HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-03-20, Page 2TRVRSDAT, MARCH 20, 1930 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Lover* Salada of finf tea prefer quality to premiums II 'W v jn aii JuiiAUflL HMI HMM Mk HI ’JEfl vab from the gardens* USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Us­ borne Township met at the Town­ ship Hall, Elimville, on March 1st, 1930, as per adjournment in its monthly’meeting, with all members of the Council present. The minutes of the meeting of February 1st were read and approv­ ed on motion of Dew-Williams. Correspondence: Acknowledgment from Department of Game & Fisher­ ies, of petition re gun licenses al­ ready published. Receipt from the War Memorial Children’s Hospital re grant. Receipt from C. A. McCague, of Usborne share of Short Course ex­ penses. Regulations from the Weed Inspector. Offer from County Representative of help problems. Forestry Department re tree planting. The Fletcher Drain Report, was read to a representative number' of the asssessed ratepayers, considered and provisionally'adopted on motion •of Westcott and .Dew, and the Clerk instructed to prepare and have print­ ed a By-Law and serve on the asses- Government Agriculture to farmer’s sed parties and that a Court of Re­ vision on th© said 5th, at 2 Notices Pym Drain Report, read, considered adopted on motion of liams. The Clerk was instructed to pre­ pare a By-law to enable the collec­ tion of the assessment on this report in the year 1931, with interest for such time as necessary on the amount needed to complete the work. Court of Revision to be held on same April 5th, at 3 pan. The report from th© Hydro Com­ mission as to rates for Street Light­ ing in Woodham was read and con­ sidered by the Council and a dele­ gation from Woodham. The terms being satisfactory to the petitioners, on motion of Shier and Williams, the contract between the Hydro Commission and the 'Cor­ poration of Usborne was signed and a copy of the By-Law confirming same ordered forwarded to the Com­ mission. The petitioners requested that if it were agreeable to the Commission that instead of the annual cost be­ ing charged pro rata of the assess- the Assessment issued in Report be held on April p,m. have been served on tlm the same was and provisionally Shier-Wxl- mmit, eucli of the fifteen ratepayers should bear the cost equally, of Us- horne’s share, The sum of $511.29 was received from the Treasurer of Hibbert Twp. being Hibbert's assessment m the Stewart Drain, Received ^front Wm. Moodie $23,- 52 fox* stoxxes sold to farmers from the crusher. < . • The WUdfong Dx*ain Report was received by the Reeve from Ray Tp. That it be considered April 5th at 4 p.m., on motion ,pf Dew-Wpstcott, By-Law No. 5, 1930, confirming the appointment of F. C. Gibbs, Chartered Accountant, of Stratford, as Auditoi* fox* the township of Us­ borne, was read and passed on mo­ tion of Williams-Shier, Slxier-Dew: That the fllowing bills be passed: Hibbert & Usborne Fire Insur­ ance Co. premiums oh Township Hall $1.25; T. Roy Patterson County En­ gineer, rent of County machinery for 1929, $192,50; Treasurer, Hibbert, balance due Hibbert ou bdy. acct. $11.66; ,-T. Hern, snow work $8.50; Hector Rowcliffe, ditto $10.40; Ed- gai’ Cudmore, ditto $15.60; M'a’urice. Coates, ditto $4.40; Harry Coates, ditto $2.20; Gerald Ford, ditto $3; Ewart Pym ditto and repair plow $7.60; Fred Ford, ditto and repaix* plow $8.05; Wjn, Brooks, filling , washout $5.0'0; Wm. Moodie, ditto. $1.50; Henry Ford, super., $2t3.80. Carried. Council adjourned to • meet again on April 5th, at 1 o’clock. Hoiiry Strang, Clerk 25 YEARS AGO Mrs, Jury, who resides with her daughter Mrs. Wm. penhale, west of town, unfortunately suffered a stroke on Saturday last and is now quite ill, Mr, Andy Oke, is doing nicely and has. left the London Hospital after suffering for some time with blood- poisoning. Mr, Thomas Ogden and family and his brother Mr. Henry Qgden left Monday last for Wolsely, Assa., where they will in future make their home. Mr. James Stonehouse, who been visiting in. Exeter and other tario towns, during the winter, here Monday for Belgrave, i which place he will leave for his home in 'Milton, N. W. T. in about a week, Mr, Robert Lang’s two sons, Al­ bert and Elmore, left on Monday for Manitoba to spend sometime with relatives. They were accompanied as fax* as Toronto <by his father. . Mr, W. A. "Westcott, of Peterboro, spoilt a few days in town during the week returning to that city Monday, Mrs. Jane Atkinson is ill at her home here. School Reports air. Zurich has r On- left from GRAND BEND SCHOOL REPORT ROOM II V Class, total 600—Janet Turn­ bull 542, Beatrice Green 526, Mary Patterson 489, Reta Pfaff 470, Del­ la Gratton 470, Trellis Gratton 461, Anna Taylor 423. Absent for one examination, Anna Taylor. IV Class, total 600—May Patter­ son 53S,'Erwin Holt 532, Fay Ham­ ilton 535, Rugie Desjardine 506, D, Gill 478. Sr. Ill, total 650' 602, Irene Ravelie A,. B ie 516, Ward Pfaff 509, Phyllis Gill 493, 'Melvin peariso 465, ’’Wilbur Lovie Jr. Ill, total 650— Helen Walper 545, —Bruce Ireland 546 Car, LoV' Stanley Gill479 845. -Ilene Webb 551, Orville Mollard 499, Joyce* Pfaff 466, Eileen Grat­ ton 418, Percy Atkinson 390, Jack Holt - tions, 379. Absent from examina- Eileen Gratton, J. ROOM Kelso, teacher I 87, Evelyn 86, Willis Gill 77, Jerry 72, Everett Disjardine 70. II—Burton Green 94, Pauline II—Iva Lovie Me­ hl c- Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year i* advance. RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions, quent insertion, tides, To Rent, Found XOd per Reading notices * Card of Thanks vertising .12 and Memoriam, with extra verses 25 c, 25c. each subne- Miscellaneou* ar- Wanted, Lost, o< line of six word*. 10 c, per ltask 50 c, Legal ad- 8c. per line. "Iw one verse S0«« each, Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. s Professional Car Sr. Phee Phee _ MMHMH Colling 85, Freda Lovie 84, Ella Moussou 83, Dickie Hamilton 81, A. Statton 78, Alan Walper 77. 1st ClasSf—Irene Perlso 445, Ste­ wart McPhee 442, Mary McPhee 402, Donald Turnbull 363, Estella Oldaker 360, Dolores Gossman 285. Primer C.—Garnet Gossman 3i57, Russel Sturgeon 330, Maurice Tied- erman 323. Primer B—Graham Emerson Disjardine Gratton 3 80, Carleton Primer A—Carman Winnifred Tiederman Anderson 270. E. M. Taylor, teacher GLADMAN & STA BARRISTERS^ SOLICITORS, *c. Money to LoanJ iuvjfitmentB Made* 5Safe-Deposit V Clients without charge EXETER LONDON HENSA 15 YEARS AGO Mr. John Dauncey, of London, a former resident of Exeter, and who recently purchased the dwelling own­ ed by Mr. James Ogden street has moved therein nicely settled. Mr? John Krueger, of the Township of Stephen on Satur­ day last sold his fifty-acre farm to Mr. Wilfred Desjardine for $3600. After holding a sale on the 30th Mr. Krueger will move to Exeter to re­ side. Mr. Ed. Sanders, who has been taking treatment for rheumatism at the hot springs at (Mount Clemens, Mich., returned here Monday evening and will spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tlios. Sanders prior to returning to his home in the Rainey River District. For some years there has been no threshing outfit within five miles of Elimville and' many farmers have been inconvenienced, not being able to get threshing done when desired. To meet this want Johns Bros. & Co., have purchased from the Sawyer- Massey Co. a new up-to-date outfit, the separator having a sixteen bar cylinder. Mr. Richard Murphy held his de­ livery of Massey-Harris machinery on Wednesday. Mr. Victor Vanalstyne, of Park­ hill, has accepted, a position, as moulder for the Exdter Manufactur­ ing Co. on Andrew and is now Con. 14, of Mason 433, 380, Carrie Manore 3 68, Ireland 335, 285, Jackie CARLING MOR OLICI R 8» a*. ESWENTS, BARRISTERS, LOANS, IN INS Office: Carling Block, Main Streep EXETER, ONT. At Lucan Monday anil Thursday ..--Z.-. ................................. ...JL?.....,.. and Mrs. Wm. F, Braun and two sons, of Forest, were week-end visitors with 'Mrs. Braun’s father Mr. Wm. Lamont. Messrs. Stephen Peachey and Wm. Schrag motored to Belleville, Penn, recently. /Mr. Leonard Wagner left last week fpr Detroit where he intends to {'Board a boat and sail the Great Lakes for the summer. Mr. and . Mrs. Heywood, who spent the past winter near the village have moved to Mr. Glenn’s farm, east of Hensail, where Mr. Heywood has en­ gaged for a year, Mr. Fred Siemon, of the Blue Wa­ ter Highway, met with a very, pain­ ful accident one day while cutting down a tree in Walker’s Grove at Grand Bend, when a large limb re­ bounded ana hit Mr. Siemon on the arm fracturing ‘it near the wrist. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gascho, who have resided in .Mr. George Deicliert’s dwelling, have moved into the house owned and recently vacated by Mr.i and Mrs. W. C. Callfas. Dr. H. H, Cowen was taken to a London Hospital last week wher^ he underwent on operation for appendi­ citis, ' ■ c Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, and little Betty, of Detroit, spent Satur­ day and Sunday with friends, and relatives here. Miss Marguerite Prang, and Mr. A. Aulrich, of Detroit, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Prang. Mr. Daniel Gascho, of burg and son Alvin, of were week-end visitors at here. Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.^D.DJl. DENTAL SllRGE^N ! Office opposite ib Main St.|fExeter Teleplmnes Office 34w Hous® Office open on Wednesday after­ noons until May 7th, 1930. REPORT S. 8. NO. 1, USBORNE The following is the report of S. S. No. 1, Usborne, Hurondale. Sr. IV—(Marjorie Oke 83, Richard Etherington 78. , Harold Cudmore 63.4, Ross Oke 60.3. Jr. IV—Lloyd Reynolds 66.8, Alex Strang 66.1, Elmore Dunn 51.1, A. Rowcliffe 41. ‘ , Jr. Ill—Olive Parsons 64, Billie Rowcliffe 56, Chester Dunn 55.7, Marjorie Etherington 53, Ray Squire 51.1, Jack Boa 48.8. ■Sr. II—Frayn© Parsons 7'6.1, Wil­ fred Buchanan 66.6, GoVdon Squire 38.76. 1st Class — Grace Beckler 78.8; Jack Kestle 75.6, Billie Kestle 56.2, Andrew Boa 3 4.2, Lawrence Dunn, absent. Primer—Margaret Dougall, Rus­ sell Ferguson, Bobbie Jeffrey. N. Raker, teacher. w J^ost Office Mrs. Louis New Ham- Kitchener, their home 4> ■ Mr. and Mrs.- John "Lewis, of Mit­ chell have, celebrated their sixty­ fourth anniversary of their wedding. Six engineers from the Ontario Department of Highways have been working on Highway No. 4 .checking- up on the levelg/ between Exeter and Kippen preparatory to putting down new pavemelit, tenders for which are now be.Rig called for. The men at work ajtb Messrs. Ralph O’Brien, Jack Bradley, John Killer, G. Allison, A. Pitt and Harold Down. Dr. G. F. Roulston, DE Office over C$rliQlF& Morley EXETER, ONT. r ■ CHEVROLET »matches Six® ©ylisader Perform with Striking Eco my ©e ROM the standpoint of dollar-for- dollar value, no other car can snatch the new Chevrolet Six. For Chevrolet combines the smooth, quiet, powerful per­ formance, which nothing less than a six can give, with low first cost and the keenest economy. Its sturdy* six-cylinder engine lias been stepped up to 50 horsepower i 1 with correspondingly improved acceleration and hill-climbing ability* Yet this increase in power is accompanied by no increase in fuel consumption. Definite new advancements in carburetion and manifolding / y and new cylinder-head design y y ensure unsur­ passed economy. Chevrolet’s greater power is under easy, instant control«— because of the new, im­ proved steering unit and the fully-enclosed, weather-proof, four-wheel brakes. for Economical ransp MILO SNELL, EXETER, ONT. J* E. McDonell, Hensall, Ont., Assoc* Dealer Chas* Fritz, Zurich, Ont*, Associate Dealer / REPORT OF S. S. NO. 11, STEPHEN The following is the report for February of Blackbush, S. S-. No. 11, Stephen. • Sr. IV—Jerome Dietrich 69, Hazel Disjardine 61. Jr. iv—Clara, Dietrich 69, Dor- o.thy Vincent 5 9, Elda Devine 51, H. Morenz 46. Sr. Ill—Pearl Wanner 67, Thelma Vincent 67, Eugene Dietrich 66, Ila Mason "40. / Jr. Ill—Trellis Disjardine 5 9, V. Disjardine and'Veva Adams tied 51; Ernest French 53, Lester Disjardine 49, Ira Vincent 37, Ervin Devine 36. 2nd Class—Merle Dietrich 59, Roy Morenz 49, Louis Dietrich 48, Loi;ne Wanner 4'3. 1st Class—Rita Dietrich 89, Lois Wanner 71, Eileen Disjardine 6 8, Henry Ziler 66, Lome Devine 63, E. Adams 47. Primer—EArl Dietrich 90, Viola Vincent 60, Sylvia Vincent 50, Alvin Wanner 40, Verna Vincent 10. * Number on roll 32; average at­ tendance 2S.1. L. M. Snell, teacher DR. E. S. STEINER VETERINARY SURGEON^ Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College jjv DAY AND f IGHT CALLS PROMPTLY.WTENDED .Tft v Corner of Main ami Ann Streets " Office in C. B. Snell’s Blocjir EXETER, ONT. CHIROPRACTIC, ELEOTRO-TRER VIOLE1 *' JOHN WA ARTHUR LICENSED A For Huron al FARM SALES PRICES R SATISFACTION Phone 57-1! R. B. NO. 1, DASHWOOD MAIN ST., CTIONKER TEOPATHK Y & ULTRA* 5ATMENT8 IALTY ABLE ARANTEED ashwood AYLO The new Chevrolet Six offers, toq| the beauty and luxury characteristic of hi ^priced cars. Its fine appearance is distinguished by the Iong,%oW lines and beautiful colorings of its ’ Fishen bodies y r by larger^balloon tires and cbromium-plated brigh^vork, inside and ou|. Wide* deeply-cusliio|icd seats with form-filing backs give unusi^l riding com­ fort / ^intensified by Dele ovejoy shock absorberf, front and rear. Before you^buy your next caf, drive the new . Chevrolet S|x y < and "eifli its assurance of greater Beauty, finer performance, econ­ omy and long life against if! that any other car in its price field can beautiful new ’models to at extremely lew prices 1 able on the G.MjLC. Defen B E C A U S E I you. Eight oose from 1 / y and all avail- d Payment Plan, ation A N ' DISTRICT NEWS Mr. Sandy Broad foot, of Tucker­ smith, had the misfortune, to have his thumb severely cut while cutting wood in the bush recently. He was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital in Seaforth for treatment. Fire broke out in the fine brick house of MT. Walter Nicholson near Mitchell. Word was sent to Mit­ chell for help and the firemen re­ sponded at one’e but on their arriv­ al it was found that the blaze been brought under control. About twenty five friends neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and tMrs. Matthew Haney, Tuck­ ersmith, it being their tenth wedd­ ing anniversary, Many useful ar­ ticles of kitchenware were received./ Gordon Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, of Kippen, car­ ried off the individual championship at the annual indoor athletic meet held in the college gymnasium at Guelph. Wright won first ln\ the high dive, running high jump, stand­ ing jump and standing broad jump. When a car driven by Mr. Smith, of Seaforthran into near'Guelph, Arthur Golding, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Golding, had and Robert a ditch , son of had his left leg broken just above the knee. The other two occupants of the car were unhurt. Since last fall Arthur has been confined to the house with a sore knee, lie had been down in the Western Hospital, 'Toronto, for on examination and was returning home when it happened, FRANK LICENSED jLUCTIOJj^'ER For Huron FARM SAL Prices Reason G EXETER 1 ..................— d . or RING 138 esex CIALTY Satisfaction KLOPP AUCTION OSCA LICENSED Honor Gradu tion School. £ in Registered L Merchandise^ Sales, Etc. prevailing p suredj write or phone 18-93, Zurich, Ont. e Carey/SfoneB’ Aug- urse takeiK. (all breed*) leaj^ Estate, Farm 4 keeping Satisfaction car Klopp, Zu CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.aJ’c., (Tdr.),. O.L.S., Registered Professional En­ gineer and Landlsur^ryot. Associate Membei* Engim^sri Canada. Office, fcofi'orth, Ontario. Institute TWORTHY ’ Phone 12 N GRANTON. ONTARIO ?