The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-10, Page 8lone your order. on Good Friday e for breakfasts Butter 39c- extras 26c. firsts 23c., seconds 20c. $11.75.AND DAINTY .1 confections N< urishing Materials WU|. be deliver? mic ming in jeave or e lstei Exeter Markets Wheat $1-08 standard Gats 50c. Barley GUe. Manitoba Flour $4.40 Model Flour $4.0,0 lJastry Flour $3.60 Feed Flour 40.0(1 a ton Shorts $1.85 Bran $1.80 Creamery Butter 40c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs dieton’s Bakery Phone 52 ' .. " . ... Communion service together with a reception of new members was hejd m the Main Street church on Sunday morning when 2 bers new mem- were received into the .church, V Jx. r The Ladies of Caven church cooking ^tllG Exp 12th. , ed. meeting of the Junioi the Junior A and in Senior’s^Hall day, April 10th, will be provide come. J^hrmers ^Institute on Thnrs- cial program vorybody wel- Re eery ad 20 hwad ofWjANTED—About cattle to pasture for jthojXeason to run with my own eaftlflf Apply to Ed. Broderick, Exetejp’R. R. No. 1, Phone 13r83, Hensall. FOE SALE—10 Ontario U^rses, 3 to 7 years old, 1,200 to L$nO Jbsg 1 pair 12 years oli|; 2 d^ers, four years eld. Apply Ao ton, Exeter, Phons FOR SALE—Kitchem eabj^et, al­ most like new. Apply® Tiu^es-Advo- cate. ltc. Turn SI) AY, APRIL 10, 1030THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Dewmyil Rhod^, M, 4. Minister Miss Long Coates, AJaGAL, OygMtet 10.Q0 a-m.’—Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV, R. C. McDERMID of Knox Church, Goderich will preach Smart Top Coats For Easter You will w$nt a smart Top Coat for Easter, Let us show you the splendid val we offer at $13,50JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D, McTavisli, Pastdr W/ R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader . a.111.—-Rev, H, D. Moyer, of Pres­ ton. p.m,—Special Catechumen class. Will the candidates all bring their cards of decision next Sunday. 'r pan.—“Give me a pledge?” 7th in the series on “Jottings of Job.” Job 17; 3. Pi he gro- a sa byte ria n of home- 1 north of lay, April serv- locals J will hold in the ress office .fternoftn The Main Street will hold a homo-m: at B. W. F. Bea^ Siaturday, Apr® Jj^tl 11 3 i New Styles in Arrow &Tooke Shirts For Easter some with collar attached and others have two stiff collars. Priced $1.95 to $3.00 sure in announcing that we have been suc­ cessful in secyring the franchise in this territory for "ROY A L YO RK"ztailored- '• , 4- This new line of tai!orea-to-measure suits and overcoats is made by Canada*? oldest clothing house to to-measure clothes, MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, . a.in.—-The Christian in. his proper place. pan.-—Our church school p.m.—Our Colleges. Rev. H. D. Moyer, of Preston, will address the congregation. 1 7.30 p.m.—Thursday, our mid-week service. 8 p.111.—Friday evening. The Ol’r fical Board will meet. Mens’ Oxfords for Men’s Oxfords thlt are comfortable as wel smart in appearancel The prices too are reasonable $5.00 $6.00 $150 rn^et the increasing demand fpr a l|f|h-grade garment at $27,50. At this price we be public a dollar for d Mr. John Luxton is confined to his home with Mr. and in London Mr. and visited in London 011 Monday. Mrs. Maurice Coates, of Usborne, who has been ill, continues to im­ prove. Mrs. Henry Squire, who has peen seriously ill with pneumonia is on the mend. Miss Viola Hodgson is entertain­ ing a number of girl friends on Wed­ nesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey and son Jack are visiting, with relatives at Lindsay. Mr. John Humble, -of Sarnia, vis­ ited with Mr. }jnd Mrs. W. H. Dear­ ing? on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Eli King, of Credi- ’ ton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jory and son Donald, and Mrs. E. J’ory visited for a few days in Brantford. Mrs. M. McNicol, who lias been tending her aunt, Mrs. Melville of the Thames Road has returned to her home here. Donald, son of Mi*, and Mrs. Oran Winer had the misfortune to fall Sunday evening fracturig his right arm near the shoulder. Mrs. Chas. Prout, who has been confined to her home on Highway No. 4, south of Exeter, is, we pleased to say, improving. Mf. Harry Carey, who was cently employed with Mr. , Elmore Harness as barbhr lias taken a posi­ tion with Mr. G. Flynn. . ' Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Cox, of St. Thomas, was the guest of Mrs. Amel­ ia Dale at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -W- T. Acheson on Sunday. The dance in the Opera House on Friday evening last by the Vaga­ bond Orchestra, of Wingham, was enjoyed by a large crowd. The Huron Presbyterial Conl'er- Jonce of the W.M.S. will convene in Seaforth, Northside United church , on Wednesday, April 30, 193 0. Mr. Chas. Acheson and Miss Gray, ' of London and Mr. Dwight Evans, of I Blenheim, were guests at the home I of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. i>W. T. Acheson on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson and sen Peter, and Mr. James McDonald of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Dearing, of London, visited with 1 Mrs. T. G. Creech and other relatives on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Tuckey, who has been receiving treatment at a hospital in London for several weeks, has been able to leave and is now staying at . the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Davis, Lorne Ave., -London. Master Jack Harness, whg recent- |;ly had Iiis right log amputated at 1 Victoria Hospital in Loudon follow­ ing a runaway accident on. February 15tli, was able to return to his home Sunday. Mr. W. Pethick, who recently dis- 1 posed of his gas station in Exeter ’ North, is moving to Stratford where he lias secured a position. He moved Shis furniture on Friday last and Mrs. Petlpck and sou will join him. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Harvey spent the week-end in Hamilton with the Apply to' latter’s brother Mr. and Mrs. B. ............ 'Gillies. Mrs. Harvey’s mother Mrs. 1 A. Gillies returned home with them (after spending the wintei [Son. I Miss -Gertrude Robinson ...ham, accompanist for the__L 7 . " so; l^ETik barn and, sigter TaJ^Fploiighed. Ap- $0Tden,. Crediton, O.r red Ellering- » ltc. WARNING — Boys using sling shots or catapults are warned not to destroy street lights or they will bo prosecuted.—By Order Public Utili­ ties Commission. Anyone wanting cattle pm^re for season apply to FredjA. JMTerington, Exeter, Prices reasonp-U^; 4-10-3 tc It is just one year ago todayjApril 10th that we opened our .j^ocery store to thejpuhlie and y^Twish to • take this opbortunitj our sincere ronage tliatfhas- be ing that tifie you better Jin t lanks 101 given us dur- liope to . serve future, • FOR SALE—a/£&ne$ wanting to get young calves/.aliih^’eds, aPPly to I-Ioward J4 r 7 McCurdy virkton. Phone 4-10-2tp .FOR calf, 13 Ilirtzel, 36 V 3. SALE—Thoroughkff'ed, hull months old.i'ApjRy to John R, R. No. l,4Crs6iton, phone Crediton.. 4-10-tfc.. .1 SALE OR REN 75 acres of pasture, mostly |Ieaj^d and pro­ ducing grass, runnii Con. 7, HayAA-W'. 'C FOR Vter, Lot 47^. ‘earce, Exeter, ltp. F-OR SALE—quantity of ensilage. Apply'to U. H. May, Centralia. ■ , FOR SALE—Brboder stove, W0.00 chick size; choice of Miller owfRoyal Purple; price $16.00/ Pl]$me SS Kirkton. Mrs. Andre]/ ^Hristie. -4-l-0-2tc. |F have ‘■encing. iur order. Miller Mr. J. S. Dignan- and sq; taken the agency for Vfitej Siee them before placin; If wanting choice ,^ap.le ^^rup phone A. Morgan. Guapihte^'tf’above standard. $2.25 a /aW^deBvered. Phone 171 r 32 Ex&T ppjes^and turnips ^nmilia, phone r>S4-3-2tp. I- -S—-Jc FOR RENT—FmmeF cottage on Gidley St. Apply foFTimes Advo- ; cate‘ r ■ WANTED—Spy app! Apply Frank Lewis, Crediton 40r24. FOR SALE-—S^’d barldy O.A.C. Np. 21 and seedAVhJat Maquis. Bar­ ley 90c.; wheat? $1^4^,’g^ppiy Stan- ,v Idy Mitchell, R. R.fNo. l,. Hensail. J ; 4-3-2tp. FOR RENT- land, runniug v 5, Con., 6, Hajt; •James Deaijdg* Dearing, R;, R, 75 acres of pasture ^Wfe^t % of Lot washing . n c(]<ye of Wesley *zlFExeter. 3-M-3tc. FARM FORWENT OR,J^)R SALE -—lot 9, Conce • has a frame h ' about 20 acre ply to Alonzo Giadman & Stanbury, Exeter, Ont. J' 2-20-tfc, : HOUSE AND LOTWOR -SALE— On Victoria St. Appsjy to J. R. Hind Exetei*. - 2-20-tfc. ion 5 ephen. the flu. Mrs, Thos. Pryde visited on Thursday., Mrs. B. W. F, Beavers at- to are re- with her of Wlug- ........., __________ ______ Vagabond • Orchestra, spent Saturday with her on )Ok ro- h Hopper and Mrs. Hopper t nt the day with 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, B.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacFauI, Organist Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday) . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon. Subject: “The Cross of Christ.” pan.—Bunday School p.m.—Evensong and Siermon. Sub­ ject: “Confession "of Sins.” p.m.—Wednesday niglit in the Parish Hall. Lenten Lantern Slides. The crowds- who attend these slides are getting larger and larger. A fine set of slides will be shown next AVeclnesday night. NOTE-—Holy Communion at 11 a.m. on First Sunday of the month and at 8 a.m. on the Third .Sunday of tpe month. 11 3 7 8 as Biltmore Hal for Men | You will find the s and color in our fin^j ’ sortment. | Priced $4.50 & $|.00 New Neckwear For Spring! Including several gnew patterns in beautiful| col­ oring. 1 Priced at $1.01 If yoti wish to .buy^'r sell a farm OF house sec R. E ckard, Exeter. HOGARTH BABY CHICK / HATCHERY * FEEDS. ** Our supply of feddsiste now more needs Chick Bone Shell, cbtiijiiete4.han ever In Chick Starter,, “ Feed,. Meal, Grit,;C be pro the ar value never before reached. We can guarantee that the finest of woollen fabrics-jF the newest and most popular color^^onstitute the materials used in t YORK" s o Lest of their co the^making of "ROYAL s and overcoats. Only the rkmanship will be found in truction. invite you to come to our store spect the new "ROYAL YORK" cy CLOTHE? czMeasure Mrs. Esther Ball, widow of the late Rev. John Andrew Bal}, died Friday’ at her residence in London aged 78! years. Mr. Ball predeceased 'her about four years ago. Her maiden name was Esther. Chrysler, of Delhi and the funeral too place to the Delhi cemetery on Monday. Mr. Albert Keruick will hold an auction sale’ of his household effects on 'Satuiday next following which Mrs. Kernick and family will leave for Toronto to join Mr. Kernick who has been employed there for some time. Mr. Earl Parsons will move into the residence vacated by Mrs. Kernick. Mr. James R. Bright, son of the late Dr. Bright, formerly of Exeter, who is a law student at the Univer­ sity of Toronto, has been awarcicd the M'oss Scholarship at the Univer­ sity of ‘Toronto. Jim, who ...... " bright student at the Exeter has had a brilliant scholastic winning several scholarship. jMrs. E. J. Christie was chener on Tuesday evening week attending a convention banquet of the coal dealers of the , district given by the J. B. McMuricb Co. Inc., Oswego, producers of the D. & H. coal. Following the ban­ quet there was an interesting series of motion pictures showing the min­ ing of the -coal from the time the miner entered the pit until the coal Was shipped . It showed the work underground the blasting, hoisting, grading, etc. and was very instruct­ ive. For several days Mrs. Christie was the' guest of Mrs. McMurich. j Several from Exeter attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Jane . Boyle, who died in London -on Tues­ day of last week and who w fed in St. James cemetery, boye, on Thursday afternoon Boyle was a former resident tralia. The pall-bearers were H. Boyle, C. Boyle, ]i Bowden, E. McFalls and B. McFalls. The many friends of Mr. AV. J. Statham, of London, formerly of Ex­ eter, will regret to know that he is suffering from an infection of the left arm and that he is carrying it in a plasteV cast and that he will lie off work for some tim6. Mr. Stat­ ham has been employed at .Peter’s Bakerooms-. Miss Mineretta Horney R, N., sister-in-law of Mr. Statham, left last week to spend a few days wjth Mr. and Mrs.,Statham. M1 —-y:-- —--r-; --T • • ------- Mr. B. W. F. Beavers and sons George and Reg., visited the form­ er’s mother in Blanshard on Sunday. was a school, career, D Phones: PHONE 81wUSED of You] as Cli FORD will like r27 ir $250.00 1027 2 for $225.00 ■s e of Canada Automobile* Etc. FORD TCDOR 1929^ Like new for $490.0^ FORI) ROADSTER, Jb29 Rumble Seat for $4j?5.00 R5E BROKER ANCE>AND VICE :.WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DA STOCK OF FURNITURE . SELLINC ----------- LOWEST TO SU AT THE VBRY OSSIBLE PRICES THE TJMES AMB' FUNE Oj and 20w Ford Dealers bur- m de­ Mrs. Cen- Messrs, Bowden, H. SPRING CLEANING will Soon be Ernest C. Harvey GVENteRAL NSUR Mutua Life, Ru Wit FORD Balloon DERA I A late A FORT) COACH, Smendid condition J t S’J DELIVERY c’uev: 102-2 !< 1,022 for $75.00 I’E, for WE H/\VE A FULlJ^TOCK ON. HAND TO^MiteteT, JiteQUIRE CHESTEItJHllLD ! ROOM SI|JTES, LOTS Goods tlefive I sister, Mrs. E. R. -' Sunday Mr, and * lifer home and spei ldtives. " ‘Mr, and Mrs. two’ daughters, 0; . Stephenson and daughtor i and Miss. Hospital, ‘ week-end Jaques. 1 . Mr? B. cessful.. demonstratione !nf . . Lacquer and Alabastine at his hard­ ware store on. Friday and Saturday last. A couple, of repi’esentatives' tyere present to conduct the demon- stration, ’ Tiib section - was vssitod 'With another snow storm accompanied by cold winds - on., Monday and the ground was again.covered with snow •1 couple of inches deep. It is said spring is just around th(f corner. We are still looking for that corner, Mr, Latinjef Griove, who rocently ! disposed of his dru^ business In Stralhroy owing to ili-health has moved with his wife $fid two children /Helen and Jean to Exeter and living with the former’s father, James Gfieve. They will spend ( summer at Grand Bend. RvssBI Peart f Rockwood; of Ina ,Jaques, of Victoria London, visited over the with Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Birr W< F. Beavers ncld a sac- brushing MAIN ST. WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION FORD Balloon tire OLET TOVRING pecial for $05.00 (Honor Grad -.1Piano, Violi Studio N. EXE ICK England, Theory’ LL YOUR 1.TES, DINIXG JEDDING AND LL PIECES <1 any distance. DOROTHY &' ZOR B iondou, ion in. armony, ent Street, Box .160 R, ONTARIO ■W' ES 13. R FUNEl FUltNIX OPPBR L DIRECTOR RE DEALER Phone 90 SAFETY SHARPENED (animate*) SINGLE EDG .... Sc- DOUBLE EDG .. Im­ perfect te< D TRI CK, 1927 le, good tires, $200.00 RD WRECK, 1922 go stock rack for $150.00 *ORD COCPi delivery box ERA!/ TlttJCKING L KINDS ROS. FARMERS regular meeting of the Wo Association of the Main St. Church was held in the parlors on Thursday after­ Mrs. G. >S. Howard had of the devotional exercises, The men’s United church noon, charge ________ which consisted of responsive toad* ing and the singing of two hymns, 'Ci... L'_——reported in the A south of the town, Mrs. F, J. Wick- was elected unanimously for se- vied-presidont, After Pa,rt of the meeting d your W MaSb, bef Meat, Oyster ittermilk, etc. can G W. 5. COL * DRUGGIST qy Mash, Haifa Me iidenso.d ptly fit OtrI y calling flow tMhe to have the cull trans d'lhitmfJd from your flock, ehalge $2.00 per 1.00 hens. Wo ers of poultry. Call us , whfin yni ave poultry to sell. w 0ur iiCW shipment Ot leg hand# hM Jusb afrived. All Sizes and co­ lor®. '' tt ai‘6 Mr, the The Calling Committee making twenty-seven call north and sixteen calls in tin part Wire cjon0 ness pleasant; social time was tvhleh lunch was sotted* for $50.00 TWO-WHteteL TibiILKR New tiros and tubes and now box $60.00 J/ORD RcasoniMtlo Rates Phone 237 UKING SOLICITED DING -W. R. Go Exeter, tile bufji* . a very shout tit SANDY ELLIOT Exeter — Zurich] a man singln*Maid—"Thoro’s outside the door, ma’am. Me wants to know If you’d assist him.” Mistress—"Teri him I don’t sing.” ^4 1 , Organist and AMtoivinaSfor jabicSjJJt,. I'/iteil Church, A ion in Organ Tfeecwy Music In Schools. Dfiino v< Supdfvfsor Studio, Main St Box 57, Phone IDS?