HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-06-12, Page 8WWW -H-J ’*< ■ Mi.h-t MW ♦ e.l •’ » w I. . i ,..r w THURSPAT, JVSK 12. 1030 '.......... prompt/ FORD SERVIC BRING your FordJbere for that hurry-uy job, ^laybe it’s < little thing. Big c e, our mechanics wlljfind. the trcwible in a ji yoq away s labbr billed 11 s4 Exotea Zurich and send ng. All1 lbw flat Exeter Markets Wheat $1.05 Oats 50e. Barley 55c. Bran $1.50 Shorts $1.50 Feed Flour $1.90 Manitoba’s Best Flour $4.25 Model Flour $8,85 Welcome Flour $3.45 Creamery Butter 31c. Dairy Butter 28c. Eggs, extras 26e. Eggs, firsts 23c. Eggs, seconds 2O.e. Hogs $12.00 locals,, Don’t fail to hear LlWPearl New­ ton, the wonderfifl impersonator, at Caven church Garden Party.iS A"r---—- --- James St. United chwh will hold their Strawberry Fesmal on Tues-their Strawberry Fe; day, June the Wh^F More particu­ lars later. Gold T/ck Underwear a.m.- has locate London, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH FOOTBALL EXETER ROYS VI OLD COUNTRY BO Ernest Represent! Litmbernien’s “World’s ^necktie THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE MOUNDS EXETER. OWE DIRECTOR IE SERVICE to attend a sale of friends of Mi's. James Miss Maud Harness, of will regret to know that Miss Margaret get our prices. : Bros. Eutii: CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCjH Rev. J, Bernard Rhodes, Ji, A, Miniettey Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M., Organist 10 a.m.—Sxinday Schpol 11 a,m.—“Light and Bh'ade’’ 7 p.m.-—‘'A False Inference” ‘ JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader 10 a.m,—-Church School 11 a.m.—“Pentecost and Property 7 p.m.—“Excess Baggage” N.B.—- Please note that the Sun-- day School is being held in the morn­ ing. Let everyone 'be on time. f This week we will have a new shipment of beautiful dresses in figured crepes, featuring capes, with sleeveless dresses, with coats to match. Prices at Weldrest Chiffon Hosiery This is a new line. It comes v&th French heel. It is a fine quality ofjdhiffon and very dressy PRICE PER PAI NEW VOILES See our centre window of beautiful voiles that will make lovely dresses for the hot weather. PRICED AT PER YARD 60c.MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, I a.m.—Our Church School . a.m.—“The Holy Spirit and’His Present Relationship to the Church.” p.m.—How we may know Christ and His Kingdom. p.m.—Thursday, our Prayer ser­ vice. Bathing Suits for all the family* THE NEW BATHING SUITS ARE HERE. WE HA VW'THE NEW SUN SUITS FOR LITTLE TOTS. SMART STYLES ANDjJCOLORINGS FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS AS WELL AS NEW STYLE^OR WOMEN AND MEN. THESE ARE AL WOOL AND POPULAR Mrs. F. K. Mathers, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A, May. <Mrs. J. -S. Grant is spending a couple of weeks with friends in To­ ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Green, of 'Wind­ sor, visited in town over the week­ end. Mrs. Leo. Salkin, of Detroit, is vis­ iting her father Mr. Wm. Hewitt, who FWANTED at - once " general farmer, must be hea y, a hard s work, hon-wprker, interested in^ est, dependable^ an orders. Apply p^jjKnally, Dr. Mof­ fat, Varna, button Wednesday or Saturday, Jr eMth or 7th, Wednes­ day or Satui® , June 11th or 14th. villing to take 10 11 7 8 The Thames Road Farmers Club need a few more order^s/for. soft coal,. continues very ill. fine coke and. oats td^'make up car loads. No. 4 \'barlej#can’ be secured at $21.00 a ion. j^)rdens, should be placed immediately. P. Passmore,ar $zi.vv a sou. placed immediatJlj sec’y,—— Dr. Atkinson wishes^’to announce that he will be away Jh. his holidays from June 30th to Uy 11th inclus­ive, -during t$is ti^Se the office will be closed. 6-12-4tc. TO OBSERVE HALF HOLIDAY The Medical Doctors of. Exeter have arranged to talje the Wednes­ day .half holiday during the months of June, July and August. One doc­tor mmnin inl+nwii' fn fni' any | will 1 ti’dnec Dunlc June Notice _ ____ ___ will be male in the Times-Advocate at .a later.Jdate. ill remain i^rtown to care for smergent cafes. The following |e in town^on the dates men- Dr. Weekes, June 4th; Dr. Junejfllth; ' Dr. Fletcher . Browning June 25th. as regards July and August Mr. and (Mrs, Clifton jsavis and children, of London, visited on Sun­ day with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale vis­ ited with relatives in St. Thomas for a few days last week. ■Of Miss Newton’s Toronto Recital the Mail & Empire said? “She achieved a notable success.” Misses Muriel Howald, Marjorie Westcott and Madeline Stewart, of London, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mrs. P. Pollard and daughter, Miss Helen, of Windsor, visited with the former’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins. Mr. Harry West and Miss Evelyn Aytes, spent Sunday with mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. tralia, spent Sunday Mrs. John Taylor, William streets. Come and discover for that Miss Newton, as the Globe says, “Is indeed a star.” Caven Garden Pai’ty June 20th. Mrs. Fred- Wells; of town, suffered a slight sunstroke on Friday last While working in the garden. .She is again -able to be around. Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Hughes p-nd family, ^f Windsor, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, of Exeter North. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peart and Mr. Mitchell, of Rockwood* Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. SI. MacFaul, Organist Trinity Sunday ■Holy Communion’8 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Con­ firmation Class. 11 a.m.—Morning prayer and ser­ mon. Subject, “Our Last End.” 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon, sub­ ject: “The Glory of June.” TEN'RS TO CLEAN DUMP GROUNDS " 'Tenders will b ^received by, the undersigned for jpie removal and cleaning _,up of fare rubbish that has -been scattered yjf the Dump Ground’s..All ri|bbishJFto be cleaned back ___v__‘ the Road fence'. Drive or roadwaysjto be kept clear around the yard |o<driving purposes. Tend­ ers to cl 7 p.m. J forty fee® fro Monday, June 16th, at order. Jos. Senior, Clerk of Sarnia, motored the up and former’s Neil, with yourself I EXETER. FA — o THURSDAY, 12th, 1930 Game to begin at 7 o’clock1 sharp Old County team—Cox, Forbes, Moyle, Jeffries, Farrel, Manwaring, Cousins, Clark, Morgan, Lutman and Thomson. Hatchway Underwear For boys and men. Join the army that , are wearing this cool and comfortable un­ derwear- BOYS’ $1.00; l^EN $1,25 ICED. This is a $1.00 ifcpular garment for men. retails Fleet Foot running shoes jlr boys & girls THE CHILDREN LIKE THIS FOOTWEAR FOR HOT WEATHER. IT IS COOL ANP COMFORTABLE, Gllfes GOOD WEAR AND IS GREAT FOR SCHOOL OR BEACH WEAWAT PER PAIR 79c Grass Ru|s For porches and verandah^ They come in different sizes and are veri^ moderate in price. I $1.25 to $3.95 V t, i SPECIAI|S O HURON TOILET Congoleum Rugs WEEK ONLY TABLE SALT Showing all the newest patterns at prices lower than the catalogue houses. Ask to See them. PAPER 8 rolls for 25c* Cjfoice Quality lbs. for 25c. COARSE SALT in bulk . SO. pounds for 50c - -■# Dr. D. A. ANDERSON , DENTIST folmerlyjbf Exeter at ^05 Wortley Road,' he will practice eutistry , Metcalf 4290 FOR .SALE-j?Bf\<?k dwelling and and Mrs, ______s garage. BeauifciWlocation ion the were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ‘ cornei* of/Ana&w and Hill Street, ’ Mrs. John Peart; over thr^e aci®s of land. Apply to John Belt Estate. 6-12-4tp ■Con. nine In­ STRAYED—From jLot 24, 3, Usborne, a|red h^mfer about months old wth jaar on face, formation gl^IwFreceived by >£has. Dayman, R. <L$Exeter. ™ FOR SALE— Revolvi J outdoor clothes reel, cqment basjg^new black­ smith tire upsetter; mental iron fe^ce; __________ _ , about 70 feet 0$ i„s$ii galvanized pipe gate. Apply to box 92 Exeter. 6-12tf 0 fe'et .orna- dozen chairs; FOR SALE—|A Guernsey and Jer­ sey heifer due |to Jreshen. A real one. Apply to *W. Hern, Exeter. WANTED—An /toil' ^salesman to introduce a new liiglUgrade oil in Exeter and di^tric&^ftfn with car . preferred. Apply B03/28O, Exeter. On/William Street, low, stucco, new, h, all modern eon- box 244 Qrediton rhditon. 6-5-3 tc. FOR SALE Exeter, senii-b six rooms and veniences. Ap or phone 34, Paintin g or pScoratingfl Phone 85, Elsie McCal- London Sun- the former’s and Miss A. HERE IS WHERE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A JEOOD ASSORTMENT OF URNI- TURE TO CHOOSEJFROM AT PRICES TO SUJT YOU OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE NOW IS^THE T Saturday, JunQflSth Buydadjane We have good1assortment ft!?"1-1---—- E TO BUY ■ $Miss E. Treble, of London, is vis­ iting with relatives in Exeter. ■ „ Mr. Kirk Hutton has returned to Exeter after relieving for several weeks at the C. N. R. Depot -at Wingham. Mr. Walter Harness has rented the residence on Main St., belong­ ing to .the estate of the late Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. J. R. McDonald has return-; ed home after spending some time in Toronto visiting her daughter Mrs. Gordon Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Czar Harness and. two children, of Pt. Edward, visit-’ ed last week with the ‘former’s1 mother Mrs. Elizabeth Harness. Messrs. Wm. Oestricher, C.‘ Pym,f E.J. Pym, Robt. Rowcliffe and Geo.; Andrews motored to Guelph Friday "of last week Shorthorns. The many Stewart, nee Windsor she is seriously -ill. Harness, of town, has been with her for several weeks. Mr, Kenneth Stan bury, B.A., has decided, to follow in .his father’s footsteps und enter the legal profes­ sion. He will be attached to the firm of Gladman & Stanbury dur­ ing his student course. ..........................................................................I ........................Ill ............................ Golf nickers! in |weeds & linens F 1 funeraAMBUL-fc ■ '=j|j (Miss Gertrud^'Kent, R.N., of-Lu­ can, visited with her sister Mrs. H. N. Taylor -this week. A number of the members of the Exeter Horticultural Society joined with the Kirkton. members and mo­ tored to Guelph Wednesday morning, where they will be entertained at the O. A. C. Miss Hilda Sims, stenographer witif Gladman & Stanbury, has been cofdpelled to take a month’s rest owihg to a run-down condition of health. She will visit for a time on the farm of her aunt Mrs. McFalls, of Biddulph. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Graham and son, of Windsor, visited with Mrs. Graham’s parents Mr. and Mrs. David Ro^vcliffe. They intend to spend some time at Grand Bend. Mr. Row­ cliffe who has been quite ill at' his home is slowly improving. Mr. McBeth of the Milverton Sun, was a pleasant visitor at the Tiines- j Advocate on Saturday last. Mem­ bers of the Wellington, Dufferin and Perth Press Association will meet at Milverton Friday of this week to be the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. McBeth. -Miss Abbott, nurse, who has been ■living with Mrs. Walker the past winter, has gone to Hamilton Whete she will be a companion nurse to the children in the family of one of Six’ John Hen tie’s sobs. They will bpend the sunynot in Mnskoka, Miss Abbott is quite a globe trotter, hav- dng -boon born in Australia where ’lifer father was a physician. The last •years of his life was spent In the 'Channel islands where Miss Abbott .became a fluent speaker of French. After visiting many countries, of the •world she camo to Canada and here she intends to .remain, w. w. PHONE Slw TAMAN. ‘ EXETER, ONT. -..... ....—~ I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of Pt. Elgin, with their son and his wife and babe, visited with Mrs. E. Willis on Sunday. Mr. R. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock, inspector of Hotels, visited with his sisters, Mrs. W. A. Turnbull and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers .on Tuesday. Postmaster M. W. Pfaff attended a meeting of the postmasters of the London district in London on Wed­ nesday afternoon of last week. Mr. Geo. Hunter, of Usborne, who a few weeks ago was taken ill.but who had recovered and was able to. be around, is again confined to Ilia bed. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willis, Mr. T. H. McCallum and Miss lum motored up from day and 'visited with mother. Mr. George Beavers Eacrett motored up from Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. ,B. W« F. Beavers on Saturday last returning to the City on Sunday. Miss Mary Grant, R.N., is nurs­ ing baby Dorothy McNaughton, in­ fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton, of Hensail, in the Childrens’ Hospital, London, Mr. F. J. Delbridge had the fortune last week to run a rusty, in his right foot since Which time lie has, not been able to use the injur­ ed member but manages to get around on Ills left foot. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Robinson and two daughters Thelma and Luella, of Detroit, motored over Thursday and spent the week-end with Mrs. Robinson’S mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Passmore. Tn the list of graduates from the Western University, London, who were pupils of tlfe« Exeter High School the name of James Tapp, ’of Heiisall, was omitted. He secured honors in chemistry. Among, those who attehded the ■ funeral qf the la-tfe Mrs. Philip Madge ■ of Usborne on Friday last were Mrs, Wesley Bell, of Mitchell and Mr* ' Wm. R6.V, of Bornholm, accompan­ ied by his son and wife. Mr, Roy is 8? years of age. . Mr. A, J, Pearson and daughter, Mrs, Bonney, of London, motored up on Saturday last to visit Miss Tay­ lor, who has; been very ill and un­ der the doctor for several days. She is somewhat better again. FOR SALE—Storey brick residence |n Hur taining bath, hydro so garage, gain Real Centra for quicl$ s#fe Estate a d a half 1 Street con- d furnace al­ located J. W. Bar- Hern, tfc. SALE—Waslj^g maqhine and ,'dition.y Apply to FOR wringer in Al.; ci Times-AdvocateL/ Cottage for three lots of 1 enings. - If you wish t dr house See R. ham, garag hone 163 ev uy or self a; farm Pickard, Dieter- TRACTOR PLOWING AND- totSC Distance ho o' jeeyj^ot reasonable j(.moUiit bt“ Wbrll Attfiy to W. I ^dslibW, Elimyjlle. BRICK DWELLING FOR^ALE-— ,A neat dwelling well situated and in fine condition, PdsseS^rfon can be given at once. Apply*4o G, J. Suth­ erland at the ITensaJii Post Office, Sick mis- nau if 1 We If y f problem ball with us, B, C. Shingles all No. 1 in bvery ices are right. u have a W discuss and • The Women’s Association of the Main Street United church, met on Thursday last, with the president Mrs. W. A. Balkwill in the chair. The devotional exercises -were led .by Miss Hogarth. Among the items of discussion was. .the usual strawberry festival and it was decided not to hold one this year. The ladies de­ cided to install a suitable electric light over the main entrance. The usual quarterly tea was seryed to over 50 members. g am one others Casualty St Autojitaobile Cash dividend? o policyholders have not been less than 25% of premiums annually. SSICKDOROTHY E. G A. L. C. (Honor Graduate) )$ndon, England Instruc Piano, Violi® The enumerators are busy coim- pllfng the voters list to ho usedi i» the coming Federal elcetioiL/ 1 ./•«! EXETE >n in armony, Theory Street, Fmx 160 ONTARIO Studio N. Au> SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENER (ah/WM SINGLE EDGE . DOUBLE fiDGE Perfect Edge’Guaranteed , w. s. cole, drugget W. R* GdULQfHG A, T. 'C.: M Organist Cl Janies Unh ' <e. Caulk Your Windows al bill ThF ’<1 DOORS save money on your WK AGENCY FOR AND WINDOWS, AW METAL WEATHER-MTRtPl’INCJ let m QvOTF M'brj W. J. HERN, Exeter Piano Supervisor Studio* Main Squire fsphalt slate for roof or sitfiijg. s^fs our sample and fore you buy. •,h siding is very at- sample. Well as­ ci Lumber oa hand nk bath and LOuglied. Ap- Creditoii, ht Oldman is Exeter, Ont. 2-20-tfc* FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE —lot 9, Concession 5, Stdphert/ It bad a frame hot^o, *J***** itbdttf 20 aCteS^fall jJly to Alonso i Birds Ait Bi tractive. Sorted st rtnaxtor Ciiwrob in organ Ttwory usic in Schools IJFTW 57. Phone HhS Ll’L ONT 1