HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-24, Page 6THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATEfCHFBHMY. AX*BIL 21th, > rtf’ ■a a PONT1 Ulric Snell xeter due to moderate engine BIG SIX PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS V O F CANADA, LIMITED Qp I T ‘ $ SETTER , B E C A U jS -.E #. . CANADIAN# 4 L ’’ convenience. P-1130B crankshaft has builc wood-a 1 1 ing are no hardship for th^ Pontiac Big Six. For its big 60-ho engine develops maximum poU’er and road speed at extrefiiefy moderateengine speed. The result is, of course, less moving parts at all times . . life for the engine . . . and pense per mile of driving. Ai cushion it also against road shocks. The I harmonic balancer to counteract torsfBnal vibration. Crank- ' £30W’- economical. New-type rubber mountings, which insulate the engine from the frame,,1 prevents water vapour he engine oil. And, as f economy, the strongly- ?>steel bodies by Fisher, auty for years, and thus rade-in values. There is mucWmore to learn, about the :. See it. Drive this finer car witWa famous name.” Then, the G.M.A.C. deferred payment pla|j| . . designed by General. Motors for ylhr case ventilatioj from diluting'^ an added factor Pontiac Big gf if you wish 50 YEARS AGO On Sunday last Mr. ham, of Exeter, enjoyed ut this season of the year, which was no less than a rhubarb pie made from the plant grown in their own garden. On Monday last Stephen Township was visited by one of the worst storms that has been experienced for some time, About noon, .the barn of Mr. Samuel Holman was levelled almost to the ground. The roof was carried a considerable distance. „ ■ On Sunday afternoon last, the anniversary of Oddfellowship, a ser­ mon was preached to the members of the Exeter lodge by Rev. A. Y, Hartley in the Presbyterian church. Hensall intends celebrating the 24th of May by a glass ball tourna­ ment and Caledonian games. Clinton is having a new market building. S. Rucking- u rare treat "The only argument that avails with an east wind is to put on your overcoat." Let’s up and be sadly scanty. • * *' * * dust these fine days. * ♦ ■The Banta Claus fund may • « * « * * Canada has no place for mob law. constabulary will not do in this country. >3 4s * >3 fl >3* ♦ * Self-appointed judges tuul 25 YEARS AGO Special music was tlie feature of the services in the several churches on Sunday evening. At the James Street Methodist church besides the •anthem, pleasing .solos were render­ ed by Miss Lewis and Miss Nina Carling. At the Trivitt Memorial church Mrs, Perkins Tendered a very beautiful solo in excellent voice.- In the Main Street church Prof. Ellis, of London, was the organist. Solos were rendered by Miss Huston and Miss Godwin and a duet by Misses Edna Follick and Alice Howard. Mr. Wm. Mitchell, of Brantford, was in town a few days during the week, with a view df returning here to reside and acting as agent for the Cockshutt Plow 'Co. Stome of the Exeter people who visited in London part of the past week are: James Shaddock and his daughter, E. Grant, Earl Browning, Mrs. R. Knight and son Drew, Miss Flossie Jeckell, Bert Muir, W. W. Taman’ John Farmer, Miss Florence Anderson, Miss Nancy Tom, Miss C. Fowell, Richard Quance, L. C. Flem­ ing. Last week Mrs. John Blatchford was called to Lucan owing to the serious illness of her mother Jane Lee, wife of the late Wm. Lee. .On Friday the sick lady died at the age of 78 years. Mr, Percy Westaway, of London and Miss Lavina Hilburn, of Almira, attended the wedding of Mr. Hilburn and Miss Westaway oh Thursday. Mr. Ernest Hill left on his return trip to (Manitoba on Thursday. He was accompanied as far as Toronto by his aunt Miss Hill, who visited her nephews Will and Fred for a few days. (Miss Leia. Copper, who has been confined f.or some weeks at' Victoria Hospital, London, has returned ■ to her home here. «>3 I must be clone1 For the pa*t Forward-look- tjs Still less has Canada, room for gangsters. The lash and im­ prisonment ar& the best tonics for gentry of that kidney. * « « « * * * * Motorists may as well settle their minds to the fact that laws for the public highways are to be observed. So are the laws for the bicycle and the horse-drawn vehicle. ♦ fl 4: fl fl # "Let us speak pf a man a,s we find him And censure alone what we see, And if anyone '‘blame’’ let us remind him ,t That from faults there are none of us free." THE GRAIN CONFERENCE Canadian growers are realizing that something to improve the quality of grain that is being grown, eighteen months there has been a surplus of grain, ing producers realize that the next stefi is to improve the quality oi the grain. Evidently this is one of the objects of holding the big grain conference in Regina in 1932, the program of which has just come to hand. No doubt the program is sent out for criticism. With that-in- mind we wish to point out that the committee in charge does not look satisfactory. There are all sorts of officials on the committee- but there are not enough practical growers pushing the big.gather-, ing, In other words, the outfit looks highbrow. ■The only way to improve the quality of our grain is by com- ' billing the labor of the honest-to-goodness farmer with the research, work that can be carried forward only by highly-trained scientists' of the Dr. Saunders and the Dr. Zavitz type. Canada’s agricultural • problems are not to be solved by the hurrah method. ♦ fl ♦ fl fl fl fl fl EXCEEDING CANADIAN WHEAT A serious effort is being made to exclude foreign wheat ITomr Europe. .Farmers living on this side of the Atlantic are so actus-- tomed tq'taking the European market for granted that they will be- sliocked to think that the central powers of Europe should be con­ templating the exclusion of their product from European markets. Yet this, effort at exclusion is being put forth. What is to he done with the situation requires immediate and serious thought. For many a year the cry to the farmer was ‘Produce! Produce!'" He heard the cry and he has a little more than met the demand. Now that there is more food than there are folks ready to pay for" and to consume his product', the agriculturist is in a difficult box. . He is in much the .same situation as the man with saws or pianos- who finds no buyers. The problem is a peculiarly western problem, as westerners val­ ue a man’s wealth in terms of things rather than in terms of human qualities. Will the present period of sated over-production turn men’s minds to other values than have attracted them for centuries? Will the wealthy man .of the future be characterized by human and" humanizing qualities rather than by material possessions? Moses1 and Socyates and Isaiah and Jesus and Paul were not distinguished! by their golden stones. Milton and Shakespeare were poor men... Lincoln and Whittier, Mowat and Whitney and MacDonald and. Laurier were proverbially poor. Some serious thinking will be re­ quired. during^the next few years. It may be that^our whole econ­ omic system needs revising. "Ill fares the land, to hastening ill a prey, Wliere wealth increases but men decay.” of Douglas, Hastings .sold Miss Be William Street to Mr. Du- rheumatism M.ftu Tlod- Lacey, of Ma ty s 3 oh t h a LA t-- suce CI Neat, clean,* with Floor Orderly basements easily acquired when your re finished bn ere-Tone FOR EVERY PURP0 CEME j;/ CMurti isrxan. I ITRWTO UJE I : 1—w N-JENOUR PRODUCTS -FOR EVSilYSURFACE . @w TMOORS ^PMimrE© SFtlllM cement floors Martin-Senour Dressing. No more endless ticking of dirt from basement to tipper (loors, for Concre- Tone dries smooth, Hard and durable And the cost is re gallon, $3.00, gallon $5.^0 fckably low. Half One gallon of Concre-Tone covers ^ibout 400 square feet—two Coals. 1 And no special primer or hardener is required . . ‘Marlin^Scnour Pr for every sut pits for every purpose, are sold by 15 YEARS AGO Mr. A. house on gald Love of London who gets poses- sion at once. The . new oil tanks of the British American Oil o., have been installed at the station. The firm of Kestle, Rowe and Wood are the dealers here. The council took pity oil the dust covered Main Street on Friday and had chief Weekes and road Commis­ sioner Bissett sprinkle the streets with the aid of the fire hose. On Monday the water cart was in com­ mission and Tuesday it rained. Mrs. James .Walters was -stricken down with ;u severe attack of paraly­ sis on Monday morning. i Mr. Wm. Greenley is confined to his home suffering from in his foot. Mrs. James Westcott, Man. formerly of Exeter, is ill of pneumonia. The adjourned Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church was held in the school hall on Tuesday ev ening with the rector, Rev. D. W. Collins presiding. The following will constitute the officers for the ensuing year; Rev, D. W. Collins; Rector’s warden, C. II. Sanders; people’s warden, L. II. DickSon; aud­ itors, N. D. Htirdon aiid T. Boyle;- Lay delegates, N. D. Hurdon and S. Sweet; .Select vestry, L. H. Dickson, C. II. Sanders, T. Boyle, N. D. Hur­ don. S. Sweet, T. G. Sanders, Dr. McGillicuddy, Geo. Crawley; sides­ men, S. Sweet, T. Boyle, T. G. Sand­ ers, c. Dyer, G Crawley, Richard Murphy. Be Certain of SAFETY Build with Gyproc FIRE can hurlyour home to destruction ^unless a fire-resistant ma­ terial such as the^new Ivory coloured Gypro ^Wallboard is used in Construction. Inexpensive, perf nentj easy to apply, G roc Wallboard does i burn. It is exactly ^at you want for fire-j|tfe walls, ceilings andj titions when you remodel or repair. Ask your dealei^oday n on . x . -d or send for interesting free for full informal Gyproc Wallbo; il DISTRICT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore and three little sons, of Detroit, were here last Thursday visiting her father, Rev. S. W. Muxworthy and other relatives. Mr. Muxworthy re­ turned with them,to Detroit and will remain there for’ a time.—(Forest Free Press.) j Mr. Sam. iSweet, of Exeter was a weqk-end visitor at the home of Mrs. S.‘jE)gau and Mr. James Sweet.— (Lu­ can nows.)a , \ . Guests at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Mack'' jover the Week-end wore: Mr, A. PenAyhrdeii/ o.f Exeter; Mr. afid Mrs. A. G. Fletcher anti Mrs. W. Smith, of Woodlih^i gins and Mr. and Mrs? Parkhlll.—(St. gus.) book, ’'Building? modelling with proc.” GYPSUM, LIMB'AND ALABASTINE,>NADA, LIMITS# Ontario I Re- ------99 Paris For Sale By The Ross^Taylor Company Ltd. A, Spencer & Son, Lxetef, Onb Hensall, Ont,