HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-03-27, Page 4Sales follow Ford Service THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE wntKiwin-mrbMMi [->XmXI>.CU-1 W PW JM 1J1RTHDAX SVUPR ISE Series ia Zurich, in- our organization and ingtliened the Service pop- r service and have arranged autlwr- I RB2-2 -■ R THE MONTH CENT. OF ALL PS WERE FORD 15.8 PER CENT- OF ALL THE NEW TRIS TERlflTOHY FOR THE MONTH FORD C GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION SHOWED CARS SIX OF MAY* by surprise. There were 30 present, the evening being in games ancl music after a dainty lunch was served. going opened an authorized Ford d Parcs and Staff of Mechanics^ RNMENT REGISTRATION SHOWED THAT 28*1 - LD IN THE FOUR T’OWN ’THURSDAY, MARCH 27th. 1030 -> J i j 1 One year ago.February, we accepted the Ford Franchise for the Townships of Us$prne, Stephen, Hay and Stanley, and started^o build up a Ford .S/iles ami Service for this Territory, by the Mjfiita of May. we had n^small stock of parts and one mechanic. 1 IN WERE In July w creased our Ft GO! OF AU CARS CARS, of usiness.We October obtained 40 per cent,, of a^ ’Now tlat we had sold 40 cent, of all cars in the territory, we believe® v»e should extend ized Ford Service in FRED PENWARREN AND IN I TWITCHELL’S GARAGE CENTRALIA WIT HENSALL Tliei Sales eontmied to increase and in January, 1930. the Ford Salihs were 50 jm* cent, of all cars sold in the Four Townships. f-GOVER^ENT REGISTRATION FOR THE .MONTH OF(1’EBRuJrY, 1030, SHOW THAT 58.3 PER CENT. OF ALL NE^ CARS REGISTERED WERE NEW FORD CARS. We sincerely thank you, and promise that we will always do the power to give our customers Superior Ford .Service. •s. most in our EXETER Phone <54 SANDY ELLIOT THE HOME OF THE FORD ZURICH Phone 149 ■ ALL THE BRAN YOU NEEd/ THE FOOD YOU NEED _ _____ .4A SHI ra1 k pB^DDEOWHEAT AT / \^ith all thfybran • - of the whole wheat Eat it with milk cre^ra and you have a complete, perfectly- balanced meal—calcium for making bones and tebth—vita­ mins for health aibd strength—bran for needed roughage— anerso tasty and easily digested. AILSA CRAIG—Plunging through smoke-filled rooms and hall-way^ Mrs. Joseph McIntyre, who lives a mile and a half west of Ailsa Craig two fire loss, time L.OCAL NEWS Mix A. Hooper, of Loudon, is vis­ iting with his son, Mr. Wm. Hooper, of the Lake Road. Miss Marjorie Westcott, of Lon­ don, spent the week with her par­ ents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Westcott. Mr. Fred Hooper, of Salford, was in town attending the funeral of Mrs. V. Mallard and visiting with his brother, William, Friday & Saturday, fprii 4 & 5 th Couie s<5i?9 las on No. 7 highway, carried her small children to safety, when destroyed the home at a heavy Her husband was absent at the in a neighboring sugar bush. The blaze is attributed to a defec­ tive chimney. Smelling smoke, Mrs. McIntyre* ran upstairs to find the flames had gained considerable headway. She had barely time to carry two children out before the entire structure was in flames. Efforts of a hastily formed bucket brigade, together with Ailsa Craig fire department to check the blaze •were unavailing in the face^ of a strong wind, They were successful, however, in saving the barns and the . garage. The home was of brick construc­ tion.. A surprise birthday party in hon­ or of Mr. Thos. Appleton was given Monday evening at the home of his son Mr. E. C. Appleton, Huron avith whom he resides. It was Appleton’s 75th birthday. He been residing with his son for STUDENT fatally shot CLINTON—Hugh McEwan, a ular Collegiate student, was fatally shot, about 4 o’clock Saturday after­ noon through the accidental dis­ charge of a gun. The fatality oc­ curred when he, with Gordon Cud- more, one of his school chums, were returning from an afternoon’s shoot­ ing and were standing on the cement abutments of the railroad bridge which crosses the Bayfield road half a mile from Clinton. Apparently deceased discharged the gun through dropping the but rather heavily on the cement, the.,.charge entering the abdomen in an upward direction. He was removed to the Clinton Hospital where Dr, J. W. Shaw and Dr. J. C. Gandier found that the ser­ ious injuries of liis lungs precluded any hopes of recovery, and he pass­ ed away soon after admittance. Sur­ viving him are liis mother and one si,ster, (Margaret. His father, the late Dr. F. F. McEwan, of Alymer, died about eight years ago. stayed a girl that's Over in Wales a man has at home 50 years -because would not marry him, But nothing. We know a man who has stayed at home 5 0 years because the girl did marry him. A young woman who tlked for 50 hours without a break in a talking marathon had to qu't finally on ac­ count of swollen ankles. The moral isn’t very clear, but there seems to be a lesson of some sort there. * * * * * * sp * The barber spoke to his assistant: “Lord, Bill, that was a nasty cut you gave that old gent on the chin.” . “Yes. I’m courtin’ his ’ouseniaid —that’s to let ’er know I can see ’er Friday night,’”.t ** >;< >:> v,i Down in Mexico' a candidate for president should 'be bullet-proof, In America all he needs is mudguards. st., Mr. has the past few years and was completely taken about spent ; which Mr,. Appleton's family consists of one daughter, Mrs, K. J, Sims and two sons, Ernest and Gordon all of town, also 14 grandchildren, I-Ie has only one sister left Mrs. B. F. Avy, of Toledo, Ohio and one brother,-John, of Crediton. Miss Hilda Sims read a letter of congratulations which is as follows; Dear Dad and Grandad: We, your children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends have gather­ ed together, to-night, to wish yon many morfe long and prosperous birthdays to come. We trust that God may bless you and guide you to the end, Signed on behalf of children, the grandchildren, neighbors and friends. After which “For He is a Jolly Good Fellow” was sung by all. Come and see how freeW it flow’s, liow quickly it dries, how its magiiscoloring beau lilies in* stantly, beautifies witlif beauty you will never tire of. Take the brush your^lf and flow Rogers oni ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ csigned to Convince you Lacquer brushes, that it that it takes the sticky, out of home decorating. d see this demonstration; 1 more attractive we are This demonstration is at Rogers Brushing you wait du^t-collecting yerioc EvciV housewife shoi o nitoke the event s feature-’- trices on duri can do in the tion, B. W Also Alabastin^fend gers Crushing Lacquer demonstration days* show you actual proof of ee the wonderful things you ay of colorful home decora* , Hardware, Exeter, Ont then seasonable lines will MAIN ST. W. M. S.PLEASANT EVENING Taking the School to the Scholar The W. M. S. of Main St. United Church held their annual birthday ,party .on Friday night. The Rev. Mr. ’Moorhouse was in the chair. The following program ,was enjoyed be­ fore the speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) McIn­ tosh, of London, took the meeting; solos by Miss Marion Powell and Miss Thelma Hockey; a short play, “A Scene in a Chinese Hospital,” with Jeanette Taman as doctor, Eva Pearce nurse, Patsy Martin, Dorothy Sims, E. Brooks, iMarion Powell, Ruth Pearce, Eileen Andrews, Flor­ ence McDonald and their children as patients; Jack Doerr and Warren May, gate keepers. .Little Lillian Kestle who is four years old, and one of the patients, was lifted to a chair and sang “Jesus Loves -Me” in Chinese. The play was- staged by the Mission Band under the leader­ ship of Miss Murray. Following this a quartette -composed of Frank Wil­ fong, M. Howey, Helen Dignan and Hilda Sims, sang “Peace Be Stil'I.” Other selections included a duet by Mrs. George Hess'and Mrs. Lee Hed­ den, with Miss Fisher at the piano; piano duet by Misses Violet Gambrill and Leona Brown. The address was delivered by Mrs. McIntosh, who spoke -on W.M-S. work; on the priv­ ileges we enjoy as compared with other countries of the world; the cry of the Eastern countries for our Christ, not our civilization or relig­ ion. Little Edith Armstrong recited a piece on “Holland.” The. Hensall quartette, composed of Mrs. Geo. Hess, Mrs. M. Drysdale, Mrs. (Rev.) Sinclair’ Mrs. Lee Hedden, and Miss Fisher at the piano, sang two num­ bers. This over, a dainty lunch was served by the ladies. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Duncan, of Plugtown, on Wednes­ day evening of last week. The event was the gathering together-of the .first cousins of Mrs. Duncan, Those present were: Mr, and Mrs. Will Passmore and Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryckman, Exeter; Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Frayne, (Mr., and Mrs. Nor­ man Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mr, and Mrs. John Hack­ ney, Thames Road. Those unable to attend were: Mr* and Mrs. John Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner of' Thames Road; Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns, of Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Hensall. After the guests had partaken of a sumptuous supper the night was spent in the playing of games and old time reminiscences, intermingl­ ed with many a hearty laugh. At a late hour the company broke up, all voicing their appreciation to the host and hostess for the lovely time they had at their charming home. w Start with a modern HURON G y I* off in the spring grind. Ground the with a valve re-facer.— RAGE, Exeter. CHECKER TOURNAMENT Several from Exeter were in Lu­ can on Friday evening of last week, attending a checker tournament at C. W. Millson’s barber shop. Play­ ers fromTmudon, St. Marys, Lucan, Exeter and Blyth participated. London Walker, 10 wins, 2 draws; Allan, 11 wins, 2 draws; Mitchell, 11 wins, 2 draws; Lee, 6 wins, 2 draws; Wil­ cox, 9 wins, 2 draws; Davis, 3 wins. 1 draw; " * ' wrey, 5 wins, 2 Allan prize,1 Southcott, 4 wins, 2 draws; Brini- draws; Elworthy, 2 Taylor, 3 Wins, 1 Brown, 6 wins, 1 draw; Lo­ wing, 2 draws; McIntyre, 7 i tor ♦ draws. and Mitchell drew Mitchell winning. Exeter nell. S wins, 4 wins, 3 draws; draw. Brintnell won first first prize for Exe- St. biddy, S wins, _ .......... wins, ldraw; Gregory 5 draws; Taylor. 3 wins, 1 draw. Liddy won first prize for St. Marys Lucan Sweet, 3 wins, 2 draws; Crouyn, 2 wins, 1 draw; Banting, 2 wins', 1 draw; Sullivan, 1 win, 2 draws;- Dobbs, no wins, 1 draw. Millson and Rev. Brown played some exhibition games. -Sweet took first prize for Lucan. Blyth Barton, 6 wins, 2 draws. 31arys 2 draws*; Teskey, wins,2 OTICE KIRKTON ike tasF communicate •We would with parties li^fing/steam engines- for'hire for moi^h f July and part . of August—Canavan Canners Ltd. < 3-27-2tc. . MORTGAGE SALg at CENTRAL HOTEL, Exe^r, OnU- --- of.— FARM PROPERTY J — on Monday, Apr At 2.30 the follow®land in the* of Hay, Cgjgnty of Huron, iposed ofjiiot 11, Com 2,. 100 acfes of land more This is ^good property in- ty or Elater in a. first class .ectionjf^This land is sandy- andjgHl cleared. On the-, 'a brick house; wa- fences are ins % of a‘mile from. Townshi being c contain! or less. the vicii farming loam cl. land is K tered b> .goo> well; g ‘ 71 school; E nffles from Hensall. For fiBtlJpr particulars and con­ ditions ofl^lrle apply Jo Frank Tay­ lor auctioneer, Exeter, Ontario tn* itt* F. C. .Betts, Vendor’s Solicitor, 4422. Richmond St., London, Ont. Mr.; and Mrs. Edward Gill and Ed­ die and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb and kiddies spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Love. Miss Helen Hayter and her friend Miss Kenney, of Crediton spent the weed-end here. Mr/-’ Hector Murray, Detroit, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss O. R. Corbett visited over the week-end at her home in Ford- wicli. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Warner, of De­ troit, motored home on Saturday bringing her mother Mrs. J. B. Hod­ gins, who has spent the winter with them. Mr. Aimer Hayter. of Detroit, spent the week-end with his mother ! herd. Miss Nola Hodgins, who has spent the past three mouths in Detroit re­ turned home- on Saturday. Miss Dorothy Hickey visited over the week-end with Mrs. Bob Cathers in Parkhill. Mr. -and Mrs. L. Wilson, of Ar­ izona, visited Mrs. Colin Love on Sat-' urday. I (Huron Expositor) old-time home may have pos- few furnishings and no con- The sessed veniences, but tlie hospitality it ex­ tended was rich in welcome and goodwill. Too many modern homes are rich in everything but those old- time, virtues, and the world is not any better for it. ;ood coWditi(§L —> NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GII^N lhafc all creditors and others havi^ against the estate of CANN, late of the Villag­ in the County of Huj^n Farmer, who died on of March A.. D., 193Q their claw er sighed of Ap TICE T5 roviding schooling for children in the isolated scc- * lions of Northern' Ontario long baffled the Ontario ^Department of Education. The little red school house —af it had been built—tvould have stood alone with no sigh of human habitation for miles around or, if •there had been a few houses near, the cost of upkeep would have been too heavy a burden on a few, scattered families. So the Canadian Pacific Railway was called •into consultation and the result is' the travelling school car which has been operated during the winter months with increasing success for the past few ^years. Every child loves a train, but when that train potties especially to him and becomes his school— well, you have to go to fairy tales to get the like of that. So they come enthusiastically from miles around, French-Canadians, Rumanian, Indiah) Italian, English-Canadian—all races and ages from five to fifteen years of age. They come on snowshoes, skis, by dog team, from neai’ and far. They get the three R’S and they get acquainted among themselves. Dif­ ference of speech makes little difference to them and soon they are all using English. Children’of pioneers, they are bright and adaptable. Lay-out shows ex­ terior of car, interior with clas« of boys.and girls all set for lessons; another interior showing teacher and black board; and two typical School Children on their way to the car. The many friends in Exeter of Mr. m. Pomfret at Barrie will be pleased to hear that he and the fam­ ily are all well. Mr, Pomfret in re­ newing his subscription says that the winter has been a steady one and they will 'all welcome spring. He says they look forward every Fri­ day for the Times-Advocate is eagerly read by all. He they read it from end to ehd. They hope to spend a few days in this summer to renew old acquaint­ ances. and it thinks Exeter NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against /the estate of John England, late of. the Village of Zurich,-in the Coidity of Huron, Gentleman, decease® who died on or about the 5th dw of De­ cember, 1929, are require®? to for­ward their miaims duly ptfveii to H. Eilber & Soui, Crediton fore the 12tl\day of And notice ........ ter the said t ite the proceed to dh ;ribu iftg. regard o lly Which they tl m Dated this 2 th Mrs. Carol n Ont., John Ja Adkifls, HOUS’ Dashwood, Onff, ■ma; s\i, 2 til t>a on or be­ ll, 1930. i furthoi^given that af- xeoutors Will he estate hav- the claims of all have notice, ay of March 1930, England, Zurich, Clinton, Ont.; Hy. Out.; Goorgo Link, Executors, L ?g claims. ? Carles- 'df Exeter,. LiuUn, Retired’ . Jue sixth day are required.. $8 duly proven i or before the- A. D. 193V- further giv- said date the Exe-- d to distribute the- jard only to the- they then shall have- to forward to the un seventh di AND N EN that a cutors wil estate ha claims of \ notice. ' DATED alMSxeter, Ont. this 17th- , day of March A. D., 1930. ’ GLADMAN & -STANBURY. Exeter and Hensall Executors’ Soik-itors-- ter th NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that" all creditors and others having claims- against the estate Of CATHARINA. COOK, late of the Village of Hdhsal!,. in the County of Huron, XridowF. who died on the first day of ^nuary.. A. D., 1930, their claim dersigned o day of 'AprI. AND NOT EN that aft cutors. will estate havi: claims of w notice. DATED dav of Mar •GLAT are required tbi duly proven or before e A. D., . CE IS F the sa oceed forward: the un­ seven tli. THER (I 'date the li distribute only to y then shall IV-- 3xe— the- the* have * 17 th-ter, Ont. thi D., 1930. S.N & STANBURY, Hensail and Exeter Executors* Solicitors- Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that al$$ persons having claims against tW estate of Mrs, Louisa Restemaj, late of the Village of Dashwoo a i who died day of Jann forward th H. fiilb before (the County of Huron woman, deceased about the 22nd are required to duly proven Crediton, oh Of April 1930. AND NOTICfc 1 that after the Ifeaid tors will proc led ] estate having Iof which they iJi eJF Dated this 1|jfh Reste- claims! notice* March n 1030 claims & Son, 1st day given to, the execu-* ,distribute the to the th have day of 1930 Henry Rostolhayer, Louis mayor, Otto1 Restomayer, Executors. Dashwood, Ont,