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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-17, Page 8
save m WE I agency AND M Ur coal bill 1VE LET w. cy on THE OfTOR TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY,., APRIL 17th, 1030 ’RED THE BULKING DOORS S, ALSO MET.iL ATJfl E R^STRIPPI-NG Vote you friges. HERN, Exeter Hot X B <L extras 26c. firsts 23c. seconds 20c. $11.50 Exeter Markets Wheat $1.10 standard - Oats. 30c. Barley 60 c. Manitoba Flour $4.40 Model Flour $4*00 Pastry Flour $3-00 Feed Flour 40,00 a ton Shorts $1.85 Bran $1.80 Crcwery Butter 37c. y Butter 32-35c. s, ,s. Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH e Rev, J, Bernard Rhod^ M*- 4# Minister Miss Lena Coates, a.l.c.M*, Organist 10.00 a-m.-^-Suiiday School 11 a.m.—“The Fact of the Resurrec tion." 7 p.m.-— “Tlio Power of the Resur rection.” Easter Music wiiii Noi/rishingjM at erials locals J •Q in A your order. Ji fER EGGS AND DAINTY EASTER ( (LNFECTIONS 4 on Good Friday ime £0r breakfast. be deliv ning ii eave o Read Harvey’s Red & White gro cery advt. on page five/” Phone your oijier, Cross buns.—Gri Choice Dairy Bu at Southcott BrcM .ge five^1 riier/^arly for Hot ■<jd!*sM3akery. or 35c, a .pound Mr. Hy. Westlake, of Usborne, is quite ill at liis home. Miss Mary Wells and Miss Helen Heywood spent Friday in London. Mrs. F. A. May and family are. spending Easter week in Toronto. Miss Lulu Fulton, of Tillsonburg, called on friends in Exeter over the, week-end. Mr. Kenneth Stanlmry, of Western | University London, was home over Qie the week-end. [ iMr. Walter Cutbusn left Wednes day. for Windsor to resume his work are as a mason, of[ Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Statham, and daughter Lois, of London, visited in town on Sunday. ____________ Miss Carrie McIntyre, of Montreal, ■~D— 4. fe& barrels ' of -Spy ' vis5t®cl with Miss Grigg and Miss 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Murphy, both of FOR SALE—Thprouafibred Here-'.whom have been ill for several . ..** I ns old. xApplytweel<s are slowly improving. ..„x. xyv- a, Miss Ruby Alexander, of the Buf-(sCditqfi 4-10-tfc 1'alo General Hospital, is visiting at x__ . .. - - . jjbr someone to ^rew Ford car be- little son, of Zion, visited on Sunday x_.. 1 an(j i\jrSi jigetor Taylor. | Misses Myrtle and Lyla Pym visit- l ed for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squires, of Whalen. I Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson and [family, of Dresden, visited' over the week-end with Mrs. Wm. Walker. Mr. C^eo. Hunter, of Usborne, who Middleton’s Phone 52 Mr. Ches. Lee, of London, is spend ing a few days in town. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor . W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.m,—Reception service and the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. A short address on “Laying hold oil eternal life” or “Dying and Bed hold we Live,” We want every member if possible to be present at this special service. Candidates for members will sit in the front pews. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—“The Vindicator” or My Re deemer liveth” 8th in the series on “Jottings from Job”. Job 19:25. 26. Here this message on the The Hope of Immortality. NOTE— Communion service will held only at the morning service. 11 3 7 Mrs. McGill, of Belgrave, visited ,lier sister Mrs. E. Lowry over L._ „ week-end. Thames Road Farmers’ Club .booking orders for another car •oats. Place your ord^r as soon as possible.—P. Passmore, secretary. WANTED- .apples. . ., ford bull calf, 13 to John Hirtzel, ton, phone 3 6r2, .. No.. 1, Credi-Miss Ruby Alexander, of the Buf- I An opportunity save $50.00 on|aj fore May 1st. Sylvester Taylor, Jeweler, ExeteilX her home on the Thames Road. Mr. -and Mrs. Harold Hern and MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, Easter Services . a.m.—“Why Should-the Resurrec tion of the Body be Regarded as Impossible?” p.m.—Our Church School. p.m.—“The Cause of the Cup’s Bitterness.” Special Easter music is being x prepared An At Home welcome to our visit ors .and friends for the holidays. 7.30 p.m.—Thursday, our mid-week service. 11 3 7 Faulty ibreak-linii^s ous. Get your: brcalt-lining ■ n •age. r< 5 are danger- 'med on our new (‘ Huron Gar- FOR RENT land, running 5, Con. 6, HayjToi James Dearing! Dearing, R. R. care of Wesley . 1, Exeter. 7'5 acresi^'bf pasture JJi^st % of lot hag been ill for the past couple of ihip. Apply to tralia, Ont., phon -Seed bar ered. FOR SALE- inent tested, regia 55 4 r grade 2; g cent. Apply to govern mber 497, •mij&tion 9 6 per Essery, Cen- ^[0r4 Cred,iton. -17-2tC.-I FOR SALE—25 steeraf 2-year-olds .also one two-ye “■ ■ ■. AU in good condition, f Apjffy to Gilbert J. •Carter,Clandeb&ye/’j FOR Gidley vocate. HE TIMES. 30c. to ROWE a a a •night. A spec- Lantern lNCE AND SERVICE night in i he interesting set Slides will be J’hones: 20,j and 20vv $1.50 $1.25 $1.00 Mr. B. W. F. Beavers and sons Geo'rge and Reg., visited the form er’s mother in Blanshard on Sunday. l FOR EASTER WE WILL HAVE FOR YOUR INSPECTION Altf AS SORTMENT QF WERY SMART SPRING STYLES AND MATERIALS, WHICH WE FEEL SURE WILL PLEASE YOU. FOR THOSE HARD TO FIT WE CAN TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT, SEE QUR SPECIAL LINES IN DRESSES O ARE at CIRCLE-BAR SILK HOSIERY, You will like the new shades, They give excellent wear, and fit perfectly. PRICED AT $1.50 ' FREN/H KID GLOVES In the ne spring shades. These are excellent qujlity and are fiilly guaranteed. $2.75 A PAIR YOU\WILL WANT THAT NEW COATJFOR EASTER. OUR RACKS ARE FU OF NEW STYLES AND MATERIALS;’ ALSO CHILDREN’S COATS T REDUCE AT $6.50 TO $8.50. 9 SILH GLOVES / “GOLD DOLLAR” SILK HOSE . Queen Quality S ilk Gloves in new styles An exceptional value in Silk Hose in all and shades.R ' ' ••# the xnewest shades PRICED Al[t$1.00 TO $1.50 j TO RETAIL AT $1.00 WE t!AR|LY A BIG RANG<OF STOCK SUITS FOR MEN AS WELL AS “ROYAL tORK”, MADE-fO-MEASURE SUITS TO RETAIL AT ARE MEETING WITH GREAT SUCCESS.$27.50. THES New Nepkwear for Easter in the stripes with bor Each $1.00 and Arrow SHIRTS attached and separate You will want one for-Easter. (Biltmore) FELT HATS ollai's to retail at $1.49 and $2.00 $4.50 and $4.95 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH ' Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFaul, Organist Sixth Sunday in Lent Easter Sunday a.m.-—Holy Communion INTERWOVEN Silk Hose The kind that wears well 75c. a pair EN’S FINE OXFORDS Priced at $5.00, $6.00 and $9.00 BRILL CAPS Pi.*icedzat $1.50. and $2.00 weeks is improving and it able to sit up. | Soutlicdtt Bros, have placed' a new k-17-3tc. delivery wagon on the road. The [gearing is made from an old auto -------- cpass]-.gi Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keideman, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heideman. For a nourishing, breakfast try our Hot Crossl buj^sT Delivered early Goojj,. Friday| adorning. — Grant’s Bakery. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones and fam ily motored to London Sunday, Mrs. Jones and. family remaining for a few days on -a visit. Mrs. May and Mrs. Hall have re turned to Mitchell after spending the winter with the former’-s sons Messrs Wm. and F. A. May of town. ’Mrs. John Snell returned on Sun day after spending the winter in Windsor with her daughters Mrs. G. II. McDonell and Mrs?, C. H. Smith. Mrs. Alex Lloyd and children, of Toronto, and Mrs. W. Millar and son Warren, of London, are visiting at [ the home of their father, Mr. L. Day. I Misses Marjorie Westcott, Muriel i. 8 11 a.m.—Holy Communion'and mon. Subject: “Easter.” 3 p.m.—iSunday School. Special Sets of Easter slides will be shown. p.m.—-Evensong' and Sermon. Sub ject: “The Two Worlds.” Miss Phyllis Grey, soloist, of Lon don will assist tbe choir. 8 7 p. m.—We d n e s day Parish Hall a very of Lenten Lantern shown. p.m.—Good Friday ial .set of Good Friday .Slides will be shown in the Par ish Hall. 4-l‘7-2tC >■ J« cottage on |Al|ply Times-Advo- ;4-17-2tp. ‘ 8 SALE—2.0 si Ap-FOR ply.to Moses Be^kJ^T, R. 1, Hensall, phone 177r5. 4-17-ltc. NOTICE All Old Countajrboys interested in football are injmed tUssaMend^prac- tise on Fridei^^ftth'n’oon at 2, p.m. on the Exetev^air Grounds. • ./v , Garage to Renj McAvoy. EastenFJ fowers $1.50 $2.00 dozen dozen dozen HAVE AN -TO-DATE K OF FURNITURE AND LING AlfTHE VERY ST POSSIBLE PRICES SUIT Natty ^Spring Hats Hjll ranges Cailnations I orsalincf& Kings $3 to $7 „ ■ V. dr Z x ->r ' "'i’SSGS xViaijorie Westcott, Murielr ‘‘l^jr^-PPly to . x\Iis. Howald, Marie Willis, Laura Knight. BE.I —7------ •About head forJrtme season ^Tttle. Apply ter R. R. No. ltc. ;i --WANTED- eattfe to pastur run wjth my owfc. Ed. Broderick, 1$^ Phone l,3r83, Hensall. Anyone wanting cacy.^‘'pasture for reason apply to Freg^A:. Ellerington, Exeter, Prices rduimiable. ' 4-10-3tc and Janie Hogarth, of London, spent !Edisdi their respective ■1 the week-end at homes.to -- - -- t0‘ 1, I FOR SALE^fny get young caljps.iali Howard Mcf ~ '' 54 r 7 'nydile wanting to iaiy^reeds.^pplj' to ' ' rktfiii. phone 4-lQ-2-tp Mr. J. S. Digpan JTnd son have' taken the agencjl fa $(0e- them before Mr. .and Mrs. E. J. Nash, of Wing ham, visited with ’ (W. Powell on Sunday companied home by mother, Mrs. A. Nash, visiting here. Miss Marion Woods to her home after visiting for sever al week's in Montreal. Miss Cath arine Woods, a student at Bishop Strachan',* School, Toronto, is home until after Easter. pne of tho splendid sights of <i Mr. and Mrs. J. and the who were ac- former’s has btien has returned FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE —lot 9, Concession 5, sfhphen, has a frame l ouse, b^fik barn.,and about 20 acre r faij^pioiighed. Ap ply to Alonzo Gladman & Stl: Hej Daffodils Ftfiei’al anj^ Wedding Sprays our Specialty PRICES ON RECORDS .... 75c. each .*?*.. 25 c. each — 2 for 90c. Ediso 'Under .. e recordsAll m Big algsortment and must be sold quickly. Powell’s Variety Store I-Iarry, the young son of Mr. Win. Stephens, of Woodham, had the mis fortune to have a finger caught in the a door jam the fleshy part of the finger being caught. The injury was dressed by Dr. Fletcher. The auction'sale of the household Ford Dealers USED CARS FORD TUDOR 1929 * ' Like new for $490.00 FORD ROADSTERS? 19S». Rumblo Seat for W W, phoneW? ' TAMAN EXETER, ONT. ■-........ .............. ...X j I& Wire Fencing, spring during the past week was the effects of Mr. Albert Kernick to- •cing your order, beautiful showing of crocuses from I gather with ---------- . i the flower garden of, Mr. ’ '____ Harvey. Hundred’s of crocuses were! There was a good attendance and out in. bloom in all ,,their • ■ shades. Rev. R. C. McDerniid, of. Goderich,, occupied the pulpit of Caveti. Pres- plowed there. ' | byterihn church on Sunday last' ' two inspiring' sermons. It dwen, Crediton, or rury, Exeter, Ont, _____ ____ __ 2“20-tfc. • two jCT—a quantity of garage Thomasj.tools was held Saturday afternoon. ..?e? were, There was a good attendance and • various fair prices were realized. Mrs. Ker- wick and family are moving to To ronto to join Mr. Kernick who is em- HOUSE ANDXoWfrOR SALE* On Victoria fJOly to J. R. Hind KnOx" Presbyterian Exeter, 2-20*tfc. ■ MeDermid. if you wish to bi< or sell n farm or housp, see R, E. lyHturd, Exeter. Mogartr ba»y chick UATCilERY FEEDS Oiir atlppiy of feeds are cOtnpleta than ever and tn Chick JStarUr, Grow Feed, Law. Masli, Beef Meal, Alfdira Meal, ; Grit, Colide&sod Butt prompU^fiiied more needs Chick? Mr, and Mrs. Clarke Fisher and - ,x Mr. Win. Fisher motored to ChathamRev. «J. B, Rhodes was in Goderich Thursday last and visited with Mr. where he Conducted the services at1] and Mrs. Jos. D&vis. Master Billy T"” " '" ''■ ' church fur iMr.1 Davis for the past five week’s lias been troubled with sinus trouble and Mft E. Knight, who recently .dis-,has undergone three operations. Lat- bosed of his farm south of Exeter to es^ reports state that he is slightl^ Mr. “Pete” Willard, li,eld an ftuctiOn (improved. , • " sale of his affects on Thurstlay last. Mrs. Wilbur Dilling^ who recently There was ail exceptionally large umicTwont an-operation for append crowd present and ’good prices were feitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital Lon- realized. Horses and cattle sold don, was sufficiently improved as to around the $100 mabk. • [be able to be brought to the home of, Rev, h. D. Mjfir, of Presto.fi, oc- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ilohn Bell, cuPied the pulplt *of the James SL the latter part of the week. On tihitod church on Sunday morning ^‘tinday she'rotftrnod to her home in Tucfeersmlth. , -------- iMfss Jessis Hodgont, who has been lion with the new Emmanuel Col- residing'on Andrew St.; in the rest- Mrs. Wilbur DliliilgJ who recently iVJtOL JAKjSR tc mod FORD ill like COUPP this on 3D C< )ii tir FORD COUP alloon tire FORD COACH, XSplendid condition f 75.00 r $250.00 ■3 Ruxtell a 1925 $150.00 F With large STUD A .1027 for $225.00 J, 1023 for $Q 0.0 0 OURING, 1021 , -for $100.00' T TOURING 1 for $05.00 UCK, .1927 ood tiros, $200.00 lUtC.lv, 1022 ?k rack for $150.00 OUI’H, 19258 ’ iSPRIMG IS HERE LAST H. R. HOPPER FUNJSRAL DIRECTOR FURNITURE DEALER Phone 99 x .. workout spri can> fl any b want comp! GOO b to Replace that ' or .mattress. WCi at ahy price you also bed outfits ecial prices. S DELIVERED ANY ISTANCE. Ernest C. Harve'f GENERAL .INSURANCE R/presentijlg ROKE II J Mutual Canada Life, Fire; Automobile, Etc. •• Slieli, a, nan Street'<ehur.ch in the ev*-, LLING |oniiig. ^1*^ Moir |i>oke In cohhcc- liaVO"-Ate cull -------i ' irom your flock# Je Mt- Toronto.-Dur-1 dance recently fturchased by Mr. G. 0 nor 100 lietekWe IbteteftMof the week Mr; ;t McI^allS, has given’ uf) housekeeping it is now hens eliminat Cur charger is yu*• *vc. s.. nu,o up uuumwiiiug cash httyoLl' at jjoultty. Call' Usf ^JOir made,a canvas of tlw coniinun- 'and has taken a couple of rooms with When yon have hohltfy to sell. ky in the interests of the college Mrs. it Gidley,. on 'William St. Mr. OiW I1W sliWent of log tends and ho stated that tho .response Iiad MoFalls is building a new gavage on has just arrivedii All sizes ahd cd1* been better'in Exeter than in most the nronerty and will take nosses- 'lO'Mi . J , Ji,— — ' J ' ewiu a cvupie ul rooms witnity Uh the. interests of the college Mrs. H. Gidley, on 'William St. Mr. rtntl HA of fit*. Art ... .... .... been better' in Exeter than in most tho property and will take posses- places no had visited# v Mon the Utter part of the month.' FORD i With delivery box for $75.00 FORD DELtVEHY FOR $S0.09 TWO-lVRERli ICRMLW z New tires and tubes aftd now box “■ $50.00 SANDY ELLIOT Exeter Zurich HYDRO ELECTRIC Wirln workma Itopairii talty. free. and instal StoVc; DAVISjin. Phono 224 g, guaranteed 9-sonable prices, nd motors a spec- giadiy Eurnisfted . C. M< Tn, England DOROTHY E. GRAS A. Gradu;(Honor Piano, Studio I Violin N. Al EXETER, ONTARIO DES rmony, Theory frt Street, Box 1(K> SAFETY SHARPE single edg DOUBLE ED Perfect W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST ZOR B Sc* 4e« , fhe Exeter Rural Hydro corn'm^-,- sibn have purchased a hew Crevro- lot truck, They are now workfftg nt Grand Rend. Mr. Nelson Wells has bec.h added to tho staff bf ‘Wtx'k&r;,. Oi’ganl .lame A-* M a if < rtnd Cl * ilstr W. R. Gouldi rniaster St. UniUHl Cliurch rtf' on in Organ Theory iMblt Mitsle in Schools frktnn Supervis ____________ ___ _ Studio, Main st Bojit 57, Phon© 10S I 3SXEWL ONT