HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-07-03, Page 1■BTABLISHJ2D 1873 over PRESENTATION of Chas, VISIT MARYTRS’ SHRINE Mr.HOT WEATHER LONDON WINS 10th FOR one and him ht 8 o’clock Herman us* Baer, epartment of the ub’s director and MRS. GORDON WRIGHT DIES SUDDENLY Lunch was the visitors by the (Main Street people’s league. One of the was. the Robert Sunday of the head of College, will b® •of nine, young men from a Collego t miss this finest treat o-Jf leason. NECESSITIES EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 3rd, 1930 FIFTY-FIVE YEAR, NO, 2937 *1 Clearing Sale of Girl’s Summer Dresses We are placing on sale this week our entire stock of children’s summer wash dresses, ages 2 to 14 years, good fast washing materials. Every dress must go at once at greatly reduced prices. Ladies’, Hoover Dresses and Smocks on sale at 98c. Ladies* and Misses* Hoover Dresses and Smocks with good fast plain colors, sizes 34 to 42^regular price $1,40 and $1.50 marked down this week to sell at 98c. each; also several dozen good pattern house dresses at 98c. each. We have carried over from last season several Ladies and Misses F Jresses, long sleeves, sizes up to 36 bust and $5.75 and $6,50;to clear quickly at only $1.49 each “Klingtite” Bathing Suits We have the well-known “Klingtite” bathing suits for every number of the family. These are real quality su^ts at very moderate prices^ Clearing of Summer Dress Fabrics On sale this week, hundreds of yards of figured summerJfress materials, many in exclusive dress lengths values up to $1.50 per to clear this week at only 98c. a yard. Children’s Socks/ See our children*.^ Summer Socks reduced in pr to 39c. and 49c. a Din Many good patterns of dinner sets, 97 pieces to. be sold this month at greatly reduced prices. Ladie, s an| Misse s Spring Coats £ Several goc quality coats atJFery low prices, Ladies* and Misses’ Knitted Suits, m erate prices. : popular than ever at very mod- Verandah Rugs in all t$e popularizes in colors of green, brown, blue from 50c. up. .?' *Y r- a* . CherriesCherries Black Cherries and White retries in 6-quart baskets are available now, and will be at their best next week. Phone us your orders. BEAUTY PARLOR REMOVED M'iss L. Stackhouse has moved from the Harness Barber Shop and has opened a Beauty Parlor of her own in the Snell Block.,in the rooms formerly .occupied by Dr, Lawson. Phone 245 for appointment. ID ANIMAL SP [Y Kills flies, lice andUSE STOCK. mosquitoes, does n<|t stain, blister or/>urn and does not taint milk. Bring your wn container an^F get all you want, FOR THE HOUSE WHIZ FLY FUME 1N ALL SIZEf. DOUBLE STRENGTH WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN DOORS A game of football was played Exeter on the afternoon of the between and the resulting ors, the It was a tendance ’jpHEDFQRp GIRD DROIVNER Miss Olga EBiett, aged 28, eldest danghter of Harry Elliott, pf Thed­ ford, was drowned on July 1st while bathing at Stoney ’•point, She was attending the Anglican church plo pie and got into deep watei’ being unable to swim- WINS THREE MILE RACE 'Mr. E. Quinn, of Howey’s Drug­ store, won the three mile race At Goderich sports on July 1st winning the challenge cup and a miniature cup which are on display at the store. Everett had a big lead a large field of competitors. TAKING OVER MEDICAL PRACTICE Dr. Harry Seldon, who has spent the past year as interne at the West­ ern Hospital at Toronto, visited his parents Mr, and Mrs. R”. G-. Seldon ift town for a few days during the past week. Miss Lola Sandercook, of Kingston, accompanied him. Dr. Seldon left Wednesday for Sharbot Lake, 'near Kingston where he is taking over a. practice, He is of Exeter’s popular young 'men his many friends here will wish every success. A pleasant evening‘was held re­ cently at the home of Miss Ruth Col­ lingwood when about 35 young ladies met to pay honor to Miss Leona Brown, who is leaving shortly with her father .for the West, The even­ ing was spent in music and games. An address to Miss Brown was made by Miss Ruth Collingwood and the presentation of a. white gold wrist watch was made by Miss. Dorothy Grasstck, Miss Brown made a very fitting reply. 'Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Mason. Mrs. Gordon Wright, National President of the W. C. T. U. died suddenly at her home in London on Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Wright was supposed to give an ad­ dress at a Garden Party and when she failed to. appear, investigation Wds. made and/$h,e,.wa.s, found dead. Mrs. Wright had just returned from a tour of the Maritime Provinces where she addressed meetings in all principal cities in the cause of Tem­ perance. The deceased was in Exe­ ter addressing the W. C. T. U. only a few weeks ago. Mrs. Wright is survived by four sons, one sister and one brother, her brother being the Hon. Newton Rowell, K.C., Toronto. Mrs. Wright was born- near London. • The funeral was held at Knox Unit­ ed church on Monday afternoon. and Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers d Reg. .motored to Midland last ek to visit with George, who is magei’ of the broadcasting station re. In the evening1 a selection in 1st McCormick’s of London Exeter Old Country team in a victory for the visit­ score being four to three, good exliibitipn but the at- was only fair. R THE HARDEN |LLER /or potatoes, gooseberry, cur- ath f any insect that feeds on the CLIMAX BUG rant bushes, etc sure leaf; also Sprayide, Ar|enat/ of Lead, Paris Green, Nitrate of Soda in any quantity Xes^fed TRAQUAIR & LINDENFIELD ' Phone your hardware necessities to 27 BIRTHS BRINTNELL— In Hospital, Jufte 23, Wilson daughter ■COOPER—In Scott pitai, on Sunday, to Mr. and Mrs. XV. R. Cooper, of Kippen, a daughter. Scott Seaforth, on 1930, to Mr. Brintnell Memorial Monday, and Mi’S. Kirkton, a Memorial Hos- June 22, 1930 MARRIAGES Sht*- New 3, in MacINTYRE—■BURFORD—- On u inlay, Juno 21, 1930, at the 1 Bt. James Presbyterian MAnso London,, by Rev. Mr. McNair, Au- ■ gusta oniloan,. only daughter of ■ Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burford, Of • Aivinston to James XV, MacIntyre of Exeter. DEATHS BEAVER—In Exeter .Philip Beaver, aged 88 years, months and 16 days. - on July 1st, 8 Mr.’AVni, thank th of hors for th during Mr also for trftiia UtfitedjFclWtch School Rev. bates (ARD OF THAN!z toFord a wish many friQlfds and neigh- kindn ' extended them illness and death, received from Cen- antl Sunday and tri- Ford owe) t>, McTavIsh also fop the floralIt and Ioan of 'cars. M'r. Thos. Boyle, of Toronto, call­ ed on day. Mrs. Horney and her sister Miss M. Horton returned to Exeter on Friday of last week after spending two (years at Calgary, Alta: Since leaving Calgary they have spent a month visiting in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Toronto and Oshawa. Mrs. Albert Canun, of St, Cather­ ines, and daughter-in-law Mrs. Mer- vin Camm, of BrMgebnrg, motored up the former spending the week­ end with friends in this community while the latter visited in Blyth. Mrs. Marvin Camm has taken to flying and expects-with, a few les­ sons more to get her pilot’s license. Sask., was in Exeter on Friday last calling on a numbei' of old friends in this community. Mr. Latta is now in charge of the World’s Grain Exhibition and Conference to be held in Regina in 1932. Mr,. Latta, was, at one time school ’ teacher at S. S. No. 3, Stephen, add he also taught school at Zurich. Miss i-L Sweet accompanied by Mrs. Susan Atkinson, Mrs, Samuel Sweet and Mrs, ored to Raisley on Sunday, Mrs. Paisley with her others went on friends in Exeter on Wednes- ■s put over the air, dedictated to nn. While there they visited the lartyrs’ Shrine, just two miles out from Midland -where the pilgrimage was made by thousands of Catholics from Ontario and Quebec last Sun­ day. The hill is very high, though the climb to the top was well worth the effort, as the view for miles, all around the country and over the Georgian Bay is very beautiful. Mrs. J. S. Mcl'lraith, of Durham, Mr. and Mrs. John Mcllraith and son of Toronto and Mrs. Waghorn, of Mount Hope, who attended the Ham­ ilton Re-union on. Saturday also the Anniversary Services at Cromarty Church on Sunday visited, with Mrs. F. R. Hamilton during the week. Mr family of Exeter, XV. L. Butler, of the 1st Jn Coder andand Mrs. Hatvey Perkins with Mr. and Mrs. Rondon spent July ich and Hayfield. the re- by the Sir. Geo. Atkinson nrol- and Shallow Lake Sweet remained at daughter while the to Shallow Lake where Mrs. Atkinson will spend summer with her sister. They turned Tuesday accompanied. Jack Rydali, who will spend summer with his grandparents, and Mrs. Robt. Kydd. CLINTON IVINS HOLIDAY TILT Clinton won a close ball game Exeter on the holiday when they defeated the local boys by the score of 4 to 3. A .good crowd turned out to see the game and witnessed some good baseball. A dispute arose in the sixth inning when the local boys scored a run but the pire ruled that the run should count. Had this run counted score would have been a tie. A _ test is being forwarded to the league executive and will be dealt, with in the near future. Carrick, the Big south-paw was on the mound for Clinton and pitched a good game, Stokes did the hurling for Exeter and gave a good account of himself. Clinton Opened the scoring with two rupS in the first inning and added another in the fourth and sixth. Exe­ ter opened with their scoring in the fourth with two.runs and added an­ other In the seventh. Both teams had some good hits but some of these were marred by errors and poor base running, Leroy O’Brien Taylor did the umpiring. Clinton--—.Stock 3fd; N. cf; McEwan ss; Hawkiiis 2nd; Carrick p; Shell 1st; P, Liver- more if; Brant rf, Exeter—Medd cf; E. Tieman rf« Creech If; stokes p; M. Tieman 3rd; pollen 2nd; Eietohef 1st; Boyle ss; Dundas ss. in um- not. the pro- and Reg, Livermore c; O'Brien ADDRESS Y. P. GATHERING On Monday evening Rev, Mr, Kor- sakof, of Friendship Home, London, together with 25 young people, mem­ bers of his congregation visited the Main Street United church and de­ livered a splendid address to an in­ terested and good sized audience. Mr. Rorsakof is a Ukranian and was recently ordained into the ministry of the United church looking after the work of the New Canadians In London. The young Ukranjans who accompanied him sang several hymns in their native tongue, served young THE MEN’S GLE^CEUa of North Central CoRego^Naperville, Has visited Ontario States of the Union annual tour. ‘The; class humorous co \towh HallZCREDITON the gening of n their I give a in the LEFT FOR THE WEST Mrs. H. T, Rowe and daughter, Miss Mildred, Mrs. H. Hoskins, Mrs. R. Skinner and Miss Viola Hodgson and- Miss Ella Shapton left Saturday taking the boat at Sarnia for Fort William enroute to the West. Mrs. Rowe, Mildred and Mrs. Hoskins will enjoy an extensive conducted toqr through the West, the Rocky Mountains, to Prince Rupert taking the boat from there to Vancouver. They will visit at Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper Park in the Rocky Mts., and will also visit the Turn­ er Valley oil fields. They expect to be away over three weeks. The other members of the "party will visit with relatives in the West. ATTEND S. S. CONVENTION The International Convention Religious. Education which includes the Sunday Schools -of the United States and Canada was held in To­ ronto last week with over 3000 dele­ gates from all States of the Union and Canada. The Convention was held in the Aeroplane Building at the Exhibition Grounds, features ' of the Convention unveiling of a statute iof Raikes, founder of the School, an exact replica statute which stands in London, Eng­ land. This year is the 150th anni­ versary of the founding of the Sun­ day School by Robert Raikes. Among those who attended the convention from this, community were Mr. and Mrs. W. * G. Medd. Miss J.’Murray, Miss L. M. Jeckell, Mr. Frank IVil- fong, Wm. Balkwill Jr., Mrs. Cecil Walker, Mrs. T. 'O. Southcott, Misses Amy Shapton, Verna Coates and Mr. J. IM. Southcott and Mr. and Mrs. G. Layton. ADDRESSES IV.M.S. AUXILIARIES A united meeting of the W. M. S. Auxiliaries of Exeter was held in the Main Street United church on Mon­ day with Mrs. J» S. Grant, of James Street in the chair. Mrs. J. T. Min­ ers led in, prayer and Mrs. Goulding sang a delightful solo entitled “Just a Little Help From You.” After the reading of the Scripture lesson Mrs. Grant introduced the speaker Dr.' Margaret McKellar, returned Mis­ sionary from India, who for over an hour held her audience with rapt attention, with “Forty Years of Ser­ vice in India” as her subject, which was given in a very descriptive and instructive manner. The address showed so plainly how urgent the need for more helpers in India. In­ dia has a population, of 320,000,000 souls. 8,000,000 babes, are born in that country every year, while in England and Wales in 19 2 6 there was only 700,000 with 4,000 helpers such as doctors, nurses, etc. in India there are only 250. years ago when Dr. McKellar went to Munich there was only 13 Christ­ ians, today there are 600 0 in that section with a native preacher ana his wife. Ninety per cent, of people of India live in villages. If Jesus Christ had. started his ministry in India and spoke in one village a day now in 1930 he would not be near through. A solo by Mrs. Geo. Wil­ liams was well rendered. Mrs. Grant closed with prayer. At the close a happy social hour was spent in the church parlors where lunch was pro­ vided by Main and James, St. ladies. while Forty Mr, and. Mrs. Chas. French and daughter Olive, of Winnipeg, spent a few days during the past week with the former’s sister Mrs. E. A. Fol­ lick who is ill at her home. TRY ! Profess tile voice ir *' pfesentjlwlth this group e|tolal'ent of 500 students. |D th% Reason. Under the auspices of thMC, I. C. and Star Sunday School classes of the Evangelical Churoiu Reserved Seats 30c.; General Ad­ mission asc- and 35c. ’ Plan 'of hall at Morlock’s Store MftcINTYR-E—BURFORD A pretty June wedding took place at new St. James’ Presbyterian Manner recently when Augusta Onilean, only: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bur­ ford, became the bride of Janies W, MacIntyre, Rev. Dr. McNair offf- cated. The bride, who was given he. marriage by her father, was gowned- in ivory satin cut on princess limes. Her only ornament was a qua it an­ tique cameo of rare design. Hur hair was adorned with a bandeau sez in pearl and caught with orange, blossoms. She wore satin shoes to match, and carried Ophelia roses and lily-of-the-valiey. The bridesmaid, Mss Helen. E. Ai- rill, was attractive in pink georget­ te made in bouffant style with laco trimmings in a deeper shape, and drooping hat to match. She carried pink and yellow roses. At the reception held after the* ceremony at the Venetian Grill, the bride’s mother received the sixty­ seven guests, wearing a smart gown* of green silk lace with corsage of sweet peas. The groom’s mother wore printed chiffon and a bouquet of white rdSes. “ ' -' For going away- the bride chose a black georgette ensemble with touches of pink and picture hat of black taffeta faced with pink georg­ ette. She wore kid gloves and shoes to match and carried a black? suede: purse. Mr. and Mrs. MacIntyre left for Hamilton, Toronto and Buffalos and on their return will reside ire Exeter where the groom is connect­ ed with the Bell Telephone Co. Mr. W. A. Patrick, of Toronto', spent the- week-end in town. Mr. Alvin Grigg and son Jack, of Orangeville, visited with Miss ML Grigg and Miss K. MacFaul on Wed­ nesday. The Exeter branch of the. Cana­ dian Canners have commenced their seasons pack of peas. There is a considerable increase in the acreage- this season and several viners hava been installed at Kirkton where the peas will be thr-eshed and brought to Exeter for canning. At the Exeter branch a new stacker has been, in­ stalled to take care of the pea straw. Prospects are bright for a bumper crop. Pilot Gerald Fition with his mec­ hanic Mr. Vansickel, flew to Exeter in his aeroplane and visited with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. ft'. Fit- ton, On Friday last Mr. Fitton loolc Messrs. L. J. Penbale and B. R. Bar­ tow to. Chatham on business in con­ nection with the Canadian Conners. The trip each way took about an hour. Mr. J. W. Brown has received1* word that he has been appointed to the United Church circuit at Fham~ rock, Sask. It comprises Hire®- preaching places and a parsonage. Mr. Brown and family expect to- leave town in the course of a few days for their new field in the West- He is offering some of his. household effects for. sale. See advertisement on last page. THE HURON GARAGE EM iVhere you g for SERVICE on up-to-date fte6 air Service Fenders jelled out the modem way Valvfe^Fefacted arid ground like new Breads re-lined on the new machine Y ROAD SERVICE—DAY OR NIGHT Cfe6il X Stewart, Prop. Phone 155w