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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-06, Page 3
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE : THURSDAY, JWTJS * of TIME c, but you can* * the #. * * way you'll cast your vote before • 9- there is and lV(rs. H. E, Huston, Mr. Robert Leathern was in Lon- .* ♦ Tourists tell us that is found in this locality,. * * Make up your mind as to the big guns begin to shoot. * * ‘ * * • * * * # # ‘r * » attendance at the various courts SALADAquality will always A summer frost1 is a great aid to humility. *»»«**** ’•May wound up with scant encouragement to the corn growers. ♦ • * • not ‘bettgr farming country than ‘Fresh from th The Han ; 25 YEARS AGO *• A very pleasing duet was render-1 don Friday and Saturday, his frame .-fed in James Street church on Sun- stable having -been among the bhild- .<day evening by Mrs. Joseph C°bkie- ings burned in the big fire there click and Miss Lewis. Thursday night and his house was ' The engaging of a young man, j als° damaged to some extent from click and Miss Lewis.Thursday night’ and his house was * ijt # :S >J« Victor Appel, in the Zurich branch ■pf the Sovereign, Bank, has caused the return of M'r. Wailace Fisher to the Exeter branch. Mrs. Levy, who has been residing •on Huron Street, moved to London Monday where she will reside. Miss Lizzie Cooper has also gone to Lon- •don and will reside with’Miss Levy. |Mr. Mervyn Huston, who has been ^attending school in. Toronto and re cently was successful in passing the Pharmacy examinations is now visit lag at the home of his parents- Mr. CHANGE, SHE SAYS “A severe attack of influenza left -toy system so weakened and rundown I could hardly hold a broom to do my sweeping. I was .so nervous that OKER the heat, Mrs. J. V. Crocker, who has spent the past three weeks with friends here lqft for Holmsville where she intends visiting friends for some time before returning to her home in Buffalo. - A burning chimney at the Com mercial Hotel- caused conisderable excitement on Friday morning last. The fire however, did not assume large proportions and the danger was soon over. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter, -of La rimore, N. Dakota, after a two weeks’ stay in Buffalo where the former was attending Grand Lodge, of Trainmen as delegate, will visit in town for a couple of weeks. Mr. L. P. Jones,' musical instruc tor, met with a rather unpleasant mishap on Thursday last. While some men were wrecking Mr. Dam iel Coughlin’s dwelling, he happen ed to be struck by an article thrown from the upper storey. He was knocked unconscious and received nasty scalp wound. s a 15 YEARS AGO Mr. A. Moore is preparing to open his grocery business in the building occupied by Sandy Bawden. Mr. Wm. Blair was kicked in the chest by a horse on (Monday, but luckily .there were no bones broken. Miss Venetta Johnston was the happy recipient of many useful ar ticles on Monday night last, the oc casion being the gathering of about thirty fiends who presented her with a kitchen shower prior to her mar riage. The Johns Bros., of Elimville, bought their new threshing outfit home last week. Mr. Nelson Hill, who has been re cuperating at his home here for sev eral-weeks left Wednesday for St. Thomas’to resume his duties in the Canadian Bank of Commence. ■ *-(Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Skinnei, of El imville, left last week for an extend ed trip through the West. The. I.O.O.F.,, elected . officers. Ijast week as follows?, j. M. .Southcott, 'L'.’ Wilson, R. N. Creech, W. Johns, Ed. Dignan, Representatives to Grand Lodge A. R. Kinsman- and E. Ho-wald Delegates to, District Meetings, T. Boyle and E. Howald. M'r.’ and Mrs. David Gardiner and Mr. Russell Scott, of Cromarty, went ____. on the Homeseekers' Excursion to 92 Peter Street, Edmonton and Miss McKinnon, of Russeldale has gone to Grenfell, Sargon may be obtained in *Exe-lSaslc . __ - - • - ‘ U... " - ------------------- -sound asleep was alfgost impossible, I had very.Jjittle ajpetite .and, my stomach was'4 sd.i-' di couldn’t retai solidffoods? at' all. My liver was inactive #id I was -badly constipated.I Sdr'gon and it i® wonderful v^tiat >ft did for-me. I ’.have a splendic of stomach troi ifine and have s |uch strength and energy I 'do my^liousework in, no time. Nothing depresses , me now and I’m happy a-11 the time. “.Sargon , Pills regulated my liver and overcome my . constipation.”-r- Mrs. V. M. Booker,- ( Hamilton, Ontario. rdered. -that I petite, every trace 1W is gone/ I sleep ter at Wesley S. Howey’s.& OSBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office. Farquhar. Qnt. President ’ SI 'Vice-Pres. FRANK Ma DIRECTOR J ffOHN ESS Ust •OLIVER I Mibberi .ANGUS SINCLAIR, ROBT. NORRIS,| AGE DOW ONNELL . ALLISON, M. BROCK Mrs. John McMahon and Mrs. John Rowe, of I-Iay, left last week to visit in the West. Mrs. Wes. Stone and daughter, after 'a visit here accom panied them to their home near Sa skatoon. Huron County Council is in ses sion at Goderich this week and Reeve J. W. Taylor, of Exeter; Reeve Fred Ellerington, of Usborne; Reeve W. R. Elliott and Deputy-Reeve Love of Stephen are in attendance. tralia, Agent fo< Biddulph , Munro, Agent fw arton and Logan Our clergy who have been in of the church, tell of splendid gatherings and heartening reports. * ♦ * Those riots in India give a poor impression of the unwarlike nature of peaceful resistance, s> « * iSiTER-EMBIRE TRADE Canadians may as well face the issue raised by the call for withip-the-empire trade. Few of our citizens really know what the.proposal means. Plain folk fear that there is a joker in. the proposal that’ may make the lot of the knowing ones more advan tageous while it does precious little for the average taxpayer. In any case, the matter is up for consideration. For- that very reason every voter must bo on the clert to see what is offered. Only by so doing can he judge for himself and cast his vote for the best inter ests. The issue is far too important to be made the football of an. election. . :S -J SS ,[e i-s >:« :J< $ KEEP GOING “Keep going; the steady drop soon fills the bucket.” This was the advice given by a prominent Perth county farmer to his large family of sons, who as they took upon themselves the duties of their homes, often found their burdens hard to carry. Precisely the same would be the advice he would give his sons were he living now in the midst of the world-wide -business depres sion. The worst possible course for anyone engaged in useful work just now, would be to slacken. Everyone should buy carefully, but , he should buy. For one thing, there is need .of an active campaign to increase the consumption of Canadian wheat and .apples. Oranges and similiar products are today more popular as. articles of diet than they have been for decades—-a state of affairs brought about very largely by means of skillful advertising. And what is said of wheat ■ and apples may be said of scores of other Canadian products. The weather wise as to business conditions see no prospect of any business boom.in the near future. And such a boom is not wanted. Steadiness, attention to the day’s work, an earnest and consistent facing of the facts and the will to win will do much to ’ make these quiet' but strenuous times a period of solid and broad foundation laying in the 'business and social and political structure Of the Canadian commonwealth and of the race. GREENWAY (Too late for last week.) Next Sunday the Y. P. S. of the United chur.ch will have charge of the service-. The iP-relsident, Ken neth Smithers will preside and Lois Brb-wn will read ? the . lesson. Miss Patrick and Newton. McGregor will give the topics. Let there be a good attendance to support the work of this department of the church work. Mrs. Connor and Miss Lewis, of Centralia, visited relatives here re cently. Messrs. Gordon and E. Rock a new. Chevrolet Roadster. Mr. Rob. McPherson and USBORNE BOY INJURE© IN MITCHELL On Saturday night, May 24th, Co lin Gilfillan of Usborne Township, while in Mitchell, met with a bad accident, in which he received a compound fracture of his leg. The bones, which penetrated through the flesh, were badly chipped. The ac cident happened when Gilfillan ran out into the .street and bumped in to a car which was passing. He was removed to -Stratford Hospital? You can’t prolong your dajfs by eating foods that keep the art< muscles stro mind clear/and active. Shredded Wheat wit that k —contains all the needed vitamins and miner stren s soft and pliant, the and vibrant and the SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTD.THE CANADIAN CHANGE IN AGRICULTURAL WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THEAVHOLE WHEAT ilk supplies the elements body strong and salts for insuring health and , It’s ready-cooked, ready-to- J 1 ♦ or fruits have quite ill but recovery. OFFICE ■Starting with the first of June Mr. Ian McLeod, who has been Mr. McCague’s assistant in the work of the agricultural office for the past year, will have charge as the county agricultural representative, Mr. Mc- Cague is leaving the service1 to take management of Gunn Langlois busi ness at Clinton in .succession to /Mr. F.».-A. Wiggins, whd-is»ieaVIhg' to go with the Canadian Packers after four years with Gunn Langlois. Mr. McLeod came to the Huron agricul tural office a year ago as a newly graduated student from the O.A.C. and is quite familiar with the work. His home is in Glengarry county. Mr. A. M. Barr comes to take the* work of the assistant to Mr. McLeod, having just' graduated. Mr. McCag- ue has been,, a particularly success ful agricultural representative and we believe Mr. MacLeod, will be* equally successful as his successor. One of the oldest residents of Sea forth passed away recently ?.n th® person of Mrs. John Finlayson Sir., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. '■Abe Forsythe, Tuckersmith, ‘foibneK- ly Margaret Caldwell. .She was .bom neat' Carleton Place 86 years, ago and moved to Hibbert when quite y-oung. She resided in that town ship until thirty years ago. when sh® moved to Seaforth. Three sons ami. one daughter survive. Buy with confidence LONDON a 525.00 The Dealer You Buy From Is Fully As Important As The USED CAR YOU Mrs. Shettler, of Buffalo, were called to their home last week because of the illness of their mother Pherson. Mr. Jas, Gardiner is we hope for his speedy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock and famly were in Sarnia on Satur day. We are glad to report Mrs. E. Mc Pherson, who- was operated on in London Hospital last week is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock,-Mr. and Mrs. English visited in. Port Huron, on the 24th. Mrs. Jackson and son Kenneth, of Seaforth, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hickey. Among the holiday visitors in our village were:—Mr. and Mrs. Ware ham, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. E’agleson, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs, Hutchinson, of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bropliey, Of Parkhill; Mr. Willis Brophey, of Windsor; Mr. B. Brown, of Toronto; Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of Komoka; Mr. W. Curts and Miss Viola Curts, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sitrew, of Mt. Cle mens; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walker, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luther and family and Mr. Humble, of Sar nia; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harrison and Miss Gladys Harrison, of Sarnia, have been recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Luther. Mr. tended our reputations your protection Chevrolet jSedan, good sljjrfpe McLaughlin Sedan, master four Overland poach, 19 Hudson Cfoach, 19! McLaughlin- Buick coupe, 1925 Ford Tu ' McLauglflin-BjKck coach, 1926 ChrysleifSedJb 1928 model 62 GrahamlPaiMe Sedan model 610 ErskinelSeJan 1928 McLau Chrysl A lifelong and highly respected resident of McKillop passed away in the person of Mary Jane iMorrison relict of the late William Davidson, after a serious illness of five months. She was -born in McKillop sixty-sev en years, ago was married, to Mr. W. Davidson,- who predeceased her five years ago. Surviving are one dapgh- two brothers and one sister. and iMrs. W. McLinchey at- the funeral of Mrs. Pimper- , Exeter, Ontario if AN & STANBURY Noncitors. Exeter 11. TURNBULL S Sectary-TreasurerI lational | TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA of Urband, Ind Lydia E. Faust, of Zurich, meat took place in Detroit. A fine, fast, through train to the West, leaving Toronto daily at9.3O p.m.for Minaki, Winnipeg,Brandon,Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jas per and Vancouver* EQUIPMENT Radio-equipped Compart- ment—Obstrvation-Library ‘—Buffet Car with Valet Ser vice Standard Sleeping Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Din ing! Cara ahd Coaches* Vie thin train on your Wwtmi trip. Secure through any ZURICH Prof. Alvin Surerus, of Toronto University, is visiting with his mother on the Bronson Line. Mr. Wrii. Brenner, of Stratford, visited with his sister Mrs. H. Flax bard on Tuesday, The death Occurred at Cario, Mich, recently of. Henry Faust in. his 77th year, after a lingering illness. De ceased was well-known to .many in Zurich having been a former Zurich boy. Deceased is survived by his widow, one -daughter Mrs. 0. Blough, of Detroit; two .sons, Rev. Edgar Faust, of Detroit and Mr. El. Faust', Also one sister Miss Inter* n Buick Sedan 1927 edan model 65 850.00 1045.00 in Motor Car Cbmpany Limited FACTORY BRANCH Richmond at Bathurst, OPEN EVENINGS MET. 2872