The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-22, Page 4r ♦THURSDAY, MAY 22, 103Q HE'S NEVER SEEN EQUAL OF SARGON ■*Tn ispite of tonics and spec^.1 <reatments I took, I steadily lost? in .(Strength and energy and I keptj^o- ■Aijg down hill. I suffered from HKlJOHN ^digestion and bilious s <y passed, a day w It couldn’t half sle ;iip mornings complMel l'^our bo.ttl.es of Sar®n jappetite, my weight^ -ten. pounds, I sleep jnore strength and en® liad in years. In my .jiothing to compare wit s and hard- headache, would get fagged out. estored my increased and have than I’ve on there’s _ „.r,__ _______A.__ _ . argon! Sargon PRls put my liver in fine ^working order and rid me of con­ stipation.”—e John „ Harrison,wellirnown farmer, Woodbridge, Ontar- Sargon may be obtained in '.ter at Wesley S. Howey’s. (advertisement) Exe- LOCAL NEWS / !■ ' •'? Chevrolet Garage last week deliv­ ered five new Chevrolet trucks to the ^Shamrock ^Creamery : at Centralia. •Mrs. Butler, of .London, visited for -a few days last week" with her sister ■«Mrs. Harvey Perkins and other're­ latives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey, of Zurich, jand Miss Grace Pepper and Miss G. Amber, of Hensall, spent Sunday with -®Ir. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Durdle, of Walkerville, motored over and spent xa. few days with Mrs. J. G. Jones and other relatives in this community. LOCAL NEWS * Mr, and Mrs. Jack Simmons, of .Chiselhurst, and Mr, and Mrs. Van Horn, of. Clinton, visited with Mr and Mrs, Wm, Ryckiiian on Sunday. Dr. W. and Mrs. Harrison, of Detroit* motored over and spent the week-end’ , with relatives in r town bringing with them Mrs, Ellen Coul- tis, who lias spent the winter there. Mr, Earl Spackman, a former Ex­ eter boy who' has been manager of the Bank of Montreal at Westport, near Ottawa, has been transferred to Tweed, Ont, A number of Masons from community were in Stratford on urday attending a ceremony connection with the Jaying of corner stone for the new Masonic Temple. *• Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Roulston are spending this week ?n Toronto where the doctor is attending the annual Dental convention. Mrs. . W. J, Beer accompanied them and’ is visit­ ing relatives. •Most of the farmers have complet­ ed .tlieii' spring seeding and in cases where the seed was in early there has been remarkable growth. The heavy' rains of the past week have held up work: on the land. Mrs. Arthur Mack, of St. Marys (nee Miss Priscilla Penwarden) daughter of Mr. Albert Penwarden, of Usborne, is seriously ill in Strat-' ford ..General Hospital suffering from sleeping sickness. A few cases of measles have de­ veloped in the north end of the vil­ lage and the houses are under quar- intine. Medical Health Officer re­ ports that these are the first cases of infectious diseases during the year. The Dome Rink1 has peen fitted up with 12 sets of pins for pitching horseshoes and the horseshoe pitch­ ers can be seen almost any day en­ joying this healthful exercise. A horseshoe tourament with liberal prizes will be held in the Dome Rink May 24 th. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beavers and Miss Alice Beavers visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthyr Beavers at Goderich last Wednesday, Mrs, B. W. F. Beav­ ers also motored up with them and visited with friends and attended some of the sessions of the W.M.S. Mr. W. F. McDonald, also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kaufman, of Detroit, mo- tored ov.er on Thursday last and vis­ ited several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, the ladles being sis­ ters. They returned to Detroit on Monday last. A number from this community were in London Friday last attend- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Of ars Theatre Conv in the Hensail Ladies are ay 29 th this Sat­ in the Several pt present and! Three deleg n tion Admission Officers Approved U FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 23rd anil 24th Progressives Liberal Con of South rvatjves uron UGLAS FAIRBANKS. Town Hall laughs, on bne guaydsmi love and times of ETHERS thousand sps, crowd up* ■g ranqe fights for iring the glorious THREE MUSiKr usand thrill thousands si uother as /lie most daring n of all own try COMEDY 0/& 40c. including tax ing the annual meeting of the West-! ern Ontario Conservative Association. The principal speakers were^Hon. R. B. Bennett, Federal Conservative Leader; Hon. G. H- Ferguson, Prem­ ier of1 Ontario and Dr. R. J. Manion, M. P., of Fort WiUmm. It was one I of the greatest political gatherings ever held in London. The Exeter Branch of the Cana­ dian Legion B.E.S.L. met Monday evening. The temporary officers ap­ pointed some time ago were elected for the ensuing year with the fol- ■lowing exceptions: Dr. W. E. Weekes was elected first vice-president in plgce of Mr. iMcKinnon who is leav? ing town. Mr. Geo. Thompson a member of' the executive resigned and Mr. Wm. Sims was elected in his stead. Mrs. Wilfred Lawson is moving in­ to the. residence she recently pur­ chased from the estate of the late Mrs. Ford and Mr. Tlios. Coates is moving into, the residence to be cated by Mrs. Lawson. ndidate to contest ith Huron at the eral Election oming year will this meeting nt‘speakers will ress the Convention will vote from each ; poll. jecially requested to attend. meeting, at 1 o’clock GOD SAVE THE KING Robt. Higgins Col. H, M. Coombes Secretary President To nominate a the ri ng of ling F r the Executive be be To Thu Also a C didate for t tion will be and place. The meetin W. G. Medd M; Wm. Annual meeting o£ the June 5 0 p.m. tion to select a cam ming Federal Elec- d at' the same time 9 Political Progress! of South Will be he va- BRIDE HONORED Previous to leaving Windsor her new home in London Mrs. J. A. Christie (nee Miss Dorothy Patter­ son) was presented with a half dozen knives, forks and spoons in the Com­ munity plate by the staff of the Un­ derwriters’ Association where she was employed. The C. I. X. present­ ed her with a Pyrex pie plate with silveir base. A linen shower was given by the girls of her club and-a miscellaneous shower by a number of friends. On Saturday evening a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Windsor, when Mr. and Mrs. Christie were the re­ cipients of many beautiful presents. for e Association nron in tne Hensall -ill be addressed by A. Black, President Administrator’s Sale LIBERALS ... . A_ ANNUAL MEETlfG AND NOMINATING CONVENTION — of — REAL ESTATE and HOUSEHOLD • EFFECTS The undersigned has been instruct ed to sell by Public Auction -at the' residence of the late CHARLES B. illage of HENSALL AY 28th SNELL on Ann St., in the Exeter, on .' SATURDAY, MAY ■at' 1.30 p.m.the following, valuable HOUSEHOLD EFFEC HIGHLAND C Monday to Bherwoodjprock’S, a|. Winchelsea, for night. Tuesday to Thos. Bsflantyne’s fo»ij and Wm. iSImfion’s, Bounty ! sday to Wqflter Madge’s foij ' d WM. NoJEhcott’s, Hay fo£ s. Beaver’s, Sai^ night. J Sharon home. I ?13f00 payable February noon; ary for night1. Wedi noon; a night. Thiirs epta for Friday bylway TERMS 1st, 1931, Johp Col ’roprietor & Manage^ ’ U' “IT COURT OFliEVISION VILLAGE? j I NOJJTCE IS HERl^fJY GIVEN tha^ a -uou.m pursuant tot The Oltario Voteiaf Lists Act, bjf His Hofciour the Jijrse °£the County Court i Town Hall, Exet of Jun hear an errors a List of lage of OF EXETER a the Coui^pr of Huron at tlier , Monday, 2nd da# 1930, 8 p.m. o’clock t# line complaints of ssions in the Voters’* ’nicipality of the Vil-. for 1930. j JOS. SENIOR | of the Municipality ’of the Village of ExetejS’’ A,joint annual meting of Liberal As­ li Huron will be i Hall; Hensall, on for the purpose of and iat the same will be selected for eral Election. ill be addressed by mcmillan, m.p. d others VE THE KING ffpeers, Dr. J. W. Shaw, cEwen, Sec. Officers, T. Shilling- Pres., J. 'M. Govenlock, iSec’y. stations of So he Ma'* 28th, 1930, electing officer) timeW Candida the coming F The Meeting; MR.1THO Federal Pres., J. A Provincial law, TENDERS WANTED roperty ______________ ____ —1 Ches­ terfield set, fancy table,©Heintzman piano, 1 oval table, 1 Westinghouse 6-tube radio, 1 ,dining<’oom table, 6 dining-room chairs, arm chair, 1 Oak B cabinet, 1 new Raymo chine, pictures, 1 ele Good Cheer oven he 1 table, dishes, 1 h 3-burne and ov boiler, 1 hall ____ ... goleum iug, several mattress® and sprii 2 chairs _____1 set, lawiF mower, Tudor, c many otl NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3 NOTICE IS .HERE® GIVEN that all creditors and others having,, claims against the estate of CHAR­LES B. SNELL, late^of the Village ofi" Exeter, in the Coun#y of Hur on,Cone­ tractor, twho died - Lki of'Deceinber 192f, are required to- forwardltheir eta the und cond da AND EN that ministra proceed ----------- — --- - - -ing regald o/ily to the claims .of which haith ’............ CLAIM THAT CLAIMS NIZED. THE ONL ____ ____________SURROGATE COURT TO REPREh SENT THE ESTATE. DATED at Exeter, this 12th da# of May, A.D., 1930. GLADMAN. & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall Administrator’s^olicitorif rockers, 1 et, 1 book sewing ma­ rie range, 1 ar, 2 clocks, d washer, 1 'ion oil stove pb'oard, jars, ase, 1 settee, rpet, rug, Con­ edroom suites, , small table, igs, 1 chamber . iar, Ford 1929, ly gonejF4000 miles, and r articl REAL New Perfe tools, |oal, garden irror, stair several n the .second jdajf ___ ___. s duly proven tor signed /n or before the so? 130. ?IS FURTHER GJV- e said date the Ad* r wi/i Will annexed', will distribute the estate lrav- OTIC shall have notice. WILL PLEASE NOTE* DVIOUS FILING OF/ LL NOT BE RECOG- E UNDERSIGNED ARB ONES. AUTHORIZED BYo. ’1 e dec n th STATE he residence pro­ sed being West of North side of Ann Residence property y Dr. Steiner being ”, and East 1-3 “I”, Sit., Exeter. —Residence property as Hospital being nd 5, East side of jr. z 4—Garage property by Mr. Milo Snell, be- 5 and 18 East side of ter. t 5—-Store property now ■ Messrs. Frank Coates “ £31 o' T n f f and^'H”, West and North side of Tenders for the biding of a School House ^at S. are being cabled in by . Saturjia Plans and s at Mr. Geo. j/bpburn’s, Sec’y.-Tfeas., Crediton, R5 R. No. 1, phone 26-2, ■Crediton. new’ No. 1, Stephen, Or, tenders to be June 7th, 1930. Rations may be seen NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ . GIVEN that and pothers having, ist the esftate of THOMP- NOTICEh-IS HERE! all creditors claims agai __ _ _ . SON MURDOCK, laje of the Village of Hensall, ®n the $ounty Of Huron,. Livery Sta on the seve 19'30, are r claims duly signed on oi of June A.D AND NOT EN that afte cutrix will p estate havin claims of whi notice. DATED at of May, A.D., GLADMAN & STANBURY Parcel perty of t Main St'., St., Exete Parcel now occu West 1-3 North side Parcel lately occ parts Lots Main St'., Parcel now occup ing part/L Main St., Parcel N occupied.b and John Stanbury, being Lots “C” and ?parts ' “I”' side of Main St., Ann St., ^xeter. Parcel No. 6—'Store and office property now occupied by Grant' & Son and others, being Lot 1, West side of Main St., Exeter. All these properties are well con­structed, centrally located and de­ sirable as residences and business places. TERMS OF CHATTELS—CASH TERMS OF REAL ESTATE 10 per cent, of purchase price on day of sale, and balance in '30. days without interest. Substantial amounts may be left on the properties by ar­ rangement. Possession will be sub­ ject to existing tenancies. There Will be a reserved bid on all real estate. Further particulars add condi­ tions of sale will be made known at sale or may be had meantime from JOHN ROWE, Administrator, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer { GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter Ont., Solicitors for Administrator. .the IMPORTANT BASEBALL MEETING AT HENSALL 5-22-2tc. SEALED TENDERS addressed f be accompanied ue oil a charter- the ‘order of the ■ivories, equal to e amount of the the Dominion of f the Canadian mpany will also will no n prii artme nditi be considered lin­ 'd forms supplied and in accord- . conialned tliere- ot be superstructurein Uconcrete; ‘There will be a meeting of Huron and Perth Baseball League at Hensall, tonight, at 7.30 for a re-or­ ganization and drawing of schedule. Exeter, Hensall, Clinton and Gode­ rich, are assured entries, several other clubs are interested and it is probable a six-club circuit will be formed to play O.B.A.A. intermed­ iate section “B” series. The baseball clubs mentioned ab6ve and others attending; will have sufficient representatives present’, as it is proposed to .appoint a commit­ tee to draw the schedule while the meeting is in session and have it adopted previous to adjournment. 3 Proprietor, who died th d uire of .March A.D., to forward theiiy n to the under? ■e the second day _J. IS FURTHER GIV- e said date the Exe- ied to distribute then ■egard only to the- she then shall have: Exeter, this 12th da^ 1930._ __________ 'A. , 3^ VZ A* JU i Exeter and Hensall Solicitors for Execi^risJ. ” 1NOTICE TO CREDIT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV/iJN that and others' estate of of the Vill all creditors claims against MORGAN, late____. ter, in the Cou lty of Hu ,who died on tl.e 15th.A.D., 1930, are require ______ their claims dr ly provtfh to the un­dersigned on < r befo/e the second: having. ACHAEL e of Exe- n, Widow,, y of Aprils to forward beernsse of im provements ower engine To these must be added the principal fac­ tors in Pontiac’s quite exceptional smooth­ ness . * » the harmonic balancer which counteracts torsional vibration in the: crankshaft . . . the new type of rubber mounting which insulates the engine from, the frame. See the Pontiac Big Six. Arrange for a real test on the road. Then, when you are con­ vinced of Pontiac’s outstanding value * . . Use the G.M.A.C., General Motors’ own j deferred payment plan. TNSPECTION of the Pontiac Big Six A reveals a number of advanced features which enable Pontiac’s big engine to deve­ lop maximum power with remarkable ease and smoothness. For instance, the engine, itself, is the largest in any six priced so low. A carburetor of latest design is equipped With an accelerating pump to assure rapid pick-up and full power at high speeds . . . and an automatic'spark control enables the engine to operate efficiently under all conditions. BIG SIX WOhtJCT OFOENERALMCTOHi OF LlMl-(EX> M 3 3ftIT CAN AD I A* N the undersigned, and endorsed “Ten­ der for - South Pier Reconstruction, Goderich, Ont.”, will be received un­ til 12 o’clock nciOn (daylight saving) Friday, June G, 11)30, tor the (recon­ struction of tlie superstructure of the South Pier, in^concreth, for a length of 300 feet,^’t Goderich, Hu­ ron County, Ont. Plans and form contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at at the offices of tj eer, Customs Buili Toronto. Builders I structio Toronto, Goderich,! Ont. Tender less made •by the D :aiice with iii. Each ten by an accept ed bank, pay Minister of P 10 per cent, o tender. Bonds Canada or bond National Railway be accepted as security, or bonds aiid a cheque if requited to make up an <5dd amount. NOTE—-Blue prints can be ob­ tained at this Department by deposit­ ing ah accepted cheque for the sum of $20.00, payable to the ordet of the Minister of Public Works, which Will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. t By order, N, DR STARDINS, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 16, 1930 'f4 Industri nt., als Ethis Department, re District Engin­ ing, London, Oiit. atchange and Con- , 1104 Bay St., t the Post .Office. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “Ten­ der for North Pier ^reconstruction, Goderich, Ont,”, will be receive di un­ til 12 o’clock n-jon (SayJlght saving) Friday, June (!, 1930, for the ^con­ struction in concrete, of the Super­ structure of the North Pier^for a length of 484 f.eet, at Goderi^i, Hu­ ron County, Gift. Plans and fotin -of contra seen and specj,^cation and tender obtafne,* at the offices ear, Customs Toronto Build struction Ind Toronto, Ont., Goderich, Ont; Tenders will less made on by the Depar-ti With condition' Each tender ied by an accep tered bank pay The Minister of to 10 per cent, tender. Bonds Canada or bond National Railway be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if -required to make up an odd amount. NOTE—-Blue prints call be ob­ tained at this Department' by deposit­ ing an accepted cheque for the sum ■of $20.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Rub.lic Works, which Will be returned if the intending bidder submit a regular bid. By order, H. DESJARDINS, Secretary Department of Public Works, .Ottawa May i6, 1930 mted nt an at this. D f the Dist uilding,, L rs Excnan tries. Iso at th F^ can be rms of artment, t Engin- don, Ont. and Con- Bay St., ost Office, nsidered un- rms supplied in accordance ned therein, be accompan- que on a char- o the order of ic Work's, equal e amount of the he Dominion of f the Canadian ornpany will also claims of which notice. DATED at' E day of May, A.H. GLADM iD., IS ie sr day of June, A AND NOTIC1EN that after t cutors will prpi eed qstate having ' reg■eg th 0. RTHER GIV- •date the Exe- distribute the only to the then shall have r, Ont., this 12tll 1930. & STANBURY ter and/Hensall v Executors/’ Solicitor^- NOTJCE TO CREDITORS ---------------- ' GIVEN that: crecKtors and /others having NOTIOE IS' HERE claims afainst the/state of MARY ANN REICH ART, Jate of the Village* of Hensa|l, in th County of Huron, Married roman/ who died on the* ^.y^ of January >A;.Dj,r. ......; - the under-orJ*e£ei’e the second day; E IS FURTHER GIV- the said date the Exe- foched to distribute the, igard only to the* iic.h he then shall have/ 1930. amrequja'cd to forward their claims 'duty p - - - signed on! of June A AND N( EN that a cutor will estate hay claims of notice. dated ............. May, A.D., 1930, GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter and Hensall • Executor’s Solicitors- of Cour Roll will Town day, '1 p.m. N Cour Roll hold Mall day at Exeter, this 12th day, COURT REVISION OF USBORN1 0 iereby given that a'; isiOn of the Assessment Township of U^borne- its first meeting in tjie' Hall Elimville. on Satur- 31sto 1930 at three o’clock Henry Strang, Clerk Hensall, R« R, No- $ TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COURT OF ice is 1 of Revis £ the ISION its f given that a the Assessment nship of'Stephen Will meeting im th’e Town cm, oft Monday; the 26th » ht 1 o’elock’ p.m*Henry Eilber; Clerk ' Crediton, p? w, OxtL