The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-10, Page 4®HUBS»AY, APISH; 10, 1030 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE in Mr, Ww. Korniclr, of Usbqrne, treated the members of the I.O.O.F. Jo some maple taffy at thei^ lodge Mie e ting op Tuesday evening. CENTRALIA Miss JO. Clarite spent the week­ end with; her parent in Goderich. • Mr, ;uyf Mrs. Hayes, of Parkhill, Spent Si’/jday with Mr. and Mrs. Win J. <SniitW Quite* 4 nuipber from this coin­ unity attended the funeral of the Jate Mary Jane Boyle on Thursday of last week at Ljgan/s Funeral Home, Juondop, interment at St. Janies cemetery, Clanddboye. De­ ceased lived in this village i’Qr sev­ eral years, -and her sunny disposit­ ion and Christian character won the hearts of both ythmg and old. We take this oporfunity in extending our heart-felt sympathy to the fam­ ily and friends who are left to auonra her Joss, Miss; Lillian' Elliott, of Detroit, is visiting with her father Mr, W, It. ’Elliott. .. Mrs. Rex. Mills and little daughter Marilyn of Wyoming, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. (Several new cars have been distri­ buted around the village. Miss E. Haulder spent Thursday iasf in the village. Mr. Thomas Mitchell has been ill at the home of his sop Mr.* Albert Mitchell; but is somewhat improved. •iMt. Grant Ford spent the week­ end in London. a Mrs. Arthur Brooks is spending a few days in Belgrave visiting her ■jfather Mr. W. Anderson. The many friends of Mr. William uParsons. who has been ill with pleur­ isy will be pleased to know that he is improving and is able to sit up. **Where quality Counts, we win” ENJOY OCR DELICIOUS a- ‘ I GOODLrHXAY JPMONH, ORDEfS GH^N PROMPT ’ N.’•l.ATIp ■ granWbakery u i Phone S ! ?ENTJ CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH FORMED IN ENHTER A branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League was formed in Exeter on Wednesday evening of last week, with a charter membership of 31 ex-service men from this district. Harry Wray, the president of the London command, and a number of the executive of­ ficers of that branch, were present, and explained in complete detail the aims and objects of the Canadian Legion, Pending the receipt of the charter, and the enrolling of othefc ex-service men who have stated theii’ intention of joining, the following officers were elected: President, Dr, G. S. Atkinson; 1st vice-president, A, R. McKinnon; 2nd ylce-preMdent, Alfred Qarnbrjll; se­ cretary-treasurer, M. Pfaff; execu­ tive/’George Thompson, A, Easton, Sv Qann; adjustment'officer, Dr. G. S, Atkihson.Th*e peeting was held in the town hall. After the business session ad­ journed, refreshments were served, Tfepse, present from the London branch,were? Harry Wray, president; Capt/John Gore, M.C., D.C.M., M.M-; J. McDonald; IL S. M. John Wyatt, D.C^M'.;, John B. Smith, Mark Noble,, T. Williamson, J. Coultliart, E. C, Matt’,' Knox Garrett, “^ock” Stirling M.M., secretary and Capt. E. ■Fremlin, soldiers’ adviser for London district. Oiitlines Legion’s Histciry Mr. Wray presided and outlined the liistoi’y of tho legion, its objects and purposes. He referred to the assistance which th© legion has beep able to give to ex-soldiers, particular­ ly in recommending legislation for: the betterment of the veterans. “The recent amendments to the Act is one' <df the things, been able to bring about," Wray. Capt. Fremlin, soldiers’ urged the ex-soldiers to band to­ gether as they did in 1914-1918, and. ■to1 apply the same principles to theii’ comradeship. He referred to the wbrk dqiie by the Pensions Board at Clttawa, and outlined .the necessary ■procedure to enable ex-service men £p) obtain war disability pensions. } “We have to stand together to ger somewhere," Capt. Fremlin ■ stated. “Keep in touch with your neighbor­ ing branches. There are many privi­ leges and advantages in belonging to. an orgaization of this nature. If I can at any time be of service to any ex-service man, all he has to do is to let me -know." In referring to the Federal Appeal Board, Capt. Fremlin said that from tho London district alone last year 2 67 cases were presented. In the month -of December 74 cases were laid before the board, of which .34 were won, 14 lost and 26 still pend­ ing. It was pointed out that at the pres­ ent time there are 823 branche.s of the Legion in Canada, with a mem­ bership totalling over 75,tlO0. ‘ R. B. M- John Wyatt, D.C.M., of the Royal Canadian Regiment, stat­ ed the Canadian Legion has done much for the permanent soldiers of Canada,. “Until I joined two years ago,” he said, “I really did not know just what the legion could do for us." USBORNE COUNCIL ■ GREENWAY N. the Pensions we have said Mr. adviser, Miss Dorothy Belling has return­ ed from Detroit, Mr, S. R. Holbrook, of MJnneapQ’ lis, visited at A. M. Wilson’s on Sat­urday, ’ Mr. Carmen Woodburn is learning the blacksmith trade with Mr. R, English. , There will be a Baptismal service in connection with the regular wor­ ship period in the United churqh next Sunday afternoon. |Mrs. Flynn, of Crediton, is visit­ ing her daughter Mrs, E. Bullock. Mr. Newton McGregor lias a njw car. All ready girls? please don’t crowd! Mr. and .Mrs- Paul Grattpn, of London and Miss Stella Gratton, of Detroit, visited at Mr. J. Hotson’s. Mr. Bruce McLinchey met with a painful accident on Saturday when a horse he was leading jerked away from him and threw him against the cement. He ivas taken to Lon­ don for an X-ray examination and is doing as well ns can bo expected. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs, Haskett, of Lucan, visited on Thursday at the home of Mrs, Haskett’s brothers, Messrs. Thornton and Clifford Sherritt.- Mr. Frank Richardson, who has been engaged with Mr. Colin Love for the past three months returned to Toronto on Saturday. Miss Vera Isa"ac spent the. week­ end with her cousin Miss Olive Eagles on. , Miss Dorothy Hickey visited last week with Mrs.- Wesley Isaac, of Corbett. . ' Mr.JBorden. Schroeder has been engaged with Mr. Lloyd Taylor for the summer. - Mr. M.’ Mawson, of Park'hill, visit­ ed last week with Mr. Jos. Carruth­ ers, .Sr. Miss Nola Wilson, of Greenway, spent Sunday Nola Hodgins. • Mr. Kenneth been attending returned home _______ Miss Jeanette Turnbull, of Grand Bend, spent Siunday with iMiss Edith Love. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Paterson and Ilene vfsited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Love on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray, Mau­ rice and Shirley, spent Sunday with Mrs. Murr.jy’s.parents Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carruthers, Sr. evening .‘with Miss Hodgins, who lias the O.A.C. at Guelph on Thursday. ' " ■I C A N A D I A N MARQU^TTEhas a larger piston displace­ ment thd^’ any car at its price. Here is brilliant Other fc proof Fi Absorber^ k-up and more speed than needed, res include Mechanical Weather- Wheel Brakes; Lovejoy Shock front , and rear; full-length Ispeciallylgcsigned springs, and new, sloping V^Non-Gla^: Windshield. The bodies by Pisher smartness, You can own the ca BUILT by McLaugbllw-Buick to excel all others in the moderate price class, Mar­ quette . . like the netgMcLaughlin-Buick itself , . is the triumpWnt fruition of more than twenty years degjted to the building of fine cars. J Into both cars McLau^hlin-Buick has built an extra margin of every quality that makes-a leader. Nowhere in their fields is thereto be found such eager Sspo.nse, such effortless speed, such big resources of power . . an®such beauty of design. Today . . not only the three great ne^series of McLaughlin- Buicks . . but the^vide array of Marqmtte models are yours to choose from, jt list prices ranging from^’1245 to $3100. See McLaughlin-Bui|J< and Marquette. j|Drive them. Then you ' will realize what ami ing value they represent. ' -k.of youi- choice very conveniently and economically on the G^/LA.C. Deferreg Payment Plan. I 4 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK’S Vai vc - in - HUd Engine develops 98 horsepower in the 12<r and 132-series and 80^1 horsepower in the 118-series. Safety is assured by Enclosed^ Weatherproof Mechanical Four Wheel Brakes a 4 and Lovejoy double-acting Shock Ab- sorbers in unit with new longer rear springs make for greater riding ease. Ulric Snell, Exeter The Municipal Council of tho Township of Usborne met txt th*3 Township Hall, Elimville, on April 5, 1930, as pei' adjournment, in its regu'lar meeting, with all the mem* bars' present. The minutes of the meeting held on March proved on A draft the 'Clerk for street Dew-—Westcott: That the advice of our Solicitor’ be taken as to its be­ ing satisfactory. Correspondence; Receipt from the Treasurer of Hibbert foi' cheque due Hibbert for Boundary Settlement. Acknowledgment by the Clerk of Stephen of the Fletcner Drain Re­ port. Acknowledgment by Department of Highways of application forms for the grant on the 1929 expenditure op Township Roads. Williams—Shier: That the rate of wage for teams and men for the Township for 1930 be the same as former years viz: man and team 55c. per hr., and for man 30c. per hour. Carried. Dew—Williams: That four hun­ dred cow tags be ordered .from the Municipal World Publishing Co. Westcott—Shier: That tenders be called for, for trucking the Township gravel for 1930; rate per yard per mile for both crushed and uncrushed gravel. Tenders to be received by the Reeve or Clerk, to be considered >at a special meeting on Wednesday, April 23rd at 8 p.m. Carried. Court of Revisioil on the Fletcher Drain Assessment, each member tak­ ing-the necessary declaration. There were no appeals so the assessment remains as in the report. Finally adopted per Westcott—Williams. Court of Revision on the Pym Drain Assessment was hel d. There were three appeals, viz: J. T. Hern, Lot 6, Con. 9; John Johns, -SJ Lot 6, Con. 8 and Jno. Hern, NB Lot 6, Con. 8. John Roger, O.L.S., being present, gave reasons why no changes .should be made, as the assessment was pro­ rata of the original assessment, so no changes were made and the ap­ peals dismissed and the report fin­ ally adopted on motion of Dew— Shier. The Clerk was instructed to call fox* tenders for the construction of the Fletcher and Pym Drains for the May 3rd meeting, in the Times-Ad- vocate and Mitchell Advocate. The Wildfong Drain Report from the Township of Hay in which the Township of Usborne is assessed $2 4i32.30, was read to the majority •of the ratepayers interested and fully considered. Much dissatisfac­ tion was expressed oyer the drain not being extended 300 rods further upstream to give Usborne lands a sufficient outlet. The report was provisionally adopted, a By-Law to be prepared and a Court of Revision to be hold on same on May 3rd at 3 p.m; on motion oE Dew—Williams. The Auditors’ Report was received and adopted on motion of Williams —Dew and that same he printed to­ gether with stateinent of Municipal Drains. . ■ The following orders were issued on motion of Westcott—Shier, viz: Times-Advocate, By-Laws, .Pym Drain $37j50, Municipal Supplies $3 7.88, on account printing 1929 1 $31.00. total $106.33; Wickwire Print ..Show, By-Laws, Fletcher Drain ,$20.00, Tp. Envelopes $4.00, total $24.00; Board of Health expenses Dr. Dunlop, 'M.O.H., annual fee $10 ; Annual meeting $3.00, Joshua Johns Board of Health $3.00, Jas. Ballan- tyne, B. of H. $3.00, Henry Sitrang, B. of H. $3.00, total $22.00; Edward Johns, Wood for Tp. Hall $7.00; N. McGill, refund on taxes $4.49; F. P. Gibbs, C. A., auditing $150.00, ex­ penses $20.15, total $170.15; Milton McCui'dy, snow work $1.60; Thos. Ballantyne, ditto $1.20; Lloyd Bal- lantyne, ditto 60c.; Luther Reynolds ditto $5.20; M. Becliler, ditto $6.20. Rufus Kestle, ditto $2.60; Clarence Down, ditto $2.60; Clarence Johns, ditto $14’;60; Harold Jeffrey, ditto $1.20; Garnet Hicks, ditto $5.10; J. Brooks, ditto $7.00; Amos Doupe, ditto $6.90; ' Walter McNicol, ditto $1.50; John Cann, ditto $4.50; Ar­ thur Glanville, ditto $2.70; Fred Sears, ditto 60c.; John Hunter, dit­ to $15.30; Ray Francis, ditto $5.10; Oliver McCurdy, ditto 90c.; Alvin McCurdy, ditto $1,00; Gilbert Dun- Cail, ditto $2.80; Nelson Roach, dit­ to $1.90; Chas. Stephen, drawing tile $2.00; Lewis Fletcher, snow work & brush cutting $7.70; Bruce Cooper, repairing bridge $3.50; James Howe, sharpening grader blades $5.>50; H. Berry, snow work and repair culvert $14.00; Fred Wright, removing snow fence $2.10; Henry Ford, superinten­ dence $25.35. Carried. Council adjourned to meet in spec­ ial meeting on Wednesday, April the 23rd at 8 p.m, and in regular meet­ ing on Saturday, May '3rd at 1 p.m. Henry Strang, Clerk the 1st were read and ap- motion of Shier-—Dew, of a By-Law submitted by for the collecting of rates lights in Woodham. LUMLEY Mrs. Henderson, of Burgoln, was here last week attending the funer* nephew the late James i^ii,.I, l(u, i Mr. JlnsseT. Snell had his left hand injured while tearing down the old buildings at the . evaporator. The hand was crushed and the fMsh torn but the bones weye not injured. Later he ran a; nail through his foot, AUCTION SALE r— Of --- 1 TOOLS & HOUSEIIOI , 'El'WCTS received in­ lie auction, 11, ONT, The undersigned, has structions to sell by p nt Huron. Street, : —’ on SATURDAY", APltl at 1.00 o’clock sharp' TOO ery an motor, hangers, lumber, pump, car HOUSEI room suite springs; be board, cupb kitchen table 2 chairs, cou buggy, wash sweeper, 3 gal.Wr dishes, tins an oven, bread mi bread tins, 2 .sh TER1\, ALBERT KERNICK, Proprietor FRANK COATE-S, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. Wise, lat stones, for ne shaft, irunway .12, 1030 e following; and tool, em- , 1 1-2 mlleys, cars, tank h. p. belts, hone, and FFECTS ~— Bed- ad, stand and nd springs, side- andora range, 1 hairs, high chair, eking chair, baby machine, hydro ck, 3 lamps, a few ans, bread outfit, , bread pans and cases, coal stove. CAS1I i AUCTION sale AUCTION SALE of j REAL KS PE Under tho Power off Sale contain­ ed in a Mortgage, wliigli will be pro­ duced at the sale, thgre will be of­ fered for sale by Public Auction at tho Law Office of <?arling & Mor­ ley, Exeter, MONDAY, Al at 2.3 o’clock p.n land I 3 IMPLEMieNTS HOUSEHOLD j • ; . ElWCTS I The undersigned has received im structions to sell by public auction^ at Lot 17, Con. 7, STEl’HEN, on j " ERIDAY,. AITUL 11th | at l o’clock sharp the following;;! HORSES—’Black Percheron murefl Chestnut mhrd; general purpose horse; general purpose mare in foul;| 2 Percheron' colts. COWS—Black heifer due April- 16th. red cow due April 16th; Hol* stein’ cow due August 15th; fresh, cow due November 14th; Thorough-, bred'cow (Crescent Beauty); whiten heifer 1 "year old; 2 red heifers 10; months old; red heifer calf three months old; Holstein heifer calf 3) months old; thoroughbred holies* calf 8 months old. POULTRY—1'50 white Leghorn^, chickens from R, O. P. stock. IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder foot cut perfect working order; & NV", mower 5 foot cut; M.-H. hajj* loader; F. & W- cultivator; M.-H«. cultivator, F. & W. nip drill, 4-section mond harrows, di ing No, 21 walkin No. 21 walking p National plow; P 2 good farm wa grain r^ck; wag gravel box, set b on, open buggy ,-new; M> early new; r nVv; stone boa s, single hajgiess, pine 12 of •— FARiMi WM STOCK, f !Of Stephen, in tario, on ML 21St the following In the Towns: the County of Huifm and Province of Ontar being South haEf of Lot four in thi) Secom said Township of ing Fifty This fari lomposed of the number Twenty- Concession of the ■Stephen, contain- land more or less, is close to Exeter and in a good ffcrmiife section. 'On the land is erected af brick house and a bank barn. TERMS O. purchase monej of sale, balanc after. For further p FRANK TAYLOR, Esq., Auctioneer, Exeter, Ontario. CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagees, Exeter, Ontario. rticulars hpply to MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of tho powers of sale contained in a tain mortgage, which will be duced at tho time cr sale, there be offered for sale by PRANK TAYLOR, Aucti r, PUBLIC- AUCTION — on — FRIDAY Hie 25th DAY c dated said to as No. of Us- there is house and suit- APRTL, ’clock in f Arthur ing pro- rtain par­ premises, the Town- County of ntario, and Number Six- , in the rne, contain- ■One Hundred described in Arthur Younie ultural Devel- e 2nd day of stered ownship sold subject to a 1930, at the hour of two the afternoon, at the farm Younie Campbell the foil perty, namely: All and Singular that cel or tract of land situate, lying and being ship of Usborne, in t Huron, a Province o being composed of Lo teen, Nort said Towns ing by a dm acres, more the mortgag Campbell to opment Boar April 192 8, ’ 8331 for the borne. On the said be erected a d able farm buil The land will reserve bid. TERMS OF Si of the purchase down at the tim balance within ’ t further particular of sale apply to HARRY AV. Thames ip of Us ti remen r less, cer- pro- will at Ten per cent, ney . to be paid of sale and the rty ' days. Foi’ and conditions PAGE, Hast Block. Parlia­ment Buildings, Toronto. Solicitor to tile Mortgagee Dated at Toronto this first day April, 1930, of grain drill, tux> ;tra heavy Dia* harrow, Flein* plow; Cochshuttl w, Double No. riding plow;' ns, flat hay an$ box, stock rack„. sleighs, light wa* utter, wheel bar­ cream separator* ■ pulper, scuffler^ 2 seta double har- pads, collars,; _ ___ y watering trough;; pig^troughs, qiSxtjty ’grain bags; 1 house 8^0 ft; eblony brooder stove^.500 chicW capacity; incubator - 132 e>g capaci et ofsevera hot water heated; hifflefr'ees; 2 horse, 3 horse>tnd 4 ®rse neckyokes; large- rbpe,>new, 150 ft; sling' rse power gasoline jack, cedar posts, [•ks, shovels, pails,. er articles; 3 to i- f lumber; quantity3of ty of hard wood cut ntity of hay alfalfa , quantity of spring out 75 bus. of fall’; hay fori ropes; engine; fence s barrels an thousand fe timber., q and split; (jg and timothy;^ seed wheat; Wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Round* dining table, couch, hard coal 'burn­ er, kitchen chairs, hanging lamps. FARM—Lot 17, Con. 7, Stephen, containing 100 acres more or less. The party buying this farm offers it for sale subject to a reserve bid.. TERMS OF SALE Terms of farm will be made knowu on day of sale. $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent, off l’or cash. Grain cash. SAMUEL J. FINKBEINER, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer IN THE SUPREME COURT OP ONTARIO HA \\ KI NS ET Al, VS. DICK .E'f AG... JUDICIAL SALE OF PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE* Pursuant to the judgment and fin-' al order for sale made in this cause and bearing date respectively the- 8th /lay of August, 1929. and the 13th day of September, 1929. there- will be sold with the approbation of. Edward Norman Lewis, Esquire, Lo­ cal Master of-this Court at Goderich by George F. Elliott auctioneer, on. the premises, at the houp; of ^wo- o’clock in the afternoon on tlw* T9 lb day of April, 1930, the following' lands and premi All and singular t' or tract of land or lying and being in Usborne in the Coui|ty of Huron am Province of Otitari admeasurement On< ises. in one parcel, ■ tlAit certain parcel or Ipremises situate, in lie Township of ", containing b: >■ Hundred Acre of land be the same more or less b$ ing composed of Lot number Twen nine in the First.C mcession of t said Township of Ui )orne. On said lands thei is a good dwelling house wit stone foi nk barns. dwelling house wit lion, slate roof, two stabling under burls also c f.-L.,—,, Splendid land J'ith twaj ;k al of her Horton. ' jMt. and friends in Cromarty on Sunday last, • Sorry to report that Miss Margar­ et McQueen, who is attending High School in Hensail, is not well and has been 'out of school for the past two weeks, Her many friends hope She will soon, bo buter. Miss Edna Brintnell, of visited her parents pn the on Sunday. M'r. and Mrs. Clifford spent a day in London ^hjs week, Mr, Noah Horton, who has not been enjoying very good health for the last few months went to London 6.n Monday last for treatment and it is hoped ho will return In a few days much benefited,Mr. Charlie Kenyon, ' of London J tender. 'I Who was lisee attdhding the funeral not nocess of his cousin the late James HortonylHenry Stri returned home on Saturday last,, • . Mrs. W. Kerslake visited for crush- bo’ furnish­ tender not MEN up 8to ay, April 23, nd Clerk of Us­ ing of gravel in Usborne for 1930. d, per yard, per mile gravel (truckmen ,to lers), and m trucks to west or any Seaforth, Boundary Brintnell NOTICE TO T.RU Tenders will be o'clock .p.m., Wed 1930 bjUthe Reev borne f the To Rates to- fat uncr. fui'hish ed grave ed,. . The ____ _ ____ necessarily accepted. Henry-Strang, Clerk, Heiisall R. R. 1 4rlO-2tC. NOTICE TO DRAIN CONTRACTORS Tenders askbd for, for the con­ struction of- Fletciter and,/ Pym Drains in the Township of j/sbornc. Pletcher Drain, " '* ’ ids, estimated-, cpi in, repair, 10W 1 cost $35^p>. •he hand oj“ itday, M. iliiiied hJ 'lent. rJ|ie 1 yIm ajjrCIerk, Heusall IL R, i F 4-l(MtC, STetci cubic yai Pym Dri estimate to be in p.m., Sa.1 be accom' for 5 per heiy Wflfk, ,4950 ^$1606.50, tr cubic ^8., Tenders Pthe’^Ierk -nt 1 3, 19SO uml to a marked .cheque olFthe amounl'-of the iwest oi* any tender "'accepted, with |hent Swell 'over-- •■s of chool fensalL ■od for • which hster. ible as' the pur- df sale, the ■ se for $4,- wear to run null uni and lay of April ’ assume the •* tiro insur- ilterest to be f closing. Pos- • pn day of sale., iily be required’ foundations, fenced and drained flowing wells and velve a bush. _ Convenient t< and Villages of Exet Tho property will sale subject to a resi has been fixed by tli The purchase pric- church, r and j bo oC •veil I salcH .__ is follows: 10 per cent m ntd chase price at the ti assumption of a mo 009.00 having about with interest at 6 % ;|e the balance on the 34 Jx 1930. The purchase' d taxes for the year J a anee premiums amh 1® adjusted as of date If session will be give1 The Vendors will _ _ to furnish a Registrar's Abstract of ' Title, and to produce such deeds,, copies thereof, or evidences of title, . as are in their possessions. In all' other respects the terms and condi­ tions of sale will be tho standing conditions of this Gburt. Further particulars can be had trotn John J. Huggard, Seaforth, On­ tario, solicitor for the Vendors, Geo. . F. Elliott, auctioneer, Clinton, On­ tario or Glad man & Btunbnry, Solici­ tors, Exeter, Ontario, patod at Goderiih, Ontario, this • 3rd day of April, 1930. E. N. IjEWIS,. Masta# ”