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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-10, Page 5
/ / STUDE You cannot at Courses; ©UGALL oj M. A. STONE, DR. RH. P Honor g/ad THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TRUKSPAY, APHID to, toi girljixd nt ©pntmerre CLINTON..... TARIO Offers You a Pracj^l Business Training that has made it.&sible for our scores of students to obtaiu^Tiid hold positions demanding a high standi ......... ‘ THERE of efficiency. POSITION WAITING FOR YOU ecretgrial, Commercial, Stenographic, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers’ and Special Course's arranged. tter School. Why not attend this? MAY REGISTER AT ANY TIME fffiption. Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A. Principal that had and with CHAIN RED & WHITE STORES OVALTINE, three sizes 50c.? 75c. and $1.25 Infant’s Delight ICHIPSO, large . . ..... 21c. I Gold Medal Mixed # TOILET SOAP I SWEET PICKLE^ 4 cakes for 25c.IOXYDOL, large ,.,... 21c. 1 30 p2s» 4S^^ VI-TONE Small 31c, 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH Tin 12c. «MPN OIL S 12 pz. 23c. 16' of Faculty of Medicine, [aster or Science, of <ho Unlve^fty of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. O&ice two doors east of Post Offic HENSALL. ON , (Phone 50 sldence 114 DR. J. A. Main Street GART, L. D. S, g in Plate Work ®ENSALL, ONT. Specif Telephone 1OO DR. MOIR’S R. IV. LEGl(pRNS University of British Coluj^ma strain Large bir, and sple Baby Chitfks $15.Oiy?55er hundred I-Ihtching/Eg8S hmidredat sH^ntly higher prices •Order alf'ead ly^supply is limited. loir’s Eai’m. lon-85 Hensail .Smaller lol HENSALL Miss Elva Bolton spent the week end at her home here. Mr. Claude Blowes spent the week end’ .at his home in Mitchell. Mrs. H. J. Hummell, of Blooms- bur.g, Pa., is Kate Bell. Mr. Earl spent a few home here. An account of the death of the late Thomas I’arlmer appears on an- soLlrer page. iMrs. C. S. Hudson and daughter Myrna, spent the week-end visiting friends in London. Mr. Ed. Berry, the week-end at mother Mrs. Thos. Berry. . Mrs. Johns, of Guelph, spent a few days last week at the Jiome of er brother Mr. Norman Cook. The many friends of Mrs. Frank Farquhar are sorry to hear she is not enjoying the best of health. Mrs. Jas. Bonthron lias returned home after a very pleasant visit with his sister at McKees Rock, Penn. Mrs. Roland Cudmore has return ed to her home here after spending ■sthe winter with her daughter in ‘Toronto. Mrs. Leslie Sullens, who has been for some time visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson has re turned to Detroit. The many friends of Miss Emma Johnston are sorry to hear 'confined to her room with tack of bronchitis. The Services in the United •were largely attended on Rev. A. the services. In the evening a quar tette was given by Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Goodman and Mr. Sam. ■Rannie. While playing at school Nellie Fee fell and hurt the back of her head and was brought home in an ^unconscious condition. Dr. Moir twas immediately called but the re sult of his examination showed she was not serious. The Eckard fa Swiss Bell Ringers gave an entertainment in the Town Mall on Tuesday evenig. Owing to •the stormy night many did not turn out but those who did were well re- . paid as this company put on a splen did entertainment. ' Services in the Carmel .Presbyter^ dan church were largely attended on ’Sunday last with Rev. Mr. Mclllroy having charge- of the services. A '.quintette Was given by Messrs. R. Y. McLaren, W. A. McLaren, Clif ford Moir, Jas. A. Bell, Orville Tay- ior. The play entitled “Yimmie You- son’s; Yob’’"' put on by the young people of the‘United church Sunday .School of Ceiftralia on Friday even ing last was .largely attended. Each player took their part very credit- 'abiy. T^he play was put on in the pid of the League of the United ichurch here. \ . Boss &■ Brizier, of London, who have secured* the cOh tract for pav ing the London Road from Kippen to Exeter are" here getting tlieir mac.lt- Snery ready foh nn early start and Will commence paying as soon as the weather permits. Boss & Brazier Tlrad the contyttct last year and all “J,heir equipment is right here on the ground. Wo b'ntlerstand the laying nf tlie .cement‘Wil) start at Exeter. ’ Tlie regular meeting of the W.M. ,S. of the United church was held on Thursday afternoon last with quite a number present. The meeting was opened by reading the Easter lesson iiit unison, after which Mrs. Sinclair •led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting wore read and the roll railed. The study leaflets were laken by Mrs. J. Elder, Miss Moore ‘arid Mrs. Ed. McQueen, after which Mrs. Wm, McDougall read’the devo tional leaflet. The meeting closed with a hymn and reiioating the Lord s 'prayer in ithison. visiting her sister Mrs. Palmer, .of Windsor days'last week at his of Detroit, spent the home of his she is an at- Church Sunday Sinclair having charge of _k their part very credit jibe play was put on in the Hensall Council The regular monthly meeting of the Council was held on Monday ev ening last, with all the members present and the Reeve in the chair, me minutes of the last meeting were read and adpoted on motion of Petty and Ortwein. A number of communications were read and or dered filed. A delegation was present from the committee who- had charge of the Chautauqua which was held here re cently and a suitable arrangement was made as to tbe charge for the hall on motion of Consitt and Cam eron. » Mr. Fred Bonthron was given per mission to dig a drain from his pro perty down Nelson Street to the out let on South Richmond Street. Colin Hudson, Assessor was pres ent and handed in his roll. After several ^adjustments were made the roll was accepted by the council. On account of the Bank of Com merce and several other places of business being closed, the business assessment was lower than it was last year and the population is about 20 less. Mr. Hudson also reported that he collected $42-00 in dog tax es, there being five dogs in the vil lage not yet paid for. Mr. Hudson was given until the first of May to see that every dog in the village was licensed and. the tax paid. After the first of May any dog running at large without a tag will be destroy ed by the constable. Mr. A. W. E.' Hemphill was pres ent and made a report as tp tlie tax es collected. He stated that there were three or four tax amounts to be paid which lie hoped he would have by the first of May. He was given till tliaL time to get the remainder collected. 1 . A Court of Revision on the assess ment roll will be held in the council chambers on Monday evening, June 2nd at 7.30 p.m. A number of accounts were pre sented and ordered paid on motion of Potty and Ortivein. Reeve Higgins reported that Mr. Frank Gibbs, of Stratford, who was making a special audit of the corpor ation books for the council had com pleted his work and had sent him two copies of the report, one of which was laid on the table. As the auditors’ report « was somewhat lengthy and the hour was getting late tlie Reeve asked the members of the council to take the report and examine it and for the council to meet again on Saturday evening to consider it which was agreed upon. The Reeve also gave a statement to the .council of the auditors' re port recently received from the On tario Hydro Commission, as to the standing of our local hydro plant. After practically rebuilding the plant two years ago we again have- a surplus Qf about 85,000 and in 19 29 after paying operating ex penses, power 'bills, debentures and depreciation on the plgiit there was a surplus of’ $1003.00. There, was also a surplus of $1823. on the ac tual cost of power in the hands of the Ontario Commission which will take charge of the next two months power bills. The Reeve also stated that on account of making the col lection for domestic' lighting every two months instead of every month, the party using over $2.00 worth of power would notice quite a reduc tion in their lighting bill, as the plant is again pilling up quite a sur plus quite a rebate will be looked for this year. '• _• The .council then adjourned meet again on Saturday evening consider the auciitors’ report. to to After the choir practice in the Carmel -Presbyterian church on last Thursday evening, .Miss Janet White, who has been church organist for a number of years was presented with a cabinet of silver and an appropri ate address. The address was read by Miss Mabel Workman and the presentation made by Miss Alice Walker. Miss White who is to be married shortly and who will reside in Toronto W,as taken by surprise but expressed'..her appreciation for the splendid giftjmd also lier regret of severing her connection with the choir. Following” the presentation a social hour was silent. \ «■ Presi Vice-: USBORNE & HTBBERJ? , MUTU FIRE INSURANCE COMP Head Office. Farcjuhar, T. Agent for ALLISON, BROOK ER H ibber T. NORRIS SIMON DOW ONNELLs. FRANK fl DtRECTO SINCLAIR. EBSERYJCentralia, _______ and Blddulph RTS. Muhro. Agent ft? ullarton and Logan A. I’lTRNliVlifc ecretary-Treamirer x 98, Exetqr, Ontario LAPMAN & STANPURY Boiicitori, Exeter UBbor CREDITON I Mr. Royal Haist, of Chicago, is vis- • iting with his parents, Mr. ’aud Mrs. I Henry Haist. | We are sorry to report Mr. Isaac Hill has beep confined to his home ' through illness. The Eckhardt Bell Ringers gave a program in the Hull on Friday ev ening to a fair crowd, Mr, Edward Sweitzer is at present in the London Hospital. We hope that he will soon be home again. The checker players of town in tend going to Exeter on Wednesday evening to have a friendly game of checkers, Mr, Rodney Bowman, who works for the Bell Telephone Company spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W, Bowman, Last week it was mentioned Miss Cora Stahl, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs, Stahl. It should have read Mrs. Stahl and Irving. The mistake was made in pur office.—-Ed, Wouldn’t it be a good idea, if our village fathers appointed a copstable to keep law and order in the village, The disturbance which occurred a few nights ago by some of the young men, who are well known, should be stopped otherwise it might lead to worse things. Last Thursday evening while Al bert Wolf was in the act of putting the mail on the. train at Centralia, the train hit the baggage truck and threw it on top of him. ft took several men to lift the heavy truck off his body. He is now unable to operate, his mail route on account of having several bones broken in his right hand and being severely bruis ed. It was a narrow escape Mrom instant death and Albert is to be congratulated that it was no worse. ‘The Evangelical young people mo tored to Grand Bend Monday evening to spend a social evening with the young people of the United Church. In spite of the stormy weather a .splendid number found their way thither. The program was put on by Crediton, as follows:-sing-song of Christian Endeavour choruses, “Boosting for G. E,, Its a good thing to be a Christian,” and other snappy selections; League male quartette, address on “Friendship by Miss Ruby Finkbiener, piano solo iby Miss Ber nice Eilber, address on “Strangers”, by the pastor, I-lev. W. M. Sippell; humorous reading by Lovina Smith; four-hand piano and violin trio by Addileen Gaiser, Clara Morlock and W. M. Sippell; vocal Solo by Charlie Hoffman. ,Rev. J. M. Colling took charge of the interesting contests that followed. Lunch was served. Complimentary .ceremonies were giv en in honor of the visitors. Every moment of the evening was made delightful by the .solicitations of the hosts and hostesses of Grand Bend. The Woman’s Institute held their regular monthly meeting in 'the In stitute Hall last Tuesday afternoon April 1st. Mrs. H. Young, the presi dent occupied the chair. The roll call was" called and the members, re sponded by giving many splendid suggestions for next year’s program. Miss Lavina Smith gave the topic ‘Justice for Canadian Women,’ Cur rent events given my Mrs. Emmery Fahner and a reading by Mrs. Henry Brown. TI19 special musical num ber was a piano duet by Helen Tel ler and Marguerite Guettinger. So cial half-hour with a dainty lunch followed, connumdrums were passed around and considerable interest was manifested in their solution. A vote of thanks was given to the program committee and the hostesses who were Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mrs. W. Oes- trlcher, Mrs. John Wein, and Mrs. II. Brown. Largely attended -annual business meeting was held last week at the Evangelical Church. Trustee election resulted as follows: Mr. Jacob Ratz elected for a term of i3 years; F. W. Morlock elected to fill unexpir , ed term of the late J. H. Holtzmann; Chris. Fahner, was elected class lead er and Bernhard Brown assistant, class leader. George Finkbeiner was elected Missionary president. Many items of business were disposed of and everyone stayed till the • end. Unity and good cheer prevailed all through the meeting. The finances of the church are quite satisfactory with F. W. Morlock as financing ste ward; Clinton Morlock, sec’y-Treas. of Missions and Ezra Faist treasurer of the Cemetery Fund; H. K. Eilber secretary; W. M. Sippell, chairman. Remember the play “The Path Across the Hill” given by the young people ancl under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. of the Evan gelical church, Friday evening, April 11th, at the Crediton Town Hall. This promises to be a big entertain ment of humor, Sport and moral. The proceeds for some benefit in our vi cinity, We expect a crowded house The orchestra has been asked to nish selections in the opening and between acts. The debate held last Friday ening in the Sunday School rooms of the Evangelical church brought out a largd- audience of interested folk. The subject: “Resolved that the pro posed ’township school board would be preferable to our prebent system of a board tor-each section........ debaters were LETTUCEf CELER Thrift Seeded RAISINS 15 oz. 2 pkgs, for 25c. Benson’s CORNSTARCH 2 for 23c. SNAP HAND CLEANER in ............. 15c. 9 oz. Jar. Prepared MUSTARD 12c< SERV-US French Bord. Shelled Walnuts Halves 1-2 lb. 27c, Jewel SHORTENING 1 lb, 17c. Clark’s PORK & BEANS 2’s lie.- S. O. S. STEEL WOOL Package 14c. A. & H. WASHING SODA 2 packages for 15c. F BULK SEEDLESS 2 pounds fprj|J ATOES for 25c. N WALNUTS ters, per lb. 39c. ^CARROTS,RHUBARB, CABBAGE, ETC. EASTER ffOVELTfZS—RABBITS, DUCKS, CHICKENS, ETC- CHOCOLATE NOVfLTIES^^iRABBITS, HENS, CHICKENS, PITCHERS, EGG CUPS, EGGS, 5, 10, 15 AND 25c. z DESSERT SWEET GRAPEFRUIT, 2 FOR 23c. These Prices Go^Only Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 10, 11, & 12th HARVEY & HARVEY “THE O\VNER SERVESPhone 102 DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Coweru^C.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL2SLRGEON :e in yCrtleib Block, DaBh- it tl tove st/three days of week. Itlice Hoffman, and Marie spent the week-end in Kit- At offt wood, fir! at office Zurich, la Misses ‘kllemang _ chener and Elmira. Miss Myrta Taylor, of London, spent a few days with her brother Dr. and Mrs. Taylor last week. Mr. Earl Guenther has purchased a new International Truck. Eugene Tieman who, is attending University in London, spent the week-end with his parents.. • Misses- Anna Tieman. and Mildred McDonell, of Guelph, spent the week end with Mr. ad Mrs. D‘. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Musser, of Lon don, are visiting their daughter‘Mrs. A. 1-Ia.ugh., Mrs. T. Watson, of Detroit is vis iting her parents -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. . ' ■ . Confirmation service will bo held in the Lutheran church next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. A. W. Sauer and son Milton spent a few days in Rodney week. Several of the radio fans in village .and surrounding district had the pleasure of hearing Rev. E. Mill er deliver a sermon over WHK Cleveland on Sunday morning. Rev. Miller is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller of the 14th Concession. ie days of week and the Post Office, in this the f Si fur ev The Rev. H. W. I-Jagel- stein, Miss Beryl Hill, Miss Adeline Gaiser ahd Mr. Arthur Amy. The evening was profitably spent and wholesome instruction on this time ly subject was given in each paper, which after all is the greatest bene fit. The judges decided in favor of the negative side, According to the word of Mon. G. Howard Ferguson, Premier of Ontario it looks as if this new regulation will finally bo put into effect iiPspite of energecttc opposi tion. Sacramental services next Sunday morning and evening at the Evan gelical church. These should be largely attended services in memory of the solemn Good Friday on which Our Lord was .crucified. Brief ser mons will be delivered so that the holy communion may be thoughtfully administered. “Bastor”, ELIMVILLE Master Laurie Stephens enter tained a number of his boy friends on Monday, it being his fifth birth day. Mr. and MYs. Nelson Baker, of Stephen; Mr. and Mrs. John McCul- lach, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCullach were visitors with Mr. (and Mrs. B. Cooper and Mrs. Jonathan Cooper last Sunday. Mrs. John Johns is spending this week in Warwick with Mr. and Mrs. Alox Johns, who have just moved to that place., , Mrs. Bert Baynes returned to her home last. Saturday at Wellburn af ter spending the week with' her sis ter Mrs. Wm. Elford. Mrs. G. Jaques and Mrs. Maud Hoywood, of Exeter, visited Mrs. R. Johns last Friday. Mr. Walter Johns, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss May Jones returned to Lon don on Saturday after spending three weeks visiting her .cousin Mrs. Nelson Coultis and her aunt Mrs. H. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Wilson on Sunday last. Two Evangelists belonging to tlie Plymouth Brethren from London, who have been holding meetings, in the Township Hall for the past two weeks held their final meeting on Sunday evening last. The interest and attendance have not been vbry encouraging. • The funeral of ,thfi late ,Mr, Ed ward Small svhs hold on« Tuesday af ternoon. Interment wa^. made in the Elimvllle cemetery. Mrs. Carrie Stephens returned to London on Saturday after spending a few weeks with her mother. Mt.s,; Rose Stephes at Mr,. Chas. Johns’. Mrs. Stephens is improving slowly from her illness. Her daughter Mrs. Gealy from Pennslyvania is still with her. Miss Verna Brock has returned to her home after- spending three months In London, Friends are pleased to hear that Mr, Geo. Hunter is Improvlag by the latest reports. Much’ sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hunter in her*re- EXETER, ONT. THE BUYER SAVES” We Deliver lllllrr cent bereavement. . Mrs. Heywood Sr. and Mrs. Wes*/. Horne are recovering after being somewhat indisposed with heavy colds. Mrs. Henry Delbridge is in Lon don with her mother Mrs. Spicer, who is ill. Miss Florence Herdman is in Exe ter with her grandparents Mt. and Mrs. Henry Squire. The latter is seriously ill. Mr. Wilbur Johnson and Miss Hel en Johnson, of- London, spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. ZION Mr. E. Watson, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Welling ton Brock. \ . Mr. Fred Brock, of.. Hensail, is spending a few days with friends here. Miss Ella Sanders, of Exeter, isj visiting her aunt (Mrs. W. Brooks. ’ 1 Mrs. Geo. Earl is under the doc tor’s care. The young people put tlieir play on at Prospect Hill'on Friday la&t and are going to Kirkton oil the 23rd of April. ■Services in the church have chang ed ba'ck to morning and-evening'af ter having been in ■ the morning all winter. Mr. Elgin -Hern returned home from Totpiiito where he spent spent I the wintef^going to school. ? Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe spent a few I days with her brother Thos. Brock. A number attended the funeral of tbe late Mr. E. Small on Tuesday last. The W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting Thursday, after noon April 3rd at the home of Mvs. Henry Towle. The second Vice- president took charge of the meet ing- _repeating, our watchword and the L.Ordis Prayer in unison; the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved; several items of business were transacted; delegates were ap pointed to attend the Huron Prdsby- terial at Seaforth on April 30th. On account of the illness of Mr. Warren Brock; Mrs.-Brock sent in her resign ation as President. Mrs. Melville Hern, the 2nd vice-president, was D^amatic Recital of 9 BEN HUR ■7f>■ Will be given; at Zion Unite" church, Elimvillq circuit, on Frida^ April 18th at 8 “ip.m. ■ > Hear the great story of the Chris from' the pen, of Lew . Wallace tol in a one hour recital by Rev; Tavish, tofjjames- St, United^ ' Exeter. <®ie. story moves in a one nour .recital by Rev.Tavish, OfJjames- St. United^Krci Exeter. <®ie, sto,ry moves ^ong wit rapid premsipn from tlM^in’ding o the Chilc^by the ?Vyjj|FtMen and th Shepherd^ to „ jtheJ^Sene on Calvar, interspersed by^jKp .chariot race ant other. inlier jjKmiing ^incidents fron the b®k.^raiusm',.yprovided.^hy th> Zion (H^estra under the leadershi' of Mr|ji*Lavern< Morley. Admissioi adults 35c. and children 15c. the Chilc$b£ the .j^Sene on OalvaT< Qier jjjmilng, incidents fron lx*. Rm.y +K.I ^stra under the leadership ■ Admissioi KIRKTON Mrs. S. Mahgffy has rethfned t< her home after spending tlib. win ter with her daughter at1 St. Pauls. ,v Miss Henderson, of St. Marys jspent the week-end with Miss Helei Bickje. •♦'■' Alf. Champion arid -Hordee Green street were in London on Saturday Mi's. Maud' Heywpod, of Exeter is visiting with Mrri;Ray Francis. Mr. Clarence Roufley is- driving f= ■new Pontiac.. ■. ■’ / . T The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup per was observed on Sunday in the United, church. ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Will. McKenna and Billy and . Miss .Kathryn, Sells, of London, were- Sunday’ visitors with Mr. and Mrs.- Si. N. (Shier. / .Mrs.- Si. N. (Shier. / ■ t GRAND BEND , What phesied Quite ja large crowd about .the,,, man who pro spring, -early in March? 1 -.-.of .• .visitors the, - campThe meeting was opened by-spent the,, week-end. at grounds. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. returned home after a in St. Marys. The Owl Club spent an enjoyable evening on Friday last at the home of Mr. Walter England. This being the end of the Club’s entertainment for this season the Club presented6* Mr. England with a gold knife and chain with tlieir compliments, for season, family Mous- Oliver have week’s visit elected President and Mrs. Warren furnishing the music for the Brock 2nd vice-president. A card of | Mr. Wm. Jennison and thanks was read from Miss Vivian spent *Sunday at Mr. John Brook for flowers received during _ seau’s, her illness. After singing, a hymn’ Rev. Mr. .White offered prayer. The Devotional Leaflet was read by Mrs. J. T. Heim followed by the Easter re sponsive reading. A selection was played bn the victrolia. A leaflet (Easter Chimes) was read by Mrs. H. Kyle. . A chapter on the study book was ..taken by Rev, Mr. White. A leaflet’ “Our Thankoffering” was read by Mrs. E. Poolpy. Hymn 314 was sung and the meeting was closed 1 by Rev. Mt’- White pronouncing the benediction’. On Friday evening last the young people of Zion presented their four- act play “Cranberry Corners’’ in the community Halt, Prospect Hill, un der the auspices of the Prospect Hill Sunday School, iTofn’ Herii acted the part of Tom family Dexter, the country “beau of Carlotta 1 Bannister, taken by MfSs Hazel Earl. The part of the city aunt who want-1 ed to break up their romance.) Ana- tasia Bannister, was taken hy Miss Myrtle Earl, Cl})Tciice Toll and -Nor man Brock, provided the humor. The other placers were: Sydney Everett, Mortis Hern, -Ross Hern, Miss Min erva Brock, Miss Florence Brock, Miss Dora Brock, Ward Hern, Rev. Mr, White, acted,‘as chairman, An orchestra' consisting ot ■Laverii Mor ley, Harold Denham, Angus Earl and Mrs. Batten, accompanist, provided splendid music, and. Angus Earl ceeds amounted SHIPKA Mr and Mrs. Walter Fassold, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Milton Ratz. | ,Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer and family motored to Melbourne Sunday, Mrs. Sweitzer remaining for a few days. Mr. William Sweitzer attended, the,1 Hay Fire Insurance Meeting at Zur* ich Saturday last. Mr KHIVA Harold sang a duet, to $25.09, Benham and Mrs. Albert Ragier and . spent Thursday, in 'Seaforth. Miss Margtierite Knight spent the week-end in strathtoy. Mr. ahd Mrs. Chris-. Dietrich ac companied by Mr, and Mrs, J. Die trich, of Shipka, spent. Sunday with Mrs. S. Dietrich, ot' near Zurich, Mr, Ben McCann is sporting a new Ford car. Mr, and Mrs. Wm.. Bowden, of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, IL Bchrbeder., Mr. Albert Mossor and family, of Corbett, spout Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. jas. Miler. Mrs. it, Schroeder received the sad news last week of the death Of her grandmother, the “rate Mm. , Mary Boyle, who died in Lrindrin, ADril 1st*