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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-15, Page 4
WvhsnAY, may 1S» lbso AT ALL GROCERY STORES THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE «■ A Jb ■Bw c GREENWAY. Mrs. Klinkman, of Now Hamburg, is visiting her cousin Mrs. T. BiiL lock. The stork left a little daughter \vith Mr. and Mrs. W. Hickis and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mason last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. Bullock and daughter, of Creditou, visited rela tives here. The“ West school has been closed on account of the illness- of Miss Walker. Misp Dorothy Belling lias returned from ft visit in Detroit,Mr. and Mrs. Penn and son Neill have returned to their home in Niar gara Falls after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luther. At the recent examination in th£ Teacher’s Training class- conducted by Rev. J. M, Colling the following were successful and received their certificates on .Sunday: Mrs. Ed. 'Ste-‘ wardson, Mrs. Arthur Brophey, Mrs. J. H,‘ McGrgeor, Manuel Curts and Mae Wilson, This is a credit to thei teacher and class as all who wrote passed. * . Mother’s Day was observed ip the Sunday* School by a special program and in the church services of the United cliurch on Sunday last. The message from the Pastor and the splendid music from the male choir were much appreciated by the large congregation present. The Arrow bus from London went through our. town nn Monday. The .social evening at the Y.P.S. last’ Friday was an enjoyable affair. Flax Lanl Wanted Exeter Flax■ The Hensail Mills are pr'eparfd to rent a limited ■acreage of ’ ‘ spring plowVg^preferred1. Farmers must .do so 1 this OWEN Hensail < date no quality sod laud, land Aftey ring to rent ore May 20 th'; id will be accepted. EIGER $ SON id Exeter, Ont, Hensall phene 59 Exeter Phone 13rl2 -Jfc—— ------------ SHIPKA The Ladies’ Aid of the United Church have decided to hold a Strawberry social on the evening ot Monday, June the 2 3rd, More par ticulars later.Mrs. L. Sweitzer and Mrs. M. Hewitt and son Gordon, of Exeter, spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. M. Sweitzer, . ....... -.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McCormick and 2 chairs, Marjorie, of London and Mrs. J. I set,lumjunq, UJ. uyiiuvu auu atx + sj. u. Keyes, of Exeter, called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sweitzer spent Saturday in London. '^JENNER—ilASKETT A quiet 'wedding was solemnized •an St. James’' .Street Church, Park- ’IrtilL recently, when Miss. Isobel Mae -•HasketL youngest daughter of Rl- .jchatrd Haskett and the late Mrs. ■Haskett, became the bride bl Thom- «as Lloyd Venner, ot Hensall. ’Rev. TMr. Lewin, rector of the 'chuudh, of- <icjated.‘ The bride, who Ws gjven -jin marriage by her.father, was gown- dpd iii pjnk georgette^, with hat; -shoes sand rose in corresponding shades. jS.he carried a bouquet- of .Ofthelia ^o$es, maidenhair ferns And carna- ^sfions. The young couple ■ were un attended. Following the' ceremony <he immediate relatives of the 'bride ffi-nd groom were entertained aft The 2home of the bride’s father. The din- ■aag-room was decorated in yellow and ^nrhite. Later the couple left by mo- bride of Thom- Hensa'll. ’Rev. avUo ws given tor for points east, the bride tra velling in a gown of flowered chif fon and coat of -black transparent velvet and becoming hat. The bride carried a leather pouch bag, the gift of the groom. The young couple will reside in Hensall. CHISELHURST There was six Children baptized at the church on Sunday; also the choir rendered, special Mother’s Day music and a good congregation was •present. ' < (John. Wrens of Toronto,.vi-sited has •brother. Mr. G. T. Wren- on Sunday. Miss Agnes Wren, who has com pleted her business course at Clin ton Business College has gone to To ronto to secure a position. A reception, was held in (Mr. Ri chard 'Taylor’s vacant house last Wednesday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Venner, The bride and groom 'received niafty lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Grand Bend visited their daughter Mrs. W. Fairbairn last Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid and W. M. S. Meld their monthly meeting in'the .base ment of the church on Tuesday af ternoon at 2.00 p.m.A quiet wedding took place at the- parsonage, Clinton, when’ Rev. A. A.. Holmes united in marriage Margar et Viola, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. F-red Livermore, of Clinton and Mr. Harold Edgar Lampman, ’only son of Mrs. Edward Johnston, of John- .ston, of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs.' Lampman left for < motor trip to- Chatham and Detroit. They were- the recipients of many beautiful’ gifts, amongst them being a walnut mantel clock ^and cut glass sheTbert ■■set from the Clinton Knitting Com pany Staff. HARPLEY and Mrs. William Hodgins in Sarnia over the -Mr. .. ... visited friends week-end. Mrs. Mark Miller, ' of Detroit,- is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayter. Miss Olive Eagleson visited 'with her aunt Mrs. Wm. Eagleson .last week. Mr. Hugh Love was Saturday.’. CENTRAI.IA Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Beaver Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Niel and Richard, of Detroit/ were home for ■Mother’s Day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Niel. Mother’s Day service was held in the auditorium of the church iSuiir day morning. v The -address was very Ubly given by Mrs. Chas. Johns, of Elimville, and was instructive and. very much” appreciated. Mrs. Geo. Thompson was the superintendent for the occasion and did her part exceedingly well. The service was ■assisted by <a full Mothers’ choir and -the Main St. orchestra, of Exeter. The church was beautifully decorat ed with spring flowers of which one basket must' especially be mention ed it being given by Mrs. E. A. Ab bott, in loving memory of her mother* the late Mrs. Chas. Fairhall. Mr. Wm. Bowden underwent an operation for appendicitis in Vic toria Hospital, London, on Friday of last week. Dr. Busby, of London, and Dr. Fletcher, of Exeter, perform ed the operation. Mr. Bowden’s many friends hope for a speedy re covery. Mrs. Dr. Hamilton and Shirley, of Ailsa Craig, visited recently with the Misses Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and Miss Phyllis, of Oxford St., London, were recent .guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, of Green way, were recent visitors with J. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCabe spent last week-end at their home in Strathroy. and son Administrator’s Sale — of --- REAL ESTATE and HOUSEHOLD EFFECT’S' The undersigned has- been instruct’ ed to sell by Public Auction at the residence pt the late CHARLES B, ■SNELL on Anu St., in the Village of Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY 31 st at1 1.30 p,m. the following valuable property HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—.1 Ches terfield soL fancy table, Heintzman piano, t oval table, 1 Westinghouse 6-tube radio, 1 dining-room table, 6 dining-room chairs, 2/rockers, 1 arm chair, 1 Oak B t, 1 cabinet, 1 new Raymond^sewing ma chine, pictures, 1 elect/ic range, 1 Good Cheer oven heatfii, 2 clocks, 1 table, dishes, 1 haw waslwr, 1 ■■ 3-burner New Perfection oil stove and -oven, tools, 1 clipboard, jars, boiler, coal, garden ll hall mirror, stair c goleum rug, several I mattress and sprin several r t, lawn mow^r, < Tudor, only gone „ many other articles© REAL E Parcel No. 1 perty i the decea Main SV on the St., Exe<er. ParcellNo. 2 now occ West 1-3 North sidA Parcel ied by ot “H” Ann S. . 3 'S, E 0 * 11nr 71 ^’•■'■afggagB* NOTICE. Warnii to Corn Growers re rn rer’s Act BLE AND STALKS’ [ RE PLOUGHED^ CKED UP ALL CORiV&TUB MUST EITHER] x; UNDER OB PI 1 book1 BURNED befoiIe THE 20th 1 settee, pet', rug, Con- fedroom suites', , small table, 1 chamber Ford 1929, miles, and orm?NEXT. ANDj- DAY' OSWA GODERiq pD GINN hector I, ONTARIO 4 I f I1 on on A ’<<.. ' .. . • - < . Co. Uinitid/Hciad Ofice and Factoryj Brintford, Ont, ■ ami Warebauiici | .Widbbr* Man ties I, HaliLk, Saint John, N.B. and St A NM FOR SALE BY THE ROSS-TAYLOR CO.,, LTD. HE finger of progress has a gain written Brapt- ford Roofing history. New land more beautiful coldur harmonies grace the stagJt New features of Brantford Asphalt Slates claim t'fie\ spotlight of attention. What arq these features? First™Rri almost unlimit ed variety of roofing designs an-rich, ripe colour combin ations that impart beauty .and distinction to your home. Second — Ninety-four to ninety-six per cent, super- isaturatioitof asphalt assures permanent protection against teeming rains, driv ing sleet or melting snow. Third—Improved manu facture which lessens th& susceptibility t6 climatic .changes. Fourth-Extra resistance to fire and weather is found in the superior mastic coat ing with which each slate is treated.4 Fifth—Improved labora tory facilities and finer manufacturing equipment have contributed to produce these slates of new excel lence. The basic material—felt—of Brantford Asphalt Slates is made in bur new mill, one of the finest equipped mills in Canada, and where we are producing the highest quality product. If you are building a home, gar age, ’summer cottage, office or any other type of structure ask your Brantford Roofing dealer to go over your requirements and submit esti mates of cost. Also write for free booklet, “Beauty with Fire Protec tion”, which gives helpful and inter esting advice regarding the proper type, finish,, design and colour for your roof.. I GIVEN that) tliers having.’ ate of CHAR-; the Village of} of Huron, Cou th e -second ire required to» duly proven t®, r before the se* JO. FURTHER GIV< aid date the Ad** ill annexed, will e the estate liav» the claims 1 have notice, u PLEASE NiOjTE^ □ FILING OF, OT BE RECOG— ER-SIGNE-D ARE. UTHORIZED BY RT TO REPRE5 vvuveo SJUil'N'l 1X1JCJ JLioi-^.^E. . being Lots “B”| DATED at Exeter, this 12th aaf and “H”, West'-of May, A.D., 1930. : J.:., gladman & stanburyExeter and Hensall Administrator’s Solicitor^- ____________) their clain rsigned on nly NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREB all creditors and claims against the e LES B. SNELL, late ; , the Couifte residence pro-' tractor, who died 0 di being West of of December 1929, >rth side of Ann forwa the un 1 —„ sidence property cond da^of June 1 r. Steiner being ........ and East 1-3 “I”, ;™.,’ Exeter, • |esidence property piioceed to fcistribi , East side of which lie th^ji sh I CLAIMANTS WI Garage property l’HAT PREljflO r. Milo Snell, be- CLAIMS WI ....... ...................UTE THE’l I THE ONLY ON.£ fore property now SURROGATE C< ;s B. Frank Coates SENT THE EST- the un AND NOTICE I EN that alter tne ' mipistratoAwith lately occupied if. Hospital being jug regard ‘ ’ 4 and ' " I ” ’ " * • - • * eter.4 ‘t parts Lots Main -St’.’, Parcel . 4~ now occupied by 1 1. , ______ing part Lol 5 anl 18 East side of NIZED, Main. St., Exlter. Parcel No.15 occupied by and John Sta “C” and part side of Main - Ann St., Exetei Parcel No. ■ property now ol Son and others, side of Main St. All these pro] structed, central^ sirable as resides places. f TERMS 'OF CH TERMS 'OF R: 10 per cent, of purchase price on day of sale, and balance in '30; days without interest. Substantial amounts may be left on the properties by ar-| rangement. 1 “ ject to existing tenancies, will be a reserved bid on estate. Further particulars and condi tions of sale will be made known at sale or may be had meantime from JOHN ROWE, Administrator, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY,-! Exeter, Ont., Solicitors, for Administrfttbr. ■. ’ “I > ;nd' North side of iffi) ■tore and office died by Grant & ling Lot 1, West ■xeter. ■res are well con- [ located and de es andi business TTELS—-CASH [AL ESTATE /NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatf all -creditors and$ others, having, claims'against the instate of THOMP SON MURDOCK, Bte of. the. Village of Hensall, in thdCounty of Huron, Liverv Stable Proprietor, who died on tly seventh . . ’ T- 19'30, a^e requirjid to forward their; y of March A.D., ly profen to the nnder-rPossession will be -sub- claims t . , ,There’signed oi^ or be all real of June . . w -.I AND NdkriCEflS FURTHER GlV-t EN that r''n<£* cutrix will estate havhi claims of which notice. ' DATED at of May, A.D.t G^ADM. . - • ■■ •" ’ - '■' ■ X'' ■* COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF.jsUSBORNE *g' hereby-' given ’that .a OviSiqiFofrthe Assessmeiit' ie 'Tfeownship of Usborhe itsJTirst meeting in. the j01 Elimville; -on Satu’r-. t., 1930 at three o’clock Henry >Strahg, Clerk. Hensall, R.-R. .No. 1' . . TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COUR0 -------------------- Notice i Cou-rt of R Roll of. the hold its fi Hall, CrediLy**, u-i* iviuuuaj, mo day of.May; 1930, at 1 o’clock Henry Eilber, -Cxerk Crediton, P. O., tNotice j Court of I Roll of t will hold Township day, May p.m. OF REVISION given that a isio.nj$5£ the - Assessment owsliip of Stephen will l.eeting in the 'Town on Monday, the 26th P-m- y Ont, also ere the second day 0. 1 said date the- Exe- ed to distribute thei gard' only to the* she then shall hav$' eter, this 12th dajf 10. & STANBURY. Dxeter and Hensall Solicitors for Expciuri^. I ; NOTICE TO CREplTORS? 1 • NOTICE IS HE-REB^ GIVEN that all creditors and . .'others' having, -claims against estate /of RACHAEL- MORGAN, late of the Village of Exe ter, in the County of Mur on, Widow,,, who died pn the lhtfi day-of April*. A.D., 19301 are required to forward- their claims, duly px®ven to the un* dersigned ol or before , the second day of JuneAA.D., 1930. and notice is Further giv en that after - - - cutors will proceed estate having |r.eg claims of Whiclfi the notice. DATED at Elate day of May GLADMA tid date the Exe- o distribute thei d- only to the then shall havq Ont., this 12tl£ 9 30. STANBURY er and Hensall E^cutors’ Solicitor-^ 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOT all cr _ ........................ claims hgainst the estate of JMARY E ISi HEREBY ,DI VEN tha« itors , and others having* ■f the Village J|nty of Huron,- - „ - - —, JIM on- thetwenty-eighth day' b>J’a'hua’ry,'A.D^ - ’ equirod 3 b forward their; proven^ to the under-* * the second dax* FURTHER GIV-' said date the Exe- to distribute the ird only to the K4 then shall have? :eter, this 12 th dqy; 391 N & STANDURY ■Exeter and Hensall Executor’s Solicitors. ..........................■■ .it.... TENDERS W Tenders will be r eivecl 'by the of the. of .’.Hay, in up to 7.3® , 1930, for; th Branch of the . Estimated cu-» , _ Ians, etc., can be f J. Roger, O.L.S.* . and otjfevs claims against the esta’t ANN REICHART, latel'i of Hensall, in the Com?.. Married |Wom.an,- wh$ died 19 30,“ ahi claims du ELIMVILLE Mr. Lewis Woods, of London, several boys of his Sunday School class visited at„his father's, Mr. Ro bert Woods’, oil Mother’s Day. Mr. Woods brought with him two beaut iful hyderange which he placed in the church for the morning service. One of the-.b.pys; Douglas Townsend, rendered .some violin selections of ,uu high 6,1’der at that service, this was, signed on lor belo. of Hensall, in the fully appreciated and enjoyed by ■ of June A.\ AND-NO.everyone. ___ Miss Ruth Skinner is the delegate 1 EN that affer th from the Live Oak^Mission Circle to. cutor -will irocei; attend the London Branch Conven- estate havii tion jpf'|he W. M. S. .to be- held in claims of wfiiclj North’ Street, Church, Goderich this notice. DATED ft May, A;.D, > GLAD North’ Street, Church, Goderich this week. / . ■ . Mr. and Mrs. Huddleston and son Bobby, ot London,.visited Mrs. Rose Stephens last week. Miss- Carrie Stephenson,- of London, is also spend ing a week with her mother. Twenty-six ladies from Elimville W. M. S. visited James St. church Exeter W. M. S. last Thursday after noon and spent a most enjoyable •time. Little Miss Hazel Williams, daugh ter-ot' Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams ‘was taken to London to the Hospital on Tuesday of last* week to recOjve been troubling her for a few days previous. We are pleased to report’ that on Sunday she was able to leave the hospital but was remaining in the city for a few days longer. Mrs. Wm, Johns was able to go for a short car ride 'on Sunday last for the first since her long illness. Miss Ma'rjorie Hunter, purse-in- training in Victoria Hospital, Lon don, is spending her holidays at her home. A number presented a Pageant at the meeting; on Monday nigliL was 'ft; good turnout, served aUthe close. Mr. and\ Mrs. virtue Millar, of Palmerston,- were visitors in. this vicinity last Sunday. Mr. and Mts. .Scott Whaley, of St. Marys, were Visitors at Mr* C. Johns’ last week, j, , ■ ' Mr,, and Mrs/ -Benson Williams have .spanif the’ past week1 in London with, their granddaughter. The warm weather has made a tor. wi great /mange in the appearance of tat* 1, things/ these last’ two weeks. The JU ’1,4 grasf/'has grown very rapidly and. blossom has coftifi out on the trees milch earlief than for several years past, ' Farmers are making groat .strides with the work on the land. of the C‘ o’clod construction of N treatment Tor ear trouble which"hhd| bie Upon I-i>n 11bUno- her fftV « fOitv rla-va 7 yai Clo, 608O ■seem at office Mitchell per cent, otic 'pally tendei Hot necessai of the young people Y. p; There Lunch, Was I. of r undersigned. Five act price- to aocom- ovzest or anj* teudex; •• ■ accepted. ,rf’ F. Hess, ZtU'ich.HMtL Clerk, Ha^Twp.. ———X Notice to C^ditors. ' NOTICE is HER^Y GIVEN that oi^Franci^Flyiift, late of the ft in the County o£ who, died on ot . .Rud ainis/duly proven to H. ’fil- rediton or or before the May, 1930. . " Notice is further given that h0jgrsald date the Adfii'inistrft- roceeu VO’ distribute the es- ng regard only tor the claims’’ he then shall have notice. D this 6tfi day of (May; 193(L‘ Ikafalf Tetreau, R. R, Nd. 2, Dash^boiSU- Administrator"' all pei estate VHIag Huron about intest tlieir ber & 19 th Aft after of Cred labore ons4iftving$laims against the he 17tjf‘day .of October 1929, required t-o forward