HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-08, Page 7^OUND NOTHING TO I 50 .YEARS AGO EQUAL IT ABROAD “A sluggish liver brought on con-' .Btipation that made me a purgatives. My digestion pieces and I wasn’t free slave to went to of sopr On Wednesday as M.r.;> Richard Luxton, of Exeter, was working at Cottle’s new bending factory, the scaffold on which he was standing gave way, percipitating him to the ground, a distance of about eighteen feet, breaking one leg a little above the ankle and wrenching the other. On Thursday last the house of Mr. John White, of this office, had a narrow escape from fire. One of the childi;^n. being told to light a fire in J^ftchen stove, took a handful of Bi’ clippings from a wooden box de the stove and putting them ilfi the stove lighted them, But one end of a long strip of paper remain­ ed in the box while the other epd was in the stove. The firo ran along the paper into the box and started to blaze. ■ Fortunately Mrs. White entered and it was soon extinguish- HARRY E -stomvh day or niglj$. .time aVer I started was In a week’s argon my liver ' functioning Jriglit «digestioji Tvas peiOct. with mire relish I was 1 Grace have di wonderfully imp^ved, I have taken medicine in Enfland, Egypt, South Africa a|d Cantfla during the eight years I ! the British Army but I rilver nd any that ap­ proached ^the S^irgon treatment.”— Harry E; ~ ~ ' 'Branch, oHtarj® Sargon n soldiei dizzin and my I eat now an I have since the field.' Every and headaches ■and my sleep is be obtained in ter at Wesley’ S. Howey’s. (advertisement) ‘ Exe- The surest protection against fail­ ure is never to attempt to do any- • Shing. . ----J-------------...-1I-.- ■ TJILltSDAY, MAY »tll,THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE what Will the new tariff make yen rich? * as # 4>. ♦ * All this agitation makes it look as if there were no stopping place between the open bar and total prohibition. • * * * * * • •> May has presented us with some lively atmospheric and highly satisfactory growing conditions, .Still, we’ll see we'll see. But here’s, hoping. <* * * $ * * * * * /jK ‘MM r haveAnd ivliat days these 'are for gardening! That village:* must no music in his >soul who is not looking up the garden rake and. stretching his credit to procure seeds for planting. 15 YEARS AGO Mr. Tlios. Harton is improving his residence on Andrew Street by en­ larging it into a bungalow, Mr. Milo Snell has rented the wareroom south of the Commercial Hotel for a show room for his Ford cars. . .' Mr. W- D. Clarke is this week moving with his family to the resi­ dence in connection with the |Mol- sons Bank. Mr. Tlios/ Hawkins, of Windsor, who has recently beeiuon an extend­ ed trip to Quebec, is, in'town for a few days on. business.- Messrs. C. H. McAvoy and Laurie Watson who have been attending the College of Pharmacy at Toronto and who wrote on their i’inaf exam­ inations, returned home Saturday. Miss Ella Wood has'taken a posi­ tion as stenographer and bookkeep­ er with Mr. Wes. SnelJ. Mr. Lee Blatchford went to Lon­ don on Monday where he will under­ go a second operation. Mr. C. Zuefle is moving into his residence on Andrew-Street vacated by Mr. W. D. Clarke. Mr. Fred Sanderson is moving into the resi­ dence vacated by Mr. Zueflg^ ..... k 4CRJT OF TOWN CALLS — QUICKER AND CHEAPER^THAN EVER g djshirtc& ca$' tbc distdiit Htiiti- K < If 'jknotu" thi %ocik ft up. - dby;.itiim&er speeds The small boy and his sister are hearing ia good deal about com- finest weeks of the What are fine days have our sympathy. ing examinations. It seems a pity that the year should be cluttered up with hard study, for, anyway if not to enjoy?1 The youngsters # * * * * * * * Those thrifty souls who have all the rubbish burned. the ver­ andah repaired and repainted, the front fence decorated with a once-over are the real thing in town building. Those merchants who already have their windows’ .30 well decorated that the early motorist cannot but stop to inquire who does business in this live town are the sort who are nabbing the nimble dollars. Last Thursday night’s storm 'demonstrates the necessity of mak­ ing provision against the occasion of the wind’s being loose on des- • traction bent. Insurance compaies are finding themselves up against serious losses. 'The report, of the total damage done by the storm referred to will make interesting reading and should prove highly suggestive to companies as to the risks their agents should he allowed to take. A DCTY It is astonishing how many men—and women—are leaving such vital matters as the making of their will to the last moments of their lives. This is a fatal mistake. In many instances when . folk are seriously ill it works against their recovery to be told that they must settle their affairs. Making one’s will does not shorten one’s days, while doing so will in all probability, work real justice to those who have toiled’and struggled-. ^Making one’s testament­ ary 'arrangements is nothing short of a duty. Why should this matter vital to the interests of one’s family be left to an hour of excitement and grief and bodily and mental weakness and general distress? .What ought' to be done should be done and may be- done. yt Starve The Teeth Teeth have to be built out of foods tWl are rich in phosphorus and Many children take into teeth that are defective job that nature inte . _ 5Vheat with milk h(^s develop sound teeth, good m It is rich in the fit for the d. Shredded THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LT®. WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLEWHEAT bones. 5ne-making salts. The crisp, crunch shreds make chewing necessaryjjJhd that develops healthy gums arf good digestion. south of Mr, A. E. Pym’s iblaek— smith shop. Mr. Ed. Kestle and family, 0^ London, have moved to town will occupy the house -owned by L Armstrong op Huron Street, west ef' the track. Mr. and Mrs. Kestks- were formerly residents of Steph,en- Monday’s Free Press contained, sp fine half-tone of Mr. F. E, Karn, ther manager of the new branch .of ’'&«> Sovereign Bank of Canada at LoBj* don and lately of Exeter, together with a write-up on the bank. Mrs. Simpson, late of the Metres politan Hotel, fell while hanging at picture at her home in Mitchell on Monday and received serious injuv— ies. Miss Jean Hawksliaw left Ttres> day for,-Souris, .Mian.,-where, she- ii»* tends' making her'future home witla her brother, Mr. W. J. Hawks-hawv who has leased ;Wie King Edwwdt Hotel of that.;plaqe. . '• *■■ ■• ■■■ - -'... .........• ■■ 25 YEARS AGO Miss Fannagan, graduate of Mercy Hospital, Chicago, who has been in attendance on the late Mrs. Rollins, left for her home in London, Tues­ day. Miss Countess Waldron, who has been visiting her aunt Miss H. .Wal­ dron, returned to her home in Wood- stock on Monday. She was accom­ panied as far as London by Mr. W. Prout and Miss Kate Atkinson. Mrs. James Wanless, who has been visiting her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy returned, to her home in Duluth'on Tuesday. She was ac­ companied by Mrs. Hardy, who will visit her for a time, after which she will visit with relatives, in Manitoba. ■Mr. W. J. Heaman is having a tin- shop bu.ilt at the rear of his hard­ ware store. Mr.’ Wm. Mitchell has opened up the Cockshutt Implement warerooms School Reports REPORT GRAND BEND SCHOOL Room I Sr. II, total 600—Iva, Lovie 577, Evelyn McPhee 5 33," Jerry McPhee 493, Willis* Gill'-’ASS’, Everett Dis- jardine 45 8. Jr. II, total 600—Ella Mousseau 516, Freda Lovie 497, Alan Walper 457, Pauline Colling 448, Burton Green 4-39, Dickie Hamilton 355, Alvin Statton 23 3 absent. First Class—Irene Periso 575, S. McPhee 573, Donald Turnbull 522, Estella Oldaker 507,-Mary McPhee 49 8, Dolores Gossman Primer Maurice Sturgeon’ Primer Gratton 502, Carleton Manore 47 4, Emerson Disjardine 460. Primer A.—Carman Ireland 460, Jackie Anderson .390, Winnifred Tiederman 33'3. E. M. Taylor, teacher REPORT GRAND BEND SCHOOL Room II V Class, total 55 0—Anne Taylor 497, Mary Patterson 491, Beatrice Green 478, Reta Pfaff 451, -Janet Turnbull 3 9 3, Della Gratton 341, Trellis Gratton 25 3. Absent from examination Janet Turnbull. IV Class, total -5 50—Mae Patter­ son 432, R. Desjardine 418, -Erwin Holt 403, Fay Hamilton 3S4, Doug­ las Gill. 239. ■ Absent , from one examination, Douglas Gill. . . „. , • Sr. Ill,-total 500—Bruce Ireland 448, Irene Ravelie 419, Phyllis Gill 414, Stanley Gill 414, Carman Lbvie 410, Ward Pfaff 401, Melvin Peariso 391, Wilbur Lovie 252. Jr. Ill, total 500—Eileen 435, Ilene Webb 415, Helen 391, Percy Atkinson 3 49, - Orville Mollard 352, Jack Holt 335, Joyce Pfaff 331. J. II. Kelso, teacher vin Wanner 60, Viola Vincent 60, Sllyvia Vincent 50, Verna Vincent 20. Beginners—-Leonard. Dietrich, French, Aldene Preeter, Tresia Peter Ziler. •- Promoted at Easter—(1) Dietrich (I-I) Roy Morenz, Dietrich, all to the third class. (2) Elva Adams, Lois Wanner, Lome Devine, Rita Dietrich, Henry Ziler, Eileen Disjardine to the se­ cond class. Winner of spelling contest, Clara Dietrich. Number on the roll 37; average attendance 32.12. ' L. M. Snell, teacher E. Ziler, Merle Louis, 43 4. Gossman 537, 444, Russel C.—Garnet Tiederman 2 65 absent. B. Graham Mason 537, C. WINCHELSR2L .SCHOOL REPORT Following is ’’the report of , the Junior Room of the Winchdlsea School for the months of March and April. Those whose names are marked with an asterisk were ab­ sent for.one or mo-re examinations. Numbers ...iridlcate percentage. • *' ‘ " Jr. HI-—-Dorothy Johns S5, Earl, CoultisyS3-Marion Miners 82, Eula Herdmam. .68,• Irwin O’Reilly 60,* Thelma O’Reilly 55, Gordon Prance Sr. J.I-* (wj^Marion Pooley S Hazel;Johns-80,-"Elgin Skinner 75 CliftohyBrock -74jHarold Clarke 61 Garnet- do ward ^5'Sp’. Sr./Q?k'(b)—/johhny Johns 70, Au­ drey FletWi&^ig^s..Harold Davis 60,t Wilbert* Coward'll)? Donald /Murrayf 5 9’-'s, Ina:E0rd?5G, Beryl, Brock $;0.Jr.w ■;]■■ ‘ * Skinner'^ft,..___.... Broclf'^’.TbMMy *' Teddy •'Jbliys*;. Harvey'' Pfaff* Sr<» Rbiiner-—~E thSl^Piool ey, garet; <Min m#'. fBihy-' * Brock, Miners,' 5‘Marjory’. Fletcher, Pfaff*. ‘ Jr. -Pripmv—ponalcl .Brock, ham /Bell, ’ Doreen ^CMt-ltis, Davis,- Doris-; Elfoi'jL JScInh Bessie, jbhns, Mildred'yeah in ■ ...SoldWfT , BRIGGS fap din slack Coward 37*i „ I . " J .tl^Cl^dim^. Ford, Gladys ,Clayto)t’ JHerdman,Ivar® . - «r - r. ' J u ay’ -T ki HP ■Johns;|JLbi^’.P(f^nc^-'’‘'Xlvin Murray, Miis. Rush had her things on all ready to . , . - '^X -ydsh f'knew hov/ many' yards of ... that Curtain stuff my sister needs. I Wonder if I could reach Her by tele­ phone?” Xier sister lived in a city Over 80 n?iles awyy —‘ but in just aWittle ovd?/a , ; ^^utc Rusli,v?as;tafedAg td her and getting the dkails\sheWanted, .It |" .didn’t, delay.hef;shopping' tfig*-piqtc5 -tharltWO xiliput^s and it cost only/v 56'-.cents. ' ‘ x ' ( u. J’ wi:s ctrteinly'/ i why/l- Sfev i kiioW CSiaCtly what ‘tfe’ -buy”; she said as she stepped into her cat'fo-go down town.' *\, Ouxr facilities- ate ’now so” complete; that Mie ayetage''long‘di^ahce call takes only fraction over 11 inlnute add a half! Yt Gratton Walper -.Mar- John Allen.i .iGra- ^tean Ford, V. Rusnell,, te.achei/.. ' STEELMRiGGS SEEOtlS “CANMIKS SitEATEST TORONTO-HAMILTC::-WiNHIPEG-REglHA-EDMQNT(M._ i ■ JE ,...■ „t >> x I 1U .1 Thelma Vincent 67, Pearl 6. REPORT S. S. NO. 11, STEPHEN The following is the report for the month of April for S. S. No. 11, Blackbush. Sr. IV-—Hazel Disjardine 6 6.1, J. Dietrich 6 6. Jr. IV—Clara Dietrich 71, Eld a Devine 62, Dorothy Vincent 55, I-I. Morenz 39. ’ Sr. in- Wanner 60, EugOiie Dietrich Maison 50. Jr. in—Verna Disjardin Trellis Disjardine 64, Ernest 60, Vo ya Adams ! Lestoi" Disjardine 26. 2nd Class—Me-: Dietrich 78, Roy Wanner 56. 1st Class—Lei's Zik-r 52,. Eileen Disjardine Dietrich 50t Lome Devine Adams 36. ' Primers—Earl Dietrich III e Fron ch Ira Vincent 49, Devine 5 o 1 49, Ervin la Diotricli Moren a 71 Wanner 50 51, 38, 100 71 , H. Rita Kiva Al REPORT. S. Hl NO- 10^ .STEPHEN Sr. jV'—,Lillian„.Wob)) ‘78>9j Gliry- stal Hayter 77.4,. Ruby BWn'.:'76’.2, Ross Brown 78.2/Oljve English 73.1- Gerald ‘Chfriitliers, 62. ’v ■ Jr.,,-.ty-—Edith Lovie • 7fi.7(-..Nora W ebb •’ 6 8.8, E1U11 ?, Mi cks 62,5, di- son Pollock Sr. lMt-4-Mervyn.Love 69.9,\$earl Carrtfpierg, G2'X . - ’ Jr. IIlXRrlico ‘ Gal’dker,, ■57t[9i ci! Hartle- 'S^.9.?/ X Sr..'1-i—^.Ratiit Camtthor^ J’r.1-• II-yXidHs.KickW 65.5; Wss. MacGrb^ar'^'o'; - V ; 1st /class—Rfftft Lb\^. 75>; Ruby Hicks 71J, Earl •Gardnef’ 69, CameV-. on MacGregor 67, Broywrf EinersoA Lovie 5Of ,1 iSr.,’Pr.—IJeien MacGiTgor G5. Jr. •'.Pf.^Willa* Qarrntliers. . • Number on roll 26; average at- t«ndancB''2SvS. ’ J . O. R. Corbett/ teacher- *TO' EVERY WHERE IN^.C A NA?P A fast, through, train to the W6St>. * leavingToronto ^ailyat9.30p.hi. for Minaki, Winnipeg, Brandon, RiJgina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver! ’ I. ; c EQUlPM^btT*- - * . ..* StjKHcqjSta'hdamSIcehjh!?C*ts.;.j. ‘ Skciptag-'Cafs', Dlhtng Ont stnd CxisItlitS.-,’ Plan yowr WdCfttioh dSf IO Jtrtioy the /acilttk.i of Arty Canadian National Agent will qrrdttKeiour retcrvailont.