HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-03, Page 8PEI ASPHALT o colours al CALL AN LUMB TOL'RSRAY, JULY 3, 1930 now in anddesigns stock. OUR PRICES OCK WELL ORTED UNCHB. C, RED CEDAR LAHGE ** NO., t»."’EDGE Booking q erg for transit Kl vario Ross-Taylor Co., Ltd Exeter Markets Wheat 95 c, QatsM45c, Barley 50 c. Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.50 Feed Flour $1.90 Manitoba’s Best Flour $4.00 Welcome Flour $3.25 Model Flour $3.60 Creamery Butter 33 c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs Butter 28— 31c. extras 25 c. firsts 22 c. seconds 19c. $10.50 THE EXETEH T1MES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard M, 4* ' '»Mla1st0r ■ ' ■' Miss Lena Coates, A.L.C.M., Organist 10 a.m,—Sunday School During- July Evening Service ’Only 7 p.m.—“The Challenge of Ghrjstiau Chivalry.” T' III iiiiiiiiiii mill r LADIE’S <5 " SUMMER DRESSES on his Dr. Atkinson wishes to ani that he will be awa from June 30th to siVe, during this tifie be closed. idays h, inclu- e office will 6-12-4tc. ... - „,!< ,» 'I *♦—■ —----------45—.-------— locals f FOR SALE—About thirty school / Seats in good condition, also teach- r er’s desk and large heater wood. Will sale. Apply to Geo. Hepburn, R, R. k No. 1, Crediton, Secretary, No. ^1, Stephen. y^7-3-2tC. HOUSE TO RENT—J^odern stuc­ co bungalow, M^lliii^on St., every convenience, gawg&iFnice grounds. —M. G. Ransfor^T 7-3-tfc ------------------------Mr. -----------^^-avill you kindly re­ turn to -our ,$riv| S'h^d the scythe you borrowed,?’ frffirae^me years ago? Thank you.-L*A Inland ............-..—........ ■■■ PRIV,YTE SALE “The following ar£|eia& will be ___ . fered for sale pr^itely op Saturday j Toronto, next. 4 beds ^ es, kitchen gfibin combined bicycles, ; sold Saturday the Tuesday tn ext. sale, as proprie immediately. A or rent. J. W south of Mousseau’s coal or sell cheap 'for quick %> g of th^Vomen’s Id Fx^ffay evening h the' Public ecwtfested that all ^present as special G A special meeti Institute will be July 4th at 8 o’ Library, It is members please business must be transacted4. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish,, Pastor W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader I a.m,—Sunday School . p.m.—‘The Freedom of -the Soul' p.m.—“That’s Your Affair’’ or Evading Responsibility. 10 11 7 We have just received a number of new dresses. These in’ elude figured and plain with coats as well as some n<ew styles in printed chiffons. See our specials in large sizes, at $8.95 Still some left on our special rack at $2.95 .mmhmM.,ynm*w*>* of- jfeater ipades, s ings an xnattress- t, chairsland table nd coalf .stove; 2 iovels, /tc. If not e seen |3on 'or quick "is leaving towii house for sale rown, residence Machine Shop. ‘ FOUND—Girl’s blue' coat on the Thames Road. Owner may have same by paying for advertisement. Fur neckpieces of all kinds made to order.—Phone |22^ .LOST—A child’s.fav^Fcoat. Find­ er please leave at^Tupes-Advocate. -----------------------^F- Mr. Edgar Moir, of visited with relatives day. Miss Marguerite Stratford, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. C, T. Brooks, and Miss L. Tay­ lor spent a few days in London last week. Mrs. Jos. Grant returned last week after visiting for a few weeks in St. Catherines, over the holi- Aidworth, of (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of Seaforth, visited friends in Exeter on Thursday. Miss Katherine Inwood, of Lon­ don, visited with (Miss - Reta Rowe over the. week-end. Mr. Joseph Meidinger visited in Exeter on Monday and left on Tues­ day for New Ontario. Miss Madeline Stewart, of London spent several days during week at hex- home here. Miss Dorothy Snell, of St spent the First with ljtar Mr..and Mrs. J. C. Snell. Miss M. Knight of Strathroy, spent _ the week-end visiting at the home Beiutifu7*To*-:of Mr- and Mrs- -w- Winer. of Andrew and I Misses Dorothy Grassick and Hil- ? ac/bs of land, da Sims visited relatives. and”thbii» 6-12-4-tp friends in Toronto over the week- (end. Mr. and Mrs. R. ^W. Dinney, of i Mr. last the past Thomas, parents ------------------------- FOR’ iSALE OR.t|'RENT— Brick dwelling and gar$*e 1__v------ Nation on the coplier Hill Street, oven-thre Apply to John Bell E ?late, ------—----- -----. FOR SALE—One aBd a^half horse ; ~ ___ power Gilson .gas engkjf; three 50 London? visited'at the home ot gallon galvanized ga^drums. Apply Wm> Winer on Thursday of to H. J. Kuhn, R. ^K No. 2, Centra- Week. lih, phone 16? . Cjj^diton Wanted t&W of mixed liay,. Gaiser, Dashwood.I .CjA.SE—A Ung. Apply | Miss Mary Grant R.N., has field turned from London where she Earl , MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, i a.m.—Our Church School . a.m.—“The Scriptural March the New Birth” p.m.—“Why Men Cannot find Know Christ” Thursday at 8 p.m., prayer service Thursday at S p.m. Board of Ste­ wards. ■ • Friday at 3 p.m. the Women’s As­ sociation will hold their monthly meeting and a picnic gathering on the lawn of Mrs. J. Elston. 10 11 of 7 or 10 11 7 i 2 Specials in Bleached and Unbleached Sheetin THESE CLOTHS ARE 2 YARDS WIDE AND ARE SPLENDID QU4 WE HAVE BEEN SELLING THEM AT 60c. A YARD. SUPPLY AT THIS "LOW PRICE Special at per yard ................48c. TR/VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J.’Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist Third Sunday After Trinity • a.m.—Sunday ^School . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Con­ firmation Service. ■ His Grace the Archbishop of Huron will confirm the class of candidates, that shall be presented to him from the Par­ ish of Trivitt Memorial. A good opportunity for hearing the Arch­ bishop preach. p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The Rector will preach at this service. —.. -.................. Dr. D. A. ANDERS' SEX ■' m’s Fine ! THESE ARE IN THE ^WELL-KNOWN ARROW, TOQfLE AND OTHER GOOD MAKES IN|TAN, BLUE, MAUVE AND OD STRIPED 20 dozen Men’s Wdrk Shirts THESE SHIRTS AfttE MADE BY DE CUT FULL AND ROOMY AND ARE W .49 ON SHIRT CO. THEY ARE VALUED AS HIGH AS $2.2 Speci this week at ... i at L MADE. MADE FROM DARK BLUE JHIRTING IN S]£ES 14 TO 17 1-2. Special this wee^ at..... ..98c. CHINA. ’ Re New Dinner THIS IS A SPE DINNER SET OF F ROSE DECORATIO ecesets 97 i IAL PRyCE FOR THIS WEEK. E EN SIMiyrAR TO THE BRIDAL ROSE PATTERN IN la]^$25.00, Special at at $18.50 FULL 97 PIECE ISH PORCELAIN WITH A VERY NEAT $18.50 30 pair of Men’s Harvest Shoes SO PAIRS ONLY OF MEN’S HARVEST, SHOES. THESE ARE GOOD FITTERS. NOT TO HEAVY FOR THE HOT WEATHER AND ARE SPECIAL AT PER PAIR ...........x......$2.25DENTIST JF formerly ofjpixeter has located nt 20j^Wortley Road, London, wl|ereJne will practice bafftistry Phone: Metcalf 4-290 re- has been waiting on a patient at Victoria Itp Hospital. I Miss Au® Turnbull, R.N., of St. :, is visit- — ing with her mother Mrs. Elizabeth I Turnbull. £°r Several delegates from Leaming- ■Dr‘, ton were at James Street Church on {Sunday to hear the'pastor Rev. D. ®as; McTavish. f Mr. Wriight, editor of the Mount I Forest Confederate, was a pleasant FOR SALE OR ,RENT-J$iodern Luke’s Hospital, New York, rqd brick semi-bungalow.-.#A11 con- ing with her mbther Mrs. : veniences, -centrally lpcajrea.• FOR RENT-—.fiRVPral#vr light house- Weekes’ offic< FOR SALE! pump; also (her new. Apply |o istrator or B —-Several# rooms eeping above e time for NOTICE f5 fqi\appointment Now is Regular $15X0 Pei Finger Wave Permanent; hnent for $7.50 Mar.cel 50 c.; 1 Till! x y e ■'» Viable 10 gal, bg table, almost [ bjfn .Rowe, Admin- F-i Beavers. I' ’ 6-i:9-tfc.1 caller at tlie Times-Advocate on Sat- ‘ * I urday last. ' * Mrs. Wm. Aidworth and Miss Iv\ , are visiting with corner of And^evPtand Hill Street, relatives and friends in Hensall and over three <acres ol^land. Apply to Sexsmith. John Bell Estate. \ 6-12-4tpj Messrs. Harold and John Kuntz, — -----—-Vy—- of Windsor and Mr. John Eilber, of "WANTED TO PURCHASE—A se-,Ubly, <Mich., spent the holidays at cond hand largS^Wchild’s crib, al- the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. R. Skinner and her neice Miss Viola Hodgson left Saturday on. an extended trip through the West. They will not return until the end of August. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christie, of ■ London, and (Miss Violet Patterson, of Windsor,.spent the First with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. C. W. I Christie. Miss Reta Rowe, who has been teaching school in Biddulph for the past few weeks has been engaged to teach the same school for the com­ ing term. Mr. Alvin R. Dodds, who- has been teaching school at Cromarty, has. been engaged to teach at No. 5, Us- borne in place of Mr. Geo. Mawson, who has resigned. Mrs. Sidney Davis has returned to her home after spending the last couple of'months at T'ara where she has been waiting on her mother Mrs. Harris, who is quite ill. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse conducted successful anniversary services Elimville- on Sunday and Rev. White, of Elimville, conducted vices in Main Street Church. Mr. and Mrs, Saverne visited ter, Miss Alma Mrs, Truemner first, the meh taking in the races. The number of pupils writing their entrance examinations at the Exeter High School last week was among the largest on record. Principal Wethey and Mr. A< J. Brintnell pre­ sided. Mr. Wilfrdd Turnbull, of Toronto, visited his mother Mrs, Eliz&bolh. Tunrbull during the past week, He left tbr Muskeka where he will act as one of the supervisors in a boy’s summer camp. \ Dr. and Mrs.-. W. ¥. Hellow, of Peterboro,. Mr, andA^rrSi A; J.’Hoh’ loway, of Clinton and Mr. T. D. Hol­ loway, bt Fleihihig1, sask», visited al the hom<Sf bf Mr. and Mrs. R. N. • Rowe last week. Phone LEILA STACKHOUSE )U WILL GOOD FOR SALE—Brick dwgj-ling and garage. Beautifulloeation on the °f Minneapolis, a rrm rp.lnfivp.a and fr.i Owing to the Dominion Day holL day on Tuesday the Doctors.’ offices will .be open on Wednesday, July. 2, 1930. The assigments for July are: July 9th, Dr. Weekes; July 16 —Dr. Dunlop; July 23rd — Dr. Fletcher; July 30th—Dr. Browning. Assignments for August will be post­ ed at a later date. HERE IS WHERE ALWAYS FIND. ASSORTMENT fiF FURNI­ TURE TP PRI' CHOQjSE FROM AT so express wagopv%Apply to Times- Advocate. ----------------------- FARM FOR SALE—<n NoFARM FOR SALE—^tn No. 4, Highway, half wdy b^ween Exeter and Hensall Easy j^rn R. N. Rowe. :ms. Apply to 6-26-tfc FOR SALE—25 aerg# fi^ld hay. Apply to^Fohn pUIT YOU OCf/lS COMPLETE TIME TO BUY !ES T< OUR S ’< NOW I) i T! (Straw Hat'S In all the latesFstraws Sweatees Bathing SuitsROWE Jr'FUNERAL DIRECTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE R.DROPPED FROM PLANE 1,000 FT. A Bruner Master,bilf wrist watch was dropped from a plane one thousand feet in tire air at the Shrin- ers Convention in Toronto and when examined by the mayor- of the city was found to be, in perfect running’ condition. An exact replica of the watch is on display at -S. B. Taylor’s Jewellry Store, agent for this splen­ did watch. > Spcyrt Trousers / WE ARE RfGHT UP THE MINUTE IN THE LATEST STYEES FOR Phone 29 G. .ASS wiyfe you wait AU- replac ORT WEAR IN ALL LINES OF FURNISHINGS ‘ aftof mixed ilin Perkins. tfc AWKINS Exeter, O»«t.I S0w troiru4st to 10 tn Ed. [BTOTerick, R. R. I hone 83rl3 Hetf-' 6-29-2tp. FOR 'SALE—‘A quantity of seed buckwheat. July. No. 1, sail. Apply Ed Exeter.hone PUb- fmer for .d Jr. IV MacFaul, for a dollar, Inves- ----------------- TEACHER WANTED- lie School requiress Room 5 to teach Sri w6;rk. Apply to Me secretary. ....m'h iiiwiwi»l»ll^w ■■ BUSINESS FOR SALE .it is with deep regret that I decided to sever the ties of •Ijr business relations in the Store business with the this community. I hav poor health for some tij great many o reason I am quit fures lump with tigate. business, can be sum or immediate .—J. W. POWELL ena- ariety pie of sen in e which a nd for this forced to ock and fix- either on the ossessiott,/ at Mr. ser- andWm. Winer the former’s daugh- Winer and Dr. and of Strathroy, on the Cottage fo-r Sale, barn, three lots of land.’. PJione If you wish td bj/*or sell.a farm or house Seo R. E/Tickard, Exeter. •At „ Hi,ifra......... TRACTOR PLOWING ANDWTS j&fsfance iw oliect’/for reasonable attfouM of work Apply to W, dshaw, Ellmvnte. , .......-■•••• ... BRICK DWELLING SALE— A neat dwelling well .situated and in line eondiHoft. Possession bait be given at obbe, Ax>pijif- to G. J. Suth- erland the Hens$J'I Post ptilee* garag 163 ev James St. Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday, July 23rd. Mr. Garnet Heywood, who has been so seriously ill at his ho<me in Stephen is making progress towards recovery. It was thought at one ■ time that Mr. Heywood had only a short time to live and his many friends will he glad to know of his recovery. Miss Ruble Creech and Miss Annie Simmons left last Friday evening for a two weeks’ vacation. They will travel by motor buses and have vis­ ited at ’Toronto and Kingston. Gananoque they visited with Hale and intend. takin g a through the Thousand Islands. 1 will also visit Ottawa. ‘ Capt. Atkinson accompanied by Frank Strange, Cyril Strange, Ray­ mond Pryde, Harry Jennings Jr., Ed. Ward left Monday to go into camp at London under the command of Col, rane with ing than of the boys have returned home. Mr; Jas. McGlnlay, of London, was in Exeter Friday evening of last week conducting an evangelistic ser­ vice In the Exeter. Opera House, Mr; McGhilay brought the majority of his audience with him from the city, He took for Ids text “I Kings 17 ch. 21 vs. How long halt ye between two opinions If the Lord' bo God, follow Him; but it Baal then follow him, from which he preaehed a gjMendid sermon. Miss Charlotte Spackman, R.N., on the staff of the Vancouver Gen­ eral Hospital, who has. been visiting with her sister Mrs. Alonzo Abbott, of Lucan, spent. July 1st with Dr and Mrs. Weekes of town. . Miss Spackman also visited with her sis­ ter Mrs. W. Turnbull of the Blue Water Highway. a PRONE Slw FOR. SALE—Brick ho r—'K/ . At Miss trip They W. J. Hearn an. Grafton Coch- also left for camp for training the machine gun section. Ow* to more men being present could, be accommodated some good repair, good water, bathjftoilet, fur­ nace, hydro, newly de ___ half cash balance avenged. FOR S ___ ~ Canning F icfcory#' rated.Snhp, In the report last week of the Un­ ion services to be held by the Main -'Street and James ’Street congrega­ tions it was. stated that Mr. McTav- ish would be in charge during July :and Mr. Moorbou.se during August; whereas it should have been that ;Mr. Moorhouse will have charge for Jour weeks beginning July 13th and ^Mr. McTavish will have charge in (August. Just Arrived! A TRUCK LOAD OF -RAYED CHESTERFIELD SUITES, ALL NEW V ESIGNS I COVERINGS ND THE ST I1M *3. MAK INT TO SEE ESEf SUITES AT HOPPER RAL DIRECTOR NlTURE DEALER Phone 99 Mr. V/. E. Middleton has a, ,new Ford delivery truck. ’Mr. Kirkwood Hutton, baggage­ man at the Q. N. R. Depot is reliev­ ing at Wimghaon. 1LE—S lots near FOR R1 good wate of fruit. FOR SALE—Phonograph good new, with 100 records $25.00. Inquire of J. W. POWELL -Seven room house, , acre Lnd and plenty asonable rent. NT as Ernest C. Hary< x 1 Represent!® z among jjtChers sitalty Co.T Automobile <r The new cement pavement Highway No. 4, Exeter to Hensall Was opened on. July the 1st. DOROTHY E. GRA L. C. M England Theory on,(Honor Grad fate) L<1 , , Instruct Piano, Viofn, Studio N. Bl on ICK rmony, fc Street, Box 160 EXETER, ONTARIO Caulk Your .Windows ioney osWyour coal bill HAVE*Ii:(:URED THE FOlJrCAULKlNd DOOES pNrfHVS, ALSO METAL tVWAjJ4Ett>STinPl’.tNG LET J W. J* HERN, Exeter savei xv*n' AGENCl AND ' fl iuoye you prices. Cash “divide not been. less Lumbermen’s “Worlcl’s k to policyholders have than 25% of premium annually. SAFETY RAZOR BJ^DES. SHARPENED ( SINGLE EhGE DOUBLE w. IDGE Perfect m«k») ; leu 4d. GUavanteedl LE. DRUGGIST a.*..... 1 ■ ...— W. R. Gouldin. Wane Sutler Studio, N A. T. c. ic.- jr Chrganisyarwl •Choirmaster '•% James wt. UnitexpvttureK /nstructjZ in ycca.1 yorgaa Tkeorjr ' oFMusic in Schools laln/st, p.ox 5 7, Phone tSfe ONT