HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-06-12, Page 2THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1980 i FJLtS/fr Indianapolis, May 30,1930; 6;lly Arnold, driving at an average speed of 100.418 miles per hour, won the 500-mile Speedway race Here today on Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. pECAUS^\of their extra strength and stamina, Firestone G Dipped Tires 1 mileage and endurance. Gum-Dipping is %n exclusive Firestone process and the only known . method of completely insulating tire against internal enemy to tire life. This extra process, comb .safety tread, produces th^reatest strength a stamina and safety that is APOUS CE e every fibre of the ssibie’ to build • iptO a tire. ' Made in Canada by’%; * FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBE^gOMPANY - OF CANADA LIMITED U.F.O. DECIDE NOT TO PLACE CANDIDATE IN THE FIELD ....... .........................."" ■ -..................................... ......... " ■ > Progressives hf South Huron meeting in Hensall on Thursday af­ ternoon last decided not to nominate a candidate to contest the riding,, the time being declared unpropitious Nelson Trewartha js the Con­ servative standard bearer, and Thos, McMillan, is the sitting Liberal mem­ ber and again party’s candidate. The feeling of yery much divided, spoken in favoi* of having a candi­ date, althought they felt the battle would be a losing one. Others cau­ tioned* against running a Progressive because of the provincial-federal saw-off .arrangement, whereby the Liberals have the federal seat and the Progressives the provincial, Joseph Forest, of Seaforth, assist­ ant secretary of the Progressive As­sociation of South Huron favore°d placing a candidate in the field who would review the situation and if he did not like the prospects, he could drop -out. He felt, however, that the Progressives could not lie down under Liberal domination. Call for Action J. Jefferson, Seaforth, was another who thought the Progressives should do something about the present sit­ uation. One of the failings of. the U. F. O., he said, had been a policy of inaction, and he felt that the Pro­ gressives should put* up a fight now even if it was a losing fight. He urged the ‘nomination of a Progres-’ sive candidate, leaving it to the dis­ cretion of that candidate whether he would enter the lists when nomina­ tion day came. Albert Klopp, Zurich; O. J. Jarvis, Clinton; Robert J. McMillan, brother of the Liberal candidate in the rid­ ing; G. W. Layton, Exeter, were among those who opposed nomina­ tion of a candidate. A motion was made that the Pro­ gressives do not contest the riding and an amendment moved that they should name a candidate, leaving it to his discretion whether he should finally run. On a vote the amend­ ment was declared lost. W. G. Medd, M.L.A., spoke .on pro­ vincial matters, but did not offer any suggestion one way or another as to the federal situation. Officers of the association were the Government the meeting was Many were out- Ry^% of .total /> FARES ADA ICED ISHERS now bring Ir Families, I'Friendr; pn to CANj ADVA1 B/?zj Chpada ma| I the, r ttn^i rms. in dm forwaa Relativ Easy T^ For full J. Di»t. tails k c/i ___T Jipt. Canadian Pacific 1 brti RE-UNION ASSOCIATION DI HERON Colonization ■uiway, Toronto SH elected as follows: President, Wm. Black; vice-president, Mrs. C, Haugh secretary-treasurer, G. W, Layton; assistant secretary, Joseph Forrest; auditors, D. Gemmill and C. Haugh. / Raising Better Potatoes Certified Dooley Potatoes secured from the Alliston and Acton ‘Dis­ tricts were distributed on May 19th from Mount Brydges to the 130 members of the Middlesex Farm Boys’ Potato Club which was organ­ ized this spring by the London Cham­ ber of Commerce and Middlesex De­ partment of Agriculture, Each member received one bag of potatoes. The plots will be judged during the summer and also inspect­ ed for certification, so it is expected that the majority of the members will have certified seed for field planting next year. The boys were also e’ach .Supplied with a sixty pound bag of special 4-8-10 potato fertiliz­ er. Potatoes will be weighed from fertilized and unfertilized portions of the plots. Each potato club bOy will be spon­ sored by an interested Chamber of Commerce member. REGISTRARS The following hav# been apppjnt- ed Registrars for South Huron: Tuckcrsniith 1—Paul Doig, Seaforth r.r.Poll 4. Poll r.r, 3. Poll r.r. 5. Poll Brucel’ieid. 5—T.Poll r.r, 3. Poll r.r, 2, Poll 3, Poll r.r. 3. Poll Poll 2—Joseph Forrest, Seaforth, 3—Leslie Lawson, Clinton, , 4 — Elizabeth Broadfoot, N. .Forsyth, Kippeh Qt—James A. Hay, Kippen Usborrie 1—Alfred Hicks, Exeter r.r. 2—Roland Williams, Exeter 3— Henry Strang, Exeter 4— ’Charles Monteith, Wood­ ham r.r. 1. Poll 5—Rachel Bell, Exeter r.r. 3. Poll 6—’Mabel' Quinton, Centralia r.r. 1. Poll 7—Clarence Routley, Wood­ ham r.r, 1, Stephen Poll 1—John Essery, Centralia Poll 2—George Penhale, Exeter., Poll 3—G. Emmerson Wenzel, Of Crediton, Poll ton.- Poll wood. Poll wood. Poll wood r.r. 2. Poll 8—William H. Love, hill r.r. 3, Poll 3. 4—Matthew England, Credi- Stye Berttr 2faw-A$minrtr Established 187? and 1887 Published every Thursday morning* at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per yea? ttf advance. 5—'Timothy Collins, - Dash- 6—Jacob Kellerman, 7— Matthew Sweitzer, Poll r.r. 1. Poll r.r. 2. Poll Poll Poll Dash- Dash- Park- 9—John Love, Parkhill r.r. Hay 1—John Campbell, Exeter, 2—Robinson, Dick, Hensail F. Hess, Zurich Haberer, Zurich Kalbfleiscli, of RATES—Farm or Real Estate Bale 50a. each insertion for firtt four insertions, 25c. each gubM* quent insertion. MisoeUanepu* ar* tides, To Rept, Wanted, Lost/ of Found lQc, per line of ,six words* Reading notices- IOC, per Hnfc Card of Thanks 50 c. Legal •<* vertising 12 and Sc. per line. K Memoriam, with one verse extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Wecklg Newspaper Association. * Professional Cards GLADMAN & STAN® URY Y BARRISTERS, SOLI< Money to Loan tops, Inverfments Mada< Inluxagfce Safe-Deposit Wu.Clients w^Jmut charge EXETER LONDON HENSAL® ........................................... for use of ouw LOANS, I INS Office: Carling EXE! VEST CARLING & MO NTS, BARRISTERS, ISOLICT RS, A«< Bj^k, Main Streep IR, ONT. At Lucan Monday and Thursday^ illII ■ .......... ........ ...................... W ii I n ■ iii—sriy*) Firestone Tires are sold in Exeter by Chevrolet Sales & Service really works, why men with the krtovs waste of time to If evolution doesn’t it equip ledge that its a gue about it? DOLLAR boro. t r.r. 2. Poll rich r.r. Brantford Rooting Co. limited, Head OlKce and Factory: Brantford, Ont. Bfanch Office* Had Warehouses, 'Tortmto.-Windtor, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifax. Saini Johri. N.B.j atKl Sf. John’s, NW. FOR SALE BY THE ROSS-TAYLOR CO., LIMITED '3—Andrew 4—Peter J. ----- 5—Edward Dashwood r.r. 1. -Ezra Tieman, Dashwood. ■James McAllister, Zurich Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.MD.Sc DENTAL SURGEON? Office opposite^ new P Office Main Tel Office 34w Office closed afternoon until 8—Filbert Denomme, Zurich Exeter 1—Miss Vera Rowe, Exeter -Mrs. Beatrice L. Christie Ernest C. Harvey Alex McPherson. Hensail 1—James A. Patterson Stanley 1—Mrs. Lillian McEwen,Poll Brucel’ieid. Poll 2—John Snider, Brucefield ( Poll 3—Duncan Aikenhead, Varna Poll’'4-—Charles C. Pilgrim, Varna Poll 5—Roy Lamont, Zurich r.r. Poll 6—YVm. J. Tough, Bayfield 3 Poll 7—Charles Laporte, Zurich r.r. 2. Village of Bayfibld! 1—Lewis Thomson, Bayfield Twp. of Go’derich —Geo. Salkeld, Goderich 2—James A. McMillen, Gode- James .Stirling, Bayfield ClintonPoll4—Robert Trick, r.r. 3. Poll 5—Eldred A. Yeo ville. Poll 6—William J. Yeo r.r, 3. Town, of Clinton Holms- Clinton House 84f Wednesday an. 7th, 1931. -------------...... Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S., DEN9CIST rSl Office over Ceding Law lOfficd* EXET DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY* SURGEOJ^' Graduate of the Ontario V Cortege DAY A1& NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Corner of Mainland Ann Street* Office in C. B1.’*Snell’B Block EXETER, ONT. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTI ELECTRO-T VIOLET MAIN ST.,EXETEBi IPATHt ULTRA* NTS ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTION® For Huron and Middle^ FARM SALES A SPECIALTY WITHIN our time they have all vanished' The oil lamp has been snuffed out by electric globes. The automobile that was a dromedary in 1910 has be­ come a running panther. In place of drab, weather-sod- den old fashidned roofs, a gleaming pyramid of colour now arises. The s e 61 d f a s h i on e d things hold,? honoured places in our memory, yet who would exchange them for the works and wonders of today? The modern Brant­ ford Asphalt Slate roof— with its.rich beauty, varied 'Cplouys, ^permanence and fire-jSafety. What wide­ spread advantages this alone has brought! Security against the menace of sparks and flying embers has been given to Canadianthousands of homes. Brantford Asphalt Slates 'are bringing about reductions in Fire Insur­ ance premiums for more Canadian home owners . every year. Permanent protection under the severest weather conditions is another feature of these slates. Wind does not loosen, sun does not warp, nor driving sileet harm them. When properly laid . they will never run, peel dr crack. ’ Their surpassing beauty is a source of never-ending pride. Thera are colour treatments to suit every! type of residence. Ask your Brantford Roofing dealer to submit estimates of cost. Also write for free booklet “Beauty with Fire Protection”—a compre­ hensive treatise ort the proper type, finish, .design and colour for your roof. Poll Poll -George D. Robertson 2— Christopher H. Venner. 3— W. Glen Cook 4— Hugh D. Gomeron. Twp. of HuHett -Leo Stephenson, Seaforth -Mrs. Jessis Watt, Blyth. 3—Andrew Flynn, Clinton 4. 4—John Fillgland, Londes- —Wesley Marquis, Clinton. ■William Govier, Londes- ■Bert Marsh, Auburn r.r. Twp. of yrcKillop -P. V.McGrath, St. Colum- McNay, Seaforth 2. Sarah L. Ross, Wai- 4—A. A.. Cuthili, Seaforth, Town of Seaforth 1—John Grieve -Robert Archibald -John M. G 0ven lock’ -Thomas Purcell 5-—John J. Sclater E. C. Chamberlain. LUMLEY (Too late for last week.) (Mr. Donald Brintnell arrived home on Tuesday from the hospital after having a successful operation on his ’O. Much sympathy is expressed to r. and Mrs. Peter McNaughton in the illhess 'of their little daughter, who is now in Victoria Hospital an London, for treatment, Miss Eliza Newell has returned to her home in Hensall after spending a few days with hor sister Mrs. N. Horton. Mr, Glenn Jackson and his two Sisters, Misses Gladys and Queens, of Listowd, visited their uncle Mr. W, N. Glenn on Tuesday last. PRICES R SATISFACTIOI Phone 57-! R. R. NO. 1; ASON 3 RJjShwood HWOOD GUARANTEED 7 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONE1L., For Huron and’Middlesex FARM SALES AISPECl Prices Reasonable Ind Sg^sfactloM Guaranteed - EXETER P. O.1 ING 183 OSCAR KLOPP -LICENSED AUCTIONEER i. Honor Graduate Carrey Jones’ tion School; Speciaw course .XtakesEi in Registered Live S$ck (alljfreedaX Merchandise,- Real Sales, Etc. Rates prevailing prices, sured, write Oscar or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. Farm ng with action M- PP, Zurich^ f Estat CONSULTING ENGINEER, S. W. Archibald, B.. O.L.S., Registered ProSassion gineer and Land Surveyor. Ajlsoeiata Member Engineering In Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. ..Sc., 4 Ph®ne 4® grant^&JTntario /*