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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-24, Page 8
THURSDAY^ JUIAfaitli, mo ■* TOB EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ■MMMMMVSSa es fastAre movi Sold ■ ail of recent .c?ir m on^day THERE’S First class stoi REASON and prices are xfeht due next week. IfAr>OM¥cr car require! buy pqw. Cal) ana get opr prices and leave your \rderifpr delivery 9P \ arrival Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd. Exeter Markets Wheat 80c. Oats 45c, Barley 40 c* Bran $1.35' Shorts $ 1,4ft Feed Flour. $1.80 Manitoba’s Best Flour $4.00 Welcome Flour $3.25' Model Flour $.3,00 Creamery Rutter 23c, Dairy Butter 28—-31c. Eggs Extras 26 c. Eggs Firsts 23c, Eggs Seconds 20c. Hogs $10,50 , t.. , ..........., - ——C) J^ocals_ I CAVKN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH !“ !<l —* lllllllll Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, yi» 4* Minister Miss Dena- Coates, Organist During July Evening Service Only 7 p.m.-—"The Worship of the Net.”A RANDAH RUGS IN DIFFERENT SIZES •wr J Miss Vera Rowe left Friday last to visit for a few days in Toronto. Mrs. E. A. Follick, who has been Quite ill at her home is improving nicely. • Mrs. Wm. Bawden, who has been ill for some time is improving slow ly. Mrs. Chas. Birney visited with her relatives in Belgrave during the past week. ■ Miss Mabel Johns, of Alvinston, visited .on Sunday with Miss Helen Dignan. Mr. and Mrs. tM. Amy spent last Friday in Brinsley visiting Mr. ,Trevethick, Miss Mildred Wood, R.N., of nia, is visiting with relatives in and vicinity. Miss Ella Kuntz, of Detroit, is holidaying for a week with her par ents in town. Mrs. T. Cookson and son Eleazer of Windsor, visited recently with relatives in Exeter, Mrs. A. .Coxsworth and daughter, Hazel, of Hensail, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Amy on Monday. Miss Vera Mooney, of the London Life staff head office, is spending her vacation at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanders and two children, of Windsor, visited rela tives ini town during the past week. Mrs. Diana Witwer, of Kitchener, is visiting her. sister Mrs.1 I. Hall and other relatives and friends in Exeter. Miss Irene Bierling, of Sarnia Hospital, is spending her vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bierling. Joseph Bradt was confined to his home. for several days having had the misfortune to run <a rusty nail • in one foot. Miss Carrie Davis is leaving to day (Thursday) to visit for a few i days with Rev. and Mrs. Jones of Ridgetowp. i Mr. Emerson Wright and his mother have returned home 'after an enjoyable two weeks motor trip 'go ing as far as. North Bay. Mrs.. Knight and daughter Mrs. Stewart and babe, of Orlando, ida, visited for a few days this j with Mrs. H. K. Hyndman.' Masters Bob and Joe Bradt returned to their home in London after visiting with their grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell. Mrs. Wm. Davis and Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, have been holi daying for the past week with rela tives and friends in this community. I"T . I Mr. and Mrs. George Curnoe, of’ r zs. * 1----married Detroit, and Miss G. Ward and Mr. farmer -capable; of ^arm|management tiios. Ward, Of London, spent Fri- x John. Ward and fam < TO SEE THE#- NEW STYLE CHESTERFIELD BED 13. AU x ayed - New instruction^ overings* LD AT Air ^HOPPER 3RAL DIRECTOR NITURE DEARER Phone 00 Goods delivered any distance Mi\ and Mrs. John May and daughter, Miss Minnie, of Toronto, left during .the past week for Nipi- win, "Alta., where they will visit their son Rev. Russell May. Miss Lulu Fulton, ‘ of Stratford, formerly of the public, school teach ing staff here, spent few days last week with Mrs. M. McNichoL Miss Fulton has ibeen teaching at Tavis tock, Mr. and Mrs. C. Elmslie and son Donald, of Rochester, N.Y-, and daughters Mrs. F. Gabel and Mrs. H. Chhse and son Freddie, of Kit chener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, of Strat ford, Mrs. R. G. Taylor and son, of Los Angeles^. Cal., and Mrs. Joseph McTavish, of Shakespeare, were in Exeter .on Friday- last helping to celebrate the 8t3rd birthday of our esteemed townsman Mr. John W. Taylor. Commandant and Mrs. A. JOi’dan, of Montreal, Mr. D; Jordan and Miss Mary.Jordon, Of Chatham, .visited recently with the former’s daugh ter Capt. Jordan of'the Salvation Army. While here Jordan pur chased for his- daughter a car to be used in connection; jwith her work. ' Will, sweater Canning Eactor please night party the party who t^bk the from a car at' Exe'ter •jt on Tuesday night atiie Saturday rgprg^ecution as the. Caldwill, return saj and save is known; LpST—One p^in^of Buick Road- stdi< fiide-cui;Wns Somewhere tween Exet^/'af town- A /uita paid * for iitfeas please leave sal office. %. a ps ^somewhere be- jid on| mile south of ble^^eward will be K^recOvery. Finder p,e at Times-Advocate WANTED—E^tieJ’.ien^ed efo: seeks employment J AlM>Iy at Times- Advocate •/T1'*7-2^-3tp.'iiy *» ■Thames . Road Farmers’ ^lub are... . ... quiries for oat: ordered mand. once. if thei Let us and,car will be sufficient de- your needs .at P. Passmore, Sec’y. John Sa*— town Flor- week have UNION SERVICES Main $f. and James St, United Churches Union Services for July and August Main Street and James Street United Churches JULY—Rev. C. J. Moorhouse in charge ( Main Street choir in charge of ihusic July 2.7th; James Street 11.00 a.m. Main Street 7.0ft p.m. August 3rd: Main Street 11 a.m. James Street 7.00 p.m, ami.—Church School a.m,—Service in Jamfes io 11. , ckur'ch' "graving for Signs” p.m.-^Serviee ‘ in 'Main Street “God with ‘Man—-Man without God” ' p.m.—Thursday prayer service. • . .1 ■—■■■■■ , I - f TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A.. Rector Miss K. M. MacFauI, Organist Sixth. Sunday after Trinity' Street 7 8 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m—-Litany and Sermon. Last ' Sunday of the month. 7 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon Next Sunday is the last, Sunday on which services will be neld be fore the holidays. There will be only morning service at 11 a.m. dur ing the whole month or August. Dr. D. A. ANDERSON DENTIST formerly of Eteter at 205 Ivortley Road, where h#will practice" q Dentistry i Phojie: Mretcalf 4290 i has locate< London, i fort of the W. M. S. •Mr. and (Mrs. H. C. Sanders and two children Ada and Chester, of *?: wth ,elatlves Mrs. Fravnr of Sault Ste Marie,, visited for a few days last week with ’Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood? Mrs. Frayn was formerly Miss Lila McCord,' of the Thames Road. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coyle and their daughter Marjorie, of Windsor, are FARM FOR SAL^^Xft'O^acres, lo 23, con. 1, usborpfe', fine location, mile north of JJtSeter on Provincial __o___ __„___, __ ______7 Highway No. 4, Wfell drained, good l ygitlng with |Mrs Coyle’s, grand- buildings, hyft.ro ^vaila^le, never • failing supply, of ggfftr water, con v.enient to Ctmnipg^Factory, station public or /higlU Schools, churches stores, etc./.'; ■' s ^7- Apply to' owner—John Hutchinson ■ 7^-17-3tp—---------- --------- The dumber of'the repeat custom ers for motor, mil speaks for itself? Come and try tour dff and be cpA- vinced as to fal^r and qualiWr— Hogarth Hatchsr^' 7-j?f-2tc. FOR <' SALE OR RENT^Moddrn ted brick Veniences, FORVR light hO Woekcs’ o FOR’S pump* ,al new. Ap istrator o semi-bungalo centrally 1 NT—iSfeve se^kcepi 10 gal, rooms above coh- for Dr. gas.isible •ating table, almost John Rowe, Admin- W; F. Beavers; 6-19-tfc. if you Wish toj or house See R, r ..r...UL effch^y or sell ,.$r farm Pickard, jExeter* *TRACtO AND Distance nd oh ainourit of tfork Apply to W. PL dshaw, E Owing to the Ddniiiiidh ay holi day on Tuesday. th> Bobers.* offices Will b© opcri "tt, 1930. ThO ;t are: July 0tL —Dr. . Dunlop: Fifetciier; July Assignments foif'^gust Will be postJ fed at. »■ later a. . » 4uly ssigmsifits tor July i«- r 28rd — Dr. -Dr. Browning. mother Mrs. Rd. Gould. The holidays of Mr. M. R. Com plin, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce were cut short owing to the accident to one of the staff. •Mr. and Mrs. E. Vareoe and chil dren, of Toronto, Stanley London and Mr. and Mrs. of London, spent Sunday John Ward and family. The auction sale of .the effects of the late Mrs. Jos. Haw kins was held on Saturday last. Tile real estate was offered for sale but was hot sold. .The highest bid was $1950.00. ' Mr. F. W. GladhianJs brick house on Albert street occupied by M. R*. Complin is receiving, a fresh coat of paint. A new verandah Was recent ly erected which adds’ much to the improvement of the house. Miss Mary Grant returned home Monday night after visiting for two Weeks In Toronto and in company with her sister Miss Betty and Miss Florenpe Walter they ‘ate camping for a couple nf weeks at Bayfield. Mr, R. C. iSiweetlove, who was in jured In an automobile accident on Tuesday afternoon of last week, re ceiving. a nasty gash in his forehead was able to ke out.the latter part of the week apd is slowly recuperating. ROV. D. McTaVish of the Jambs St. United Church, who Is on vacation, was In Narnia on Sunday conducting the services at the Central United Church, Mr. McTavish will again have charge of the services hext Sunday, Ward, of T. Ward, with Mr. household In the iW&rt of the W. M. S. meeting of James Street church’ last week the name of. Grant Taylor was omitted from, the program Grant Isang a very pleasing solo. The Salvation Army, s who have been holding their meeting in’.the hall over E. R, Hopper’s Furniture, store have rented the brick building' of Mrs.. Gidley 'formerly occupied as a laundry the ground which is being fitted up meetings. . Mr. A. E. Fuke, of the lor Co., was taken suddenly ill on. Tuesday of last week and has since, been confined to his home. His' many friends will be pleased to know, that he is. improving and it is hoped; that he will soon be around again, ill] his accustomed health. Rev. J, W. and Mrs. Down left on Tuesday for Menomonie, Wis., where they will visit with Mrs. Down’s sis ter Mrs. Dr. D. A. Bowerman. They.' will also visit with Mr. Down’s 'broth- . er Albert at Rt. Paul, Minn., and ; with his youngest brother, Mr. E. E? Down, mayor of Cooperstown, N.; Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Down will be. gone -for several weeks. Dr. G. S. Atkinson and the men. vho were in camp at Carlings Heights with the Huron regiment returned home last Friday evening. • In the different contests the Huron - boys did well, winning the silver cup in soft ball; first in veteran’s race; first in the 100 yard dash; and 2nd in the relay race; 2nd in the pole vault; 2nd in the half-mile race and 2nd highest score in marksmanship. Misses Helen Dignan and Marjor ie Medd, representing the Main St. Young People’s Society, are attend ing the Summer School at Goderich this week. Several auto loads from town .motored to Goderich Monday evening to -attend the Young People's. Rally. Rev. J. E. Graham, B.A., as sistant pastor of the -Metropolitan Church, Toronto, was the speaker for the evening and gave a splendid address. Special servitees will be held each everting this week. ‘ -Mrs. Thomas Johns, who lived formerly ■ in Exeter but is now re siding in Alvinston where her daugh ter, Mabel, is a teacher, has been a ■guest, at the home of her brother, Ben Makins, the past Week and has been calling on many of her bld friends here. a summer came up on Saturday to spend two days with friends here and also in Kippen and 'Varnd. Mrs. Johns is also visiting in and around- these points. Mr. and Mrs. Parr, .of Custer, Washingto'h State, motored over to Canada and are visiting aihong Mrs. Part’s relatives' ia Toronto, Milver ton, Exeter, London, Thorndale, Clinton ami Hen sail. iMrs, Parr, who whb was Lingle Redmond, of Hay, west ef Hensajl, visited her brother- in-law', M'r. Jehu. Dignan here, her brother, the Rev, Richard Redmond of Toronto, her brother Charles in Milverton and other relatives In other places. Flnancfniiy they have done Well in the West as they own a ranch in Alberta besides Other property In the state of Washington where they reside now, floor 0f for their. Ross-Tay-' Miss Mabel; is taking Course In London and Just the thing for that verandah of yours. They come in different sizes and colours of blue, green and brown, in smart designs. $1.00 to $3.95 .75 Pair of Children’s Running Shoes IN MINER AND DOMINION MAKE. SANDALS AND OXFORDS IN PLAIN AND FANCY MATERIALS. JUST THE THING FOR THE BEACH AND HOLIDAY WEAR? Special at per p^ir.79c Special in Braided Mats 98c. THESE LOVELY BRAIDED MATS ARE MADE IN JAPAN AND IN SIX DIFFERENT COMBINATION OF COLORS. THE SIZE IS 18 in. BY 30 in. THEY ARE SPLENDID FOR BATHROOMS AND BEDROOMS. Tegular $1.35, sale price 98c. J All Linen Towelling All linen roller towelling easily washed and good wearing quality, at I 20c. a yd. or 5 yds. for $|1.00 42 in. Circular Pill A lovely bleached circi 42 inches wide and sp< 2 yds. a Cotton ir Pillow Cotton fel at this price r 75c. Special in Bleached & Unbleached She^mg 48c. yd THESE ARE BOTH EXCELLENT VALUES. AND THE OTHER UNBLEACHED. WE ARE M BpTH OF. THESE SHHETINGS REGULAR 60c. Ji I special at per yd. 48^ I fl Q$E IS BLEACHED ASKING SPECIALS OF YARD Boy’s Wash S Two new styles with white with striped pants. special at 75c. 30 Pair THESE ARE NOTfrOO FITTTERS AND COMEWI1 Bleached table Cotton ’inches/wide, in a good quality bleach- jpd cotton damask/ Good value at per yd. 50c. s Men/s Harvest Shoes pAVY IN WEIGHT, ARE GOOD ROOMY BANCO SOLES. spfe5al at per pr. $2.75' Furniture^ Hot Weather Needs HEREXIS WHERE YOU JHLL YS FIND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OFJFURNI- TURE T PRI OUR S CHOOSE FROM AT S TO SUIT YOU OCK/1S COMPLETE I For Men « NOW Is T TIME TO BUY traw Hats the latest stra > R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Sweaters Odd 7 Bathing Suits Sport Trousers Mrs. L. M. Beavers is on the sick list. . ; Mrs. W. W.’ Taman and Ted spent ■the -week-end ■ Mrs. Kuhn, :with Mr. and Miss Pearl in S'arnia. of Lbndon, is visiting Mrsi Geo. Grant. Wood is in Toronto taking a five weeks course in music. > Mr. John T. Wood is confined to his home and under .care. i Mr. Walter Cutbush ;for Simcoe where he is 'a mason. the doctor’s left Tuesday employed as / and Oracle days wi th ; Misses Annie Cox Strange spent a few • friends hear Brinsley. Mrs. L. Kirk and family, Lucan, are visiting with the former’s .sister ‘Mrs. Elmore Reeder. Mr. Harold Wood, -of Chatham, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H, >'d. Mr. Geo. Hayes is moving from a farm on the highway 'south of Exe ter to side in Thedford where ho wi 11 re* future. Hy. McCreath and two and Billy are visiting s parents Mr. and WE ARE RIGHT STYLES F< w. PHONE 81w PP TO THE MUfUTE IN THE LATEST ^R SPORT WEAR IN ALL LINES OF FURNISHINGS w AUTO (JLAg§ replaced whil 5 won wait G- A-OINS Phono 29 W Exeter, Ont. Caulk Your Windows i i? Mrs. Wm. Melville, who has beent in Victoria Hospital, London, for theft past three weeks following an op eration, returned home Saturday and is recuperating at her hoihe here. She'is afole to be around an<K is being cared for- by Mrs. MeNlcq^r • Mrs. Ronald the former’: Irvin Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs, F. A. May and ily have returned after two weeks holidays! visitiiig in Toronto, Niagara I’ails and Miteheli, . ? Miss Ethel Bow has returned to. her home In Winnipeg after visiting for a couple of weeks with her father ijlr, A. Bow and other relatives of tetvh. '■ Mf« E. Reed, of London, who pur- chased frCm Mr. R. E. Pickard the store' oecupidd by Chalnways, was ip town Ust week aftd has had a new toof put on. the building. Sons With Mrs. fam- save money on your coal bill WE HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY for caulking, doors and windows, also .metal IVEATHER-STRIPI’ING LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES. W. J. HERN, Exeter / ngland DOROTHY E. GRASSI A* L. C. M. (Honor Graduate) Londo Instruction 1 PiatiO, Violin, Studio ST* Al belt EXETE hy, Theory act, Bo* leo tario ' Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Bedvers and Mr. and Mrs. J. S, Grant motored to Glencoe and visited with friends on Sunday. Misses Rlleen and Clara Singleton returned with them and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers. Ernest C. Harkey infers fiutual Gi&sualty S'eat est^A utoii nobilc |s tojpolicyholders havei' ith^a 25% of preml unit Annually. .,ZU i , ..A ■ ‘■""i "1 J," mi'ii .... ....... in in i i j ji ■ Representing among Lumbermen's ‘.‘World’s j Cash dividehc not h©6n less1 / SAFETY RAZOR B SHARPEN SINGLE EDGE’ DOUBLE ED Perfect w. s* c ES W. R. A. Organist j James InftructiOi Plano Vo* Supervigdj Studio, Main t • ¥ •>• «’£•'• • W 4c. IgC Jfuarantced DRUGGIST J i‘T'iiiiaajiiiiiimr“ii....jaraa M StJ gOULQINGf ®. C. M. ’ jT W ufj ChoIralMtev UnitedJKnjnrcb ann .' Fgfenv 'Tkfewjf- M^stic lit Schools rBox 57. Phone lftff ’ER, O&T ,