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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-08, Page 4
' THURSDAY, MAY ... ........................... IlBIWMlWWyil ■■■WIMiii INI STEPHEN COUNCIL | The Council pt the Township at Stephen convened -at the Towh Hall, ^Crediton,' on. Muy -5th, 1930, at 1 p. jjjm. The minutes of the .previous meeting were read1 and adopted. AH ^members were present. Moved by Mr. W. Swejtser, second- by Mr. Hearing: That the Assess- xhlent RqH fo-r the year 19.30 as filed awRh the Clerk be received and the Assessor be paid his salary,., Carried. Moved i>y Mr, E. Gill, seconded by 3Mr, H. Beavers; ‘That the Clerk re- bluest Mr. George A. McCubbln, 0- to make an examination of the ;3Ryan Drain, with the object of glv-* ing a certificate and estimate of the’ gprork; performed. Carried. Moved by Mr. H- Beaver, second ed. by (Mr, E. Gill: That John T,‘ AEJirtzel, be appointed Weed Inspec- 4oy at a salary of 40c. an hour. Car. Moved by Mr. Wb Dearing, second ed by Mr. W. Sweitzer; That the following Township Koad'Foremen's JPay Sheets and» Orders be .paid' Lewis Davey, road 3,r““’ ■SHirtzel, <-oad 6 road 8, «,■$22 Aobn Houlahan, road -15, $6.5,0; .P. JDesjardine, road1 16, $6.25; Placide JDesjardine, road 16, $20.40; Wesley Asaac, road 17, 8.4ET; Mrs. Adelbert ' Webb, road 20, $16.50; William Raker, road 21, $9.65; Earl Gaiser, road 25 TO, 8 5 #5,-90; J$15-80 .^2'2.20 |cafvnd; vizi: Dick and Chambers 'Hensail; Stephen Bros., nt Blunshard 1 $13.25; G. road 4, $10.90; H.v. Schen-ls $32.50 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE be of as land. auction sale — -of —* Rupture Expert Here Do you suffer fyoxn imptmto? 1S‘-’ so, your . big . opportunity lias JtoW arrived. Mr. Reavoly tlw noted!’ rupture expert, will be a-fe fixe. j Central HoteU Exeter the Report be finally adopted, car, By-Law no. 3-1930 Pletcher Drain By-Law was passed on motion of WiUianM- Westcott. . . By-Law up. 4-1930 Pym Drain By- Law was passed on motion of Shier* Dew.Wm. Elford and W. J. Ford made ■application for payment for dam age to plows in snow work. ....... . That they Cu Carried, for the construction and Fletcher Drains Debus , and Hodgins, of Lucan Ken*, neth Drakp, of staffa; Stephen and Baited tot ;-U^iw * ’ 'Dew-Westcott:”Tlmt the tender of Stephen and Batten be accepted at the siate of ?0c: per yard per mile and 16c. for each additional mile for crushed gravel -and 22c. per yard' per ipile foruncrushed gravel the eoajti:actQ,r;s to engage elers. carried. An agreement in drawn up a.nd signed „ Henry - The .Municipal Council of the Township p£ Usborne met at Town ship Hall, Elimville, 19’39, pursuant to adjournment in its regular meeting, with all mem bers of Council present. The minutes of the meeting of April 5th, togethex' with that of the special meeting held oxi April 23rd, were read and approved on motion of Shler-VVestoott. Coiu’esjicnden^e’,- Receipt, from F. P. Gibibs re audit ors fee. Advice from solicitoi’ Gladman re Street Lighting in WToodhanx, Dew-Westcott:- That the . clerk communicate’ with the petitioners ixx WoOdhaiii’advising them of” the sol icitors letter and requesting a con ference with the counbil at its next meeting at 2p.m. Communication Treasure;' re lands as in Usborne,’ v Williams- Shier:- That the Clerk Report to tix'e couniy treas. that all taxes for 1929 are paid. carried. Dept, of' Agriculture- >re Weed Control Act. N . Williams®ew:- That the Weed Inspector be insructed to-, attend conference when date is set.. ' A. E. Wilson- -Insurance:-answer- •ed.; ' ■ Jno. O’Brien, P. McNaughton and Wm. Roger interviewed the Council soliciting a ■ grant to the Kiirkton Library: ' ♦ Sliier-Dew:-That a grant of $J5. be made. Carried. , Court of -Revision -on the Wildfong Drain By-law Assessment was called with the members subscribing to tl^e necessary declaration. ‘There were two appeals, viz f-George Dunn Lot.EB Lots29 and' 30 Con. 2; Wm. Wood-Lot W£ Lots 29and30 Con. 2; Dew-Willjams:-We, the council of Usborne’ believe that there is Cause "for complaint in the appeal of George Dunn, where he has land as- esssed in the Wildfong Area, when not assessable, but pending the ap peal to the Refree, that no action be' . taken in either appeal. Court closed. . Dew-Shier: That the and pay sliov- triplicate was tp. this effect. Sti-apg, Clerk. on May Srd, Williams-Westcott paid $-3,00 each, Tenders the pym follows The Hensail ‘^n Mills are prepared ^crea^e of choice spring Far must < this 5 $22.50; William Schwartz, $3.00; William Schwartz, rd. 00; Albert Regier, road 9, Otto WiUert, road 12, $23.- Wesley England, road 14, $8,50 : $4.20; Earl Gaiser, road 25, Frank Triebner, road 27, Frank Triebner, William Becker, road 10, , Alvin Baker, road 5, $9404 Beter fsenbach, road' 26, ' <teorge Eilber, super., salary $63.- JJO; William Sanders, road 2, $8.85; Augustus Latta, road 18, $5.13; N- Baker, road 1, $5.00 ; Nelson Baker, S. B., $5.00; Nelson' Baker, station ^street $4.00; William J. Lovie rd. $26.00; total $548:.38. Joseph 43jiinan, salary aS Assessor and post age $152.65; James Stanlake, bury ing, dog $1,50. ‘ The Council adjourned -to meet <again at the Town Hall, >Crediton, on Wonday, Mayz26th, 1930, at 1 p.m., ifor court of Revision to hea-r any appeals against the Assessment Roll ?aud othex* general business. Henry Eilber, Clerk road 27, road 27, $101,45; USBORNE COUNCIL A specia l meeting of the (Municipal ^Council -of the Township of Usborne swas held at the Township Hall, Elim- a/ille, on April 23-rd, 1930 for the ^purpose of receiving and dealing with lenders for trucking gravel for 1930 -for Township use. All the members of the Council were present. The following tenders Carried. from County with unpaid tax- Carried. Wildfong Fletcher Drain McDonnell Bros. $1450,00; John Connelly, $1683,od; Dan $1306,75; T-h°ums Colvim Donald Graham and Ron $1289.00 Henry Lawrence $1683,00 Connelly and Sons, $1317-00; John Curtin $1535.00, ~ ~ $1287.00; John Chambers $1435. Williams—Dew: That the tender of Joseph pwyer be accepted and the contract signed. l*yxn Chas. Kistner Colvin $3400.00; 347.00: John Curtin $3539.00 Lawrence $3142.00 & Sons $2947.00; & Son $3189.00. $3400.00; Joseph Dwyer $3559.50 Shier—-Westcott: That.the tender, of Wm. Connelly & Sons be accepted and contract signed. Carried. Notice of<the Assessment Roll be ing received"-from the Assessor. Dew? —Williamsf That’ a Court of Revis ion on same be helds at ’ our next meeting, May 31 at 3 p.m. Carried.; Thos. Bell applied’ for crop dam-/ age on the ’Winclielsea Drain. NoL action. * " ,! The Treasurer announced that he had received^ the Government Grant on $1929 expenditure on Township Roads amounting to $2891.38. Westcott—Williams: That the fol-, lowing bills be paid, viz:— Donald Graham & Son, advance on Washburn Drain contract $1600.;". Jos. Dwyer, advance on Winclielsea. Creek Drain contract $85.00; W. W.‘ Neil, balance contract price Ruther-' ford Drain $90.00; ‘ H. H. Brown, equalization S. Sr No. 3, Biddulph • $5.00; Wickwire Press,. By-laws the Wildfong Drain $17.00 ; Fred Wright miscellaneous work $14.70; H. G. Webber, repairs to grader $4.15; Louis Fletcher, -dragging and brush ing $37.85; Will. Rvutley, dragging and repairing culvert $29.65; Fred Ford, dragging etc. $30.03; Henry Westlake, .snow wo-rk and filling in' washout $15.85; Freeman Horn'* for dragging and rep. culvert $20,90;; Hugh Berry, repairing culvert $3.;‘ Ed, Johns, ditto 60c.; Wm. Moodie, .filling washout' and material $2.50;- , Chas. Johns, dragging and for snow work $14.43; Luther Reynolds,, dragging $28.06; Clarence Down, ditto $4.13;* Ward Hern, ditto $1’3.- | 75; Ewart Pym; drawing tile $2.75; i Wm. Elliott, drawing travel $4.40: Exeter Flax rent a limited mUty sod Eeritod. ; to 'rent May 30th, -ill be JEIGER A and Exeter, isall phone 59 r Phone 131T2 plowing p ers desii land After accepted, SON Ont, FAW stock A IMPLEMENTS The uindei'signed lias received in structions to sell by public' aution on Lot 8, Con. 1, HAY TWP- — on — J. Crowley, *$1500, Joseph Wm. Dwyer Carried, Drain $3359,00; Thos. Felix Curtin $3,.- ------ Hy, Wm. Connelly Donald Graham John J. Connelly P Estimat AVIS $24 HYDRO ELECTRI Wiring and installing, gx workmanship t reason Repairing stove ialty, free. anteed prices, a spec- y furnished Shingles * have a : discusI problem call with us. and WA have in stfck B. C. Shingles all e\lge grain $‘iid No. 1 in every Vespect.are right, requiib asphalt slate for roof or\sidin» see our sample .and griefs before you buy. rf Birch siding is very at- .See sample. Well as- Birds ffacti sortedt#ock of Lumber on hand Chas. -Stephen, trucking. $14.00; Roy Johns, snow work $2.20 ; W. Brooks, ditto $3.00; Roy Coward, ditto $15.- ■60; Ephriam Hern, ditto $12.60; ,Cha.s. Dayman, ditto $15.60; Ever ett Skimp e-r, ditto $1.20; Roland Williams, ditto $9.30; .Franklin Skinner, ditto $3.30; Wm. Gilfillan, 'ditto $12.-3O’; R. McElrea, ditto $9.:- 60; Wellington Neil, ditto $18.00; Wm. Elford', ditto $-3.20; William J. Ford,-ditto $3.60; Victor Heywood, ditto $2;00; Wm. Quinn, ditto $.3- 60; Gordon Heywood; ditto $2.00; Mrs. H. Ford, clerical work $3.00; H. Ford, .guperintendance $59.15. Carried. Council adjourned to meet on Sat urday, May 31st, at 1 pan. FRIDAY, MAX 9, 1930 at 1.00 sharp the following HOR'SIES—Registered .gray mare, with foal at side • registered, mare 3 years old; gelding 1 year old; one heavy hor-siji rising 5. years old; aged work horse, CATTLE—Cows due in July; ; calf; 4 cattle rising .2 years old. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. . binder •McCormick mower; side delivery rake, hay loader combined tivator; roller, 1 buggy, hay rack, set' Reales, stock rack, fanning mill, tulnip pulper, manure spreader, riding plow, two walking plows, whe<barr.QW, 40 gallon barrel, stope goat, 2 sets double harness, set- Slagle harness, quantity .of hay, 200 f"" “~1"~ bus, barley, grindston trough-step " ladder whifflefifees, forks, chs other articles, I-IOUSBLHOLD EFF1 separator,\ Quebec ran lounge, 1 wash stan ing machine^ churn, i|on kettle, sap buckets, sealers'. TERMS OF ! $10.00 and amount 7 mon given on furnisl^ng notes or 4 pei; ce^t. s raight off 1 H. side bean cultivator disc liarrow; $-horse cul- 4-section harrows wagon, set sleighs, IF i steel cutter, ms. oats, 50 , ladder, pig neckyokes, 11s, lioes and CTS—- Cream :e, sideboard, edroom set,chairs, and con^nodes, wash- 75 i, pans, pails, |ALE *sh; over that §edlt will be pproved joint for cash, GEORGE HAWKI FRANK COATES, FRANK TAYLOR, Proprietor k tioneer Henry Strang, Clerk . ening. SHIPKA Next Sunday, May 11th, Mothers’ Day will be observed at the United* Church.- Services beginning at •30 a.m, with a Mothers’ Day gram being prepared. The Young Peoples’ Society at the United Churcl/011 Monday ev- 10.- pro- met d to give free eX* amlnalion to anyfsufferer and to de-* monstrSfe his This ailnliance opening cured ca months, ly -demonsfe.'at your ^er do not spen fully satisfi. appliance fo With Mr, Rep ing. Don’t 1 away from date n 10 famous appliance- will contract th#- o. 15 days and lia& front three to six ppljance is positive*- to you' right otf lout any charge. Tots penny unless you ar©- that it is the right" ■ou. A consultation^ y will cost you noth- this opportunity get ju. Remembe ■rowers re EITH ALL C MUST U-NDERI OR! BURNS icrer’s Act BLE AND STALKS'' BE PLOUGHED?- PICKED UP 'ORE THE 20 th MAY NEXT., WALD GINN Ixxspectoi- RICH, ONTARIO AN>- DAY I •’I '■■.gar •MORTGAGEES ALE i' 3 1ESTATE A paper was given on ‘Why\vin be certain mortgpgsk ered for said? bjg* 'the # MONDAY contained in a ..J o Public Auction a Central the Young-Folk Leave the Farm” by Miss I. Sweitzer and Mr. T. Lam port. The storm which swept through this vicinity last Thursday night did. very little damage. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Voelker, of Detroit, Mich., ‘also Rev. Mr. Voel-. ker, of Hersey, Mich., attended the .Canada. Evangelical Conference held ,in .Zurich last, week and-' visited -with- J J. 3 ■■ 1 corner of the wesfe... 1 the 18th Con. o£ Stephen, in tW contaning by ado res more or less, t LOCAL NEWS A number of farmers have already .finished seeding. Mrs. E- A. Marshall visited recent ly with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. N. Hockey, who- lias been quite ill for the past week is slight ly ’improved.' ‘ Mr. Reg. Beavers and friend Mr. W- Vale, of U-derton, spent the week end with the former’s parents, Mrs. Baker and two daughters, of London, visited at the home of her .brother Mr. E. A. Follick on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Rivers have moved into the residence on Andrew Street vacated by Reeve B. M. Fran cis, Mrs. Egan who recently moved to Lucan to reside with her brother Jas. Sweet visited in town on Satur day last. The Hogarth B.a-by Chick Hatch ery brought out a batch of 515 white Pekin ducks which they have on ex hibition in One of their windows. Miss Dorothy Cox, of Sarnia, spent Sunday and Monday in Exeter visit ing with her mother, Mrs. N. Hanni-^ gan. She returned to, Sarnia with her uncle, Mr. R. H. Cornish. Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Venator and children; M-r. -and Mrs. Roy Schott and -.-little daughter and Mrs. D. Sweeney, all of London, spent Sun day with Dr. Ward and family. Mrs. Geo, McBain and son Gordon, of Buffalo,* N. Y. and Mrs.* Janies McBain and sons, Irvine, Donald and Roy, of Washington, D» C., motored to’ Exeter and spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. • Grant’. . The regular meeting of the Jhmet Street Women’s Association was held on Thursday last in the church parlours. The President, . Mrs. N. Sheere presiding. After the singing of. a hymn Mrs. Newton Baker led -in prayer. Tile Scripture lesson Was read by Mrs. Maud Heywood and Mies Reta Rowe sang a solo. It was ‘decided to have a strawberry festi- After the benediction was pro- a AY 12, 1930 Drain By-Law 'be passed -as read and j Win. Elliott, drawing gravel $440; val. nounced lunch was served and Social half hour spent. BETTER ’ B E C A US E I T’ S CANADIAN louie fjpffe unusuaL- smoothness of the-. Pontiac Big * Six results from -special features in its sturdy ;50-horsepowcr engine. One is the harmonic hal-" Atjcer which eKrtiinaces torsional vibration. Another as'the G-M-R cylinder head which does away with .Toughness and minimizes knock. And the improved type, of rubber ttiounting insulates the engine from the. frame and still* further increases Pontiac’s smoothness. Sven with hours of steady high speed driving the Pontiac, Big Six engine is never pushed--beyond a point at which it is silent and smooth. Bor Pontiac develops its maximum horsepower ar very moderate engine speed. Sac the Pontiac Big Six, and -better still, >drive it? We shall be glad to arrange a ^demonstration. Then, it you. wish,ruse the G-M.A,C.X General Motors’ own deferred, payment plan. t- i Mrs.Jacob Gaiser for a few days. CENTRALIA William Boyle, of London,Mr. lias been visiting for the past week with his .sister Mrs. Thos. Boyes. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hicks and family, of Flint, Michigan, spent the week-end at their home here. Miss Marlys McFalls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthui* McFalls under went an-operation in Doctor Flet cher’s Hospital on Tuesday of Ulis week. This is the second operation ■that Marlys has had within a year. AH lier friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mother’s Day .service will be held in the church, on Sunday, May lltli., The music will be furnished by the Main Street chuych orchestra, of Ex eter. Mrs. -Charles Johns, of Elim ville, will give the address. Tlie su- perintendant -of the Sunday School Mr. Cecil Skinner wishes all tile members- and teachers of each class to meet in tlie Sunday School room at 10.15 in order that they may inarch up to the auditorium in their groups. Mrs. ^Marshall, of Bly-tli, visited recently with her daughter Mrs. G. Hicks. ■'Mrs. Thos. Boyes had’ the. misfor tune to fall recently while going down the'.steps of her home break ing a bdife in h^r hand. Mr. (and Mrs? Alex McGowan and Orville', -of Blytli/ Mr. Findlay'Ander son aild Mrs. -Scandrett, of Be'lgrhve',, Mr. and' Mrs. Wilfred Anderson and Billy, -of Loudon, -were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Brooks oil Sun-*’ day. «u . , Mxv and Mrs.. -George Thomnson in Commen . The south wes half of Lot 11 •the. Township County of Hurrt measurement 7 -a r Estate of the late Wm. Nichol. ‘ TERMS—10 pel' cent. cash. Bal ance in 30 days. Further particular®?- on day of sale.FRANK TAYIOR, Auctioneer j ng at 1.30 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN,,-- "■ j COURT OF REVISION^' hereby gj^fen that S<. _____ vision of ^e' Assessment Roll of theffTownsh^of Stephen vrilJ. libld its f®-st messing in the Towjk. Hall, Cre^ton^n Monday, the 2-6tfe: day .-of I at 1 o’clock p.m, . f Henry Eilber, -Clerk ■Crediton, P. O., On£«. Notice Court of Notice to Creditors. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the- estate of Francis Fly$n, late of the. Village of Crediton Huron ' " , ' about the 17th day intestate, . their claims duly her 19th da And after th to-r will tate, hav of which DATE clAndeboye house DESTROYED BY FIRE ■ The home of Mr. Jas. McRann, south of Clandeboye was complete ly- destroyed, by fire on Sunday af ternoon. While the family were at •dinner they were alarmed by a •crackling sound and discovered that lire had Started in the chimney and toad ma-d’e . considerable headway. The alarm was spread and a call sent in for the Lucan fire brigade wliicll was quickly on the scene. A con* siderable portion of the furniture was saved but the home was burned to the ground. The loss amounts, to several thousand dollars. Mr. M. M. McGann, of. Godefich^ while bringing a motor launch from Detroit to Goderich has been missed for seven days and in spite of relent* less search by aeroplane and mono plane no trace has been found o£ either him or the Munch, and Jean visited with friends Stratford on Sunday. X KHIVA and-Mr. and Mrs. J, Hutchinson family, of London, spent the weekend ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, iMasoh. Mrs, J. Hanover returned home on^.Sunday having spent the past few" months in Buffalo. Miss A. M. fKnight spent the end in St-ratliroy. weak- DOCTOR GUNN DIES AT CLINTON Dr. Gunn, who lias been practis ing medicine ill Clinton for 42 years, died Saturday aged 75 years? „ In 1882 Dr. Gunn began his practise in Brucefield. in 1883 he took fDr. H. R. Elliott then of Lindsay as a part ner . He hofttinued until 1887 when Dr, Gunn removed to Clinton where he has since practised and resided. During the past 10 years of His life he has practically lived retired,* in addition to a generar practise lje performed mudh Surgical work, Dur ing the war Dr. Gunn served in Scot land where he worked in some of the. most famous hospitals,, . He highly ' esteemed through the dis trict. iij'the County o£“ ) ? ; di%d-ori,«.. <>s7 I October 1929> red to forward roven a or or 1930. further given that ,te the AdininlStra— to distribute the os*’ gard-only to the claims- lien-sliall have'notice. ' is 6th day -of (May. 1930- . lifaiah? Tetreau. R; R. No. 2; Dashwood* tratozy laborer? w are *req n, Cred' of Ma otice to H. Ell- before the- Admiu TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received I $1 ‘ "T, th£ _ ... is the County Of Hufbp. up to 7.30 o'clock construe Black Or bic yards Seen at of Mitchell, per cent, o pany ten de not necess Council of,the To-wnfhip of Ha: n., MayJl7th, 1930, W A of Kw'tli Branch of the* k Drdm Estimated cu- 680/Phn's. etc.I can b©* ce >f .J. Roger, O.L.S.ft t. Jpr undersigned. Five ' cantract price to accom- ‘1‘Lowe.st' or any tond©C y accepted, F. Hess. Zurich, ’OtiW ' -Clerk, Hay T*^ USBORNE & HIBBERT FIRE INSURANCE COMPJrNT ( Head Qttlce, Farquhar, President SI N'DOW Vice-Pres? FRAtyK Mc«ONNElX DIRECTORS ANGUS SINCLAIR. J. RO^T. JOHN EgS Uabo OLIVER HA /Hibbert; AWT%’6W> BROCKORRIS, W AGEN Y, Gen e And , Agent fol lddulph unro, Agent dn and Logan w. a. Turnbull 1 Secrotary-Tf bash for Box 98, Exetor, OhtafM’ GLADMAN A 3TANBURF BOHcltorsj Exeter AW 1 ■A r •I* J!