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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-04-03, Page 4
TOE EXETER TlMES-ADVOCAfE OjWTT m w—«WTfc« 1 THVllSTUY, Al’Bn. Sill. l»s« Sales follow Ford Service i ’■ -*1 toieatu national tea a success The National Tea put on by the □men’s Missionary Society of the James St. United church on Thurs day evening of last week' proved to be a very unique and interesting event. Five countries- were repre sented and the basement Avas-a.riot of color with fancy decorations and gaudy costumes. In spite of the in- clemeift weather about 225 persons were present and partook of specialty dishes provided by various countries. The first course on the menu a fruit slierbert with rice served 'in a Chinese booth where the ladies Avere dressed in Oriental costumes, pigtails and all, The booth was beautifully decorated with Chinese lanterns, curios, fancy work, chop sticks, etc. and was presided over by Mrs. J. W. Batson and assisted by Mrs.* Jos. May, Mrs. Harvey Perkins, Mrs, Jos. Yellow and Mrs. Eli Coul- tis. The -second course was corn soup and soda biscuits served by India. While waiting to be served an inter esting visit was made to the ‘Harem’ where five women beautifully dress ed in georgeous raiment and bedeck ed with all manner of beads |ind had on display some wonderful carvings, curios, rugs and a peacock. The convenor was Mrs, iJ. W. Down as sisted by Mrs.. McTavish, Mrs. W- A. Turnbull, Mrs, Jas. Shapton, Mrs. G. Snell, Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Harding with master Ernest McTavish as a little Burmese boy. The waiters were Mrs. F. A. May, Mrs. H. Tay lor, Mrs. E. Walker. The third tatoes with pork sausages served in the Irish booth where the paddy green was much in eidence and the Irish col leens with their green bonnets look ed well after their patrons. The con venor was Mrs. J. ;S. Grant assisted by Mrs. N. Sheere, Mrs-. W. Snejl, Mrs. L. J. penhale, Mrs. T. Harvey, Mrs. W. Frayne, Mrs. Chas. 'Godbolt, Mrs. F. Wood, Mrs. R. Skinner and Mrs. Geo. Westcott. Then away to Japan where in a gaily decorated room amid apple blossoms the ladies in bright'kimon- as served you with a cup of tea and cookies. The convenor was Mrs. T. Rundle - assisted by Mrs. Heywood, Miss E. Shapton, Miss B. Grant, .Mrs? W. Armstrong and Mrs. A. Rundle, The trip concluded with a. visit to Canada where amid the national col ors of red, white and blue the ladies served ice cream and cake. The la dies were dressed to represent "Miss Canada.” The convenor was Mrs. Ed, Treble assisted by Mrs. J. T. Miners, Mrs.'E. Harness and Mrs. A. Traquair. The ticket sellers, Mrs. €• W. Christie4and Mrs, W» Johns also- belonged to this group. . - • Tile whole affair -was exceedingly interesting and much enjoyed and the ladies are to be congratulated on ■ the splendid success; ' ’; CENTRALIA Marion Heaslip, of Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson also Mr. and Mrs. L, Hodg- Miss visited Baker; son, one day last week. The "Truth Seekers’’ class of the United church held a social time in the basement of to church on 'Tues day evening, Games, contests and conversation • featured the occasion. After which a dainty ed. A hearty vote tendered to those at affair, Miss Clark Powe, president and spectively, All report -a most joyable time. ' The official meeting of the church Board as well as the meeting of the Women’s Association 'was postponed until Thursday the 10th owing to I the death and funeral of Mrs. Boyle of London. Friday & Saturday, April 4 & 5 th t Come awl see dcjiMHistrirt® lunch was serv- of thanks was the head of and Mrs. .teacher, the theFranchise for the ley, and started to __ titory, by the Month weYad a ’mnaii'stoeit- of parts and/he mechanic. government registratio 15.8 PER CENT. OF ALL THE TRIS TERRITORY FOR THE MX FORD CARS e opened an authoriz/d Ford — Mechanics. ATION FOR- THE MONTH V 23.1 PER CENT, OF ALL TOWNSHIPS WERE FORD One year ago February, we accepted the Fo Townships of Vsborne, Stephen, Hay and St; build up a Ford Sales and Service for this T of May ' ' ------------- ....... * was In creased 01 CARS SOLD IN Till' CARS. We strengthened the SHOWED THAT CARS SOLD IN OF MAY WERE July oui' Ford Farts and Staff GOVERNMENT REGIS’ AUGUST SHOW!D TH I FOL Service in Zurich, u> %■ Se ice Part of our organization and nr October obtain^! 40 .per cen^'of all business. Now that \te bad soldj&O per cent, of all cars in the territory, we believed we hould ext<$d our service and have arranged author ized Ford Servi CENTRALIA W$TI FRED PENNY ARDEN, AND IN HE SALLUVITH TWITUHELL’S GARAGE Then Sales icoijtfiued to increase and- in January, Ford Sales were Bo " ” ” ‘ puea io juvreiise m jujiuui-.?, 1930, the r cent, of all cars sold in. the Four Townships. sJNT REGISTRATION FOR THE MONTH 7, 1930, SHOW THAT 58.3 PER CENT. OF ’ARS REGISTERED WERE NEW FORD GOVE OF FERRI* ALL NEW CARS. We sincerelTthank you, and promise that we will always do the most in our power to give our customers Superior Ford Service. SANDY ELLIOT THE HOME OF THE FORDEXETER- Phone 64 • , We wo with par <or hire of Augvis to communicate vving,.steam engines month 6f July an^d part L_:Canadiari Oanners Ltd? • 3-27-2tc, Mr. and' Mrs; Weill? of 'NiSsouri. were Sunday visitors with Mr. E. N. -jb’hier. •; Miss Gladys- Woods, of Stratford, visited on Sunday5'with Miss Lizzie Collie. Mr. Jas. Dolby, who spent the win der in England, has returned/ The play "Home T-ies” given in. Aberdeen Hall on Wednesday night 4ry the y-o-ung people of the Thames Road church was well given, every character being well taken. The -hall was well filled. The-proceeds ■were in aid of the skating rink. The •Woodham Orchestra supplied music •between acts in their usual good way sind. Billy and Ray Mills gave a few vocal selections. Then came the sell ing of boxes, with Mr. John O’Brien auctioneer. There was over 40 box- «.s and averaged $1.70 apiece. Every body seemed to enjoy themselves. Lome Marshall has gone to -Marys where he has secured .grading eggs. a St. job HURONDALE ofThe regular monthly meeting •the Hurondale Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Frank JAoWn on ' Wednesday afternoon of JIarcli 2nd, with about forty ladies present. The roll call was answered ,-fcy "My Favorite Flower," At the conclusion of the business part of the meeting, Miss Vera Es- •i-ery of Exeter gave a splendid paper <n "The- Culture of Roses” which ws much enjoyed by all present. JTbe remainder of the program con sisted of a reading by little M*ss G. Bechler; an instrumental duet by i-Iisses M. and L, Pym, a humorous sending by Mrs, Wm. EtherJngton 4 ud two violin selections by Miss D. Welsh, accompanied by Welsh on the Mrs. Alvin •a pon to give as follows: Dear Miss Keddy,— On this, the happy occasion of 3 otii* t.110 Hu foil cl site *Wo- sien’s Institute extends its greetings. AYc feel that the valuable service .which you are rendering to the In- u tjtnte is worthy of special acknow- A-adgment and with this- little gift j.-e bestow upon you our heartiest * jngratulations arid wish you many d.appy .returns of the day. Signed on behalf of the Hurondale A'/omen’s Institute,. Mrs, J. ,M» Glenn Jliss N. Keddy, tho lary-treasuror with ■i’lid sugar set. Miss ICcddy was taken completely 4 y surprise but expressed’ her appro bation of the gift in a few well- jfhvsen words and reminded the la- riies that it was also the birthday of ■tne Hurondale Women’s institute. A hleh was organized exactly eleven Miss Fern Stone and Mrs. Cecil course was baked po their jackets on and ' ZURICH Phone 149 GRAND BEND A great shadow of gloom was cast over the neighborhood last Saturday morning when the news of the death of Mr. Adelbert Webb, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Webb, of the vil lage, became known. The funeral on Monday was largely attended and was conducted by Rev. J. M. Colling. Mr. Webb was just in his fortieth year. He was, a good neighbor and was , always jolly and . has- many friends in the community. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, two daughters and one son, all at home. They have the- sympathy, of the whole community in their hour, of trial. Miss Beulah I-Iolt returned from the hospital on 'Tuesday much im proved in Health after a serious op eration. Mrs. Dave Sturgeon left last Fri day morning to join her husband in Providence Bay where he has been for the past three months. They ex pect to make it their home in future. A unanimous invitation was ex tended to Rev. J. Mathers, of Gesto, to become the pastor of the Grand Bend United Church. He has ac cepted the invitation subject to the action of the Settlement Committee. Real estate is .still moving. Peter Eisenbacli has bought Mr. one acre of land from. Mr. >S. Webb and lie expects to build on it this sum mer. He has also purchased the same amount from „tlie old church grounds. Mr. find Mrs. Geo. Eecleston, who spent the winter in the South, re turned to the village on Monday and report a good, time while in the warm country. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oliver are vis iting friends in St. Marys this week. Mr. reala Walter Statton is laid up with bad cold. STAFFA regular meeting of the Institute was held in the March 26th. Wo- hall The LAD’S DEATH RESULTS FROM, AUTO TRUCK ACCIDENT piano. Moir was a reading then called which was then presented efficient seere- a lovely cream The men’s on Wednesday, president Mrs. Hill was in the chair. After the business part of the meet ing Miss Gertrude Peart gave a splendid topic which was followed by an instrumental by Mrs. B. Snell. Readings were gieii by Misses Norma Wilson and Ethel Elliott, A dainty lunch was served by circle 5, We are glad to report that Mrs. Andrew McLellan Sr., as improving after her recent Illness. Mrs, G. G. Wilson is spending’ a Cow days with Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Hutchinson, Seaforth. Quito a number of our young people attended the Oratorical Con test which was held in Mitchell on Monday evening. The many friends of Mr. Jos. Spear© will be glad to hear that he is improving from his recentpllnoss, ness. HARTLEY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love a Junior, of London, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love. Mr. Nelson Hickey spent the week end with his aunt Mrs. M. McLinch- ey. The -choir of Grace church, Green way held practice and a social ev ening at the home of Mr. Garfield Steeper, qf Corbett. The community extend their great est sympathy to Mrs. Adelbert Webb and family; also to the bereaved parents of the late Mr. Adelbert Webb. (Continued from page one.) Interment was made in the Exeter cemetery. The floral tributes were beautiful, eleven in’ number; two fine wreaths being sent by the Win- chelsoa school. Rev. Mr. White con ducted the service. The singing was led by the choir members, Mr. Bruce Cooper singing an appropriate solo “Only the Child Like" which was much appreciated. 'The bearer? were Alton Baynes, Howard Johns, Allen Johns and Al vin Cooper. The flowers ware car ried by ten -children of immediate neighbors. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HalV (parents of Mrs. Elford); Mr, Ed. Tiall, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, Mr. Will Wakem, Mr. and Mrs. D. Facey and daughter Elva; Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Baynes and children Edna, Alton and Dick from Wellburn; Miss es Ida Hall and Frances Paynes from London. There is a reaper whose name Death, ' And with his sickle keen, He1 heaps the beardpd grain at breath And the flowers that grow between “Shall I have nought that is fair1? said he, • I Have nought but the beiirde.d grain?- • j- Tho’ the breath of these flowers is sweet to me, ■ * I will give them back again." He gazed at the flowers with tear ful eyes, • He kisses their drooping leaves,’ It was for the Lord of Paradise, He -bound them in his sheaves. . "My Lord has need of these'flowers gay" The reaper said and smiled; "Dear tokens of the earth are they, Where he was once a child.” They shall all bloom in fields of light Transplanted by my care, And saints, upon their white, These sacred blossoms And the mother gave, In paiiri The flowers she most did love, She know she would find' them again, In the fields of white above; not In cruelty, not in wrath The reaper came that day; 'Twas ait- angel visited the green earth Abd took the flowefs awa^ is a r I ,05V its magic coloring heammes in-it dries, slan tly, Ifpautifies vvitli a beauty y<^jnvill never lire of, Take tlif Lrusli yourself am low Rogers on; This <lei»onstratiou is designed to convince you IpiQr brushes> that it mt it takes the sticky, that Rqfeers Brushing L dust-cjTlleetiBg peri^jl^ut of hoinc decorating Ever/ housewi fe mild see this demonstra tion; It still more attractive xve are €wn. ciaZ j/tces on Roger? Brushing Lacquer during demonstration days, let us show you actual proof of s superiority. See the wonderful things you o with it in the way of colorful home decora* BEAVER’S HARDWARE w. c. t: u. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held in James !St. church, March 31st with seventeen members present and Miss Murray presiding. Mrs. Pearce had charge of the de votional period, several members leading in prayer. Mrs. Pearce read an article in the White Ribbpn Tidings by Mrs. Geo. E, Wood, who said "The challenge of prayer comes to us from all sides, and do we take it to heart? We, who have the light and know it is the cure for the world’s ills must pray that the know ledge of Jesus shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. It was moved, seconded and carried that the medal contest in connection with, the parlor meeting be held in Main Street church on April 15th. Mrs. Mawson took charge of the clip sheet on the drug habit, a number of the members assisting. It is estimated that-there are 8000 addicts of opium in Canada and only 1200 are Chin-! ese. Drug addicts-are very hard to’ cure and there is hq hospital to care for them, in the initial stages when cure is possible. A drug addict may ’be the result of only ten days use of the drug. AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, CENT’RALIA FRID at one at RIL 4th ck the following: 20 Durham and Holstein calves, all heifer calves. These are choice lot. TERMS—CASH WM. McKAY, Proprietor F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer a . AUCTION SALE — of .— FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions ' to sell by public auction, at Lot 17, ( oil, 7, STEPHEN, on FRIDAY, APRIL J 1th at 1 o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—-Black ercheron mare; Chestnut marc: general purpose re in foal; Also Alabastine and other seasonable lines will be demonstrated. hay fork rope, new, 150 ft; sling ropes; two horse power gasoline engine; pump jack, cedar posts, fence slats,, forks, shovels, pails, barrels and other articles; 3 to 4 thousand feet of lumber; quantity of timbea quantity of- hard wood cut and .split; quantity of hay alfalfa and timothy; a quantity of' spring seed wheat; about 75 bus. of fall wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Round dining table, coucl^^tfT’coal burn er, kitchep cha$*8; hanging lamps. FARM—Lot 17, Con, 7, Stephen, containing 100 acres more or less. The party buying this farm offers it for sale subject to a reserve bid. TERMS OF SALE Terms of farm will Ife made known on day of sale. $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months’ given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent, off l'or cash. Grain cash. SAMUEL J. FINK.BEINER, Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer credit will be MORTGAGE SALE — of --- FARM PROPERTY at CENTRAL HOTEL, Exeter,Ont. — on — MONDAY, APRIL 7th At 2,30 the following land in thfe Township of Hay, County of Huron, being composed of Lot 11, Con. 2, containing 2m0 acres^of" laud more or less. " * * <n the w.lg.1 far loa lan tered good school; 3 miles from Hensall. For furthep particulars and con ditions of safe apply to Frank Tay lor auctioneer, Exeter, Ontario or to F. C. Betts, Vendor’s SoliciTor, 442 Richmond St., London, Ont. •'good property in xeter in a first class bn. ‘ This land is sandy ' and all cleared. On the s erected a brick house; wa- by -good well; fences are in condition; % of a mile from 2 steel gas drums, heavy wagon, hay;' rack, wagon box, pig lack, seri^ sleighs, cutter, buggy, 2 set heavy harness, single harness, 2 leaden wa tering troughs, new1 turnip’ drill, a quantity of mangolds?-,. 10 tons of timothy hay, 300 bushels .of oats. These oats will do for seed. 25 bu shels of barley, grain bags, DeLaval cream separator, new; ‘whiffletrees^,/ neckyokes, chains, hoes, forks, slioy els, grass scythe, two sacks fertilizer 2 barrels, boxes and other artj to*o numerous”to mention. HOUSEHOLJ washing machine, churn,' 6 chairs, c’ook st|ve, kitche: bedroom- suite, springs, couch, board, chest .O stands, rug, p dishes. p. les FURNITUREF-One JscftcTiexfc.’ Ruble, 1 sealers,/bed and?. 2 side hoards, cujp- drawe/s, 3 'wash i, pails and TERMS OIFSALE $ 10.00 and amount 7 nionfhs'j en on furnish ii|g or a discount jo, cash. ED. .KNIGHT, Proprietor F, COATES, Clerk F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer lOf; .cash; over that Jtredif will ho giv-** ^.proved joint note®- 5 per cent, off for- J NOTICE TO CREDITORS * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN/thaS all creditors and others havingXHaini®" against the estate, of CHARLES- - CANN, late of the Village df Exeterp in the Goi^nty of Huron, Retired. Farmer, wh — Of March Al D„ to forward to the unde seventh day AND NO xEN that aft cutors will pljffceed to distribute the estate having regard ofly to tlie- claims of which they then shall have’ notice, DATED at Exeter, Ont. tIitsf ‘17W.’ day of March A. D., 1930'. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall Executors’ SolicitoT®- A' —.—.—_ . y NOTICE TO CREDITORS / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENXaB' all creditors and others having <4riinis- against the estate of CA'THjltlNA. COOK, late of tlie Village of jffensaHp. he sixth day Fare required^ heir claj^is duly proven. signedJBh or before th© .. D. 1930. CEjffS FURTHER GIV- date the Exe--- died on AUCTION SALE --- Of --- STOCK, UMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFEX/fS The undersigned has received to sell by pu auction, 15, Con. 1, S' B3PHEN, a quarter milS§ south of horse; general j 2 Percheron col life. COWS- . „ 16tli; red cosf dua^Vpril 16tli; Hol stein cow d/e Jmgust 15th; fresh cow due Nc/eii/Jer 14th; Thorough^ bred cow Ci/bcent Beauty); white April in the Countyp of ’ Huron JrWidowv. who died on tli|i first'day o/jaiiuai*yn forward^ the un- seventit A. D., 1930, ai their claims d dersigned on day of ’April and Noth EN that after cutors will pr estate having claims of wliic notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont of March A. D., 1930. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Hensall and Exeter Executors' Solicitors- required/o ly provein maths old. r before/the RTHER GIV- date the Exe— distribute the only Io the- Jfhey then shall have- structions nt Lot One andheifer 1 /e months months moil tli calf 8 POULTRY—150 white Leghorn chickens from R. O, P. stock. IMPLEMENTS—M.-H. binder foot cut perfect working order; & W. fnower 5 foot cut loader; F'. & AV. cultivator cultivator, fT& W. grain drill, tur nip drill, 4-sectio.n extra heavy Dia mond harrows, disc harrow, Flem ing No. 21 "walking plow; Coclishiltt No. 21 walking plow. Double No. 8 National plow; Perrin riding, plow; 2 good farm wagons, flat hay and grain rack; wagon box, stock rack, gravel box, set bob sleighs, light wa gon, open buggy, cutter, wheel bar row? new; M,-H. cream separator nearly new; root pulper, scuff let, hew; stone boat, 2 sets double har ness, single harness, pads, etc,.T pig troughs, quantity grain bags colony house 8X10 ft; -colony brooder stove 590 nhick-capacity*; incubato^ 1'32. egg capacity, hot water heated>. old; 2 red heifers 10 red heifer calf three Holstein heifer calf 7 thoroughbred heifer w du w due A Ives at fo 4 §teei rising t erarlsn THURSO A at 1.0 nroi years old; h gray h mare r . CAT sale, with c milkin' 3 steei fers ri, and he ter cal HOG brood weighin • POUI IMPL er, McC livery i disc Harr up® spreader, 3-drum steel rows; cultivator with bean attach- cupam,, uw ,r«iCl . ment.» scuffler, fanning mill, riding sovefai set of whlffletrees; 2 horse,’plow, walking plow, root pulper, 1 3 horse and 4 horse neckyokes; large wheel barrow, set scales, bag truck, 6 F. M.-H. hay M.-H. ng. 2 ye 1930 > he^ollowjng: re rising 8 rising 8 yrs. 10 years old; ■ears old; grey at time of 11 15th; *2 cows ; 2 farrow cows, ising’ 3 years old; .years old;' 9 hei- old; seven steers 1 year old; 1 win day this 17tK»- NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that persons having claims against estate of John England, late Village Huron, died on cember, . ward their; Eilber. & j fore the 1 And noli ter the sail ___ __ _______ I proceed toj llstribittj^the estate hav ing regardr "' which they^ Dated t^isl24tli ..^Irs, Ca onu John Adkins, Hensall. Dashwood, Ont., Executors. ven to H. on Or be- rlt, 1030, y of Who of Dor to for- of Zurich, in the Cou Gentleman,' decease orUibout the sth d llfeO, are requir Jrj claims duly p on, Creditoi th day of le is furthe#glven that af* date tlicFExeoutors will garments sow due May Mhy 2nd; 11 ttnfis; '8 stocker _ Sixty hens. Collie dog TS— McCormick bind- , mower 6 ft; side de- sulky rake, Cultivator. Dane hay loader, man- M. H. seed drill, new; roller,- 4-sectloij liar- 1st; pigs pigs, SU1PKA Rev, McTavish, of Exeter, will give lecture entitled, "Ben Hur" next Wednesday evening, April 9th at the. a ------- ••-----, t vyouiiesuuy eve 'S- ?ars ago In the same home. At that United church. <hne Mrs. John Morgan and. Miss’ Jeckell were president and secre- <^ry*treasurer rospectlvoly. Several community songs wore on-, and the meeting was cldsed by Ringing the National Anthem. Lunch •'jo# then served by the (Committee fpj. charge. i Mrs. Thos, Keyes, who has f confined to her bed for the (week, is improving, 1 Mr. C, Lockner left tor the last week, ’ Mrs, L, Gehrader had a successful *i quilting beo last week* been past west wear* ’ tears and al’l 0, collars, pine 12 ft. watering -trough; I jthen the, claim? of mil have notice, ay of March 1930. Engiand, Zurich? Clinton, Ont; Uy. mt.; George Link,