HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-24, Page 44 r yhwsbay, niY aim, mo THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE r ■ LQCAL NEWS Wheat cutting is general (/in this •community this week. ^Irn. E. Christie has returned home .after visiting relatives in London, Miss Olive Qpance, of Toronto, is TfisHing with relatives and friends in 4own, o ^Rev. ‘Mr, Moorhoitse is in. Goder­ ich this week attending Summer School? •, Misses Ethe^. and Marion Bisseft, Chatham, are home- here. Mr, and Mrs. C Alan, pt London, Mrs, Samuel Lamport. Miss Pearj Sanders, liolidaying with her mud Mrs. Robt. Sanders. Mr, and Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, are visiting with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. I. Armstrong. The James Street United Sunday .School have potponed their picnic -until Wednesday, July 30th. Mr, and Mrs, Lome Cann and •daughter, Nora, of Winnipeg, are the quests of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. O’ Brien. Mr, R. W. Wilcox, of Jones and May Staff, is on holidays this week -visiting with his mother at Elim- Ville. visiting at their W. are Ford and son visiting with of Detroit, is parents, Mr. t ‘ Mr. Stuart Johnston and Miss C. Johnston, of Toronto, spent a few days with their sister Mrs. H. K.; •Hyndman. Mrs. Lome Finn, of St, Thomas, avho is holidayin'g at Grand Bend, >;visited with friends in Exeter on Tuesday. Miss Ella Jones, of Stratford and Mrs. Rice, of Brantford, are holiday­ lag with their parents Mr. and Mrs. 'Thus. Jones. Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harvey and two sons, of Brantford, are holiday­ ing with the former’s mother Mrs. J. •IS. Harvey of town. Mr. T. S- Woods, manager of the Hank of Montreal, has had a mag­ nificent display of hollyhocks dur- ’’-ing the past week. Mrs. Elizabeth Oke returned to her home in Windsor Monday after visiting for a few days with Mr. and . Mrs. Garnet Flynn. Mr, Edgar Horney, who with his <wife and family are holidaying at Grand Bend visited with friends in /town on Friday last. Miss' Irene Bierling, nurse-in- Ir^ining in Sarnia General Hospital, as holidaying with her parents Mr. arid Mrs. JL Bteriihg, Miss Neciu visiting with 1 Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Arthur er for the -Bhgshaw Transport, is indisposed and kis place is being taken by Miss V< Lowry. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoag have returned to their home in Oshawa after holidaying with the former’s parents Mr Mr. and Ashton ad of Saginaw. Mr. and Mrs, Dan Davis and other relatives, . Mr, and Mrs. Rd. Tapp, Mrs, Ar­ thur Francis, of town, and Miss Wig­ ins, of Goderich, are the guests of Mrs. J, G. Jones at the “Mayflower” Grand Bend. Mr. -and’ Mrs. David Allison, who have been visiting relatives in Exe­ ter, and vicinity for the past few weeks, have returned to their homes at Roland, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dyer .and their daughter Genevieve, of Saginaw, Mich., and son Ashton, of, Detroit, || Mich., are visiting with Mr, Dyer’s! enjoyed a reunion with their old sister, Mrs. Dan Davis. (Mrs. E. A. Ho weld and daughter Muriel who have been camping at Grand Bend for the past week are . spending a few days in Stratford with the former’s brother Mr. J. H. Newcombe. 4. Mr. T. M. White, and granddau­ ghter, Miss Marion White, of Wind-, sor, and Mrs. J. C. White, of Mem-' phis, Tenn., visited with Mjss> T. White and Mr, and Mrs. Wickwire1' on Friday last, Mrs. Farrell, of Toronto, visited for a few days last week at the horiie of Mr. -and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. Sh$ returned to Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. T, B. Acheson who have been holidaying for a couple of weeks. The Exeter Canning Factory is a busy spot these days handling the large acreage of peas. The peas are an exceptionally fine crop. The steam system is not sufficient to handle the cookers and a couple of tractors are being used as auxiliaries. On Saturday afternoon as a or was passing through town ing three loads of peas, to the ing Factory one of the wagons loose in front .of the Huron Garage and crashed into a coupe belonging to Mr. A. .Love damaging two fend­ ers and denting the body. rryqe. of Windsor, is her uncle and aunt, Thos. Prydc. Middlejmss, bookkeep* and Mrs. W, J, Ford, Mrs. Dan Dyer and son daughter Miss Genevieve , Mich., are visiting with - The' Erie Oil Station is making some alterations to their premises, They are adding a new pump and re-arranging the others, Mr N. S. Eaton, C.N.R. Express Agent, accompanied by Mrs. Raton and son Jack spent their holidays with relatives in Wolfville; N.S„'-re- tnrning.Friday evening, Mr. A. Ben* dring, of Sarnia, was relieving agent during Mr. Eaton’s absence. Mr, and Mrs. T. O. Sothcott mo­ tored to Toronto and were accom­ panied home by their little niece Miss June Gordon who will visit with them from baseball’ SCHEDULE OF SECOND HALF July 24—Goderich at Exeter July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug, Aug. 25—CHntqn at Hensall 28—Hensall at Exeter 28—Goderich at Clinton 1—Exeter at Hensall 1—Clinton at Goderich •5—Goderich at Hensall 5—Clinton at Exeter 8—Hensall at Goderich 8—Exeter at Clinton Mrs, Gordon is recuperating a recent operation. STREET PICNIC school Grand MAIN The Main street Sunday held "a successful picnic at Bend on Wednesday afternoon - of last week. The weather was fine and a delightful time was spent at the lake. Sports were held in the afternoon and were keenly contest­ ed and at supper time 160 persons sat down to the bountifully Jaden tables. Several former members' Of the congregation were present and tr act- dr aw’ Cann- broke friends, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willis and Miss Elsie- Mc­ Callum now of London; Mrs,/Rev.: E# G. Powell and daughter Blossom' and son Gotdon, both teachers in Tiondpn; Rev. and Mrs. Clysdale and family, of Brantford and Mr, Win. Bawden, of Parkhill. A ball 'game 1 was enjoyed. Following was the list of ’-sports,. Race for girls under’ 3 years— Doris Webber, Norma Wilson. ‘ Boys—Buddy ’Sims, Donald Hoop­ er? Hughie Wilson. > > Giris 7 to 10 years—Mildred Beavers, Doreen iSims, Dorothy Hooper. Boys—Ted Wilson, Clif. Quance, Wes. Ryckman. Girls 11 to 14—May Sims, Doreen Caldwell, Evelyn • Clysdale. Boys—‘Miller Campbell, E, Cald­ well, Billie Wison. Giris over 15—'Olive Lawson, Mrs. Edgar Rundle, Gladys Ryckman Boys—Lim Lee, Russell Caldwell, WT11 Balkwill. , Three-legged race, Olive Lawson and- Bernice Caldwell; Mrs. Rundle and Gladys Ryckman; Doreen Cald­ well and May Sims. Boys—Billy Wilson and M. Ryck­ man, Wilson Caldwell and Clifford Quance. WORK and VOTE for And the Return of the Liberal Administration Bennett’s Policy Will Mean More Taxes , Is it possible to put a high duty on goods you buy and keep theni from costing more? SURELY NOT Mr. Bennett proposes to raise the duties to protect his friends^ the manu­ facturers, from U. S. competition. Will that make the farmer sind the con- ssumers pay more? SORELY YES Is it possible to abolish the British Preference and still gdt British goods Cheaper? ^URELY NOT Mr. Bennett proposes to demand from the Old Land $tl e price” or “No Will that make British Goods dearer to th^Canadiari people? SURELY YES Can ypii build cement highways across Canada, 'idges across arms of the Sea and urineeded railways and car ferries without adding to the taxes? |SURELY NOT Mr. Bennett Kias promised all these from th^Bay of Fundy to British Columbia |n order to win votes. Will the people of South Huron feel this in their tajes? 'SURELY YES HELR MACKENZIE KING TO CONTJpUE HIS REDUCTION OF TAXES A|iD THE PUBLI£ DEBT. HEL^HIM TO RETAIN AND EXPAND EMPIRE TRADE WITH > OF 4SO}000y0(M) people. Preference.” OUR OWN KITH AND KIN-^A MARK YOUR} VOTE FOR McMILLAN WjfL DO THIS. IMcMillian’^ R ecord > Mr. McMillan is the Farmers’ Candidate. A Fanner himself he knows their needs. % As their member he hjs Constantly stood for their interests— They can trial him. He helped tojlgive us redaction of duties on farm im­ plements andmn lower priced cars J&ugar, boots arid shoes. Duties abolished on tea, chinaware arid tropical frijts. •> ON IN DUTI MEANS -REDUCTION IN PRICES. IFF MEANS TfE TAX ADDED TO THE PRICE. cMillan and yjhi vote for yourself. REDU HIGHER TA Vote for Why shoulcj you vote tdjfill the pockets of manufacturers arid middle­ men, who alone profit by thwTory Policy of Higher Tariffs? VOTE rOr|tREWAR3THA AND YOU VOTEFOR THE COMBINES AND THE BIG INTERESTS AND THE PARTY THAT INCREASED THE PUBLIC DEBT D RAWED THE TAXES OF THE^diVtMON PEOPLE. ote for McMillan and Empire Trade Exeter Liberal Committee HEMSA1& WINS FIRST HALF In a game that was packed thrills and excitement Hensall the first half of the series when defeated the local boys by the of 4 to 3 .on Friday night. This was a sudden death game and the clim­ ax of a real series between these two teams. The large crowd , that was on hand was kept on their toes during the entire game. Hensall went into tlm lead in the opening inning by scoring two runs. Brint-1 nell and Gascho scored when Scru-. ton hit a Jong single over first base. There was no more scoring until the fourth inning when Exeter account­ ed for their three tallies. Medd and Ficht scored when Dundas hit for two bases. Dundas scored when Gettler was thrown out at first, Ex­ eter held the lead till the eighth in­ ning. Gascho and Scruton singled and scored when Yungblut hit for two bases in right field. The game was featured by some heavy hitting and some clean fielding on both sides. Rennie, playing third for the winners made a spectacular one- handed catch of Gettier’s fly in the ninth inning for the final put out.: Carter Kerslake pitched for the win­ ners and Dundas for the losers. Both hurlers pitched g.ood ball and al­ though hit hard at times tightened up in the pinches.. By virtue of this win Hensall wins the first half Both teams put up a fine brand of baseball and the game was the best seen in Exeter for some,time. Dean, of Goderich, and Hawkins, of Clin­ ton did the umpiring. The line-ups: Hensall—Horton c; Brintnell ss; Rannie 3 b; Gascho lb; Scruton cf; Yungblut If; Cantelon 2nd; Kers- lake p; Joynt rf. Exeter—Medd cf; Ficht c; Berry ss; Dundas p; Gettler rf; Palmer rb Fletcher lb; M. Tieman 3b; E. Tie­ man If. EXETER WINS OPENER In the opening game of the cond half played in Goderich Monday night, Exeter carried off honors when they defeated the home team 4 to 3. The game was a good exhibition and a.s time went on dev­ eloped into a pitchers’ battle, Dun­ das and T’unney opposing each other, the former having seventeen strike-outs, and the tatteir eleven. Exeter scored one run in each of the first three innings. Goderich scor­ ed two in the fifth and one in the sixth. Exeter scored' the winning run in the ninth inning. Boyle, the first man up was thrown out at' first, Tiernan was hit by a pitched ball and was 'sacrificed to second by Ficht. Tieman scored when Medd singled between first and se­ cond. Goderich made a good start in the ninth, when Archer singled but Dundas retired the next three men .on strikes. A fair sized crowd was on hand to see two teams play championship baseball. Hawkins, of Clinton and Hill, cf Goderich did the umpiring. Goderich plays the return game in Exeter on Thursday night. The line-ups: Exeter——Medd cf; Berry ss; Creech rf; Dundas p; M. Tiernan 3rd Fletcher 1st; Boyle 2nd; E. Tieman rf; Ficht c. Goderich—Nairn 2b; Murney c; Woods rf; E. Robinson 3 b’; Tunney ‘ ” - - siiear- Cough- .p; Archer- ss; Mallough cf; down lb; C. Robinson 3b; lan cf; Fritzley Tf. with, won , they score so­ on the DAVID BONIS, M.L.A., DIED IN ST. MARYS David Bonis, M.L.A., for Perth in the Provincial, Parliament and one of St. Marys most promin­ ent figures passed away at his home in St. Marys on Saturday morning about eleven o’clock, after an illness extending for some weeks. Mr. Bonis was elected last Octo­ ber to represent the South Perth riding in the Provincial house, hav­ ing defeated W; A. Mackenzie, U.F. O. candidate and A. A. Colquhoun, Liberal. Born in Usborile Township, sixty four years ago Mr. Bonis moved with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonis to Blanshard Township in 1874, where he was a successful farmer for many years,. The deceased man was in the. stone quarry business for some 20 .Vears in St, Marys. . . He served as mayor of St,- Marys for three years, 1927-28 arid 29, 'giv­ ing up his position when lie entered the political field last year. Besides his widow he is survived by one daughter and one son, Miss Alma, and Nelson Bonis, both at home In St, Marys. *> ■South 'The opening of the new pavement between Parkkill and Moray was celebrated Friday evening with a banquet and street dance hill. About ’ 75 guests members of McGillivray, councils, and the county Were banqueted at the Arlington hotel followed by a Street dance, | at Park- incliidhig Parkliill, Council, LOCALS ’ .-Mr. and Mrs. Gep. Rtherington have returned home from visiting in Toronto. Mss Alice Boole and Master War­ ren Miller, nf London, are visitors at the home of Mr. L. Day, •Mrs, Creery, of Rsborne, met with an unfortunate accident on Tuesday when she fell and broke her arm. Dr. and Mrs, James Walker and family, of Burlington, aye visiting the former’s mother Mrs. Wm. Wal­ ker, Exeter North. Miss Marion Rissett is taking the place of Miss Greta Harness on the staff of the Bank of Montreal owing to the latter’s illness. Much credit is due to Cecil Dill­ ing of S. S. No, 1, Tuckersmith,‘who secured first class honours in the Entrance examinations. Of the to­ tal number twenty-six who wrote at the Hensall Centre, Cecil secured ‘the highest number of marks, On Saturday evening Mr. B. W. F. Beavers had ’ion 'display in his window a lettuce head of the New York variety that 'weighed two pounds and ^as about twenty inches across. It was a fine specimen a lettuce head and was admired many. COMMUNICATION it is with delight, we are again- privileged to hear me peal of our, Exeter •carillon, for years their voice has been stilled, b«t for the past few weeks, our citizens have passed mapy comments of pleasure at the artistic music given chimes which justly proud, whoever they out from the set of Exeter citizens are so We thank the players,,, may he. W. ATKINSON INJURED Ratepayer of by ELECTION RETURNS FOR 1626 The following are the official fi­ gures for South Huron in the Fed­ eral Election of September 14, 1926. The candidates were Thomas Mc­ Millan, Liberal', and A. Hicks; Con­ servative, the former being elected by a majority of 1153. Exeter McMillan, Hicks 19 8 > William Atkinson, an elderly re- tired farmer living in Lucan was sev­ erely injured at’the farm - of hip son, W. Atkinson on the second con­ cession of Riddulph Township. In attempting to help store the hay in the barn he was crushed between the end of the hayrack and a tractor- which was being utilized to help> push the heavy joad up the gangway. Several ribs were cracked, his chest Injured, while pneumonia set in fpK lowing the shock. Mrs. AtkinscfflB who had gone with her husband, re­ turned to Lucan after the- accident to gfet some needed articles and intended returning. On reach­ ing home she was stricken with par-.- alysis and is still in a serious condi­ tion. 344 * Total Usbome Total 1 144 171 ' . Total Stephen Total Tuekersmitli Total Stanley Total Clinton Total Total ................ ’ Hensall ZION The Zion picinc was held at Strat­ ford on Wednesday of last week a- bout 125 being present. Sports were enjoyed and dinner and supper were served. Everyone seemed to-* enjoy the day. . Mrs. Myrtle Earl and Miss Maud’ Knight „are attending the Summer’ School at Goderich. ‘ A repersentative from Stratford’ will preach in the interests of the Lord's Day Alliance, Sunday next. Rev. Mr, White is attending Sum­ mer School at Goderich. Total Bayfield Seaforth 414 STAFF A Mr. and Mrs. Flugol, of Los An­ geles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ ris, ,of North Bay, are guests at the- home ‘of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nor­ ris. ... Rev. R. Stewart, B.A.,B D., is at- 'tending Summer School at Goderich, this week. Mss Dorothy Hutchinson, of Sea­ forth, is visiting her cousin Miss Norma Wilson. , Mrs. A. W. Norris and sons Clar- en'ce and Norval are spending a days at Niagara Falls. Mt. and Mrs. F. Price, of cliener, Mrs, B. Price, Aylmer and Mrs. R. Honey, of 'St. Catherines,, are guests at the home of Mr.- and’ Mrs. G„ Wilson. . Mr. Howard Leary and. Miss. Vera, Leary are spending their vacationji in Flint, Mich. AUCTION SALE ’ ; few Kit- HORSES AND OTHER Sfl.’OCK The undersigned has re/eived in­ structions to sell by public auction? Lambert’s & Burdon’s/h'eed Bam?, STRATHROY,/ONT. ’ i SATURDAY, .Ju/y 26, 1930> ’ ‘ one o’clock shar ONE CARLiOkD WES without reserve- F EXTRA NICE HORSES Also a few mllc^ cows, calves and. Cash. Five months credit on. bankable paper with interest add-f­ ed at 7 per cent, per annum., M. A, McALPINE, T. F. HAWKENr Auctioneers* R.> M. LAMBERT, proprietor Notice to Creditors^ ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and Others having elaims against the tate of JOHN JAMES VARLEY, lafe of the Town­ ship of Tttckersmithf in the County 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Goderich Township ........................... 59 48 ........................... 81 ............................ 31 ........................... 74 49 Total ................ Hallett of Huron, who died day of Junfe, forward t h el the undersi 28th day of AND NOTI EN that after cutrix will proc estate having r%g claims of which notice. DATED at Exe day of July AJX, 1930. GLADMAN & STANBURY Hensall and Exeter Solicitors for the Executrix 1930, claim ed o] Iy A. r, Ontario, this n the sixteenth* re required to* duly proven to- or before the- , 1930.' FURTHER GIV- jid date the Exe- o distribute the- •d only t/o the then shall have* that I have*- of the V-ot- f vin«i^c VOTE1 Municipality COnhty of Hu Notice is herVby give 'complied With section «rs’ Lists Act ai^l thaj^ I lihve post­ ed up at my I ‘ ■ the 14th day of Lily Of Uli persons Said Municipality Hohn and that’ sic there for inspectio AND I hereby ca tri take intniediat haVe any errors o rected according to for appeal being th grist', 1930, Dated at Fxeter this 14th day or July, 1930; ■' ■ *l JOS, SENIOR, Clone Exeter, Ontario' I’ LISTS, 1J30 f Exeter? upon all voters proceedings to omissions cot* vw, the last day 4th day Of Au- t 'Exeter, ouril 1930/ the list. ' to vote in the ittiiicipal elec­ list remains-