The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-15, Page 1(ESTABLISHED 1873 Special Hot Weather V/lues . EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 15th, 1930 7^^ j '/ 7 Reduced in Price. Bargains - - - Bargains IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR LADIES’ MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S SPRING AND SUMMER COATS WE HAVj MADE GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. WE STILL HAVE A VE FINE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM IN TWEEDS, TRICOTINES DON’T DELAY AS THEY WILL GO IN A HURRY AT THESE P Prepare for Hot Weather This store in every department is simply overflowing with merchandise to meet the demands of hot summer weather. We handle onlr lines made by standard makers, thus ensuing good wearing qualities and garments. -Our prices are ’as low as good, dependable merchandise can be sold. BOY’S GOOD QUALITY BLOUSES 6 to 14 yrs. sizes at 79c. each . LADIES’ AND MISSES’ HOUSE-DRESSES Fast Colors at 98c, eac FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR, no, 29$ 36 inch print fast colors at 21c. a yard *. «, 32 inch, printed broadcloth absolutely fast colors 29c. yd, I SEAFORTH LAD IN TROUBLE A young lad from Seaforth was placeci under arrest near Elginfield. on Saturday by Constables Wesley Bissett and Ed. Willis he having taken a bicycle belonging to Mi\ Nel­ son St, Glair, of Stephen, and left an old one ,in its place. Mr. St, Clair’s bicycle was beside the road when the exchange was made. He im­ mediately phoned Exeter and the two men wentJn search and found the The boy was detained until_ the arrival of his ", ifcJllllL appears the lad, who is about' 13 years of ag,e and is adverse to attending school, had run away from home and search was being made for him. The lad’s trial will come up in Exeter on Friday. XETER MASONS VISITED BY p. I). L- M. A very enjoyable evening was spent by the members of Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F, & A.M. on Mon­ day evening the occasion being the official visit of R. W. Bro. p, L- Tye, D.D.G.M., of Masonic District South Huron. ’ About seventy visitors were present from neighboring, lodges and almost taxed the capacity qf the lodge rooms. The work of the first degree was exemplified by AV. M. Bro. e. Howald and his officers and they sustained' the splendid (repu­ tation the lodge enjoys for the man­ ner in which degree work is put on. Following the business of the even­ ing the brethren adjourned to the Town HaR where a very fine ban­ quet was served by the members of the AVomen’s Institute, Bro. Ho­ wald acted as toastmaster. A num-' her of community songs were sung through-out the evening led by Bro. Teller and accompanied by Bro. H. K. Eilber, of Crediton. The toast to ”Tbe King” was responded to by 'singing the National Anthem. A toast to “Grand Lodge” was pro­ posed by R. AV. Bro. Empy, of Strat­ ford and responded to by R. AA7 Bro, Tye, qf Milverton, A toast to “The Craft” was proposed by R. AV. Bro. Myers, of Mitchell, and responded to by R. AV. Bro. C. Aberhardt, of Sea­ forth. A toast to “The Visitors” was proposed by AV, Bro. T. Pryde and responded to by R.-AV. Bro. O’Rourke and W. Bro.. sample, of Stratford. Solos were sung by Bros. Clayton Sims, of Crediton and Bro, Brown, of Stratford^ and a recitation ‘was given by AV. Bro. E, M. Dignan. The junior warden’s toast by Bro. G. F. Roulston brought a very pleasant evening to a close. Among the lodges represented were the follow­ ing: Zurich Lodge, Hensall; Tecum­ seh Lodge, Stratford; Lome Lodge, Glencoe; Doris Lodge, Lobo; Wing­ ham Lodge, AVingham; Doric Lodge, Parkhill; Craig Lodge, Ailsa Craig. Tudor Lodge, Mitchell; Milverton Lpdge, Milverton; Orillia Lodge, Orillia; Brittania Lodge, Seaforth; Aneroid Lodge, Scotland; Stoney- Valley Lodge, England; Clinton Lodge, Clinton. lad- near Elginfield. The boy father from Seaforth, It HERE ’TIS OHTyjMT fiddling jumtest e STAFFA HALL on jresday/May 21st: SES FOR ALL.COMER& EVERYBODY WELCOME CHRISTIE-—PATTER SON A quiet but pretty wedding, was solemnized at tne United Church Parsonage, Gesto, on Saturday, May 3rd at 3 ’p.m, when Miss Dorothy Is­ abelle Patterson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J; G. Patterson, of Win­ dsor, was united in marriage to Mr, J. Aylmer Christie, of London, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. Christie, of Stephen, Rev, S. J. Mathers1’ per­ forming the ceremony. The bride,; dressed in blue, carried a bridal bouquet of roses and the couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Nelss. The bride was AV. C. T. U. gold medalist in elocution in 1929 and is the sec­ retary of the Essex Young People’s Union. Mr. Christie and bride spent the week-end visiting with the for­ mer's parents, They will reside at 494 King Street, London. The hap­ py couple vvill have the best wishes of Mr. Christie's many friends ip this community. Boxing Contest — at tile r—. Exeter Opera House on Saturday, May 17 ’London y.m.c.a. vs. exeteb^ boys Commencing at 8 p.m. BOYS’ WASH .SUITS Ages 2 to 8 years at very at- ' tractive prices CHILDREN’S SOCKS Very special at 39c. a pair BOY’S HOT WEATHER ATHLETIC COMBINATION UNDERWEAR 22 to 32 sizes at 65c. garment CHILDREN’S RIBB COTTON HOSIER Sand and GIRL’S WASH DRESSES 2 to 14 years from|69c. up Ladies’ and M These beautiful ly. We have them and $9.75 each. asses’ Celan^e Dresses at $6.50 & $9 silk celanese sses, sleeveless styles are going rapid­ various plaiq^colors and two qualities selling at $6.50 R|hgs 1/in oleums etc. Don’t forget v/efcan say you money on Congoleum, Linoleu,m & AxA minster rugs, linoleu|n andjbilcloth by the yard, curtain nets, window blinds, curtain rods, e|p. u Special /Made-to-measure suits—An expert tailor from Cornell Tailoring Co., here Thursday, May 15th. If you are hard to fit in a ready-made, come in and be measured. ’ DIUM OR LOW. PERATEif AT HALF THE USUALSIMPLE TO : COST. HEAT IN O SAME rEN AND WF PLATE AT THE ME. GREEN AND iayment will appear, fine Hydro account and 12 th. Public Dinner Sets on Sale 12 GOOD PATTERNS IN 97 PIECE DINNER SETS THIS WEEK AT CLEARING PRICES BUILT-IN OVENS. enamelled in gray> blu^ OR CLOSED OR OPEN ELEME ’ NO EXTR4 WIRING NECESSARY; 3* WAY SW c Utiliti annoi The Publ desire water i Exeter yearly aid t _....... ......pear onfUjK hydro statement. The l’ir on the the last discount date will be • June 12 th. I’ublic Utilities’ Commission. 5-15-4te, ’Commision e that the he village of ill liF collected twice t amount will "apt es f0 CH, HIGH, STRUCK BY LIGHTNING . During the thunder .storm Tuesday afternoon a hydro wire leading into Mr. AV. Hatter’s <ralrjjr barn was struck by lightning. The switch in the bam was shattered and the bulbs blown out. Mt. Hatter was in the barn at the time and a number, of the cattle were brought to their knees by the .shock. No serious dam­ age was done although the shock effected the evenings supply of milk. ^JURIED IX EXETER ■. ...... .... • The ''funeral of the late Mrs. Eliza- Vbeth Churchill, wife" of Randolph J. Churchill, of London, (l’ormerly-Mifes Betty Brown) was held on Friday last with interment in the Exeter Cemetery. The deceased wab born in Scotland 2 6 years ago and came to, this country at the age of three years. She was educated in Exeter and graduated as a teacher to follow her profession first at S’trathroy and later in London. The deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew her. ......—........................—"✓ WINS GOLD MEDAL M'iss Alice Hoffman, of _ __ wood, pupil of Mr. W. R. Goulding, is to be congratulated upon winning the gold medal as mezzo soprano soloist at the musical spring festi­ val held in Stratford during the past week. On Thursday Miss Hoffman competed in the open class for Western Ontario and was successful in Carrying off the honors against keen competition securing 80 per cent. A Stratford iadj^ was second and a Hamilton lady third. Mr, Goulding accompanied her. Mr, Sam. Rennie, of Hensall, another pupil ( of Mr. Goulding’s also took part in the contest competiting as a baritone soloist Wednesday .after­ noon. He made very creditable marks but was not successful in winning any of the prizes. Dasli- MOTHER’S DAY IN THE OHURGHEB Mother’s Day was observed at Ca- ven Presbyterian Church -by special services. Rev. J. B. Rhodes, M.A., preached- an appropriate sermon and administered the Sacrament of Bap­ tism to eight candidates. A large congregation was in attendance and the flowers were very beautiful. At the Mother’s Day service in the Main St. United church the program as sent’out by the Ontario-Religious Education Council was used, through­out. ly told by Clifford Heywood- __ orchestra assisted in their usual happy manner. Short talks given by the Pastor, Rev. C. J. Moor­ house and the Superintendent, Mr. B. AV. F. Beavers. The attendance was about, as usual. At the morning service nine children were baptized.. Mother’s Day was fittingly ob­ served in James Street Church on Sunday. A junior choir consisting of about 75 boys and girls filled the choir loft and surrounded the pul­ pit both, morning and evening and the music Trom fhese young voices was greatly appreciated by the con­ gregations, there being a splendid turn-out both morning and evening. The pastor delivered two exception­ ally fine sermons In keeping with the occasion. A .special service was held- by the Sunday School in the afternoon. . Responsive readings were held and a fine program car­ ried out as follows: violin solo, Geo, Grant; duet by Ilene and Aidwin AValker; recitation by Howard Pres- zcator and a special number by a. group of boys. A baptismal. ser­ vice was observed and five children were presented for baptism follow­ ing which the mothers were pre­ sented with a bouquet of flowers by the girls of Mrs. Amy’s clas,s, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Bedford were present­ ed with bouquets as being the old­ est grandmothers present. The pas­ tor also told a very interesting story. Special music was provided “by orchestra. D. Cameron vs. F. Ford—126. lbs* W.\ Johnstone vs. Thomson—135 Ibsf A. Rook vs. H. McIntosh—126 lbs. B. Baraclay vs. W, (Matthews, 165 p* B. Damlap vs. B. Cousins—150 lbs*. H. Cameron vs. Clark—130 lbs. Admission Adults 25c; Children 15c/- ■r, in. , Ji I ■■-Il ■.■■mb The story was very effective-The onwere- the WELL LIGHTED-12 SETS O# PINS; Saturday, Contest' Commenceg SJiJarp at 10 1st 3rd pai$ $ pair $2$) Addition a ■y Prizes according to the*- .^numbers present IMTRANCE FEE $1.-00 HOT MEALS SERVED ON THE GROUNDS Fathei* J. Hogan, Paul Boa, J. 6L Cochrane, -committee EX-SERVICE. MEN! ATTENTION! The Exeter Branch of the Cana­ dian Legion B. E. -S. L. will meet on Monday evening, May 19th at S.00 p.m. in the Town. Hall. Important business. Every member is urgent­ ly requested to attend. All ex-ser­ vice men in the district are cordial­ ly invited. The Executive Committee will meet Thursday evening, May 15th at S p.m. at the home of Dr. At­ kinson. Come in for a demonstration. SOLD AND 7 CLEAN, EFFI^IENT/ORDORLESS HEAT. A trial will convince you TALLED BY TRAQUAJR & LINDENFIELD Phono yodr hardware necessities to 2d GUESSING CONTEST The Congoleum Rug-- guessing con­ test conducted by Jones and May was brought to a close Saturday last and resulted in a tie, Mrs. Rd. Tapp and Doris Simpson Jmth guessing 4120. The correct number was 4157. Con­ testants were asked to guess a seal­ ed number between I and 5000, the winner to receive a 6x9 Congoleum rug. Over 500 hundred guesses were registered. Mrs. d. P. Harvey was third. Ths seal was opened 'Satur­ day afternoon by Mr. Beavers. The winners will have to guess another munber to break the tie. ACCIDENTS TO CATTLE * On !>Sat.urday morning last Messrs. C. AV. Christie and Wesley Dearing, of Stephen, were, driving I heir cattle to a pasture farm in Hay (ownship they had rather exciting- experiences. A two*year-old steer belonging to Mr. Christie ran across the road at th.e approach of a car and in jumping a ditch had the misfor­ tune to break both its front legs. The animal had to be killed. At the Black Creek one‘of the animals be­ longing to Mr. A\resley Dearing be­ came mired ill the mud' and sank until only the head, part of the neftk and the hind quarters were showing, An auto and trailer happened along at the time and they succeeded in placing a rope around the animals neck and with the auto1 hauled it to safety. A few minutes more and the. animal would have been past re­ covery. while UNDERWENT OPERATION C3Mr. Wm. Bowden, of Centralia, drove to Exeter on Friday morning of last week and consulted with Dr. Fletcher. He was immediately taken to Victoria Hospital, London he underwent an operation acute attack of appendicitis, getting along favourably. where for an He is VISIT COUNTY HOME About 40 young people o BIRTHS BAKER—In Steblwm, ; on••. Sunday, May 10th, to Sir. and Mrs. wm. Baker, a son. MeNAUGHToN—In Scotta Memorial Hospital, Seaforth on Tuesday, jMay 6, to Mr, and Sirs. Peter. Me* Naughton, pt Cromarty, U ddugh* . ter. 1 daughter of Mi J. G. Patterson, to John Aylmer Chris­ tie, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C, Wr Christie, of Stephen, by Rev, J. Mathers.s. MARRIAGES • WtLLARU—DEARING—At London on May 6th, Miss.Hik. Maud Dear­ ing, daughter of Mrt* and Mrs, Wesley Dearing, of Stephen, to Mr, Earnest "Willard, son of Mrs, ‘ Mary Willard, of Hay, by Rev. Mr. Walker. ^CHRlSTlE-I’ATTEltSON— In # Wind­ sor, on: Saturday, May 3rd1, Dor* otky Isabelle Iktttmkon, oldest RNGAGEMP. Mr. and Mra. Luthfr Dice; of US' borne, annouifce th their daughtoi ■ tine L..Becket, s’ Henry Becker., to take place i < engagement of M.r to Valek* of Mr. and ay. The mar 'Mrs. •iago CAR lyOF^TMAXR.S‘ Ute C. M ___tilth k their neigh* - . — — j tof ' kindness and1 sympathy pdeiMbr during their re* cent .sad nferej«nient and also for the fiord* U’ibufe, HOME BEAUTIFICATION Prof. A. H. Tomlinson, of the Qi A. C. Guelph, gave a. very interest­ ing illustrated lecture on ^Hom® Beautification” in the Town Hall en> Thursday evening of last week un­ der the auspices of the Junior Farm-- er’s Club. Prof. Tomlinson “howedt many beautiful and interesting;,slides^ illustrating flowers and shrubs in their natural colors. He had a^- splendid showing of roses and glad­ ioli and showed what could’ bo done with the grouping of flowers and shrubs. His address was exceeding* ly interesting to the flower lovers: present who gained many valuable hints. Mr. McLeod, district repre­ sentative, Clinton, assisted Mr. Torn,— linson. . ............ ....... **-•- —— / About 40 young people of Main St.’United church vtsited. the County Home at Clinton on Monday even­ ing. The program was in charge of the president Mr. F. Wildfong and consisted of. a duet by Misses D. Grassick' and L. Brown; piano solo Miss R. Wildfong; Mr. Beavers .spoke briefly of his former connection with the home while reeve of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs receiving their appointment at the same time; Miss M. Follick .sang a solo accompanying herself on the auto harp; solo F. Wilfong accompanied on the auto harp by .Miss Follicle. The pastor spoke a few words of greetings. A treat was taken for thej old people and a very pleasant evening was en­ joyed. VISIT WITH SEVERAL FRlENW Mr. and ’Mrs. J. J. O’Brien are- bo me fro'm Toronto after spending cv delightful Holiday. They left here Good Friday and arrived home last;, Monday, motoring both ways. They had the great pleasure of meeting!' Colonel A. A. Bennington, of Pres­ cott, who motored the 220 miles fa nieet his cousin, Mrs. O’Brien, whom he hadn’t sfeen for fifty years. Fifty' years ago life visited Mrs. O'Brien.'» father’s family in Usborne- Thfe time he was accompanied by hi® youngest daughter., Miss Norma.'. They and Mr, and Mrs. O’Brien had a very pleasant visit with Lis eld­ est daughter who is married to Mr- Wetherhead, a, barrister, residing fit a beautiful home on Bennington Ave* They also had tits pleasure of mak­ ing a number of side -trips to Whff— by, Oshawa and Brooklyn. In the latter village Mrs. O’Brien had th®, joy of renewing did acquaintances with an old schoolmate ,Mrs. Orraix- ton nee Miss Lucfetia Manning: Pleasant renewals of 'dequaintdirtee®- of former years were made with Mrs- David Thomson nefe Miss Fanny Blatchford, of usbmme; Mr, and Mrs1* John Blatchford apd the ReV. Mr* and Mrs. Hanna, she having hefept Miss Janet Btrhtt.er of Usborpe. Thfey also visited oh the Way with Mrk* O’Brien’s neicos, 3Jrs. Jefferson, Mitchell and Mrs. Oohm, of Slmke- speare. . . -Since her O’Brfcn.ffedl*i very much imjirdyed" Im health and last Sunday she was Jib)e to' , attend service in Main street ’chtirdi, a.ble to Walk Loth ways/ -soniethinw site ims not bomt able* td S’cr .for." years* - • ■ - ; Mi*, and Mrs; were Ufefufcto Toronto by their friends Mr.- ahd Mrs. Arthur J-ones and family/ wim» also went after them when they Wert* •i'eadv to cfimift home, an uet Ritir gladly appimciated. TENNIS CLUB RE-ORGAN,Mil An enthusiastic meeting of tennis players was held in th'e Bank of Commerce chambers on Thursday evening of last Week. The Tennis club have taken over .,.the bowling green and will make some Improve­ments to the proprdty and to* the club house and it is expected that tennis will be more' popular than ever in Exeter. this season. It is quite possible that Exeter will enter a team in the Western Ontario Ten­ nis Association. -The newly elected ofticers were as foLows; Hon, Bros. W, C. - - - - Francis pros., J T. S, Neale; U ship Committee,__ with power to-rdddt mittee. Davis,. colt, Chas. Balter; Tournament com* mitten. M, It." Complin; A,. R. .Me* Kanncm, r Mmses G, Harness and A. Acheson: r;’„: A* Acheson, G* Harness, G. Harvov, M, Miivnhy, b. Grant and Mrs, M. R. Complin, .PROPERTY TRANSFER Two "big real estate deals been nut through in Exeter this ..... The Central Hotels owned by Mr. C have week Lee, of Loudon, and occupied by Mik E. G. Lowry, has been purchased by Mr. Homer Bagshaw. The property was purchased subject to the lease as Mr. Lowry has possession for an* otker three and a half years. The big block, known aS the McDonald block and also owned by Mr. Lee has been purchased by Mr. Wm, Frayne of usborne. The block contains the stores of W. 3. Cole, J. W. X^owell, I Miss Armstrong, milliner' and the ; laundry. The second floor is oi> onpiod bv Dr. Atkinson, The Canada club and Lebanon Forest Lodge, M & A, M. SOFTBALL 5IHETING An interested softball meeting was held in Lucan on Monday night. Re­ presentatives from Exeter, Lucan, Grand Bend, Thedford and Park­hill were present and while Alisa Craig was not represented it is hop­ ed they will enter a team to make it a six-team group. It was decided to enterx the Ontario Softball As­ sociation. Mr. Eecleston, of Grand Bend, has presented a 3-year clip. Mr, Herman Go AVer, of Exeter, was Cjleeted iiresidcnt of the league. An­ other meeting will bo held' in Exeter on Friday night to draw up iitilm I'mUi Iiin’i- f Little Miss Hazel Williams, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Williams, of Usborhe, who has been in ;st. Joseph’s Hospital, London since Wednesday of lest week with ear trouble, returned homo Tuesday., eclm 1 The newly elected Vk G? Meddv MLA.'£ fteeVe ’b7 M*. , Pres. M. it. comTlin; vice <). M. Southcdttj’,'sdo.fy“t’i'eas., Ccmvehdr of Member* .........—a:. R. McKinnon Grounds Com* . X M.« South* mJ tt’ecy at........ComrHn;" X" R. ".Me* Acheson’ Social Committee, ^Misses L Anbo'jtojh G. Harness, G. Harvey, M, Morphy, b. Grant and Mrs, M. R. A. Kell-The family erman, wiAJ bors and jHo^ sympathy gbxteu cent„ sad noi^^ient and also for ‘Vf Hl fl ‘ .s Mr. J. G. Btanbnry was in Tos to the first part of this week Counsel in a case at osgoode Hall, Miss Eldine and Master Richard ac­ companied him and visited with rel­ atives. •on­ us