HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-03-13, Page 5of
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>wo doors
t Faculty
er or Science,
Western Ontario,
ollege ot physicians
of Ontario. Office
I. P. D
east of Post office.
Rhone HeshleaFce 114
Specialising i
{Telephone 1
T,L. D. S,
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Main Street
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Mrs. J. W. Bonthron is visiting
lier sister jn Pittsburg,
Mr. Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, was
A"week'-end visitor in town.
Mr, Ezra JCipfer has moved into
Miss Pybqs’ house on Mill St.
Mr, Ernest Jackson, of Stratford,
is spending a few days in town.
Miss Hazel Morenz spent the week
•end at her home in Dashwood. •
' Mr, McCague spoke on the bene
fit of good drainage and fertilizers.
Mr, Harold Scruton, of Parkhill,
spent the week-end-at his home here.
<3-undy, of Goderich, were in town
Mrs.. Robt. Patterson entertained
a. number of her friends ou Monday
■evening last.
Miss Morrene Ducharme, of Dash
wood, has accepted a position with
Mr. Robt. Munn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of
.Stratford, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown.
Miss Ruby McLaren spent a few
days last week visiting her sister
Mrs. Alf-. Hunkin of Farquhar.
Mrs. R. J. Nichols, of Wyoming,
, is spending a few days at the home
-of (Misses Emma and Mary Johnston.
Mrs.. R. J. Nichols, of Wyoming,
is spending a few days at the home
4)1 Misses Emma and Mary Johnston.
Mrs. David McLean who has spent
this last year visiting relatives and
friends in the West has returned to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vincent spent
the week-end visiting with Mrs. Vin
cent's parents Mr. and Mrs. H.
Castle, of Clinton.
Mrs. Wm. Hoskins,
•visiting at the home
and mother
Mr. Thos.
■spent a few
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. J. W. Ortwein has greatly im
proved the property on King Street,
•that he recently purchased from the
Provincial Highway Engineers
have been busy these last few days-
Purveying the London Road from
Kippen to Exeter.
' Dr. .and Mrs. Cawtlirope, of. Tavi
stock, spent Sunday visiting Mrs.
■Cawthrope’s mother and sister Mrs.
Dick and Mrs. Bell. -
Mrs.' Bertram North has returned
to her home in Woodstock after
spending a .month visiting relatives
and friends in town..
Mr. and Mrs. H. Woods, of Galt,
who have been selling off 'the Jack-
son stock have closed up the store
and gone back to Galt.
Mrs. Laird Mickle entertained a
lew friends on Friday evening last.
Mr. John Govenlock, of Seaforth,
was in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. (Matthew Clark who
have been occupying Mrs. McLean’s
home for the winter have again mov
ed back to Tuck er smith.
Mr. Wilson Carlyle, who recently
sold his farm -on the Parr Line is
anoving into town and is occupying
Mr. Petty’s house on Queen Street.
The auction sale of tile and -other
effects of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pfaff
•took1 place on Saturday afternoon
iapt. The tile all sold for good prices
The auditorium of the United
church will be re-opened on Sunday
after being closed for three weeks
while the decorators redecorated the
■ Mrs. John Richardson has return
ed to her home on the Parr Line af
ter a very pleasant
-daughter Mrs. Alf.
Mr. Ray Webber
5orm David Cantelon the five acres
■on the south side of the village. Mr.
Webber intends starting a chicken
Mr. Harold Warner has rented
the store which will be vacated in
the -near future by Mr. Henry Pfile
mid intends fitting it up for his har
der shop. «*
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore at
tended the funeral of the late Mr.
Cann in Exeter on Saturday after-
aioon last. Mr. Cann was Mrs.
Passmore’s father.
OUr local onion men have started
this week to ship out tile Dutch Sets,
their regular monthly meeting' on
Monday evening last. All tlie
members being present, and quite a
dot of -business was transacted.
The young people of Carmel Pres
byterian church held their meeting
•on Monday evening. Iasi in the form
of a social, After the program,
•contests and games were indulged in
sifter which a dainty lunch was serv
ed. . .
ML Conrad Volland has purchas
ed li*om .Mrs. Thos. BimpsOn lier pro
perty on Queen St. M’L Simpson in
tends holding an auction sale Of
ber household effects and expects la
leave Hensall,
Wm. Lemmon and daughter
Sunday with relatives in Mit-
Albert Whitesides and Mr. T.
•Miss Mary McRalg, of Exeter, spoilt
the week-end at her home hero.’ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield, of
Exeter, visited relatives here Sun
Mr, and Mrs. John Buchanan, of
London, spent the week-end visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Messrs. Lloyd Passmore, and Ray
Pfaff spent the week-end at their
homes here,
Miss O’Connell, of Dublin, has ac
cepted a position as bookkeeper with
Cook Bros.
Mr. Wm. Otterbein is this week
moving up in Mr. Alex Stuart’s farm
on the London Road,
Mrs. Thos.. Berry has returned
home after spending the winter with
her sons in Windsor,
The j-lensall Spring Show will be
held, on Tuesday, April the 1st,
weather permitting.
Miss Alva Shaddock returned to
her home after a very pleasant trip
with friends in Chicago,
Mr. Henry pfile, who recently sold
his boot and shoe business here in
tends leaving shortly for Colborno
Township where he intends to en
gage in farming. Mr. and Mrs.
Pfile will be missed in the village
especially in the United church
where they always took an active
part. Mr. Pfile being superinten
dent of the Sunday School and Mrs.
Pfile a teacher and they both sang
in the choir.
The > Young People of the United
Church held their meeting in the
form of a- social on Monday evening
with Walter. Spencer in charge. Af
ter the devotional exercises, Misjs
Gregory, a representative of the
Canadian Chautauqua, was called on
for a short address. She gave an
Interesting account of the history of
the Chautauqua, The Hyde orches
tra gave a selection which was great
ly enjoyed by the audience. The topic
was given by Miss "Morrison after
wards Miss Gladys Luker favored
them with an instrumental. After
the hymn (Mrs. Lee Hedden gave a'
solo, accompanied by Miss Gladys
Luker on the piano ; followed by an
other 'selection by the Hyde orches
At the close a dainty lunch
Weeds and Seeds Meeting
meeting, was held in the Town
on Thursday afternoon put on
Mr. and
of London, is
of her father
Mrs, Duncan
Verden, Man.,'T'app, of
days last week visiting
visit with her
Smith of Lon-
mail mute number two and from the
station to the post office;
He was a lover of good horses hnd
during his time owned a number of
splendid driving horses. He was al
so a musician of note and has won
a number of prizes in fiddlers con
tests throughout the country during
the past few years.
Mi> Murdock spent a busy, active
life and up to two or three weeks
ago he was actively engaged in
carrying the mail between the post
office and the station. But his
friends saw that he was failing fast
and after talcing t<y liis bed about 3
weeks ago he gradually weakened
till the end came, »
Besides his sorrowing widow he
leaves to mourn his loss three dau
ghters Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, of To
ronto; Mrs, Hoggarth, of Calgary
and Miss Ethel Murdock at home,
'The funeral which was private,
was held on Monday afternoon with
interment in the Hensall Union cem
etery. The Rev. A. Sinclair, pastor,
of the United Church, conducted the
services. The pall-bearers were
Messrs, Fred Hess, T. C. Joynt, Fred
Manns, Thos. Palmer, Jas. Robinson
and E. Rannie.
Those who attended the funeral
from a distance were: Dr. and Mrs.
Campbell, Toronto; Mr. Hugh Mur
do,clc and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eac-
rett, of Woodstock’; Mr. A. J. Mur
dock, of Burlington, Mich.; Mr, and
Mrs. Alex Atkinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Troxer, Bay City, Mich..
Mr. A. D. Wallace, Mrs. D. A. Mc
Ewen, ■ and Mr Alex McFalls,. Lon
don; Mr. and Mrs. ,C.XW. Haivk-
shaw and Grant Hawkshhw, Lucan;
Miss Edith Foster, Tonawanda, N.Y.
and the Misses Martha and Flossie
Hunter, of Exeter. •
Those who sent flowers were: P.
O. staff, Hensall; Mrs. and Miss
Farn, London; Miss K. Sells, Lon
don; Mr. and Mrs. Eacrett, Wood-
stock; Mrs. Peck, Hensall; Mr. Lem
mon, Hensall; Miss Carmichael,
Hensall; Miss Stewart, Hensall; Mr.
Blowes, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. J.
McArthur, Ingersoll; Dr. and Mrs.
Campbell Toronto; J. D. and K.
Campbell, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. G.
Hunter, Centralia; Mrs. Thos-.
Clinton;. Mr. and* Mrs. Ale&
ston, Simcoe; Miss E. Fearer,
wanda,- ' “I
THl’I’.Sn.VY, MARCH 13, )»80
These Prices Good Only March 13, 14, 15, 17 and 18th
We Deliver
49c. a lb.
4 for 25c
Gdld Meda
Bui Bncks and Pints
our »pecial
6 pounds for 25c.
2*3 Heavy Syrup 2 for 45c.
Large Boxes, 3 for 25c.
3 tins for 19c.
In Brine/ dressed, 40c. doz.
Salad Dressing, 12 oz. jar fojT25c.
Fish skq|is very smajJFSpecial tin 15c.
Z (Many Flower.) COLuYrEAM SOAP
I Guest size free witte&acli cake at 3 lor
ust like home-made) at 20c. a pound
While they last at per lb. 30
Tuesdays and Thursdays 30c. a lb.
2 for 23c.
Sweet and Juicy per dozen 40c
Finest Creamery Butter
at per lb. 41c.
Wm. Sproat,
about the results
by the use of
of Seaforth,
already ob-
Huron and
by Mr. C. McCague, Agricultural Re
presentative of Huron County. This
is one of the series of meetings be
ing put on by Mr. 'McCague in the
interests of agriculture, fertilizer
and weed destruction. A large
crowd of farmers were present and
a deep interest shown. Mr. G. E.
Toole, of New Market gave splendid
address on seeds, weeds and smuts.
Mi< W. H. Blackburn, of Wood-
stock, gave an explanation of 3i3 per
cent, natural phosphates mined in
A number of representatives of
different fertilizer companies were,
present and secured a number of or
lime on the farms of
Mr. Jonathan Hugill,
who is one of the largest potato
growers in Huron County spoke on
how to grow a good crop of potatoes
and the proper fertilizer to use.
Council Meeting
Owing to the absence .of the Reeve
who was in Goderich on Monday and
Tuesday the regular monthly meet
ing was held on Friday evening, last
with all .the members present, The
minutes of last meeting were read
and adopted on motion of Petty and
Ortwein. A number of communica
tions were read and ordered filed.
Councillor Petty reported that a
number of trees in the village were
dead or needed to be removed.
Councillors Ortwein and Petty
were instructed to examine the trees
and if necessary have them cut down
Mr. Coles, manager of the Bank
of Montreal was present, making ar
rangements for the transfer of the
current account of the village
the Bank of Commerce to the
of Montreal.
•The Reeve stated that the
of the village' books being made by
Mr. Frank Gibbs, of Stratford, was
not yet completed, but he expected
that it would be finished
A number of accounts
sented and ordered paid
of Consitt and Cameron.
Considerable discussion
of Seaforth,
this week,
were pre-
on motion
took place
on the drain to be run up Queen St.,
west, but the matter was left ovei*
till the ground was examined.
The meeting then adjourned to
meet again at the call of the Reeve
. Y.
H. CoDr. H
n, L.D.S., fa.D.S.
At off In Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
Mr. Czar Kellerman is visiting in
Toronto. /
Mrs. I-I. Eidt, of Ingersoll, spent
a few days with her mother Mrs.
Stade. 1
Miss Grace Guenther, of’Stratford,
spent the week-end with her brother
Mr. and Mrs. E. Guenther.
Miss Ruth Humble, of. .Sarnia,
spent a few days with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. O.’ Restemeyer and
Mrs. P. Mclsaac spent Sunday 'With!
friends in St. Miirys.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and family
spent Sunday in Hensall.
Miss Myrtle Beaver, of London,
spent a few days in town.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Fassold, of Crum-
lin, spent Sunday with relatives.
Mrs. Shenck has returned aftei’
spending the past two weeks- with
her sister in Toronto.
Miss Ruth Tieman entertained a
number of her friends to a birthday,
party on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. G. Fisher has returned after
spending the winter in Detroit.
Miss Mary E. Vincent, of London,
is visiting her parents.
lyhen the auditors’ report;, would, be 4.15.
considered. " ‘
Death of Thompson Murdock
Hensall is again called on this
week to mourn the loss of one of its oldest and highly respected citizens,
in the person of Mr. Thompson Mur
dock, who passed away at liis home
here on Friday morning last in .liis
83rd. year.
Possibly ho man in Western On
tario was better
Murdock and the
will be received
and rogret by his
Mr. Murdock was born at Lucan
and spent his early life there. I-Ie
was married soma 55 years ago to
Jams Hunter, a member of one of
UsbOrne’s best known families.
Shortly after they moved to Hensall
and have been continuous residents
ever since. <
For a great many years Mr. Mur
dock conducted the well-known Mur
dock livery and, sale stables, of Hen-
sall and also conducted a draying
business and had the contract for
known than Mr.
news of his death
with deep sorrow
numerous friends.
Mrs. Harry Lewis spent the week
end at London.
Mr. Henry
end with his
Mr. Elgin
spent Sunday
and Mrs. J. Woodall.
Dlr, and Mrs. J. Brown and
ily of Zurich, spent Sunday
Mrs. Brown’s parents Mr. and
Herman Oestreicher.
Mrs. George, who recently
here from the West was taken to the
London Hospital on Sunday^
Mr. Stuart Kuhn, of Kitchener,
spent the week-end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and
son Jack, of Exeter spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson.
(Mrs. Harry Mills, of Centralia and
Mrs. -Geo. Hays, of near Exeter, spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Miss Helen Mclsaac of London,
and Mr. Lester Maclsaac of Detroit,
visited with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Maclsaac on Sunday.
The members of the United church
Mission Circle held their
meeting in the basement
church on Tuesday, March
Motz spent the week-
children at London.
Woodall of Detroit,
with Jils parents Mr.
of the
4tli at
A number of hockey fans
ed the hockey game in the
Arena last Thursday evening. Some
were unfortunate in hot gaining at
Mrs, J. Sims was rushed’ to St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sat
urday, and was operated on for
acute appendicitis. She is doing as
well as Can be expected.
Mrs. J. Cockwell is on the Sick
list and Mrs. Job. Sims was taken to
the London Hospital last week where
she was operated on. Their friends
wish them a speedy recovery.
Mrs. J. Mallett, Miss Dorothy
Mallett and ’Mr. Arthur Hynd of
London were Sunday visitors at the
homes of Mt, and Mrs. Edward Fah*
nor and Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Fink*
with her daughters.
Mrs. Henry Motz entertained a
number of the lathes at hqr home on
Wednesday night to a fowl supper.
The table was full of everything that
was good and every one went home
well pleased with the good time they
Two weeks of special services will
be held in the Evangelical church
beginning with next Sunday evening
The , week-night services will begin
at 8 o’clock. Various organizations
have charge of the song service and
a special number when their turn
comes. The C. I. C. and Star Class
es for Monday evening; the Dorcas
Band for Tuesday evening; the choir
together with all ex-members of
choirs for Wednesday evening; the
.Young People of the .congregation
and community for Friday evening.
Many people love to hear Evangelis
tic sermons. Everybody cordially
invited to take part in these services,
Wm. Sippell, pastor.
'The Women’s Institute met in
their usual place Tuesday afternoon
March 4th. Mrs. H. Young, the
president, graced the. chair.- After
singing the Institute ode and offer
ing the Lord’s Prayer . in-. Unison,
business was transacted. The roll
was called and members-responded
with “garden and poultry.; bints,” the
subject for the March’ meeting. Mrs.
C. Haist. who is agricultural representative, gave an interesting paper
on lines pertaining to ''the subject.
Little Miss Laura Woodall gave a
vocal solo. Mrs. Dan hjplsaac .gave
a synopsis of the “Diampiid-weddfhg
jubilee’’ of Mr. and Mi’s. G. K.
Braun, of Crediton. Mrs? Braun has
often addressed the Institute. Miss
Clara Morlock rendered'a vocal solo.
A social half hour followed. Mrs. C.
Zwiclcer, Mrs. Eli Braun and Mrs.
Thos. Mawhinney were the hostesses.
After the social half hour twenty-
four took part in a darning contest.
Mrs. Bert Kessel won first and Mrs.
Clayton Sims second. A vote of
thanks was heartily given to all who
took part in the program,- the hostj
esses and the judges.
Community Supper '
Last Wednesday evening the an
nual community supper was held in
Mrs. Clark’S Hall. Over 100 men
Sat down to a bountiful supper con
sisting of oysters and chicken. This
is the first time, tliatjbe invitation
was extended to those living outside
the village and if this supper is aiiy
indication of what the future will
be, a larger hall must be obtained.
After supper, Mr. Telfer, Chair
man of the program committee took
Charge in his usual happy manner.
The speakers of the evening were
Major Wood, Manager of the Lon
don Chamber of Commerce and Mr.
A. G. Richmond, representing the
Colonization Department of the C.
Pacific Railway in Western Ontario,
Both speakers delivered excellent
addresses. Mr. Wood spoke at some
length on “Building a Balanced
Community” and throughout his dis
course erected a pyramid consisting
of blocks on which were printed the
different institutions which go to
wards building a balanced commun
ity. Mr. Richmond referred to
work of the C. P. R. in bringing
migrants to Canada from Europe,
had been recently appointed,by
Railway Company to arrange
bring out laborers to solve the scarc
ity of farm help in this district.
Throughout the evening several
community songs were sung and the
orchestra rendered a* few of their
choice - numbers, 'tho male quar
tette also sang a few selections. Rev,
Mr, Hagelstein and Rev. ML Sippell
delivered short addresses. A very
hearty vote of thanks was tendered
Major Wood and Mr, Richmond for
their excellent addresses.
and )Mrs. Will. Heatherley and
Frank Shielding, of London,
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H.
Mrs. Henry Motz returned
with them to spent n week
New beauty in cabinet design, plus
all the marvels of Victor tone and
performance, makes this exquisite
new model—R-34—the natural choice
of those whose discrimination de-
'mands the finest that radio can offer
today ... the logical choice of those
who recognize the best dollar-for-
dollar value.
Micro-synchronous Victor Radio is
unrivalled at any price—yet we offer
, this superb instrument for $255>
complete ... on easy terms! ff
beautiful new
Victor console
)Mr. Henry Hern visited for a few
days With his brothers Messrs. Phil
lip and James Hern, of Exeter, this
Messrs. Earl Hern and Elgin Hern
have returned to Toronto after
spending several days at their home
here. Earl Hern has b'een success
ful in passing his examination in
electricity at the Trade School, To
ronto, receiving 95 per cent. .
Zion young people are going to
Brinsley Thursday evening to put on
their play. ,
The Women’s Missionary Society
held their ’annual social evening on
Thursday evening, March 6th when
about seventy^gathered at the home
of the president Mrsi Warren Brock.
The president took cnarge of the first
part of the meeting. Rev. Mr. L.
White then took the chair.
ThO program was divided into two
parts, the first part was given by the
older members, which consisted of
-a chorus; singing by a miked quar
tette, Mr. T. Brock, Mrs. H, Kyle,
Mrs, w. Batten and Mrs. E. Hern; !
reading by Herman Kyle; duet by!
Mrs. W. J. Brock and Mr. Ephraim
Hern; recitation by Rev, Mr. White;
solo by Mr, R.. e. Pooley; instru
mental -duett by Mrs. Alf. Brock and
Mrs. J. Johns- reading by Mrs. 0.
Jaques; duet by Mrs. J. Johns and
Mr. Thomas Brock; reading by Mrs.
H. Kyle; solo |
reading by ML
the first and.
Mrs. White gave a Missionary story.
The second part of the program
was given by the younger members
consisting of: a .chorus; violin and.
mouth-organ selection by Mr. Well
ington Brock and Mr. Earl Johnston
accompanied on the piano by {Mrs. E.
Johnston; recitation by Mrs. R. E.
Pooley; singing by a mixed quar
tette, Mr. H. Hern, Miss Hazel Earl,
Mrs. White and Mrs. Earl Johnston;
recitation hy Miss McNeight; Mar
jorie Earl not yet 4 years old’ sang;
“Hear the Pennies Dropping’’ accom
panied On the piano by her sister
Edith; instrumental duet by Misses
Hazel and Myrtle Earl; dialogue by
Mrs. Harold Hern and Mrs. Welling
ton Brock; solo by iMiss Hazel Earl;
Violin and mouth organ selection by
Mr. Earl Johnston and Wellington
Brock; duet by Mrs. R. E. Pooley
and Mr. Earl Johnston.
The social hour consisted of con
tests directed' by Rev. Mr. White,
followed by refreshments. The ev-
ning closed by singing “God be With
you till me meet again/’
Willis Haytei*, who has beeh
by Mr. IL E. Pooley;
Melvillo Hern between
second program Rev,
spending, the last two months in De
troit has reiftrned to Ills home hero.
'Mr. and Mrs, Colin Love visited
on Sunday afternoon with Miss Sat*
ah Hedging.
Mr, gild Mrs.
Corbett, sjient
With Miss LeOne
Milton Pollockr Of
iStinday afternoon