The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-24, Page 4rt'HURSDAYt APRH4 2 Uh, MWSNp. BANQUET A representative delegation of ^he An^'licun Daymen of Trivitt Membt’- ial church attended, a special: Dean- - A(- -J , * " ■ / ' ' • ‘i" ’ * " ' THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE ard, Sita.ffa* and Mrs. Fergus Colqu- houn> FhUarton. Mrs. McGill’s maiden name was Christina bfcKel- lar. She was a daughter of the late si Neql .MpKellar, Ciumarty, aM8 Hantfwet im ’tWPaflsl^^^^.-pf.^he ,Ku»x Pr.$sbyt£riam HulLX^’.wipgham on'ifuesd^y ni^it^ Aiuoiig tho'se who represented Exeter were the rector Revi J. J3’ Fenton, Messrs. M, W. Pfaff* M. R. Complin, W. C. Davis, James Stanlake, W.#$. Middleton, H. Jennings, Hy< Sweet­ love, Ted: Moyle, Herbert Walter, S. Walter apd, others. The special ppeaker of the evening was Dean’ Carlisle* pf Montreal, A ‘ business'' fueetipg of the ‘Deanery Laymen’s Association was also held in connec­ tion with the banquet, i APPHAU DISMISSED . j, Mr. J. G. Stanbury was at' Osgoode Hall, Toronto, the forepart of last .Vh^rch/hl^chon/, 'y ■ * Dll AR ING—BON N TPTIALS t. A quiet wedding took place at Creditor United church parsonage von 'April* 9 th when Misis,* Stella Jo­ sephine Box, daughter of Mrs. Chas. llox/Svas united in marriage to Mr. ^eon •pearing, son of Mr, and. Mrs. Abraham Dearing, all of the fourth con, of Stephen. Following the cere­ mony a . wedding dinner wms held Ttt the home of the bride’s mother af- (>ter which the young coupler left on a motor trip for Walkerville, Windsor rfnd 'Detroit. On Thursday evening lust following their return a miscel- the week engaged as Counsel on the AP-.i lanequs shower was held at the home l>eal of The Huron & Erie Company |Of Mrs. pox aUQ a pleasant evening no*.«i!ine+ 4 /I zvti + TV Ft* H’H'lQ cs • ■ ..' Y.. • -» .... i"pgainst the, judgment oi' Mr. Thomas Cameron. It will be remembered that Judge Lewis awarded Mr, Cam- <eron $130.00 as commission for the #<ale of the Rowcliffe farm near Cen­ tralia. The Court of Appeal has up­ held this judgment ■tf'ith. costs;* F. G. Betts, of London, represented the Huron & Erie and J. G. Stanbuify jicted for Mr. Cameron, , was ’’spent ‘in .games and amusements, The young couple were recipients of mhnylieautiful and costly presents umbbest:wishes for their future hap­ piness was, extended to the bride and groom. Mrs. J. Waiper and children, of Woodstock, are. spending the Easter vacation with the former.’s parents Mr. apd Mrs. J. Kestle, - Misses Gertrude Francis, of town, and'Miss Gladys McLean, of Kippen, are enjoying the Easter vacation by a motor trip to Ottawa, Mrs. Howe, who has been "on an extended r yisit’ to Toronto, Atlantic City and" Owen Sound returned to Exeter Tuesday evening. y'Mils,. cGhAs.' Dayman,.* who recently.' •.uhdbiWht ah operation at Victoria Hospital,. London was sufficiently improved as to be uljle to return to MRS. WARREN McGILL DIES Early Saturday morning, Mrs. W?, McGill, of Mitchell died in her 68th year. . Mrs. M'cGiil was born in .the Town­ ship of Hibbert, and after her mqrr i'iqge Mr. and Mrs. McGill lived op, a farm in Usborne Township. About;., eight years ago,-'they moved to MilH chell to live. Her husband died years ago. She is survived by two sons and one daughter, Neal, on the .liopiestead farm in Usborne; Rich- ’ hef-(honW‘bn Monday, Local News School is closed for the faster va­ cation and the teachers are ;away on theij’.,holidays, u Mr*, Stanley Neal^,.bt*. the* Bank of .Montreal, spent the week-end, with his parents in Thoroza. Mrs. T. ’Jones returned Saturday after visiting for a week with her daughter Mrs. Rice, of Brantford. Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Ryckman, Mrs. Mooney and daughters Misses' Vera and Irene motored to Clinton Satur­ day and visited the former's sister, Mrs. GeO. Vaphorne. Mr, S. M, Sanders, of. Exeter and •Mr. C. W. Christie, of Stephen, are in Toronto this week attending the Ontario Educational Association Con­ vention. Mrs. Keys, who has been in'Lon­ don for several weeks, owing to the illness of her granddaughter Miss 'Marjorie (McCormick returned home on Monday. “Yimmje Yonson’s Yob” was put on in the Opera House by the young people of Centralia, on Tuesday even ing under the auspices of tlie.Main Street Sunday School to a good house Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klenkie, of Bay City, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs, ,L. Salakin, of Detroit, visited witli Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewitt and Mr, and Mrs. AV. H. Dearing over the week­ end. Dr. D. N.' McPhail, M. A„- B, D„ M. D., Missionary in charge of the Presbyterian work in St. Vincent, British West Indies was the guest of Mr. Wm. Leavett and family for tlie week-end. Misses Aleda and Jean Love, of, Buffalo, are spending the Easter va­ cation with their sister Miss PeaTl Love, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. L, Gowie and children, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with them, !rJ"rw»T Mr. H. .Sweetlpve, teller of the Canadian Bunk of Commerce, spent the week-end in Hamilton with his parents, Mrs.- T* Collingwood is ‘ visiting hoi* daughter Mrs. T. Alderson near Thedford, Miss .’Ruth Collingwood who has been visiting with her sis-; ter has returned home, Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, is spending Easter week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth, Miss Junie Hogarth, ot London, was home for Easter Sunday. Mr. c. E. Turkey and Bruce spent Easter in London with Mrs, Tuckey The lattei* is recuperating slowly from her recent illness, , Dr. Q. G." and Mrs, Truemner, of Stratliroy; and Miss Alma Winer, nurse-in-training in Sitratliroy Gen­ eral Hospital, spent the ‘ *“ the latter’s parents (Mr. E, Winer. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mrs. T. Harvey motorei on qJiuisday holidays with the former’s, parents Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Batson, of North Toronto. They .also called on rela­ tives in Galt on their return. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Keddy and daughter Lois, of Detroit, motored over and spent Easter Sunday at the home ot Mr. W. C. Keddy. Miss -Lois is remaining for the Easter holidays. A boxing bout was lield over the Ford garage Saturday evening which drew a large crowd of interested spectators. The main attraction was a three round bout by Eddie Latimer and Alan Seed, of London, • Mr. Alex Lloyd motored up from Toronto on Saturday and was acc­ ompanied home by Mrs, Lloyd; and and family who have been visiting at the home of Mr. L*. Day. Mrs, Miller and son who were also visit­ ing here returned to London. holiday with and Mrs. W, . Batson and id to Toronto last and spent Easter n . -y • ... FOR AS $ LITTLE AS i « AT THE,;.-. FACTQty' J" fits AS Ar. i i - i<1 f ■d ft'1 ■ f LIKE HER BOY DID Elmwood, Ont. Dear. Mr. Murfinr--r ; Just a Bpe td‘'ief you know-how our boy who had creeping par­ alysis. is getting^along. . He is, just fine and has never had an at- stack, of it since h,e,i.ook your medicine in February, 1927. People *. come from far and wide to see pur boy and ask all particulars about ' J>the medicine. I do-. hope that’’all people would get your medicin^ ’-for their children.who have had this terrible disease called Infany ’paralysis and have th^m/liealed and made strong, for it does rei mew musdle and strenghtens the merves so as to be once more i : and well as our boy Vs. He is working hard every day and fe^ .Thanks to Mr. Murvm‘and his medicine for wliat it has don Mr. and Mrs. AVm. C. Leif^l Elmwood, Ont., i i •4) I I CII OF THESE IMSEASES . ■ Ji DAT ONLY 1ERBS FORSPECIAL N BRIGHT’S DISE: ARTHRITIS \ ASTHMA ANAEMIA BED METTING BLADDER TRO‘ BOLLS PIDES CATARRH BRONCHITIS ( ONSTIBVrtON DROPSY GRAVEL ’ . HAY WVHR HEART TROUBLE fiifflliW 9 alm. io 5 p.m. BLOOD PRESSURE KIDNEY TROUBLES NEURITIS LUMBAGO NE11VE TRO UBI AIS OVER FATNESS PA RAIA’S IS RHEUMAT1SJI SKIN DISEASES , GALL STONES .URAEMIA ..TONSILITTS “FEMAI.E TROUBLES WORMS WEAK MANHOOD, ETC. J , . . ‘. -» Botanic Gardens 362 Princess Ave’., Box 318 LONDON, ONTARIO iF'.LoND I A' ’ ■ , <4 OPERA H ma; .4$ 0 .sit 7*30 p" ‘.'/i • A<"! costs EASTER SERVICES Special Easter,, services were held in th© various churches on Sunday. Quite a number of communicants partook of the Lord’s Supper at the Easter Services in Trivitt Memorial Church. ‘ The altar and chancel were tastefully decorated for'the oc­ casion. ‘ The sermons preached by the rector were in harmony .with .the spirit of Easter. Miss Phyllis Grey, of London, sang a solo at the even­ ing service. The choir was in excel­ lent condition at both the morning and evening services. 'The anthems were greatly enjoyed by those who heard them. RoVj^Hr. McPhail, Missionary of the jChurch of Scotland and located abjfKingstown, Island of St. Vincqnt, JjYest Indies, who was the,, guest^of wfr. and Mrs. Cochrane, gave an ad­ dress on his work at tl^e. morning service in Caven Presbyterian church. The minister Rev. J. B. Rhodes ,M.i A., preached an Easter aermonefte for the young people and the choir furnished two anthems in its usual excellent manner. The church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers, tastefully arranged, by the ladies. * ; At the morning service in the James Street United church a special reception service and was -held, twenty-six communion At the reception servipe new members were re­ ceived on profession of^faith and;a number ‘ by ' letter. The 'reception service followed a .snort course of six weeks conducted by the pastor Rev. D. M'eTavish with members of the Sunday ’School. ■ The commun­ ion which followed was one of the largest in the history of the congre­ gation. Mr. McTavish took for -liis ext “Laying Hold on Eternal Life” >r “Dying Behold We Live.” His sermon was particularly applicable to the young people who were unit­ ing with the church. Special and appropriate music was rendered by the choir throughout the day. There were splendid congregations for tlie “Easter services in the Main Street United church on Sunday and the choir -furnished special music throughout the day. In addition to the anthem ill. the morning a trio was sung by Misses Edith ' Kestle', Stella Northcott and Mabel Follick. The pastor Rev. C. J. Moorhouse based his sermon from1 the text “Why should it be thought impos­ sible if God should raise the dead.” In the evening he took for his text “Let this cup pass from Me.” Mi\ Moorhouse asked -the questions Why did Christ pray such a prayer and; what was the bitterness of the cup? The first element in the bitterness of tlift cup ;waS physical pain and ksuP fering; t‘he second was ion el in Jess; J the loneliness of solitude,,.,tjie lone-’ line'sS bf character and, the .loneli-, ness qf shame. Then-' came the men.-’, tai agony and finally the soul an-’ guisli, a period of Christ’s separa­ tion from His Father throughout tlie. great cloud of sin. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Smillie, of India, will preach to the W. M. S. in the morn­ ing aiid in tlie evening will speak on the work in India. CENTRALIA Misses Jennie and Rachel Wilson visited with friends in .Stratliroy over the holidays.—Mrs. B. Cook and daughter Margaret are visiting with friends in St.' Thomas.—Mr. Harold Murray Stratford visited with Mr. and Mr.’S. Robt. Smith over the week­ end.—iMiss Madeline Brintnell of Ex- eter is spending the Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith.—Mr. Kenneth Hodgins who has been taking a course in the O. A. C. Guelph, for the past three months has returned to his position in the Shamrock Creamery.—Mr. Clifton Mitchell; who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Dr. Fletcher’s hospital, Exeter on Fri­ day of last week is improving nicely —Miss Mary O'Brien,’of London, is spending the holidays at her home here.—Miss E. Clark is spending the holidays with her parents in God­ erich.—iMr.’and- Mrs. H, Cavenhaugh and Miss Mildred Ore of London,, visited with Mr. and ’ Mrs. Herman Powe over the week-end.—Miss Wal­ den, of Windsor is- visiting with Rev. and Mrs.. Irwin.—The Easter pag­ eant presented by Bunday School members of the United church on Sunday evening last‘was largely’ at­ tended. Each part was well taken, and those present were greatly pressed.—Mrs. Herman Powe is tending a convention in Toronto week. I i among records^nd m than all Ither seasoned guilder of Champions, has- pights. These Eights hold, latest world and international r American stock car records* ikes of cars combined. They arc ^-proved bv time and travel, L. B. Doyle, Dealer Thorn Baker, Salesman 'j y troit, spent the week-end with’ his parents Mr.' and Mr.s. Wm; Jeffrey. —Miss Anne Speare is home from Toronto for the vacation.—4Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowe and daughter Miss Doris, of Guelph; Miss Margaret Wilson R. N., ol‘ Seaforth, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wilson.—«Mr. Robert Hoggarth, the County Treasurer, of ^Stratford, was a week-end guest at tlie home of his son Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoggarth.—The service in the United church on Sun­ day morning was largely attended. The pastor, Rev, ,B. Snell, gave; a splendid discourse <on Easter and wha^t it stood for. Special music was .provided by the cho.ir.-—Miss Reta Casey,' of iMit.chell, spent the holiday ..with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sadler.A’' . . . .zZ- —■—~ ■ ■ ‘*r _ AUCTION-SALE HOU^^IOLD EFFECTS t The u/luersigned has receivec) i structions to’ sell. by public auctioi|, oft Main Street, Exeter, on SATL\RDA1\ APRIL 26, 1930 ^fixed at' ETER. GREENWAY . Dented fenders your car. Hav® t HURON GARAtfe, We are pleas®lj*fo report that C. H. Curts and'nxlr. Elton Curts able to be out again after their ness. The W. A. -of the United Church are making an autograph quilt. Delegates have be’en appointed/ from the W. IVf. S. to the Presbyterial’ to bo held in Seaforth April 30th. On Sunday afternoon a very large congregation worshipped in the Un­ ited Church. Tlie. Pastor’s message on “The Lord is Risen Indeed.” Spec­ ial music by the choir and beautiful flowers, Easter Lilies, and Daffodils combined to make a very impressive service, Mrs. A. Hicks is lioldiaying in Parkliill Mr. J. Hotson has a new Whippet coach. Miss Olive Rock has returned to her home here after spending a few weeks in Detroit. Miss Olive Brown was an Easter guest with Miss Topping at.her home in London. spoillooks of SAINTSBURY i- 1. •I ( able farm buildings. The land will be sold subject to <£•*■ reserve hid. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent# of the purchase money to be paid- down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to HARRY W. PAGE, East Block, Parlia- ■ ment Buildings, Toronto.. Solicitor to the Mortgagee/ Dated at Toronto this first -day o£ April, 1930. TiH tHe SE, EXETER t fc, APRIL 28th, 1930 g ■ , - / Wave been Warned against MT' 111 No Collection Im TENDERS FOR COAL ill- ofMr. Welland, spent the Easter holiday at the latter’s home here and were ac­ companied home by Mrs. William Davis.—Mr. Benson, .of Detroit, is spending the holidays-at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. A. MacDonald.—The Easter services in tlie church were well attended. Special Easter music was rendered by the choir.—We are glad to know that Mrs. Richard Dickens, who has been seriously ill, is improving.—Mr. and [Mrs. Hiram ;Davis, of London and Mr. White­ house, also of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis on Sunday.— Mr. Clayton Abbott, of the Bank of Montreal staff, Stratford, spent the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. H. W. Hodgins.—‘The musical Pag- ■Betitt cntitlBd> <4,T1ib Gifts of EJcistor^ presented in tlie Parish Hall on Eas­ ter Monday, evening by the choir of the church under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin H. Elston was a decided success. The characters excelled themselves in their differ­ ent roles. A short musical program preceded the presentation of the Pageant consisting of a piano solo by Miss Ruth Needham, Ilderton; vocal solo .by Mrs. (Rev.) Bulteel; violin solo by Mr, Alvin Chrroll, < STAFFA Miss Blanche Snell, of Toronto University Is an Easter guest at the home of her parents Rev. and Mrs. B. Snell.*—Mr, Arnold Jeffrey, of Do­ t 1:30 p,m,_.sharp '•' 1 five-i)iece parlour suite large Sealed tenders addressed to Purchasing Agent, Department Public Works, Ottawa, will b$$ ceived at his office until 12 noon, (daylight saving), day, May 1930, for the coal foii>the Dominion ling roo . tables; sideb leather pliolstered^e tir, Morris chair, pad of^e«iU*chairs, extra reed chair, 4 ITocking chairs, bedroom suite .complete with toilet set, extra dresser, njattress, white enajnel bed and spring,. kit­ chen coucli 3 Congoleum rugs, sizes 9 by 9 feetj 9 by 7 feet; 9 by 6i ft.; rug carpet |9 by 11 ft.; oil cloth rug 4 by 7B f|et; wool carpet, Beatty washing m|chine, copper boiler, 3 wash! tubs,. wrin’ger, iSanette garbage ch$, lawn' mower, 57 feet of garden l|ose, 2 mirrors, quantity of dishes, q|art sealers, flower pots, different sizes, Edison phonograph and a number of records and a num­ ber of other articles too numerous, to mention,everything to be sold; large ■ d with coil spring and early new; 2 wash stands, t.o mention,., everything to be without reserve. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer C. F. HOOPER, Proprietor througho including Forms tions and obtained chasing A lie Works District I Victoria S Tenders less made the Depai with depaiii: conditions The‘rh fre- SJCdnes- ,ppiy of _ ------------- riildings- t the ProvinceOntario,; 'he City of f tender onditions om G. ent, De Ottaw specifics- ached can be S'Dawson, Pur- tment of Pub- and R. Winter,, 59-61 ironto, Ontario, t be considered un-» e forms supplied by it anti in accordance- ntal specifications sidenWArchitect, to demand from the- successful tenderer a deposit, not exceeding 10 per cent, of the amount! of the tender, to secure the proper fulfilment of the contract, is reserv*- ed. | By order, N. DESJARDLNS, Secretary., Department'of Public WorluL Z Ottawa, April 1*1,. 1930, TENDERS WAX FRIDAY cer- pro- 1 ng pro- ’rovin Thai o No, 1'3 will b 'Zul’ic. LDFO tract,ion rains In od for, for th Fletcher Township Lima t ed naiv. i t S3 MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of tile powers of sale contained in a taint mortgage, which will he duce'd at the time ot sale, there be offered for sale by * FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer, 1’UBLIU AUCTION oil he 25th DAY of AP 1930, at f the atternc Younie C’a petty, num All and cel or trat Situate, lyii ship of Us Huron, and being comp teen, Nor 11 said Town- Ing by adn acres, mor the mortga Campbell t opnrent Bo; April 8331 borne, On be erected a dwelling house and suit* m par d Premises 'in ihe Town he County of of Ontario, and ot Number SiX- Roud, in the Usborne, contain- ment One Hundred ess, as described in de by Arthur Younie e Agricultural Devel- dated the 2nd and registered of land and beii 19,2$ foY the said Township the said farm there Is day of as of. Vs- - Tenders for the following Municipal Townships of Hay will bo received up Monday tenc Hall IANCH lie yards !tc., may rsigned or r, O.L.'S., : os th© luron County^., the u nd er sig iieS • 5th, 1930, when pened at the Town four o’clock p.m. klN, 20730 cubic! inches. • SWAMP DRAIN^ be seen at office at office of Mr„ Mitchell, Ontario,, --------- vO 'aecom- Lowest or any tended ' accepted* A. F. Hess, Zurich* OntJ Clerk, Township nt^lav of J. FiwWpet cent, of contract, to puny tender. not necessarily NOTICE TO DRAIN C ONTRA! Tenders str action Drains iit th Fletcher D cubic yards, t Pym Drain, 1 estimated c to be in the p.m., Sanml be accomprti for 5 per ce tender. Th not necessa said to,Henry Strang; 1’0 tender R. t com Pyna shorn e.. . 49t>©, t $1606.50„ 0 cubic yclAj*. 50, 'Tenddrs the Clerk at 1 3» 1930 "pnd to, marked cheque amount of the west or any accepted. Clerk, HimealT R