HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-03-20, Page 4♦ HARTLEY
Mr, and (Mrs. Mark Miller, of De
The amat-
of Fred
Mr. and
Miss Marguerite
Choke, Victor
Russel Worden;
Mr. Murray Luther has hired with
Mr. Boland of Mount Carmel, for the
* ' TllVRSDAY, MARCH 20, J03Q
D inn in ;
amounted to over
as follows:-
Cuphemia Graham
the cast, for the
which their work
$Mis.s JSftiUy garrison, eldest daugh-
,*ter of Mr-. riniRMrs. Jas. Harrison, is
fttiproving nicely after an operation
..for appendicitis in London*
Mr. Ed, Pollen returned Monday
from Oshawa with a- new Pontiac.
Mr. Jack Hodgert is suffering from
;aa attack of sciatica. We hope he
will soon he better.
Mrs. Robt, Kydd is still confined
do her home through illness.
A jolly crowd gathered at the
liome of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McCul-
laugh Sr., to extend their <congrat-
nlations and good wishes to Mr, and
JRIrs, Jim McCullaugh Jr. A social
game of cards with dancing was en
joyed till midnight, when a delight
ful lunch was served after which
■the friends and neighbors presented
Jim and his wife with a handsome
jclock with half a dozen silver knives
and forks each expressing their
Imppy appreciation. Messrs Har-
«burn and McKaig furnished the
Death at ML Pleasant
Mr. ’Seth Simpson passed away on
^Tuesday morning after a trying ill
ness. Last fall Mr. Simpson retired
from active farm life. He leaves
two daughters and one son Mr. Wm.
Rimpson on the home place and Mis?
Lizzie at home and Mrs. Ken. Me-
troit,’spent the week-end with her
parents Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Hayter.
Mr.. .Isaac Dastard Sr. spent Sun
day wltli his daughter Mrs; I. Baker.',
Mr. arid Mrs« Bruce Hagleson hhve
moved to their new home at Grand
, MX %}pd Mrs. Les. Hutchinson
spent Sunday afternoon with her
parents- here.
JThe Choir of Grace Church Green
way held practice at Rev. L. Lewin’s
iFhiday evening of last week.
Mrs. Elgin Webb spent Sunday
evening with Mrs. Isaac Bastard.
■;v.jMr§.! Roy Ratz who has been in
St.,Joseph for an appendix operation
h&s returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keyes spent
the week-end with relatives in Sar
nia and Detroit.
Mr. Leslie Adams is engaged with
Mrs* '.JI, Smith of Exetgr, for the
Mr. Percy Mollard and Norman
Vincent were in Almira, on Monday
bringing up a load of furniture for
Mrs. Henry Weigand.
Mr. Borden Dillon spent the week
end at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazelwood
returned home on Saturday after
spending the winter in Detroit.
"Mr. Seth Simpson one of our high
ly esteemed citizens died at his home
We join our new dealer in cordially inviting you
to visit his salesrooms a&d inspect the superb line
of motor cars on display^
Here you will find?., varied beautiful, models, -of,
the Whippet, Willys- Six ^nd Willys-Knight^--
motor cars whose list,prices -range from $65’0
to $3,000. ' 1 . • .
The Whippet, an ultra-modern^four cylinder car,
possesses a trim smartiiesS' of l?4p and color that
is arousing the admiration of evfey beholder. It
is the only automobile in its pr&e class which
possesses such features as "Fingertip Control”,
silent timing chain, full force-feed^ubrication,
invar-steel, strut pistons, exceptionai/economy.
Its price is amazingly low.-
The Willys Six, well-called the fastest and^piosy
powerful car in its 'price class, is powered bya
here on Sunday morning.
1 Wilber Williams has the job' of
trucking ten tons of grass, and clover
seed from Toronto fqr the U. F, Q,
cluh here. “ i'
A meeting was hold in Aberdeen
Hall on Tuesday afternoon to or-
ganize a Horticultural Society, There
was over 5(1 present, Dr. C. A.
Campbell occupied the chair. Mr.
Sidney Adamson acted as chairman,
After a few explanations in regards
the work of the society the follow
ing officers were elected: President,
Dr. C. A. Campbell; 1st Vice-Pres,,
Robert Ratcliffe; 2nd Vice-President
Mrs. Herman Kyle; directors foi’ 2
years, Mrs. C. Roqtley, Mrs. Hilton
Ogden, Mrs. Milton Switzer, Mrs. D-
Foster, Mrs, S. Adamson; for one
year, Mrs. H. Webber, Ethel Wilson,
Mrs, H. V. Crago, Mrs. Jas, Squires,
Mr. Ephriam Hern. Activities dis
cussed, May, Arbor Day, planting of
shrubs; June, excursions to see some
beauty gardens probably Galt or
Guelph; July, Garden Party to raise
funds for public purposes; August,
Flower Show at Woodham, The
premiums to members will shortly be
decided upon. Literature concern
ing flowers and the control of pests,
will also be sent to members. There
is already 75 members with more to
"Light House Nan”, a three
comedy drama,, was presented in
Township Hall, Staffa, on Friday
evening of last week,- by the Staffa
junior Farmers to an audience
which packed the hall to overflow
ing. The play, presenting a very
fine moral throughout, ‘ ;
several very thrilling incidents,
was a splendid success.
ears taking part cannot be too high
ly praised for the way in which the
characters were impersonated. A
deal of credit lis due Miss Lucy
Burke and (Miss
the directors of
Splendid results
has obtained.
The receipts
$90.00. The cast was
Moll Buzzer, Miss Jean Barbour
Ichabod Bitzzer, Tom Scott
Miss Grace McLachan; Mr.
Jack Birchell; Miss Hortense Enlow,
Miss Mary Drown; Miss Sarah Chum
Owing to the departure
Hanselmon bapk to Germany ..... .
Mrs. James Ziler entertained a num-
er. of old and. young tq a»euchre
party. During this party Mrs. Ziler
served ice-cream and a dainty lunch
Before going home everybody re
ported of having some good games
and a most enjoyable evening..
otor developing 65 horsepower, with a speed
72 miles per hour. 48 in second gear. Its
eautiful body lines and rich interior fitments,
Hombinpd' with its many..C'ostly-har features, make
t a sensational value*.n- t ... ..
he Willys-Knight Great Six and "yo-B” are
otor cars of exceptional beauty. Fashioned to
the minute in smartness of line, richness of color
and perfection of detail, they are comparable only
to expensive custom built cars. And too, they
are powered by the famous Knight sleeve-valve
motor—the motor that improves with use. .
Visit the salesrooms during the Motor Show. And
then, when you have inspected the new cars,
don’t fail to inspect the used’ car ‘department and ,.
the service department so well equipped* to cater
to your every motoring need.
Branches: ^Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg.
Mollard, of Sar
in the burg on
Joe Desjardiue sports a new
Mrs. W. P. Lovie returned frpnl
London on Tuesday wltere she spent a few jdoys visiting; her daijg^ter,
■Gertrude'arid qthey friends’. T’-'-"
Miss Beulah Holt is in St; Joseph
Hospital, London, having underwent
ik ^ery serious operation. She is very
sick at present but all hope for a
speedy recovery.
Mr. an$ Mrs. Ab.
ilia, visited friends
, Sunday.
Miss IMuriel Fallis, of Sarnia, vis*
ited Miss Edythe Taylor on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Geromett, of
Buffalo, is spending a few weeks in
the neighborhood, They are
corned back
neighbors in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs, Clark, of St,Thomas,
is visiting their daughter Mrs.
(Rev.) Colling.
M'r. John Ross, of Thedford, has
bought Mr. Ed. Gill’s house - in the
village and expects to move in
Mr. Stewart Webb, of Thedford,
bought Mr, Robt, Pollock’s house.
.So real estate is on the move. Wo
always welcome the new-comers.
There passed away on Thursday of
last week, at the home of his son
Sandy Latta, Mr. James Latta in his
83rd year. Mr. Latta came to this
part of the country when it was still
in the rough about sixty yeaVs ago'
and later moved to Owen. Sound and
then to Dundalk where he spent 18
years, moving back! here about seven
years ago. He leaves., to mourn his
loss two daughters in Detroit and
one in Owen Sound and two sons on
the 19th con. of Stephen, Sandy and
Gusta. The funeral on Saturday last"
was well attended. Interment in the
Grand Bend cemetery conducted by
-T-, The sympathy
community is extended to the
and friends. ■ . '
as they are old time
Rev. J. M. Colling,
of the
training ,*„*„**„
don, is spending a few days at' her
home here.
Miss Elva Morley spent a few days
in London last week.
Miss Violet Elliott has accepted a
position in the Dominion Store in
Miss Alma Parkinson is spending
a icouple of weeks with lifer cousin
Mrs. Herman Foster at Winchelsea,
who had the misfortune to fall and
crack a bone in her arm just below
the elbow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson and fam
ily, of Lucan, spent Sunday with the
former’s parents here. • •
Miss Evelyn Parkinson is visit
ing her cousin Mrs. Stanley Orchard
at Thorndale for a few days. : ■Mrs. Louise Gunning, who fell'and
fractured her hip a few weeks ago
is progressing- favorably- at the pres
ent time.
Mr. and Mrs: P. Passmore, of the
Thames Road spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. Melville Gunning.,
■The play entitled “Home ‘ Ties”
will be put on -in this church on
Wednesday evening by the, Thames
Road xYoung People.
The March meeting of the Whalen
W. M. S. was held last Thursday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Alfred
Gunning, Mrs. Will Morley, 2nd
Vicej-President had charge of the
meeting. Meeting was opened wit.b
the Doxology' and watchword. Hymn
431 and prayer by two of the mem
bers. Roll Call was answered by
paying of fees. The Devotional
Leaflet, “Miracles Then and Now”
was read by .Mrs! HiltoiuOgden.
Arrangements w^ere made for
Easter meeting to'be held in
Church. A reading was read
Mrs. Harvey Squire, followed by a
poem by Ruth Morley. Several
other interesting leaflets were -read.
Hymn 223 was sun,g‘ and Mrs. John
Hazelwood closed the meeting with
prayer. Tea was then served and
a social time spent by all.
Florence Pollen nurse-in-
at Victoria Hospital, Lon-'
Mr. land Mrs. Toll of London, wore
guests of Mr. and Mrs IJ. Masoqjja
Sunday. A- .X1 hjssr . Thq play iput on iii .'tliq UjuM
Church Friday night by the Y. P. S.
bf Grand Bend was well attended
and very much appreciated. The
caste gave a .splendid interpretation
of both humour and pathos and all
enjoyed the local hits. The music
between iacts added to the success ot
the evening, Proceeds amounted to
$43.50.Miss Marjorie Jennison pf Grand
Bend spent the week-end with Mrs,
Lloyd Brophey.
Mr. and Mrs
family, of Granton called on
friends last Thursday evening.
■Last Wednesday evening
who had taken part in tho
"Dot, the Miner’s Daughter”
ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Young and enjoyed a goose sup
per and Social time together as a-
happy ending to their successful,
winter’s work. During the evening 4 Rev. J. M, Colling asked M'r. Young -|jr'
to come forward and act as “Cap--...
tain” in a contest. There two “Cap--
tain” wore chosen Mr. Kenneth.
Smithers who presented Mr. Young
with a peri knife and Miss Mars;
Webb who read the following ad--
Who went out nights to train a play,].
And kept the caste from getting gayfl.
Until his hair is almost gray
. ’Twas Wilbert
Who put -on speed just like a six,'
To’’telephone for William Hicks,
For sure he was in Quite a fix
Was Wilbert.
.We always will be in your debt,
And*•ne,y<e'fmore will we forget,
•Thd- hhe’Who fed us goose, you bet
Our Wilbert!]
We ask you to accept this knife,
But don’t your maim yourself for
Or we shall all' with grief be rife.
Oh! Wilbert*
And through the years that comm
and go,
We’ll oft recall witli happy glow,
The one who coached our little show^
Young Wif'oert,
Signed on behalf of 'the Y.P.S., J. M^,
Colling and Kenneth Smithers.
Mr. Young was- taken completely
by surprise but thanked each and..
everyone for their thoughtful gift
which he will cherish among his-
mo.jt valued possessions.
Aaron Shoritt and
all creditors and others having claims,
against the estate of CHARLES-
CANN, late of the Village of Exeter,.,
in tlie County of Huron,^Retired-
Farmer, who died on the Jixth day
of M's”A. D., 1930.ai:e> required,
to forward their claims .tfuly proven.
to the Undersigned on
seventh^day of April
EN th at latter the siSId
cutors win proceed to
estate having r
claims of
notice. .
of IV.
before the-
D. 1930.
date the Exe—
distribute the-
only to the
whicb^they then sh'all’have
Exeter, Ont. this 17th.
1 A. D„ 1930.
Exeter and Hensall
Executors’ Solicitors-
Tho debate held in Senior’s Hali
in Exeter last Thursday evening b.y
the Junior Farmer’s was very in-
frosting. The subject "Resolved that,
beef cattle are more profitable in
Huron County than dairy cattle”,
was ably .handled by Messrs Gilbert
Johns, Kenneth Johns,
wood. D&Mar:<.Sidun
Jacques and A. (Miller,
was given in favour of
A -number of hockey
London to see the
Hamilton and London .on Monday
Quite a few have attended the
Chautauqua programs held this last
week in Exeter and enjoyed them
very much.
Mrs. Gealy. of Warren, Peiim is
expected this week to visit her moth
er Mrs. Rose Stephens, who is con
fined to her bed at the homejof her
sister Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mrs. Ste
phens is improving, though slowly.
Rev. M'r. White is sporting a
Ford car.
Bad colds are tho
at present.
Miss Verna Brock
homo over the weeli
Mrs. (Rev.) Wlri
Hubert Hey
er, Norman
The decision
the negative,
fans went to
game between
order of the
was. of London
te and children
are visiting her mother Mrs. Jack-
son in Windsor.
The play "Home Ties” presented
by a ’number from Thames Road
church on (Monday, March the 17th,
in this church was well attended and
very much enjoyed by all present,
The actors were well chosen and
each did his or her part in a very
creditable manner. 'J'he Elimvillo
orchestra, which ha? been, organized
•Only a few weeks, tinder the'direc
tion of Mr. Bruce 'Cooper rendered
several^ selections which helped very
Vie JiW entertainment,
” The
Miss Malzie O’Reilly and Mr.
er sang "My Wild Irish Rose,
proceeds amounted to $34,00.
all creditors and others having claims-
against the estate of CATHARINA^
COOK, late of the Village of Hensall/
in the County of Huron, Wido^,'
who died on the first day of January,
A. D., 1930, are,.required to forward
their claims djily proven to
dersigned on
day of April
EN that after
cutors will proceed to^. .. _ __ _ _estate having! regar/5 only to the
claims of whi'fli th -then shall have-
. - - - f0£< - ‘ ------- _j tifq un-
}r before theJteventh.
. D„ 1930.#
he said date the Exe-
ojuistribute the Al
day of March
Exeter, Ont. this 17tl§
YD., 1930.
' Hensall and Exeter
Executors’ Solicitors- x
all . creditors and others having,
claims against the estate of Av IL-
LIAM . T. CAkDWELt, late^W the-
Village of Hensall, ip the ^O^unt.y of
Huron, whnf died on the seventh* Jay
of I-i’ebruaiw A. D. 193J^, are requir
ed to forward their c!
eu to tho
the 17th $ay o£ , ___ ______
EN that a
cqtor ..will
estate hai
claims of
DATED ^t Exeter, Ont. this 26tl^
clay of February A. D. 19 3 0.
Hensall & Exeter*
Executor’s Solicitors'
' ji- - • —■ V J * *** *•“’|rd their clafRns duly prov—
undersigned on or before
■ch A. D., 1930..
said date the Exe--
ed to distribute the-
regard only to the.
vjffich he then shall have-
of Huron,
who d
Notice to Creditor
heir claims
er & Soil
he 1st day
d/dav of J
o torwai
NOTICE Is hereby given that
persons having claims againsi
estate of Mrs. Louisa Rostei
late of the Village of Dasht
the County
woman, deec
about the 22
are rechtired
duly proven
Crediton, oi
of April 193
that after t
tors will p
estate Itavn
of which tlie . .....____
Dated this 17th day of
Henry Restemayqfv Louis
mayor, Otto Restemuyer, Executbrs*.
DasliwoocL OnL
further given
I date, the exoeti-
, to distribute .tlie
g.ayd. to' 'flicT
idn shall’havd