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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-10, Page 1
'J *”*X .1* ■' J i ESTABLISHED 1873 I JI .1a r J EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10th, 1930 /FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO, 29*3$ HOT WEAT i DIED IN ST CATHERINES BIRTHS three Gen- Miss on as TRAQUAW& LINDENFIELD Phohe' yOtiH ardWare necessities to 27 irn ahd does not taint WHIZ FLY FUME IN ALL SIZE#. DOUBLE STRENGTH WINDOW S EENS SCREEN DOON r, uv rtiiui vGC’ sizes . $2.45-to $3.50 in all sizes. CLIMAX BUG KILLE Tor potatoes, gooseberry, cur rant busies, etc sj|e death far any insect that feeds on the leaf; also Sprayide| Arsen^fe of Lead, Paris Green, Nitrate of Soda in any quantity dqfired. This store will close each Wednesday at noon from May 28th until September 10th SHOE BARGAINS Ladies Fine Slippers at $2.95 a pr. Three tables of women’s and growing girls shoes; one strap-pumps, sport oxfords, blonde slippers; values of $5.00 and $6.00 on sale at $2.95 a pair, widths CL and D. and a limited number of E. width. Do you need/af new pair of fine slippers? We offer them to you at the price of a hoaise slipper, The above price is for cash Picket Overalls AT $1.98 a pr. Greatest value«in Men’s Overalls. Regular $2.50, heavy weight, color black or blue On sale at $1.98 per pair * Peabody’s WorU ’ants WEAR LIKE A NOSE Grqy Stripes ....... $1.75 Plain Blues . . . J ,$1.95 Khaki .............. $1.95 Dress Spec ial 35 Georgette Dresses, re; 50 to $25.00 values, come them. ular $12.- ti and see sale price $6.95 Regular price 50c sale price 39c, or 2 f< Boy’s Cotton Jei seys at $2.95 New Suit/for Young Men The new double Blue Sulits for young men in single or doublet zes 14. to 20, patterned Foulards, on sale $2.95 Hemstitch Pillow Cases 5 dozen pair, to embroider sale price 98c. s pair breasted, models .the very newest thing in dark suits. Come and see them. See our $25.00 plain grey or navy sdits for older men, the greatest values on the market. . . Cherries Cherries PHONE US YOUR CHERRY ORDERS. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BLACK, WHITE OR RED MONTMORENCY CHERRIES EXETER COUNCIL' Monday, July 7, 1930 A regular meeting of the munlcip- .al council was held in the Town Hall ,with ell members present. The min.” utes of the meeting held June 16th were read and approved. ' A letter was read from Messrs. Melville and Simmons asking for the privilege to erect’ and install two double gas pumps in front of their business stand and also to place on .the street two 500 gallon tanks un- ider ground, Referred to th© Roads .and Bridges Committee. A letter from the office of Pier ton Hueston & Co. regarding renew” al of present policy re public liabil ity. This renewal was agreed to on motion of Bierling and Grieve and carried, A petition was presented by Councillor Grieve from ratepayers asking that a concrete walk be built on Sanders Street from the corner of Carling Street west to Mr. Presz- cator’s property. The same being under construction, was; agreed to on motion of Bierling and Grieve. ; The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Edward Lowry, meals $1.50; R. A. Goetz, treasurer Dashwood Band re decoration day services $20.00; E. A. Edwards cedar posts $19 6.10; Thos. Cornish, labor at dump $90. cutting weeds $6.60; Gar. Stan lake, labor $1.05; William Baker, labor $4.20; Alwyn Dayman, labor With tractor $5.00; Edward Coombes $1.50 at bridge $1)5.00; Thos. Hun kin, labor $2.25; Theo. Walper, team labor $11.00; Edward Heideman, labor 50c.; Wm. Johns, team labor $'41.85; Jno. Norry, laboi’ $48.40; .Jno. Parsons labour $34.80; Wjlliam Winer, labor $8.10; Bur. Preszca- tor, night watch $'3.00; Norman Mc Donald, labor $3.50; Harry Smith $4.95 at bridige $15.00; R. E. Davis, team labor $37.40; Wm. Vale cutt ing weeds $3.00; Emerson Cornish, bell ringing $8.i50; Wm. Blayney, la bor $15.30; James Hagget, labor $12/00; James Green, labor $22.00; Wm. Frayne, labor and tel. $8.76; Ralph Batton, drawing gravel $66.- 87; Fred C.‘S. Johns, drawing gra vel $19.50. . Cemetery accounts—Jno. Kydd, labor $39.40; Will. Smith, labor .$42.90; Jno. Stire, labor $7.50; J. ;Fprd,. flowers $.31.40; R. G. Seldon, •cement and lime $39.00; S. Martin & Son index book 80c. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rowcliffe. The auditors’ report for June was read and accepted on motion Rowcliffe and Rivers. Adjourned by Rowcliffe. Jos. Senior, Clerk. DIED IN SEAFORTH Mr. and Mrs. Norman Knight, of Seaforth, (nee Miss Ruth Andrew) will have the sympathy o-f many friends in the loss of their little son, William Donald, who passed away Tuesday from pneumonia fol lowing the measles, The babe was five months and eleven days. Bobbie., an older brother, has just recovered from the measles, The funeral was held Wednesday and was attended by Mr. Wm, Andrew and son Geo. and Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Pym. MOTORING TO THE WEST Mr, Sandy Elliot and two sons Harold and Howard left Tuesday morning in a Ford sedan for* .a trip to the West going as far as Plato, Sask., where Mr. Elliott will visit his sister Mrs. Burness Moore. (Mr. Elliot’ will cross the state of Michi-; gan from Port Huron to Ludington and from there will cross Lake Michigan by boat. They will pro ceed to Minneapolis and St. Paul and on'to Winnipeg. Mr, Elliot has his car comfortably fitted up for sleeping accommodation. , They ex pect to be away about three weeks.’'’ RUN DOWN BY AL’TO of ENGAGE NEW TEACHER Miss Maud Horton has been gaged as teacher for room V for Exeter Public School to teach .Sr. Ill and Jr. IV work. This is the only change in either the H. S. or P. S staff. en- the follow choir a ty at Elimville oil Fri th Raspberry supper tgF program by St. Marys cjfMiss. Gerta Hunter, read- ission. 50 and -25c.WINS HIGH GUN HONORS EE CLUBTHE MEN’S of North Central CoJfege, Naperville^ Has visited Ontario and half tlii# . Stages of . the Uniat, in. their _ ill give a cla<l humorous conlert in ,th® REDITON -PW ■ 1 10th They clock • Professor Herminus Baer, the voice 4 is the Club present with^thi chosen young enrolment of 5 Don’t miss t the season. UndST the auspices off1 the C. I. C. and. Star Sunday School classes of the Evangelical Churcb- Reserved Seats 50c.; General Ait-' mission 25c. and 35c. , Plan 'of hall at Morlock’s Store artrn head College, will he ■of. nine*’ nt of the ctoy and group from a College students. finest treat at FOR THE STOCK USE STOCKAID ANIMAL SPRA# Kills flies, lice and mosquitoes, does not stain, blister or milk. Bring your own container and^et all you want. and Mrs. Norman Ford, of Detroit, visited a few days with Mr,s. Ford’s mother iMr. Chas. Box, of Stephen, also with her sister Mrs. F. Taylor of. town. Mr. and Mrs. Ford expect to leave by motor for the Canadian West albout the middle of July where they will visit' with Mr. Ford’s brothers and other rela tives. They expect to. be away until about October the 1st. A quiet wedding was solemnized at Tyrone on Wednesday, June the 28th when. Miss Margaret Marie Moore, daughter of the late James Moore, of Tyrone, was. united in marriaige with Mr. Theodore Red- vers Down, of Bowmanville, young est soil of Rev. J. W. Down, of Exe ter. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Trumpour. They left a motor trip east going as far Ottawa. Mr. Fred Kerr, of Crediton, won the liigli-gun honors at the two-day shoot of the Canadian Indians Trap- shooting Association at St. Thomas last week. Mr. Kerr’s score was 371 out of a possible 400. In the singles, at 16 yards Mr. Kerr broke 285 out' of 300; in double he broke 42 out of '50, and in the handicap event, 44 out of 50. The best crack shots of the province were present and Mr. Kerr is to be congratulated on his success. CONFIRMATION SERVICE AT TRIVITT MEMORIAL at DOUGALL—At St. Joseph’s Hospit al on Monday, July 7th to Mr. aiid Mrs.*’Andrew Dougall, of Usborne, twin sons. , . Kirk—In. Exeter on Monday, July 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirk, a sou. 'STONEHOUSE—In Exeter on, Wed- ; nesday, June 25th, to Mr. and ‘ lifts. Gordon Stonehouse, a daugh ter. .Mrs. Norman Knight, aged months and 11 days, ELLERINGTON—in Toronto oral Hospital, eon July 8th, Mary Ellerlngton, a private fun eral will be held Thursday after noon at 2.30 from tile residence of her brother, Mr, Fred ing/on, interment ift Exeter tery. Mr. Frank Case, of St. Catherines a former resident of Exeter, passed away very suddenly on Monday ev ening of last week with a heart at tack. Tile deceased was. a son of the late Thos. case. Mr. Case with his wife and family were residents of Hensall for a number of ■ years Mr. Case beimg engaged with T. J. Berry, Mrs. Case predeceased him some years ago. In addition'to Ilfs family he is survived by two brothers Nelson, and Reginald and one Sister, Miss Susanne. DEATHS ■ SPICER—In London on July 6th,: Mrs. Byan Spicer, formerly of Elimville in her 81st year. KNIGHT—Xn. Seaforth on July 3th, William Donald,, son of Mr. and card of thanks Mrs, Job, Sims wishes > to Eller- ceme- nald, who- pas arg, ago July f "forget me iy, .' McDOX Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gillies and two children Maxine and John, of Detroit, motored over and- visited with the former’s mother and with Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Harvey over the week-end. Miss Maxine is recuper ating from an accident when was run down by an automobile, and a companion were crossing street' after alighting from a when they were struck by an auto. Maxine suffered a fractured collar- bone^ and had two teeth knocked out. Later an infection of the arm set in. #At present she is carrying her arm in a sling, ( BIGGER AND BETTER ANNUAL* Veterarfs Picnic she She the bus Jewett’s Gfove, BayfieM •MONEY STOLEN FROM MAIL BOX Recently a letter containing a ■sum of money addressed to a mail order house in Toronto was stolen from one of the mail boxes at Elim ville. The letter was. mailed on the 12th of June and the sender’s name was on the envelope. After wait ing for about a week for a reply the sender started an investigation and learned that' the letter had not ar rived 4? its destination neither had it been receivedat Exeter nor by the coufiei1. The letter was posted about 2.30 in the afternoon the courier arriving half an hour later. The letter contained about’ ?9.00 with instructions to the courier to purchase a money order. A NARROW ESCAPE Mi\ Oswald Crawford, who has. been working with the Exeter Rural Hydro had a narrow escape from death while working on a hydro lirie ■at Grand Bend. Mr. Crawford and another workman were working at the top of a pole and Mr. Craw ford was changing his position on the pole when he came in contact* with a live wire and about 4/500 volts passed through his body. Mr. Crawford fell to the ground below. Dr. and Dr. The hand were burned by the shock and Mr. Crawford was somewhat shaken up. The following day he was. able to be out of bed and. expects to be again at work in a couple of weeks. It was a close call. Taylor, of Dashwood was called the injured man was brought to Fletcher’s, hospital at Exeter, tips of several fingers of one GOOD PRIZES F SOFTBALL ALL KINDS OTHER iai/riE b and Tn NDANCE |IES,>.SPORTS OF ’ AZ NUMBER OIF ATURES ’ ALL EVENTS’- All Veterans and families wclcorno Pack your basket and. ®p§nt a happy; day by the Lake withfeold^comrades ■ f................................ ENDGRAND!' t ...... . ■ ■■■ < '.A Monday, July 14th SURPRISE NIGHT FunV Peuf Novelties . $irprises 0 Archie Ginningham and his Royal Marines? ALL THE LATEST SONG HITS Mr, and Mrs. Beverley Acheson* of Toronto, are holidaying with the former’s, parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Acheson. . EXETfetl-'WINS .FROM GODERICH- On Tuesday evening the local boys took the measure of the Goder ich nine by a 12 to 3 trouncing. This was a postponed game and puts the1 local boys second in the league. The game ri,was not so exciting as some and iinlil the fourth, inning laekdd. the zip that should be in a bait game. The local boys went into the lead in the first inning. Medd th® first' man up socked the first ball pitched for three bases. He scored later when Creech singled through, the pitcher. In the second inning they scored five runs, and added one more in each of the third, fourth and sixth with three more in th® final inning. Goderich were held scoreless until the fourth inning when they scored two runs. Shear down hit for two bases with two’’ men on the paths, other in the last’ Creech and Dundas hit for extra bases Sheardown and Archer for the loser® Murnie started the. pitching1 tor Goderich but gave way to Fin'tilejr in the third inning. Dundas pitch ed steady ball for ‘ the home team an d struck Out thirteen of the op posing batters. Leroy O’Brien aiitF Harp Rivers looked after the umpir ing. Exeter's next game is in Has sall Friday night. The line ups: Goderich—Baker 2b;. Doody cC; Murnie p&c; Tumley If; Sheardowtt 1st; Archer ss; Mallough rf; Fritzley p; Wilsoil c; Matheson 3rd. Exeter-MModd cf.; E. Tieman ss- Creech If; DtihddS p; Ge til er 2nd; Fletcher 1st;- Ffcht’c; M. Tiernan Stokes rf. A CLOSE CALL Wallace Hobbs, of London, who is vsiting with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Hector Heywood met with a nasty' accident on Saturday after noon when he fell from the tongue of a- wagon and narrowly escaped from being crushed to death. A tractor drawing three ivagon-Ioads of peas was on its way to the Can ning factory when young Hobbs un dertook to get' a ride on the tongue of one of the wagons. Unfortunate ly he fell off and was rolled by the wheels of the wagon suffering a se vere friction bum of the right arm from the wrist to the shoulder the right hand being lacerated requiring several stitches to close. Both legs were also bruised. The wdfihds were dressed by Dr. Weekes. Al though suffering considerably the lad was quite heroic in having wounds dressed. There was a good attendance Trivitt Memorial Church on Sunday last when His Grace, the Archbishop of Huron confirmed the class of can didates that was presented to him by the rector. 'There was a shortened form of morning service, conducted by the rector, and the Archbishop preached an inspiring sermon on Christian citizenship from the Epistle tto the Philippians. His Grace stressed the need of loyalty in all things to the Lord Jesus Christ; and he made very effective use of the peculiar position of Philippi as a Roman colony to illustrate his re marks on the Christian colony with in the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Confirmation service was then proceeded with; and the whole congregation followed with great interest the impressive ritual by which the Anglican Communion admits her young members to all the privileges of the church. A solo whs sung by Mrs. N. J. Dore during the Offei’tofy. In the afternoon His Grace proceeded to Hensall Where there was another Confirmation ser vice at night. From’ Hensall he went to Clinton returning to Lon don on Tuesday.. his They added att- inning. Medd/. for the winner® as did Floody, Mrs. J. W. Down entertained Margaret McKellar, of India, on recent' visit to Exeter. Dr. McKel lar addressed the W.M.S. meeting at Thames Road on Wednesday even ing, at Grand Bend on Thursday ev ening and at Brinsley on Friday ev ening. Miss. English, R.N., and Miss Knipe, of Detroit, are visiting for a week with Mr. and. Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Miss II. Kni$e, R.N., who has bfeen visiting with Mr and Mrs, Sandors for the past three weeks has return©! to her home, in Detroit Mr, and Mrs. Wilkie, of Tavistock visited the latter’s. mother Mrs, Mar shall oa Sunday, Mrs. Marshall re,- turned with them on. a visit. Mr, Wilkie who is oh the staff of the Bank of Montreal Is being transferr ed to Iroqulos Branch in Dundas County, Dr, her —In^ever loving me Me ' ’ ‘ bnd ahiTjtfiie, Thifee little wor They don’t see hiean a lot; • I dust a mmeory, To xhow, deanr Mary, we" are still Thinking Of/you. ‘S Association’ of the | Sadly missed jby Father, Mother and ■--- , * Family, j pp _ thank ier many friends and neighbors for lie, flowers deceived and the kind- iess extended while she 8wds in St. pseph’s Hospital;' and especially to tfie Women’:, ..................... Ci’^lton United Church. r, Mrs. Arthur Austin,- nee Miss Vera Cobbiedick and daughter Madeline, of Calgary, Alta, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fetch of Strathfdy their cousins Etherlngtoii. and daughter Evelyn, ShCirt Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. LEAGUE STANDING w Hensall $ Exoter .... 4 Clinton # Goderich .... .... 3' I* 1 1 4- T 0 Y 0