The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-15, Page 5THE EOTO TIMES-ADVOCATE
Stone are sorry to learn that she is I people, under the direction of Mr-
Honor gradua
Ahdlclne, and. jrfastar pf
JCha Universit^of We
^Camber of Alolle
y ftt
fence, of
rn Ontario,
And Surge/ns
>wq doors/eaBt/l
pf physlpians
Ontario. Office
J?ost Office.
.Hume B
DR. X A.McTAGCykf(T,L.D.s,
Special Izingurf ’late Work
JEelepkonfiUwo Main Street
(Miss Ruby McLaren is confined to
Sher room through illness,
Mrs, Charles Jinks t,. 'week visiting friends in Staffa, ..
Miss Alma Scruton, of London, .spent ’ ...
lie re.Mr,
Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit,
.-spent the week-end with friends in town.
■Mr, and Mrs, 0- Cook’ and son
• Harry spent a day or two in Detroit ■.recently.
Miss Grace Forrest, of London, ‘^pent the week-end visiting; at her
home here.
Messrs Wm. and John. Craig and
Mrs. Hannah Craig are visitin'g
friends in Toronto. '
The Rev. Mr, Irwin, of Centralia,
will occupy the United church pul- jpit on Sunday next.
■ Mr, Lee Hedden left for Ingersoll
on Monday where lie has secured a
position in a garage.
Mrs. Robt. Higgins who has been
in poor heaith for sometime is show
ing some improvement'.
The many friends of Mr. Geo. Fol
licle will be .sorry to hear he is con
fined to his room through illness. •
Mr. John Zuefle is thie week turn
ing out many tomato and cabbage
^plants to his numerous patrons.
, Mrs. David McLean and sister Mrs.
McLavis sept a few days last week
visiting friends in Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White have re
turned home after a few days visit
with friends in (Southampton.
Miss Jean Elder, of London,
spent the week-end at the home' of
iier parents Mr. and Mrs, J. Elder.
Rev. Mt. Arthur .Sinclair will
aareach anniversary in the
United church, Centralia on Sunday aiext. , • v
Miss Marie Bell, of London, spent
the week-end at »the home of her
^parents Mr. and Mrs. William Bell,
of Hay.
The many friends of Miss Grace
spent last
_______ of London,
the week-end at her home
John Carmichael, of Detroit,
the we^k-end witli friends in
confined to her home through ill
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Venner, who
where married last week at Bank-
hill, have got nicely settled in their
new home on Queen St., West.
Mr. Fred Bonthrpn is having a
neW kitchen built on his home be
tween King and Richmond St- Mr. Alf. Taylor lias the contract.(Mr. and Mrs, Fred •Summons arid
son Jack', Mrs. John Dinsdale and
Mrs. John Murdock ’ visited friends in Exeter on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and children
who were occupying rooms over. Mr.
T. , Joynt’s store have moved into
rooms in the Murdock Block; next to
Roy Webbers.Anriiversary services will be held
in the Carmel Presbyterian church
ou Sunday, May 25tlu
McKay, of Walkerton, charge of the services.
On Friday afternoon,
was held at the schools.
ars taking a trip to the woods and.
finishing up with a softball match'
between Exeter and Hensall. The
Hensail girls Winning with a score of 13-12.
The W. M. S. of Carmel Presby
terian church will observe tliejr annual birthday party on Friday, May
23rd. (Mrs. P, *R. Lamont, of Toron
to, will be the-speaker for the oc
casion. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to. every’lady in the congre
gation and lunch will be served by
the Auxiliary,
Mr, and Mrs. Bertram North, of
Woodstock, spent' the week-end at
the home of th’e latter’s parents Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Higgins, Mrs,
North intends remaining, two weeks,
The Liberals of South Huron in
tend holding their annual meeting,
also a convention to nominate a can
didate for the coming election, in
Hensall on May 28 th. Mr. Thos. Me
Mijlan M. P. for South Huron will be the principal speaker.
Boss & Brazier, Contractors for
the London Road paving contract
have already put down a mile and a quarter of pavement. The traffic
south on the London Road' is all
turned West at Hensall and down the 2nd concession of Hay to. the
Lake Road. Jas,. Paterson is traffic officer.
Mr. Albert Spencer and. Mr. Wm.
Frazer while shingling a house own
ed by Mr. Owen Geiger on Oxford
St., met with a serious accident on
Friday last, The scaffolding on
which the men $vere on gave way,
throwing both men to the' ground
where they sustained a badly shak
ing up. Both men were taken to
their homes and medical attention given them.
Mother’s Day services were
served in the local churches,
the United Church services were
aside to commemorate the day, and
a rally of the Sunday School was al
so held. The choir of 40 young
Rev, R. G,
will have
Arbor Day
The scol-
& 3UB-ROLL Galvanized Roofing has been
• so successful that tens of thousands of
.farmers now have jt on the roofs of their
*• v « ”rl------" ,s not been a single
. ...., _ .... 5>
..^protects stock and enhances property
values. It is fire-proof, water-tight and
i. truly handsome. Permanent, economical,
easy to lay on any
V tion. Be sure to get
;'Z buildings.,..There not own u wus*
•^•..-co'mplainc. RIB-R0LL safegtiapdwa^ps.
-of, keeps out damp-
s ncss which induces Ibontaneous combus-
„ e one and original
RIB-ROLL—the rook with the seven ribs
.and a nail every five inches. Free sample
on request.
combustion is a
cnace to crops,
Look for this
on every skeetiyou Sfy
, equipped with
No other door hardiriire can equal
Preston hot-gaivanized forir-wliccl
.Hungers and bird-proof Bartl Door
Track for heavy barn-dooM. Hang
ers adjustable Up atid down, and
in and out.
stock and
your barn
Preston ve
able side v _
large doors,
moist, warm
proper ventila
withstand eve
ropcrty — unless
tutors. Preston
r roof, adjust
windows and
raw out the
r and assure
i. Built to
cathcr con-
for Metal Roofing
Lea^ms used 4k the head of LED-
NAILS to seal the nail
hop thus making the roof water-
of and weather-tight. PRES-
with clumsy washers,
ireadirig, punching, etc. The
ffead can’t come off. No other
■hail serves so well in laying metal
^'roofing. They can be handled in
! cold weather with mitts on.
; Millions are' bding used. Write
for free samples of the ideal
roofing combination — RIB
Rib-Roll Roofing
Revolving Doors
Exhaust Systems
Steel Sash
Metal Garages
(Stseiph St*,
Preston, Oat.
You can search alt Can-
ada before getting such
a useful book sis: the
’'Prestdtr Book About
Barns”.., 'Wo offer it to
you //iW, Frill of valu
able information—eas
ily worth $5.00 to you.
Git yens copy.
Toilet Partitions
Metal Sidewalls
Metal Shingles
Canada Plates
Metal Sidings
Corner Bead
Metal Lath
Cornices -----------------
Metal Windows Metal Ceilings'
Eavetrough arid Conductor Pipe
Plain ana Corrugated Iron
Kalaniein Windows ,
Labelled Fire Doors
Rolling Steel Doors
Kalamciti Doors
Factories also at
Toronto and Montreal
Goodwin, tmd with Miss Fisher as
organist, rendered' excellent music. This choir, in addition to iseveral
hymns, sang two fine anthems. Rev.
Mr. Sinelair, in lxJs sermon, took
his subject from the last chapter of proverbs, where an' ideal woman is
described and spoke of the wonder
ful influence for gopd mothers exert. A baptismal service was also included in the opening- of the
church service.At Carmel Presbyterian church,
Rev. Mr. McIlroy spoke on “The
Heart of the World.” A mothers’!
choir Jed the services under the di
rection of William McLaren.
In St. Paul’s Anglican 'church the rector, Rev. Mr, Parker, delivered t
appropriate Mother’s Day sermons’ to large congregations. The choir of
the church rendered suitable music for the service.
A missionar/drama §jj^nled “Two
Masters’’ will/be givi
si-on Circle Friday, Ma. _ of the Chj/rch.
will be s 25c. and I
Come All!
WARNING- warned to keep| o
according to the
„ by the Mis- the jointed church on 23iwfin the basement
ffTLight refreshments
. . Admission, adul'.ts,
dren 15 c. “ "one!;
icycle riders are
he side-walks age by-law. |* 2tcJ
NOTICE—Commencing with the
last Wednesday of this month, May
28th, the weekly half-holidays will
be observed, extending through
Juno, July, August anc| S tember.
2tc, '
cutors of the
offering his
sale. Offers
to June 1st. G.
Morlock, H. K.
spent' the week-Kuhn
|chA1n red & white
RED & WHITE COFFEE 1 pound 53c.
Per tin ...........................15c.
1-4 pound tin 8c.
2 pound tin 14c,
Red & White
Per tin 12c. / This is a new line,
Red & White E/tracts
3 for 23k.
MATCHES (Urge Boxes)
3 for <5c.
’ RINSO (Larg^) 23c.
2 PQUOd 18c. or 2 for 35c,
PRUNES (Large Si?e)
40-50 ................ 17c. a lb,
.■REACHER (Heavy Syrup) (
2 pound for 23c. 2 for 45c. z
Per tin ..........., 15c.
Maple Leaf
1-2 pound tixi 22c.
Look at this one^
3JW^Aor 25
GO 'medal floor
1 IK 29c.
5 fQr-25c.
16 oz. 29c. JF oz. 14c.
FOR SALE- late Fred. Wi
residence am
will be receiv. E. Faist, Jo
Eilber, execui
Mr. Stuart ____ _x._____ ____
end with liis parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein spent
•Sunday near Dashwood. . I
Mr. (Maurice Braun of Kitchener,
called on friends in town, last yvee-k.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Baynham-
and family1 spent Sunday at Tried-' ford, I
(Mrs. M. Brinker, of Parkhill, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson St. Clair. |
Mr. Elgin Woodall- spent Sunday
witli his parents Mr. and Mrs, J. Woodall.
Miss Della /Fahner of London,
spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Samuel Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Balman, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff cele
brated their 50th wedding anniversary on Tuesday.
Rev.. E. A. Schmidt and wife of
Kitchener, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson
spent Sunday at Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Anderson.
Those mat are on the sick list -are
Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Gordon Mor-
lock and Master Austin Fahner.
Miss Thelma Heatherley andi Mr.
S. Kelly, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz.
Mrs. Veolker of Pigeon, Michigan
has returned home after spending
the past weeks with her daughter Mrs. Wm. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. OttO' Pohl and Mr.
and Mrs. Binger, of Detroit, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson St. Clair over the week-end.
Miss Helen Maclsaac of London,
and Mr, Lester Maclsaac and friend
of Detroit, visited with their par
ents Mr. and Mrs. D. Mac Isaac.
(Miss Olive Hedden, of Brantford
and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pace and
family, of London, spent Sunday
with Mn^and Mrs. Henry Motz.
IMisses Clara Lewis, Alma Lawson
and Helen Lovie visited with Mr. and'
Mrs, Harry Rader a week ago 'Sun
day. An error was made in. last
week's editon.
Mrs. George Lawson, of Exeter
•and Mrs. Nichol, of Saskatchewan
visited Mrs. John Lawson last week.
Mr. and' Mrs. Blake Heathe and chil
dren, of Windsor, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn.
The death occured on May 1st of
Susan Pope, wife of Hary Pope, 179 Albert St., London^ at the age of 65.
The deceased, wlifi was’.ill a short, x,-,-- „ - . * UT„time is a daughter of the late Mr. and'!il1®,1?* Paielll;S Mi.
Mrs. Matthew Wein, Crediton, where] T ~ ■ ■ /tshe spent her early life after which*. ^Vrs; Tl0l41nS feal}e acc^n2Pa^1®^
she resided in Toronto. One brother (Mr. and Miss Barnes, oi Detroit,
preceeded her in death. Surviving cal«l®d on,friends here Saturday. „ are her husband and one daughterly Mr* a?ld' Mrs- M^haol Madden and Ruth; four sisters survive Mrs. JnoJ ,B®r®rad1?® m°ved tlleir, h°^®'
Smith and Mrs. Wm. Finkbeiner, l---~ c.-ee_s aere .as. °
Crediton; Mrs. Borland, [S. Timmins; wej£.ome Our inid„s^
Mrs. R. Haylock,. London; .three ^isa Gertie Carey, of ----
brothers John, Joe and Sam Wein, ‘®Pent -the week-end with her parents
Crediton. Trie funeral was held fromt and Mrs, Carey.
her late residence London., May 5th^ J- Madden moved onto the
to Mount Pleasant cemetery with! \ow occupied by his brother.
(service at the house at 2 o’clock. Joseph Ragier took possessionn, of his farm on Monday.til?1WnmK TnaHtntt ?Jl Mt. George |Maier, of, call-
tlW jVOlllGn S Institute was held prl frinnrlc* in noio-hKn^hnnrl Tuesday afternoon May 6tli. In the fnlt°^ppv Gnd 1 • *ie
absence of the president, |Mirs. H.( -■ ‘ -
Young the devotional was conducted i
by the vicerpresident, Mrs. D. Mac- ,
Isaac. After the regular run of mon
thly business transactions a vocal <
duett was given by Mrs. E. Fahner
and Mrs. Win. Sippell. The election,
of officers 'resulted as follows:—
Honorary President, fill's. C. Zwicker.
President, Mrs. M. Telfer; 1st vice-
president, Mrs. D. Mclsaac; 2nd vice president, Mrs, Art Amy; sec’y Miss
Clara Morlock;, ass’nt sec’y Miss Ma
bel Fahner; pianist', Mrs. E. Fahner;
ass’nt pianist Miss Lavina Smith.
Mr, George. Mawhinney gave a
report of the 0. E. C. Convention! __ _ _____ __ __ _____ ___....
held at Toronto, at which sh9 was a have decided to link up with the hy-
■ \ . 1 lb. 43c. S =
CALIFORNIA NOVEL ORANGES, Size 80’s .. . . 90c. a dozen
On Special Sale Three Days -Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
' * _•______________________ .. ...........1 ..............................■____ ■■ __ ___________ .. ,..._■ ■ ' ■■ . ...... ...1' ..
’ ferings was taken up the closing few
' minutes. 'The evening service
- brought' out a Urge attendance. The
' choir rendered an excellent anthem
■ and Mr. Charley Hoffman a vocal
solo “Mother of Mine.” The .ser
mon was a characterization -of Han-
’ nah, the mother of Samuel.’
1 The Junior Girls Sunday School
[ class met at the home of their tea
cher, iMiss Lavina .Smith for -organ
ization after a program which consisted of addresses by the pastor W.
M. Sippell, the sup’t Mr. Art Amy,
Mrs. Wm. Sippell, Mrs. John Smith,
’Mrs. Art Amy and Miss Alma Smith
• together with readings, vocal solos
and piano music by members of the
. class; then the pastor took the chair
■ and conducted the. business sessioij,
after quite a■ number- of arguments
the class voted on' the adoption of: a name* “The Living^ Links,” is their
class name. The election resulted, in
the following: president, Helen Tel-
fer; vice-pres., Marguerite Amy; se- -
cretary, Elva Wuerth; assistant secretary, Carrie Faliner; Treasurer,
Evelyn Sippell; pianist, Marguerite
Gettinger; Convenor of social com
mittee, Norma Finkbeiner; Conven
or of decorating " coriimittee, Gladys
Ratz; Convenor of Missionary Com
mittee, Edna Gaiser; Convenor of
Flower and Charity Committee, Ger
trude Amy. Refreshments were serv
ed consisting of sandwiches, lemon
ade, ice cream and cake. The presi- .
dent and vice-president offered' a
•hearty vote of thanks to Mr. apd
Mrs. John Smith and family
fording unto the class such an excel
lent evening’s entertainment. . This
class is now numbered with tile nine
organized classes of the. Evangelical
Sunday School and' Miss Lavina
Smith is their efficient teacher.
Miss Olive Elliott of London,
spent the week-ena at her home here
Mr. and Mrs. xierman Foster spent Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Par-
Kins Oil.
Mrs. N. Ogden and (Mrs. Etheringp ton of Exeter, also Mrs. Millson. of
Lucan spent Wednesday afternoon,
witn Mrs. F. Squire.
Miss Evelyn Pank-inson has gone
to Woodham with her grandmother Mrs. Jas. Swallow for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. Millson and family
of Lucan, spent Sunuay with "Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Millson.
The regular . monthly meeting -of
the Whalen AV.M.S. met at the home
pr j\frs., Frank '•Squire on Thursday
afterrioon-'dast- with Mrs. F. Gunning
The meeting opened with the Dox-
ology and hymn 22 4 with Mrs. Ir
win ana Mrs. John Hazelwood offering prayer. Mrs. John Hodgson
read the Bible reading and- Mrs. J.
Hazelwood read the Devotional leaf
let entitled, “His Witness.”
Mrs. B. Mossip sent in her resign
ation as treasurer. Mrs. Harvey
Squire was appointed in her place.
Miss Pearl Baker favoured us
with a delightful solo entitled,
“When the World Forgets” also a
lovely piano 'solo. A reading was
given by Mrs. F. Squire,‘“How Can
I Win New Members.”
Report of the Seaforth Presbyter-
ial was given, by Mrs. .Will. Morley.
Mrs. T. Gunning gave a reading ‘How
the Tenth .Saved a Man,” hymn 186
and Benediction by Mr.s. F. Gunn
ing closed the meeting after which
tea was served and a pleasant' social time enjoyed.
“I was terribly weak, nervous and. rundown and finally I left England,
and) came to Canada for a complete
Rev. Fr. Hall and brother Oswald,
of London, spent a few days with
" ‘ and Mrs. T.' J..
hold effects here last week. We
M'iss Gertie Carey, of Detroit,
Miss Tresa Hall returned home last week after spending two- weeks
with friends at Detroit.
Mr. Dan Bai‘ry has rented his farm to Mr. Hehry Finkbeiner, of
Crediton. • •
It’s a
Patrick Sullivan is all smiles,
girl. * .* .
Mr. and, Mrs. Howard Balfour, Of
London, spent, a few days with Mr.
and Mrs, Charlie Paul. ,
The officials of the United church
delegate and was given a vote of dro. thanks as also the social committee] Miss
which consisted of Mrs. L.
Mrs. A. Wein,. Mrs. H. K< Eilber, and Mrs. Beaver,
Mother’s Day was observed in 'an
appropriate lhariner tlie past Sunday
at the Evangelical .clnifch. Several
choruses by a choir of thirty mothers
graced the morning service. At the
Sunday School session the orchesL
tra opened with a selection; appro
priate recitations were given and an
interesting pageant by a group of Sunday school members, Mr. and
Mrs. Emmery Fahner, Calvin Fah
ner, Evelyn Sippell, Eugene Behver.-’ Gordon Ratz, Aldona Wnerth arid
Shirley Young. The male quartette
sang a very pleasing number, The
regular order according to the pro
gram seat out by the o,R,EU, was
covered and the lesson with the o(-
I Miss Eliza Shier .returned home ,®1]S‘add» from a visit With friends ill London.
" Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Brown and
daughters Bertha and.. Ethel, of Thorndale, called on .friends „ here
this week.
The Anniversary ■ Services of the
United church Sunday School will be
hold on the 4th Sunday in June. ,The work in the vinery of the
Canadian Cannel's is progressing ra
, Mother’s Day whs observed here
on Sunday last, -The official pto-
-gram Was, -cArrled out; , also recita
tion.® by Blaine Denham and Vermi
Kennedy * solo,-Mr. Holgate; trio by
Mrs. Wm. Urquhart. Mrs, Trueman
Tuft and Mrs. A. Bickle. Mr, t-L A.
Ftarker gave a fine address appro
priate for the occasion, '
The May meeting of the W.M.S.
was held on Thursday last at thq
home of Mrs. Duncan McKelldr in
the village, with a good attendance.
Mrs. Thos. Oliver, the president pre-,
siding. The meeting opened by
singing hymn 100 and prayer bw
the president. The roll call wasj
taken by the secretary, Mrs. Thoss
Scott, the subject being the mem
tion of any Bible woman. The iStudk
Book “Couriers of the King” waf
taken by Mrs. S. A. Miller and alsp a short sketch .of the life of D|i Wilkie. Scripture reading by Mr|.
’Ddiiald McKellar, .Mrs. Jas. ScoB
and Mrs. Dunean McKellar gavfip very, good reports of tile Provincial*’
Convention held at Toronto, which
Were ,an interesting feature of che
meeting. Mrs. Edgar Allen having the choice of subject for the day
read, a very interesting paper on the
LbTd*S Prayer. The devotional part
being, taken by Mrs. McGill and Mrs.
Scott.-' The meeting .closed by sing
ing hymn 3 88 and prayer by Mrs.
Scott and the Lord’s Prayer in unison.
Mrs. Samuel ,Speare and- daughter
Olive, who had spent the winter in Toronto returned to their home on Saturday last.
Rev. Mr. Elder and Mrs. Elder motored to Kingsville bn Tuesday
last -to visit Mrs, Elder’s sister who
had -itecently Came to this country from Ireland; .
1 iMr, Gill and family, who have
Rented the farm of Mr.. Wilson, at Uromai’ty is making, striking im
provements. Fields are well plowed and a general''change is taking
place Which speaks Well for Mr. Gill -as a farmer.
■J'seldom slept in$re than a few.hours
MRS. 1.“Nothing I aj^agfeed w|th me, I
at night and^lt perfectly miserable
day and nig Sargon. IJS „ ____
weight, I Jni eating breakfast for the
first tinirui ten years, and ------have ii^traCe of indigestion.
” ’1 offiiew .strength r „ ' ___g$5ng to send my photograph
’t too. Then I started,
gained ten pounds in
first timriii years,and never
. I am and energy andfull
am „ . „... __ _
bacyFso my .family can see what a
mar ' -
lpj^td'e in me.
“Sargon Pills got my liver acting
normally and ended'- my constipa
tion”.—iMrs. J. Bean, 33 Earl Gray
St., Toronto.
Sargon may be obtained in Exe
ter at Wesley S. Howey’s,
relous change this medicine
Dr. H. H. Cowen/
At office in Hi
wood, firBt thre^
at office over
Zurich, last th
oek, Dash-
of week and
POst Office, la
days of week.
Death of Mrs. Burmeister
Susanna ICAtherine Burmeister
(nee Restem eyer) "was born on the
22nd day of October in the year
1881, in the Township of “Hay. She
was baptized on the 19th day of Feb
ruary 1882, and confirmed on the
7th day of April 1895. She. lived
with her parents until the 21st of
Marfin 1908 when she was married
Christian Burmeister, “ She had been
ailing for a number of years with
anemia and was taken seriously ill
on Saturday morning with heart
trouble and passed peacefully away
on Monday morning nt the age of 48 years, 6 months anti 19 days.
She leaves to inou^fi her loss, her husband, two sons Courtney and
Garnet, two daughters Verda and
Greta, her aged father, three broth
ers and a large ntitaber of relatives
and friends. The funeral was held
on Wednesday afternoon with Inter
ment in the Bronson Dine cemerery, Rev. W. Ness’ officiating.
A motibri to adjourn is ahviiy® her now ‘sotroiving husband Mr
in order. Christian Burmeister.
ers . .;
that washes into the,
sick/tissue tear stainless, its sobtli-,’
ingjfclomfljEs penetrate. Itching stopsf
bi -..............
fant—-eruptions disappears
atment has no rival.