HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-27, Page 1FIFTY-FIFTH YEAH, NO. 2n» NOTICE .45 > late Reeve Mr. C. B. Smell. & le at 29c. a yard. 46 5>* Mt Clerk EVERYBODY. WELCOME Stop! Look! Listej CT COM CENTRALIA UNITED CHURCH ater Made Now SIGN OF SPRING ALT. I IT' p C! of the Exeter lie pupils of the present a “Story resignation of Fire Chief Mr. Weekes, as presented and The great Plummer Breach of Promise case put on in the ParisIr Hall, of Trivitt Memorial . church being repeated this (Thursday) ev­ ening. , nurse, of Chicago, attendance upon her. suffered bom inMr. ar- E. The re-opening services of the James Street United Church follow- He had been associated Eaton Co. for twenty years, he was married to Miss E. sister of Mrs. J. A. Stewart. taxes twice a year; first before June 30th; second before November 30 th of The clerk to correspondThe new dress materials^are here for spring and materials are really beautiful and very reasoj better lines are shown in exclusive dress lengths. , Now pairing done before the Spring rush. We anpreciate your patronage Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 254w, EXETER SHAFTING 3KIATIC fAT RE- S DROP IN AND SEE US is the time to liaye your rs- nd summer. * The colors ble in price, and all the RE-OPE^ING OF JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH The AVi lling AVork< . Hclmpi kGJ»jss. JRresent; 1.m. The parents the children are urged ft. Prizes will be award­ liver collection taken. 36 in. Prints at 21c. a yd This print is a real bargain, 36 inches wide, good pa colors, on special sale at 21c. a yard. Printed Brpadcloths at 2? This line of broadcloth* is exceptional value, 32 inc cloth in very smart patterns, guaranteed fast colors onj ON SALE A table of fine slippei’s on sale at $1.98 a pair AA'ill Present Theii* 3’‘t Comedy UPPLY OF ^ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT..THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27th, 1930 N A i I DEATH OF .MISS HORNEY Miss Esthex' Horney passed away at her home on Main St. late Sun­ day evening. Miss.JIorney had been ailing for some time and for the past five months her sister, Minretta, been in deceased She was and following Ahe er she, with her Exetei’ from the of U ubout deceased cared for hex* mother dur­ ing a lengthy illness, Mrs. Horney passing away about four and a half years ago. Miss Horney was a mem­ ber of the Main St. United church and by her genial and kindly man­ ner made a host of friends. She is survived by four sisters and three brothers, Mrs. J. R. McDonald, of near Hensall; Mrs. AV. J. Statham, of London; Mrs, Albert Spencer, of Hensall; Miss Minretta, R..N., of Chicago and Henry, of London. The funeral, private, was held Wednes­ day afternoon interment in the- Ex- etOi* cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev. C. J. Moorhouse. Beautiful floral tributes adorne'd the casket, one wreath being, sent from nurses in Chicago. Among those who attended the funeral from a dis­ tance were: Mr. and Sirs. AV. J. Sta­ tham, of London and son Lyle, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. H. Horney, and Miss Alary, of London, and Miss Ella, of Detroit; Air, and Airs. Gor­ don Davis and son Donald and Aliss Lulu AfcDouald, of Toronto; Airs. A. Oelxm, of Shakespeare. Phone 32 SHEEP-LINED COATS MEN’S LEATHER COATS on salevat^$10;00 each Special* prices on MEN?? AND BOYS’ overWats" Printed materials are becoming more popular each season. We have a beautiful rangejif new patterns in English and Canadian prin anteed fast colours, at very reasonabl^fprices. Dress Mat We will be very glad to have|you call anjgHook over our first shipments of Ladies’ and Misses’ spring coat^and dresses. The styles we are showing are very smart, but not too extre rices are very reasonable. EXETER. COUNCIL Monday, February 17, 1930 [ A regular meeting of the muni­ cipal council was held in the Town Hall. Absent Councillor Bierling. The minutes of the meeting held on February 3rd were read and approv­ ed. Circulars were laid on the table. Letters were read as follows: From the County Treasurer, G, Young, regarding notice of rdhrs of taxes on Lots 54-55, Carling /Street. Filed. . A letter from the office of Messrs. Carling & Morley regarding estate of the Filed. ‘The James read at the last meeting was re­ ported upon by Councillor Grieve. Per resolution of Grieve and Row­ cliffe that the resignation be not ac­ cepted. Carried. , A request was made by the Fire Department that the fees be fixed a<5 follows: Fire Chief, one hundred dollars; the Captain, twenty-fire dol­ lars and the members ten dollars each. 'Approved on motion of Rivers and Rowcliffe. The Auditors’ report for January was read* and accepted on. motion of Rivers and Grieve. Per Grieve and Rowcliffe: That the council consider the collection of Municipal half on or half on or each year. and get opinion of other municipal­ ities and report. Carried. The following accounts were read and passed: Fred Bloomfield, snowploughing, $10.00; Mrs. Beatrice Christie, coal for Town Hall $24.9 5; Hillary Hor­ ton, snowplough and repairs, $15.50; Traquair & Lindenfield, repairs at Library $2.25. < Passed on motion of Rowcliffe and Grieve. Carried. Adjournment by Grieve. Jos. Senior, the Miss has The from heart trouble Usborne Township death of lier l’ath- mother, moved to second concession 18 years ago. The BROTHER-IN-LAW DIES Mr. J. A. Stewart and daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Fuke, were called to 'Toronto Tuesday owing to the sud­ den death of the former’s brother- in-law, (Mr. John A. Wylie, manager of- the drug department of the T. Eaton Co. Mr. Wylie was 52 years of age and was stricken with a heart attack, with the In 1904 Bennett, He is survived by his widow, one son and one daughter. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon. NEW WALL-PAPERS Staunton’s Sunwothy Ready-T rimmed Wall-Papers New patterns and color­ ings; also a few good bundle lots for bedrooms and kit­ chens. NEW SLIPPERS New styles of Women’s and Girls’ Slippers arriving ,each week. ’ ,,, ., EXETER MBRARY BOARD HOLDS ANNUAL A1EETING The Library Board held their an­ nual meeting on Thursday night in the library building. Thos. Pryde, chairman; H. E. Huston, secretary­ treasurer; G. S. Howard, J. A. Ste- hvart^ W. S.« Howey, ■ B-. M. Francis and Jas. AVeekes were present. Mr. Pryde was re-elected chairman and H. E. Huston secretary-treas., Get Your Sa'p Pan or WE HAVE A FULL SAP >P AILS/SPILES, CANS,TC. FAMOUS COMPOSERS k FAVORITE STATION OOKLET ON HOME NS HERE c. We have a few galvanized pails f sarge 11 quart yr carrying sap .x Undei’ tl|e auspi ! AVomen’s J^istitut ! public scljbol 5| Telling G,|nte^F illy Senior’s Hall on ! March 4 and frieii i to be pi ed and While Mr. Nelson Clarke, of Us­ borne, was coming to town on day he saw a snake’ cross the in front of him. • Mon­ road TUNE IN ON LOW A. BR PROGRAMS FROM YO GET YOUR RA DECO TRAQUAIR J LINDENFIELD TELEPHONE 27 RUNAWAY On-Tuesday morning as Mr. Sims was driving 'a horse and buggy belonging to Mr. Evan Dew, of Us­ borne, up the Main Street the bolts that hold ■ the shafts to the buggy broke while passing in front of Har­ vey’s Grocery store. Mr. Sims held on to the lines and the buggy was drawn for nearly a block. The wheels began to twist and turn and . Mr. Sims had to finally allow the horse its freedom. The buggy ran into the side of the wall at the hydro shop while the horse continued up a block crossing Mrs. Christie’s and was finally captured in back yard. - HORTICULTURAL ’society AVm. BIRTHS ough, a daughter Exeter Machine Works OPEN FOR BUSINESS j Repair work of all ] ACETYLENE ' SAWS GJJ RING GEARS!: TRACTOR ENGINHI INERY OF ALL 1 HAULED An HANGERS, \PULLE Y SAFETY-FIRST , TRACTOR COUPL DUCED PRI' kinds- done he: WELDING J JMED / MOUNTEpJr S AND (kinds VD ETC,! fe.cn- )VER> The Centenary Drainatic Club of ParkhOl ^BLACKWELL—At St.. Joseph's Hos pitai, London, on February 23 193.0, to Mr. and Mrs. John Black wollr of London, a daughter anotte Noreen.) FfiRGUSOM—In day, February Mrs. Joseph; C (Lloyd Robert ;SHENK—-At Greenway on Monday, February 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John (Shenk a daughter, (Evelyn Leona.) ' .STEPHEN—-in Woodham bn Sunday, February 23 rd, to Air. and Mrs, Dave Stephen, twin daughters. .KEOUGH— th Stephen, Wednesday, Fob. 19 tli, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Ke- Usborne, on 23 rd, to Mr. . Ferguson, a ) . (Je. Sun- and son, DEATHS HORNEY—In Exeter, on Monday,, February 24th, Esther Clara Hor­ ney. BEAVER—*In Hensall,• ,911 Sunday, February, 23rd, Freim? Krempion, beloved wife of William Beaver, in her 67t.h year. . STONEMAN—m Hibbert, Lot 29’, Coh. 11, on Saturday; February 22, 1930, Sarah Elizabeth Stone* man, beloved wife ef> Stark, in her 71st year. WANLESS—Suddenly at residence, London February 24, 1930, May,' ed; wifo of Alex'G. AVanlcss. James A. Oil her late Monday,, belov- > A THREEMrs. Harry Gidley was re-appointed ing the redecorating of the audi­ torium was held on Sunday last. Large congregations were present at both the morning and evening ser­ vices and th’e pastoi* Rev. D„ AIcTa- vish delivered two very eloquent ser­ mons in harmony with the occasion, At the morning service Air. AIcTa- vish took for his subject “Strength and Beauty are in his Sanctuary.’’ This was a re-opening message. At the evening service Air. AIcTa- vish took fox* his subject the “Con­ secration of the Commonplace.” The theme was Peter and his fishing boat. Business and religion should go hand in hand for the upbuilding of the church and society. The ser­ mon was qn appeal for the reconse­ cration of all life's gifts. Aliss Alice Hoffman, of Dashwood, assisted the choir’ and sang two solos both morning and evening. Aliss Hoffman has a very sweet voice and her enunciation is particularly clear and appealing to music lovers. At the evening service Air. Grant rendered a violin solo simply charmed his hearers. Grant's playing is always appreciat­ ed. The choir rendered splendid music for the occasion. Air. AIcTavish paid a tribute to the AVomen’s Association for under taking the re-decoration. A new pulpit table, a gift from the young men of the congregation and two -new pedestals from the AVomen’s As­ sociation adorned the pulpit rostrum. The walls are done in a buff tan color with stencil patterns in quiet and harmonizing tones at the bottom and top. Alost of the woodwork in the church is done in a dark oak while the seats are of a lighter hue. i The brass chandeliers are polished i and lacquered and all new frosted 1 bulbs installed. I Tuesday night a.supper was held in the basement of the church fol­ lowed by a program in the auditor­ ium. The ladies served a verj sumptuous repast. The tables were beautifxtlly decorated and well laden With delicacies to tempt the appe­ tites of the most fastidious. There was a big turnout but before eight o’clock all had been well taken care of with heaps of provisions to spare. The program was provided by local talent with the pastor Rev. D. AIc­ Tavish in the chair. The orchestra under the leadership of Alt. AV. R. Gouldlng provided splendid music. .Readings, which were yell receied, were given by Airs. R. Kestlo, Aliss ‘ Mary Grant and Rev. D. AIcTavish; violin selections were given by Geo. Gtant; solo by Aliss Pearl AVeod; or­ gan solos by duet, Aliases Stewart and « Misses Betty Alessts. W. All of the numbers weto greatly on joyed, librarian. The committees were appointed as follows:Book committee, Hueston, Weekes, Howard; magazine commit­ tee, Pryde, Hueston, Stewart; build­ ing and grounds, Francis, Hueston, Howey; insurance, Hueston, Howey. Receipts for the year amounted to $17276.38 and the balance on hand $153.09. The number of volumes at the end of the year was over 5,000 and the circulation totaled 14,9,3 6. The library was established in 187 8 and the present building was erected in 1914, the gift of Mr. Carnegie, who donated the entire cost of $8,000. The library is well patronized, not only by the citizens of the town, but from the surrounding country and in this way helps to draw business to the town. A book, giving the history of the city of Exeter, England, was offered fol' isale by a citizen of that Devon city. It was unanimously agreed to purchase the book and place it in the library. It was thought many De­ von people in the community would find it interesting reading. DIED IN AVINDSOR. , Miss Alice Handford received word Saturday of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. C. Thornton, of AVindsor. Miss Handford and her nephew, Mr. Silas Reed, left Sunday for AVindsor to attend the funeral. GASOLINE IGNITES Geo. that Mr. FRIDA Y|/M ARCH 7 th Everything you could'wish for in a play, Comedy, Romance, Drama, and many thrilling episodes. ADMISSION. Adults 35c Childrens 25 A 3-ACT ,PLAYr ENyLED Sonny J^ne^ will be presenj^d at the ST. PATRICKS CHURCH on - ODHAAI UNITED YO>NG PEOPLE I TUEbAY, MARCH 4 ADMISSION 35 and 25c. — at. the •— THAMES ROAD UNITED CHU.HCH .L1)EH, of KD$ED be sol’ , AA-orkmen at the- Huron. Garage had a- thrilling experience on AVed- nesday afternoon of last week whep .some gasoline caught fire in the re­ pair shop. A single gas pump in front of the garage had been re­ placed by a double pump. In some manner watSi’ had got into the old punip and had frozen in the pipe.. While endeavoring to thaw out the pipe with a gasoline torch the gaso­ line followed the melted ice out of-, the pipe and became ignited. A blaze filled a portion of the room and , threatened to do serious damage but every 1 qu’mkly brought undex* control Ehchly^^ aid fire extinguishers, 1 tPirt rLnliii I hi v tiillh rlfitVihirh ttrsief A/Siics,. but there was an exciting time for a few nUntites. lawn lier have For Special sermons at 11 7.30 p.m. by Rev. JOHN Cromarty . The cl morning cher, of ing by th 4 Mon will be ervice by M ntralia am Hensall Q sted at Hie . Roy Flet- In the even.- tette. Few organizations in Exeter done more in recent years to im­ prove the appearance ‘of the town than the Horticultural 'society this reason the canvassers for. mem­ bership who are out now should re­ ceive a hearty welcome ift c------ home and a ready response. Each ....... .................... person’joining the society gets two) Fortunately little damage was done. hVfi’Di*111iVYiti Ls ■vViriliiA 4 A -P&fv.! .4 . . *.1 u...... ........premiums equal in value to theft' fen rind in addition has the privilege of' buying extra goods through the soc­ iety at wholesale prices. A largo membership is necessary to get the maximum grant from the govern­ ment and this along with the village grant is used for the improvement of the parks and streets of Exeter. This year the directors have decided to deliver the premiums, as formerly some 'members have neglected to call for 'them. A premium list is published in this issue and may be used by those .desiring to join. Chainways are making alterations and additions, to their Store. . ■ Master Freddie Complin celebrat­ ed the fourth anniversary* of liis birthday7 bn Tuesday afternoon by being host to about twenty young­ sters of his own age. It was a gay partj*-. Everyone enjoyed a jolly time followed by lots of good things to eat. It was the first party for a number of the little tots present. AAh It. GcnxHing; piano Betty Grant and Irene a mixed quartette by Grant, Pearl Wood and Cutbiish and C. Down. the ladies of the 5.30 to 8 o’clock, tm of outstanding Lures of which will drill by the iadk» also musical nsn- >»* & Will •congregation Followed by interest, a 1‘eV .be a st. Patrie of Roy’s church; bars by Roy’s Orchestra. “Listening in on the Jones' tladio’’ other H. IT, Ch oh”, paster A J i* Ne together with readings a?: fine musical selections. Admission 5(>c» ami 25c. , Brown. Sec’y.; W. XL .$U>r man of Board, Rev* J. AtiHm ■ wz