HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-17, Page 5• R THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE I ............................ ;........... fl* anged. ADVANTAGES ommei’cial, Teachers’ Special keeping emington Typewriting Tests Ever> Teacher COURSES: Secretarial, Stenographic^ Courses Ar Gregg Shorthand .JF Bliss Pr«tical B Underw ISFboth Normal and Commercial Training, M. A. Stone, Com. Specialist, Vice-Prin., Phohe 198 For particulars write 15. F. Ward, 15.A, DR. J. A. MaTAG Specializing in HE /Telephone 10 L.D. S, ate Work ONT. Main Street 4Tr Brussels last and Drysdale E. Rannie the HENSALL Miss Doris Harmou, of Toronto, is wisiting at her hpme here. Mr. David Russpl, of Exeter made ja business trip to Hensall on Monday Mr. B. M. Francis, Reeve of Ex- -eter, was in town Monday on busi­ ness. B Mrs. Wesley French, of Kippen, . ’visited with friends in town bn Mon­ day. < ■Mr. and Mrs. Consitt took in the Orange Celebration at Bayfield on (Saturday. Mr. Joseph Combes, of Blyth, is ^spending a few days in the village visiting friends. Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, is spending a two weeks vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Jinks and •young son Ross, of Detroit, are home ion a two 'weeks vacation. Mrs. Peterson, of North Dokota, is visiting at fhe home of her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatch- 1’ord. Miss Ethel Murdock attended a .meeting of the Women’s Temperance 'Christian Union in. week. Messrs. Bonthron .have purchased from rblock-of stores now occupied by them am King Street. Mr. Wm. Reynolds, of Tillsonburg 5s spending a few days this week wishing his sister Mrs. Robinson and Miss Reynolds. - IMy. and Mrs. Jas. McMartin and -daughter Margaret, of Barrie, were a-eceht visitors at the home of Mr. ;and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mr. George Thiel, w’ho carires the mi ail and draws the freight to Zurich Jias purchased a new- 2‘% truck and amt on the, route for hauling freight. Mr. Angus * Robinson" who was ®Vseverely hurt in an automobile ac- 'cident in Detroit, is’ i&proving rap- - idly and $s now out -pi danger. Mr. and, (Mrs. David Cantelon, Mr. , ' -and Mrs. John Zuefle and Mrs. Peter u -Buchanan .have returned home after -a two weeks vacation at Pt. Bay. Mrs. Geo. if../ Thompson and daughter, Miss Mary Thompson left o9ast week for a trip to the Canadian West going from Sarnia to Fort William on the Steamer Harmonic. Mr. Percy Gramn, of Detroit, who (lias -been visiting his parents here ■Sor (some t™^ has returned home, slaking with him liis parents Mr and Mrs. Geo. Gramn who will visit with •friends in Michigan for a time. The Hensall Orange Lodge cele­ brated the 12th of July at Bayfield A. large crowd from here accompan­ ied them. They assembled at their $raH in the morning and played sev­ eral selections on the fife and drum (before going ^away. Mr. Albert' Pramger, of Chicago, Ss a guest at the new Commerical Uhis week. Mr. Pranger resided here ,-a couple of yeans ag© for some time’ sand his many friends are glad to fiee him looking so well. -Quite a number of our men are en- Jgu-ged on the eminent work between ■Centralia and Clandeboye. Mr. Al- ^)Mh , McEwan who maije such a ^splendid job as finisher dn the road ibetween Kippen and Exeter, is do- Sng the same work at Centralia. Death of Mrs. Geo. Douglas ’The death occured in Hensall ’Thursday morning last of one 'of on its well’ known .residents in the person $ Mrs. Geo. Douglas. Mrs. Douglas Sms been in poor health for over a .year and in spite of the best iical attention and nursing ^grew weaker and passed away. (Douglas was a sister of Mr. LLpgan and Miss Feem • Logan, of Varna and was in her ’62nd year. Desides her sorrowing husband .she leaves to mOurn her loss one dauglit- .er Miss. Irene. The funeral took place from her date home, King Street, Hensall in- CleriJienf in the Bayfield cemetery. ’Her pastor Rev. Arthur Sinclair Hiaving charge' of the services. School lieport, Pronicttion ItcsuHs Room 2 Sr. Hi to Jr. IV; honours, Or- ’•Ville Hedden, * Dorothy' McQueen, Dillie Glenn, Annie Cai’lile. ■Pass; I ;rdea'cock, Donthron, Fee. Jr. Hi med- she Mrs. Wm. Mary Little, Gladys Satin- Myrna Hudson, Harold , Kenneth Manns, G. Pea- Lor- Jean Foster. to Sr. HI, honors ^ta 33611, Ronald Peels. Pass; Ivan, Kipher, Bob Drysdale. SDorothy Daters, Nellie F’ee. .Sr. II to Jr. Hi, honors Herl) Principal Shep- ert Drummond, May Wolf. Pass, Mona Glenn, Margaret Shep­ herd, Erma Kipfer, Ruth Bell, Ed­ na Saundercock, Kenneth Passmore, David gangster, Jack Simmons, K, Buchanan. M. E. Ellis, Teacher. Room 3 Jr, 11 to Sr. Ill; 'Mary Clark 85, Elva McQueen 85, Jack Coles, 79, Russel Hedden 78, Alice Pfaff 77, Stanley Tucker, 76, Barbara herd 74, Douglas Sangster72, Her­ man Wolf 71- Jr, 11; Geo. Sangster77 Laird son 75, Shirley Twitchell 69, Ray Foster 58. Sr. First; Elaine Peck 85, Nor­ man Cook 84, Gerald Passmore 82, Audrey Twitchell 81, Cecil Cipfer 77, Billy Higgins 73, Stepliefl Wal­ ters 61, Stewart Walters 60, Howard Smale 42. Primer to Jr.- 1; June cock 82, Doris Pearce 81, herd 77, Billy Coles Lemmon 75, Sidney T J. Buchanan, teacher. CoweDr. H Hud- aunder- hek Shep- L Preston 59. J. DASHWOOD , L.D.S., D.D.S. TAL/SURGEON At office AJn rtleib Block, Dash­ wood, first \hr/e days of week and at office qn\t/ the Post-Office, In Zurich, last We requir __ . leave town for,J one.« Canning Facto; MT. CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Mclsaac, of London, accompanied by their dau­ ghter, Carmel and friend palled on friends here on Sunday.—Miss Mary Fallon, of London, was .the guest of her friend Miss Marie Regan.—Miss Cecila Hall, of ‘Detroit, was a visit-’ or with her cousin Mrs, Joseph Mc­ Carthy last week.-—Miss. Winnie Madden, of London, spent the week­ end with her parents here.—Mr, J. Campbell, of Detroit, is spending his vacation with liis brother Mr. Jerry Campbell.—-Miss Eileen O'Rourke, of Detroit, was called home owing to the illness of her mother Mrs. M. O’Rourke.—Mr. Michael Barry, of Detroit, called on friends here on Sunday.—iMiss Regina McCann, visiting relatives at Detroit. CHAIN RED & Red & White CORNFLAKES He^vyjf&inc; JAR BINGS < creditonX is 15 or APO women 1 loneJlnonths work r JjFrting in August. Jap on application.— Its, Exeter. 7-17-2te. is visiting with her 3 for 24c.19c.> dozen PURE CANE GRANULATED SUGAR SPECIAL ORANGE PEKOE TEA CANADA DRY GIKGER ALE ... HITE STORES T Red & White JAR RUBBERS Best Quality Heavy 4 dozen for 25c, ........... 10 pound? for 51c. ., 43c. a pound . .. .6 pint bottles for $1.154 15c. a dozen MAC’S COOKI NUGGjET SHOE POLISH NEB. SOAP FLAKES 4 pkgs, for 25c.tins for 23c.We require 2 leave town for Canning Factor! Full particularj Canadian Can™ Mrs. Misener son, Dr. C. C. Misener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moir, of De­ troit, are spending a few -days with ■Mr. and Mrs. G. Eilber. Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, is spending his vacation with lias par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, H. Haist. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark, of De­ troit, called on his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark on Saturday on their way to Walkerton accompan­ ied by Mrs. Farquison, of Walker­ ville and Mr. McConnell, of Pasa­ dena, California Mrs. Alfred Wuerth and two sons, Reynold and Reginald left last Sun­ day for Detroit’, where they will vis­ it for a week. Miss Evelyn Fahner, of Saline, Mich., is spending- a few days with her cousin Miss Erma Fahner. Mr. J. Regan, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is spending a few days of his. vacation in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Trietz and son Roland, of Sarnia, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. Trietz. ‘ The Glee Club of North Central College were entertained at Mr. H. K. Eilber’s cottage at Grand Bend last Thursday We congratulate the pupils and the teacher on. the splendid result of the Entrance Examination. Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Burn, of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hinton, of Toronto, Mrs. Flora Brown and son Melvin, of Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Klump on Tuesday. Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, is spending liis vacation with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haist. Miss Lulu Gaiser, of McMaster University, Toronto, with other stu­ dents are making aji extensive tour to at ree daysjbl week. 25 or ffO women t° on ths work at rting in August. Full particular! JTpon application.— Canadian Can s, Exeter. 7-17-2tc. Miss Dorothy Mack, of Detroit, is visiting her aunt Mrs. Otto Reste- meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Tieman and Mervyn, Anna and Ruth are visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ervi'ne Mclsaac and ____ __ family returned to Windsor after | through Europe. Some of the places spending two weeks with 1ns par- r, ... . .. n . _* .ents Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mclsaac. | w111 yislfc are T en\C.L’ Mr. Melville Vernon, of Detroit’, is P.e7toaxa^d July 17 and 19 J^hey visiting with Otto Restemeyer. 11 > Miss L. M'cGure is, visiting mon Willett’s Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Henry days visiting in Mr. and Mrs. [visit at Rome and on July 29th they at Si- win attend the Passion Play "*■ Oberammergau, Germany. Herb Wein and Mr. Rader spent a few Detroit. Henry Restemayer, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemayer and Donald spent Sunday in Sebringvifle, Stratford, New Hamburg and Platte­ ville. Mr. and Mrs. Art Weber and fam­ ily spent Saturday in Bayfield atten- dng the 12th of July celebration. Messrs Harold Weber and Melville Vernon spent Sunday at Ipperwash Beach. Billie Eveland and Victor Kraft, .spent Sunday in London. ^-r- Campbell and his two |Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Snider aud;ters.are visiting Mrs. McHardy. Mrs. Ed. Nadiger spent Thursday ini Mr. and Mrs.-Jesse Shier and London and Port Stanley. Mrs. Me- [ daughters Edna and Ermena, Callum, of London, returned with1 Crandall, Man., are visiting friends them. | here. Mrs. Bill Davis spent a few days' in London, with her son William. Mr. Tupper Wolf has purchased a radio from Mr. E. Fahner, of Credi- ton. ELIMVILLE Kraft LONG-HANDLED FAY SWATTE. FLY TOX, FLY C CHERS, WILSON’S FLY PADS AND TANGLEFOOT, ETC. FRUITS AND . 9c. each EGETABLES FRESH EVERY DAY !!ll BLUEBERRIES FOR AeS FALCON SARDINES .1., • /................ •'.................................. .., Number 2 Tin, 23c. each ...................................................... 2 tins for 27c. =These prices good fol Jhursday,Friday, and Saturday, July 17, 18, 19 HARVEY & Hl [rvey EXETER, ONT, THE BUYER SAVES” *5 Phone 102 ‘‘THE OWNER SERVES -*s SHIPKA Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, of De­ troit, visited over the week-end with friends here.—Mrs. Geo. Keys, of Detroit, is at’ present visiting friends here.—Mrs. R. McKenzie and Jack, o,f Windsor, are spending the holi­ days at the home of Mr. A. Finkbein- er.—Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac, of Loudon, visited friends here on Sun- • day —Mr.‘ and “ Mrs. Wm. Oestricher, of Crediton, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm.. Sweitzer.—Mrs. Bucke and Babe, uf Windsor, is at present visiting at the home* .pf his father Mr. G. Baynham.—Messrs. P. Ratz, S. Ratz, M. Sweitzer, C. Loch- ner and M. Deitrich are this week on a fishing trip up the Lakes,— Master Milton Sweitzer is at pres­ ent visiting in Parkhill.—Quite a number from here attended the 12th of July Celebration at Bayfield, on Saturday last.—Miss Leia Mollard had an operation for the removal of his tonsils by Dr. Taylor, of Dash­ wood.—A number from- here attend­ ed the Cami) Service in London on Sunday last.—Miss Gertrude Amy, of Crediton, is at present visitin aunt, Mrs. Roy Ratz. KHIVA Mr. Wm. Witzel spent Monday in' Sarnia.—Mr. and Mrs, S. Gotehalfc, Of Seaforth, spent the past week; with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade.—Mr. and Mrs. W,m. Mason and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N*, -St. Clair, Crediton.—Mr. and Mrs,. Cunningham, of Clandeboye, spent' Sunday with Mr. .and Mrs. R. Schroe­ der.—Miss Esther and Thelma Neeb Visited there sister Mrs. S. Thomp­ son' near Kippen on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratz ana family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. C. Trii'e-c inner, of 14 Gon. Hay. KIRKTON We require 25,x or leave town for Canning Factory/ stating in August. Fui particulars Canadian Cann , . ... Mrs. John Sample, of Parkhill, is visiting her sister Miss Jennie inson. , Misses M'arguerite and Mary laway, of Toronto are visiting ' Lizzie Collie. women ne ninths work ’on application.— , Exeter. 7-17-2tc E. N. Shier is busy taking traffic census this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kimble and Miss Hamilton, of Detroit, and Mrs. Francis, of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood this week. Miss Randall, of Meaford is visit- g Miss Valma Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding, of and The regular monthly meeting of in, the W. M. S. which was to be held | on Thursday of this week is post- Exeter, are visiting with Mr. poned until next week. | Mrs. David Goulding. Wm. Elford and! - Large congregations attended the relatives in, United Church Bunday morning ’ when the three appointments par­ took of the Lord’s Supper. and son also of Annual lield at WHALEN Master Hodgson Pond, of Toron­ to returned to his home on Sunday afternoon after spending the past week with his cousins Grafton and Ronald Squire. Several from this .vicinity attend­ ed the Squire reuion held at Grand Mr. and Mrs. children visited -with Wellburn on Sunday last. Mrs. White, Sr. and daughter Miss Grace White of Chatham, spent the week-end with Rev. Mr. White at the Parsonage returning with Dr. and Mrs. White Chatham. It is expected Community picnic (Stratford on July 23rd. Miss Hazel and Dorothy Johns are visiting with their aunt Mrs. W. j®end on Saturday, July 12th. Pybus at Chiselhurst. ‘ ■ • I (M’\ Ms!nc Puller. b.ee r-w?1'' Mr. Garnet Johns is on the sick (Chevrolet coupe. ........... _ list this week. M'r. daughter visited at Mr. il— ----,Rumbles, of Medina, on Sunday last’., Morley^ Miss Florence Bell has beefi nom-| . ~ inated delegate to the , ,, , „Summer School in place of Mr. Del-Tended his mothers funeral, mar Skinner. . . A nuniiber from bare attended the Is holidaying with her brother Eric Brown. ■Shirley Squire is spending a few­ days with her grandmother Mrk. N. Ogden, of Exetei’. Mrs. Wm. Brooks and Mrs. Melle- ville Gunning are still in the hospit­ al but are doing nicely. Their many •friends will be pleased when they have sufficiently to their homes, Mastet Gladwin seriously injured ing struck with & baseball bat over writing he is holding hi? own. All! a week ago is still in St. Joseph’s of the other children in the family J Hospital. He is doing nicely but has have or have had measles very re- to remain there while his wounds] ceiitly. heed dressing, (Mr. Milne Pullen has purchased a Mr. and Mrs. Millerville Dann, of and Mrs. Lloyd Johns and'‘Lond011 Township spent Sunday af- at Mr. iSenton;ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William French has returned home Goderich Crom New York state where' he at- funeral of the late Mrs. Spicer, a former resident of this community, which, was held last Wednesday. (Some early morning .risers report a frost on Tuesday morning of this week. The truck drivers are having a very busy time hauling peas now, Muster Carman Herdman, young­ est son of Mr. and Mrs. John Herd- man has been seriously ill with pneu­ monia and measles, and a nurse has been in attendance. At time of Miss Mabel Hayes, of Brantford, recovered to return Langford,, who was about the head bo- Bennett Willj farmer Bennett \ lllllllllllllllll III VOTE-Trewartha INSERTED BY THE SOUTH HURON CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION COL* H. B. COMBE, President ROBT. HIGGINS, Secretary Speaking at Chilliwack, B. countifies. Canadui The Farmer Must Have a Square Deal In his famous two-hour' 'speech in the House on May 6th, the , speech to which Premier- King could give no answer except the ad­ mission that it would be wise to hold an election, Hon. R. B. Ben­ nett, leader of the Conservatives declared—“THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY STANDS FOR THE SAFE-GUARDING AND STABILITY OF AGRICULTURE AND INDUSTRY, AND TO THAT END, FOR PROTECTION BY LAWS MADE IN CANADA.” . The Conservative policy is laid down in black and white by Mr. Bennett. It is simple and it lias a punch. What a contrast to the complexities, the varnish, the uncertainty of the fiscal policy proposed by the Dunning budget! For njpe years agriculture hag looked to a Liberal government for help—but in vain. Liberalism to-day is empty, too. What the Farmer is Up Against Milk cows in Canada decreased by 102,000 in the fisc 1927-28. Time for a change. In 1929 we Imported more than 34,t500,000 poundsjTf butter, whereas in 1924 we Exported more than 25,000,000 ^ynds. In the single month of January, 1930, we Imported 16,00^000 pounds of butter. Time for a change. Total production of butter in Canada betweeir<925 and 1929 decreased by more than 11,000,000 pounds. Total production of cheese has decreased 31,0.00,000 pounds. Before Premier King's New Zealand Treaty ada imported only 150,000 pounds of butte Zealand. Bacon exports .dropped from 240,000.^00 pounds in'1919 to .34,000,000 pounds in 1929, a decline of 8 ‘ per cent. j Millions of dozens of eggs have bd&n imported into Canada ring the past several years. In the Toronto and Montreal mar­ kets alone about 20,000 cases of American eggs were dumped in nuary this year. year in |#ie .same period by ent into effect Can-, ’’•annually from New only last Saturday night, Pr'em- have long since passed the tipie whc|i the home market will al^Torb our surplus products.” n by “our surplus products?” Our farnfers are selling less tliajr they did years ago. Why? Because the KiiDg government has al wed other countries, to flop their farm one hand he waves at the farmer voter ater foreign trade, while with the oth.hr hand $ie betrays the fa^fiier and gives the home market’ to other products into Canada. Witl the beautiful vision of g et Action nnett’s policy guarantees the home market to Canadian farmers CAN produce enough dairy They are NOT supplyingproducts to supidry the Canadian demand. T _ ______the Canadian n^jrrket now, because they have to compete with dump- i .the United States and New Zealand. ill Stop Dumping Snnett will safeguard agriculture by means of duties that’ will defeat unfair competition from other countries. Not countervailing duties, t^ot ups and downs in the tariff schedules Not the uncertainties, flourished by Dunning. Bennett will make the Canadian farmer’s surplus REAL. And then lie will go after foreign markets, .