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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-17, Page 1
FIFTY-FIFTH YEAH, NO 2925 SUCCESSFUL OPERETTA THE LATE MRS. DOWLAS i \ 4 lie remained un- s<w<$Ed appearance here PEP & RYTHM THE LATE MRS. MORGAN UNDER THE AU,'ICES OF LINKS wish Mrs. and Thorons .Friday, Douglas productions to for some time staged in the on Friday ev- The de- childron, ,’art, both survived Cameron, 17, the Mr. Esli I-Ieywdod has purchased the farm north of Creditoil occupied by Mr. Samuel Finkbeiner. Mr. Hey wood lias purchased the farm oh speculation. Archibald Bishop who represented‘ South Hu- Provincial Parliament.' was herself well versed lory of our er, Mr. and Horney, who died 1924,early for Hot 50 Bakery, ATTEND FUNERAL The "The King’s Gift,” sre gowned in ela- while the scenery effects added very G-pieee I^nco )3g$iid from Winghjani This is t _ of th^s mo^ popular banc! HORNEY— dear mot! Mrs. Char April 192 tions. of the for 21 von in official board of Main Street church-met on Friday night church parlors. The vacancy missionary committee, caused reported that Science been ordered; cup inventory of this de- i L' i ■ Houlden ;ero thanks to ghbors for the ed during the recent •e Ed. Small, sary, To mark fitting manner named, with full niver^hr'y. etc.. ’ Mr, and to oxpre the friedds kindness exteh Sins and Daughters I death of the If For i our Hot Good Fi Bakery. Phone youg ord^r Cross A THREE-ACT COMEDY Will be presented'hy The Willing Workers Sunday Scl^ol Class of Centralia GORDON HOLMAN BURIED .IN EXETER CEMETERY W. G. M’edd elected .'the representative of Presbytery. MG ITT. COME AND BE DELIGlOTULLY AND HUMOROUSLY KNT.EltTA.tNED ADMISSION: .RESERVED SEATS 50c.; Adults to; Cbildrcii to ■ PLAN OF HALL AT HOWEY’S DRUG STORE’ SPECIAL— Curtain u nourisJi breakfast fry ross^nuns. Delivc,red early* morning. — Grant’s, ESTABLISHED 1873 1 W' L I I'Ji EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 17th, 1930 OurJstocki for Spring in move lines ire now compete. We have a very showing of linoleums, and table , oilcloths, rjfgs in Axminster, Wilton, Brussels, Congoleum and JBInoIeums, window-blinds, curtain materials, Staun ton’s tvall-papers, curtain rods, etc., at prices that should appeal to yoji.. —— " ...........■■■-■- ■■■ Congoleum Rugs We wish to call particu lar attention to the new- pat terns in Congoleum Gold- These rugs are more We have tood patterns in all choose from, we sell these than mail < BOARD OF EDUCATION A meeting of the Board of Educa tion was held in the office of the se cretary on Monday evening, April tlie 14th at 8 o’clock. All present, The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved. The Building and Grounds Com- nii ttee reported Horticultural sup plies of about $20.00' had been or dered; also that maple trees could be- procured. Mr, Sanders supplies had board made, partment was being taken. Supplies for emergency kit had' been pur chased. Per F. J. Delbridge and R. N. Creech that the matter of re-renting the grounds fee left with the Build ing and Grounds Committee; also fixing of drains; portion for School gardens and tennis court. High School and Public iSchool principals reported satisfactorily. A few accounts were passed. ' The black boards are to he look ed after in June. K. MacFauI, Secretary Seal rugs, becoming each year. 8' ’ . sizes to member cheaper houses. popular i ten the Re rugs order TWELVE TONS OF BUTTER On Friday last the Bagshaw Trans port landed a shipment of twelve tpns of butter to the business men of Windsor from our local creameries. MINSTER and WJLTON RUGS s, dens, etc. requiring JJetter quality rugs' we have a very and Wilton 'Rugs, which we are We have JTorne very smart Oriental patterns large new stock o^ Barrymore, Axminst quoting at very clo%e prices well as conventidhal designs. to 48 inches, our speci rods at 30c. a pair. ods at 15c. each e popular flat style, extends The same quality in double -and NETS de up curtains in pairs and single panels by the yard. WINDOW-BLINDS—Fron? 5c. up REAL QUALITY GOODS. also nets, Marquisettes, Sc>i EASTER WEARING APPAREL Wonderful values this week in Ladies’, Misses* and Children’s Spring Coats, Dresses, Rain Coats, Knitted Suits, dress accessaries including fancy collars, handkerchiefs, handbags, gloves, parasols, etc. * , FOR MEN « FOR. M,EN NEW SUITS, RASTER TIES, SOCKS*,GLOVES,.SHIRTS, GARTERS, BELTS, HANDKERCHIEFS. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE LINES. MAIN ST. OFFICIAL BOARD The United in the op the by the death of Mrs. V. Mollard, was filled by the appointment of Mrs. A. Ryckman. A committee was named to write a history of the congrega- requestod by the general The members are: H. E. The remains of the late Gordon Holman, son of Geo. W. Holman, clerk of Huron County, were brought to Exeter Wednesday afternoon from .the nome of his father in Goderich for interment in the family plot in the Exeter cemetery. The deceased passed away at the Providence, Hos pital, Moose Jaw, Sask, and the re mains were brought by train to the home of his father in Goderich. Born in Elimville, March 4, IS88, Gordon Holman lived for some time in that village, and also in Bayfield and Egmondville, where his father, who, previous to liis appointment as , county clerk, was a teacher. In Egmondville deceased enlisted in. the 33rd Huron Regiment and in ,Jiine 1915, trained in London. He AyAnt,.overseas,in a. detached com pany of the regiment and was draft ed into the First Battalion, with which he saw active service in France having been through the Vimy Ridge engagement, which was recently co memorated. After the armistice lie wont with the army of occupation in to Germany, where til 1919. On his return to to Northern Ontario and later was connected with, the Castle Tretheway Mining Company. About a year ago he went West to his brother’s farm near Moose Jaw, where he had since resided, until his illness on April 6. He was removed to Providence Hospital, whore he died on Saturday. Surviving are his father, a brother Wilmet, of "Moose Jaw; two sister, Mrs. Jones, of Toronto and Miss Sa die, of Kitchener. One of the 'finest be put on in Exeter hy local talent was Exeter Opera House ening of last week when the choir of the James St, United church pre sented the Operetta entitled Gipsy Queen” or The members w( borate costumes, and the lighting materially to the success of the^pres- entation. The opening scene was in the palace of the King with the’ Queen -and Courtiers gowned in the court or colonial costumes, while the seond scene was in a rude hut. A King had married for love a young gipsy girl, whq, finding herself sur rounded with grand1 ladies, who scorn her because of her lowly birth, wearies of the routine -of the Court, and longs for the freshness and free dom of her former life. The King, occupied with sports of -Springfield, Ont. and Mrs. Caro- and pleasures, leaves her much alone and during one of his absences, the Queen, to amuse herself, dismisses her courtiers, and calls in her gip-sy friends, feasting them and giving them presents. In ...e midst of tne fun the King, informed by his Courtiers, returns, and is very angry. He ex presses his resolve never to see the Queen again, but tells her she may take with her, when she leaves the Court, the treasure she prizes most. The Queen begs that they may have, one last feast together, and aided by a faithful servant, she drugs the King, and has him convey ed out of the palace. When he comes to he finds himself alone with the Queen in a hut, and in his expressing astonishment, she reminds him of his promise—that' she could take with her the treasure she prized the most. The King, pleased with her ready wit, forgives her foolish esca pade; and the courtiers, proud of her devotion to their sovereign, unite in promises to make her life more pleasant in the l’utitre. The solo parts were taken by four special characters: "The King” Mr, Sam. Rennie; "The. Queen” Miss Pearl "Wood; "Como” (Kiug’s atten dant) Mr. Clarence Down, "Dana”. (Queen’s attendant) M'iss Reta Rowe The choruses wer? taken by groups of courtiers and gipsies. The -chor uses‘and solo parts were well rendeiv ed showing that' considerable time and effort had been spent in their preparation, while the gipsy drill received considerable applause. Much credit is due the director, Mr. W. R. Goulding, A.T.CjM. At the close of rhe evening’s en tertainment the choir were enter tained to a lunch furnished by mem bers of the Women's Association of James Bt. church. The choir tended a hearty vote of thanks their hosts. The death occurred at the Thomas Memorial Hospital on Fid* day, April 11th, of Mrs, Eliza Doug las Aidworth, wife of Mr. Lewis AVI* worth, of Exeter. Mrs, AldwortUe had been in hospital for several weeks where she underwent an oper-* ation and since which she Jias grad ually grown. weaker. She was borit 67 years ago in Caradoc, Ontario, a daughter of the late William and Carloine Sleath and most of her Ufa was spent in that district. .She was a resident of Exeter for a number cY years when she cared for Mr. and Mrs. Lancelot Hardy. The decease*! •was tw-ice married, her first husband the late Neil Douglas, predeceasing: her 30 years ago she was worth, brothers William bert, of Michigan In September larf married to Mr. Lewis Aid* Besides her husband two and two sisters survive, Sleath, of Strathroy; Ro- Mrs. Nancy Eden, line White, of Cleveland, The fun eral took place (Monday from . tHa home of her 'noice Mrs. John H, Moore, St. Thomas,.-interment in the* family plot in Springfield cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. B.’Wi'F. Beavers worn in St. Thomas on Sunday. BOXING BOUTS . SATURDAY, APRIL IfKh OVER THE FORD GARAGE Eddiq^ Latimer, the former light weight and welterweight amateur champion of. Ottawa “a$d district rt 1922-1923. He ■ lid the light weight champioi of Windsor far 19 24, This chan piqfiship was fought at Essex, Ontarj Another lad b/ the name of gers’c.n will also ive a xlisplajj^ffi noble art of bifxing. ’ one the best lightweights the present clean boxer./ ^s»" Other nmeg/as’,’follows v on the glow^T John McDougall; E Clarke, Allan Seed CousJi Ford and .Gower. Silver collection. lion, as council. Huston,' S. J. Hogarth, AV. A. Balk will, Mrs. J. Elston. The first church was opened- in 1S70, so that the present year is the 60tb anniver- the occasion in a a committee was power to act re an- was the The members of the Brucefield I. O. O. F. .second degree team visited the Exeter lodge of Oddfellows on Tuesday evening and exemplified the work of the degree on seven candi dates. Brucefield have a. splendid degree foam and the work was put on well. D.D.G.M. Bro. Mole, of Seaforth was present and addressed the brethren. A number of short •id’iresHCs were delivered. Lunch was served. BIRTHS WEIN—In Ctedlton, Monday, April 7th to Mis and Mrs. Wesley Wein a son. ‘'(Calvin Fraser.) DEATHS .ALDWORTH—At ’ tile St. Memorial Hospital, on Mrs. Eliza. if’Mr. Lewis Ald- *, aged. ’67 years, residence of his G< N., Parkinson, April 11 th. Aidworth. Wife Worth, of Exotc nouFE-^At the daughter, Mrs. Loudon, on Thursday, April 10th, Joseph Henry Douiie, the 4th line Blanshatd, In his 67th year, .MORGAiV—‘tn Exeter, on -Tuesday, April 15, 1930, Rachael Bishop, beloved wife of the late John T. Morgan, aged 62 years and 3 days, funeral (private) Thursday at 2.80 part. LEEPE R—-In Hen sail on Tuesday, April 15, 19*30, John A. Leeper, in his* 78th year. The ffiYiera! (pri vate) will be held Thursday, at 2 pan. with interment in Hensall Union cemetery. Those from a distance who attend ed the funeral of the late Edward Small were: Mr. William Small, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Smith and daughter, of Stratliroy; Mr, and Mrs. E. Brenner, Grand Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Walter-Stldw ell, St. Thom as; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, (Mr. and Mrs. T. Small, Wallacetowii; Mr, and J. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. Hilton Ogden, Mrs. Garnet Cornish and Mrs.Codk, of Clinton; Mr Ogden, Mr Mr. and Mrs. James Massey and two sons, of Prospect Hill; »Mr. and L. Kirk and family, of Lucan Mr. ‘Wm. Lampkin, of Whalen. CAR The death took place in Exeter on Tuesday of Mrs. John T. Morgan, a highly esteemed resident of Exeter The <le- some time been con- being due .and Usborne Township, ceased had been ailing for and for over a year had fined to her home death to a weak heart and other complica- Mrs. Morgan was a daughter late years the M’rs. Morgan in political matters and also took an active interest in the affairs of the church and- municipality. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and before coming to Exeter was a teacher in the Thames Road Sunday School. For several years Mrs. Mor gan was president of the Hurondale Women’s Institute. During her ill ness she has been one of th<| most patient and cheerful of suffers. In 1920 Mr. and Sirs. (Morgan retired from their farm in Usborne and came to Exeter where they lived for three years when they again returned to the farm. Five years ago they again moved to Exeter and shortly after Mr. Morgan passed away ceased is survived by Archie and Mrs. j. a. of Usborne. She is by four sisters: Mrs. two Stew also T. •( Mrs. Hy. Anderson, Mrs. John Row- clifi'e, of this community and Mrs. Sum! poplestone, of Blytli, the lat ter being with her at the time of her death. The funeral, private, will take place from her late residence Main Street on Thursday, April service at 2,30 p.m. interment in Exeter cemetery. FRACTURED COLLA R-BONJE Mr. Rd. Davis had the miofortune on Tuesday to fall off his wagon and landing on his right shoulder frac turing his collar-bone. Mr. Davis was taking a load into the dump grounds where the road is very rough when one of the front wheels struck something which jolted th© ©eat from beneath him and he. was thrown to the ground. He disposed of his load and drove his team home and then interviewed a doctor. He will be off work for several weeks in consequ ence. -Several years ago Mr. Davis had the left collar-bone broken in a similiar manner. ill p 100 pin It you ar lq^iing for a real good time comeifcgflot the VAGABONDS' after you. Dancing' l’roi 9 o’clock sharp lintR 1.30 Don’t forgot the date FRIDAY, APRIL 25th A.dniis-sion: Couples $1.00 Extra Ladies 25e. tax .included i -t' RESERVE nnnue .. Pai...... Frank ... Micky Mr, Kent Bello Sylvia Beg ......... Kittle Mrs. Kent DE OF CHARACTERS 'Mannasota” ..., elective .............. he Clerk he Farm Hand .... The Father .......... Foster Daughter .... ...... The Neice ...... The Cook ........... The Helper ......... Thu Mother .. . CLIFTON MITCHELL KENNETH MITCHELL .... GERALD GODBOLT^ ...... Donald hicks HERMAN HODGSON .... aiARGARET HICKS ..... HAZEL HAY ........ HAZEL SMITH ........ WANDA MORLIS ............... MABEL* HAY