HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-10, Page 8* THLWDAY, JULY Are moviwdl fast JSqW practically al)|of recent inwe-'ic y El’S A REASON stock nd. r due lext week. If re an f, buy now. T First cl&s Another you req Call and g are Markets Wheat 95m data 45 a Barley Bran $1,35. Shorts $1.40 Feed Flowf 3L90 ’ Mauitoba’s Bes$ Flour $4,00 ’I -- -- p ices and Jeave your order^for .delivery on Welcome Flour $3.^5 Model Flour $3,60 Creamery Butter 33 c, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 28—31c. extras 25c, firsts 22c. seconds 19m 310.50 ‘ TUB EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ker. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. 4, Minister Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist During July Evening Service Ouly 7 p.m.-*-“The Design of Divine Elec­ tion.” I Mbi *LADIES’i SUMMER DRESSES i*- We have just received a number of new dresses. ThewiiP plain with coats as well as some nejotylesUNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches Union Services foi» July and August Main Street and James Street United Churches JULY—Rev, C. J. Moorhouse in charge Main Street choir in charge of music July 13th: James Street 11.00 p.m. Main Street 7.0Q p.m. July 20th; Main Street 11.00 a.m. James Street 7.00 p.m. July 27th; James Street 11.00 a.m. Main .Street 7.00- p.m. August 3rd: Main Street 11 a.m. James Street 7.00 p.m, . a.m.—Sunday School elude in printed chiffons. • See our specials in large sizes, at Still some left on our special rack ar$2.95i ^ J^oaals Mrs. Amy, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs, E. A. Amy« of town. The glorious Twelfth will be cele­ brated at Bayfield this year, Little Eleanor Abbott is recuper­ ating from her recent illness. Miss Louise Sweet, of Tillsonburg, is visiting with Miss H. Sweet. Mr. Wm. Lutman assisted the Hensail Anglican choir on Sunday. Miss Mary Gorrell, of Toronto, is visiting friends in and around Exe­ ter. Mr, Stuart Moorhouse, of London, spent Sunday under the parental roof, Miss visiting ' Dow. Miss visiting her sister Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates. Miss Alice Handford is visiting with her brothers at Renfrew and Arnprior” Mr, and Mrs. John Francis, of London, visited relatives in this community over the week-end. Caven Presbyterian Congregation al picni§ is being held at Bayfield on Wednesday of tills week. Attention/-We /have; ■ Mrs. Knapps, of Kamloops, B. ;or tuhek wit/dump is visiting "with her sisters Mrs. H. ------------ j^s peas/) -- ‘ ~ — — Phone 237w. Wfofff Bros. / 4 ecial of Shorts ,$&d Low Come in and get our on ton lots Floum We carr "Feeds. O ^at $2.50. Tavpr mor haven’t tr —HARVE prices Grade Chickline of oping Mash sells alf Meal is gaining the time. If you some get a trial bag. Will the party >tire off the ba^of th^car .in the garage and no use, Fi$d return tW?' 1 The occ^ants.. neiglibo^. were ing of Ae dog. _ .. ed, as to whom |.he guilty One was qp please save Signed, K. J. Sin .s. NOTICE ok the spare ray a tire of week •days, and bark- Suspicion is arpus- withn house affbused by the further •, trouble. XL f ■slS iMONTMORENCY J3HERRIES FOR /SALE—50 c. a W. F. Abbott Those wishing tragufportation to Bayfield on J$.y 1J please leave lajrfess’ Barber ShopVout name at or 'with ,'S. winfeyf Farmers ^quipped our mo; body for drawing n Ethel Dow, of Winnipeg, is with her father, Mr. Alex Ila Westcott, o£ Toronto, is 10 11 a.m.—“The Man of the Field”' A summer subject. p.m.—A Change of Government but quite appropriate. United Prayer (Service ..at eight o’clock on Thursday evening. 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH c.? Gidley -and Mrs. Chas. Wilson. o (Miss Effie Treble has returned to London after spending several weeks , The Librarian of the/Exeter Pub- with relatives in this1 community. lie Library wjU liave/'holidays for the first two The Librar August 1st to nng on Saturd. H corn. ♦ August. | will/be closed from' 15th. Open- 3t 16 th. I Huston, secretary.) 7-1 (hMc Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flynn and" daughter, of Sarnia, motored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. . Flynn. I Mr. Tlios. Harton, of London, is ' holidaying for several weeks relatives and friends In this munity,. Miss Jessie Manson and mother Mrs. Geo. Manson, of don, spent Sunday calling on friends in Exeter. with com- TENDERS WANTED > For laying heavy asphalt shingles on the south side of Ore south wing ■of the Exeter scliooE Shingles to foe laid 5 inches tojffiie weather. The Miss May Thomas, of London, vis- Board of fjducatitfh. to furnish the ited with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May and shingles ai ft nai< contractor to fur- called on friends in this community her Lon- Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist Fourth Sunday after Trinity I a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser­ mon. Subject: “Our First Com­ munion” p.m.—Evensong and Sermon, sub­ ject: “Take your Religion with you on your holidays.” The School Picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Tuesday, July 22nd. The Congregation at Large is asked to turn out to this event and make it a real Congregational affair. There will be athletic contests for the young folks and some for the adults’ as well. Everybody join in and help us to have a jolly time together. The Rector will take his holidays, during the whole month of August. During the five Sundays in August there will be morning service only. This service will be conducted by the Rector. . . ■ 10 11 7 Trivitt Memorial ' Sunday .... ....................................................... ... .. , nJ' ’ ~~i8— Dr. D. A. ANDEH&N hish all .« laff^ming, etc. Tenders over Sunday, to be in t by Saturd Work to t possible.—’ e y^July 12th 9 p.m.1 trainin; ,S soon as don, visited at her home over the Faul, Sec’y. .nds of the ^secretary; Mss Avis Lindenfield, nurse- in- niv i Qth j/t 9 n.m.' training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- DENTIS1 /completed J tiss K. Mi , ft .1 2 Specials in Bleached and UnbJ^rched Sheeting THESE CLOTHS ARE 2 YARDS WIDE AND WE HAVE BEEN SELLING THEM AT 60 t SUPPLY AT THIS LOT / Special at per yard^.... SPLENDID QUALITY, f A YARD. GET YOUR PRICE .......48(C, I *? / 20 dozen Mepfs Fine Shirts THESE ARE IN THE WELL-KNpWN ARROW, TOOKE AND OTHER fcdOD MAKES IN TAN, B^UE, MAUVE AND GOOD STRIPED I VALUEVAS HIGH AS $2.25. I Special th® wfeek at..............$1.49 i ■Men’s Wo^k Shirts Special at 98c. THESE SHIRTS JrE MADE BY DEACON SHIRT CO. THEY ARE T FULL AND ROTMY AND ARE WELL MADE. MADE FROM DARK BLlJr SHIRTING IN SIZES 14 TO 17 1-2. Special this week at..............98c. f New Dinner Sets 97 pieces Special at $18.50 f THIS WINNER J F A SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK. FULL 97 PIECE .T OF FINE ENGLISH PORCELAIN WITH A VERY NEAT IOSE DECORATION SIMILIAR TO THE BRIDAL ROSE PATTERN IN dfilNA. Regular $25.00, Special at........ ..$18.50 /30 pair of Men’s Harvest Shoes f PAIRS ONLY OF MEN’S HARVEST SHOES. THESE ARE GOOD rTERS. NOT TO HEAVY FOR THE HOT WEATHER AND ARE SPECIAL AT PER PAIR ..................$2.25 « n<Furnitumly It. 2 prej ■ form] has located • London, wli ofi/Exetei’ brWortiey Road,. Jne will practice listry Eletcalf 4290 Hot Weather For Men the week-end. Mr. Perry B. Diignan, of Toronto,IT -.ill. Xtill-J JD» Ux XUJUllUU, les to announce js holidaying with his father Mr. that he will te av^ay on his holidays jas QigUan and'brother Mr. E. M. Titltr 1 O 4T» 4 •»-» z» Y i w ,Dignan of town. Traquair & Lindenffeld had a Fri- gidaire demonstration in Exeter on Monday, a representative being pres­ ent from London. (Mss Madeline Dearing and friend Miss Green, of London, spent the I week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Mr. and Mrs. W. G Stewart ad daughter Joan, of Detroit, spent the 4th of July visiting the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Miss Abbott, R.N., has returned from Hamilton where she was en­ gaged in nursing the son of Lieut.- Col S. Hendry, late Lieut-Gov. of Ontario. An aeroplane circled the town on Thursday of last week, the pilot do­ ing a number of ■It landed several cultural grounds. Mr. Ulric Snell ............................. summer cottage at Grand-Bend and moved in Thursday of last week. Mr. iMilo Snell has also erected a new cottage moving in on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Emerson Wright accompanied by his mother is at present on a two weeks motor trip 'going -as far as his absence Mr. charge of u the Dr. Atkinson wig from June 30|h /o July 12th, inclu­ sive, during t|ii/.firne the office will he closed.6-12-4tc. FOR SALsE^-AboutJthirty school seats in j^oodfoondiAron, also teach­er’s (Le$K an^'TStr^e heater, coal or wood. Will fsell cheap for quick sale. Apply ft o Geo. Hepburn, RXM. Mo. 1, Credifon, Secretary, 8.,/fNo. ,1, Stephen.^ FOR SALE—C power Gilson ga’ gallon galvanize to H. J. Kuhn lia, phone 16, •3-2tc. half horse e: ithree 50 drujfis. Apply No./2. Centra- ditom FOR SALE OR RUNT—Modern red brick semi-bungq/ow All veniences, centrally /located. ral rooms hous^-keepj|6g ■' above FOR RENT light . Weekes’ officb. . • FOR SALE pump • also new. _ Apply 1 fstrator or B. con- li or Dr. Visible 10 gal, <gas. eating table, almost John Rowe, Admin- . F. Beavers. 6-19 •trc. SALE—Brick dwelling and Beautiful location ion the Phoney Owing to the Dominion Day holir day on Tuesday the Doctors’ offices will be open on Wednesday, July 2, 1930. The assigments for July are: July 9th/Dr. Weekes; July 16 —-Dr. Dunlop; July 23rd—>Dr, Fletcher; July ,30t/h—Dr. Browning,, Assignments for August will be post­ ed at a later date. HERE IS WHERE YOmVILL ALWAYS FIND AM60D ASSORTMENT OWFURNI- TURE TO CHOO^ FROM AT PRICES TO »T YOU OCK M COMPLETE LTHWriME. TO BUY OUR SI NOW I< f stunts in the air. times on the agri­ has erected a new traw ats r '11 the latest straws FOR garage, comer of Andrew^ aud' Hil.1. Street, over three acres of’ jand.Apply to .John Bell Estate,,/ 6-12-4tp FOR SALE—25 jj^cres iof mixed field hay. AppiyMo John Perkins. I r a:+ tfc the have e tin now BUSINESS FOR SALE It is with deep regret that decided to sevehCthe ties of ly business relations in the Store business w this community, poor health for s great many of you reason I am reluc quit business. My __ tures can be bougffi^ either tof lump sum or a rate on, the with immediate possession, tigate.—J. W. POWELL TRACTOR F tor reasonable have rienti- ariety le of n in Which a d for this forced to and fix- a “hilar, Inves- WING Distance ho amount of wor Apply to W, Dmdshaw, EHmvilJe. ’ .;-j. i:. Ju. tiK ' DRICK DWELLING F SALE— A neat dwelling^well sit}foted and in fine condition, given at once. Akpty eriand at tbe Hdnsly jpoat Ofiice. ott can bo G. l Suth- ■ North Bay. During ♦J Montgomery is in Chainway store. Mr. S. G. Bawden ied the store south Store' ]®s> moved his office to the Snell Block. The store has been rented by Mr, Jas. Grieve who in­ tends handling Vernors Ginger Ale. Miss Layton, of Hamilton, who has been,visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. ;Geo. Layton, sangha solo in Main Street church in a very acceptable mariner on Sunday. Her ( parents motored suh and she returned with them Sunday evening Parents and children are warned against’ the pulling, of’peas from the ■wagons a‘s they pass through town, on their way to- the Canriing Factory A couple of accidents happened last week and accidents are "liable to ’happen at any time which may bei attended with serious results. Mr. and Mrs. F. & Rogers and Uttlq son Billy; of Toledo, Ohio, call­ ed on friends in town on Saturday Jot. They visited’ in Hensail with Mrs. Roger’s grand nt other Mrs. Am ger who ie in her 99th yeah of Mrs. (Dr.) Thaihes Road •Miss MisS visitr this year an. Cornell Uni4 engineering'. Bachelor 0$ X Clysdale and who has occup- of S. Martin’s Anger is the mother * Fletch hr, late of the Fresbyterian church. • Mrs, Mr. Ed. Welsh, of Toronto; Bessie Wel^h, of London and Theressa Whiting, of Crumlin, ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Welsh over the week-end. ( Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Umberfield and Miss. Fannie Sutton, of Detroit- Mr. and Mrs. Cluney and.' Mrs. Viola Hill, of London, former­ ly the Sutton girls who lived in thd home now occupied by Mr?. S- Gj Lamport, spent the week-end calling on friends in this community.. John c! White, son of Mr. and; and Mrs. Clyde‘‘White, of Memphis; Tenn., who as a lad^spent three year$ in Exeter at’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wickwire and attended’ public school here, is honour graduate from versify in mechanical with the degree of Science. Rev. F. E- and Mrs. family who are moving from Ridge-* town to Brantford where Mr. Clys{ dale will assume the pastorate of, the Wesley ' United Church, visited, in town the latter part of last week and are now occupying their cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. Clysdale’s mother Mrs. Chas. Harvey is visit-; jng with them. ■ Mr, and Mrs. Hotatio Reynolds, of< Sarepta, and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus. Beemer, and son, of Windsor have, just returned after spending a week with‘Mr. Reynold's sister Mrs. Kelly in Northern Michigan ing at tile Straits of Mackinac Ignace and on to Newberry, While there they motored out to Manistoque an nd out to the Soo, , ‘kich. < k ’ Misses Rubio Creech and Annie. -Simmons returned Sunday after a vacatibfi of hvo weeks during which1 they* visited with Miss, Hale in Gan- anoque, took a trip through the Thousand islands, visited itt Ottawa and also ylslted with ilev, Jas. and MrC Foote, of Carleton Place, They enjoyed a very pleasant outing most of Mio trip being made by motor. They returned, from Prescott to To­ ronto by boat. W. c. cross- to St. Mich. Sweate O; fs ad - /- Bathing Suits S start Trousers 1 AU replace G Phone 291 R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SErMcE HAWKINS Exeter, One rLASS ile you wait WE ARE RIGHT STYLES H JP TO THE MINUTE IN THE LATEST ( f »R SPORT WEAR IN ALL LINES OF FURNISHINGS - F 7 Mr. and Mrs. F. J.. Delbridge and family left Tuesday to spend a few days in Detroit. The family of Mr.' J. G. Stanbury have moved to their summer Jiqpre at' Bayfield but Mr. Stanbury- is still here. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Butler, Mrs. Mary Harvey and Miss Tanning, of London and Harvey Perkins, of Exe­ ter, motored to the week-end evening. Mr. and Mt'S. 'Tillie White, < White and Mrs. Cooper White and daughter, of Windsor, attended the White family picnic on the farm of James H. Ro'binson near St. Malys on July 1st. D.etroit, and spent returning . Wickwire of Exeter, Monday and Miss Mrs. S. PHONE 81w near fur- SnUp. FOR SALE—Bn-icJC house, repair, good water, bath, toil n^ee, hydrp, newly decorate half cash balance arrange® FOR SALE—Several Canning FacfeQjy. FOR RENT good water, 1 of fruit.- Rei FOR SALE hew, with 10 Incfuire IMA Robt. Gambrill, of Flora, vis­ ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. IL. Gambrill during the past Week. Mrs. Harry White, of StmtforcL visited with her brother 'Mr. W. H- Johnston, during the past week. ” room hou$e, nd and plenty rent. Pnpgraph good cords $25.00. J. W. POWELL Ernest C. Harv •Representing among o Lumbermen’s ,^‘M'orIdL’s1^ Cash divide not been le Mutual reales as uarantecd Suaiiy Cd Antonrobllc' don, England Mr, Reg. Hudson, of London, Visit: ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulcf- inig on Sunday. FL FUNE t FtW Goods deWered any distance i TO SEE THE NEW STYLE CHESTERF BED SUITES. All X-Raj^d Conifrtt N< w Coven SOLD PER 1IRECTOR I DEALER O» policyholders have;- an 25% of premi annually. Dorothy e. g jV'"' ■ A. L. C. ' (Honor Graduate) L inftrnctiFn in Ptend, Violi Studio N. Afl) EXEt rmony, Theory Street, Box ICO * ONTARIO Caulk Your Windows save mo^ey on yo(ir loaf bill WE agency.r and WIN) ■ WEAT LET US Q W. J. HERN, Exeter RED THE I CAfLKlNG DOORS WS.fALSO METAL HUPPING you prices. OUL G . <1 CWirmaster Wj(5<I Cliurch SAFETY RAZOR B SHARPENED ( SINGLE EDGSf DOUBLE. BDG , Perfect E< W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST Inst Plano Vocal W> R* A. Organist James St, bn in Organ Thtmrjr Supervisor of Music in Studio, Main St, Box 57, Phone EXETER, ONT