HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-17, Page 2•* <’THVRSPAT. JVLY M. i»30 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE * choice of Jens of Thousands Appearance alone has sold to thousands of farmers economy, fire protection COUNCILSIAnDmO invisible distance Jle/»w—A ‘’clone-up’* of RIB- ROLL, showing LED-HED flail and wide aide lap. Whan «u>!ed thia, joipt i» from even a short jiway. ~ 1 MeUt .Calling en their I supreme ^yilue as a preventive, of spon­ taneous Ljcombu»«on by keeping air in . constant ’arculation.I Prislon Galvanizea^Tankf are guaranteed. Sirs 3 fte in dia­ meter and 2 ft. deep. Cash price 117.70. Oblong tank* 6' x 12' x 2'. Cash price $10.85 • . . buil&of 20 gauge galvanized iron. « aa^,_ ^sssssssssss^ MM •Roll roofing . but it i» ______ , d permanence that_______it sold. Whenever you SO in Ontario these handsome are familiar land-marks... protectinjgmillions of dollars worth of crops, stock id property,* RIB- ROLL’s success has c sed it to be widely imitated—but Rib-Rolj$ilone hastherigidity. ease of erection, du^bility, low cost and absolute fire protec n which make it the foremost roofing v e in Canada today. An Unbeatable Combination RIB-ROLL Roofing and Preston LED-HED • nails make a roo to beat. The c<j^ of laying RIB-ROLL is lower than near.®' all other types of roofing. .When you use$LED-HED nails you get a rigid, handso , tight-joirjted roof.fhat de- ** " * sather.’ The nails are speci- g combination impossible fies fire and - ally designedj^vith lead heads which com­ pletely " ry - - awkward wafers .., no threading or punch­ ing. Write samples of RIB-ROLL and nails. Pifston Metal Ceilings The midjii’ing quality and Preston m3, one o£ th----for Moresjf h'mtpes and offices. ; Freston METAL “I’ retain tl®r good looks indefinitely. Economy Metal Lath At ' is shown close-tip of the famous Econoi® Herringbone (double mesh) Me­ tal L^l—a metal lath that can be sup­ plied,greeted and plastered as cheaply as jhVood Lath. It gives 100% perfect f against 15% kej' of wood lath . . ating streaks, cracks, falluug pias- iand providing great fire protection. SOCIAL—We offer terms to responsible goners on ropfing and siding for needed s to their buildings. Write for full particulars. nail hole. There are no ... no threading or punch- ...al ceilings have -made them ^tnost popular types of ceilings- f .. ... * J. Pvacf-mj ^iLINCB'are' permanent. They imited 4* 'I——'-- .... . MRS. A. E. LLOYD OF WINGHAM ELHCTFD PRESIDENT The 33rd annual convention of the Huron Worn eiVs’^Christian Temper- auce Union met in the United church Brussels on Tuseday, July 8th, with three sessions ’and with the vice- president, Mrs. A. E. Lloyid, pre­ siding. The devotional exercises were con­ ducted by the Blyth Union in the morning. The department of work taken up by the County Women's Christian Temperance Union are the following: Evangelistic, apto-nar- cotic, Canadian marine, citizenship, flowers, fruits and delicacies, law enforcement, Little White Ribbon- ers, medal contest, moral education, mother’s meetings, parlor meetings, press, peace and arbitration, railway employees, Sabbath observance, scientific temperance, temperance in Sunday school and Travellers’ Aid, Little White Ribboners. Many of superintendents of these departments gave very full and en­ couraging reports. Afternoon Session The devotional exercises by Blyth Union followed by the address of welcome by Rev, A. W, Barker, pas­ tor of the convention, church which was a very thoughtful and inspiring address and Miss Baillie, of Goder­ ich very ably responded. The memorial service then follow­ ed by Mrs. McGuire of Brussels, “Of those who have stepped up to higher Life," a few minutes standing in silence as a tribute to Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London, Dominion presi­ dent of the W.C.T.U. while Rev. A. W. Barker led in prayer. There were three others, Mrs. Wm. Glenn, of Hensall; Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. i.Mol- lard, of Exeter. Mrs. (Rev.) A. W. Barker sang a very pleasing solo, followed by a duet by Mrs. William Proctor and Miss Lulu, entitled "Oh it is wonder­ ful." The Convention speaker was Rev. D. McTavish, of James St. United church, Exeter, his subject was "Modern Menaces.” In opening his address Mr. Mc- Tavish congratulated the W.C.T.U. upon the splendid Educational Cam- Campaign that they were conducting through the Sunday Schools. He spoke of menaces of the pres­ ent day other than the Government control of liquor which he expected had been dealt with in Convention He declared that the boys and girls of today had temptations more dif­ ficult to face than those of the pre­ vious generation. He claimed the movies to be one of the greatest menaces of the modern age, where crimes were committed by the heroes and children and young people made familiar with murder.s and thefts where very often the guilty ones es­ caped. He claimed that in two hundred and fifty pictures there were ninety-seven murder scenes and onje hundred and' seventy-six thefts, that only eighteen per cent, of the pictures were fit for children. The great difficulty in combatt­ ing the movies was that they were owned by large concerns and not under local management . Another menace w the forms used for advertising on bill hoards and magazine covers. Even a harm­ less drink such as Orange Crush could not be advertised without an objectionable form, He spoke of the summer resorts where people dressed to swim but parked on the beach. He spoke of the cigarette evil which was on the increase not only among our boys hut girls as well and called upon all W.C.T.U. workers to combat all these evils. By request Mr. McTavlsh sang "The Big Ragget Wain" after which a very hearty expression of appre­ ciation was tendered to him. Eject New Executive The election of officers then took as follows: Advisory president A. C. Cooper, Clinton; presi- ■Mrs, A. E, Lloyd, Wingham; vice-president, Mrs. Bender; Miss Mur- secyetary, treasurer, secretary, L.T.L. se- . of Goder- place Mrs. dent, first' corresponding secretary, dock, Miss Miss Miss cretary jch, Hensail; recording A. Consjtt, Hensail; Baillie, Goderich; Y Joynt, Wingham; Mrs, G. Johnston^ B The pasesd.We, the members, of Christian Temperance County of Huron, now our thirty-third con- liereby express our WHALEN (Crowded out last week.) Mr. 'ftud Mrs. Phil. Porter, of Loh- dem, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mrs. Melville Gunning, who is still in St. Joseph’s Hospital, is improv­ ing following a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and family spent Sunday in London, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Squire and family spent Sunday with Mr. land Mrs. Nelson Squire of Farquhar. Mr, and Mrs. Squire spent Sunday wth Mr. and Farquhar, The Squire on Saturday Bend, The ladies entertaininig Thursday afternoon. Miss Mary Dayman has returned home having spent a week . with friends in Usborne. TELLING ALL HER i FRIENDS ABOUT IT I “I expected great things of SaiM gon and it has not disappointed me^ For months I had been in a ier-t ribly rundown condition, tired ant# Guelph .Street, Preston, Ontario Factories and Offices at Toronto and Montreal nets Address Eastern Steel Products Limited, xxx Guelph Street, Preston, Ontario, Ple’3c send Bceratixjre °n Preston STEEL TRUSS Bams RIB-ROLL. Roofing, O, LED-HED Nails Q Barn Door Hardware £J, Metal 'JLath Q. Check items in which you are interested. Name. HE successful farmer gets returns from his crops and he gets returns from his funds. Save into Bank Sts Bank adds in tere#Ho the money saved- by hstrious farmers. Bamkearning interest a porfcm of your ii an interest-bearing of MontlWL Have you funds in the or you? ome regularly and put it avings Account in the Ask our local atidget latest publicatioiWfTh >r a copy of the Banks ^armier nnd His Bank>>w A Bank with More than a Century^ Success Behind It T. S* WOODS, Manager Exeter Branch ’ Resolutions following resolutions were (1) the Women’s Union, of the assembled is vention do thanks. to our Heavenly Father for his continued goodness to us during the year that is past. Resolved therefore that more time and preparation be given to the de­ votional part of our meetings so that in all we may have His help, His guidance and His approval. Whereas, for the time it .seems the doors of legislation are closed .to us. Resolved, therefore that we ex­ press our appreciation of the educa­ tional campaign which has been con­ ducted through the medium of the Northern Messenger, also, our appre­ ciation of the help given us by pastors, superintendents and teach­ ers by their co-operation and sym- apthy and also that we continue in the year to come to heartily endorse the study course prepared for us for use in our Sunday school. Resolved that we express our sat­ isfaction that legislation in the Fed­ eral House has been passed to -pre­ vent the passing of clearing papers to vessels engaged in the carrying of beverage alcohol in any country contravention to the laws. - Whereas the Liquor Control Act is not fulfilling the promise made for it that it should be a measure lessening the evils of the liquor traf­ fic, but that' it has rather increased those evils in every particular and is becoming more and more a men­ ace to the peace and happiness of our homes and to the progress of our country. Therefore it is resolved that' we stand as ever, unalterably opposed to any control or regulation of the liquor traffic and that we abide by our pledge to employ all proper means to discourage the use of and traffic in all alcoholic beverages. Preservance of Peace * Whereas, an appeal has come in to the women of our land to unite in spirit to preserve the peace in all the world just as they united pray­ ers with every possible effort and activity to end the Great War. Be it resolved that we recommend the League of Nations membership to our W.C.T.U. women urging that their fullest co-operation be (given. Temperance <superintendent report­ ed that the National Temperance Educational contest brought honors to the County of Huron, the prize winners being William Sutherland Goderich third prize in the National contest and first prize in the .senior boys’ Provicial contest; Audrey Car­ ter, Clinton one of the prize winners in the National contest and second prize in the Senior boys’ Provincial contest, and Margaret Doan, of Clinton, now of Mitchell, one of the prize winners in the National cam­ paign and winner of the first prize in the Senior girls’ Provincial con­ test. Besides these, Caroline Well­ wood, of Wingham, Mary Coleman of Hensall and Jack Snyder, Clinton, Von provincial prizes in the junior class while Margaret Watson of Brucefield won a Provincial Inter­ mediate prize. s, The contest for tlie coming year is to be sponsored by the United Church of Canada in conjunction with the W.C.T.U. and is to be pub­ lished in the various Sunday schools papers as well as the Northern Mes­ senger. The contest is to last for six weeks beginning in October. In the absence of Miss Cdnsitt, re­ cording-secretary, (Mrs. C. W. Chris­ tie was’Appointed, of Exeter, The delegates were all served din- net and supper in the basement of the church, Evening Session The evening session opened in the Town Hall, Brussels, at 8 o'clock. Ret. A. W. Barker, acting as chair­ man, the evening session being in the form of a four act play by the young people of Goderich The first Item on gram was a short chairman, followed titled, "Who Cares.* The meeting then closed by singing of the National Anthem Rev. A, W. Harker pronounced JjenodictloiL ,, CROMARTY (Crowded out last week.) The ann uaj picnic in connection with the Sunday School held as us­ ual on the 1st of July in the Moun­ tain Grove was well attended and a good time was spent. Games and races were put on by the children and grown-ups. Visits were pres­ ent from New York, Toronto, Brant­ ford and other points, ... Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, is at present spending her holidays with friends in the -rilla-ge. and vi­ cin ty. Rev. Mr, Rhodes, of Exeter, oc­ cupied the pulpit in the Presbyter­ ian church on Sunday .last. Mrs. Weitzman (nee Miss Mary McKellar), of Niagara spent a few days visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKellar.. She was ac­ companied home by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott and family, Marion and «Agnes Scott will spend a few weeks visiting with their aunt. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the ball .games in Goderich on the 1st. , • Miss Margaret McKellar, of Sea­ forth, is at present visiting with li^r friends and relatives at present. Miss Lila McCulloch has taken >a two weeks holidays and has taken a trip to Quebec having gone by way of the Thousand Islands. !She will visit with friends and relatives while there. She was accompanied by her aunt from Logan. Mr. John A. Norris, of Winnipeg, arrived lately and is at present vis­ iting with her daughter Mrs. Hugh Currie. * Mr. and (Mrs. David Allison, of Roland, Man., were guests of Mr.- and Mrs. Will Hamilton a few 'days last week being here to attend the Ham­ ilton gathering. Rev., Mr. McKay, of Walkerton, former pastor, of Cromarty church preached the ajnniversary services on July 1st there -was a large crowd both 'morning and evening, the church was filled having to use seats in at Grand of the W the Zion M, S. are ladies on ,re-union will be held July 12 th Mrs. Albert Scott, of oBEirrsoN was JIBS. M. time and was daches. There on in my shoulder- had such ;,t I developed hem— ttles of Sargon ut of my body, I indisposed all th ject to severe li a neuritis condi and a h< orrl: drove XI) e pains sleep b&ter thanEi have in years and have a wbnderfu ^feeling of strength and energy, friends afljput Sa wonderful Velie that trouble like X di splendid health $in every Mrs. M. Bober n, 15 Alice Street^ Hamilton, Ontario. ■-^Sargon may be obtained in Exeter at W. S. Howey’s. telling all myj on. have given sucli. from constipation the hemorrhoidal' and I’m enjoying way."—i> the aisles. GREENWAY (Crowded out last week.) On Friday evening the congrega­ tion of the Grand Bend .charge gath­ ered in the United- church in large numbers when Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Chairman of Huron Presbytery pre­ sided and inducted Rev. S. J. Mathers as pastor of the charge. Rev. Hag- elstein, of Crediton addressed the congregation and Rev. Gale, of Bay- field, the minister. Afterward lunch was'served and a social hour enjoy­ ed. On Sunday afternoon the mem­ bers of the Orange Lodge order in this district attended Divine worship in the United church. Rev. Lewin, of Grace church assisted the pastor, Rev. S. J. Mathers in the service. The large congregation listened with interest to the messages and the choir gave two special numbers. Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, has been visiting her sister Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Miss Nettie Geromette, of Grand Rapids,'Mich., has been holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jbs.‘ Geromette. Mr. and Mrs. IVIaile, of. Michigan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ste­ wardson, last week. Mr. Tlios. IStewardson is spending a few weeks with Mrs. G. Woodburn. Mr. J. Gardiner, who is a patient in Byron Sanitorium spent a few days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bullock and Mr. and Mrs. John Bullock motored to Plattsville <on July 1st to attend a reunion of the Bullock family. Mrs. Burnett’ and children, • of London, visited Mrs. McIntosh. MIS- JACOB HEGGER PASSES ■ An aged and highly respected, resident ;e£ Zurich' and community ■passed- away very suddenly on July 7th in the. person of' Mrs. Gathering (Krauskopf) Regie'r, beloved .wife of Mr. Jacob Regier, of Zurich. Mr.- Regier had beep, out- on the farm, of his son-in-law, Mr. Simon Hoff­ man and on returning home* his-com- . phnion stricken on-the kitchen flody and unconscious. Jtist how- long she lipd lain there is not known but Hm "mattent.nt:j-t5yp. dhy'^-time the afflicted lady. Was/ relieved' of hey suffering; by deatli, having never re^j7^’ igained ’consciousness.' The late Mrs./ Regier was beloved by all who knew, ’ her being a kind and neighborly dis­ position, was born in McKillop Twp., but lived with her husband for many; years, on their farm, Goshen Line' south, now occupied by Mr. Siimon Hoffman. • Deceased- was a devout Christian of the 'Roman l’ Catholic faith, and was aged-.68 .years, 9 months and 1 day. Besides' her sor­ rowing husband she is survived by two daughters: ‘Mrs, Sinion Hoffman of the Goshen Line, Hay Township and '..Miss Margaret Regier, who has been keeping house for Father A. M. Stroeder Of M'aidstone, Ontario. The •remains are laid to rest on Wednes­ day morning last to the R. C. ceme­ tery, Rev. Father L. ed. * >- tower officiat- DDD Sot skin d i '[ An active fl^d thatfwaslies into the' sick tissues^’ ‘----- ing elements p „ _____„__ on the instant-Veruitions disappear! The treatment h W. s. Howi ear stainless, its soothe e. Itching stops! rival. DRUGGIST ■ ‘ *'r ’-------------- —----- USBORNE HIBBERT MUTUAL /f FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar. Ont. ‘President ' SIMON DO! VIce-Pres. %u FRANK McCONN Directors ANGUS Sill,CLAIR, J. T. robt. :: JOHN ESS • Usb OLIVER : Hibbert ORRIS, WM. . AGENTS. RY, Centri a, Agent Joi? ddulph RRIS, mro, Agent FulJajjftm and Log&a ItRNBULt retJTy-Treasurer xeter, Ontario GLADMAN & STANBUBY Solicitors, Exeter the everting address by by the play Mr. W. J. Coopor, Maughan, Alta., Writes:— year ago last spring I arrived in Canada With m/ family, and ono of my boys, aged six, was suffering!' very much with cholera. When we arrived I had ol few hours to wait, and told ono of the attendants at tho station about it, and he asked me if I had over tried Dir. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry. I had hover heafd of it In England;'so he told could get it in Winnipeg. I ahi pleased to shy I had only to givo the child four Joses and ho get well and was quite cheetful by the next morning. Attack of Cholera