HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1930-02-20, Page 8%-nr, ACCIDENTMr. Lorno Olto, furvman of the On-1 tariq Drainage Cm, London, met with J .a painful accident on Mon lay of last Week. While repairing some mach­ inery h® was strek with a flying piece of steel which pierced his leg just below the knee, and glancing down into the muscles. A doctor was, called and he wae taken to Victoria Hospital on Tuesday evening and on Weidnesday ■ evening at 8 o’clock un­ derwent an operation. The steel was removo'd with difficulty and at Exeter Markets Wheat $1-10 Oats 5Sc, Barley 65c. Manitoba Flour $4.Q0 Model Flour $4-25 Pqstry IHour $3.80 Feed Flour $2.?5 Bran $1.95 Shorts $1.95 Creamery Butter 43c* Dairy Butter 37c., 40c, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs extras 40c, firsts 35c, seconds 30c, $13.25 Main Street Young People’s Lea-, gue met Monday evening with the Citizenship) committee in charge. Miss Dorothy Ryckman gave a piano solo, Mr. Harry Stanlake, a banjo number. The .topic by Mr. Geo. -Mawson on “Municipal Government” was interestingly dealt with, There was a good attendance. After having broken several axles Epps Bros., < contract for keeping* open Highway No. .......................... sc vc now open for The road is good hut it is only wide I wm. J. Northcott is visiting enough for one car and it is neces- jn London, sary to watch for a place to turn out when meeting another vehicle, I In some places the drifts are almost as high as the top. of the car. For the past three Sundays the congregation of the Janies Street United Church have worshipped in the basement while the auditorium of the church was being re-decorat­ ed. The decorators completed th? work on Saturday and next Sunday's re-opening services will be held and special sermons will be preached by the pastor Rev. D. McTavish. The choii' will be assisted by Miss Alice Hoffman, of Dashwood and Mr. Geo. Grant, on the violin. „..... .......„■. a ^6od buy? ....Shei'lockplanijing' Pitfeo complete, with ben<0 guai*|ntc,<?^i’or five years at one hall’’the-S‘®1gttlar price. See apd lieam this Piano and cide for yourseH. JI ARUNS’? MUSIC STORE________________ The Thames Road Farinas Club have ordered a car of eok^the last for this spring. Partied wishing , ■coke should get their once. Or.lers ire bei Alberta coal a ill a f are needed for|eedjgi make up a car also being book Passmore, Seer T of Varna, who have the ment of tj - - - ruary 2] 4 have passed through Exetei business. 1 times and the highway is presew. automobile traffic, i ;ooi hut it is only wide ’ locals A meeti Institute > i-2 Eeter Women’s Id in the1 base- ry on Friday, Feb- o’clock. Important members requested to For maple Usborne. 29 th. Luthei treasure THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH I ii 3 7 3 7 will preach morning Special music by thp by Miss A. Hoffman, . Geo, Grunt Violinist. The pastor and evening, choir assisted soloist and Mr [SINGLE EDG -DOUBLE ED Perfect w. s. c OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Miss Evelyn Huston Organist & Choir Leader, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 7 big Men! Great News!D (an ake) ormg p ur CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J, JJermud Rhbdpy, 2Hh 4. Minister JHss I4W Contes,. Org 10.00 n.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.—“Dark and Dawn’’ The last of the series. 7 p.m.—-’Ebedmelueh the Ethiopian’ 7th sermon in the series “The Uses of plain Men.” JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R, Goulding A.T.Q.M, * Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL RE-OPENING SERVICE To men who are contemplat the purchase of a new sui topcoat this spring, we ’Royal York’ clothes, tj^fored to measure at $27.50. Fit and style buU€ in by master tailors—designiij^ by one of the highest sala d craftsmen in America—lilfe woollens from the best Bri 1 mills — made and absolutjIJr guaranteed by W. R. John^n and Co. Limited-r-it is onejer that ’Royal York’ y^thes, introduced only last yaar, 11 mm.—“Strength and Beauty are in His Sanctuary.”, A re-opening message. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.,—“The Consecration, of the Common place.” An appeal for a reconsecration of all of life’s gifts on this re-opening day. Mr. John W. Taylor is confined to his home through illness. Mrs. Penrice has been confined to her home through illness. Miss FltB’ence Walters .spent Sat­ urday and Sunday last in London. Miss spent here, Mr. ill at around. Miss M. E. Northcott, of London, is visiting her sister M'rs. Charles Aidworth. . Mr.* Chas. Pearce spent the week­ end in London with W. J. Geddes. So far there have riages or deaths in Exeter this. year. Mr. R. H. Dick, of Kippen, .spent the week-end at the home of his son-in-law Mr. Gordon Cudmore. Mr. Milton Curtis, of Tillsonburg, attended the funeral of liis aunt the late Mrs, Kernick on Tuesday last. Mr. Win. Lutman is nursing a sore hand having run a file into the fleshy part of his hand on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee, of Sea­ forth, visited the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flynn last week. (Mrs. Jas. Livermore, of Clinton, visited recently with Rev. and Mrs. Moorhouse at the Main Street Par­ sonage: ' Mrs. Samuel Parsons, who recent­ ly underwent an operation^at Vic­ toria Hospital, London, is progress­ ing favorably. Mr. Chas. Cann continues qufte ill at his home on Andrew Street, daughters are taking turns in ing for him. Mr. Eli Christie left Windsor where he will couple of weeks with Mr. J. A. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. 'Toronto, attended the funeral of the latter’s mother, the late Mrs. E. F. Kernick, of The jack sired by Clover- ‘ molested in Dam Browndale far as drives Eligible for R. O. P. j ter. There are few organized drives. - ! Mr. and Mrs. Kemmer, of Han-2-20-210.1}^ Sask., visited with Mi;, and Mrs. I Fred Hogarth, of Stephen, during the past week while on their honey­ moon. Mrs. Cassaday, of Charles, City, Iowa, visited at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. J. W. Powell and will spend a few weeks visiting with friends in this community. p Master Clifford Hicks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hicks, of Centralia, last week underwent an operation in London for mastoid. He is. at present getting along fine. Miss Margaret Johns has^return- « I a | I - A r ' a de- dSfders in at booked for fore orders posts and to Orders Efor fertilizer. ID are P. TENDERS WAN ten cords 16 iiijjfbody wood, ■and beeclf§;foi Tender FOR Gidley cate. me cottage on at Times-Advo- •. 2-20-3 tc. S. No. 1, e in by Feb. s, secretry- ensall. LOST—Fox. hound, female, color, black and tan with Anyone fin formation i A. Docking. O. or Wm. h tip on tail. i .give any in­ same notify G. phone, Staffa P. Exeter. 2-20-2tc. » is** FOR SALE—Re^ Shorthorn bull, eleven months ol dale Prida. 188 ~ Lass 22 J. W. StdflcJJTuse, Biucefield, phone! 629 r 3 W1 ing or 1 inton. FARM FOR REN 5R FOR SALE —lot 9, Concessions, Stephen. It has a frafee^hou^t. bank barn and about 20 acjb^Rall ploughed. Ap­ ply: to Alonzfi. ledden, Crediton, or Gladman & Stfinbury, Exeter, Ont. V ’ • A 2-20-tfc. HOUSE AND LOJ ' FOR >SALE—- On Victoria St. Ajfply to J. R. Hind Exeter. 2-20-tfc. NOTICE TO FARX RS e the^right mesh If your sieves o wire or zincll li wire or zinc Also agent Sense Fannin of London, week-end at her home > Vera Mooney, the W. his T. Hewitt, who 1ms been home, ih again able to be his friend Mr been no mar- the village of His car- Fl* id ay visit for a his brother for Brown, of Usborne last week, rabbits are 71 ot being this neighborhood as are concerned this -win- Greens need new ' ecj to jier duties as nurse-in-train- + Ii i ern r m 1^ « . . __ .. . ", “ , 111& UL VJULU11 any kind- of- gram. | euperating for the new Common Mill.—-W. Mitchell. AGENTS WANTED If you arc looking for an opport­ unity to better your position, t„_ Watkins Business will put you in' the path of success without risk.; Positively the largest and best line of goods sold to families. $50.00 or more profit per week for. the in-1 dustrious man.Apply ndw far the nearest localityI rural or city, and Start the New Year ! right. The..J. IL Watkins Company, Dept. R-27X 749 Craig West. M’bnt-i real Que. „ ing at Victoria Hospital after re- .* a few days at her home here following an illness from the flu. Mrs. Chas. Dale returned to Exe­ ter on Friday last and is visiting at the home of her sistei* Mrs. W. tIie. T, Acheson. Mrs. Dale has been .• visiting at St. Thomas, Decatur, Ill., : Boston qnd Detroit. A cold Lion over dropping low zero weather was about as we have experienced this wiutm*. 11 has again turned mild. Mrs. John Oke and daughter Nora, of Usborne, visited with Mr. and spell again visited this see­ the week-end, to about ten on Saturday the mercury degrees be­ night. The cold as any Dressmaking dene, moderate Mrs. James Lutton, of London, over charges; all fur work done. the. week-end Mrs. Norman |jpokey. ’ i-16-2tp - don to see the former’s son Mr If you wish' to buy or se^Pjarm or house see R. E, Pickard/Exeter. XING OK a.m.—“The Value of Vision” p.m.—Church School p.m.—“A Hopeful Sign.” Fourth in the iseries on the Pro­ digal. Our services open with a song serice of old hymns. Thursday’.at 7.30 Prayer service. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. J. J. Fenton, R.A., Rector Miss K. M. MacF’anl, Organist ’ Sexagesim a Supday 11 a.qi.—Last Sunday of the moijth. Litany and Sermon, Subject “So­ cial Service.” This is the Sunday set apart by the Anglican"Church; for reminding her people of the' opportunities and privileges of So­ cial Service. p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Bible class in the church. p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. The subject: The Scottish School of Preaching.” Seventh and last in the series on Great preachers of the Old Land. After the Irish came the Scots! Weel, there are. mony laddies that ha’ wagged their lieids in the poolpeet and noo is the time to hear aboot them. But does this Irish laddie ken wj(iat he’s talkin’ aboot? Come ye, guid Scots, and judge for yer- ■selves. Lenten announcements next week. Reduction Sa In order tet reduce stock of furniture we/will give the biggest ed in from to $20 $75 up. up. Ea; cost. Cou tresses w shall offer­ suites worth t(p oom Suites suites $40 at less than rings, and mat­ in price. Mar­ es $16.75. Any For $10.00. Thes« bargains you will to $165 . Dining Bed ro y d ever get. SAFETY RAZOR BL SHARPE Guaranteed E. DRUGGIST W. R. GOULDING A. T. C. M. Organist ami Choii James .TJnite^tlhurch dy are the favorite r thousands of Canadian men. Come in today and see the new ’Royal York’ samples for spring and summer! Every one repre­ sents value you have never dreamed was possible at $27.50, tailored to measure. When you see them you will understand why "every Royal York customer is a permanent customer.” Southcott Bros fy CLOTHE! (zailot&d -hJ$£e Berger Tailoring Company has^tuthorized us to offer 10 per c/nt off ‘JBfothes of Quality” January/ 15th February 15th othes of and their wonderful values need T „ In orddr to"t busy during the “in-between Seasons” in lave been authorized to accept orders for AT A REDUCTION OF 10% FROM REGU- i January 15th to February 15th. “Clothes of ,, plend id buy at regular prices any time—at this n these are values you could not possibly afford to Berger “ ____ __ no introductiAi to thriftXinen- But kerb’s big news’ keei) their t the clothin, “Clothes oJf-Quali LAR PRIGESt f Quality” special r miss. Organ Thcoyy Music in Schools i Box 57, Phone 192 EXETER, ONT Piano ; Supervisor Studio, MaiR. N. ROWE Phone 20J Funeral Director At Furniture Dealer • (Mr. Reg. Beavers, of Uderton. .spent the week-end at his. home here. * w. w. PHONE 81w « TAMAN EXETER, ONT. | —-----—-----------------------------------1; Ernest C. Hapf^y GENERAL IXSURANGEIBROKER ^prcsjjXting , Hfe of Canada Life, Fire, Automobile, EtCyZ A Mattress Cover .FREE They went to Lon- L. i Oke, who is in Victoria Hospital, as the result of an accident. At the morning service at tlio dames Street United Church oh Sun­ day Messrs. M. Elford, E. Jj. iShap- ton, S, M. sanders and W. Cutbush sang a quartette and at the evening iservict Misses Pe-arl Wood and Mar­ garet Johns sang a duet. Mr. and iMrs. W. XL Johnston have received word from their son Mr. iH. F. Johnston that lie With his wife and family ate On their way to Visit them Horn Australia,. M'r. Johnston hogarttqbaby c JIATCtlEUY FWI)$ Our supply of feeds a complete than ever am in Chick Starter, Grow Feed, Lay Mhsh». Dee Jfenl, Alfalfa. Meal Grit. CqudeiiO^Butte be promptly tilled POULTRY C ______ . _ ft ^eejl fe charge of the Magnetichena elfentmtht ft «h ye nt f lode Observatory of the Carnegie Xnstife o/er loo hens, we u % Are rash feiyers poultry, call us " when yott’ftave poultry-to.jselt | Our nw shiptnent of leg 1ms « arrived. AU sizes and co-^0* aVelorl peded here hnniMfately. now more your needs Bsh, Chick Meal, Bone yster Shell, tilk, etc. can. ute In Australia for the past few years. Word has since been recelv- banda'they landed at San Francis** (Honor X. VioliiPiano, Studio B. R. HOPPER FUNERAL DIRECTOR FURNITURE DEALER Phoile 0» HIS MONTH NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR MARSHALL MATTRESS THE MONDURIN FEBRUARY WE ARE AWAY W SHALL M TON SLIP TH EV VTTRES VALU IVING MAR- A COT­ AT $3.50 BUY YOURDON’T FAIL MARSHAL DOROTHY E. GRAS; A. L. C. Grads —Zyf- STCK into) Loulion, itrnct^ni in t, Harmony, Street, Box 160 EXETER, ONTARIO England Theory Anyway, wo are glad wo lived. in the old days when singers sang songs instead of Miteporing them.