HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-06, Page 8THURSDAY, JVXE 5th, 1030 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE WESTS. OF AGRICULTUR.m COLLEGE Memhera -pf Exeter invited, trip t .Society ar Society ln: 11th, Lu afternoon; Those w Friday at ch se ‘, J^t^uVmral ^rjoin Kirhton Ruelph on June > d nt College and peny^mong the flowers. ‘ go leave names by bon of this week. . Stanbury, Sec’y.-Treas, TO OBSERVE HALF HOIJDAY The Medical Doctors of Exete^ have arranged to take the WedMs- day half holiday during the of June, Ju ;tor wihl re any emerg Will be in tioned’> Di Dunlop Ji June XStJ Notice as| regard.! July and August will be nladenn ‘the Times-Advoc/te •at a late / tain, in town y and August; nt cases. town’ on Weok le 11 care for e following e dates men- une 4th; Dr. Dr. Fletcher «owning June 25th. Exeter Markets Wheat” $1,015 Oats 5dc. - Barley 55c. Bran. $1.50 'Shorts $1,60 or $30 a ton Feed Flour $3.8,00 a ton Manitoba’s Best Flour $4.25 Model Flour $3,85 Welcome Flour $3,45 ^Creamery Buttei- 35c,, 36c, Dairy Butter 30c., 33c. Eggs, extras 26c. Eggs, firsts 23c, Eggs, seconds 20c, Ilogs $11.00 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, Ar Minister ’ 4 ' Miss Lena CoatcSi, A,L.O>M.,‘Or^»»fst Every Presbyterian GCftO’Chun'ch Sunday 10 a,m.-^-Sunday School 11 a.m.—"The Sphere of the’Spirit” 7 p.m.^'Tlie Promise of Power” * EX-SERVICE 1 MENrr-A! NTIQN? The regular meeting the Exe­ ter branch of the Canajtqn Legion, B. E.S.L, willijbe hel , ’hursday ev- “«*no* •T,.t>q. c;|h ,nf jn car ads then new Ford Tudor complete SjjT’S.1— Read Ml ‘She come and b sedan, delivct Sandy Elliot.^ one This week we will have a new shipment of beautiful dresses in figured crepes> featuring capes, with sleeveless dresses, with coats to match. $7.95 $9.95 Prices at $14.00 NEW VOILES «ning, June- 5; Town Hall, Officers amco Branch will iL<*id and President Harry Wray v IlLpersent the Charter. All membeisJaro requested to at­ tend, and all v^x-serviee men, wish­ ing! to become members -are cordially invited. • ,/?■ ades of London d and President Choice Daii$ your order, Southcott Hr ter, phone. 2c. a pound.- us JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. I). MeTavish, Pastor W. R. Gouldlng A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL “FAMILY DAY” m,—“AU with one accord in Place.” 7 p.m.-’-’Fire on the Earth” NOTE—-There will be' np Sunday School next Sunday., Fakents are requested as far as possible to have their children with them in the fam, ily pew at least at the morning wor­ ship. See our centre window of beautiful voiles that will make lovely dresses for the hot weather. PRICEb AT PER YARD 60c. Weldrest Chiffon Hosiery /This js a pew line, It comes with French heel, It is a fine quality of chiffon and very dressy PRICE PER P^IR $1.95 Have youJ^btL fi Andy 25e. Jtfsii i son’s GrpjferyjX urday night. / je new Amos an’ >f i® oreani at Wii- jMiot, try one Sat- MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH A meeting of th< •will be held in^the^ ter, on T’uesda; at 8 p.m. for; son, President, ^^Conservatives rown Hall, Exe- ^hjng, June 10th, section. Dr. Atkin- 'hos. Coates seq’y. - jr of o. 1 fet your a fresh on hand at prices. We bran at $30.00 and We have just unloaded a i Argentine Corn, Barley an$^ Feed Oats. Come in .and requirements. We , stock of $ai>y chick fee^ all times at modern are selling sports per ton. Your little pigs need get them .ayay us a call line.—HA: an Sjrffall calves cel Calf Meal to. a good start. Give hything in the feed BROS. TENDERS TO CLEA$DUMP GROUNDS^ Renders will be Reived by the uhiiersigned for up of t heel? scattered in rubbish or •ers > 7 P, dways e e removal and ■'ubbish that has e Dump Grounds, be cleaned back Road “fence. Drive kept clear around riving purposes. Tend- Monday; June 16th, at order. Jos.'Senior, Clerk________ FOR SALE—H toes.—-Wm, F. pota- STRAYED- Onto lo^#5 con. Stephen, a .wh ng steer with mark in left Haist, Credito 6, Apply to Chris. 6-5-3tc FOR BALE—ASfwo- Wheeled trailer, new. Price readmWle. Apply E. W. Pym. Centralia R.-R.l ' ltp FOR SALE:—Goldie (SjrMcCulIocli office safe. Apply, tojC W. Pfaff. ■-T •’ x ltc, —■ASF general .^/y, a. bard s Work/hon- willing to take WANTED at once—/ farmer, must be healthy worker, interested in -est, dependable, an -orders. Apply pej^onally, Dr. Mof­ fat, Varna, Saturday, Ju|e/Hh or 7th, Wednes­ day or Satur on. Wednesday or y, June 11th or 14th. a- FOR SALE—On Y$ffam -Street, Exeter, semi-bungalo^1; stucco, new, six rooms and IbatlnflCn. modern con­ veniences. Affijlvflbox 244 -Crediton or phone 34,iGfediton. >6-5-3tc. -—J---------:— FOR SALE—Storey arid, a half ■^■^tick residency on Hriuj^i Street con- ig.:—..-x,- ^ydxn^nd furnace, al- ihtr^tly located, Bar- J. W. Hern, $ht'. ifc. Choice „ and well­ s’- of the late . Applyx’ to nt, Kirkto f-Orit., tfc taining bath, j so garage. C< gain for quid Real Estate a| ' RESII>ENCE FOR SA] cottage, centrally * Ioca , equipped, — ' .. Mrs. Rachael Mrs. Aimer or Gladman’ FOR SALE-—Wash in sr. jnaclfiue and wringer "in Al<Co i'ony Apply to TimeS-Adv.oca^e®„ —>—Cottage for fialr barn,, garagy' three lots of laiwjr Phone lGSjriv enings. gr­ US tab bury. . If y<?u,"wish to biferj Or house see R/R. pic a farm TRACTOR PLOWING DISCING iiflet for reasonableDistance po: amount of wor... y Apply to W. Bradshaw, Blimville. BRICK DWE A neat dwelling fine condition, given at once, erland at the H ING BOR SALE— well situated arid in s&ion can be Plfly to G. J. Suth- niflall Post Office. FOB SALE-t-Fcrtiliger/ for all crops, Apply t’OOT.^Starilake, R. 1, Exeter^ phone SCrWptis ood ‘ 4-2 i-H ie- epiy f Credi-’. 4-10-tfc FOR SALE—Tiboroflighbred tor& btill calf, 13 tb John Hirtzel, : ten,’ phone 36r2, R, No, Jfeditbri sbn . have ‘d Eeiibing. ,jtfr order; i'on SALE tbphbif. It Bas a irame flOwj-/ irfhk barn arid about acich qilt/pioughod. Ari- d/n; Crediton, or y, Exotery Ont. 2^0-tfc. Mr. J. iJi&D’aif A taken the agency S<je them be fete pfi<ing yoj u &» ■ farm FOR rent 6 ■. k, Cehcessi has a frame hb piy to Alonso Gladmaii' & Stan' r Mr, Jos. Grant,"hf London, spent the week'-end at his home here, Thompson, of Forest, is veiling hei* neice Mrs. R. .Skinner. r^Tluran County War Veterans pic­ nic at Bayfield 2.3 r.d. Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. J. S. in Glencoe. Miss McDonald, of Clinton spent the week-end with her friend Miss Agnes Hamilton. Mr. Ernest Armstrong visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lamport over the week-end. Miss Hazel Woodall, of Crediton, was the guest of Miss Viola Hodgson over the week-end. Miss 'E. Chambers, of the Thames Road, is visiting her cousins Mr, and Mrs. Milo Snell. Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. J. Hamilton. Miss Abbott, R.N., of Exeter North left Monday foi- Hamilton, where she will be engaged on a case. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Br.adt and family, of ‘London, spent, Sunday with relatives in Exeter. Mr. Leoard Pfaff, of London, is spending a week’s holiday at the home of his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Linklater, othy and Frank spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Miss Hazel Fulton has returned to her liome in Stratford after visiting at the home of Mrs. ;McNichol, Dr. Alvin Snell and wife, of To­ ronto, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. ^outhcott. Dr. and Mrs. D, A. Anderson and son, Norman, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. .S. Fitton. Mr. Wm. Young, of London, vis­ ited for several days with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer. Mr. Dwight Evans, of Blenheim, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Acheson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas and son, of Wroxeter, visited with their uncle .and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Terry. • , «• Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie family visited with their son Mr. and Mrs. J. A; Christie, m London on •Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coates, of De­ troit, visited the Coates family in. this community the latter part of the week. Miss Bessie Hartnell, of Toronto, is visiting .with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell and other friends in this . community, Mr. .arid Mrs. Rd. Coates and son Frank and and Mrs. M. Sheere re­ turned Saturday after visiting for a week in Toronto. Mr. Harold Wood has returned to his duties at Chatham after holiday­ ing for a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood. Mrs. Manford Belling and little son, of Detroit, are visiting for a month with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis. ,Miss Evelyn Hutton has returned to her home‘in Brantford after vis­ iting for a week with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. T.,0. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. F. Irwin and family of Putnam; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Tlibmpson, of London; and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker ana babe, of Staffa Were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Davis. Mr. and Mrs, Spencer Kilmer and sons t Arthur and Lyle, of Detroit, Mt. and Mrs, Ralph (Stephens and son Donald, \)f St. Thomas, spent Sunday with ’their uncle, Mr. Geo/ .Pen hale. The cement culverts and bridges on Highw-ay No. 4 between Centra­ lia and Clandeboye were completed last week and preparations are now being made to commence paving im­ mediately. Mr. Geo. Gillies and son Kenneth and Mr; Edgdr Ilemingray, of Brant- foi’d, called on friends in this com­ munity the latter part’ of last week and were pleasant caller? at the Times-Ad.vocate. • Quite a number of Masons froin this community were in Goderich oil Sunday ’Where over 500 Masons par­ aded to'St» Andrews Church and listened to ah, inspiring serhron by ; Rev. Cab bn Chatsworth, of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. >Fred Hill, Yoi1- oht.0, and • Mrs, W. Prodgbr and daughter Miss Marion, of London, motored up Saturday and called oh •(/.lends in town and -attended the oAig^oh, sale of the estate of the late SneiL* Miss M. K. Pridham was in Lon-1 4en Friday attending Convocation of her brother Dr. W« E. Pridham, who received his M. D. Dr. Prid­ ham leaves this- month for Regina where he lias accepted a position in one of the hospitals. « . ■ * • on Wednesday, July Frank Wood and Mr. Grant spent Sunday Dor- i Rd. and I rt 11 3 7 8 OF CANADA Rev, C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor • ‘ Miss Evelyn Hustori Organist & Choir Leader, a.m.—Parents and Childrens ser­ vice. Union of the church school and the Worship hour for our morning service. This is also the day for the church school. p.m,—Beginning this morning and for the holidays the church school will be in the morning. p.m.—A family Service. “Family religion arid its Values.” • Orches­ tra to assist in the opening exer­ cises. This is to be one of the best days. p.m.—Thursday an unusual prayer service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. ,J. Fenton, B.A., Rector ’ Miss K. M- MacFauI, Organist Whitsunday 10 a.m.-—-Sunday .School and Con­ firmation Class. 11 a.m.—Morning- Prayer and ser­ mon, subject: “The Descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles.” p.m.—Evensong and Sermon, sub­ ject; “The Grace of Illumination” 7 Mr. Jas. Sutton, of Lucan, visited in town on Monday. The local Lower School tests are now being held at the Exeter High School. •. K •Miss Jean Walker, of rmneron, • is visiting with her'mother Mrs. Win. Walker -of Exeter North. Miss Walk­er in company with her sister Miss Mildred intend leaving in a couple 'of weeks for a trip to Great Britain and the Continent. They will visit in Rome and take in the famous Passion Play -at Oberammergau, Ger­ many, Mr. J. H. Jones accompanied by his mother Mrs. J. G. Jones and the Misses Andrew, of town, were in St. Marys on Sunday attending the fun­ eral of the late Mrs. Phillip T. Hall who .'died in Winnipeg on Thursday i of last week the remains being brought to St. Marys- for interment.^ Mr. Philip Hall was a former part- ’ner with the. late J. G. Jones at Winchelsea and died at Goderich a number of years ago. The deceased is survived by one son, Reginald, of Winnipeg, who with Iris uncle Mr. Frank Hall accompanied the remains to St. Marys. The funeral was held from the home of the deceased’s brother Mi’. Geo. Wood. & ^SON Dr. D... AND »ENTI«C foYnn has located | London, wli F Jr v srlyjpf Exeter .t Jos Wortley Road, are he will practice Dentistry Phone:' Metcalf 4290 —A -rr— t Painting or DecXating See our worl .Plione 85, our prices. ENETEll ros. HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and infilling, guaranteed workman Repairin ialty free. reasonable prices, and motors a spec- gladly furnished If you have a roof ERN. DAVIS Phone 224 i’ohlem call discuss itiM’ith us. We hate in §toc.k$IL C, Shirifeles all edgd -grairi anJ’.No. 1 in every- r^)?ect. Prices are right. you (jttire, sphhlt slate fori roof or siting onx> sample and eforb you buy. ?ch giding-is very at- eo sample, WM1 -as- k of Lumber on harid n -Birds Alt tractivo sor.tod ■——— . • ’ — 111 •" Bathing Suits for all the faijfly THE NEW BATHING SUITS ARE HERE.- WE SUN SUITS FOR LITTLE TOTS. SMART STYLES _______________ FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS AS WELL AS NEW STYLES FOR WONlEN AND MEN. THESE ARE AL WOOL AND POPUL^ AVE THE NEW qD COLORINGS < PRICED. Hatchway Und For boys and men. Joi are wearing this cool and i derwear* I BOYS’ $1,00; MEj srwear the army that lomfortable un- $1.25 I GoldCTack Underwear 1 w fThis ijfa. popular garment for men. It comes MFall sizes and retails for $1.00 Fleet Foo^riinning shoes for boys & girls HTWEAR FOR HOT WEATHER. GIVES GOOD WEAR AND IS THE CHILE it is cool a: GREAT FOR SC) For porches and verai in different sizes and aij price. | .♦ SEN LIKE THIS F( D COMFORTABLE lOOL OR BEAC’HJVEAR AT PER PAIR 79c-* Gongoleum Rugs 'dahs.. They c< j very mederah $1.25 to ^3.95 ne in ♦ ; Showing all the newest patterns at prices'; •; tower than ' the catalogue houses. Ask to See them. ■» ' , i SPECIAL/ONE WEEK . ONLY HURON TOILET PAPER TABLE SALT Choice Quality 10 ibs. for 25c.,, COARSE SALT ■ in bulk 50 pounds for 50c. T—' 0 A 'M< ' r> Furniture HERE IS WHERE YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A GOOD ASSORTMEN TURE TO CHOOSE FROM/ PRICES Tq SUIT YOjf OUR STOCK OF FURNI/ T s com:,ETE nHEN!n’t I Lv £ EVEN NOW IS THE TIME ' ------1/ H N a BUY WE ilRECTOB AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL Mr. Thos.. Pryde and Miss Neta Pryde motored up from Windsor and spent the week-end with their uncle and aunt’ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pryde of town. Miss Lula Morlock accompanied them and visited with her parents at Creditor. Mr. and Mrs. W.>H. Johnston had, the pleasure of having their daugh­ ter Dr. Mary, of Harifilton and-thoir son, Dr. Cecil, of Kevkonkso’n, N.Y,, come to visit them last Friday. On Saturday prnother son, 'Albert-’came from Toronto and all had a happy time in the parental home, and his Wife Ivft B.«ikunk»uu, >vuvrxu he is a doctor in a private Hospital known ' ' ‘ * * nesday wife's people arid she remained with them urttil his rethYn.* On Thurs­ day he attended a dinner in Toron­ to at the Royal York Hotel of his graduating class in Medicine. Possibly a, few Words regarding Nohkanakwo may be interesting to our readers. This is a private hos­ pital for patients, who heed quiet, rest, freedom from mental strain and recuperafion. It is beautifully sit­ uated among the foothills of the Catskill Mountains oh an estate of 5,000 acres on which is a golf course tennis courts, etc., and in addition a studia. where convalescing patients may paint china, make and burn pottery, weave shawls, besides mak­ ing many other things, all for1 the purpose of relieving the mental strain ami giving physical strength. At Christmas time the patients make numerous articles "for presentation, to poor people. Taking it altogether it is an ideal spot for the restoration of health fof overworked people. 400 acres are under cultivation ,as a •farm, starting with one patient a few years age ft has grown rapidly in the number of patients attending and tn popularity, Cecil wife left Kerkonkaon. where as Nonltanakwa, last Wed* for Rochester to visit his’ K«* Here is something you cannot afford to miss! On Friday, June 6th, Mr. A.' Z. Garner, head office represeiffative of Tip To-p Tailors, Limited, will be at our store .and wilWpersonaJly measure, every man ordering a suit or topcoat that d' 'rT- x-’"— you expert advice on choice of fabrics and This is an exceptional opportunityf _ ___ .. . . inunity to secure extraordinary Jiigh q |Tity personal- service along I-Ie will also give styles. every man in this com- _____ _____ . ___ v ___ * . . - personal- service along with the -great valu| which Tip Top C^Sthes offer at all times. Your new sufit tailor to measure for $24 materials oVer thre m the largest mills in the British _ iundred fabrics—Designing and styl-' igh grade tailoring—and an absolute offer you all these -things. Fine, all-woo Empire-—-Choice ing by master craftsmen guarantee—Tip grop Clotl Ooe dai FRIDAY, JUNE G PHONE 31 TAMAN EXETER, ONK Mr. arid Mrs. J, H. Moir and ( gliter Jean, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Moir returned With them after-visit­ ing in Detroit,-for a couple of weeks. Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Andrew, ■ ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims were in London on Sunday visiting relatives and friends arid called on Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Trickey at Benfield 'Oil their Way lipme. Ernest C. Representing Lujfiberjfien’s i “Wot- Ji J rvey ong others ititul Casualty i’emtest Automobile* Mutual” ends to policyholders Rave?Cash di not been less than 25% of premium annually.. (Honor Piano; Studio . E DORO HY E. A. L RASSICK Miss Verda Sims' visited with twr aunt Mrs. T. W. Appleton,% of- fleri- sall, over the weekrehu. Loiiclolnf England Instruction in rL H«Utinonyi Theory Albert Streep Box Ifld TER, ONTARIO Caulk Your WiWws save ciial bill WE' HAW "BE AGENCY IFOR < BED THE 1MKIN& DOORS AND WINDOW ALSO METAL -STRIPPING SAFE SHA SINGLE DOUBLE Y RA Edge Guaranteed PEN R BLADES mak»> '1 W. S. COLE. DRUOptST W. R. GOULGrtNG A*Jr. o. OrgiihiSt riful C^ij-master Janies I Piano Vo Supervise Studio, MriiW / . United CiuiricU struciron in Organ Tlieoury Mnsib in Schools 57, PBon» E-S.E’rER, u/'»T LET US IQ 4 PTE YOU BRICES. ERN>