The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-15, Page 8THURSDAY. MAY 15, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 4'AM'EH st. W- AL s. An interesting, meeting was held on Thursday, iM'ay the sth in James St, church when the W.M.S. was vis­ ited by some twenty-six members of the Elimville Auxiliary. The meet­ ing opened in the usual way con­ducted by the president of James 8t, AV.ALS. a,s was also the business part. of the meeting. A splendid pro­ gram was provided by a number of the visitors with their president AIts. C. Johns in the chair as leader. The Scripture lesson was read by, Airs. R. D. Hunter. Two fine and appropriate readings were given by Airs, March and. Airs. C. Johns. Some fine musical numbers were also well ♦rendered, a duet by Mrs. E. Johns and Miss May Clark and a trio by Airs.- (Rev.) White, Mrs, E. Johns and Aliss Clark; ’Miss Clark also"sang a. ^beautiful solo. The bright and happy manner of presenting the pro­ gram was very inspiring and was certainly enjoyed by all present. At the close of the meeting the James St. members served lunch and a so­ cial timp was enjoyed, Exeter Markets Wheat $1.05 Oats 50c. Barley 60c, Manitoba Flour $4t£5Alodel Flour $3.85 Pastry Flour $3.40 Feed Flour 40.00 a ton Shorts $1.85 Bran $1.85 Creamery Butter 37a, Dairy HgS'P, Eggs» Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. John Creery, of Alvinston, ill with pneumonia at the home IS ...... ....... ... .... __ of his brother Mr, Josiah Creery, of Us- ljc*rne. The W. M. S. Branch Convention of the London Conference was in session Tuesday and Wednesday at Goderich. The delegates from the south Ptesbyterial who attended were Mrs. Anthony, Thames Roady Miss J. Murray and Mrs. Moorehoj a Butter 32-3Be. extras 26 c, firsts 23c, seconds 20c. $10.75 Rev. L RcrimrA Rlioac^ * Minister Miss Lena Coates, Organist SACRAMENT SUNDAY 10 a.m.”—Sfunday School 11 a.m.—-Holy Communion. Grace of Gratitude.” 7 p.m.—-“The Need of the Interpre­ter,” On Friday evening at 8 o'clock the Preparatory Service will be held. ? 3 7 or don Wri mal W.C it. chprthe NaL James May 21s will be town, winners! campaism. Mr. Ri . . . . providewm music come. , President of will speak gt on Wednesday, •Other speakers ministers of the these addresses the ie recent Temperance ’ill receive their prizes, ouldjng and others will Everybody wel- 2tc. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W, R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m.—“Go ye and Pentecost” 3rd- in the series on Pentecost. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Rev. C. F. Clarke, Ph. B., of North Street United Church Goderich, will have charge of the service. Mr. Clarke will be accompanied by his choir who will furnish special music. Don’t fail to hear these vis­itors. 11 Birds A tractive sorted ; Ross-TaylorCo., Ltd s If yon hi A NEW STOCK O CHESTERFIELD SUITES WE HAVE THEM IN LANCr AND •RVICE Mutual fife of Canada ... *Life, Fire, Automobile, Etc</ The Club Sedan The Sport Coupe The Sedan . " - _ , , The Sport Sedan Roadster or Phaeton (Six Tvirervhcels itandard) ry, Oshawa. Taxes, bumpers and spate tire extra, tie of Commercial Cars and Trucks from $495 up. comfortable. And it offers extra-long springs — Lovejoy shock absorbers, front and rear—adjustable driver’s seat — deeper cushions — and wider seats. Interiors are complete with the finest fabrics and fitments.’ Choose Chevrolet for Safety— assured by ■ weatherproof four-wheel brakes—rear-mounted gasoline tank —n.on-glare windshield^—ball-bearing steering mechanism—foot-controlled til ting-beam headlamps. Choose Chevrolet from every standpoint —low price, low operating cqsts, high re-sale value, and greater depend­ ability. Call us up for a Chevrolet ride, today. Prove for yourself that it is wise to choose this Six! Ask about the G.M.A.C., General Motors’ own plan of convenient payments. CHOOSE Chevrolet for «hooth- ness! Only six cylinders give six-cylinder smoothness, Ap'd Chev­ rolet is the lowest-priced of six cylinder cars--~easily withip^the reach of all who can buy any Choose Chevrolet for It is a Six—and the most j: in its field—yet it uses n line, no extra oil! It costs tires or service! And from vibration means Io John Ward and sons spent the ■end in London, . Grant Sanders, of- Toronto, Airs, week- Mr. ... was home over the week-end. ' The Erie Oil Company have erect­ ed a new sign on their premises. . Air. AV. A. Patrick', of Toronto, vis­ ited in Exeter over the week-end. Mr. Frank 'Taylor was in Toronto the forepart of the week on business. Mr.. V. L. Roulston, of London, spent Sunday and Monday at hjs liome here. Miss Dorothy Snell, of St. Thomas, is visiting with her parents, Air. and Airs. J. 0. Snell. Mr. Samuel Chambers has moved Into the residence of Mr. C. Atwood on Simcoe Street. Aliss L. Walper, of Romeo, ,AIi<?h., spent the Aveek-end with her mother and brother in. town. Mr,, and Airs. • K. L. Werner- of London, spent the week-end visiting with Airs. D. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Merkley, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Geo. Etherington. "Airs. W. R. Goulding, spent a few days last week in Stratford taking in the musical festival. Air. and' Mrs. Al Ingram, of De­ troit, .spent the week-end with the latter’s mother Airs. Hardy. ATr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, spent the week-end visiting with his sister Aliss Hettie Sweet. / Mrs. Alaurice Coates, of Usborne, who has been ill for several months us now able to be out of bed. 5 Mr. Adam Case, who has spent the Avinter in Toronto, has returned to town for the summer months. M’rs Wm. Pfaff returned Sunday after spending a. week in London with Mr.; and (Mrs. Robt. Love. Air. and Airs. Wesley Dearing,. Aliss. Greta, Donald and Miss Nellie B^keV spent Sunday in Dorchester. Air. Fred Delbridge, of Usborne, who has been seriously ill was ablp to sit up. Alonday for the first time. Mr. and Mrs. .F. H. Neil-, of Lon­ don, have been visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Aliss Reta Rowe visited for a few days last, week with Miss Ella Jones, of Stratford, and took in the musi­ cal festival. Rev. W. B. Cunningham and little ' Betty, of Afillbank," are visiting, this • week iii town. Air, Cunningham is 'attending the Synod in London. Alessrs. E. C. Afoir and W. A, El­ liott motored up from St. Catherines and spent the week-end in town. Aliss Helen Stanbury was home from Toronto and Mr. Kenneth Stanbury from London for Afothers’ 1930 Day. From this d^t6;j.,i w® not be -re- . Afisses Gladys Hunkin, Muriel sponsible for’'an^^debts t/hat my I HowaId and Alarjorie ^Westcott, of wife, Kathiline? Mefflihger makes in T ' my name. Joseph','Meidinger. Dr, Roulston wishes to. that he will be absent fro tai Office next week May 19 th, wlfilst att nual Dental Gonv His assistant! Mis. the office to am. work reauirif on his returiL lounee hjs Den- ommencing ing the an­ ti at Toronto, ood, will be in appointments for immediate attention A REAL BARGAIN Edison’ diamond , was four to sell for he thing fey FOR QUICK SALE; cabinet phonograph wi needle and thirty recor hundred doil^r inacli forty dollars; school. | One cabinfst ponograph just as .good as neufw quick sale ffif ion guarantt Rabefhge, Jl dozen records for dollars. Sattsfac- Apply to. Mr. Fred er, Exeter^Ont. FOR SALE—Cream corned wick­ er carriage in first-claps condition. Apply to Times-AdymsSate. ;^-15-2tc. WAITED—-Farm .worfTh experienced young Iman. j. Times-Advocate. LjZ by an in- Apply to ■5-15-2tc. Cattle wanted io/Spakture. Apply ’ ' " ' ' - ' "" P.O;ltp. to John Penhale, Laki^Rd, Hay ' UY' ----------------------- FOR SALE—Rpgistejpd dual pose Shorthorn-uhlves'i'about a old.v Apply to "Gpo..JHunter I, Centralia, r' pur- year - _, „ _ - , No.’phojWliirkton 39r2r”tZ' 5—15-810’’ R, . FOR SALE—A F^r/ car, condition; .also a gentleman1 in, good ., . _ .. ______, s wheel,and a number of ta'uit genis all sizes. Apply to K. J, SiiJlS. I J 'Cjoftage • for £aj?e> ■ ji®rr three’ lots pf • land. | /hon'f enings. I/' arn, .garage1 hone 163 ev- z LOST—A black, mare^y years old, broke away fromfe biufch -of horses. Anyone ‘knowing! h^f whereabouts fcindly inform G. &yDow or^Times- Advocate. - . ffn HOUSE -FOR tage on south sidelof Exeter, with’two l<|ts stable on property; & Morley. * .LE—J3rick cot- ron Street, land. Good pply Carling # 2tc. ------- GLADIOLI BULBS Choice mixed1? buyfe at 3c. Garnet Heywood, $5xeter 5- NQflCE^. Bxeter, &ay 3 each. ■8-2tc. FOR Toledo, J. H. B SALE—Firdiess cooker, 3 section,. ft ‘e of Mr •owning. f 5-8-2tc.V-4—FOR SALE—Ga.sol.i4e three burn­ er stove.-. Apply at T^nes-Advocate. LOWING CINO for reasonable TftAQTQ AND Distance no ob amount of work Apply to W. "Bra MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. 3. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, L a.in.—“A Jubilee Celebration The story of out ^nurch work in Africa. p.m.—Our Church School p.m.—“The Taste’’ 3rd in the series. p.m.—Thursday, Midweek service of praise. JI 3 7 8 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J, Fenton, R.A., Rector Miss K. M. -MacFauI, Organist Fourth Sunday After Easter a.m.—Holy Communions 11 a.m.-—Morning prayer and ser­ mon. Subject.- '‘Standing or Falling Christians.’’ p.m.—Sunday School and Con­ firmation Class. p.m.—Evensong add sermon. Sub­ ject: “When the Summer Comes.’’ 3 7 Choose Chevrolet for Chevrolet Six gives ..Fisher and quality in Choose Chevrolet Betause it is a Six, Ch itomobile. Conomy! werful car sxtra gaso- b more for :s freedom life. hauty! The _ ’u body by the world’s Standard of l$achcraft. r comfort! rolet is more zive Six-cylinder smoothness ' - $810 . -Six cyl The SporiCRoadster The Conpii. - - The Coach^ - - The Super Sport- Roadste {Six wir&'hccls standard prices at fa Jffi complete Miss ^Nona Chambers, of London, was home over the week-end. Miss Jean Walker of London, spent Mother’s Day at her home here. "Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders and son Aljoe .spent Sunday in Stratford. Miss Grace Lanigan, of Regina, •Sask., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Samson McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. H. Westlake, of’Us- borne, are occupying the home .of Miss Horney on Main St. .for a few weeks. Mr. Westlake has not been in good health and has been ordered to take a rest. The dance put on in the Opertt House on Friday 'evening of last week was largely attended despite the fact that the evening was very warm. The Wingham Vagabonds provided the music. R.ev, Harold E. Wright, who has been taking a special course at To­ ronto University is returning to Baysville in the Muskoku District, along with Mrs. Wright to take his charge in connection with the Unit-, ed church. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney and Patsy Russel were in London Sun­ day and spent the afternoon at Springbank in company with Mrs., Rose Russell, of Byron. This is Mrs. Russell’s firbt time at Springbank since going to Byron over a year ‘ago. Rev. D. McTavish and the choir of Janies Street United Church will go to Goderich Sunday evening to con­ duct the service at North Street Un­ ited Church. Rev. Mr. -Clark and his choir from North Street Church Goderich, will conduct the services in James Street Church the same evening. . : Miss Gwendloyn de Cou, a native of Strathroy and a sister •of Mrs. Complin, of town, has resigned her position as nurse in charge of. the BUtterick building, New York .City, has left to assume her new duties in a similiar post in the Standard Oil Hospital in Barrancas, Columbia, South America. The average temper* ■ature there is 107 in' the shade. Growth has been wonderful dur­ ing the past week. The grass, the’ trees and the blossoms are all mak­ ing splendid headway. Grass ’and clover is about as far ahead as it was about the same time in June last year. Most of the cattle wore put out to pasture during the past. wee,k which comes as a welcome re­lief to the farmers, in a number of cases feed was getting short. WE HAVE AN UP-TO STOCK Oft FURNITU SELLIN LOWEST TO SU|T THE /IMES AMB FUN AT THE AND RY OSSIBLE^PRICES ILO SNELL, EXETER, ONT. cDonell, Hensail, Ont., Assoc. Dealer * Fritz, Zurich, Ont., Associate Dealer BECAUSE London were week-end visitors in . town. I Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parkinson, I of St. Marys, visited the former’s a, mother, Mrs. D. Parkinson, over the 3- week-end. Mrs. W. E. Gardiner, of visited with her parents M'rs. Samuel Parsons 1 Mother’s Day. Mr. David and (Mr. Henderson, Canadian National operators, of-Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grant Sunday. Mr. Orville Cann, of Usborne, is preparing to erect a new house to replace the one that was recently destroyed by fire, • Mr. Andrew Hamilton, who has Boell home for several months, was in Detroit for the week-end and has resumed his position. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pym, Mr. and Mrs. ■E. J. Pym and Nona and Misses Myr­ tle, and Lyla Pym spent .Sunday in Wingham with relatives. The James Street Choir will pre­ sent their Operetta “The Gvnsy Queen” in the Town Hall, Hensail to-night (Wednesday.) Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill, of Orange­ville, and Mr. Edward Denny, of Uto­ pia, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Wm. Carrick, Lake Road. Dr. A. and Mrs. And^’son and Son Norman, of London; and Mr, (Dr.) C. McAlister, of Fort WAyne, visited on Saturday with Mi', and Mrs. S'- Fitton of town. The County Council of Bruse have accepted an invitation from the Hu­ron County Council to visit with them one day n't the June session to be held in -Goderich. The work of relaying the ditch on Andrew Street is almost completed.- The ditch .was opened early in thp Spring owing to the flooded .condi­ tions ih tiie cellars along that street. Th© scholars of the public school Wore busy on Friday last planting the school gardens, small plots are allotted the scholars and prir.es are awarded hr the fall for the best lots. Mr, Goo. Hawkins, who disposed Of his fai’m Lot §, Com i, Hay Twp. to Air. Maxwell' Dougall, held a suc­cessful auction sale ot bls farm stock And implements etc., on Friday ■of last wooiL ‘ Miss Mary Grant I<? N., is this week spending ,n few days in Lon­don and while there will attend a .dinner-dance given by the -St, Jo* seph’s Alumnae at the Hotel Lon- , doh* former’s ' Meaford, Mr. and for over iff- Shaw, Elimville. Parties having,, ESrdson tractors in first class shaMc interested in renting same for .’ period of thirty days during Julj^’and August com-. .......’"■1* le manager, ” ” Cahadfan Canndrs, Phones: 20j and 20w s clothing in stock otbCs Sent Every Tuesday TAMAN..ve a roof uS’oblem cal! and [discuss it;J^ith us. C. Shingles all No. 1 in every es are right. If you re luii-Q^asphalt slate for roof or si: ingjfece our sample and pifce# before you buy. •t/Birch siding is very at- /' See sample. Well as- uock of Lumber on hand PHONE 81w Ernest C. Hap^ey general, insura 3 BROKER B. R. office* niunicate iv\th Bartow, __ phone 28, residence 3'6,/ BRICK DWELLING ^O-R' SALE— ’A nbat dtvellihg tvell situated apd in fine condition. given at .once. situated apd in l^bssession c hi be _______ Aiimy to G./<’. Suth­ erland at the Hensani Post Office. FOR crops. Exeter, SALE—Ferfiiliz' r for all Apply to;N./SVniake, R. 1, phone 36r& Dashwood V r// 4-24-tf.... ...... •SALE-—Thoroughbred Herc-FORford hull calf, lsL^onths old. Apply to John HiptzWir.K» i'nw ton, phone 36r&^raditon No. 1, Credi- t 4-iO-tfc Mr. Digiiin i and son have taken th?' agencyUoA Wire Fencing. S<oe them wefbre ^fi^clng your brder. FARM REMT OR FOR SALE —lot CoicessioL &, gtepMh. It has a frispne^houst^ .Jbank thttn and about 20 ■Uhi'^s fa ***- ply to tAJor/ Gl^.dmau. & . house Anu l On VictoriAt, Follow The DON’T STOC CO i ’j’HE NEWEST DESIGNSfAND ploughed. Ap- it, Crediton, or Ont. ’ 1 ' MO-tfc. SALE— It, Hihd 2-20-tfc. > buy a farm , & FlckarA, Exeter. , 118 PEOPLE HAVE BOUGHT A R USED OAR FROM US SINCE JANUARY L 1930. WE HAVE ORDERED 23 NEW 1?O CARS TO BE SHIPPED TO OF MA Y. V1XG USED CARSWLL BE SOLD QUICKLY AT IBS 1929 FpRD ] MODEL A F FORD TCDO FORD TON 1929 CHEVI CHEVROLE WHIPPET OLDSMOBIIJC COUP)’ FORD COA FORD LIGH trim foli RUOK OADSTER RD SPORT C( ACH, lat L1925, TRU 'jit OF OTHER CDEAI’ CARS , THE NEW.SIX AT ..... OK, 11)29, th® new six at nodeb 4. wheel brakes 4 passenger ...... ...... $450.00 ...... $250.00 $100.00 ....... $550.00 ....... $555.00 ....... $350.00 $150.00 ...... $ioo.oo ......... $25.00 SANDY ELLIOT FORD DEALER ’ AND ’ZUHtOtt E. Goods OPPBR j DIRECTOR into dealer ’Hone 99 ' ST COVE ORGET TGFSEE OUR BEFORE LETE I PRIC eliverc OU BUY GE OF atty distance. DOROTHY E. GRASSIER e mlA. , ■ England(Honor GraduatG) Lend Instriictlonjfii Piano, Violin, Studio N* ARC ajt&ony, Theory Street, Box ICO EXETER, ONTARIO^ Miss Etltel Bissell, of Chatham, ■«pent the week-end. at the home of Ma I. H. Carling coal bill CD THE 'DOORS ALSO MWAL SAFETY ADES SHARPENED SINGLE EDGE Sc. DOUBLE EiJGfe ....... 4e. 0/ Guaranteed •I’eiTecfc I w. s. Cole, pruggist save money on y w AGENCYIT’OR (’ AND WNDO4 WHIlTWiMLStRIDViNG TH YOU PRICES. Organ Tlieery Mu^id Id Scbools s UiG<«? Church W. R. CSOULD^G ’ A» OrgahUt James St. lust Piano Voca Studio, Main St. Box 67. Phone frO Hi CbnYrttlttsfer LET US Q >