The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-06, Page 6« * Tires a worn <wftt are dangerous miVffIN SAFETY ON D INION Miss Mary Ann Scott a well known resident of Wingham died suddenly at her home after a short illness on Wednesday. When a delivery man w§nt to the door and failed to get a response a neighbor called her neice and broke in to find that death had occurred sometime during the THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Look to your tire„s early this season. Have them inspected by a Dopain- ipn Tire Depot expert. Your old tires may be worn to the danger point, Replace them with Dominion Royals, standard equip­ ment' oh many of Canada’s finest cars. Dominion Royals—the tire of today for the car of today—are sold and serviced by Canada’s greatest tire organization, the Dominion1 Tire Depot System, each independent unit distinguished by its blue and orange color scheme. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council pt the Township of $tephen convened at the Town Hall, Credlton, on Monday, May 26th,. 1930, at 1 p.uu All members were present excepting Mr. Henry C. Beaver. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved, J. /the' Court of Revision to hear ap­ peals against the Assessment Roll for 1’930 was opened when a number of minor changes were made and the Court closed. The Council then re­ sumed to general business, Moved by )Mr. W. Sweitzer, second­ ed by Mr. W. Dearing; That the ac­ count of the Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, for care and attendance of Mips Mary Smith be filed and the Clerk is hereby authorized to Inform the accountant ef the hospital that this Council disputes all liability to pay the same. Carried, Moved by Mr, E. Gill, seconded by Mr. W. Dearing; That the following Township Foreman’s ray sheets and other orders be paid, viz,— Wm. Schwartz, road 8 $3.20; Roy Ratz, road 13 $5.00; Wm. P. Lovie, road 20 $16,85 ; Wm. P, Lovie, road 2’0 $160,40; Wm. P. Lovie, road 20, $5.2.40; Roy E. Ratz, road 13, $18; total $255.85; Treasurer of Ontario, renewal of‘ball license $3.00; Ross -Taylor, stakes, re Link Drain $2.50; Hydro Electric Power Com., hydro $6.84; Lloyd Gaiser, sheep killed by dogs $15.00; Drs. Taylor and O‘Dwy- er, re examination of H, Schlundt $12,60; Kerr, McNevin & Kerr, So­ licitors’ fees $5.02. Carried, ” The Council adjourned to meet again at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, July 7th, 1930, at 1 p.m. Henry Eilber, Township Clerk HARTLEY (Too late for last week.) Mr, Byron Browh, of 'Toronto spent the week-end at uu.home here.. Miss Addie Hickey, of Detroit, is visiting relatives here. Miss Kenny, of Creditpn, spent the week-end with Miss Helen Htvyter. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Love and Junior visited in-, this community over the week-end, Mrs. Jackson and son, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at Mr. Jos, Hiflkey’s. Mr. Lloyd Love accompanied . by Mr. Newton MacGregor, of Green­ way ’and Mr. Carlyle Taylor, Grand Bend, visited over the week-end with cousins in West Lprne. Miss, jegn Hodgins and girl friend of Detroit, visited over the.holiday with the former's parents, Mr, Mrs. Established 1873 and 1887 PtibliBhed every Thursday mornlMUc at Exeter* Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—12.00 per year M advance. Jus, E. 'Hodgins, t <* and RATES—Farm or Real Estate fee­ sale 60c. each insertion for fhf€ four insertions. 26c, each aubee* quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar«- ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, e< Found 10c. per line of six wordi^, Reading notices .10 c, per Haifa. Card of Thanks 50c. Legs! •$* VertisiDg 12 and 8c, per line. Dt Memoriam, with one versa extra verses 26 c. each. 61 Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional Card* Bi GLADMAN STA^BURY BARRISTERS, SOJACITORS, Money* to nvestment* LidncQ Mrs. Mary McConnell, of Clinton, was pleasantly surprised at the home 'of Misses. Bertie and Gertie Thomp­ son, when her neighbors and friends presented ber with a chatelaine bag and beaded shopping purse. Mrs. Mc­ Connell is leaving Clinton for her new home in Buffalo. MILTON MAC [25325] (21358) IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION Form 1 Monday J'o J. T'. Allison, Thames Road for /oon, and to Neil McGill’s ■oad for night. Tuesd/y to Victor Grenny’s^Ul-* ..r.------- _ . ■.jJ^^i-qu- djr^ht. t Tj. iSpence, Blan- foj^e^pn', and to Melville Safe-Depos|y^ault for use of aum Client'S* without charge f EXETER LONDON HENSMJJ Z' F===r CARLING & I BARRIS LOAN Thames H lartori/q,r noon, and to Blanshard fi •Wednesday tq Office: Car SQLICITORS, Vestments, RANCE g Block, Marin Streep. TER, ONjfc At Lucan Monday and Thursday night. Two small daughters of Mr. and' Mrs. Harvey Boyd, Mitchell, wander­ ed about three blocks from home to a creek and in some way they fell in. Another small girl noticed them and secured aid and brought them . to safety. Aileenj four years of age was in a serious condition when res­ cued and Velma, three years, was not seriously hurt by her experience. The Erie Gas and Oil Company are erecting a new*gas station in Goderich. Mr. James Pettit, of Lon­ don is in charge of the work. A pretty wedding was solemnized in Listowel when Thelma Leon, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Rennie,. was united in matrimony to Wilfred C. Thorne, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Richard Thorne, of Mitchell. Rev. J. M. Nicol, B.A., B.D. officiat­ ing. 'O'n their return from a trip to the United States they will reside in Mitchell. night.' TIfursday to Wm), Brooks, for noon and to Earl Whiting’s for night. Friday to Wm. BowUen’s Stephen for noon, and thence to. his home in Exeter North. TERMS, $15.00 payable February 1st, 19i31. J. *J. Millar, Proprietor & (Manager 1 TTTH-AT a colourful array, V'X- and what a'formidable one, were the crusaders whG. lough t tqJree the;Holy‘ .Lgnd' frbnl fhb Saracens. Mail-clad knight£, ' with ^plumes nod;- , Jiiig fthm their burnished." .helmets, rode forth, on gaily japarisdned chargers, eager* ‘ to break a ■lance with their Icemen..; * To-day Brantford Roof­ ing leads ^crusade against' ugliness and ..the ‘Fire men- abe.' Brantford Asphajt Slates .with their, vibrant, colour hariHonies are banish­ ing ...forever the drabness of old-fashioned roofs. ?But they are. doing more th^n giving, unsurpassed Beauty toroirfs. They are reducing ' Fire RisB, _ ligible ^quantity. allying sparks fand flaming brands Cannot |gnite these slates. Nor jean the elements , wreak damage upon Brant- •ford . Alphalt Slates which are impervious to rain, sleet .'; sun and snow. They willnot ’ ciirl, billge, shrink or swell/ ■/.Their strength and beauty '. remain}, undiminished year after yean Arrange TO-DAY to have these ■ hands'ome, massive slates applied ;.tigbt’oVCT your old roof. This may1 " Savd you (hundreds of dollars in re-* pairs to ^cilings, walls and interior, dekioratiems. WriteHor your copy of the Book­ let ,“Bea|ty with Fire Protection”' • —a comprehensive treatise on the ' proper t^pe, design* finish and colour for your roof. brahtferd R<x>fing Co. Hfsike4i He*d.b&c« «3<l i Btifitford, Ont. FOR SALE BY THE ROSS-TAYLOR CO., LIMITED . ’.I 'I I i.ifi Mil ijjiuiiiillii i illilir ill u " 'I 'ilf faliwiiiiilailiiiiiiMWilli^ Vii 'iMm lif liill M li " ” nun i'n i ■' m.ii •• • • •'* ■- ■■ ; ■ *’ I? /'t < ■■■? ■ ; 1 ■■ ■ . ? ...... . 1 . . .U'u .• x. . ' «■ *• ’ .. . . - .. n> t THEOBALD (20472) [23400) ^IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION Form A. 1 Monday to Fjfed Corbett’s, Hay, on, and D. Bell’s Tuckeysriiith r night. u Tuesday ^fo Wm. Ma/tyn’s, Tucki- ' ~ M'ill- for Dr. G. S. Atkin A L.D.S,,D.D.& SURGEON Office opposite new Post Office , M$fn st., Exeter Telephones ( House 84$ - Wednesday? n until Jan. 7tJj^<1931. ........ i -ii--- -».-.4=a* Dr. G. E. RoulstdC L.D.S.,D.DX .J0ENTIST’, Jver Cabling & Morley; .Law bffice ■ ■ ZEXETEIt, ONT. DENT. Office Office/ closed every aftern Office *■ 'W rsmith f noon^Md to Wm. ert to-night. Wedne^ayJjiFWiLbur Miller’s, bert, gartl, TliWrsday Hibbert Boundary for noon, and to John Stewart’s Usborne, for night, and thence to his own stable in Exe­ ter North. TERMS—$15.00 payable February 1st, 1931. - J. J. Millar Proprietor <er’s, Hi Hib- Hog-^ttoon, and to Robert 'or night. to Mat. Thompson’s DR. E. S. STEINER^ VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of tfie Onta fColleJ ' Veterinary' DAlf ANJ^NICHT CALLS PROMPJ&Y ATTENDED TO1 Corner of __ ____ ____ Office in C. B, Snell’s Black EXETER, ONT. Sin and Ann Street®- A. Stewart Manager as .JOE DE CAPPELLE THE PURE BRED BELGIAN DRAFT STALLION Premium Horse fjbr 1030 -4067- (18(^7) Will Stand for Marc/ this Season # Follows: Monday morning^ will leave his own stable and ,a$ to- Percy Pass- mortfs for noon;Jthence to Roy Co- for nighty Jay, to j^John Duncan’s for Hiram Hanna’s forthence to iiesday,|to thence Vtot. t day, |to enccfto forMilton Hooper’s Frank Westman’snoon; for ni Thur: n oon; t night. ‘ Frid; toBos. thence to|J®. Simpson’s for night., Saturday, | to Nelson Baker's for noon; thenyl to his own stable. TERMS—$15,00; payable January tile 1st. 1931. George Coward, Proprietor & Wm. Bryan’s for Con. Whelihan’s for Mitchell’s for noon; Man. J E F F R O - PURE BRED PERCHERON Form A 1 Preminin Horse for 1030 1111802)1 (173304) Will. Stand forffMarcs this Season Ibllo/'S; fning, will leave his nt 9f Con. 7, Stephen, p Geo. Lee’s for noon; it. Allison's, W. McGili as i. Rollins’ 4lh, won; thence to Win. Hodgin's, Con. for noon; thence to <]• night. until noon; 2nd Coh., Ste- Monday me own stable, 1 and proceed thence -to Ro livray, for n Tuesday 12, BFcGilllvr life own stabi . We duos day thence to San phen, for nig Thursday, borne, for noi ifams* for Friday, for noon; for night. Saturday, to Con., Stbplibn, f his homo where he”'will remain until the following Monday morning, TERMS—-$13.00; payable January the 1st, 1931. Eli Icing, Proprietor & Manager nigh to V thenc fi llome jjvy’a, **Hifus Kostle’s, Us- honce to Ben. Wil- TLQui«n% Ushorne, Lome Sholdicc’s **—■ F" 1PATHX &- UIZ13RA* TMENTS 70 EXETWJ^ r JOHN^VVARD cinRopRAcznd os ELECTRO-THERAP VIOLET P MAIN ST., AUCTIO 7 ARTHUR WEBER LICENSE For Huro FARM SAL PRICES SATISFACTI Phone 5 R. R. NO.^ esex ICIALTT REASONABLE N GUARANTEED Dashwood DASHWOOD FRANK vTAYLOR? LICENSED For Huron FARM SALE Prices Reasons Gu UCTIO fnd Middlesex ECIALTY e^Snd SatlsfactiCKf. feed EXETER P. O. or RING 18S OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED Honor Graduat tion School. Spe in Registered Livt Merchandise, R state, Farw Sales, Etc. Rat keeping wftlk prevailing price Satisfaction Mfa? sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich,f. or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. JF uctioneeiF Carey Jo B’ A®6a- e taken: StoclZfan bresdi$ CONSULTING ENGlfyBER S. W. Archibald, B.A. O.L.S,, Registeifed Prt^ gineer and Lada SuuRjyor. Associate Member Engi/eeidfig Canada. Office,/Seaforth, Ontario, (TorJ.. issional JSb- 4 Institute V J. CEATWORTHY >»hone 12 GRANTON. ONTARIO ,