HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-06, Page 1i .mi mi .i.ih»i Hwum 't a X. ■ESTABLISHED 1873 «-* ,v •m IS? I*-, t X I X jr 4 !• I EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 5th, 1930 7 ====■',. , .I"!1J'!....ll42S!g| FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO, 293» EXETM SCHOOL REPORTEXETER COUNCIL Monday, June 2nd,193Q The Court of Revisien for the As­ sessment Roll for the year convened . in the Town Hall. The following members subscribed to the necessary oath of office: Reeve B. M. Francis; Councillors, H. Bierl- ing, J. H. Greive and H. C, Rivers. Pei- Bierling and Rivers: That Cbuncillor Grieve be chairman. Car- fried, The Clerk reported that one ap­ peal only had been received, that of Messrs, Owen Geiger & Son, Herisall, on business 'assessment at the flax mill. The Clerk read *a letter from Mr. Geigei- stating that it was im­ possible for him to attend at this meeting and asked for an adjourn­ ment to a later, date. , The reguest was granted and Court adjourned until Monday, Jun# 16th, at 8 p.m. on ’•motion of Rivers and Bierling. Carried, Jos, Senior, Clerk* Monday, June 2, 193 0 The Municipal Council met after the adjourned meeting of the Court of Revision. The minutes ’of the meeting held May 19th were read and approved, Messrs. Andrew Easton and Syl- vanus Cann on behalf of the members of the -Soldier’s Legion waited on the -Council asking for repairs and that more care be given to the Avar tro­ phies as placed on the Town Hall property, ’ The Council referred the matter to the members of the Legion to Act aud to present the bill of costs tp ,the Council. . The Clerk was instructed to order three gallons of yellow cement paint for safety zone marks on the pave­ ment. The Clerk is to call for tenders tor the removal of the rubbish at the Dumi) Ground; the same to be clear­ ed back forty feet from the road fence; roadways to be kept clear for driving. Tenders close Monday, June 16, at 7 p.m. 1 « Discussion regarding repairs to walk north of the -bridge. The Cerk was instructed to order thirty .posts, thirteen feet long; sixteen posts twelve feet long; forty-four posts fifteen feet long all six .inch tops or more. , - The following accounts were rpad and ordered paid:. Emerson Cornish, bell ringing $8.50; W, W. Taman, Constable's clothes $45.00; B. W. F. Beavers supplies ,'$62.20; Grigg Stationery Co., books ;$52-85; J. Norry, labor $26.00;v J. Mrthcolt, labor $22.75; Ed. Coomb- esv labor $22.75; Wm. Winer, labor $21\00; Cliff’Mitch ell, labor $19.50 ; John Parsons, labor $13.50; Thos' Webster, labor $20.25; Earl Little, labor $12.00; Robt. Brooks, labor $15.00; Ed. Penhale, labor $9.00; Thos. Hunkin, labor $7.50; Thos. Houlden, attention to fire pumps $2.00; Jno. Hunkin, auto hire 50c.; Severne Winer, auto hire to Gode­ rich $6.00; Wm. Johns, team labor- $5.50; W. T. Gillespie, draying $‘4.; ' Wm. Collingwood, labor Library and Town Hall $7.00, R&B $40.00, total $47.00; B. W. Tuckey, draying pipe $7.50. ‘Cemetery accounts—B. W. fF. Beavers, supplies $18.55; Theo­ dore Walper, .team labor $3.00; Jno. Kydd, labor $25.80; Wm. Smith, bor $29.00. Adjournment by Grieve. i; Jos. .Senior, Clerk fed, full-fashioned, s while you can save BATHING JSUITS OY’S SUITSEN’S & up to $20 Bring in your boy and have IN STOCK MEN’S This store will close each Wednesday at noon from May 28th until September 10th. & / R OPEN ELEMENTS. OP PLATE AT THE AT HALF THE USUAL Phone youi* hardware necessities to 27 ARD t? V Potter, Charles Mrs. T. forgotten, ir memory fade; oughts shall ever linger, he grave where you are er, on Friday, t 8 p.m. under Exeter and Hu~ in- memory of 5a away on Otli, 1028 and family d to A trial will convince you. INSTALLED BY Hg&iery on sale at $1.00 ajfair This is by long odds the best value we ha,/e ever shown in silk hosiery. This line is made by the w^f-known Mercury Mills, of pure thread silk and Bemberg in eleven good shades inducing white afid black. We would advise buying your season’s requireme ABERLEY BATHING S^ITS FOR LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN NC Buy you| new suit or Sprit of Men’s Fan<l ■ overcoat now. You will like our range Worsteds, NavyJStripes and Tweed Splits and we have prices Sfigle or double-blasted Suits tor men priced atto suit all- $15 RING COATS PRICED AT ROOM VI The final Entrance tests will ap­ pear next week. Jr, IV, Honours-—Borden Banders 86, patsy Martin 86, Mary VanCamp 77, Bobby Dinnpy 79, Betty Complin 77, Berneice Delbridge • Pass—borne Howey 74, Gordon Hewlett 73, Marjorie Allen 72, B, Wilson 71, Rae Herig .67, Jack Pryde 66, Jessie Jennings 66, Lloyd Lindenfield 62. Belo Av pass—Norman Hunter 57. Number on roll 38; average at­ tendance 35.9. G. S. Howard, Principal ROOM V Jr. IV, Honours—Eilleen Sims 77, Pass—-Verdun Wells 74, Gladys Ryckman 72, Charlie Cox 68, Fred Simmons 68, Clifton Hunter 65, D. Welsh 64, Doreen Campbell 62, H. Penhale 6X, Ola Reid 61, Janette Dearipg 60, Below pass—Billy Penhale 58, H. Beaver 57, Fern Luther 53, Raymond Smith 52. Absent—Florence McDonald*, G. Bagshaw* ■Sr. Ill, Honours—Doris Harvey ■7 8j. Ja.ck Doerr 7 5,' Pas's—Ger$,i£de?0dmpJlinfV2"; Bar­ bara Atkinson 72, Eldon Caldwell 71, Dean Allen 69, Irene Van Camp 68, Almira Brintnell 66, Warren .'May 64, Bobbie EHerington 6'3, H. Kestle 62, Jack Jennings 62, Reggie. McDonald 62*, Ray Genttner 61. Below pass—Annie -Cox 59, Millar Campbell 58, Marion Powell 56, Tom Campbell 5’4. Absent—Velma Bartow*, Ruth Pearce*, Jo,.hn Heymans*. Number on roll 38; .average at­ tendance 33.5. M. G. Harvey, teacher ROOM IV Honours—Ray Jones 79.6, Beavers 79.5, Elaine Stan- Ball Game Seaforth at Ext&r Wednesday,jlune lltlt Game$ba r GRAND BENOT SATURDAY, JU 7 “RQYAL xMAjClNES” A Womb rful 8- ^cc Orch®jfra* svery^Saturday Nigfct COME ANlj S ND YOUR WEEK- HNIg 4JF -.THE, BEND EVERYTI Dancing TG OPEN FOR TH® SEASON Nine^kinds of Tomato ; Cabbage, kinds Sizes 36 to 40 only. Do you, want a good second Suit at $10.00. We have several good suits in the smaller sizes to clear at $10.00. Come in and see them. SMART SUITS FOR BOYS Newest styles? best colors and patterns, him cutfitted herd­ Jr. Ill, Laurene ___ _ ____ _____ _____ bury 78, Stewart Fuke 75.6, Gerald Fitzgerald 75.2. Pass—Dorothy.. Traquair '73, ^Mar- garet Campbell 71, Lloyd'jones 71, Howard Laverty 67.7, Robena I-Iun- kin 67.5, Barbara Dinney 67.1, Ho­ ward Elliot 65.4, Charlie Snell 65.2, Robert Brooks 63*, Roy Campbell 6'3, Margery Heywood 61, Alvin Lin­ denfield 61, Orville Snell 60.7, Paul­ ine Follick 60, Victor Lutrnan 58-5, Marion Walper 5 8.3, Torn- Willard 57.4, Wilfred Perkins 57.2, Jack Brintnell 56; Eileen Andrew .54, Da­ vid Kestle 52; Lloyd'Genttner 51*, Hazel Snell. 48, Billie Kydd 48**, L. Stanlake 46, Harold Elliot 46**, M. Ryckman 41.6, Cecil Smith 41.6*, Hilton Sanders 41.1**, Gordon San­ ders 32*,:‘**, Walter Davis 26*. Number on roll 37; average at­ tendance 33. W. A. Frain, teacher Cauliflower, Pepper flowers, Jeanna/ Dreo^nla, Ferns, Geranium Foliage, JBegonia,.. Sil­ ver Leaf.tVinca, Ajfers- all MnxtBj, Stocks, Sa^ia, Marjfgold, Ageratuin, Petunias, belia, Snai Dusty Boxes and order. L hurmburga,’ Lb? Wandering Jew, Verbena, Windo-vr an#ng Baskets filled tc^- innia. . rago FLORISTS,EXETER,. 4. —. ■■X”—■■ggi. A FIVE A^P^FLiAY ENTITI® la- ROOM III _ put oh by the; Yuung Reoptefof Kirkton in the irv- t^ests’ of the^Woodham C.O.F. |IN ORANGE HALL, WOODE1AM,. I % on —( Friday, June 6th Play to commence at 8 p.m. idS. MUSIC BETWEEN ACTS,^ Electric See The New Models BUILTfIN OVENS. ENAMELLED IN GRAY, BLUJ, GREEN AND ORANGE. CLOSED NO EXT 3-WAY S\ WIRING NECESSARY* ITCH, HIGH, MEDIUM OR LOW. 1VEN ANDHEAT IN SAMEITIME SIMPLE TG OPERAT COST. CLEAN, EF CIENT/ ORDORLESS HEAT. »Comc in tor a demonstration SOLD AN^ BIRTHS MCCANN—In (Mt. Carmel, oil.Friday, May .30, to Mr. and Mrs. Alonso McCann, a daughter. ‘ ilAGlBR—In Mt. Cornel oil Satur- , May 31st, t6 Mr. .and Mrs. .rlie Ragier, a daughter. MARRIAGES iBHADDlCK—POTTER-*-At the home of the bride’s parents on May 24, by Rev. A. E. Doan, of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Clara Violet, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William T. of Sit an ley Township, to Robert iShaddick, Soil of Bhttddiek,-Hcnsall. , PENHALE ^-WEBBER-— At Street Parsoats®, on day, June 4th, Etty Mae Webber, only daughter of Mrs. Harry Jones, of Exeter, to Harold V. Penhale, son of Mr. Geo. Pen- hale, of stephen Township, 'by Rev. D. McTavisli. HAGGIT—COLBERT—At tbe Mail) Street Parsonage on Thursday, May 29 th, Minnie Colbert, of Dashwood, tt>‘ James F. Haggft, of Exeter by Rev. C. J. Moorhouse. James Wodncs- DEATHS MADGF—In Usbbi'iiA'Tp., on‘Wed­ nesday, June 4tif, Sar&.h Isaac, be­ loved wife of Philip Madge, aged 79 years and 2 months. Funeral Friday at two o’clock. ( GLENN—In Hibbert, on Tuesday, J File 3rd, Annie MdMordie, belov­ ed wife of William N. Glonn, in her doth year . The Public Utilities ( desire to ariiiounc water rates for Exeter yearly ajid tlia __ „ pear ojw the jfTydro statement.* "■ Anient will' appear “Hydro account and t Jfiseount date will be Utilities 5-15-4tc mision t the Bi village of llected twice mount will ap- The first on the the 1 „ June j^']|Efth. Public Com Harry Sweet,- of Windsor, spent the week-end with Jffs sister, ■ Aliss H.' Sweet. ■. .. . - .. ....... ... . . r Mr. A. S. HanunondJr'Field Secre­ tary of the Cafaadianlnnstitute for 'the BUnd will ‘sellvejran address in the Town Halil Ex evening June Bth the auspices ofgtJ irondale WomeilsMnstitute. All ‘ terested are cov ially invited. The final draft of the Settlement Committee of the London Conference of the United States have stationed the following ministers in Huron Presbytery: Benmiller, Rev. Byron Shell; Centralia, Rev. A. V. Robb; Nile and Leehurn, Rev. W. G. Shaw; Varna, Rev. E. A. Poulter; Auburn, Rev. W. J. Mortimore,, B.A., B.D.; Grand Bend, Rev. J. L. Foster; St. Helens and Whitechurch, Rev. T. C. Wilkinson. Rev. .R. F. Irwin goes to Cottam from -Cehiralid. Rev. J. M. Colling goes to -Lambeth from Grand Bend. BROCK— dear^vit’e Bgpck, wl ^h, 1926 you are g ) Never si Sweetest t Around laid. - .TN loving memory of our nd mother, Irs. Thos. passed awa June the u by Husband,, DaughtersSadly mis and Soi ACCIDENTS Billie Walters had his nose broken Monday evening when he was at­ tempting to catch a ball at ball prac­ tice. Mr. Jack Heywood, or Usborne, lost the tip of his thumb Monday when a beam fell on it. It was dressed by Dr. Fletcher, 'Mr. Geo. Stokes, pitcher for the Exeter ball team had the index fjjig- er of his right hand broken while fielding a ball at ball practice. He Was strtfck on the end of the finger and the finger was turned back.,, Mr. Thomas Fisher, of Usborne, suffered a serious accident on Wed­ nesday evening of last week. He was in the loft of the barn when a board gave Way and he fell to the floor beneath and had the misfor­ tune to fracture the pelvis'bone. He lias been Sr. II A, Honours—Gail BroWniiig 77, Lillian McDonald 7 6, Isabelle Appleton 75. Pass—Vernon Heywood 73, Clif­ ford Quance 72, .Helen Bawden 72, Lorv me Armstrong 72, Maxwell IJarness 6 6. Below pass—Lloyd Hunter*, Don­ ald Winer absent. •Sr. II B, Honours—Clarence Mc­ Donald 82, Grant Taylor 81, Jack Anderson 79, Grace. Snell 78, Gerald McFalls 7 8, Margaret Melville 77, Josie Kerslake 76. Pass—Ethel Kydd 73, Ralph Del- bridge 72/ Betty Hogarth 71, Elean­ or Abbott 70, Freda Moore '69, Mary Sturgeon 68, Jack Smith 65, Evelyn Lawson 65*, Wesley Ryckman 61, Belov/ pass—-Teddy Wilson 56, Al­ va Elliott 53, Olive Caldwell 51**, Mildred Beaver 45, Mary Taylor 44** Violet .Sturgeon 40, Gerald Cornish 40. Number on roll 33; average at­ tendance 26. M. M. Rowe; ' ROOM II TUES PARKH Game delivered Elliot. Admission: Adults 40c. childre NE IdMh. BXETMlK- ed at 6.30 rd ’TutTov $675.---- ; DON’T FORGET TIJB SOFTBALL Read all the used car come and buy a sedan, Sandy n excuriSi Kirkfcon Horticul *al Society i^'td the Oi. A- ednesday, Jtm&< . MaTys, Exeter, mean Horticultural: invited to join this ex- unch provided by the* The will make C., at Guelph on 11, 1930. Fullarton Societies cursion. O. A. ’C.‘rat 12.00. at the Main HalL. An entertainment follows. teacher Russell Eldrid 70, quite sick but is improving. USBORNE! go to press we loarh of the Mrs Philip Madge, of Us* Mrs. Madge suffered a PROPERTY TRANSFER. The Supertest Co., ’ of London*- have purchased the garage occupied^ by Mr. Milo Snell,"-Chevrolet dealer, the service end of which is run by' Messrs. Pollen & Coates. The pro~ perty was purchased at tbe anctioite sale of the real estate and household^ effects of the late Chas. B; Snell 0-iifc Saturday last. The price paid wto $3550.00. The property wasr pur­ chased subject to the lease whiclfe has over a year, to run. At the. same sale' Mr. Frank Coaters, purchased the store and property's^-, now occupied by him as a grocery • store. 'Hie price was. $1500. The other‘properties belonging fix the estate were piit up but tbs did not reach the reserve bid ar,< were not sold.. The household ef­ fects brought fairly good prices. Mr- Frank Taylor WaS the auctioneer- FIRST JURY TRIAL IN YEARS HEARD AT The first' jury trial in five years was heard in Saturday before Judge. E, Of Goderich. The Sr. I, A, honours—Patsy 81, Doris Payne 7'7. Pass—Neil McDonald 74, Simmons 71? Kathleen Kestle Thelma Hockey 69.2, Elmer McDon­ ald 69, Bruce Cann 65, Norman Sander’s 64,’ Lloyd Hewitt 61. Below pass— John Collingwood 45, Doreen Sims 34. • Ji*? I B, honours— 88, Hazel Jones 85*6 ham 85, Murray Moore Brooks 88, Labelle Sims garet Clark 81.8, Earnest 81, .Leonard HarVey 80, Bierling, 79,. Carl Stire Kydd 75, Pass-Billy Jones, 7’3, Stanbury 72.4, Gerald Lawson Robert Southcott 70, June Bartow 1>5.8? Billy Chipchase 65.2, Kenneth •Simpson *65.1? Ross 'Moore 65, Tom­ my Walter 64, Phillippa Harness 52. Jr. I, hondftrs—Catherine Arm­ strong 81, Bort Piloft 76,4,. Coquo- line Simmons 76, Dorothy Jennings 75* Pass—Margaret Fitssgjerald 74.S, Joseph Kipping 74, Billy Walpef 1% Raymond Buell 65, Anita Brint* nell 6^, Stewart Cann 61> Mnipbor oh roll 44; average at­ tendance 38.84. M. E, Pridiidm, teacher Jean Appleton i, Betty Bayn- 84, 82. McTavisli Andrew 76, Irene Irene Mar-DIED IN ‘As We death of borne Twp. paralytic stroke one day last week and has been gradually sinking, The funeral will be held Friday after­ noon at two o’clock. , THE LATE MRS. GLENN * Mrs. W. N. Glenn died Tuesday evening at her home oil the bound­ ary. The deceased was in her 60th yeal\ The .deceased was widely known as she was a woman of ex* cefltional talent and was actively in­ terested in the U. f. 0. Her maiden name was Miss Annie MdMordfe; of Klpijmn. Besides her husband she is survived' by her mother in London, eno sister and three brothers, Fun* oral Thursday to McTaggart’s ceme­ tery. Richard 72. FtVE ■ EXMte. /Exet.er iw: Exeter div 1N. Lewis',. . - action wuf« brought by Ernest Davis ngaiw* Whitney Coates as the aftermath ot the former ditching Ills car M aw, effort to avoid striking the team atrti wagon being, driven by the defeu1- daiit. The -accident happened the st? Marys road and nlMni-U# charged that 'the wagon 'Carried light, a sealed' ’th0! 3W •and judginent for vV6x?A?va^ 8ivert favor or th** pMntifL M, Gladman, of London acted for th# plaintiff ana jr. Wl ‘'Morley for the defoncUnt, wish tunity to/eXpi’ess robiatlo to the who so of the 10 neighbors, find who alnable ftssist- CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Genii to take this opp6‘ their grateful ap Exeter firemen a nobly assisted at fire and also to t particularly the la have rendered sue qnce since, ??