HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-27, Page 8‘it MGCK TRIAL A. SUUl'ESS The great Hummer Broach of Promise case put on by the Young People of Trivitt Memorial church! in the parish hall Monday evening; was well received, the hall being filled fox' the occasion, All took their parts well and kept the au­ dience in excellent lxuxnor through­ out. It is being repeated again this s (Thursday) evening, .Mr. Grafton Cochrane delighted the audience with a couple of numbers on the violin. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Tiiritsihir. st, ioa» Southcott family of town re­ word Tuesday of the death Alexaud^r Wan- of London - who passed away ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Mrs. Wan- spent her’girlhood days in Ex-| hex* maiden name being Miss __ Sout-hcott. She is survived byj The husband. Several of the rela­ The ceived of their aunt, Mrs. less, suddenly Monday night, less ete'r, May her fives from here will attend the fun­ eral in London on 'Thursday. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.10 Oats 55c. ** Barley hue. Manitoba Flour $4.50 Model Flpur $4.25 Pastry Flour $3.80 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.95 Shorts $1.95 Creamery Butter 43c. Dairy Fggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Bernard Rhodes, Minister • ’■ Miss Leua Coates, A.L.C.M., 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School A*M. Organist ex ft to LADIES’ A jolly sleighload spent Wednes­ day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowden. The evening Butter 37c., 40c. extras 35 c. firsts 30 c. seconds 25c. $12.^0 11 a.m.—“The Glory in the Face” 7 p.m.—“Hur, the Hezronite” Last sermon in the series “Uses of plain men”OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF NEW COATS FOR SPRING IS READY FOR YOUR APPROVAL* TWEEDS WILL BE VERY POPULAR THIS SEASON, YOU WILL LIKE THE NEW EFFECTS, AND THEY ARE SO SERVICEABLE. * JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D* MoTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m-—^-“Through Sanjarig,” (If you have hard places to face, and you have, hear this sermon,) p.m,—Sunday School. p. m.—“Has Every Man a Price?” Job 2:4. First in seyies on/‘Jqt- tings from Job” 4a.locals_? great Plummer ^Breach of Promise case put onJ^F the Parish Hall, of Trivitt Me_ being repeate ening. 11 dal church is tljAF (Thursday) ev- The Exeter Woman’s Institute will hold a pancake,,rJ|^ial ou Shrove 3 7 . -was very pleasantly spent in games. Tuesday, ^archZ^ui from 5.30 to 8 At midnight a most sumptuous re- p.m. in tli« p^fellow’s Block. Ad- past was partaken of and to which mission 25^/-< every one did justice and after — Mr. Thos. Harton, of London, GOLD DOLLAR HOSE It is better than ever this season. Comes in the newest shades at $1,00 BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK / A fine bleached cloth in a neat mfttern 56 inches wide, very special at perjffi. 69c. STAMPED MATS i Another shipment of new designs in small, medium and large sizes, 65, 75, 85c MINER RUBBER BOOTS They can’t be beat. Ask tbf fellow who wears them, $4.00 to $4.5(L^f _ MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA < Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn .Huston Organist & Choir Leader, New Styles in Dresses for Sj^fng IN THE NE|V SPRING SILHOUETTE. IN Til SHADES OF PUIPLE DAHLIA, CORINTHIAN GREE AND BIEGE MADE FROM HEAVY VERANESE (J SPECIAL LINE I M CREPES AT $ 9.9 5 JF in the/new spring J^MONET BLUE, PE. SEE OUR vis- the thanking Mr. and Mrs. Bowden for their kind hospitality the party left ited in Exeter the forepart of ..... *’•’*' weefc. Miss Ena Goodings, of London, spent Saturday w|th Miss Manion Powell. • 'Mrs. J„ C- Snell spent last week visiting with Seaforth. Mrs. T. Collingwood her daughtei* Mrs. Roy Alderson near Thedford, Mrs. Robt. Sillery, of Exeter, is visiting with, hei* mother. Mrs. Hugh Norris, of Mitchell. IMiss Ina Jaques, of Victoria Hos­ pital, London, spent the week-end with hex* parents here. Mrs. Eric Jackson returned to hex* home in Lindsay on Saturday after visiting with hex* sister Mrs. Leo Hennessey. Mr. Hugh Creech, of Western Uni­ versity, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. Wm‘. Geddes, of London, is visiting with friends at Sexsmith and Exeter. a-------- ! Russe11 Frayne, of Brantford, Apply to viSjteQ -with his mother in town on -No. 1, Hensail. <puesday. 'Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, Club spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Johxx 'Ward. Mr. Dan Kinsman, of McRorie, Sask,, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones. Miss Avis Lindenfield, of Victoria Laying Hospital, London, spent Sunday with ar Beet lfer parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lin- li Meal, denfield. 1 Feed | 7 Shorts for the return trip. The sleigh­ ing was none too good but the ‘Dear’ friends did not mind walking part of the way judging by the laughter and merry-making. The W. Mfy S^Jf James United churchl^rend holding sionary Tea oir March 2Wx. theAnnual mating Game Protec®ve held in the Public Li'br^: February th§,,'28th.- 11 Street a Mis- q few days friends in is visiting Huron iociation will be ouM^il chambers of the at S p.m. on Friday, -S. Fitton, Sec’y. a.m.—A real ^ood old-fashioned religions term. * * p.m.—Church School p.m.—“The Reward of Repentance tor Big Pay.” Another in the series on “The Prodigal." Our evening service will open with the ’ ‘singing of old hymns. . Thursday .at 7-.30 Prayer service. 13 7 New Wallpapers at Popular Prices ■FIND HERE A SPLENDI1 NEW MODERNISTIC DE Wilson’s Gr®ceryyi®ave taken the agency for Pflh Your order s- Nursery if^ted. stock. House to rent. * Apply . to Advocate Tirnes- ltc. Jersey cow fpr^sale—Apply Hunkin. $ RED CLOVER ;SHED FOR* —Govt, grade No| 1, certif^ate No. 49-6982. First plxze at e Hensail | Seed Show, $10.56’Ed. W. Munn, R./ etc. P. P-assmd barbed wire, ice, iron posts, sec’y. The Thames Road, Faj are booking orders f brace wire, wove have a Baby Oyster' Purina We hand. Mash, Pulp, Hog Mineral, Oats, Cor and Bran Have yo i tried our The Mapi 2 Syrup with it c )mes a pancakes right by Flour a .. more onse have. 2-27-2tc. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Renton, B.A., Rector . Miss K. MacFaul, Organist .x'Quinquagesinia Sunday 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser­ mon, Subject: “What is .Real Church Religion?” p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Bible Class in the Church, p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The Subject: “Why Do We Observe Lent?” NOTE—Holy Communion at 11 a.m. on First Sunday of the month and at 8 a.m. on the Third Sunday of the month. 3 7 JUDGMENT FOR PLAINTIFF YOU WILL PAPERS IN TH! OUR NEW WAL -PAPERS WILL MAKE THE INTERIOR OF YOUR HOME, /RANGE OF NEW WALL IlGNS. A FEW ROLLS OF REAT IMPROVEMENT TO NEW PRI (T We are showing man] prints. Colors are guar; yard, 25, 30 and 35c. Specials in | new patterns in J nteed fast at perj^ ® JF ft................. Irocerj HEINZ SOUP I Cream of Tomato Soup 1 , 10 oz. for 9c. 1 IODIZED SALT 2 boxes for 17c. ' . ROOM LOTS OF WALL PAPER Enough paper and border in each lot to do an ordinary room. Special at 98c. and $1.48. s for Thurs. Fri. and Sat. OGJLVIE ROLLED OATS JF Good foy Chicks X 6 pounds for 25c. . "DUBLIN CANNED CORN 2 tins for 23«. LYNN VALLEY PEAS 2 tns for 23c. —---------------------------------------j------------------------------------- HEINZ CATSUP Large size bottle 27c. „ One of the cases at Exetei' Division Court last week which aroused more than ordinary interest wa§ the ac­ tion of Mr. Thomas Cameron against the Huron & Erie Mortgage Corpor­ ation of London fox* his commission on the sale of the Thomas Rowcliffe farm neai’ Centralia. At the close of the case His Honox* reserved his decision but has now given it in fav­ or of Mr. Cameron for $130.00 and full costs. ’J. G. Stanbury was the Counsel for Mr. Cameron and F. C. Betts, K. C., of London for the Com­ pany. good stock of .feeds on Chick vSfarter Shell, Grit, 'Pig' Chow Recleaned Low Grade ; s •giv ,ri Flour? Miss Ruble Creech spent Saturday in London and called on hei’ pupil Master Jack Harness at Victoria Hospital. Mrs. N. Hockey and two children were in London for a few days visit­ ing hei’ sistei* Mrs. E. Cake, Mrs. Hi Cr ancake son is here and ste fox* syrup and this spring out this new Pancake TJockev’s si^tex* ^"tried I? MhS 1 A n"mbe' ln tllis community have you—Harvt B os taBPe!’ theh' T”e f!ow 01 y ’ 2-97-lto$ ^ie latter l)art °f week was ex­ Big ■ r sap ....SherlocIc-ManBing- T with bench guai®ntee< at "one.half theS See and heara cide for yoursem MARTINS’^JCUSIO A GOOD BUY n OH 12 /’F bll^ UCV1 L 'U J2-27'1,F cepttonally brisk. the TENDERS a complete, five veaS's Piano Miss- Mayme E. Pridham spent week-end in London with her sister and brother, Miss Leta Dj". W. B. Pridham. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pridham and NTED in. body wood; for S. S. NO. I, Tenders to be in b,^ Feb. Luthei* Reynolds, Secretry- emmll. For ten cords maple and beep. Usborne. 29th. Luther Reynolds, treasure, R. R. No< 1, Her Reduction Sale / ---------- kfi Mrs. Wm. Nesbitt, of near .Seaforth,- visited friends ixi Exeter on Satur­ day. Sunday waS practically the open­ ing of the motor season and with the Main Street free of ice a number of motorists took .advantage to use the street as a speedway. Exeter has been very lenient in its prosecution of violations of motor traffic rules and in many instances motorists have taken advantage of this len-) iency. At the rate of speed that some people go up and down the main street sooner or later there is likely to be a fatality, should rules. The service charge president, Mr, Frank Wilfong, took charge of the service. A brief ad­ dress was given by Mr. Freeborn Johnson on the. work of the Carne­ gie Institute of Washington D. C.- and particularly of the department of Terrestrial Magnetism to which he is attached. His address was full of information and very fascin­ ating. Several of the young ladies gave a pageant “Mothers of the well given and stump speeches ' In order to reduce our stock of furniture we* will ol Ouf new hatsJbr spring are displayJmd include all . Let us show b> we per­ lites UP suites $40 now o, the latest shack themfto you^ the biggest bargains^ ever ed in Exeter. Chesterfield . from $99®to $165 and woj to' $2001 ‘ $75 up. E up. Easy! cost. CoucB tresses was shall mafl lamp* in sfi are the bia ever get. i Dining-room Jc ■ed room suites chairs at Mss tes, springSjJand mat- ' down in ;resses $ ire for Sg best baiwe Hodgert and de_'two daughters Lillian and Jean, of ' London, spent Sunday with the former’s sister Miss J. Hodgert. Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of Thorndale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pulley­ plank Skinnei* left here to visit in Hensail. Mr. G. J. Dow intends moving back to his farm north of the fair grounds and Mrs. Wm. Pollexx lias rented the residence on Andrew St. to be vacated by Mr. Dow. Mr. Reg. Beavers and Mr. W. Rig- den, teller of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Ilderton, spent the week­ end with the' former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. Wesley Dearing was rushed to the hospital early Thursday morn­ ing of last week1 where she 'under­went ■’ 11....................... pital. ed to fine. The many friends of Mr. Edward Small, who is ill at the home of Mr. Thos. Holden will regret to know that he is not improving very ra­ pidly. Mrs. Robt. Smith, a neice, of Stratliroy, visited with him on Friday. On Tuesday morning Mrs. B. W. F, Beavers picked 18 Winter roses in her garden. The root of the plant was purchased four years ago and this is the first time that it was evex* found blooming after the snow had gone. v ’ The JThamos rivei* at Mitchell over­ flowed, the retaining Wall at the power-house and a quantity of water entered the power house building. Also the large building owned by the Loi’ne Fire Engine Company and flooded the workshop to a depth of about two feet, ,It is believed that tile water is the highest it has ever risen in Mitchell. Little Jack Harness who recently had his right leg amputated at Vic­ toria Hospital, London, following a runaway accident in Exeter has pull­ ed. through wonderfully well and hopes are now hold for The little fellow seems On Friday last it was the end was drawing ‘made a splendid raliy. over the week-end. Mrs. I RENT—Fratn&r cottage bn •air !Tim es-Adyo- / 2-20-3tc. FOR Gidley St. Applt cate. I e, color, ip on tail, give any ‘in- LOST—Fox hound, fex black and fan hvitlx whi Anyone findin formation reg^'dixujjFsaine notify G. A. Docking, Dfb^n phone, Staffajf?> O. or Wm. R: 'rs, Exeter. FARM FOR RENT ■lot $ Concessio has a Brame h about®0 a<$ ply w AIm^l GladffiWLfc Stanbury, Exeter^/Cnt. - HOUSE AND LOT^OR SALE—- On Victoria St J A^ply to J. R. Hind Exeter. 2-20-tfe. Dressmaking done, moderate charges; all kinds of fur work done. Mrs,. Noi‘man Hockey, l-16-2tp OR SALE Stephen. It bank barn and ploughed. Ap- Hedden, Crediton, or If you wish toJbuV/br sell a farm oh house see R. K^Pickard, Exeter.jP^Pickard, Exeter. IIOGAItTir BABY CHICK ‘ HATCHERY FEED Our, Supply Of fee complete than ever/and^your needs fit Chick Startei*, Feed, Lay Mash, Meal, Alfalfa Me Grits Condensed, be promptly fille PAULTR ft is no Hen# eliihlii’ited ■Our charge are cash bu when you hate Our hew has just arriv tors. aye now more ■ow Mash', Uiifck eei Meal, Hone Oyster Shell, ittermllk,etc. can , CULtlNG to have the cull front yottt flock* 00 per 100 hens. We of poultry. Call us ottltry to sell. UlCnt of leg bands! All sizes iind co­ than , Motorists pay attention to the traffic Main Street Young People’s was held Monday evening in of the social committee. The R,t* an operation in Victoria Hos­ tler many friends are pleas- know that she is getting along Wethey, of the received a pleas- hfs recovery, quite bright, thought that near but ho Bible” -which was enjoyed. Several were also enjoyed. Principal E. J. High' School staff ant surprise the other day when he was informed that he- had won a prize of 50 named variety of gladi­ oli bxflbs. Last December Mr. Wethey was listening to a test radio program from Chatham to which listeners ware requested to write giving the distance they were from Chatham and the mannex* in which the program was coming in. This Mr. Wethey did reporting a good reception and lust'week he was sur­ prised and enthused to find that he had been awarded the above men­ tioned prize. A very mild spell lias visited this section during the past week and for several; days the snow went very fast. The roads were ploughed out during the latter part of the week and by Sunday nearly-all of the ice and snow had disappeared and iii some places the roads were begin­ ning to break up. A heavy rain fell during Saturday night and on Sun­ day the rjver and creeks were in a flooded condition. The river above the dam was the highest it lids been foi‘ a number of year#. The ice broke UP dud went out sfunday afterftooft 'with no damage done to the dam. jffrice. Mar* £6.75. Any Fo.oo. Thesv tins you will OWE Phone 20J Funeral Director & •Furniture Dealer Miss Alice Hoffman, of Dashwood, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding on Suhday. Capt. Squarbridge and Ensign Sharpel, of Lo'ndon, spent Saturday and Sunday conducting the Salva­ tion Army services'here during the illness of Capt. Piche, who is* suf­ fering with a heavy cold. ■ Miss Mildred Norry, of London, recently underwent an operation in, St. Joseph’s Hospital in that city,. Her mother, Mrs. John Norry, of town, has been in London since her illness and we understand she is getting along nicely. Dr. Mary Johnston and Dr. Mabel Bray, of Hamilton, motored up and spent Sunday and Monday with the fornier’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston,., also to, visit with the former’s brother, Mr. Freeborn Johnston and his wife and family, from Australia. With the advent of spring, comes the vexed question of chickens run­ ning this • that been trust hoode* A number of Exeter radio fans listened to a delightful program over the London Free Press station on Monday evening when thd University of Western Ontario orchestra made their first broadcast. Miss Margaret Gladman is the aceomblislied pianist and Mr. Kenneth Stanbury the con­ ductor ahd first violinist of thet or­ ganization. at large. Our attention has week been called to the fact some chickens haye already annoying their neighbors. We this timely warning will be >rl S' IS t Je W. PHONE 81w w time to order that Spring Overcoat , see our new spring suitings w TAMAN EXETER, ONT. Messrs. Traquair and Lindenfield have completed their contract.; of putting the cornices and metal trim­ mings for the exterior jdecoratipn of the new post office. HYDRO EL 9 Wiringtand inst ^TRIC ng, guaranteed workman hip atjjFeasohable prices. Repairing^ stovej^and motors a spec­ ialty. ~ Cree. 's gladly furnished §RN. DAVIS PhoUe 224 A Mattress Cover FREE/ NOW IS THE TIM/TO BUY KALL iS YOUR mar; MATTRJ DURIN^S FEBRUAFY W AWAY V SHALL ft TON SLII ■ NSTJR'AJJC Mutual Life, Fi y pvese Ernest C. Har GENERAL ROKEIt of Canada , Automobile, Etc. DOROTHY E. GRASSICK A* L. Guaranteed E. DRUGGIST (Hon<^ Graduate)' I Instm Piano,|Vio!injj StudiolN. SAFETY SHARP! SINGLE ED DOUBLE El perfee w. s. don, England armony, Theory ert Street, Box 160 ER, ONTARIO THE/MONTH OF E/ARE GIVING Jevery MAR- lESS, A COT- JUED AT $3.50 O BUY YOUR THIS MONTH* ITH ATT] VAI DON’T E kt MARSH/ Li H. RVHOPPER FUNERAL director furniture dealer Phone 00 W. R. GOULDING Piano Supervislr Studio, Mai A. T. O* M*jf m^iaster Church in Organ Theory Music in Schools » Box 57, I‘hone 192 TER, ONT