The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-22, Page 8W>n • Tinxmr, aux sa, mo ...H I MH > DALE HOLIDAYS START NEXT WEEK Wp, the undersigned, merchants of the Village of Exeter,' agree to close •ouy places of business each Wed­ nesday, afternoon ,(it ,twelve o’clock beginning Wednesday? May 28, and continuing through the ’ihonths of June,-July -and August .September 10th. Jones May •Southqott Bros. B. W. Fv Reavers . E. ft. Hopper River’s Meat Market Grigg^ Stationery Co. • Garnet Flynn G. A- Hawkins .8. Martin & Son Wt W» Taman W, J. Hockey Fred Rabethge Harness J. Beer Hockey N- Rowe M. Armstrong 4 <1 and until E. W. N. R. G. Powell’s Variety Store H. S. Walter Chain way Stores FI, Horton Traquair & Lindenfield J. Exeter Markets Wheat Oats 50c. Barley 60 c., Bran $1.59 (Shorts $1,60 •' Feed Flour H8-0O a ton Manitoba’s Best Floui’ $4.85 Model Flour $3.35 Welcome Flour $3,45 Creamery Butter 37c. Dairy Butter 32-35c, , Eggs, extras 27c, Hggs, firsts 24c. Eggs, seconds 21c* Hogs $11*00 decals S. Dignan & Son THE. EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Roy. 51, Bernard Rhodes, M* 4 Minister,., ’ ' Miss Lena Coates, A.L.O.M*, Organist 10 ami.—Sunday School 4 11 a.m.—-“Ploughing the Sands’* 7 p.m.—“The Spur of Curiosity’’ Next Sunday, June 1st is our .an­ nual “Every Presbyterian Go-to- Church Sunday" Next Thursday evening, May 29th, at 8 o’clock Miss Lamont, Field Se­ cretary of the W. M. S. of the Pres­ byterian Church will address the la­ dies of the congregation. IN AND SEE. Wing THIS SUITE IS ENTIRELY FREE&FROM THE MQM DANGER- WITHOUT THE USE OF SPECIAL PROCESSES OR MATERIAL. .... .......... Mrs. Gordon ^Vright, the National W.C.T.U, James St, chi May 21st at 8 will be the res town. Beside, winners in th campaign will Mr. ~ _provide the music come. sident of _ . at Wednesday, Other speakers ministers of the ese addresses the recent Temperance ___ .. , receive their prizes. Roy Goulding and others will Everybody wel- 2tc. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. D. McTavish, Raster W, R. Gpulding A.T.O.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.’—“Tarry ye" and Pentecost* -Sunday School. ■“The Sin of Indifference" 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.- MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH * OF CANADA Rev, C. J, Moorhouse, Paster Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, I a.m.—The Ministry and work of the Holy Spirit. p.m.-—Our Chu-rch School p.m.—.“Forgiveness—Why is it not needed to-day as in former year?" p.m.—Thursday, Midweek service of praise, Our congregation m urged to at­ tend. the service in James Street to­ night (Wednesday.) The annual meeting of,,^he Wo- ........... ill be at themen’s Institute., sonand Mrs. C- W. Ford and of London, spent the week- Mr Alan, end visiting in town RESIDENCE FOR cottage, cent equipped. T Mrs. Raeha Mrs. Aimer or ’Gladman LE—Clioice ted and well- ?erty of the late organ. Apply to- wart, Kirkton, Ont., 'Stanbury Itc* FOR suitable Grocery. SALEA-2y bags for fse&fiF Apply potatoes, ■Harvey’s ltp. home of Tuesday, Election business, ed to be Read Southcott Bros, adv. on an­ other page. Mrs, May f7th of officer All present, eo., Ej^erington on 8 p.m. sharp, and important ibers are request-11 3 7 -year- NOTICE—I am holdi lowing cattle in pound yearlings and colors. Accor cattle will be if not claimed Keeper, R. R. Slr9. the fol­ head of us of various law these old An a limited, time -^Simon Greb, pound d. 3, Zurich, plione FOR SALE—Storey J&d a half brick residence on Hmron Street con­ taining batlf, hyro^nd furnace also garage. Qpntrall/^located. Bargain for- quick>- sale;/' J. W. Hern, Real Estate agpnte^' ,. ’ .... •- I--! .-----■- .FOR SALE—A quaiRR^of oats 55c. per bus. ApptegMo John M. Bell, Hengall Rg^^o. l. For- rela- Mrs. with FOR SALE-pJersj -oughbred, milfin. IV. H. DearinA^Exeter. ^.CoW, ' thor- ;ell'. Apply to 5-22-ltc. This Remarkable Suite/Needs No Guarantee Against/Moths X-Rayed Living-Room Suites are . demount- • able—in an instant and without effort, you can remove the seat and expose ■ to.'view all their hidden corners. Iii a few moments dusts ac­ cumulation is removed and the Chair and Ches­ terfield reassembled. You ban guarantee your own Furniture against moths when you own an X-Rayed Suite—let us demonstrate its outstand­ ing feature's'to you to-day. "" • We will demonstrate how easy it Is to keepf >’ your Living-Room Furniture cleip, sanitary an : free from moths if you own an X-Rayed Suite, : X-Rayed Furniture requires no guarantee • against moths, simply because motnh cannot li^e where your busy duster or vacuum cjhaner pe^e trates. - % ASuite No, 231—This design brjn _ __ . _JJ__ that very desired commodity than is usually found in a moderately-priced Suite. The new method o" * ’ ■ • - silience. different comfort. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFauI, Organist Sth Sunday after Easter 8 a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.-—Litany and Sermon subject “The Narrow Way" p.m.—Sunday Scnool and firmation Class. p,m.>—Evensong and sermon ject “Doers not Hearers.” Monday evening, Muy 26th at p.m. A.Y.P.A, Banquet (closing meet­ ing of the year) Rev. W. A. Town­ shend, of London, will be the special speaker. 3 7 Con- ■sub- lover of home comfort a greater degree of _ .... upholstery in. tho back.’ provides the greatest amount of re- The Occasional Chair complies with the modern trend for something in the third piece. Note the high back,‘on thjsjpifece, WhichVadds to’ its Miss Rubie Creech spent the week­ end in London. Hear Mrs. Gordon Wright to-night at James Street Church', % Mr. Frank Glaiiville is erecting a . new garage on his premises. Mr. Ted Bawden Jins tne founda­ tion in for liis new residence. Mrs. N. J. Dore, visited for a few days with friends in Windsor. Messrs. Jas. Taylor and Harold Fisher spent Sunday in Strathroy. •Mr. and Mrs, Arto Delve, of est, spent the week-end with lives in town, Mr. Wm. Ryckman and sister Alice Mooney spent Friday last friends in London, Mr. ,S. J. V. Cann, who conducts a gas station and booth, is adding an addition to the latter. Mr. and Mrs, A. O. Francis, of St. Marys, visited the former’s brother Reeve B. M. Francis. Mr. Garnet Heywood, who has' been ill most of the winter, is able to be up a little each day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slumkousky, of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with. , Mr. and Mrs. Esli lieywood. '■ The stores of town will remain open Friday evening as Saturday is May 24th and a public holiday. Miss Marguerite Aldworth,K of Stratford, visited witn ner parents at Sexsmith over the week-end. TO-nigkt' (Wednesday). Mrs. Gor­ don Wright will speak in James St. church. Do not fail to near her. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Westlake have returned to their home in Usborne after spending a few weens in Exe­ ter. Mr. George Geddes and son Wil­ liam, of London, calree on rriends in town and at Sexsmith one day last week. Mrs. Chas. Way, of St. Thomas,, visited few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,William Rivers. Mrs. I. Salkeld, of Goderich, spent * tpe week-end with Mrs. Wm, Baw­ den, The latter is convalescing from a long; illness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Exeter, and Mrs. Lome ] Toronto, spent Sunday Floyd Campbell of Lucan. ' Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Sutherland and Mf. and Mrs. John Hayter, of Glencoe, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.* J. S. Grant on Sunday. • The Dominion president 'of the W. C.T.U., Mrs. Gordon Wright, is speak­ ing tonight (Wednesday) in James St. Church. Be sure to hear her. . Firecrackers were being, let. off Saturday evening and one lit on the top of a sedan car and burned a fair sized hole before it was noticed. .Mr, W. McDonald, of Detroit and Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Saginaw, are at presenting Visiting their sis­ ter, Mrs. John Gould at Sexsmith, Mr. and Mrs.' Peter Robertson and son, of Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders on Sunday also Miss Hazel Hild'erley, Of Woodstock. Mrs, J. A, Westcott, of .Seaforth, is recovering from ah operation for appendlcites which :she recently un«. derWent at tile Memorial Hospital. The Exeter Horse j&hoe .Club are in receipt of an invitation from th& Milverton Horse Shoo Club td attend a. Horse Shoe, .pitching Tournament in that village on June 3rd, ' Mr. .and Mrs, ’o'. Duncan, Mr, and M’rS« Geo, Rlbbcl and three sons, of Hamilton and Mr. James McDonald, of Stratford spirit Sunday ivith Mrs. • T-G, Creech. Mr..and Mrs.. P* N. Moir loft Tues­ day (or Detroit bo; visit •with their son J. H. Moir and With’ (he former's ^brother, Mr* Gep< Moir who is ser­ iously ill* j:. iMrsi! (Rev.) j. W, Down is enter- . talnlng* Mrs,' Gordon Weight wild will speak at the W. C. T» U. meet­ ing In James church this Wed­ nesday evening. 6.30 Mr. W. E. Aidworth, .student at University,, of Saskatchewan, is at present visiting with his parents, at Sexsmith. His many friends in these parts are much pleased to See hint J ■Several members of the Clinton Loyal Orange Lodge visited the Exe­ ter Lodge on Friday evening last and extended an invitation to the Exeter brethren to exemplify the' third de­ gree in Clinton on May 30th. Mr. Deckert, of the Office and School Furniture Co., Ltd., Preston, has been in town installing; the in­ terior' furnishings for the new Post Office. New boxes have .arrived and-; the building will’ soon ,be ready for- occupancy.’ ■Mr.- and Mrs. Robt. Sanders ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson and babe, motored to the County Home on Sunday to call on Mrs. Geo. Powell. Mrs. Powell, in spite of her ripe old age of 91 years, seems to be hale and hearts’-. Rev. Borden Cunningham, of Mil­ bank, who attended Synod in Lon­ don last week spent Saturday in Exeter with his .parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham -ana was accom­ panied home by Mrs. Cunningham and little daughter Betty, who spent the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs., David Russel. An auto accident happened at. Simmons corner Saturday moirning; when a touring car smashed into the rear end of a truck knocking off one of the lamps. .The truck stopp­ ed at the corner when tne touring car bumped into, it. The touring car continued on its way. PHONE 99 A REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK' SALE; v - cabinet phonograph wit. needle and, thirty recor hundred doll forty dollar school. One cabi good as ne quick sale ion guarai Rabethge, machine Edison diamond was four to sell for thing for min in in onograph just as h dozen records for ty dollars. iSatijsfac- , d. Apply to. M&FFred ewell er, Exeteiw'Ont. FOR SALE—Creafn<admred.^Vick carriage in firsttoass condition Apply to Times-Advocate.^$^-15-2tc WANTED—Farm £wo$ experienced young foam’. Times-Advocate. - < FOR SALE—Roisters Shorthorn bull c old. Apply to 1, Centralia, | 3. ■ ‘ pose year No. ring M- by an in­ to ■2tc ual pur- about a 'Hunter, R. Kirk ton 39 5-22-2tc. Cottage for , Sehs^'barn, garag three lots of ^tfu. Phone 163 ev enings. _ ___ ___—------— LOST—A black ma^e^V years old* broke away ffom n^bunch of horses Anyone knq^viugvJier whereabout kindly infowWG^ J. DoW or Times ^Advocate. .-Or - tfn *“* *rt Mayt, 3, 1930 •will jjjdt be >re- de^5^’till at my anger ’ makes in From * this date sponsible "for a wife, Kathilinel my name. Jogbph. Meidinger. FOR SALE1—Gasoline three burn­ er stove. Apply at Times-Advocate, If you wish tbWy or sell a farm or house see Pickard, Exeter. \------------------ TR ACTOftvPLO W1N G • ^'1n» discing Distance nuJ^ject, .fpr reasonable amount of mbrk? Apply to AV. Bradshaw, Ellmville, BRICK*$WE. A neat dwelling^Vel fine condition, j given at once. srland at the rlNGJTOR SALE—- dmtuated and in ^essipri. can be - ' G. J. Sutli* ost Office.msall for crops. Exeter, SALE-r-WHlizOr Apply phone for all Stanlake, R. 1, ■2 Dashwood 4-244f SALE—Thoroughbred Here- fths old. Apply ,. No.-1, Credi- Irediton 4-10-tfc \ ■ ~,X. ■t'.y FOR ford, bull calf,113 m< to John Hirtz|l, ton, phone 3 ft House aniJlo^ for sale— On Victoria St*| Apply tej 1* R* Hind Exeter. ' 2*20-tfc’. Mfy F* S* Difenan/hnd son IiaVe taken Hie agency W “WirA Sod thdtrt beiot ■ farm for rent orf for MLe —9, C6ncessii>n 5/'Stephen. 4t. has a frame hou nhoiit SO acres $iy td AW& Glad man StetA acing ynur drddr* J e/Jahk WV alJr Ab-’ Ken, Credfton, crt ry, Mwtew Ont* " * * 1 ■Coates, of McFalls, of with Mrs. HERE IS WHERE YOU Wlb£ ALWAYS FIND A GOO0 ASSORTMENT OF FURNI­ TURE TO CHOOSE FR0M AT PRICESpO SUITZ/YOU OUR STO STRAW HATS Panamas, Leghorns staid Sai Newest {Styles Un rs ■•BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Mrs. Mary Gould, of Sexsmith, was receiving the congratulations of her many friends on Friday last, it being her seventy-seventh birthday. A surprise party consisting of her own immediate family: Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell; “Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell; Mr. and Mrs. Will Gould and family * also Mrs. Robert Campbell, Saginaw’, Mich.; Mr. W. F. McDonald, of De­ troit, Mich., sister and brother of Mrs. Gould; iMr. and Mrs. Ed. Kauf­ man, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of town, the ladies being noices; Mr. abd Mrs. Albert Geddes and Miss M. X O’Brieii, life-long frfehds and neighbors. She was presented with a number of gifts and several ; bouquets of flowers, one of which was placed in a large glass pitcher being a wedd<- iiig. gift of Over fifty years. A very enjoyable evening! was spent in music and reminfscehcos after which a Very dainty lunch was served, After singing “God be with you till we meet again*’, best wishes were agjain given lief, an hoping she vinay have many niore happy birthdays with, her friends? .Miss MZ d? O’Brien and Mrs, God* des also entertained to tea for her, and her sister Mrs. R< Campbell on Saturday n't 6.30 pan. at’’ which a number of ethers attendoct and spent a pleasant evening. [k is complete ■ IE TIME TO BUY west PricesNOW IS T| R, Nl/ROWE funeral director AMBULANCE SERVICE If you have a roof problem call and discuss it with us. ‘ , in stock jB. C. Shingles all rain an4^No. 1 in every Pijtces are right. quire STsphalt slate for roof sibling s/e our sample and ices before you buy. We hav ' edge res If you r or s rch siding is very at- jSee sample. Well as- ck of Lumber on hand 'CAV-EN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A large congregation attended the morning services in Caven Presby­ terian Church on Sunday when the minister Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, M. A., preached an excellent' sermon on “Thankfulness." The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was dispensed and seven new members received and en­ rolled. At the evening service the Subject Was “The interpreter.’* The first Sunday in June is “Every Pres- byterfaii to Church ^Sunday" with Oaveh people and,is always,regard­ ed wftli special’ interest. ’ . ’ The‘ladies of CSverf church.*are looking forward to the visit of Muss Lamont, Secretary of the W.^f.So Who is 'touring Huron PrqsbyterfaL at the present time and will give an address on Thursday evening. A very successful afternoon tea under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Caven ■ presbyterfati church* was held at the home of Mrs. Stanbury. Tea was pouted by Mrs. Christie and Mrs* Stewart and the, hostess1 was as*- Sisted in Serving by Mrs. (Dr.) Al- klnson? Mrs. Mitcheit, Mrs. Rayb- ham, Miss deekell and others. K> ir rwear, New lies Initialed Belts etc ackson Cleaners and Dyers othes Sent Every Tuesday. W. W. TAMAN ■ PHONE 81w .................... EXETER, ONT. STEEL STACKER .. The Canadian Cannel® have er­ ected a new steel outfit for stacking the-jpea straw. The frame work is about 75 ft. high. This new ad­ dition to the plant will take the place of a number of men and is operated'' by only two men. Already an'excep- ’ tlonaily large acreage nas been sown to peps and the plant is preparing for a big season. - * *—"*|' .imi.'ii ■ ■• ■ i ■ i ■■■ i. ii i ii . ......in ii n-Miri Ernest C. HajY<ey GENERAL ,|NSURAN <?■ BROKER Mutual ‘ Life, Fi^fe, Automobile, Et^:i ■ SSICX Exeter High School was represent­ ed at the ‘X^O.iS.S.A. athletic onpet in London on Saturday last’and Mr* W. E. Quihn Succeeded in winning: second in the senior one mild race. [ The time for the race was 4 minutes!/ "54 Seconds. Mr. Quinn? as a rte-'. suit of winning in the mile race will attend the •provincial meet which this year will be staged at, liatniitmi in connection with the Hamilton games. The winners have their .expenses paid. 4 Caulk tour Windows save w DA Agency f AND W.IND&IV8 . • WMTHtlKrRippiNG. Let w qd yoD friges* W. J. HERN. Exeter (Mat bill IED THE /KING DOORS LSb METAL IPPING. PRICES* (Honor Gra E. GDOROTH L. C ndon, England ction in Piano, Vio „ Harmony* Theory Studio N. Albert Street, Rax EXETER, ONTARIO GHara«tec<l SAFETY ZOR B SHARPENED (im SINGLE erg DOUBLE EDtfE Perfect W* i COLE. DRUGGIST W. ft. < : A. Organist s thirties St* ’’ Inst] ‘ ’ VocaU Siipbtvfflor1 <f Studio, Main S| EW Moulding L ci M. Ini'. ciiofimti ’UCtiOft^TO! ;aft tfKe'tr ireli t T.hcwry * jMfcie In Scitedb . 4iox Phoma ■ER, ONT