HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-03-05, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE^Thursday. march onu 103a *v piece at music X® remember: .th a c MflSs SgK MRS- GEORGE COPELAND The death occurred on Wednesday of last week of Mrs. George Cope­ land, at the home of her father, Hugh Berry, in Usborne, following a few weeks’ illness. Mrs. Copeland was married only Just summer. She was a member of the Anglican Church, and leaves, besides her hus­ band, her parents, one brother, Al­ lan, and one sister, Mabel, all at home. Private funeral services were held Friday to Kirkton Angli­ can cemetery. * *** * **** $$ # £ DO IT NOW &****** When you’ve got a job to do Do it now! If it’s one you wish was’through Do it now! *' If you’ve sure the job's your own * Just tackle it alone Don’t hem and haw and Do it now! on credit amounts. Parties from ta distance will be asked to furnish bank reference. Everything is going to be sold as the proprietor is giving up farming. ARTHUR WEBER. Auctioneer WM. S. JOHNSTON, ADDIE TIEMAN Clerks MILFORD MERNER, Proprietor PHONE 50 -; j, 4 I groan * St< AUCTION SALE — of Radio In^very phase of performance, Victor io has proven that it does every- ing known to radio . . . DOES IT ETTER and is unrivalled at any price! Now, in this lovely new console, we offer all chose qualities which have made Victor outstanding in radio ... at a value absolutely unequalled today . . . $255 complete. Allow us to demon- McCULLAGH—-GREGORY A quiet wedding took place at the United Church parsonage, Kirkton, when Florence Kathleen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Gregory, of Kirkton, was united in marriage to James Cooper MeCullagh, son of Mr. and Mrs. John MeCullagh, of Us­ borne. Rev. T. A. Bell officiated and the bride and groom were at­ tended by Miss Agnes Greason and Mr. Carman Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. MeCullagh will reside at their home in Usborne. >*v* mcquanca louay . . . Allow us to demon­ strate this truly beau­ tiful walnut master­ piece of music tettfis'^nng it within the'reach, of all. HOWEY’S DRUGSTORE EXETER ACTION DISWSSED WITH COSTS• At County Court held at Goderich in December last John Edgar Daw­ son sued his uncle and aunt, Archie Dawson and Margaret Dawson, of Kirkton for $820 wages. He claimed that he had been working in De­ troit making $20.00 per week and when he visited the old couple in January T928 they induced him to remain under a promise that they ■would pay him the same. The Daw­ sons do not work the farm so that the nephew’s work was chiefly doing a few chores in winter. They de­ nied there was any agreement and the jury at Goderich held in their favor as to this but allowed the plaintiff at the rate of $7.00 per week or $3150. The Defendants had paid $200' into Court as an offer of settlement but nevertheless the judge ordered them to pay all the., costs. On the advice of their coun­ sel Mr. J. G. Stanbury, of Exeter, they case by a day. Chief Justice Mulock granting the appeal with costs, dismissing the claim with costs and returning the $200. to the Defendants. Mr. Stan­ bury argued the appeal on behalf of the Defendants and Mr. W. Lawi^, K.C., of Toronto, on behalf of the Plaintiff. LOGIE MISSION BAND The Logie Mission Band St. Church held their monthly meet­ ing on Monday afternoon in the School room of the church. The president Jeannette Taman presided. The secretary Patsy Martin called the roll to which the members re­ sponded by a verse of Scripture af­ ter which they repeated the pledge. The minutes of tpe last meeting were then read and the treasurer, Eva Pearce gave her rport. The fees were then paid and badges dis­ tributed after which Jack Doerr, se­ cretary for “World Friends’’ gave out the papers to all the members. The program consisted of a violin solo by Marion Powell, a vocal solo by Thelma Hopkey, a story by the superintendent, a brief address by Mrs. Mollard and “Jesus Loves Me’.’ by Edith Armstrong. As a result of the Calendar Con­ test, Eileen Andrew was presented with three books; Marion Powell and Ruth Pearce each received a Band Life Membership and pin while Elva Elliott, Kathleen Thelma Hockey each book. **®ev. Moorhouse and Johnston each spoke words. contributed in no small degree to ■success of the meeting. of Main TWO CAI These ar from 3 to 8 of drivers, and in the dies and br TERIMS- nishing api per cent, p G. H. ELL KINSMAN 3 MORSES Mr. G. H. Elliott has been instificted to sell 1»y Public Auction Lot 2, Cqi 1VEDNESD 1.3 1030 io, tuckers; Y, MARCH 1>; all quie addle» jOADS OEJHORSEg horses a span quiet s,j|Fgle or double our riding sad- ears of ths’ credit on fur­ joint notes, with num added. T, Auctioneer OS., Proprietors " mu ii*m» i m—i -w 6 Kestle and received a Mr. W. H. encouraging The pianist Violet Gambrill the appealed to Toronto .and the was reviewed at Osgoode Hall Court of five Judges on Mon- jJudgment was1 delivered by . AUCTION SALE Canadian Chautauqua Festival to be held — IN THE — Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday March 14, 15, 17, 18 What the Simc/e Reformer says: “CHAUTAUQUA PROVED AN UNQUALIFIED ’"SUCCESS. MUSICAL PROGRAMMES AND ADDRESSES WERE OF THE HIGHEST OPvDER, BRINGING THE WORLD’S BEST IN MUS­ IC, DRAMA, LITERATURE AND ENTERTAINMENT TO RURAL COMMUNITIES. CHAUTAUQUA IS OF REAL EDUCATIONAL VALUE TO ANY COMMUNITY AND DESERVES THE HEARTY SUPPORT OF THeJtOWN.” --------V-------- DAILY program | FRIDAY, hlARCH 14th EVENING— B, I- “The Patsy’’-4?Sparkling Comedy of Youth, Romance A® g Ugly Duckling— Martin Erwin Players . p Admission $1.00 j] SATURDAY, MARCH 15111 AFTERNOON— R ft ■Concert—Peerjess Instrumentalists and Vocalists K Petrie Quintette“ThALand of Mie Kangaroo,” by a Charming Young TellslVividly o'f'LHer Native Land. J. ’ Constance Neville-Johns A (Emission 75 c. EVENING- Lecture- —.___ Australian WhoIEVENING^- Grand Concert-^— Petrie Quintette {■- ftlONDJ _ -JzXWIUV.1—“ V' ®-Popular Concert—-Distinguished Artist Trio.AFTERN00N- and A< I'onstance Neville-Johns. |iiissiou 75c. K.’, 31 ARCH 16th Admission 75c» Cutler-Austin Artists EVENING— Concert Lecture—“Inside Light of Present-Day Chinese Diplomat and Statesman Admission 75e. _ TUESDAY, MARCH 17th Cutler-Austin ArUstA^China,” by NOtOm. | Dr. Tehyi Hsldp ' EVENING— “Give and Take,”—Hilarious Comedy of Modern Business Martin Erwin Players Admission $1.00 SEASON TICKETS Adults », Children (lax included) $2.00 ....................... $1.00 (No provincial tax on children’s tickets) Afternoon Programs ........................ ............................... 3.30 p.m. Evening Programs ............... ......................................... . S.00 p.m. TICKETS ARE TBANSFERABLF/ IN OWNER'S IMMEDIATE FAxMILY ONLY. All programs as above unless otherwise announced from the platform. Over 500 communities in the Dominion are having Canadian Cliatitauqua this season. ; ‘ ' * reserved seats tickets for entire program 50c. EXTRA. PLAN OF HALL AT HOWEY’S DRUGSTORE WILL OPEN SATURDAY 5IORN1NG, MuMKTI Sih, AT TEN O’CLOCK. On Tuesday afternoon a pleasant birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Grant when a number of mothers with their chil­ dren were entertained in honor of Master Donald Grant’s first birth­ day. The table was beautifully de­ orated with pink and white stream-' ers leading up to a large white bell and centred by a large birthday cake. UNDER CHAWEL MORTGAGE AND UNDER EXECUTION The undersigned has received in­ struction to s^l :by public auction at . 2, STEPHEN TWP. on — ! MARCH 14tlj, 1930 'o’clock the following iCATTL -8 young cows in calf; iteers ©bming 2 years old; 4 heif- comj^g 2 years old; 7 last spring AUCTION SALE — of --- HOUSE AND LOT IN J|tETER The undesigned lias bei instruct­ ed to offer for sale by public auc­ tion on the premises, onf SATURDAY, MARCH at 2 o’clock p>iThe residence prope.^y known as Part of. Lot 4, on the^West side of William St., Gidley’s rvey, Exeter, being 4116 property of^the late Mrs. Caroline G. Ford.On N brick hluse. and „ TERI of sale alfd balan session Will be sd! and condit had on aj) Solicitors. GLADMAN „ _ for AdministWtor. W, J. FORD, Administrator FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 5, 1930 ie property FRIDA at Lot. 15, Cq® e$&heron mare 6 years old. I^iure Spreader. hay. • 18 hens. TERMS OF (SALE—CASH/ F. FtAYLOR, Auctioneer ‘-r-'i-........ ------ AUCTION SALE F a comfortable It is ffentrally located, bsidence. per cent, on day Hn 30 days. Pos- pletion of sale. sulJFect to reserved bid, F sale which may be Jic^ion to undersigned STANBURY, Solicitors ji ii i ii wi I........ ..................... !■» AUCTION SALE ........ — of — FARM PROPERTY, FARM aSTOCHJ and implements The undersigned has been instruct ed to sell by public auction, unfleE and by virtue of a mortgage, which, will be produced at the saje on fh^ premises I Lot 1, Con, 11, II.R.S., Tuckersmitlfi. M’EDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1930 ( at one-thirty, o’clock P-m. CHATTELS—Bay horse, 6 year-­ old, four white feet; Buy horse fouij years old; 2-year-old brown filly; 1' Brown mare 13 years old* 1 red an4- white cow 7 years old; 1 light grey; cow 4 years old; 3 red cows 5 to 6- years old, 1 part Jersey cow; on® white cow 6 years old; 1 Poled-An-’ gus bull 1 year old; 3 black yearly ings; 3 spring calves; 1 McCoi|nick* Dearing binder; Frost & Woodjpnow-*- er. steel hayrake; steel roll ; Mc-« Cormick drill; 2 walking pl s; ®et bob sleighs; truck wagon; sets of diamond harrows; stiff toglh culti-t vator, ItfcCormic'lv-Dearingjjp harness. REALlESTATE—The far known &s Lot No. 1, Coib Tuckers be sold On the house, b dation 36 good well creek at are 9 ac acres fal new drai This is condition, churches TERM $25.00 c amount 6 ed joint cent, pex* Real Es chase mo balance wi sion upon . _ privilege meantime to cultivate soil.. For further terms and conditions of sale apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter* and I-Iensall, Solicitors for Mortga- FRANK TAYLOR, Exeter, Auction* eer. ’ property; 1, H.R.S., ith Township,>vhich will- ubject to a ^served bid- operty is lk barn witj 72 ft.; 8 ; and a nev e side of a in fal mon ploughqj!. good frama stone form­ es of bush; at failing spring;: le farm. There- wheat and 20> 200 rods . otT have re&ntly been put in4 n excellent farm in good convergent to school^. els—All sales of , cash; over that s’ credit on ap.prov- ith interest at G pei; 10 per cent, of pur- i date of sale, and ifn thirty days. Posses-- ftnpletton of sale, but Local News Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London, spent Sunday in town. A number of school reports are being held over until next week. Mr. Harry Lewis, of Delewiare, visited friends in town on Sunday. • Mrs. T. S. Woods returned Satur­ day after visiting for .a time in To­ ronto and Oakville. Mr. Sid Davis had an old time wood bee on Monday when a quant­ ity of wood was cut. Miss Mona Gould, of Stratford, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cutbush and other relatives in town. Mr. F. _R. Kestle left last week for Seaforth where lie will make his fu­ ture home with his son Mr. C. W. Kestle. i Master Jack Ha^pess, who recent­ ly met with a serious accident and has been ill in Victoria Hospital, con­ tinues to improve. Mr. J. M. Wether.wax, of Aberdeen, Wash., a famous magazine writer, spent Wednesday in Exeter with Mrs. O. M. Skelton. Mrs. R. Fulton Irwin, of Centra­ lia, was a ghest at the home of F. S.* •Sauvage, of Seaforth, during the past week. Mrs. Andrew Dougall, of London Road North, who underwent an op­ eration in St. Joseph’s Hospital, in London, returned day. Master Douglas last week taken Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims^ against the estate of JOHN WILHELM, late of the Tonwship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on the Stl^day of Febru­ ary g30, are required to forward their is, duly B'oven to H. Eil- ber & ’\Ron, CreditSm. the 15t AND __ that aftei%the saM date, the tors ..... tate having>'eg£ which they t Dated thisW A. D. 1930, Mrs. Lavina O.; Charles O., Executors. of OTICE . on or rch 19,30. Js further before given execu- tlie es-distribute 'd to the claims of shall have notice, h day of February home on Wednes- Harness, who was __ to Hospital in London, pneumonia returned greatly improved. The many friends _ Cann who is seriouslly ill at his home on' Andrew Street, will regret to know that he> has well the past few days, Miss Alice Handford Monday evening after the Children’s suffering with home Monday of Mr. Charles not been as returned on spending a week in Windsor where she was call­ ed owing to the death of her brother- in-law, the late H. W. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs., Ezra Brenner, of Grand Bend, called on the latter’s uncle Mr. Edward Small, at the home of Mr. Thos. Houidey on Monday. The latter continues quite ill. Mrs. John Sanders, of Chilliwack, B. C., in renewing het subscription to the Times-Advocate says: “The paper would be greatly missed if not bent ns we sWt read of some of my past chums and acquaintances pass­ ing out which We would never hear bf dtliefwise. Mr, Sanders is keep­ ing well so far. We had a pretty cold winter for b. c./ lots of rain fell but it is spring-like just how. Kindest regards to one and alt P. P. Vilhelm, Dashwood, Roeszler, Crediton, 2-27-2tc — of — FARM STOCK AND LMPLEMENTS On Lot 15, Con. 9, 1% miles east and lVX mile south of Zurich and 2i, miles east’and 3% miles north of Dashwood, on THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930 At 12:30 o’clock sharp the following HORSES—Matched team of Cly­ des rising 6 and 7 years old, weigh-' ing 33 00 pounds; Clyde horse nine years old weighing 1'500 pounds; 1 grey mare 8 years old; bay Clyde horse 8 years old; black Percheron more 10-years old; bay mare 12 yrs. old; carriage horse 9 years old; 1 driving mare 12 years old; driving mare 8 years old; black driving mare 5 years old, works single or double. CATTLE—Spot cow 7 yrs. old due at time of sale; fresh cow with calf at foot; Brindle cow.,,'7 years-old, due in M,ay; fresh co&r 4 years old; well bred Holstein cvW 4 years old due in August; 2 Herefords with Calf at foot; red cowM years old with calf at foot; Roan cdt^ due April the 10th; Hereford cov||due at time of sale; 2 farrow c with calf at foot; r at foot; i ' .pld; heifer rising “^‘ears; roan heif- pr rising 1 year; 2^teers rising 1 yr. jd, 2 baby beeve PIGS—5 small OULTRY- . Leg.., Roclk pullets, 2 i keysB I duck, 1 J EMENT n good bindeiifcz-ft. cut.f|h good shape; M.H. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY all creditors ‘ and oth IVEN that having claims against the esta$ of WIL- CALDWELL,relate of the e County of seventh day 0, are requir- Jms duly prov- d on or before ch A. D., 1930. FURTHER GIV- s; roan heifer 1 heifer with calf 3 steers. Bising two years tooth citl hope disc McCormic Oliver bea bined; 4- igs five weeks old yearling Rock pullets; 40 grey bblers and 2 tur- ■ake. 3 M.H. binders & Pricing order; M.H. J-ly new; M. H. 5-ft. t & Wood 10-ft steel ; 13-hoe McCormick In good condition; 1 seed drill; 13-hoe seed drill; 13-spring r; steel roller; Tud- foretruck nearly new; c with foretruck; 1 iffler with puller com- on harrows; wagon ood wagon; truck wa- y rack nearly new; 1 000 lb, scales; Clinton Liester cutting box and pipes new, exten- new bob sleighs, Port- top bpggies, 3 light cart, Cockshutt walk- Fleury walking plow, 12 set of sling mower cut mo rake ne fertilize! Deering Frost & ne,ariy new gon; 16-ft. gravel box; fanning mi with blowei slop ladders land cutter, wagons, road ing plow now. manure spreader, ropes new, set heavy britchen har­ ness, back band harness new, 2 back band harness in good condition, 3 sets of single harness, fence stret* Cher, canthook, logging chains, 2 set?; of 3-horse trees; forks, shovels, spades, 2 sets of 2-horse eVeners, 2 neckyokes, good cattle dog, wheel­ barrow, DeL>aval cream separator 600 lb. cap; root pulperi scoop shov­ el, and numerous other articles. TERMS—Poultry, and all sums of $10.00 and upder, cash: over that amount 7 months’ credit 'Will bo given on furnishing approved joint notes with straight off for cash l LIAM T. Village of Hensail, in j Huron, who died on of February A. D. 1 ed tb forward their en t^ the undersig the ...„ ... ANDkNOTICE I _ EN thaltafter tlie^faid date the Exe­ cutor wS est; claims of notice. DATED day of Febri GLA of proce to distribute the ard only to the hicljfhe then shall have 26thOnt. this A. D. 1930. IAN & STANBURY Hensail & Exeter Executor’s Solicitors AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction- ON LOT 19 NORTH BOUNDARY ^TEPHEN , 1 % miles east of Dashwood, on , TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1930 at one o’clock sharp the following:] . HORSES—Bay horse rising seven:, years; chestnut mare rising 7 yeat®- bay horse rising 10 years; baycar*- riuge horse rising. 14 years. CATTLE— calf at foot, rising 5, due____„ ,___ __ _ in May; red cow due in July; M'we red heifers 2 ing 2 years; calf, 5 months old; PIGS-—York brood sow w® ter at foot; 7 Stocker pigs 4 ^onthaj- old. IMPLEMENTS—M. IL foot cut; Maxwell mower H. 10-hoe drill; stiff toot tor Tudliope-Anderson, n road wagon, 2 inch tire; 3 inch tire; truck wag box, cattle rack, 2 grav flat hay racks, 3-section, roller, Maxwell hay lo side delivery rake, 10 f^M. H. rake • spring tooth cultivator^Oliver rid­ ing plow, ^double p^ , 3-furrow plow, International ‘ :ing plow,., new; No. 13 walking^low, 2 bug­ lot pulper, 1 sales, 1200 lb, ' quantity ot'“ ng ropes, bag: r, new; stone , circular saw, isoline engine, stones, powei7 -Roan fresh cow ‘W;itK 8 years old; roan Cpw in May- roan cow Sue' . ’ . - - «r years old; 2 .steer^ris* yearling heifer,l^ifer- 3 spring drives. cultiva- ; higk. wagon? wagon., / boxes, 2?. larrows, 1 M. H. toSEALED TENDERS addressed the undersigned and endorsed ^‘Ten­ der for interior fittings PubliqjBuila- ing, Exeter, Ont.”, will be f^celved until 12 o’clock Jiooii Thursday, March 13, 1930, for the s ply and installation of interior fgitings in Ontar-the Public Building, io Pjjbns and specifications can be forms of teuSFer obtained at fhB offices of the CMffef Architect, Works, . Architect, J, Ont., Otta- 59 the ... of Publ Supervising St, Excliange>il04 Bay St, L, ouse, Exet w Victori Builders Toronto, Custom Postmaste •Tenders less made i Department the Condition Each ten do by an accepte ed Bank pays Minister of P 10 p.c. of the Bonds of the or bonds of 'the Canadian Railway Company will also be security, or bonds and required to make up an By order, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, February 25, 15§0. istrict Engineer ndon Oht. be considered is supplied by n accordance with forth therein. ust be accompanied, heque on a chatter- to the order of the lie Works, equal to nount of the tender, ominioii of Canada and the un- the accepted as a cheque if odd amount. gies, light Carriage, C-linton fanijing mill; capacity, grain bags, truck, exten boat, manur 3-h.p. Fairb belting, 2 emery grindei^bug^ pole, a quant­ ity of bells, sa set of britchen harness in g;o< sweat pads, 2 boxes, pair bob hay forks, ma spade, scoop sh neck yokes, dou a quantity of ment fence pos ter pails, swill truck out tln’owW HOUSEHOLD FFECTS—1 Iroxft. bed springs and mattress, bedroom^ table, small dining-room table, tWo-> hanging lamps, small lamp, washing? machine and wringer, folding chair,.. Daisy churn, butter dish and spoon,. 3 curtain poles, De Laval separator,, big range stove, number of stove:'* pipes, 5-plece parlor suite, child’s^ bed, parlor rug 9x12; brand new rug 9x10^. rug 9x12; rug 8x9; parlor^ lamp, iron bed springs, cross-cut saw-f new; shaving horse, small spinning-* wheel,, big spinning wheel, large mail? box, vice, block and tackle, 50 rods-’ of Frost & Wood $-strand wire woV—• en fencing, big fence stretchers, 1 butcher table, sink and other artic- ■ les too numerous to mention, Everything in A 1 condition. TERMS All sums of $10.00 and under> , cash; over that amount 7 months* * credit will be $iven on furnishing’ approved joint notes with a discount" of 4 pet cent, straight off for cash a on credit amounts. ARTHUR WEBER, Auetioneer addie Tieman, Clerk DAVID SCJiROEpfijR, Proprietor - | I spread 31; robes, et of on lad ", 2 iron kettles, ldri^ss; set of heavy hdition; collars- aliSng barrels, chopj-> .sljpghs, barley fork,. , j forks, ditching- Is, logging chains,., ■trees, cow chains,. , moulds for ce— a number of wa— tuckets, disc with.-