HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-05-08, Page 2THURSDAY, MAY Sth, 1930 ZURICH Mrs, J. preeter and two Muriel and Mabel, of were week-end visitors Mrs, Herb Kraft, of Sunday visitors with and Mi’s, l)e- the L, Mr and 'Mrs. Dennis O’Brien have moved their effects to Clinton where they will reside in the future. e *Mr. Kenneth Routledge has re­ turned to Detroit. , . Mr. Leon Geoffrey, who has’ been very seriously ill, has taken a change for the better, Mr. and daughters, Kitchener, in town. Mr. and trait, were former’s parents Mr Kraft. Mr. Henry ■ Dak.,..... not visited in Zurich for over thirty years. Mrs. Schnell was a member of the Koehler family. Mr. Philip Beaver left on Tuesday for Exeter where he intends to stay in future. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Calfas and family, and Mrs. W. G. Calfas, all of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors in town. Mi's. David Geromette, of Bron­ son Line, spent a week visiting with her family in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm are moving to Toronto this week. Rev, and Mrs. S. R. Knechtel, of St. Jacobs, visited for a week with Miss E. Rennie and Mrs. J. Guenther Wm. Brown met his aunt Mrs. Schnell of Grand Forks, N. in London last week'. She has ship passed away on Monday, April gist, when death claimed the person of Alonzo Foster, in his 77th year, and living on the Babylon Line, Hay. The late Mt*. Foster had been resid­ ing with his son Mr. Philip Foster op the old home farm for a. number of years and ha-d. been in failing ■Health for some time, and about two weeks previous to death deceased was afflicted with a had attack fluenza, this developing into complications which were too for the already not so strong His wife predeceased him some years ago. He is survived by a number of grown up sons and daughters, who all mourn the death of their loving father. The .funeral was held on Thursday morning, interment taking place in Hie R. C. Cemetery, Zurich. of iii’d other much holy. Checker Tournament An interesting checker tourna­ ment was held Monday evening at Taylor',s Tire Shop when 5 players from Lucan and 7 players from Cred- iton were present and met the Ex­ Lucan had 23 wins Exeter 15 wins and Crediton Exeter 14 draws, Orediton draws. After the Grant was re­ lieved by W. E. Handers. Follow­ ing were the wins, -draws and losses: eter players, and 8 draws and S draws. With had 31 wins and 29 wins <and 14 first six games Mr. lieved by W. E. Alonzo Foster Passes Lucan J. J. F, C, A. Rd Ed. A. J. W. BrintneR .. . Terry ..... . Treble .... Ryckman , S. Grant .... E. Sanders Total A. Cohoon .Sullivan ... Glavin ..... W, Millson Total .......I......«... Exeter THE EXETER TIN1ES-ADV0CATE 8 EDI CAL PROFESSION SUBSCRIPTION—?2.00 per year !M advance. Sxplrr aitiirB-Atiunratr Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning*, at Exeter Ontario CredifoH Wm. Motz .... I. Ilirtzel ...... F. WL M'orlocl? IL O. C. M. Fa liner .. Ewald ..... Morloek W, Teller Total Exeter X G. Brintnell .... J. Taylor ......... ,J. Butler ....... J. M, Bouthcott C. -Sweet ......... J. Tri ebn er .... Ed. Westcott w . 5 . 1 . 6 2 . 1 15 W 7 . 4 . 3 .. 5 .. 1 6 .. 3 4 29 4 I) 3 2 1 4 2 3 14 D 3 2 3 1 3 2 L 5 3 2 5 3 4. 29 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON “HOME BEAUTIFICATION” An illustrated lecture on the sub­ ject of Home Beautiflcatiin will be given in the Town Hall, Exeter on May Sth at 8.00 o’clock in the ev­ ening. The speaker of the eveing is Pro­ fessor A. H, Tomlinson, of the Hor­ ticultural Department, 0. A. C., in Guelph and he is 'being brought to Exeter under the auspices Junior institute and Junior ers organizations of Exeter. Professor Tomlinson is in of horticulture at the college a very interesting speaker, He uses •many excellent slides which serve to emphasize the important points in his lecture and also shows how an ordinary home may be made beautiful with very little expendi­ ture of time and money. The sub­ ject is timely -and should be of in­ terest to all in the town and sur­ rounding district. The young people deserve credit for securing tho ser­ vices they ajice May. of- the Farm- of Professor Tomlinson and would appreciate your attend- on tile evening of the Sth of Beautifying the Farm Home Every unimproved or unembell ished home in Canada can be made more attractive and more valuable by the planting of trees shrubs-, vines and flowers and a. well-kept lawn. The cost of the nursery stock is one of the most profitable investments a farmer can possibly make because such improvements will actually in­ crease the money value of the place many times the amount spent in simple plan of homp planting. a Potato Seed Important selection of seed potatoes begin in the field the prev- for virus diseases are The should ions season detected -only by the foliage and not tub' ing ing lions show that, plants affected with virus diseases such as mosaic and leaf-roll produce mostly small and unmarketable tubers. All potatoes showing traces "of disease and of frost should be, discarded along with i those which have been subjected to mechanical injury. RATES——Farm or Real Estate te< pale each insertion for flrtft- four insertions. fluent insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, mg Found 10c. per line of six worda^, Reading notices Card of Thanks veptising J2 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c. 25 c. each «UM«- 10 c. per lln«» 50 c. Legal 8c, per line, K one verse Wti each. by the tubers. Only good sized irs should ibe selected for plant- and this refers to seed weigh- three ounces or over, Observa- Member oU,The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Professional Cards _ ________ h Among the scholarships awarded by the O. A. C. at Guelph was one for §25 awarded to K. E. Jackson, R. R, 2 Kippen, Ont. for group 3 first year degree class also a .scholar­ ship of §25 awarded to A. W. Ar­ chibald, R. R. 4, Seaforth, group 2, first year associate class. STANBGLADMAN SOLICIT Inves BARRISTERS, Money to Loan I Safe-Deposit ' Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HEN8A BARRISTEI LOAN CARLI G & MORL , SOLICE 14TotalJ. Sweet every D.S JOHN WARD a Another one of the aged and high­ ly respected pioneers of Hay Town- Law EXETER, ONT. Office over CarHna^S; Morley Law ER, ONT. i At Tjucan^Monday and Thursday INVEST SUB 31 B. C. SHINQtES Rea$ Estate, Fa rat beeping with ipisfaction *a- Klopp, Zurich,- irlch, Ont- House S4'L Wednesday^?’ prj, onal .•.En-- '. AssociagSf Institute^q# Office: Casing JgCock, Alain Streep. Dr. G. S. Atkinspn, L.D.S.,DJO< DENTAL '/SURGEON. Office oppositejF new Pj^Offlcer • Main Te Office 34w Office close afternoon until Jam 7th, 1931. Dr. G. F. Rou?ston,Xj DENTIfT -- .I, ■ ...—* DR. E. S. STEINER ' VETERINARY SURGEON^* Graduate of the Ontario Vet^rhutrjr c/llego DAY jfND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLYATTENDED ‘TO Corner of Ann Street® Office in C.T3. Snell's Block ' EXETER, ONT. CHIROPRACTIC, ELECTRO-THERA VIOLET THEA PHONE MAIN ST.,EXETEW . ARTHUR WEBER . .LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex^R ■• FARM' SALES A ^PECIJ^Y . - PRICES REA$ONAJ$S- . SATISFACTION G^^NTEED Phone 57-18 Dashwood ‘ It. R. NO. 1, DASHWOOD *■ FRANK TAYLOR ’ ■ LICENSED ■ AUCTIONEER . For Huron and Mpdlese^’ FARM SALES A SPHCI^TY Prices Reasonable afd S^sfactloM . < QuaranMedJr ! , '■ 'j ..OSCAR^dpp ' ... , LENSED AUCTIONEER Honpj Graduate Carey Jones’^fc* tioh School. Special bourse,Stakes in‘Registered Live'Mock (aJ^breedB) Merchandise, Reap Sales, Et.c. Ratesfin prevailing prices® sure,d, write Oscm 'or phone 18^93, -fid •I >■ ENGINCONSULTING S. W. Archibald> O.L.S,,, J^egistered’' gineer and Land ,Su Member Engineer!] Canada. Office, Seaforth, onta^fo, LATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON. ONTARIO J! to