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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-22, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE DR. R. I. P, DO Honor graduate" o£ Faculty of Medicine, andyMast^or Science, of $h» University of estern Ontario. Member of |CoJl§ge of physicians and Surgeon of Ontario, Office £wo doors east Of Post Office/ HENS ALL, ONT.Z" iPhone 66 Residence 114 OR. A. Me rAGC^RT, L.D.S, Specializiri[g y!P|ate Work HENj ONT. jl’eleplaone Main Street evening when th® Goderjch team played with Heasail the latter win-, ning by a- score of 2 to !• The Hen* saU players were: catcher, F. Can- telon; pitcher, B. Horton; 1st base E, Gascho; W. Joynt, 2nd base;. J, Nicol s.s.; -S, .Rennie, 3rd base;’ JL; Sc.ru,ton, centre field; B, Medd, left field; L- Passmore, right field. Mrs, Joe Hudson securing the lucky tick et received a side of bacon. Tlie Operetta entitled "The Gypsy Queen” under the. auspices Ellise's class of the United Sunday School, ^as given Town Hall on Wednesday by the choir of James Bt’, Chuirch, Exeter. The fopr principal parts were taken b^ Sftjh Rannie as the king; Miss Pearl Wood, as the Queen; Clarence Down as the King’s attendant and Miss Reta Rowe as the, queen’s attendant. .• A large .crowd was present and it was much enjoy ed by all. About $70.00 was ta-ken - ' ; ■ 1 a DASHWOQli Dr. H. mCowen <D.S., D.D.S. JRGEON ' At offiqfe In /rtleib Block, Dash wood, fir^t thj$e days of week and the Post Office, in Zurich, Tthree days of week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oestricher and family and Mrs. G. Oestricher motor ed to Elkton, Mich., over the week end. • (Mrs. H. Kellerman, who has been visiting in this vicinity ‘returned with them. .Miss Dorothy Smith and Mr. Dick visitors with on Thursday CREDITON / A missionary ^dfama eimtled '“Two Musters” will be given/by the Mis sion Circle of the. United church on Friday, May 23r,d iiy th© basement of the Church,> Light Refreshments will be served. [^Admission, adults 25q. and children 15/. Come pneb Come AB I WARNING-7/Bicycle riders are warned to keep/off the/side-walks according to fh^ village/by-law. I CHAIN RED & WmlTE STORES Specials for Thursday, Friday, and Satujjfay, May 22nd, 23rd and 24th in. DENTAL at office fov a on in in HENSALL Mr. Thos. Laing, of Exeter, was in town .Tuesday on business. Air. and Mrs. Chas, Cooper, of ^Kippen, have moved to Hensail. Mr.„ and Mrs. Colin Hudson spent Sunday visiting friends in Egmond- ^ille. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wi;en, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Criends here. i Mr. John Hannah and Mr. Ruben JShire, of Kirk ton were in the village on Wednesday. Miss Grace Stone underwent an operation in Victoria-Hospital, Lon don on Tuesday. Air, Jas. Vance purchased a new .Wrd car on Tuesday'*from' Sandy Elliott at Exeter. T. O. Diiummond, of Toronto, is wlsiting at the home of his son Mr. Earl Drummond.- The Rev, Mr. Irwin of Centralia, preached at both services in the Un- Ated Church on Sunday. Misses Lizzie and Margaret Slavin /pent the week-end visiting their brother at Cliiselhurst. Mr. Wm. Fulton, of Toronto, former Hensail boy, was in town, Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.. Matt Clark were Jbondon on Friday and also took the big Conservative • meeting . Mr. and Mrs. H. Sweitzer and their daughter Lois, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives in "town. ,AIr. and. Mrs, Lome McNaughton «ind children of Cromarty visited re latives in the village on Tuesday. Mrs. Win. (McLean, of Hamilton is •yisitirfg for a few days at the homo ■nt Mr. and Airs. John Passmore. ‘ Air. and (Mrs. A. L. Case returned bome from Toronto last week where Mrs. Case underwent an operation. . »Mfr. Robert Higgins was in Gode- «*ich on Wednesday attending a meet-.’ ang of the Huron County Old Age Pension Board.. Mr. and Mrs.. Manly Jinks and sroiiiig son of Detroit spent the week end visiting at the home mi-Air. and Airs. Chas. Jinks/. The paving contractors have been bold uj) for nearly a week by wet weather but’ -are biiSy again now the weather has cleared. r Air. Henry Horton as represent ative elder of the United Church'will ^attend the conference;.at Woodstock &he end of this month. Air. arid Mrs. Alf. Hunk in and children, of Farquhar, visited at the luiine of Mrs. Hunkin’s father Mr. W. L. McLaren on Sunday. A meeting of the Huron and Perth Baseball leagues was held here on Wednesday evening for the reorgan ization and drawing up of schedule. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt were lit Kincardine last week visiting Mrs. iConsitt’s son, Air. James Smith who was ^recently appointed chief of pol ice of that town./ The many friends of Mr. Geo. Fol- lick, who last week was seriously ill, will be pleased to know that he is improving,‘ being able to-sit rip for awhile -on Tuesday. Anniversary services will be held Jin Carmel Presbyterian church on sSuriday, May 25th. The Rev. R. G. JMcKay of Walkerton, will be the sminister of the day.. . (Messrs Harry Hoji’ton, G.S. Petty mnd Robert Higgins attended the an nual meeting of the Western Ont- mrio Conservative Association at Amndon on Friday.. 'The Rev. Arthur .Sinclair preached both morning and evening at the an- miversary services . -at Centralia on ISunday last, Mr. Sinclair was a for- aner pastor of that church arid for a awt^il^ of years has taken anniver sary services there. Good RoadS' Commission of of Miss Church in the evening United .son, of London, were Miss Lavada Hartleib evening. Miss Helen Nadiger na Martine visited the in Clandeboye on* Sunday. ■ Mr. Lome Tieman, w&o is attend ing Medical School in London spent a few days with his parents. Lome left Tuesday for Detroit where he will spend 'the summer. Miss L. Mae Reid spent the week end with Miss Nola Desjardine, of Grand Bend. t Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Reid, of Var na, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Mrs. J. Kellerman is visiting in Tdronto this week.„ • Mr. L. Biirk of the '0. A. C. Guelph is spending u few days at'his home here. Misses Alda and Patricia Smith left this week for thdir new home in Kincardine. , -•'» Rev. Ness is attending. Conference in Monkton this week. ’ / and Miss Ed- latter’s sister GRAND BEND and Mrs. John 'Pollard,ofMr. Centralia, visited Mr. Walter Eng land on- Sunday. • Mr. and Mr.s.,Wm. Cliff, of Exeter, visited the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Luther over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie and Mr. and Mrs. J. W* Holt spent Sunday at Walton with Rev. and Mrs. Maines. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ward were in London on Monday attending the funeral of Mrs. Chas. Ward. Mrs. Ward was well known in the village being, among the first of. the camp ers to come to the grove some thirty years ago and in that time has made many warm friends, Mr, Ward has the sympathy ’of the village in his bereavement. Mrs. L. Webb had the misfortune to loose a very valuable horse last week. All iroads lead to- Grand Bend on May 24th where a sumptuous supper will be served in the basement of the United church. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Fred Wright, who is visiting in London with her small daughter Charmaine, as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Johnston, was.solist at a special W.M.S. meeting at Cen tennial United church, where Mrs. Wright was a much valued member before leaving London. Miss Gladys Udy acted as accompanist. Miss Leola Hern, of Goderich will take charge of the service on Con ference Siunday in this church in the interests of the W.M.S.. She will give some of her interesting exper iences in connection with her so cial service work while in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson, of Sarnia, was a visitor at the parsonage last week. y s . Mr. Chas. Jdhns and Miss 'iD.ith Skinner attended the W^MTS. London Branch Convention held/in Goderich last week. Mrs.’.Gaely, of- Penilsyl- f vania, who is visit,lug .here also vis- The'^^d her uncle Mr, Walter Hern in Goderich at the same time. Mr. and Mills and visited Brock, The Good RoadL Commission of Jhe County of Huron; warden Baek- of Brussels, Reeves, Harry Keys ©f Grey, W.J. Henderson, of Morris, san-d Louis Rader, of Hay, add'county ^Engineer of Goderich were in the willage Thursday and discussed with <R?eve Higgins the road problems of She village for 1530. The W.M.S. of the Carmel Pres byterian Church intend holding their annual birthday party at 3 p.m. in {the basement of the church. T-— Sadies have secured Mrs. P.B. La mont of Toronto, to address them .and a special meeting in the evening girls, Mrs. Lamot’ Will again give an adress. Lunch will also be served by the ladies* auxiliary. - ‘The Conservatives of Squth Htl- «ron intend -holding a Convention •Thursday, May 29, Heiisall to nom inate a candidate to contest the rid ing of South Huron in tjie coming , of her father Mr. James Anderson, election. This convention was to’ •bhite taken place Jgst' WOek, but ns the Budget debate WAS on at Ottawa Was- difficult to secure a speaker, xro the Committee In chAfge decided to leave it oVeri for a few days. ’< Th© Hensail -boys had their... firSt din'll .game of the season. Oh Friday the on Mrs. will. Mills, Mr. Earl Miss Gillespie, of Blyth, former’s .'iihice, Mrs. John Friday last. THAMES ROAD Theron Cfeery, of Detroit,Mrs. is spending a few days at the home 2tc. the* May _.......... will tending through St and September, y;- > ?tC., ----- -- lte^exeCutors of the late Fred' WuqRlU a»A offering his 1st. H. 5-15 NOTICE-—CbmjnenCing with last Wednesday of/his month, 28th, the weekly/half-holidays be observed June, July, OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 9c, each i LUX JF TOILET jpAP 6c. pedffcake Serv-Us CORN FLAKES 3 for 25c. FOR SAL FRESH FRUITS AND| VEGETABLES ASj CUKES, LETTUCE, C&IIONS, RADISHES ARAGUS, CELERY, CABBAGE, CARROTS, AND TOMATOES RED & WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 10 for 37c, MOLASSES SNAPS 2 lbs. fol 23c, ■ aj». _ . ; saj,e. .tfrto June ’ Morlock, residence and will be received u: E. Faist, Job Eilber, execute Field Day ^id ment in Credited aid of the community field, Mr, Alonzo Hodgins, of was in town last week, Mrs. Hannah Hoffman, Verda and Charles spent Sunday with (Mr. and Mrs. Will. M'otz, The stores will remain open Fri day night and will be closed Satur day, May, 24th. Mr, and Mrs. Eli Lawson and Airs. John Lawson spent Sunday with Jane Gardiner near Parkhill. Mr, Freeman Haist and Mr. don Haist, of Pelham, visited relatives and friends on Sunday. Mr, H&nry c. Beaver was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital last Wednes- ' day where he was operated on appendicitis. He is reported as ing nicely. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scheidi-ng Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, and Miss Hilda Messner, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with' Mr, and Mrs.> Henry Motz. A number from town were in Goderich last Friday night attending the performance put on by the Lions’ Mammoth -Matchless Minstrels, pro ceeds of which went to the crippled children of Huron county. In the account last week of the death of Airs. Harry Pope we were in error in stating that- her age was 65 yeans. It should have read 63 years. One of ths* sisters is Jno. Sweitzer instead of Airs. Smith. . The Young People or Grand will visit the E.L.C.E., of Crediton Evangelical church next Friday ev ening. The visitors have charge of the program and the local young people have charge -of the social ac tivities. • • The Religious Education Rally for this district will be held June 3rd and 4th at the Evangelical church of South East Hope. .Several . names from the Crediton Evangelical church appear on the program. Rev. J.\J. Lieboldt, of -Sebringville is the president and Miss Clara Alorlock is the secretary. , Mrs. John Hirtzel, of Crediton, re ceived the pews -of the death of her sister (Mrs. Pearl Carber, at her home in ,San Diego, Cal., -on Tues, Alay 20, aged 3 5 years, 4 months and 4 days. Deceased was born in Crediton and lived there until she wias 16. When she was. married she moved to San Diego. Surviving are her small son 6 years of age, three sister, Mrs. J. Hirtzel, Mrs. Chas. Fahner and Mrs. Harry’’ Finkbeiner, all of Crediton and four brother!.-* Her husband predeceased her three years ago. -Children and grandchildren to gether with the- neighbors and other friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, of East Credi ton for the celebration of their golderi wedding jubilee last Tuesday evening, May 13 th.. The table stretching across their nicely decor ated dining room was elaborately billed with good things at which the delighted guests were seated. The honored couple of the evening were seated in the most conspicuous place and also presented with a number of valuable gifts. Just previous to this two of the grandchildren being, the youngest children of Mr. Henry Pfaff Jr., were admitted to the rite of Holy Baptism as it was-administered by Rev. W. (M. Sippell. All the sons and daughters were present with the exception of one daughter residing in Manitoba. Thet evening was pleasantly spent. Congratulations and best^ wishes for a period of years of continued peacefill life were ex tended to this aged pair and re spectable citizens of, Crediton. Dur ing the winter months tlihy lived .with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Scherik. Mrs. Schen-ki was one- of the instiga tors of this very sigiiificant occasion and authorized tliiSylittld repo„rt' to be printed in the Exeter Times in honour of her parents. The pioneers of stephen township are becomin. less active and less niimerous as time goes on. s’" Baseball on’-June G. K. ■3tc Tourna- 13th in London, Mrs. Gor- with for do and Mrs. Jno. Bend 1 &■o the LUMLEY MAC’S COOKIES 15c. a dozen SPECIAL TEA 43c. a found RED & WH 2 for kE sou?s / ^25c. CHOICE PUMPKIN O Large Tins 2 fpr 25c. W •• . • r, • HANDY AMMO! Large Package 3 for 19c. IA hIggo cake mixture Simply add cold water > 1 lb. package 24c. SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. for ‘23c. DOMINION GRANU REDPATH GRANU1 Latej jhTEj SUGAR ......... SUGAR ........................... ............... Per 100 lbs. $5.15 .................. Per 100 lbs. $5.25 HARVEY &yiARVEY - EXETER, ONT. J “THE OWNER SERVES — THE BUYER SAVES” We Deliver EE flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ Phone 102 THE BUYER SAVES” .Mrs. Christina Gardiner is im proving after a severe sickness. Mr, and Mts. Hill> Of Exeter, visit ed With Mr. and Mrs. Chambers on; Sunday. Miss Grace Anderson, of London, i spent the week-end under the par-) ental roof. (Too late for last week) Mr. Feter Case is visiting Mr; and Mrs. J. M. Glenn and family Mervyn Ryckman is nut of school this week owing to illness. Mr. and (Mrs. Bred Simmons and sop Jack accompanied by Mrs. Alice Joypt and son Bill visited Mr. and Mrs. W» Ketelake oft Sunday last., Mrs. Stewart McQueen visited her sister Mrs. Jack Rolts, of London, on Saturday last. and GREENWAY Rev. Colin Campbell, of Stratford, will preach in the United church next Sunday in the interests of the Lord’s Day Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner visit ed Rev. and Mrs. Maines, ot Walton recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prance and family visited with jiMr. and Mrs. T. Bullock. Mr. Carmen Woodburn installed a service station line last week. Mrs. Sarah week with Mr. Bend. Mr. Woodrow and neice Mrs. Reck- horn visited Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, of Hensail, last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Luther, of Exeter called on friends here last Friday. «, Miss- Doreen Brophey is recover ing from an attack of measles. Mr, Fred Mason, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. J. Hotson. (Mrs. E. McPherson is on the sick list. for Super-Test gaso- McIntosh spent last S. Pollock at Grand SHiUKA The young people’s meeting was held at the home of Mr. Wm. Ratz on Monday evening last. It was in the form of a social evening. A special program was given after which lunch and ice cream was ser ved. The meetings have been closed for the summer months. Miss Edith Ball visited -over the week-end at the home of Mr. Oliver Amos of Lieury. Mr. Milfred Dietrich of Detroit, visited his parents here on Sunday. Miss Lela’Mollard is at present on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. A five act play entitled “Ten Nights ii Ba^ftoomiS a This youn tetest of thel Community J^ating Rink, in Aberi^FRIPA**J®AY 30th ’Play to commence at 8 p.iril MUSIC BETWEEN ACTS Admission: Adults 35c. children 25c Reservetl Seats 45c. Plan of Hall at Marshall’s Store play is 1 f people •eing put -on by |of Kirkton in tee th© in Seen HalL^Brokton, on; i CENTRALIA Mr. M. Mitchell’s barber shop will be closed for the 24tli of May. * The monthly meeting oi the W. M.S, was held in the church ‘basement on May 20th. Mrs. A. McFalls -and group led the devotional exercises opening with a hymn and Mrs. A. Isaac led in prayer.\ The, scripture lesson 23rd Psalm was.read by Miss R. Wilson, a devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. C. McFalls. A solo was sung by Miss Mildred Mitchell. Mrs. Powe gave a report of the morning session of the W. AT. S. Convention held at Seaforth iand (Mrs. A. McFalls gave the report -of the afternoon ses sion both of which were very inter esting reports. Hymn. The talk on the Study Book was taken by Mrs. A. McFalls. Hymn and benediction. -Mr. and Mrs. P. Sinclair, Windsor, were week-end guests Witn Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, also Mrs. Dur ham, of Brantford who is remaining for a few days. Aliss Laura Knight', . of London, spent the week-end with her parents here. s Miss Helen Hicks, of ..London, spent Sunday at her liome. here. Mr. and Mrs. B. Fletcher) of Elim* ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fletcher. (Mr. Bruce Mitchell had the mis fortune to fall One day last week from the roof of Mr. Wm. Gibson’s barn while shingelling it. He re ceived several injuries but no bones were broken. KHIVA Inspector Beacom, of Goderich, visited the school here on Monday. Miss Dorothy Dietrich is spending a few weeks with friends near Zu-, rich. Mr. .and Airs. Art Willert ’and fam ily spent Sunday with friends near Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder spent Friday in London, visiting the lat ter’s father, who is ill in* Victoria Hospital.- • Mr. Alex Neeb atrenced . cne .Con servative meeting in London oh day. • , Mrs, Gordon McDonald,1 of borne, visited her parents Mr. Mirs. Alex Neeb on Friday. •. Fri- MT. CARMEL • Mrs. Gus. Morrissey underwent an operation at Sit.- Joseph’s Hospital- on Friday. Mrs.- Morrissey is doing- as well .as- can be expected. Mr, Alack Cohan, of Detroit, call ed on. Friends Sunday. A number from this neighborhood attended tlfe graduation exercises of St. Joseph’s School of nursing at St. Peter’s Parish Hall, London, on Wed nesday,, Alay 21st there being twenty- one in the plaSS. The many friends congratulate Alisses ‘Alice Mathilda Dietrich 'and, Atari© Lillian Regan be ing in the number. -Mr/Joseph Ragier entertained his many friends on Wednesday evening with a dance. All report a splendid time. ” ' Mrs. Thomas Breen is seriously ill at, St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. J -Mr., and Mrs. Kenneth McNeil, of Delhi,, spent the week-end with the latter’s mother Airs. Breen. HARPLEY and Mrs. Otte Hume, of De troit, visited over tile week-end at Mi*. Wm. Hayter’s. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hickey, of Mr. KIRKTON Quite a number from here attend ed the Anniversary Services at Woodham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Batten, of Stratford, called on friends, here this w^ek.; Dr. Garence Jose motored to Bel leville on Wednesday. - Mr. Ernest Dpupe, pfA Windsor, Spent a few days'- with ■*'his brother Wilfred Doupe, c ■' Miss Alethia Switzer underwent an operation for appencicitis in the Stratford hospital. We hope to see her home again soon. The congregation the United churclf are 'busy ‘improving the ap pearance of the church grodnds. Mrs.' George’Essery, of Loiidon, is ill in Dr.\ Fletcher’s Hospital suffer ing with blood poison in her She is improving. . fhce. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE : . First Halt 24 th—Exeter at Grand/Bend 30th-—Exeter at Lucan-X;’, 3 0—Grand Bend" at Parkhill 3td—Grand Bend at,LhcriRt 6 th—-Lucan at Bend;7 „...—Exeter at 'ParShiH; \ : I May May May June June iJune<>6tli- ........... H| , June 10th—Parkhill at, $3xefer'v June 10—Grand Behd^at Thedfor^ June 13th—-Exeter at’Thedford". June 18th—~Parkhiir‘'at*' Lucan ■’ June 17th—-Parkhill-at Thedford June June June June June July .. _ _____ _ July 4th—Lucan at Exeter ? July 4th—Thedford at Parkhill July 7th—Thedford at Luca^h ' 17tli—Grand Bend at Exeter 20 th—'Lucan at Thedford 24—-Parkhill at Grand Berid 24th—Thedford at Exeter 27th—Lucan at Parkhill 1st—Theford at Grand Bend BOXING BOUTS ‘Miss Pearl Ceilly and friend ofIFairview, Mich., spent the week-end Lucan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Al-1at Mr. jos. Hickey’s. d,day evening at the’Opera Hous/About 250 were present Satur* bert Mitchell on Sunday. Miss Ada Mitchell of Byron, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fletcher, of Ex eter, spent Sunday with Mr, ’and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. The anniversary services of the Centralia United ChitrCh were held oil Sunday last with a large con gregation both morning and evening. Special music was rendered by the choir including a solo, “Open the Gates of ‘the Temple” by <Mrs. ROy Fletcher. The services Were con* ducted by Bev. .Sinclair of HehSalL. Mr. Sinclair is a former pastor this charge and his many friends always pleased to see him. Of are Mrs. Alfred (Miller, of Detroit, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Hayter’s later returning to Detroit with Mrs. Mark Miller. Mr? and Mrs. Wm. Love, Ruth arid Helen visited With relatives in Sar nia on Sunday. We are glad to hear that Mrs. G. Sherritt has returned from the hos pital. Come and dine at Grand Bend united church on May 24tn. Supper served from 5 to 8.3tf. Ham and scalloped potatoes with all the extras. Admission 50c. for adults and 206.’ for "children under 12-. > 11 'wiiiurii'ib.Uui.i, i'.ii iliiji'ftlittii1 THE LATE DABU'S' WINDSOR Darius Windsor, a resident of 2nd concession, McGillivray Town ship, passed away at his home oii Sullday. tie is .survived by hi§ Wife, Mary Margaret Bunt. The funeral Services was held at the residence on Tuesday at % o-clock with: interment »in Mar’s Hill cemetery. ' the and witnessed the boxing bout put on between Y.M.C.A. boxers and it number from Exeter. There were m number of bouts and in the majority of cases the London boys had, it ovef: the Exeter boys. Wm. Dunlop, Lon don, defeated L Ford, Exeter; Arth ur Rook, London,'.and J* Thomson, Exeter, drew* Walter Matthews, Ex eter, defeated Walter Sageman, Lon don, by a technical k.o, in the first round. Oi Boole) In a bout*full of ac- tibmi- defeated H. McIntosh, Exeter, Jack Sommerviile,' London lost to B. Cousins; Exeter,, on a* foul. J.'Wdbb(London, and Eastwood of Zurich* fought* a dtawv' Jack p&oyc© Y*M.U.A. t^alm&L five exhibit ion rounds with IL Clark, Exeter and W- Matthews Exeter. John** McDowell Lucan,; 0. Rook, Loiidon,and W. Dunlop, London, also boxed exhibit ion rounds with Boyce. . These de lighted the crowd. j'; Boyce and W* MattheSvs refereed Ute bouts. The Exeter Club .has joined the Ontario’ Association. Walter Mat thews will be trainer. DDD JOr the sev r forms eczema e fliiid that washes into the doctor's formula with a bril, iaffrecord. Itching stops instantly clear stainless treatment pene- hies the sick tissues, W. S. HOWEY, DIWGGIST