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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-03, Page 8
ft ....... LOCAL Ne.WS | . Easter examinations are under ■w^y at the Exeter High Behool. [ Mr. J. \V. Brown, of town, has re ceived word that he has been ap pointed by the Home Mission Board of the United Church in Canada to a mission field in Southern Saskat chewan. Mr. IL E. Pickard received a tele gram on Wednesday from the Toron to office of the Great West Life In surance Co. congratulating him upon leading the London Division March'kwlth the largest volume business. in of FOR SALK’4)K KENT—-15 imsture, mostly #1(?urgX and ducing grass, ytih-n*mg water. 17, Con. 7, Ha/ Township. Apply to W. C. Bearce/Exeter. — BOXING BUt”—Loclj Country bo>%? oi< Fridav A silver .golleeti^n will^ go towards th the Englishm together wh c.ltp. ae$ls vs. April ie taken to club which are going to get weather permits. Names ol' persons taking part; Earn est WatSon vs. II. Clark; H. McIn tosh vs. E. Quinn; B. Cousin vs, L. Welsh; referee, W. Matthews. _____________ Oil 4th. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Mr. J. S. Digian jnd son have taken the agency Wire Fencing, Sfee them befort^placing yOui* order. If wanting <jhoiccM*maple syrup phone A. Morghn standard. $2.2^ Phone 171 r Guaranteed h gal. 32 Exeter.____ HOUSE FOR Hint—Apply Mrs. J. T. Moigan, Exeter 4-3-lte above delivered. FOR Gidley cate. WANTED—jM.’ upstairs girl, at once. Apply <E#d^Lowry, Central Hotel, Exeteih WANTED—Bn^applfes and turnips Apply Frank Lqwfs€.^entralia, phone Crediton 40r24.- f . 4-3-2tp. ______ RENT—Frairnr cottage on St. Applw Times Advo- ..... .", ■' ■■ ■ WANTED—Tv^r^rrels of apples. Apply at Times-Auoycate 4-3-1 tc..........~-.7 — LOST—A tire qlfa0ybetween 24th Con., Stephen and //editon. Apply to Leon Dearing. 4-3-ltp o-------------------------------- FOR SALE—S^'d | barley O.A.C. No. 21 and seed^whea^ ley 90e.; wheat*$l.j0. ley Mitchell, R. R. < f •a ^irquis. Bar- Apply Stan- o. 1, Hensall. « 4-3-2tp. FARM FOR SALE., OR REN^LlOO acre farm being Lot 19,.cj 16, acres ploughed am pasture. There®is . spring and Jr farm.nzjApply ifewi'e tate, Hxeter. 3, Hay. acres in ’never-failing Tidies back of John Bell Es , "WAN'^ED—About cattle to ..pasture fo run with my jqwiEd. Brodefierlt Phone 13r83|Il •'heail season Apply No. WANTED—General maid. Exeter Markets "Wheat $1.08 standard Oats 5-vc. Barley GOe. Manitoba Flour $4.40 Model Flour $4.00 Pastry Flour $3.70 Feed Flour 40.00 a ton Shorts $1.85 Bran $1.80 / Creamery Buffer 40 and 42e, Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev* Hcimard Rhodes, M, A« ’ Minister Miss luena Coates, A<Ij»C.M.t Organist HhQO a.m.-r-Sunday School* 11 a.m.—“The, Gospel 0? the Sover eignty.” 7 p.m-—"The Illusory in Life” Butter 39c. extras 26c. firsts 23c. seconds 20c $12.50 ucres pro- LOt Read grocery —T..._ £QGCds JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastoi* W. R, Colliding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leadei* . a.m.—Self-Expression and Human Responsibility. p.m.—Special Catechumen Class p.m.—“Found—a Witness.”, ,6th in the series of “Jottings of Job” 11 3 7 Keep .oimn r the Oper-the dat etta in the Oper£ l-I^r^Te Friday, April lltli. A music . Mr. Harry West, of Sarnia, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, spent Sunday at liis home here. Mr. S. N. Scott, of Stephen, pur chased a new Chevrolet sedan from Mflo Snell last week. B. W. F. Beavers will hold a paint demonstration Friday and Saturday See advt. on page four. Mrs. J. W. McAlister and daughter of Mount Brydges visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jewell during the week. Mrs. R. S*. Wilson and daughter Helen of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Rev, R. E. and Mrs. Southcott, of Morpeth, spent Friday and Saturday visiting at the home of the former's mother Mrs. C. A. Southcolt. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls and Miss Jessie Hod'gert spent the week end in Londo-re-’-with the latter’s bro ther Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hodgert. Mrs. Charles Dayman, of Usborne who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital* London, is im proving and able to sit up a little each day. F*Sfr. John Willis has purchased the residence of the late Mrs. K. Ford on Gidley street and. it will be oc cupied by his daughter, Mrs. W. Lawson^ ’ Rev. D. McTavish was at Roy's church Monday evening delivering "'lifs lecture on “Ben Hur” which was well received and favorably com mented upon. The death took place in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday of Mr. Samuel James .Wilson, for years a I resident of Ailsa Craig and a brother of Mj-s* Margaret Allen, of town. of ,-^Di’. A. R. Kinsman, of London, to was in town a couple of days last to week closin; 1, MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, 11 a.m.—“Christ’s Prayer concern ing the Cup. X p.m.—Our Church School. Cate chumen class at 2.40 « p.m.—“Two Childhoods—a con- 3 7 trast” Service begins with a song ser vice. TRIV1TT MEMORIAL ' CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, R.A., Rector Miss K. M. Ma&Faul, Organist Fifth Sunday in Lent 11 a.m.—Holy Communion., subject;" “A Live Issue'’’ I p.m.—Sunday School. There will be no Bible class next Sunday. But 'the Rector desires to meet the President, Vice-Pres ident, Secretary and Treasurer in the church for a few minutes at three o’clock. ' p.m'.—-Evensong and Sermon, sub ject, “What is true Peace?’’ > p.m.—Wednesday night in the par ish Hall Lenten Slides.'y A very fine set of slides will bo shown. NOTE—Holy Communion at" 11 a.m. on First Sunday of the' month’ and at 8 a.m. on the Third Sunday of the month. 3 7 S witli con- past App1” Mrs. A. Fraser, 191 -Elmwoo.d Ave.. London qr phone. Metca’Jfe 21)39. ' . 3-27-tfc. FOR RENT—.75 acre land, running w^ter,;; 5, Con. 6, Hay James Dearing Dearing, R. R Soiithcott For Easter spme with collar attached and others have two stiff collars. Priced $1.95 to $3.00 COUPE, this one A THURSDAY, APRIL 3wL 1080 COUPE, 1927 for $ . ROWE .AVE AN UP-T P OF FURNITURE AND ING AT T r VERY T POSSIBLE PRICES T nt R] Goods <1 0.00 UNG ge GuaranteedWith 1022 any- distance. FORD large st (’DEVI 19 22 S WE H STOCK SEL| LOW ., T x for $T5.00 Y FOR $501)0 F Balloo 1022 for $150.00 OPPER AD DIRECTOR LOjfDS 1027 res, $200.00 STUDEBAI A.. late b; r FUN FURNITURE DEALER Phone 00 j YOUR rd FORD With deltve CHESTERF El A) SUITES, ROOM SI LOTS < DINIxVG IDDJNG AND D I’lECES winM"Hros (iKWRBD; TRIB KING lcmDs << ALHFK.INDS ES y make) Smart To^ Coats For Easter You will want a smart Top Coat for Easter. Let us show you the splendid vaL we offer at $13,50 New Styles in ■ Arrow & Tcoke • * ■ * Public e pleasure a been sue** Mens’ Oxfordis for S pring Men’s Oxfords 1 iat are comfortable as v ell as smart in appearan e. The prices too are rea >onable $5.00 ,$6.eo $7.50 Biltmore F ats for Men You will find til eshape and color in our 1 :ine as- sortment. | Priced $4.50 &|$5.00 New Neck'd ear For Sprit jg x J Including sever al nej^ patterns in beauti [ill cgpP- oring. , ! Priced at $1 in announcing that we _____... cessful in securing the franchise in this territory for"ROyAyFORK"ztailorecl- to-measure clothes. This new line suits and overc oldest clothi increasing garment at At thj^price we believe we offer the for dollar value never tailored-to-measure s is made by Canada's house to meet the befor^eached & Fe can guarantee that the. finest of fallen fabrics, in the newest and most bpular colors constitute the materials used in the making of "ROYAL YORK" suits and overcoats. Only the best of workmanship will be found in their construction. We invite you to come to our store and inspect the new "ROYAL YORK models and samples, Cy CLOTHE! c/ailored g up his dental office which he conducted for many year»s over Gladman & Stannary's ofi’icp** The snow which visited this kee nly tion the early part of last, week cov- ’ ering the ground nearly a foot deep J and blocking many of the roads for motor traffic has almost" disappear- ' ed. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jacobs visit ed in Kitchener, Hamilton and Mr." and Mrs. John Jacobs, of ■ ton, last week. M'r. and Mrs. kbbs have recently moved from I ford, Mich., to Oak Grove Mich, ’ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell (nee I re Isa- the Tp. Furniture/ ---------------,/ ATE Mr. James Gould, of Stratford, is visiting with relatives in this com munity. M'r. and Mrs. Orby Kestle, of De troit, visited oVer the week-end relatives. Mrs. Wm. Melville has been fined to her home during the week through illness. Mr. Lorn© Oke, who has been in London hospital for .several weeks recuperating from an accident, turned to his home last week. Mr. John Murray and Miss bclla Murray, of Detroit, .spent week-end at their home in Hay Mr. Emerson Wright accompanied by his mother Mrs. Wright and Mrs. W. Snell spent Sunday in Strath,roy. Last week Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard visited relatives in London, Brantford, Toronto and Oshawa, travelling- by motor. Mr. and Mrs. P.< F. Dawkins and son Gerald and Miss Gladys Wren, ol" London, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. John Ward. ” Mrs. W. W. Taman is visiting’with her sister, Mrs. Goodison, of Sar nia. The latter has just returned from spending the winter in Arizona. Mr. and- Mrs. E. Irwin, of Water loo and Miss Elliott, of Toronto, vis ited at the home of Mr. I. R. Carl- ,ing a couple of days last week. The Superintendants of the day schools of Huron County are having the examinations ducted by the W. C. T. U. through the Northern Messenger are asked to send the three best papers in each grade to the nearest W.C.T.U. by April 6th. The following are’ the names with their respective address es to whom, these may be sent, Miss Kathleen Pringle, Wingham; Mrs. McGuire, Brussels; Mrs. James Rich mond Blyth; Mi's. R. L. Philips God erich; Mrs, T. Venner, Clinton; Miss •Ethel Murdock Hensall and Miss J. Murray Exetdr. These conveners in the -different Uhions- are asked in turn; when papers are examined, to send the three -best papers in each grade to Miss J. S. -Murray, Exeter by April 12th. clothes f pasture glSt •%’ of Lot Apply to 'care of Wesley . 1, ’Exeter. I , .• 3-27-31<F —-—I —Seed Barlevj^overn- . , registered j^fimbei' 49-1 Miss Edith Hogarth), left Tuesday “ rmcbimiop 9 6 per, f°r their new home in Edmonton, tq.yAJ^n Essery. C_ phemju 4Ur4 Credit-on. F 3^-2tc. with Clin- Jac- Mil- . FOR SALE- ment tested, 755 4; grade 2; ^germ cent. Apply to.Jac tralia, Ont., pho. FARM FOR SALE O acres Lot 3, C&m Con. 6, in Hay/ T Mr. Hilton Fqf on able terms for their new home in Edmonton, Cell-1where Mr. Mitchell has taken 1 a position with the Ontario Equit able Life Insurance Co. Mr. Alex Johns, who employed with the Exeter SUIT i’TIMES, MBUL CE AND SERVICE 1’lionefe: 20j and 2(hv has been Creamery Warwick, Tuesday was April- Fool’s Day and the usual run of April Fool jokes were pulled off. <ENT—150 :‘d Wi Lot 11,1 has secured a position at lip. Apply to and is this week moving with his Hay P. O. Reas-1 family to that place. His many, 3-14-4tc. • friends will wish him every success. Messrs George and Leslie Wilkin son have purchased the old Clapp- I Nixon evaporator property on Well ington street and are" tearing down some of the buildings and remodel ling others and are going in for cliie-l igAfl^rooms and. raishig,. L anr^oft water in I Rev. Mr. Parker, of Hensall, con- njfnd drive shed ducted the services in the TTivitt fFhen house, good ( Memorial Church on Sunday preach- A. Marshall, jng two splendid sermons to appre- jj^3-13-tfc Cjative congregations. Rev. J. J. I Fenton took Mr. Parker’s work at FOR SALE St. Paul’s church, Hensall. 5, Steplien. It . Miss Frances Coleman, of Gran- bank barn and ton, had the misfortune to get her ploughed. Ap-Jliand and arm up to the elbow in an electric wringer soon bones arm. Mr, spent Ml’, and Mrs. C. W. Christie, who has been employed by the Fuel Saving Equipment^ En gineering Ltd., in "Windsor now has charge of their office in London. The W. C. T. ti. Temperance Cam paign which lias begin conducted in several of the Sunday gahddls of town -during the past three months clased on Sunday when a number of the scltolarg returned tljeii* examiiia- !»■ tion papers. Results will be known socks in silk and lysle ----7 Shorthorn Bulls ’ servjM. Apply W. II. 2, I3-13-4tp.! -------------------------| FOR SALE -f- Brick outage on Victoria St., cqiitaining. nnu bath; hydro, hp.rd anj^ house; wired; cellar. Exeter FOR SALE— f *ibout ready for.® H. Morlock, Cimi' " FARM FOR RENT -—lot 9, Con’fcessio Bas a frame Ihou about 20 ac/l’es#fall ply to Alonj Gladman &«! anbury, Exeter, Ont. 2-20-tfc. HOUSE ANDiLQT FOR SALE— On Victoria St. j^fipply to J. R. Hind ExeteK 2-20-tfc. { It you wish to, or house" see IL I ledden, Crediton, or 3;)b^'/or sell a farm l^FPickard, Exeter. HOGARTH BABY CHICK t HATCHERY FEEDS Our supply of feeds ar Complete than ever an In-Chiok Starter, Gro\ Feed, Lay splash, A1‘’"lla, IfleaJ/ OW ihUr6 our needs ash, Chick . Meal, Bone dyster Sheli, I Dr. Kipp . was in attendance and found - no broken but a badly bruised J. A., -Christie, of London, the week-end with his parents Christie. Mr.. z Meal, Al fat.. .,....... 43*t*i(jondo scidt fetc« c&n, tiic iuttii*©. be promptlj roi r/H It fs tf. A representative of the, Canada £o~JaVe ""tlie Cull ^’trniture CO., of Preston, who have hens elimlni t^F trout yotfr Hock* I p1®, contract for fixing up 4he in- Our charge per 100 hens^We pernor of thq new Postoffice, yas lit. Ate cash bu ' " ...........3 of poultry. Call us town last yeel yhen you have1poultry to self. 1 / ' "* Cl k taking measure-. „_.. meats for the fittings. Beaver Bros. Gilt new shf phi eat'' df leg bands of Crediton, are this week putting All $i2es and co- oft the finishing touches to their . part of the interior, has Just uri’i^d, tors. Sijn- who con- Ford Dealers USED CARS FOKD TUDOR 1929' Like new for $490.00 FORD ROADSTER, 1929 Rumble Seat for $475.0'0 FORD COACH, 1927 Splendid condition for $250.OQ FORD You willvike F Balloc^i tires /o.r $150 1025 PHONE 81w W. TASMAN EXETER, ONT. CLEANING TIME Ernest^C. Haj^ey GENERAL IN1SURANC BROKER Mutual LiY^of Canada Life, Fire, Automobi! DOROTHY E ASSICK MRS. BOYLE DIES IN LONDON Mrs/^Mary Boyle, mother of Mr. F. M. Boyle, of town, died in London Tuesday morning April 1st at the home of her gran daughter Mrs. A, White, aged 82 years and 16 days. The -deceased, hachbeen an invalid for the past year and a half. Mrs. Boyle was for many years an esteemed re-' sident of Centralia. Her maiden name was Mary Jane McFalls. *She* was united in marriage with Tim othy Boyle Who predeceased, her 43 years ago. About 11 years ago Mrs. Boyle left Centralia to reside in Lon- don. She is survived ,by three# sons- and- throe daughters; William, of Lond6p; Thomas, of Toronto and Frank of Exeter; Mrs. wm, Bowdon, aitd. Airs. Thus. Boyco, of Centralia; Mrs* Ed* Collins, of London, The fun eral will be held Thursday from the Logan Funeral Home to st. James Cemetery, Biddulph. ER TOUR! lOdel for $ ILET TO ........ ecial for65.0,0 FORDiTRUCJ Ruxtell axle, LTJCS, I lF SM V FULL HAND 1’0 MEET A 3QUIREME (Honor Gra^natcj Uonclon, England ction in Harmony, TheoryPiano, Vio Studio N. Albert Street, Box JltlO EXETER, ONTARI good ck 1 SAFETY SHARP SINGLE ED DOUBLE E Perfect W. S. COLE. DRUGGIST RAZOR NED FORD DETAV two-wheel Trailer New tires and tube’s and now box $50.bo. SANDY ELLIOr Exeter ** Zurich•Ik RCiiSoji Rhone 237 FARMERS TH de Rates Exetor,s, 7 SOLICITED Mr. K» J. Utinpinah, StipL of the Rural Hydro hero attended a meet ing of the Rural Hydro power dis trict In LdiidoJb Organ Janie Piano . Superv Studio, M w.GGOUL a. m. c t and St* Unit'd Clmreli hstrttiifidn ill Organ Theory Musfc In Schools t Box ,5^ Rhone 192 ETER, ONT