 14; Yukon, Con. 1, total 1. 137 seats and the is the standing of provinces. Prince Saskatchewan, 1, total U.F. 9, Lib. 4, 2, total Mr, and Mrs* • Hr W. F. Beaver* and their little guests. Eileen anil Claire Singleton, of Glencoe, were visitors with Miss O’Brien and Mrs- Geddes during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Johns and son Frank E. Jr., of Visalia, 0al.F motored over and are visiting with the former's uncle and aunt' Mr.'and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Mr. Johns. Is a. son of the late Ezekiel Johns, eldey/s* son of the late David Johns. After leaving here they intend motoring to the Pacific Coast returning Vancouver. ? home by * PROPERTY TRANSFER Mr. Thos. Brock, of Zion, chased the residence of the Parkinson on Huron Street. Posses­ sion. this fall. The transaction was? put through by Mr. Wellington Hern. has. par- late Mr- FOR MEN* >. WHIZ FLY F WINDOW SC SCREEN DOO Special $2.9}Tapair Picket Overalls* mosquitoes, milk. Bling Patents, Blonde, Golf Oxfords and Black Kid Special at $2.95 a pair MEN’S $3.30 Fine Straw Hats New Snap-brim Styles on sale Special at $2.50 each Women’s Slippers HOT WE ATI USE INKS Mrs. i unity of thanks to Huron fo given me a| the day. to take tlSJs xpressing he elect FOR THE ENS FOR THE STOCK# USE STOCKAID ANIMAL SPR our own container, a Sissman’s Work B/ots FOR MEN / For the third time this, season two old rivals, Hensall and Exeter, met and for the second time the vis­ itors trimmed the local boys. The score on Monday night was 9 to 6. Hensall started off strongly at the start, scoring two runs in each of ■the first two- innings, four in the 'third and ending it up with one in /the final frame. Exeter evened the 'count with them in the first inning and with a batting spree in the sev- -enth scored four runs. Fahner start­ ed the rally when he hit the first ball pitched for a home run, the ball going far over the fielder’s head. It was a long, hard drive, the longest seen in the team for some time. Stokes started on the mound for the losers and was relieved by D.undas in the third inning. Kerslake strat- ed for the winners but gave way to Brintnell in the seventh. However ■fie only lasted for a douple of- men'* and gave way to Horton who finish­ ed the .game. Cantleon playing first for Hensall made a good catch of Tieman’s foul fly in the fifth inning Hugh Berry and Farquhar -did the umpiring. The line-up: Hensall—B. Horton c; Brintnell sfe; Yungblut' rf; Fannie 3b; Joynt rf; Scruton If; Cantelon lb; C. Hor­ ton 2b; Kerslake p; L. Horton rf. Exeter—Medd cf; Ficht c; Creech Dundas rf; Berry ss; Fahner 2b; Tieman 3b; Fletcher lb; Stokes E. Tieman rf. THE LATE JOHN T. WOOD Exeter lost a highly esteemed resident on Friday of last week in the person, of Mr. John T. Wood, who passed away at the age of 78 years. Mr. Wood had not enjoyed good health for several months but for a ^veek previous to his death he had been confined to his bed death being the result of heart trouble. The deceased was born on the fourth concession of Usborne Tp. about three miles from Exeter and was a lifelong resident of this community. For a number of years he was in the butcher business with his brother Daniel who predeceased him seven years ago. He was a well-known cattle dealei’ and exporter and has served as a member of the municipal council of Exeter. He was a mem­ ber of James St. United church and in politics was a Conservative. Be­ sides his widow whose maiden name was Charlotte Jones, he is. survived by one daughter Mrs. Wm. Melville; Exeter, two sisters and one brother: Mrs. Fuke, of Chicago and Mrs. Jos. Senior, Exeter; William, Santa Bar­ bara, Cal. and Frank of town; two sons Percy and Arthur both prede­ ceased him as did also three brothers and two sisters. The funeral private was held Saturday afternoon Rev. D.‘ McTavish, pastor of James Street Church conducting the service. GRAND BE ADMISSION 25c. and; 15e. Watch for further announcements 1 Gametcaffied at 6.00 MONDAY, AUGUST CIVIC HOLIDAYS' Dancing afternoon an (^Evening SOFTBALL G HERE SENSATION IN PERSON d his ICLT YANKEES E NIGHT August 29th 6; TRUCK OVERTURNED One of Silverwood’s large trucks was overturned in the ditch between Hen sail and Zurich on Tuesday. The truck was crowded into the ditch by a road scraper, the driver of which did not notice the approach of the truck. Fortunately the truck con­ tained mostly empty cans and little damage was done. I \ ? . A oes not stain, blister or Kills flies, lice and urn and does not taint get all you want. E IN ALL SI^S. DOUBLE STRENGTH 40, 45, 50 and 60c« sizes $2.45 to $3.50 in all sizes. FOR THE GARDEN CLIMAX BllG KILI/SR for potatoes, gooseberry, cur- for any insect that feeds on the j, Ar^nate of Lead, Paris Green, Nitrate tityFdesired. scant bushes, etc s^jre dei leaf; also Sprayi of Soda in any qw TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD Phone your hardware necessities to 27 BIRTHS sGRANT—In Exeter on Friday, July • 25th to iMr. and Mrs. George M. • Grant, a son (Malcolm Eugene) I WOOD*—In 2i5, 1930, years. DEATHS Exeter on Friday, July John T. Wood, aged 78 WALKER—In Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, on Sunday, July 13 th td 'Mr. and Difrs. Carl Walk- ' er, of Cromarty; a daughter. jMART’lN—In Clinton: Hospital, on July 25 th, Eliza A. Thomson, be­ loved wife of Clayton1 0. Martin, of Englehart, in her 39 th year. CLINTON WINS IN SOFTBALL . GODERICH - BANNER RACE MEETING v — at — $ \ AGRICULTURAL PARK,/ ’ CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, August 4t at 2 o’clock ex-has on office a stem Alberta that Campbell—in non san, day, July 29th, to Dr . Campbell, a son. I^ERRIN—In Exeter On -Tues- and Mrs •gatttrday, Mrs, Mer- Ford) a oh "July'23th, to Mr. and vin, Perrin (nee Viola son (Ronald William Ford.) ARMSTRONG—In Uafcorne, Thurs­ day, July 24th, to Mr. and ’Mrs. * George Armstrong, a daughter. PERRIN-—InVVictoria Hospital, in London, Monday, July 28, 1930, Viola Ford, beloved Wife of Mer- vin Perrin, aged 24 years and 9 days. ATKINSON—In Lucan, on Friday, July 25, 1930, Ellen Jane Hod­ gins, beloved wife of William Atknson in her 71st year. opport- sincere of South support on Mon- EIGHT FOOT GRASS The Times-Advocate hibition in front of the of brouse grass from measures one inch over eight feet. The grass was sent by Mr. Archie Hicks, who was a recent' visitor to this community from Okotoks. It certainly shows wonderful growth. The Clinton girl’s softball team visited Exeter Tuesday evening and defeated the Exeter team by the score of 20 to 16. The Exeter bat­ tery was M. Ellerington and M. Mar­ tin, pitchers; and O. Lawson catcher. 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.17 'Q.Tot only UnderVthe auspices/of the Long Blanch Driving Club Blue Water StaljB $1,000Gulden Gate st^e $1,000 Trot or Pace .../........$40(> ' $400- ' VOUNG MOTHER PASSES in on A very sad death took, place Victoria Hospital, Loudon, early Monday morning when Mrs. Mervin Perrin, youngest’ daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. George Ford, of Exeter North, passed away at the age of 24 years and 9 days. Mrs. Perrin, whose maiden name was Viola Ford, was visiting at the home of her par­ ents. and on Saturday morning a little, son was born. In the after­ noon Mrs. Perrin was rushed to Vic­ toria Hospital in Mr. Rowe’s am­ bulance suffering from convulsions and on Monday she passed away. The deceased had been a resident of London for the past eight years, the greater part of the time, employed at Penman’s factory where she had made many friends. She was unit- • ed in marriage to her bereaved hus- SW7° UXP-Xll>and by Rev- Mr- Moorhouse, who . n®lg “.had charge of the funeral service on the Rnullile^s . Wednesday. Besides her parents, and sympathy exuded during then-, hustona and utHe son (Ronald wn. liam Ford) she is survived by four brothers and four sisters, Roy, of Minneapolis; William, of Wales N* D.; Garnet, of Flint, Mich., and • Oliver at home; Mrs, Thos. Sanders j of London; Mrs. Garfield Stanlake I and Mrs. Samuel Stahlake, ter and Mrs. Russell Beadle,| don. Among those present distance who attended the were: Mt', Flint; Mr. of London rin, Miss , and Mr. Jas. Perrin, father of the babe, all of London, besides a number from t.h§ Penman factory; and other relatives. T-lie floral ‘tributes were very beautiful and included a beautiful wreath from Penman’s Limited. Inter­ ment was made iii the Exeter ceme­ tery. ON TRIP TO THE WEST Mr. Wm. Towers and sister Mrs. Gillard and Mr. and Mrs. William Ryckman, left on Tuesday for the West. Mr. Towers and Mrs. Gill­ ard will visit at Hamiota, Man., and intend going as far as Banff. Mr. and Mrs. Ryckman will visit at Moosejaw. BETTING V New Grands General Adi 'RIVIMSGES ALLOWED itand/ Good Track, hisswn 50c. (tax extzh.) J. B. Whitely! 1I.D., President E. R. WIGLEY Treasurer J W. F. CLARK, V.S., Secretar/ Tlit CARD OF TI The daughters of Jane Harris desire sincere thanks to t for the kin the late .express their e many friends tended to their mother during\herflong illness, and through their rkcefit bereavement. CARD O RANKS ood ai\d daughterMrs. John. Mrs. Wm. Milvilfe wish/-to express tlieir sincerer tlia * ‘ t-Un bors and friends* recent berOavenie floral tributes and also for the loan of autos. time Oil's. Martin was taken ill was visiting with her parents, was taken sick Thursday morn- and late that night was taken to Clinton hospital where she nn- CIVIC HOMDAY MONDAY A NW TUESDAY I lAugust 4tW and 5th , STARRING WARNER BAXTER / USUAL COMEDY .. / PROCLAMATION^ Next Monday will be Civic Holi­ day and all places of business will be closed. Mr. Chas. Fisher wks confined to his bed for a few days last week as a result of the heat. He is improv­ ing again and is able to be around. Miss Laurel E. Williams, of To­ ronto, is visiting with Mrs. J. S. Har­ vey, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batson ahd other, relatives. iMr. Frank Creech, Misses Grace and Rubio Creech, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Dearing, of Lon­ don, motored to Rochester, N.Y. on Friday and visited for a few days with Mr, Jas. Creech returning on Monday. of Exe- of Lon- from a funeral and Mts. Garnet' Ford, of ahd Mrs. Russell Beadle, ; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Per­ Marie and Orvhl Perrin great grand- BURIED IN EXETER The funeral took place in Exeter on Monday of Mrs. Clayton O. Mar­ tin who died in Clinton Hospital on Friday, July 25th in her 39th year. Mrs. Martin’s maiden name was Eliza A. Thompson. She was born in West Wawanosh being a daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of Auburn. Ten years ago she Ayas united in marriage to her bereaved husband and for the past six years they have been living at Englehart where Mr. Martin teaches school. At the she She ing the derwent an operation and passed away Friday morning. Deceased was a very highly esteemed young lady, interested in church work, be­ ing a teacher in Sunday School and a leader in C.G.I.T, work. A week ago Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Martin were in Exeter attending the auc­ tion sale of the household effects of the late Mrs. Hawkins, Besides her bereaved husband she is survived by hei’ parents, five brothers and one sister. The deceased was the Old­ est of the family, the youngest sis­ ter died about fourteen years ago. Those surviving arc Mrs. Armstrong and John It. Thompson, of West Wa­ wanosh;. J. G, and Russell, of Lon­ don; J, c., of Mitchell; W. of Toronto, CIVI For The VILLAGE OF EXETER Wll^e dhserwl on M0N.1ABG. 4th This day ha&.®ecjr •proclaimed CivfK. Holiday for tli ahd all eitizen^are toquestfed eV-* serve it as such. illag'-V 6£ Exeter B. M. FRANCIS, Sleeve