HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-06-26, Page 6A thx’rsdjky, junk. so, mo THE exetbk jimbs-m>vocatb ♦ Test Firestone Tires .are sold in Exeter by rds are of superior fore they are built go through the r added strength'" An ordinary cord im- rntrjed in the jsamf solution is immediately enten by the acid, Showing that tpese ordinary cords are in­ ferior to those in Firestone tires, mileage andVndurance! . Gum-Dipped Vires on you nearest Firestone Dealer t FIRESTONE TIRE ’AND RUBBER COMPANY^F CANADA, Hamilton When a Gum-Dipped coed is immersed in an MCidsolution i t remains intact because it is completely insulated with rubber on which the acid has no effect. ords 50 YEARS AGO Rev. G. A. Mitchell, B.A., preach his farewell sermon in Exe­ ter on Sunday evening next, and the Rev. Mr. Gundy, his successor, will fill the pulpit on the following Sab­ bath. We have been shown the plans of Mr. Carling’s new store which were tm' and which reflect great credit draivn by M’r. E- S. Howard, of Exe- upon his skill as a draughtsman. It is with regret that we record the death of Mr, Thomas Case, which took’ place at his late resi­ dence on the London Rodd, Town­ ship of Usborne. Mr. Henry Brown received-a let­ ter from Mr. Frank (Middleton, form­ erly of Usborne but npw of Oak River, N.W.T. He speaks highly or that part of the- country. There .are i several from the neighborhood of Kirkton settled in the same locality., Messrs. Coughlin Bros., of Stephen, shipped on Wednesday of last week, thirteen hundred sheep from. Que­ bec to Liverpool market. ow bring Families, Relatives and/Friendr on Easy ferms to CANADA ADVANCED ITISH RE-UNION ASSOCIATION apply:—4 MERON Colonization Railway, Toronto Even though Firestone strength and elasticity into Firestone Tires, tl Gum-Dipping process and endurance. Gum-Dipping—exclusiv^.to Firestone Tires —saturates and insulat^ every fibre of is .prevents the cprd^frpm chafing agair^t each other and r eliminates internal frictidh and' heat—the greatest enemy to tire lif^ " Thus Fifeestone Gum-Dir-lbed Tires have double reasons for their tMghness, rugged­ ness and Unequalled milage—-by actual 's records for ecify Firestone See «your (Chevrolet Sales & Service X tiie mirriage was quietly HospituL Sms Hodgins was ized of Vera E,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm: J. Dodds, 'of .Toronto, formerly of Cliriton, .a,nd »Mr, Frea- erick Henry Elliotts son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. 'ElliQtt, of Clinton- fir Tairphtb, Key, Canpm Cody conduct- • -eftH'lie c&reniony.m Miss Reia4 Elliott was bridesmaid a.nd',Mi£ Ge'orge E1-' libit d'ke best man, brother and. sis­ ter! of -the bridegroom. 'Mr. and Mrs. -’•-te''Wt. leftrnn a'trip to Wichita, Kan. and . oh their return will reside in Toronto. ' The choir of St. James’ church and the young people of Clandeboye gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McR'ann, last week in honor of Miss Edith Hodgins, who is leav­ ing. to train for a nurse in Sarnia presented with a satin kimona and sjippers, the presentation being made by Mrs/ S- Nahan and Miss Ruth ^ijinpspn read the-address. W;an<L MuSr ^yilliam Adaihs, of SeafpLth, celebrated ,the. fiftieth an­ niversary of their marriage at^their home recently.*. They-were present­ ed with a- 'fine radio^ by the family as well as many other beautiful, gifts. Mr. ami.Mrs,"Adams, whose maiden lianie whs Janet Henderson, were married., in and the first few ye-ars of th,eir married life were spent in that township. Over forty years ago t>liey moved t-o Seafortn where they have lived ever since. Six children survive, all of /whom were ----• for the happy occasion. 23 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. N. Peterson cel ebrat- ' ed their silver wedding at their- . home in Barwick, New Ontario on June 19tli. Mr. John Evans* has sold his resi­ dence on William St. A to Mrs. Mary Sanders, who recently moved .here from Stephen Township. Mr. Evans intends going to London in the fall and will retain possession until that time, Miss Eva Carling, who has suc­ cessfully "taught a room in the Exe­ ter Public School for the past three years, has resigned, the resignation to take effect at once. Mrs. Caroline Bobier this week sold her beautiful residence on Main St., to Mr. John Pedlar, of Stephen Township. The new proprietor will not take possession until the fall, A quiet wedding took place in Sar­ nia on Wednesday, June 21st, when Mr. J. Willis Powell, .son of- Mr. Ste­ phen Powell, was united' in'marriage to )M,iss Gertrude Nash, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Nash, of -Sarnia. Misses ’ Amy Johns and Janet Brawn, Mrs. F. W. 'Collins, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hannon, Rev. and Mrs. Mallott and Miss Della Treble left Tuesday on a -trip to Manitoba and the west. Mr, S. M. Sanders, wlro Ii'as been in Whitby and other places in the interest of the Co-operative Machine Co., for some weeks, returned home here on Saturday evening to spend a week.' Mr. ,Sam Hicks, 2nd concession or Usborne, has sold three more heavy draught colts: The buyers are Mr. Ben Williams, Elimville and Mr. Connell, of Clandeboye. This is five' heavy draught colts, rising three years olid Mr. Hicks has sold inside of two months the price paid for the five was $9-10.00. young men with him in July to 'the' Peace River Country,* 300 miles north of Edmonton where the young men will 'be settled on farms. A despatch from Ottawa says that William M. Martin, Liberal M. P. for Regina, is likely to join the Scott Government and become Provincial treasurer, Misses Hamilton and Pridham, of Goderich, who have been teaching in the Exeter High School completed their term last week- Mrs. Vincent Wood and Miss Ida Densdale, of San Francisco, Cal., are visiting 'their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dinsdiale, of Kippen. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Locke, of Bos­ ton, Mass., visited in town on Fri­ day. They have left on a trip to the Pacific Coast amd will visit the Panama Exposition before. return­ ing to Boston where. Mr.-Locke, is professor of Minerology in«one of the colleges. Misg. Hilda Williams, who has been ill at the home of.Miss- Cameron the past five weeks is able to be out around again. Mrs. J, A. Stanley and children, of Winnipeg, are the. guests of -the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton. J. 15 YEARS AGO Mr. Dunean McDougall, a former well-known Usborne teacher has been appointed Principal of the Frontenac Street (School, Kingston. Mr. T. E. Handford, of Ingersoll, was in town this week. Mr. Hand- ford is taking a number of Oxford Grand Bend (Intended for last week), Miss Gertrude Lovie, of London, spent Sun<1ay with' her /parents Mr, and Mrg, W. P, Lovie. •Mr, and Mrs; Dave Baird, of Cred- iton, visited friends in the burg over the week-end. The picnics on -Saturday were quite numerous, there- being seven different ones. . Rev- J.< M. Coiling and J- W, iiolt were at Belgrave ing Presbytery. The community here that Miss M. suddenly ill and. ljad to be rushed .'to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where an operation _was performed same night. Reports are she is jug nicely. Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Pollock, Detroit, have returned home after spending two weeks holidays at tne burg. Rev. D. N. Hazen, of London, preached two- able sermon’s on Sun­ day >to two large congregations and speaking in ‘the interests, of the M. S. last 'week attend- was surprised to Luther was taken EIGHT PROVINCIAL PRIZES COMB TO HERON tn« do- of w. GEORGE BENNETT, VETER/IN JUMPER, SUFFERS BROKEN BACK WHEN CAUGHT BY WIRES .... .. , Thrown pole. by wind against telegraph _______I low jump ft Jr first accidentBlames ii» 970 leaps from speeding pla«e ExrW ©imrs-Aiipnrair Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday aiorniaiF. at Exeter* Ontario SUBSCRIPTION-—$2.00 per ye«r to advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate t«< sale 6Qc. each insertion tor Hrsfi four insertions, 25 c, each *ub**> quent insertion. Miscellaneous; ttcles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost* og: ‘ Found 10c. per line of six wordc, Reading notices 10c. per lta«» \ Card of Thanks t"L " . _ ‘ vertising 12 and ■Memorlam, with extra verses 25 c. each. Member of The Canadian W Newspaper Association 50c, Legal 8c. per liney IM- one versa EXET Safe- ProfessionaJ/Cards GLADMAN BARRISTER Money STANBURY ’ SOLICITORS* Investment* Ma<«< ■ insurance ; Vault for use limits without charge LONDON of Goderich, who the local arid the National first prize in> EY BzlRRISTERS, SOLICITORS, INVESTMENTS,only but won In the recent Temperance Educa­ tion Contest in Ontario eight Pro­ vincial prizes came to the County of Huron. Mr. Sutherland, last year won npt Provincial prizes as well has- again , the Senior boys’ class. Margaret Loan, of Clinton has won the first prize in lhe Senior girl’s class, the prize in each case being a ten-dollar gold coin. Audrey Carter, of Clinton, won a yery close second prize in. the Se’nior boy’s class, his prize beixig a camera Of exceptional quality. Margaret Watson, of Btucefield, in the’ Intermediate girl’s class won for proficiency a beautifully illus­ trated volume entitled "Stories from the Poets.” In the Junior girl’s class Caroline WelliVood, of Winghanu Annie -and Mary Coleman, of Hensail and in the Junior boy’s class, Jack Snyder, of Clinton each won a handsome'bound Cambridge Bible. Wm. Sutherland and „ Margaret Doan -are each in the race for a na­ tional prize. The national prize list will be published in June. The famed skill of George Bennett veter-ap jumper, that had carried him safely to earth after he had leaped from a speeding airplane on 970 -other occasions, failed him before thousands of amusement seekers at Sunnyside Beach at Toronto recent­ ly. Now Bennett lies in hospital in what doct'olrs believe is a dying con­ dition. The lower part of his spine is fractured. His internal injuries are serious, and his body is, badly bruised and cut. Bennett put up a heroic but los­ ing battle when he jumped. Strug­ gling desperately with all the skill at his command, the veteran juniper tried to swing his parachute out over Lake Ontario. The wind car­ ried him though he the chute wires, he pavement inland, however, and al- did manage to manoeuvre over some high tension crashed heavily to the -oh Sunnyside Boulevard after bouncing onto telegraph wires in 1\he middle ■ of the street car tracks. Victim of his own daring Bennett purposely jumped while -- the plane was well inland, he was 'trying to give th’e Crowd something more than the thrpl of an ordinary jump. His intention was. to. laud on the beach and make the crowd scatter in all directions. Lying on a hospital cot, Bennett did not blame the wind, or the para­ chute, or the pilot for the accident. "Don’t blame the pilot; don’t blame the pilot," he moaned, "I jumped too low." Pilot Thomas Gerald Fitton, close friend and partner of the jumper, Said: "George jumped off at a height of 1,400 feet after the mys­ tery girl had jumped from 1,800 feet. Then I circled about, waiting for George to land. He came down on top of the trolley wires and poles between the boulevard tracks, and bounced off the Wires, swinging across, the boulevard to smash into a steel post on the otlier side.” 'According to police, Constable Crawford, who witnessed the land­ ing of Bennett, the. jumper was practically helpless when he drifted over the trolley wires' and was un­ able to do anything .to avoid crash­ ing into an eight-inch protection on the steel standard above the ’Wires. "It was this that caught Bennett square stable. 16 fee." weight to the ground, and in a -minute Ben­ nett’s body rolled off the wires and crashed to the on the back."-’ A few weeks ton took Ken. London, up fo,r The pupil lost jils nerve at the last minute and clutched at the cabin steps. His. ’chute W damaged and he crashed .mote thin 1,000 ft. to his deailL in the back," said the con- "He" struck .it with terriffic Then the (chute, with his removed, collapsed and fell curb, again landing Hpwever, in golf you don’t anything but time. ft * ft ft * ft In other days, believe it or the parlor was the mushroom. ❖ # & # »!» kill not, "A second best navy is like h se­ cond best poker hand.”—-Admiral Hugh Rodman. . ■- :> jjc :|e & # ft "Conscience is the unsafest -guide any theologian ever talked,'—Clar­ ence Darrow. He: "Am I the first man you have ever k’issed?" She: “Of course! Why do all men ask the same ques­ tion?" p * * ft ft ft ft ft ft Owls are like some people. They look so solemn and .wise while at home, you know they are .setting a good example for the young. “WONDERFUL,” HE SAYS, OF SARGON "Five years ago I started on a physical decline. An inactive liver brought on chronic constipation that got my whole system toxiqfand run­ down. Five bottles -of Saigon built At L Office: iRANCE tfr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D,$ XETER, ONT. an Monday and Thursday^/-’' DENIAL SURGE Office opposite newndiFost Office' Office 34w Office afternoon ones House f^ed every Wednesday" ntil Jan. 7th, 1931. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D,0X Di in St., Office over 0 JOH larling TIST WARD EXETMW College^ Morley DR. E. S. STEIN VETE Graduate o IN ARY SURG CALLS P Corner <Officii: the Ontarie^VetertowEF Y ANIWIGHT ATTENDED Tq . i and Ann Street*- f J B. Snell’s Block; R. ONT. CHIROPRACT ELECTRO-T VIOLET P MAIN ST., patbtjt ULTRA- TMENTS NABL® UARANTSED L’CTIO Arthur Weber LICENSED For Huron and Mid FARM SALES^A S PRICES SATISFACTION. _______ Phone 57-1,'J Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD j. i ovei the ago Bennett’and Fit- Burgess, formerly of .fl. lesson in jumping. FRANK/TAYLOR ■ jfadlesex PECIALTY and SatlsfacttoJR: ran-teed EXETER P. O. or RING 13S rKAINKJ lAlLUK licensed/ auctiqnSsb For Hurojl and FARM SA Prices ReasaSia OSCAR KLOPP ,; LICENSE^ AUCTIONT^t Honor Graduate C-arey JfSnea* Atjcr tion School. ^Special ^cftlirse tafcew in RegiSterfe^ji _ Ld’ ' ” “ Merchandised Reah|*‘ Estate, Sales, Etc.J^ RatepTfn Keeptn; prevailing Jpri; Sured, wrB$$H___ .__ or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. >dfLive Stock (all breeds) Fam ;g wOi Satisfaction »«-■ ’soar Klopp, Zurich.., ABSON y digestion i.s fine ow strength, and ft I keep on the go Ling. got -me- regulated me up all and with energy I’ve ga all day withbu "Sargon Pii perfectly and restored my whole sys­ tem to a healthy, normal condition. The improvement the Sargon treat­ ment has, made in my health at the age of 67 is J'emarkable.**-—J. il. 28 'Mecklenburg Street, St. John, N. Brunswick. Sargon may be obtained hi Exeter at W. S. Howey’s, 2 W” hibald, BdSsc., (Tor.), stered -TOfessional En- rveyor. Associate ig Institute of , Seaforth, Ontario. S. W. A O.L.S., gineer andlLand Member Canada, jpff B. C. SHINGLES xxxxx Gram, /bunches^/' JSO pe&lranch CLftTWORTHY ^TFhone 1'21 (TON. ONTARIO f